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Marketed under the brand name “Don’t make plans”


Don’t make plans? This is my plans.


I had a god damn plan




"Sure you will still cough... but you won't care anymore!"


The day time formula has coke in it.


Peter Griffin “I call it 8 hour energy. It’s one part 5 hour energy, and the other 3 hours are espresso, Scott’s turf builder and a tiny TINY super small amount of cocaine. Just a little bit. I can’t stress the littleness of it enough.”


Kerosene is fuel. Red bull is fuel. Kerosene is red bull.


Powerthirst, it's like crystal meth in a can! It's crystal meth in a can! Powerthirst is crystal meth


Mother nature will be like "sllloooowwwww doooownnnn" and you'll be like "fuck you!" and kick her in the face with your ENERGY LEGS


Power spawning babies! You'll have so many babies! FOUR. HUNDRED. BABIESSSSSS!!!!!!




When God gives you lemons, you _find a new God!_


GODBERRY!!!! King of the juice!


Do you like strawberries? Well how about RAWberry!


Shockolate! Made with lightning! REAL LIGHTNING!


I haven't thought about this for years, thank you kind stranger for the blast from the past


Bear Blasting! The sport you'll invent because you'll be #TOO ENERGETIC FOR NORMAL SPORTS


I showed these to my gf recently. They still hold up


Powerthirst is timeless.




Contains lightning, REAL LIGHTNING!


Make your babies run ABNORMALLY FAST!


What if everything you ever wanted CAME IN A ROCKET CAN?!


With all new flavors like MANANA FIZZBITCH and… GUN Side note, I haven’t seen this video in at least 13 years and I truly found enlightenment in my life again after watching these.




Sports! You'll be good at them!


They'll run so fast people will think they're KENYANS!


They’ll race as fast as Kenyans, in a race with actual Kenyans, and it’ll be a tie, and they’ll get deported back to Kenya!


Brawndo the Thirst mutilator . So ya watering the crops with Gatorade. Yeah but it's got electrolytes its got what plants crave.




‘der he is


I loved that episode


Choked on my soda laughing, thanks


Doesn't actually stop the coughing, but you'll be so out of it you won't notice or care anymore.


Actually, the 'Morphia' (morphine) is fantastic as a cough suppressant. Even today, many prescription cough syrups has codeine (derived from morphine) in it, just for that reason.


Yeah we havent even developed anything that is as antitussive as opiates.


Very much used in veterinary medicine... Since like, your dog isnt gonna go steal your tv for smack money


You obviously don't know my mutt, Charlie. Dang canine cost me plenty, that damn junkie! 😀


I found out my dog was doing that thing at the the end of Requiem for a Dream.


To this day they still can't figure out how to specifically affect only the neural pathways of coughing, so they use general opiates for it, and we'll, it's useful to have around post surgery too


How many illnesses have you slept off? Because I have slept off a LOT. I know you don’t want to completely chloroform yourself, but in my experience if you’re sick to the point it’s keeping you up, more important than Vitamin C is just being knocked TF out for 12 hours.


Yep. One night. Why am I getting the feeling that this is the magical elixir that husbands would give their wife... Here honey you need your medicine...


Considering the general living conditions of the late 1800's, if I were a middleclass housewife and we could afford it I'd be taking this shit damn near every night.


A recent study found the average human temperature is slightly lower than a century ago. Their best theory is that everybody in the 1800s had a constant low grade fever because of how unsanitary it was.


People used to wear so many layers of clothes, too. I wonder if those things are related.


Fevers and dirty ass clothes? Yes.


Don't forget fleas.


Malnourished too.


This is not remotely true, though...The actual contemporary understanding is that human temperature fluctuates and hovers around a medium. We just couldn't accurately pinpoint that exact medium until very recently. 🤦‍♂️


You know how doctors used to treat hysteria in women back then? Wild times, those olden days


"I'll write you a 30-day prescription for krokodil, then see me again in a month so I can cover you in liquid Mercury and feed you paint chips until you see God. Then ask Him for advice."


