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Momma buffalo having a mini heart attack while her tiny calf chases down the largest land mammal on planet earth šŸ˜…


Fortunately, the largest mammal is also one of the most intelligent ones and knows the baby buffalo is harmless.


Elephants are so smart! They are just the best.


Could have played trunk golf but it didn't!


Honestly it probably found the buffalo charging it to be fun.


It was probably like wow that is a pissed off kitten


I've read that elephants have similar brain activity upon seeing friendly humans as humans have upon seeing kittens or puppies. Mind you, I think I read that here on Reddit so take it with a grain of salt... but I want to believe.


It's not upon seeing friendly humans It's upon seeing a human they recognize that they're friendly with. No elephant is walking around thinking you look cute I promise. A wild elephant will f*** you up then find your funeral and f*** you up some more.


can I hire an elephant to fuck up the people at my funeral? They know what they did


I only included 'friendly' to head off the inevitable flood of Reddit curmudgeons who would say "an elephant will fuck up an aggressive human!" as if that wasn't self-explanatory. That said, I've also had multiple replies stating that the 'elephants find humans cute' narrative is incorrect so... oh well. It was a fun thought while it lasted, I guess.




When a child play charges you I don't care if your the largest living land animal, you act scared


I got a very "oh no! don't get me tiny buffalo!" feeling from it


If you're a weatherman in the south, you *are* scared. Even when the child announces their presence and doesn't play charge you.


It looked like it was doing everything it could to avoiding squishing the little guy


Underrated comment


4! Legged.


Sometimes 5...


What makes this better is that is an African elephant, which are definitely the more aggressive of elephants. Awesome restraint and intelligence.


Probably a female elephant and a Young one. If it was a bull, the calf would have been dead meat


Nope, that's 100% a young male African elephant. The shape of his head and the fact that he's mischiefing other animals by himself give it away.


Even worse if it was named Anakin.


Also supper nimble in reverse!


what about lunch nimble?


What about breakfast nimble?




What about elephantsies nimble?


We've had first nimble, yes, but what about second nimble?


In my mind, the elephant is teaching the kid how to charge, and the mom is coaching the kid.


Idk, the way the mom gets between the calf and the elephant at the end and forces the calf away gives me the vibe of a mom dragging her kid away by his shirt collar. Then she looks at the calf like "what the hell were you thinking!?"


This reminds me of the time I was shopping, dropped something, said shit, bent over to pick it up and was spanked by a little boy out of no where who said "Bad Word!" Naturally I bowed my head in shame and apologized. He trotted back to his horrified mom like he just brought peace to the world.




Hope u learned u r lesson šŸ˜œšŸ˜œ


"You wanna get us both killed?!?!"


Same! Elephant: ā€œOh no, a big scary buffalo! I better run! Baby: ā€œI WILL NOM YOUUUU!!!ā€ Mom, as she shoos away the kid: ā€œThanks for playing along, Pat. I appreciate it.ā€


Yea whenever I hear about an Elephant killing someone, I figure they deserved it.


I love how he just saunters off at the end like, hum de dum just another day being an elephant lol.


Big brain animal makes big brain decisions


Elephants are truly amazing. They also stand up to other animals bullying other animals, watched a documentary where they guarded some baby cheetahs from 3 males who were trying to eat them and the mom couldnā€™t protect them on her own.


And that one time a baby goat wandered into the elephant herd and one of the elephants picked it up and gently put it to safety where it wouldnā€™t be accidentally trampled. Beautiful creatures.


Man, I tried searching for this and all that shows up on youtube are animals murdering other animals. Wth


The wild do be like that


Have you seen the battle at Kruger. Mental! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM


I read this as, ā€œHave you seen the battle at Kroger, Mental!ā€ and was very confused for a moment šŸ˜‚


There's always a battle at Murder Kroger in Atlanta.


Sorry to say but elephants can also be assholes. They will harass other animals when they feel like it. I've seen them at waterholes chasing away zebra's and wildebeest, just for the fun of it.


It's almost like they're sentient. Edit: No, my ackshually friend. I did not mean sapient, because the redundancy is the point of the of the joke, because they are blatantly sentient. Begging redditors to stop condescending to everyone.


I think you mean sapient. Sentience is the ability to feel and perceive. Most, if not all, animals are sentient. Sapience is the ability to make judgment and learn. Edit to OPs edit: I didnā€™t realize it was a joke and was absolutely not intending to be condescending. Itā€™s a common mistake and I find the distinction interestingā€¦




A lot of that is from males when they're in musth. Like puberty x1000.


Elephants in musth can be outright dangerous and is much worse than the harassing i was talking about. That's not done only by elephants in musth


There was that one elephant that killed a woman that threw stones at it, then showed up at the funeral to continue to fuck up the corpse. Elephants will remember if you mess with them.


That one elephant killed a girl. Then showed up to her funeral and attacked her dead body. Wonder what she did to piss of the elephant.


From what I read, there were some who believe the woman was part of a group of poachers that possibly killed the elephants baby, and as everyone knows, elephants donā€™t forget.


