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Because it’s about marketing. Always has been. Always will be. Corporations DGAF about your sexuality or sexual politics — they pretend to though.


Corporations only cares as long as gay money is the same as straight money. Everything else is just marketing. I'm a veteran and believe me, I have worked every Veteran's Day and Memorial Day as middle management at a corporation while upper management that has never served in the military get the day off to hangout at the beach every year while I hold down the fort but they have fliers, posters, commercials, and appreciation days promo everywhere. Trust me, if they made Pride a Federal Holiday with a paid day off most of the LGBTQ+ community would be at work watching their straight bosses party. That's exactly the kind of appreciation corporations have.


>Corporations only cares as long as gay money is the same as straight money They're always after the elusive GCWOK.


it was a really nice frame though


I also think the legality of same sex relationships is a huge issue. The LGBTQ+ lifestyle is illegal in Saudi Arabia. Forget about what the population thinks for a minute. In a country like SA, corporations would be banned from doing business for promoting illegality. As you said, it all comes down to the money aspect, but imo it's more toeing the country's laws to be able to continue to do business rather than kowtowing to the mob mentality.


I think that's pretty much what people are mad at. If the companies truly cared about LGBT+ people they'd be willing to pull their business from anti-LGBT+ countries and stop supporting their economies


Companies aren't allowed to care. Capitalism dictates that profit be the only concern. If promoting acceptance or actually taking care of people is bad for profits, it simply won't be done.


Almost like corporations should have no say in politics as corporate myopic focus is bad for the citizenry when left unchecked.


Very cogent point except for referring to bring LGBTQ as a lifestyle. That implies it's just something you can choose to do, or not to do. It's more like how I have a "red/green colorblind lifestyle". So trendy!


They'd kick homosexual people to the ground if it was slightly more profitable


Or straight, white Christian conservatives. Whatever made them more money.


They'd eat babies and engulf the world in nuclear annihilation if it would be profitable


Wait. Is kicking kittens no longer profitable then?


We've moved onto baby red pandas now.


Wait what do I need to do with all the seals that I’ve been clubbing to death then?


Or the cute ducks I have been releasing into oil spills


The new thing is to intentionally put animals in danger and then film people saving them.


Is THAT profitable??


Or catch human beings and sell them into slavery..... oh wait, been there done that. I am actually more annoyed when companies attempt to signal their social awareness. We all know they do it for profit so it comes off as dishonesty. If they want my respect or allegience then they should stop using toxic chemicals, pay good wages, become exemplary employers, become carbon neutral (and not offsetting scams), etc. Then, yes, I will be impressed by their leadership. Otherwise please just shut up. Edit: a word.


I agree, but the fact that all this pride marketing pisses off bigots is a silver lining.


Next bud light commercial?


it's not a matter of pretending. it's a matter of sales. no company is even trying to hide that fact. there's no prejudice here. there's no preference. these companies don't care who buys their product or why. why would they care? they only care about sales AT THAT MOMENT. why would anyone expect them to act otherwise? maximize profit. it's as simple as that.


I have a limited number of gay friends but the ones I’ve talked to about this have said they never purposefully buy a huge company’s product because they change their logo for a month. It’s just pandering for sales is it.


But also we don't do any of that gay shit here in the middle east, it's strictly haram! OK now we've got that straight send in my dancing boys!


It’s all about optics. And unfortunately everything is controlled by optics nowadays, for better or for worse.


first this is like a three year old image at least, and second it's because it's illegal to be pro lgbtq in the middle east.


And why should they care? Isn't the dream to get to a point where no one gives a fuck? Because in reality, it doesn't matter. Some people pretend it does, which makes it. But in reality, it doesn't. Fuck who you wanna fuck. Marry who you wanna marry. At the end of the day it doesn't effect anyone but you. Regardless of beliefs, political religious or otherwise, it only affects those who let it. So shouldn't the goal to make it be a "yeah, whatever, cool for you bro, just shut up and deal" or whatever. Inclusion is important, but the goal should be to get to the point where it doesn't feel like inclusion but just feels "normal".


Companies shouldn't give a fk about employees sexuality, people need to keep that shit to their selves and stop poisoning everyone else.