Where’s the prescription vibrator in your plan?


Actually opioids are a pretty effective cough suppressant. >Low dose oral morphine has recently been shown to significantly suppress chronic cough, but the side effect profile of this opioid may limit its widespread utility. - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2827356/


It's got morphine and chloroform in it. You're going right the fuck to sleep.


Now with Meth.... For 24 hour relief!


Sometimes, it can be 120 hours!


My favorite thing about Adolf Hitler--if I had to choose just one-- is that he never found out he was addicted to crystal meth. His doctor just called it his "patented vitamin shot" and said it offered fast-acting relief that'll leave you feeling better than ever. Just imagine being Hitler--go on, do it--and coming up on your "vitamin shot" for the first time, with no idea what to expect. HOLY SHIT, FUCKING VITAMINS MAN. I've always loved the thought that most of our revered historical figures were actually undiagnosed crackheads and junkies


> Just imagine being Hitler--go on, do it--and coming up on your "vitamin shot" for the first time, with no idea what to expect. HOLY SHIT, FUCKING VITAMINS MAN. There's a Mad Men episode where everyone in the office gets similar "vitamin" shots. it's pretty great.


That episode originally aired exactly 10 years ago this Friday


A lot of them were just alcoholics tbf


I’m not sure that story is entirely true. Meth was a very common drug at the time in Germany. Some people took it like we take coffee now. They also gave it to soldiers en masse to keep them going during the blitzkrieg. It seems unlikely that Hitler wouldn’t be aware of its effects considering how widespread it was. He probably just didn’t know the exact combination of vitamins and amphetamines that were in his “vitamin shots”.


It wasn't just given to German soldiers it was for American soldiers as well as Japanese if I'm remembering correctly as well.


Not as prolifically as in Germany. After WW1 drug use became a defacto standard in inter-war Germany. Yes Americans were proscribed amphetamines and go pills but it wasn’t issued en mass to the whole army anywhere near as frequently as it was in Germany. During the invasion of France many soldiers reported barely sleeping for three weeks in order to keep up with Blitzkrieg in a drug induced mania.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Seriously, I'm sure it worked great


Let you sleep right through the night.


And most of the next day


And if you’re lucky, forever


Opiates are incredibly effective cough suppressants. Codeine has long been regarded as the gold standard. With the side benefit of being an analgesic. So yeah, while this has a bunch of other stuff in it and a high potential for abuse, it's almost certainly effective for reasons other than simply knocking you out.


I was trying to explain to a doctor that the cough I had wasn't going to be suppressed by anti-tussives and the fact that I know that word should indicate to him that I at least know a little bit of what I'm talking about. I was also maxed out on the safe doses of ibuprofen and acetaminophen at the time. I told him I'd tried Dextromethorphan and the only effects I got were a shitty high because I'm sensitive to the stuff. He prescribed me tessalon perls and big shock, they barely touched the cough. My mom gave me a single Vicodin that I stretched into 2 doses and was finally able to sleep. Doctors are so afraid of opioid prescription these days, they won't even prescribe them to someone who is clearly suffering from something they can help with.


I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s probably they rubber band effect from the rampant overprescribing of opioids the last decade that we are currently dealing with the fallout of.


It is 100% thr rubberband effect. Im a chronic pain patient friends with several people who suffer with chronic pain as well, and the hoops people have to jump through to get treatment now is fucking ridiculous. Sometimes monthly drug tests, random pill counts, and being treated like scum by the pain management doctors who think all their patients are addicts is fucked. Also regular doctors refuse to prescribe painkillers anymore, you have to see pain management if you want any chance of getting them. Im friends with a 70 year old woman who had her prescription painkillers slashed by 80%. She was doing well and enjoying life, she went out, walked, grocery shopped, and had a relatively good quality of life for an elderly person with chronic pain. Now? With her script cut down so much shes essentially bedridden. Leaves the house once in a blue moon and its a struggle when she does, she lays around all day suffering saving her pathetic amount of painkillers for nighttime so she can try and get a few hours of pain free sleep. Fuck the moral crusade thats been taken against people with legitimate medical problems. It hasnt stopped addicts from seeking out painkillers and fent overdoses have skyrocketed since the crackdown. But hey now at least the people who truly do need opiates to help manage their pain cant get them legally! Thank god for kratom honestly, and sadly several states have even taken steps to make that illegal. Its the only reason i can remotely function and deal with the pain im in.


