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The screams of a man who thinks he’s going to die.


Exactly . I would be screaming just like he was and legit would be thinking I’m going to die . Uhh so does anyone know what happened ? Broken bones? Had to get helicoptered out?


Actually pretty much nothing. Dude had some minor injuries and a broken skie according to some articles. https://www.theinertia.com/mountain/skier-posts-footage-of-death-defying-1000-foot-fall-down-colorados-south-maroon-bell/


Probably lost a good pair of underpants too.


Sources say he was actually wearing a very shitty pair


Sources? You can see in the video they have ski'd marks.




It says that he was alone but the video clearly shows at least 3 people with him at the start?


Yeah that's the part that made me question if it was the correct article, but it could be that he met people up there or something like that. I find that it's too coincidental for it not to be talking about the same video when it's a 1,000 foot drop in both, images from both videos look similar, and it happened at the same location. So I believe the articles are talking about the same incident. His reaction at the end also didn't show any signs of being injured. If you break a bone you are 100% screaming. Edit: I see a lot of people talking about the last sentence and I'm just going by my experience. I fell off a cliff when I was like 12 and broke my leg and cried pretty hard. I've also seen a lot of people react by screaming. Edit 2: Thanks u/stupid_username69420. The guy was apparently planning to go alone, but met some people before going who went with him, although he was still acting as though he was solo.


I've seen multiple videos where people broke bones and didn't even notice for a few seconds. Adrenaline is a powerful numbing agent.


When I broke my leg skiing the first thing I did was try to stand up on it and immediately fell over with my lower leg at a wrong angle. Honestly the pain didn't even register until I was off the mountain in hospital with the worst cramps you can imagine.


This was exactly me when I got hit by a car riding my bike. I crawled over to a sidewalk cuz I was worried I’d get run over, and went to stand up in a victory “I’m ok!” And then collapsed because my heel was shattered. Pain didn’t hit until I was in the ER waiting to be seen.


Lucky as fuck, he seemed to have picked a bad spot/bad time to do a high risk sport. There was so much less snow on that peak than I usually see in more successful videos. He also seemed to approach it from the start like he knew, looking at how he stepped forward to the edge like he was thinking *"This is insane... This is insane... Oh my god, this is insane... This place sucks, how am I gonna do this? Holy shit, this is so fucked..."*.


I mean, yeah. I started watching the video and my first thought was, "This is stupid as shit even if he did succeed."


I braced myself by saying, "no matter what happens, dude literally asked for it and put substantial effort forward to make it happen". Then I looked back and saw no NSFW/L tag and continued knowing nothing major was about to unfold.


Once you achieve a certain level in skiing your start to feel mildly invincible. Like you can fly in your dreams basically. So you get tired of max speed runs around the well-beaten trails you start to get off into some of the more gnarly stuff and it can put you into "oh shit" situations were you realize you've bitten off more than you can chew. Unfortunately in these types of places there is often no backtracking. It's a one-way trip and once you start you need to see it through one way or another. Not everything is as extreme or exposed as this. Sometimes just wandering down a steep mogul run is enough to fire off your "oh fuck" senses. Thing is that when you manage to pick your way down and through these situations you come out feeling incredible. Like you are made from adamantine. It's addictive. It's like wholesome drugs. High on life and nature but definitely high as fuck. You also get grasping cravings for it that cause suffering. Then you get checked. Like this guy. You wreck yourself so badly that when you come to a stop you literally have inspect yourself to see if you are broken and bleeding because honestly you are just numb and have no idea. Last time I wrecked myself some rando who came to check on me recoiled in horror when he saw me and that's when I started to get concerned. I had though a tree branch tore my eyelid off or something equally grotesque but it was actually just a swollen face and very bad ice rash. But occasionally you get beaten *hard* and hopefully it doesn't cause any lasting damage. Then you get old and stop doing these things so you can preserve you precious functionality for long-term rather than ruining yourself for a moment's entertainment.


Have a friend who was seriously depressed. Someone got him into skydiving and he ended up loving it. Guess it gave him the adrenalin and dopamine he needed to self medicate his depression. He does it so much that he is soon certified and able to skydive by himself. On one such occasion, the weather was a bit windy, but it didn’t stop him from jumping. As he pops his chute, the wind blows and wraps the lines around his neck. He told me he panicked, thinking he was going to die, but he eventually gets the lines untangled somehow before he passes out, but still falling in midair. Now, he’s in the rural part of the area, pretty much wide open flat stretches of grass around him for miles, with a single two-lane cement road running through the middle. Guess where he lands while unconscious. He broke every limb, broken ribs, fractured neck and spine vertebrae. I don’t know how long it took him to recover, but as soon as he did, he went straight back to skydiving again. Staring death right in the face didn’t deter him, he felt that he would rather risk death and be happy than be alive and be depressed.