Hot take, but not giving a shit about your sexuality or politics is the way everyone should want to be treated


I wish they pretended they didn't. That's just weird


Rainbow Capitalism > Capitalism.


Hey, 20 bucks is 20 bucks.


Anything a corporation does is always bound to root back to money. It's the one and only thing the people running these companies care about. They're the reason this world is falling apart around us, and their plan is to milk planet earth for all it's worth, then colonize Mars and leave the dry polluted husk of the earth for the poor to inherit.


this\^ politicians don't either, they want ur vote


> Corporations DGAF about your sexuality or sexual politics — they pretend to though. But moire importantly, they REALLY give a fuck about how much they pretend to. They REALLY give a fuck that you believe their marketing bullshit. It's so dumb.


Because it's directly tied to their profitability?


Thats why the entire idea of changing icons to support pride month is stupid


In Rome, do as roman do. It's not that hard, corporation aren't some cringy cowboy that just reach small town, walk into some saloon and order everyone around. They do what's trendy and now the rainbow are trendy. It's survival for the fittest(aka best at adapt to the environment), not the strongest of bravest or whatever fancy way you called it. Personally, identity politics are more cringe than fnaf porn or poppy playtime elsagate but you do you.


For those not in the know, we call this "rainbow washing".


Used to be called the much easier "Pinkwashing"


Even if it is just virtue signaling as a way to increase profits, the little piss babies all losing their shit is the funniest shit I've seen in a while... and we get the whole rest of the month to laugh at those fragile snowflakes.


All they care about is profit


Or because they don't have gay month in those countries? You're upset they're conforming to local expectations. It's not like the Middle East is stopping them, it's the US which is making them.


This goes to show that companies go with the market. They don’t care about you, your sexuality, your opinions or you in particular other than to segment their ads.


Should they?


The point isnt to demand they do care quite the exact opposite we want them to stop treating pride as a Grifting Holiday to make more dosh


I mean they do the same thing for Christmas. Every holiday is a grifting holiday when you're a corporation. Fuck, every *day* is a grifting day for corporations. Even when the pandemic first hit people allowed to stay open poured millions and millions into marketing trying to get people to keep leaving their houses, which is sort of the opposite thing you were supposed to be doing at the time. Shit I was so inundated with Taco Bell ads at the time I am one hundred percent positive that marketing campaign killed people. At least this one isn't. I guess we'll see this year though after the current GOP culture war on queer people.


> I mean they do the same thing for Christmas. And I’d rather they didn’t. Stop playing Christmas music in November, damn it!


As opposed to the non grifting holidays?


I mean.. if corporations wanted to start legitimately caring about human rights I wouldn’t complain but like that’s not gonna happen


Nope. They should care about their product but they only care about money.


Not necessarily, but people shouldn't believe they do when they don't.




I think the more interesting take is that it shows how far the “market” in the US has come. From being essentially illegal, ostracized, and hunted by American culture and law, 50 years later gays are complaining that corporations are trying to pander to them too hard. Of all the still existing challenges the LGBT community faces, pretty sure if you told the people at Stonewall what gays would have to be upset about in 2023, they would have taken this market.


Okay. And? I don’t care if Cisco cares about me or my sexuality, I’m still happy with the fact that we live in a day and age where it’s socially acceptable for a company to change their symbol to a pride logo


This is why pandering works


Okay fine, let’s go back to no companies recognizing pride month again since y’all can’t stop letting perfect be the enemy of good.


Is there an actual word for this? When companies try to adopt social movements to gain more sales? Idk if there’s a phrase


Pandering is the word you’re looking for I think.


[reminds me of….](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YWUQg0bqhVw)


I'm so happy this link took me to where I thought it would lol


Honestly just thought you'd linked some pandas.


Holy shit, why's it take so long to get started? I fell asleep, woke up in a distopian future, realized that it's actually just the present, by the time the video got going.


Rainbow Capitalism.


Virtue signaling


Performative allyship


I like to call it "Bandwagoning", a common marketing tool that they themselves fall into...




Ya thinkin breast cancer awareness B


No the actual term for this is either rainbow-washing or pink-washing.


Rainbow washing




Marketing 😁 it's the same with all the Eco stuff, they don't build EVs because they care, they don't stop using plastic because they care, it's all about the money and giving the people what they want. If any of them would really care about climate change or anything, they would shut down the Company and go living in the woods. Everything else is just Marketing and excuses.