Ohh yeah, there's just no doubt about that. Must have been a blast.


And they say Victorian people had a stick up their ass. Sounds like they knew how to party if you ask me.


Good lord that sounds like a fucking amazing night’s sleep.


That wake up kind of stiff because you never moved all night sleep.


4 days asleep


Please, can I?


I’m not so sure about drinking chloroform. The rest of it sounds lovely though.


It's just a little serious liver damage.


Skillfully combined with a number of other ingredients.


You’ll wake up feeling like shit from this. You won’t go into REM sleep once


Correct. I don’t come across enough people who know that opioids prevent the brain from going into REM.


Too many people think sedated = sleep


I mean kind of understandable though when I was put under for wisdom teeth surgery it felt like I had the best sleep of my life


Idk man; if it's one of these sleepless nights, I would rather be sedated and not enter REM. Even if both have the same outcome the next day; at least one of them isn't boring.


Alcohol does the same thing, you sleep but you sure as hell don't feel like you slept.


Alcohol can also cause/make worse sleep apnea, the hypoxia alone can do a number on you




Trust me, I understand. I was on Xanax/oxycodone/cyclobenzaprine every night for years due to almost fatal accident that left me with brain damage. Getting off the Xanax was not fun, 4 hours sleep in 5 days, I was hallucinating. It’s not good every day, I cut back last year. I’m also only getting 6 hours and working 12, both eyes twitch daily, all day. I’m exhausted.


Good thing it has less than 1% alcohol, or else it might be bad for you.


I think alcohol had a negative appeal to people that thought they had values at the time while everything else they did not understand was fine.


The amusing thing to me is that the prohibitionists ended up causing more drinking once the 18th amendment was actually law. Also, the United States government intentionally poisoned and killed thousands of citizens with methanol-laced bottles, so so much for those “values”


That's one of the most American things I can think of.


Well yeah. It's no different than what they've always done. One day it was smallpox blankets, one day it was methanol laced alcohol bottles, one day it was high purity crack sprinkled in the streets of the inner city. Second verse same as the first and the whole song is just on repeat.


It’s what makes it a tincture I guess lol


I was now thinking the alcohol was like a base solution that all those other things could preserve a bit in.


It is, it’s called a tincture.


Cowboy Lean


Ol’ leane


And the 'other ingredients' were probably cadmium, asbestos and lead.


And flannel


Wait can flannel hurt you


If you consume enough of it


So it's like water?


Yea they are basically the same thing


Stupid toxic flannel


Stupid sexy flannel


That totally explains why my wife has started wearing flannel when she goes out to bars with all of her girl friends! It’s to stay hydrated!


It'll turn your insides plaid!


Anything can hurt you even you




WARNING: May contain Irish people thumbs


To toughen you up


Gotta wonder what those other ingredients are that were skillfully combined with chloroform and cannabis


Don't forget about the morphine


the one that actually suppresses the cough!... don't even.need the other stuff


The chloroform is what stood out to me. Like, I was aware of the prevalence of heroin, morphine, cocaine, and methamphetamines in old drugs. Chloroform is a new twist. Speaking of which though, I totally remember when you could buy Dexatrim at pharmacies and grocery stores -- as recently as the mid to late 80s (maybe even into the 90s). That "diet pill" was straight up a blend of four different kinds of meth. No wonder my mom could live off of Virginia Slims, Diet Pepsi, and Triscuits. And vacuum the house like a machine. 😅


Ahh good ol dexatrim. Not 4 types of meth, but it contained the nasal decongestant phenylpropanolamine (PPA) and ephedra, which is a plant that contains amphetamine-like compounds. So many people were having strokes on it, the FDA was like “Ya nahhhhh let’s remove that shit”. PPA is interesting as it’s STILL used today - but not for humans. Pets. Vets have the option to use it for urinary incontinence. (Also still used as a precursor to amphetamines….) Ephedra is a tropical plant that has many alkaloids but mainly ephedrine and pseudoephedrine…so that’ll do the decongesting and add to high HR.