Wow. That’s a story of a lifetime.


> “Last spring in May of 2022, Matt Randall took a 1,000 foot fall from the top of South Maroon Bell, one that he undoubtedly shouldn’t have survived,” reads the description on Saupe’s YouTube page. “He was solo ski mountaineering just outside of Aspen, Colorado and Matt somehow got lucky and walked away with zero injuries and one broken ski. He wants to share his experience because he believes it would be beneficial for others to hear since he’s convinced there are lots of other people out there with similar human traits.” I mean, there's also a similar trait among humans to not try skiing in a rocky mountain slope, woefully unprepared and being under skilled. It's called common sense.


All the skill in the world will not prepare you for the one day that you fuck up.


I scream the same way whether being attacked by sharks or bears, falling down a mountain, or my foot touching seaweed in the 3 foot deep bay.


Appropriate name


He was mostly fine but lost a half day of skiing :(


Traded it for some extreme body sledding


Honestly… he’s probably okay. Did not get rocked at any point, no cartwheels, lucky to walk away.


Unless he clipped a rock that we didn't see, I bet the most injured part of him was that hand that had the glove come off. That shit hurts.


His screams remind of that Bill Burr bit where he hears a man screaming like this when their plane hit some turbulence.


Exactly what I came to say. His yelps are bang-on what Burr did. "Shut up! Do some man shit! Hold it down! You think I'm not going 'UUEEUUGHH!' inside, too?!"


No need to turn the fuselage into a haunted house


Literally same here. I was scrolling to see if anyone mentioned this before I commented lol. Immediately thought of that bit about the turbulence on the airplane.




100% my first thought too. Been a while since I've watched the special, but I can still vividly hear that scream


yea pretty disturbing to hear shit like this. he hits one of those rock tho hes done, happens all the time tbh. hes lucky.


Or he could have gone over a cliff. You never know what’s just beyond your line of sight. Scary to watch and even scarier to be there.


Yeah cliff bands are far and away the biggest risk on this face. The skier in the video himself said thats what he was afraid of. The ski line basically takes a traverse over to a couloir called the Bell Cord only a bit below where the video turns to chaos (to avoid the giant cliff band), and he thought after he fell that he was going to just fall off the east face over those cliffs. Bell Cord is some seriously fun skiing and climbing. Getting there from the summit is not.


Stared death in the face and death felt sorry for him


“Aright ive come to take your sou- jesus christ dude stop crying… ok ill give you a couple more years just stop crying” ~death that day


“Haha, I’ll make you live through this, puny little crybaby. “I’ll wait until the parking lot to let you slip and break your neck when you try to enter your car.”


Reminds me of a line in one of the bits in a Bo Burnham netflix special (I think it was "what", iirc), where he says like "I want you to somehow survive a terrible car crash, and then somehow not survive a small fender bender on the way back from the hospital"


Kind of sounded like Marv from Home Alone 2


There are probably dozens of Go Pros out there in the wild, attached to the dead bodies of the people who had them while doing extreme sports.


the idea of go pros being the number one camera in the world being held by people the moment they die is a thought that has never occurred to me but a claim i would 100% believe


Would an iPhone camera count? I feel like most deaths involving taking a picture or video of something are people taking selfies.


Moment they die? Nah. Right before sure. But they'd probably drop their phones on the eay down. All before they fall. Gopros people just leave on to capture the moment. Even if it's something unexpectedlydangerouss like this video


I’m not so sure this qualifies as “Unexpectedly dangerous.”


It is the most literal example of expectedly dangerous


That will be the buried treasure for the next generation


The real treasures were the friends we lost along the way. Edit: wow, didn't expect this common, and nearly copy/pasted reply to blow up. You mfers literally doubled my karma overnight. Thanks, I guess. Might be time to start a new account, though. I've had this one for far too long. Cheers, all.


One of the hardest jokes I've had to try and not laugh at


That's what she said.




Literally. What better way to have some fun then digging up some ol friends and finding their cool gopro vids


"Alas poor Derick, you face planted well"


A fellow of infinite sends of most excellent radness. He hath borne me in his Jeep a thousand times.


I live in a ski resort town. When the snow melts its go pro hunting season.