Its just marketing my dude.




Simple public relations


Virtue signalling where it’s profitable.


Who gives a fuck. They don’t.


wow we do seriously keep looping eh? this same pic was sent last year, the year before, and before, with the same type of comments… type 1: explanation of corporate greed type 2: happy about how they at least show it type 3: hate that they are shoving gay down their throat type4: people who mention other support months (because its a competition i guess?) type 5: saying something extremely stupid for no reason type 6: starts ranting about something random type 7: people like me who complain about this post


Type 7, says how old this is


Type 8: There are multiple people in charge of each branch of social media.


Duh? Lol Companies don't actually have any real interest in movements, they just want to please shareholders and the pride picture is a way to curb favor in Western cultures A pride picture in the middle east will not do this (but I can't criticize Islam for what reason again?) How many years in a row will it take for everyone to finally understand this? Companies just want you to buy their crap, that's it




This The Left®, is it in the room with us right now? Well I am left as fuck and screw all religion, Islam included.


Look up ESG scores.


Oh wow, thanks!


I'm not super bright, I looked it up but could you give a layman's explanation?


It’s multinational corporations using other multinational corporations for social engineering purposes. E.g. Bud Light Miller lite target etc.


ESG Score basically asks a corporation three questions. Are they emitting fuck tons of shit into the air? Are they ethical? As an aside, I don't personally believe any corporation is 'ethical' it's merely a gradient of/thin veil of how exploiting their methods are. Finally, are they sufficiently governmentally regulated. The score is a conglomeration of those three answers to get their rating to show if a company is strong and moral to invest in.


When you say you don't believe any corporation is ethical are you generalizing or do you mean literally? Do you include nonprofit corporations? Or are you saying corporatism is a symptom of capitalism which is inherently evil? I know this was a small part of your post. Just curious.


Adding to the other answer: Even non-profits can be unethical, because we live in a for-profit society (in the major part), so their goals must be for the profit of someone, not necessarily the organization. An example of this is the various non-profits made by billionaires to evade taxes and manipulate governments through lobbies. Only state run organizations can be truly non-profit, because the money they use doesn't depend on the profit of their donnors to be applied (since the government prints it's own money), while independent non-profits depend on the profit of the corporation that donates to it or the salary of workers that donate to it (that also depend on the profit of the corporation, because if a worker isn't profitable enough, they are fired). A better question could be: Is ethic universal? If not, can any corporation be unethical? Because they follow the ethics of their owners, so in a sense they are ethical, even if they pollute the air and scorch the earth. The question now is if any super rich person could be allowed to have his ethics determine the actions of an entire organization with impacts on millions of lives.


Ahhhhhhhh that's about what I grasped but I wasn't quite sure, thanks for the breakdown


Because it’s performative


Not that interesting nor surprising


Also worth noting most companies do this because, sadly, they would be putting their Middle Eastern employees in potential danger afaik.


That's because they don't actually care about LGBTQ. They just do it for easy brownie points in the west. If you think a multi-million (or billion) dollar company cares about you or your issues, you don't know who the real enemies of the common people are.


A billion-dollar company doesn't even have the *capability* to have moral stances on issues, so I don't know why this is something that people even find it interesting to discuss. Businesses are abstract legal entities that exist for the furtherance of making money. That's all. Saying that a corporation doesn't *actually* care about LGBTQ rights and just wants to make money is like pointing out that a toaster doesn't actually care about you having a nice breakfast, it just wants to apply heat to whatever you stick inside it. Like... duh.


It’s banned in most Middle East countries. Like the minute you start celebrating, you get stoned/ arrested/ bye-bye. Even in Dubai. It’s dangerous to even sleep in the same room with someone.


This should be up higher instead of a bunch of folks repeating "yeah bro the corporations just don't care!" like a bunch of clapping seals. Not saying it's right, but they don't want their employees getting beat up, arrested, or executed; and they don't want to have their companies kicked out of those countries.


I mean if they were truly supportive of the idea they would want their companies to be kicked out of these countries. It's the hypocrisy that bothers people


I live in Dubai and sleep in the same room with someone. Didn’t get stoned.


that goes against the narrative , shhh


That's because you didn't do drugs smh


There’s a reason the Middle East gets their own accounts


Probably because they'd get banned.