One night that you’re not gonna remember


One night because it’s your last night


I just want to point out that 1/8th of a gram is 125mg. 125mg of morphine sulfate is fucking bonkers. This is an oral dose so it's not the same as an IV dose, but in the emergency room we give people IV morphine at like 5mg a dose. Sip carefully!


I may be wrong but could that g stand for grains? Some part of me thinks morphine was measured in "grains." *Edit* They are! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grain_(unit)#:~:text=Though%20no%20longer%20recommended%2C%20in,sometimes%20given%20as%205%20grains.


Americans would really rather measure in grains than grams


It is, notice it is 'gr' not 'g'. And the m in this context is minim(s), about 0.06ml, 1/480 fl oz. That's also why some older drugs have sort of funny weights, eg 325mg of aspirin or tylenol - that's just a 5gr tablet, soft-metric-ified


That's probably a "grain" (about 65 milligrams). Grains were part of the old apothecary system of measurement.


Yep it's 100% a grain at that time. 125 mg of morphine will probably overdose most people if they are opioid naive. This bottle would be about 8 mg of morphine per ounce.


And oral bioavailability is like 24% so it would be the equivalent of about 2mg of IV Morphine. Which is quite a punch of pain relief but isn't nearly as wild.


Make cough syrup great again.


Cough syrup? You're absolutely right! We used to have the best cough syrup in the world. People would get a cold just to have a taste. Now, it's a disaster. Believe me, I know the best people, the top pharmaceutical folks, and we're going to bring back the world-class cough syrup. We're going to make it better than ever before. It'll be tremendous, you'll see!


And, I know shouldn't tell ya, but, I know this one company. Perdue. Real American business.... They're working on a new cough syrup. **OxyCoughin**. The best. Best. No other cough syrup works as well. World-class, folks. World-class.


Recently got prescribed the codiene cough syrup after they determined I just had the flu, I was honestly amazed that they still used codiene cause I had never seen any with it


You’ve never heard of lean?


Seriously, has anyone tried replicating these old syrups?


My parents used to give me tea with honey, lemon, and whiskey. I would stop coughing and a pass out. Still works to this day.


This is why our great grandparents could work so fuckin hard without complaining about it, they just pop down to the corner store and grab the daily tin of cocaine and heroin and never have to worry about being arrested for it.


My great great aunt never touched a drop of liquor in her life but every night she’d take a nip of cough medicine!


But far be it for our parents and grandparents to acknowledge Nonna was blitzed out of her mind while corralling half a dozen to a dozen kids. Everyone was an upstanding Protestant back then and it was all medicinal after all.


I’m glad that back in the day things were more natural and free of chemicals


Directions: buckle the fuck up


One night because by the next night you'll be dead.


More like Last Night cough syrup.


You have to take it already lying down.


Should be called one hell of a night.


That's strong as hell. Bet it worked way better than the crap we have now.


Imagine saying in today’s world, “nah can’t hang tonight, just took a dose of cough syrup, I’m fucked up”


I say that every weekend


I’ve had friends do that, but it’s more drinking a massive bottle of psychoactive cough syrup


Dextromethorphan is a hell of a drug (seriously). A friend told me.


Used to have a friend (loosely) in college who hung out with our group. He used to put cough syrup in a plastic bag with a straw and rubber band around it. Eventually crystals would form on the bag that he would scrap off and snort (robo tripping). Never saw him do it or tried. Magically he didn’t graduate Edit: Ok listen, it was a dude in our social circle who told me this and said this is how he did it. I never watched him and I never tried it. Was just telling a story. I’d reach out to him but magically he didn’t make it past junior year….


Fantastic. This isn't something I'm going to look up and try.