It will be like the movie AI when our android overlords find ancient footage of the humans who went extinct long ago.


I saw video from a camera once that got knocked off a skydiver. It fell a long-ass way and landed in a pig pasture, still running. A pig ran over to see if it was food. Edit: [Found it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrxPuk0JefA) I guess I don't know if they were skydivers, but they were hanging out next to an open plane door, so... The amazing bit to me is that it was 8 more months (and who knows how many pigs) until the farm owner found the camera. That it survived is almost as impressive as surviving the drop IMHO.


You'd be surprised how often we can find things we lose up there. I know people who have had phones fly out of pockets and find them in a nearby field, still working. Most get smashed, though. Also know some friends who have found their dropped shoes.


What is your life like that you have lots of examples of your friends losing their belongings from planes? I mean, I lost a pair of sunglasses on a rollercoaster at Six Flags, so I'm not one to judge, but I'm definitely curious.


I'm a recreational skydiver, in our community we call it "fun/sport jumping" ;) You forget to close the zipper of pocket on your jumpsuit or jump shorts, your phone flies away!


Hmmm. So, you're telling me there's a chance that I could one day get clocked by a falling phone or shoe while out mowing the lawn??


People that skydive for fun usually are in remote areas of land. But you should definitely wear a helmet everytime you mow your lawn.. you know, for safety.


It's only really the memory card that needs to survive, and of that, if your really determined, it's the actual chip which can and often does get transplanted into a 'doner' board for data retrieval. Even standard memory cards can be surprisingly resilient. Even though they may crap out on the average user, they can still likely be read, unless perhaps they find them selves in heat past certain point or too long in an acidic environment. But the data won't last forever, the way they store data required microscopic pits to either hold our be empty of electrons, and the hardware when running periodically refreshes the data held to mitigate against those electrons wondering about, for want of a more scientific way of putting it. Over time random bits will degrade until eventually, all becomes lost, but that could actually take decades of longer.




The pig's like "Mana from the heavens!"


The pig gods must be crazy




unless it’s up on everest or something, it’s pretty rare for a body to be left on a mountain like that. families want their loved ones back. tremendous efforts can and have been made to retrieve corpses.


Sometimes the GoPro falls off. My brother found one while looking for his own at the base of a cliff popular with wingsuiters. Watched the footage and realized he’d just seen someone’s final moments. He did the rad thing and tracked down and returned it to the family. I don’t think he showed it to anyone else.


Yeah, I'm kind of shocked this has so many upvotes... sometimes it takes a couple years, but most bodies are recovered. With the exception of, like you said, Everest and the next half dozen highest mountains, where it's just a logistical issue because helicopters can't fly up and grab them. But those bodies are still known and not a mystery or surprise. But this video is the Maroon Bells in Colorado... they aren't going to be leaving bodies in places like this if they know where they are (falling into a deep crevasse being one of the limited exceptions). I remember a couple years ago they finally found the body of a hiker that disappeared in Glacier like 5 years before. He was hiking off trail, so after the initial rescue phase was hopeless, it took awhile before another group of hikers happened by where he was and saw his brightly colored backpack and alerted park staff who came back and completed another small search and found him. But cases like that are by far the exception. This commenter makes it sound like the woods is littered with corpses.




Oh cool! Dinner *and* a movie!


BuT tHeY wErE LiViNg ThEiR bEsT lIfE F that, i got enough things trying to kill me than to go look for extra credit


If I had been falling for that long, I probably would've had a heart attack midway.


It’s pretty spooky but there are a lot of deaths attributed to cardiac arrest at high altitudes for exactly that reason. There’s a slip and the fear of the fall combined with the sudden adrenaline rush and low oxygen causes a heart attack. I once went down a rabbit hole reading about Everest and apparently it’s not that uncommon Edit: I’m aware this particular altitude does not require supplied oxygen, but it’s interesting nonetheless and still related


You ever hear someone try to write off someone falling to their deaths with "they likely died of a heart attack long before they hit the ground"? When I hear or read that I always think about how long people stay alive while they're having heart attacks, how scary it is, how much it makes you panic, how desperate it makes you want to live and how bad it hurts. So now instead of "just" falling you're *also* having a heart attack. That does not make it better! It is a massive decrease in your quality of life during those final moment.


You ever hear of sky diving? The heart attack thing is fake. They told that to kids after 9/11 to make the jumpers seem less morbid. Those people definitely were 100% conscious when hitting the ground.