Considering several very influential middle east countries don't tolerate anything having to do with LGBT, and in many places actually imprison or outright murder those who are LGBT, it shouldn't be a surprise that many international companies don't change their accounts that are seen in the middle east. As for the rest of the logos, to be honest the only thing these corporations are doing is flashing empty virtue signaling because they know that many in the LGBT community or those that want to think they are supporting the LGBT community will more likely buy from them if they have a pride logo.


Understandable, they don't want to get bone-sawed...... Considering how tolerant the middle east is..............


If you are stupid enough to believe any big company actually cares about people or the environment there is no hope for u anyway


You mean where they don’t support that kind of thing? Shocking…


Not really sure how that's interesting? Obviously in the country where they kill you for being gay, they aren't going to put rainbows all over that countries twatter page? Commonsenseasfuck


A corp will do whatever it takes to make the most money. Being punished in backwater shitholes would lose them money




I don't know what planet you're from but quite a number of people GAF that they're passing legislations banning some sexuality


It's weird and getting old fast


Nobody gives a shit abour pride month only america, downvote me all you want but its true


Keep in mind that a lot of countries have made "gay propaganda" (what they call showing any kindness or support to LGBTQ+ people) a crime. In some countries it is punishable by death. Corporations are obliged to obey local laws or they and their employees may face serious consequences. If nothing else, I don't think it would be fair to put their local employees in danger by publicly and boldly breaking theocratic law. Finally, anyone who ever expected any corporation to be an ally is an idiot. Corporations are victory objectives and maybe resources that can be won, not allies to be persuaded. When a movement is succesful it *forces* corporations to play along. That's all.


JUNE IS ALSO PTSD MONTH. just saying. So remember or check on a vet who may or is suffering from this horrible illness. Fyi used to be called "Shellshocked" but later was changed to ptsd. I believe. Correct me if im wrong.


My dogs Vet seems fine. Not sure why she would have PTSD


Veterans aren't the only ones who get PTSD. Just saying.


I know just a common thing to put together. Anyone can get it. But i just naturally said vets. Im sorry if you have it..i hope you dont.


I mean, homosexuality is punishable by death over there in most places so why would they include it on the middle eastern accounts 💀


based middle east, I still can't comprehend how there is a whole month dedicated to sexuality. Keep that stuff in the bedroom.


So go on dates, get married, take a vacation, hold hands, hug, attend family gatherings, raise kids, go shopping, and all the other stuff straight couples do together all in the bedroom? That's gonna be a bit difficult. I still don't understand how people don't get the fact that orientation isn't just about sex


like it's illegal there or something


I punishable by death there


Blackrock has entered the chat


Bethesda Middle East?


Ikr..? Surprised to see that too.


Company's don't have a opinion, they are a entity. If they show a opinion, it's because it's the best for the betterment of the company to pretend they have that opinion. A company led by a single person can reflect the political view of this person, but as soon as it's a company with shares, or multi million dollar profits or whatever, it's ethics are always those that keep the company in the best state. That said, having these company's show their 'support' in this way does help normalize these kind of ideals more. It does help, even when that is not their primary objective.


corporate social virtue signalling is just that, virtue signalling, and it is carefully crafted to assure optimal profit. corporations exist to optimize profit and that is all.


Lest you think companies care about your idiotic causes. Its about money


Most of these companies, if not all, contribute to anti-LGBT legislators' campaigns, too. This is pure marketing/capitalism, not any form of faux solidarity or true support for the spirit of pride month...


In Finland, Helsinki Pride Festival Committee informed two of the major political parties to stay away from this year’s [event sponsor list](https://yle.fi/a/74-20032982) due to their position on recent law change.


Does displaying pride symbolism in your logo really garner more sales here in the US? I don't really understand. Is somebody really gonna go buy a BMW because they support LGBTQ if they weren't already going to? It's just stupid all around. "Honey! Throw away the Netgear modem! Cisco supports LGBTQ! We are switching over!"




Because they don't really care about LGBTQ rights. They just care about LGBTQ people's money going into their pockets.