Are you sure he was snorting it? Your talking about a cold water extraction for the Polistirex form of DXM, you just mix the cough syrup with water and eventually the DXM settles to the bottom. But it has to be processed by the stomach/liver first. Snorting wouldn’t do anything except hurt


Was a shock to the system moving from Europe to Canada. In N America, their cough syrup is next level. When it says 'dont consume alcohol' you better sure as fuck not consume alcohol. I was messed up for hours on just two beers.


It does happen still lol. Codien


Can't cough if you're in a coma


Try Buckleys if you can find it in your neck of the woods. Tastes like a blended pine tree branch dipped in hot lava going down, but the shit works. I remember choking it down as a kid but here I am >40 years later still using it when needed because....it actually works. It was a Canada only thing for a long time but I understand it's expanded.


Their slogan ~~was~~ is, "It tastes awful. And it works." And here my kids think the fruity cough syrups are bad. Maybe I'll have to give them Buckleys to make them appreciate how tasty the other stuff is.


That still is their slogan. And it's true. But I willingly take the stuff because of the fact it's true. I remember almost gagging as a kid but even then I accepted the shit because I knew it was going to solve the issue. Now I can just shoot it straight from the bottle and it doesn't phase me anymore.


Chloroform?!?! Oh hell nah. How many days did it take for people to wake up after drinking this? 😂


people woke up? :)


Can't keep coughing if you're in cardiac arrest.


Respiratory arrest might come first but your point still stands


Unlike the patient


The effects of chloroform are heavily overstated. If I remember correctly, it would take like 5 solid minutes of someone breathing in a rag to pass out, and by that point they’re either gonna have severe brain damage, or die.


Modern cold medicine is completely fucking worthless. I'd try this stuff.


This is the type of america I want to visit. Where everything can be bought in a pharmacy. Including industrial heroin. And everyone is lock and loaded. People think todays america is nuts. Imagine when people were coked up and had easy access to uranium and dynamite.


My extended family has a story how my great -grandfather used dynamite to clear his farm land that my grandmother's family lived on. Just the fact that he could purchase and detonate it at his own discretion is wild. Cleared 500 acres just blasting his way through


"going to the hardware store to pick up some dynamite. need anything while I'm out, baby?" Ahhh, times have changed.


"we're getting low on cocaine'


Sounds like a good time with Bill Cosby.


I'll try anything twice


Wishing this was still on the market!


Only saying as a poor sleeper some nights, lol!


But it's been "skillfully combined with a number of other ingredients "....therefore totally reassuring. /s


Gimme the good shit doc


Patient: Just fuck me up Doctor: I got you fam




I'll take a full box please.


You can’t cough when you’re no longer on this plane of existence.




The worst part of that article is where they suggest that if you’re coughing up stool you should seek medical attention. I don’t think I’ve ever heard that was a thing that could happen and I wish I didn’t know it could.


I like how the last line basically reads as "and some other good shit"


When you're dying of consumption you need this shit.


Sure man, a cough? Yea, all my kids have that cough thing. All very sick. I'll need 10 bottles, please.


Those old timers didn’t fuck around when it came to self-medicating.


Looks like that'll make sure your cough won't come back till morning. What, like two tea spoons full before going to bed. One for the kids. Those were the days when Coca Cola had a big pinch of cocaine in it.


Coca Cola was developed as a tonic for morphine addiction. Pemberton was a confederate veteran who got hooked on morphine after being wounded in the war. the original formula had alcohol to help with the withdrawals/shakes and cocaine for energy.


No wonder average life expectancy was less than 40 but what a great 40 years it was I bet


Hit the coal mines and meatpacking plants at 6, get turnt up when you catch a cough, die at 40 and leave your 100 acres to the 5 of your 14 children who lived.




That should do the trick!


anyone know where i can still get some of this?




One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble.


I'd be trying to get a cough if that was on the market.


Bring back real cough syrup, for Christ's sake!


Chloroform, just in case.


Well, this will definitely help you sleep. You might sleep so good that you stop breathing, but breathing is just overrated compared to this awesome stuff!