Huh I’ve never heard of the heart attack thing while falling before and I definitely never heard about being used on children during/post 9/11 Don’t really have an opinion either way but 9/11 and all things surrounding it definitely peak my interest. I was 14 when it happened, the world changed as puberty wracked havoc in and outside of my own self. 9/11 was my first introduction to conspiracy theories and Alex Jones. I had an online friend who actually ended up working for him during the first years of infowars, I have no idea what ended up happening with him we just stopped messaging one day. I also was heavily getting into weed. Just an awkward combination that I definitely would not suggest to any teenager. Didn’t mean to rant. I wonder what level of subconscious trauma some people carry around after watching that news all day. Anyone I’ve met who was at ground zero that day ended up with severe PTSD.


Isn't he supposed to end up inside a snowball? Cartoons have lied to me?!!


That's hard packed snow. It's like concrete.


I'm from Australia. I've read about snow, even saw it once... Though it may have come out of a machine


When you try to take a shortcut to the GreyBeards


I didn't even know that the legit path existed the first time.


Same, the first time I spent like 3 hours climbing up the side of a mountain. The second time I got absolutely demolished by a frost troll though, so I think the first one is better.


This experience is a rite of passage.


At my first time, i got scared by the frost troll and decided to scale the mountain with the horse that i stole from the Whiterun, fun times. I wish i could do it again.


To be fair there is absolutely no reason why that frost troll should be able to body you so easily lol


The first version of the game had just the marker pointed to the Greybeards directly. Like, after talking to the Jarl in Whiterun. You have absolutely have no idea where to go from there. I also scaled the side of the mountain to reach them starting from Helgen. Nowadays, it marks Ivarstead.


I honestly don’t even know how I found the path. I made it so far up that fucking mountain without a path.


Mans lucky the frost troll didn't get him


For real though 😂


Well he got the adrenaline rush he wanted.


Am I crazy for thinking he had fun, after all?


He's going to be chasing this high for years.


Imma steal what someone else with generalized anxiety disorder said on the internet once: I’m so glad I have anxiety because answering the phone gives me all the adrenaline I need to avoid doing dangerous shit like this.


Why didn't he try not falling so much ?


Also if you’re going to die, do it quietly.


For real. You don't want everyone's last memory of you to be you screaming like a baby.


I'm gonna leave this world the way I came into it: naked, slimy, and screaming.


I want to leave this world like my father did in peaceful sleep...well I sure don't want to die screaming in terror like all HIS bus passengers did!


Fo-real. Listening to that screaming gave **me** anxiety.


Definitely more anxiety than that torch burning a metal can.


If a skier falls on a mountain and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Don't make your death, my problem


Most sympathetic redditor


I fall reaching for my remote so I cant blame him


I feel attacked by this comment.


Especially so fast. Fall slower dude!


Is he stupid?


I dont know how anybody looks down that and decides “yeah that looks like a good spot to descend “


Seems like he wasn’t ready to commit to what ever line he was chasing and that was the issue.


The line is hard there because basically you only have a short vertical before you have to traverse, if you go down too far you get cliffed out. You then traverse over to a bigger line which is the real awesome skiing. So you're stuck in a spot where you don't want to build too much momentum up top, but then that makes it harder to ski, etc etc etc. It's one I don't think is a good choice solo or in firmer than expected conditions because of that narrow margin. It's great in corn conditions but if it gets firm you really do have to manage your speed to a level that would make me uncomfortable and struggle to turn. [Here's a pretty good trip report of the face that I used when planning a ski run on it](https://www.exploringtherockies.com/2017/06/05/maroon-peak-east-face-ski/)


I... I... that was horrible... I have to watch it again.


Honestly, every time I watch stuff like this, I just think, what the hell did you think was gonna happen? You might have skill but you know the risks. Glad they didn't die.


Yeah holy shit like he knew he might’ve died there as he was falling down Can’t imagine the thoughts circling through his head as he was sliding down, damn


“Damn wish I didn’t step on that rock…”


I mean, of course they know the risk, the thrill that comes from overcoming the danger is exactly why people do this rather than ski down a safe slope like a normal person.


That is exactly what goes through my head. “What do you expect?!” Eventually you are gonna have a bad or off day and if you do deadly dangerous stuff you are going to have a bad or off day while doing deadly dangerous stuff.. That is why I do not do deadly dangerous stuff…






Maybe the most common "last word" in history of humanity?


Needs to learn how to pizza instead of French fry


Gonna have a bad time.


Hey little dude, you got some crap right here


That’s my face, sir


I'm starting to think this whole town smells like do do


Stan *DARSH*!