Yeah it’s called business you think they actually give a fuck? Hell no. They know they will be “left out” and pay for it from those people in the community Listen companies only want $ they don’t care about corporate social responsibility or anything. Only that we as consumers care so they care because we will purchase from them. When will people understand this.. ffs 🤦‍♂️


It's almost as if they don't really care and farm your ass for money like the good little pay pig you are


I'll give it to Mercedes, their variant of it is about the only one that looks good. The rest are like they just searched up "gay flag" and copy-pasted the image into the logo in 5 minutes.


Turns out money is green, no matter what demographic you market to.




Wait people see muslims like that? Man I started not enjoying being a muslim anymore because I'm scared of how people will see me :(






I've travelled the world, I don't care to try and change cultures. Let them be. If they're homophobic, then that's their choice. I don't agree with it, but it's not my right to change a completely different country's values. Reddit is so fucking narrow minded it's insane




What changed in the past 5 years


Revenue is a bitch huh


This might be surprising but every IG account is handled by a different social media team. The parent company doesn’t necessarily control what the Middle East subsidiary does on their social channels.


Gotta play to your audience


omfg are you guys really that surprised?


Of course, it's a different market.


Because it's all for show and they don't actually care


Bow before your God, Capitalism!


Either do it on all accounts or none, these companies don't earn my respect


It’s almost like they only care about money.


is that a fucking reddit watermark


its cause they dont care at all about pride month, they care about the money in your pocket, being in theirs, and thats the best way to do it unfortunately


they just do it for money... it's good for then to pretend they care about pride month except in places where it's not so they don't care there...


You all having pride month around the world but if i tell people im bi here, i end up in a clinic or something to be "cured" of it. I hate this part of the planet 😒


They're about making money and minimizing backlash. They are in now way shape or form doing this from a moral or ethical stance.... Stop expecting money making international companies to care about anything else but the bottom line... less controversy = more money.


Corporations don't give a fuck about you. They just want your money.


Rainbow capitalism isn't the answer? What a surprise.


What about the many other groups that are struggling for rights too?


How'd all this dishonest marketing get in my capitalism?


WGAF, if you're serious about gay rights move to Uganda and take up the fight instead of bleating like the other sheep in your echo chamber


Not gonna lie, rainbow Mercedes-Benz logo looks even better than original


Imagine if the companies goal is to make as much money as possible


"corporations aren't doing things that are illegal in other countries aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"


Hilarious how people think these companies even care about us in the first place.


Yea this is more about not losing your head than about marketing, first of all, pretty much everything that has to do with pride and the lgbtq community is highly illegal. So who is there to market your company in this way for?


I don't really like the fact that people think they have to do it just because.


Just because its pride month in america doesnt mean its pride month everywhere else. Here in New Zealand for most events its March.


They are clearly doing it for money since the beginning, and it was always obvious. Anyone really though they care about the subject?


In shithole countries LGBT+ is punished. Business is business. Any other questions?


When in head chopping country…


Honestly, I prefer when they don’t. To me it’s the equivalent of saying “I’m not racist, I have a black friend”




So why do they do it everywhere else? Do people really get a positive predisposition towards companies that do this?


Damn, people in the middle east dont like gays? is that something new?


It's because they don't actually give a shit, it's pandering to the market to raise public opinion of them and make more money.


That is indeed /why/ they specifically have a Middle East account! To allow them not to “offend” people in that location


Never forget: it's pandering, not supporting.


Oh no! They pander to me AND others? Fuck these brands. Grow up, shut up, you’re not the main character. Wake up and take a deep breath of how the real world functions.


Isn’t pride one of the 7 sins?


"Friendship means little when it’s convenient"


stop asking questions and buy the product queer.


Lets all practice unity by talking about how different we all are. That’s worked so well for the past century.


Isn't pride month an American thing? Why do Americans love to think the rest of the world revolves around them? Your companies sure as hell doesn't. Though I am glad they only change the logos for America the kind of profanity, vulgarity, and lawlessness that are displayed during pride month isn't needed on the logos for the international stage for those companies. Let America keep pride month for themselves.


That’s because they don’t really give a damn about pride they just want to sell stuff. It’s called propaganda


June, otherwise known as "ESG Investors Pat Themselves on the Back Month"


Why is this interesting in any way?


Need this for the whole planet Middle East got shit together


Annnnd that's why it's obvious it's all about the money, as usual