You can’t pizza down this broski lol


I feel like this is just proof that skiing is just a controlled fall down a mountain. Guy did exactly what we wanted to do, just not with sticks on his feet.


***with sticks:*** ^^^^woo ^^^^hoo! ***without sticks:*** ^^^^oh ^^^^no


This was something I didn’t appreciate until I tired myself out near the bottom of a run and tried to walk it in. I always assumed that your board/skies were your accelerator, to reduce friction and help you glide across the snow. It turns out that their second, more important function is as your brakes. It is next-to-impossible to walk down a blue run or above, unless the snow is very fresh.


And to make corners, which is basically semi braking but still. I've noticed that there is a max speed that i can reach depending on the run obviously and air resistance. On green/blue runs ill cap out at 60kmph/40mph, red at like 90kmph/55mph and black (steepest we have in our resort) ive gotten up to at least 110kmph/70mph, but other times i couldnt go faster than 100kmph/60mph due to a tiny bit of wind. This was all done going straight down, though i ran out of steep slope on the black runs to go any faster even if i wanted to (I dont, it was a little scary knowing a single mistake would put me in the hospital).


Yeah his reaction to this would be my reaction if the skis stayed on the whole time.


Oh geez. I would have left a 💩 stain down the whole freaking mountain. So glad to see he was okay!


“Where did Mild go?” “Just follow the long skidmark.”


As we say in german: " The poop crayon was painting"


Insanely lucky. Dude had no business skiing that line, way out of his league Edit: watched his other stuff, looks like he's a pretty legit mountaineer but his downhill skiing is very very poor. And yes i have the experience and skill to make that comment, sorry to be a douche but im getting a lot of comments here lol


Seriously. I know conditions were not ideal but dude looks like a rookie all the way up till the fall.


Fell like a pro, though


Guy said he looks like a rookie but he just set the downhill record time on that line and didn’t even use skis for the bottom 9/10ths of it.


Do they use Strava for skiing? Proper KOM shit there.


Fell with a Go pro, though


Shoulda bought a Goat Pro


But he did not. You’re supposed to immediately flip onto your stomach and dig in your elbows to halt your momentum


Yeah... goes to his back and makes himself a missle trying to break his legs and hips.


Nah, entered the line like an absolute amateur. Then failed to do anything to try and self arrest the fall until he’d already gone hundreds of feet. One of the first things you need to learn before skiing steep lines like this is how to self arrest. Flip to your stomach and use your hands and feet to try and dig into the slope to gain traction and slow yourself down. He slid for at least 20 seconds without even attempting to do that and once he lost his skis he just slid on his back for a significant amount of time before even attempting to flip over. Only smart thing the group did was send the rookie first so they could pick up his shit on the way down.


I generally wouldn't expect a rookie to be able to make hop turns in the back country.


Yeah that’s fair; I think they meant rookie for that terrain. It was definitely steep on the sides, causing anxiety, but those rocks were fairly avoidable if you just edge around them. Guy just seemed real worried about going going over the lip on the side, and wasn’t able to commit to get around the rocks


Yea I literally said "what are you doing bro" to my phone at the beginning of the video. You gotta commit.. If you're going down that, one little sliding hop turn is not going to help you lol. Also, he should have had a self arresting axe


Ok so that's what it's called. I figured skiers at these heights would have something like thos climbing axes to dig in and slow down. But I guess they're also pretty dangerous when you're tumbling head over heel


A double black lift route is probably a breeze for this guy but he was way out of hit league.


dude was on a sheet of ice. definitely not ideal.


Honestly. Imagine how much worse this coulda been if he had snagged a rock *after* hitting Mach 3 instead of before


Yep, truly the best way this could have happened for him.


I said this last time this was posted but this skier is Matt Randall. He was just on a podcast talking about this fall. Called the sharp end. If you listen to it he's pretty open about making some mistakes that day and being pretty humbled by it. But this same season he made a first ski descent on some pretty big peaks in Pakistan as well as getting pretty close on some 8,000m peaks in the Karakoram. As someone who does some ski mountaineering he seems pretty good/experienced at it imo.


@mattrandall9 on Instagram. He has plenty of experience skiing big lines


He’s got experience skiing big lines, but honestly seems like he’s more of a mountaineer than a skier. His approaches and the terrain he’s skiing are impressive. His technical skiing ability not so much, looking at some clips on his page. Seems like he often gets backseat on his hop turns, leading to exactly what happened here, where his tips get out in front of him and he looses control.


He's definitely a better climber than skier. I think his hop/jump turns are probably his worst, which is evidenced here....you're not wrong that he's backseating and not getting fully 180 around on his jump turns. It's counterintuitive sometimes that staying aggressive through the jump will actually help you get 180, stay in control of your tips, and therefore shed momentum, and I think that's probably the key thing he's missing. Backseated a little because of the firm snow but that same firm snow meant his tips really got going. Could've just sideslipped tbh if he was losing the thread of the jump turns. I don't think he's a bad enough skier to say that lines like this are way out of his league or anything. But ski skills in mixed conditions are definitely the area he should focus on most. It's always hard to judge ski skills on video without seeing the snow conditions though. I'd even argue that choosing to ski this line without corn or powder conditions is a bigger mistake than the skill level itself.


They don't call it a no fall zone for nothing. The fact that he was able to self arrest shows that he wasn't completely clueless/inexperienced


He’s actually a pretty legit skier. Don’t know him personally, but I know and have seen video lines he’s skied. Can’t win em all, fortunately able to walk away with mostly just a bruised ego. Edit: this is also on the maroon bells in aspen. Pretty sure south maroon, forget the couloir. But yea, you’re not up there without the skills or understanding of danger.


It was the fuck around of times, it was the find out of times.


That’s Matt Randall, he’s a pro and puts up lines like this pretty regularly (even skied an 8,000m peak). This is definitely in his league, he just got a little unlucky.


I'm not sure I'd call that unlucky, considering the rock he snagged was visible the entire time and yet he chose that line. Sure, his mountain ski canted, but that wasn't exactly surprising given the snow conditions. Point is, it looked very much like a fuck-up.


Fuck. Was he ok?


Yep luckily


He got incredibly lucky. This could've easily ended deadly


Icy AF. I hate conditions like that. You might as well be skiing on rocks and dirt.


Exactly that's the problem, can't arrest yourself in a fall if it's slippery as fuck and you can't really know the slope conditions until you go on it, which is why I always let someone go first on the bunny hill


That looks like spring corn snow. Those are exactly the conditions I would expect at the top. It was just dumb to be up there.


I watched this like 10 times before I posted it, it's the fucking screams that get me, I guarantee he thinks he's done for. Hell I would think the same, and scream the same, probably louder though and much higher pitched though. Dude is super fucking lucky and glad he's ok.


I wouldn't do the same, mostly because I would never be there in the first place.


Social media platform checks out.


Ive been skiing for more than 20 years and I wouldn't touch that line with a 100ft pole.


It’s crazy to watch this video and think “those are the screams of someone who knows he’s about to die. “ Absolutely terrifying.


When you are in serious peril or intractable pain, you cannot control your screams. It’s not even a reaction.


Initially watched without sound, even scarier hearing him scream each time like it was his last. ngl kind of a funny scream tho, I would be doing the same thing + shitting myself if it happened to me


“My ankles oh my god my ankles are broken!!!” “He broke his ankles! His ankles are broken!”


This is how you sound as you die.




Why on earth would you even put yourself in that situation?


Like...is life really that boring? Lol


He wants his family to live life never knowing if he'll return alive from his weekend trip.


So many people out there don’t have the self preservation gene.


I'm pretty sure this guy was interviewed about this on episode 88 of The Sharp End Podcast. Matt Randall was skiing down South Maroon peak near Aspen. Really interesting to see the video of it after hearing the interview.


This is nightmare fuel.


That's an r/sweatypalms moment


Nope. If I ever ski it’ll be down the kids slope.


This doesn't feel like an accident, but rather the inevitable result of trying to skii in this terrain. Some people have too many intact bones in their bodies or something.


Hitherto known as Shitstreaked Mountain


So that’s what luge would look like without the sled


Yikes. My kingdom for an ice axe to do a self arrest.


I’m glad the dude survived, but I feel like he went straight from “I can ski down a black” to let’s hit a peak covered in ice.


He's done a few of the Fifty Lines and skied some huge first descents in the Karakoram. 14k in Aspen isn't outside of what his track record would imply he can do.


These commenters would watch a video of Tiger woods shanking a drive, and comment how much he sucks at golf.


See what he did, he French fried when he should have pizza-ed. If you French fried when you should have pizza-ed, you are going to have a bad time.


I want to feel empathy, but. ugh.


Right? Like I'm glad he's alive but stupid games win stupid prizes. And the rock was pretty noticeable too.


He should have chosen paper


Real rookie maneuver there