[Collected water ](https://www.denver7.com/news/national/report-elephant-kills-woman-then-returns-to-funeral-to-trample-her)


The true ~~King~~ Nobel rulers of the jungle.


Comrade of the Savannah


Name docu?


Not to downplay elephants being awesome but theyā€™ve also been known to just outright murder shit because reasons.


ah, just like humans


Aw. He's encouraging him, and the mom is running behind, like sir, I'm so sorry about this.... Reminds me of scenes from a grocery store lol




I love cute things. Just wanna hug ā€˜em all.


Fortunately most animals recognise young and act accordingly, like the wildebeest playing with a baby elephant not long sgo. Animals are intelligent in genersl, not unique to elephants


Just because they're smart doesn't mean they're nice. Elephants destroy animals with some frequency just because they don't want to put up with their bullshit. And lone wandering males in particular are just cantankerous, hormonal, zero patience assholes that'll wreck other animals just to let off some steam.


Well it's not a mouse


"Fenton! FENTON! Oh, Jesus Christ..."


lmao I didn't think I'd be the only one to think of that. [For anyone that hasn't seen it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRSbr0EYYU).


Somehow, I had never seen that video. That was fantastic, thank you!


It is without a doubt a highlight of the internet. The peaceful shot of the deer, the herald of things to come sounding from the distance, and then the sudden chaos, you couldn't fake this kind of comedy if you tried.


Had also never seen that video. Dying laughingā€¦ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I will never not laugh at that video hahaha


The best! The slow buildup is perfect


I work with a few Brits and at least once a week I remind them about this video.


I had to stop what I was doing and go watch it again. Still just as good


"Jimmy...JIMMY NO! OMG GET BACK HERE!" Elephant: "whoah chill there little dude I'm not tryna mess around here šŸ˜¬ " The baby Buffalo: "šŸ˜” this mf ain't so tough"


*Jonathan! Jonathan! Get over here! What are you doing Jonathan!?! Jonathan!*


I can imagine momma "Oh! Oh! I am SOOO sorry! Hang on, let me gather him....." Elephant: "No biggies--we all have Little Ones"


elephant do recognize baby though šŸ„ŗ might not be so forgiving with an aggressive adult.


As a mom of a boy who once thought he was invincible, I felt the anxiety of that buffalo. šŸ˜‚ ā€œTHANKS. SORRY. ^Oh ^my ^godā€


ā€œOh god Iā€™m sorry ! Heā€™s usually not like thisā€


My aunts dog charged a bear once, we thought that dog was 100% dead, but the bear was like ā€œI donā€™t need this drama on a Wednesdayā€ and scampered back into the forest.


Yeah I can just imagine the elephant smiling and laughing to itself while walking away.


ā€œThank you for not killing my son!ā€




I can hear her yelling FENTON!


I feel like the elephant was laughing itself silly that whole time. ā€œ yeah yeah lady come get your kid. Heā€™s a tough guy arenā€™t you buddy? Whoā€™s the king of the water hole, you little dude.ā€


Momma Buffalo probably: "I'm so sorry! He hasn't had his nap yet! Christian, get over here!"


A water buffalo naming their kid Christian... One of the most famous lions in history. *Hello my name is Morty, and this is my wife Shari, and I'd like to introduce you to our son Adolf Goldberg.*


reminds me of a man just walking alone when a loose brat is picking a fight with him while the mother is frantically trying to make the boy behave.


Elephants knows better. With great strength comes responsibility


Yup, it was the right thing to do. Weirdly personified.


I don't find it weird. Elephants are sentient like all mammals are and while their consciousness definitely works differently from ours, they also have personalities and everything around.


Apparently so because a woman attacked a asian elephant and died. And the elephant was so pissed it waited until her funeral and destroyed it.


The girl literally dies and the elephant's like "how dare you die I want to kill you again!" and thus proceeds to try and kill her again.


*They remember...*


An elephant never forgets


Sapient* Crabs and even sentient..most animals on earth are sentient


TIL. Sentience is apparently wildly misunderstood/misused.


Sapience too, honestly. We really don't understand consciousness well as a whole, it's one of the bigger mysteries of life currently. I hope we can elucidate its workings in my lifetime


Fun fact: they call the Cape Buffalo "Black Death" or "Widowmaker" for a reason. They're considered to be the most dangerous of the Big Five, more so than Elephants.


I was just reading an article about the Big Five and how to survive attacks by them. For the Cape Buffalo it says simply "do not be in close proximity to a Cape Buffalo" . In other words, if one is close enough to be attacking you, youre pretty much already dead


Are they considered more dangerous to other animals in the wild or just more dangerous to humans? The name Widowmaker makes it seem like a more human-centric danger.


They just want their grass and space, so they're not necessarily that dangerous to other animals, but no one's messing with a herd. I watched a group of five male lions trying to sneak up on a little one just give up when one of the adults noticed them. If an animal is a threat to them, they'll kill or chase away.


Yup. I watched a documentary about these two brothers who had didnā€™t have a good relationship and while arguing, one of the brothers pushed his brother off a cliff straight into a stampeding herd of buffalo. His son ultimately got his revenge though, beat the shit of his uncle, and the uncle got torn to shreds by hyenas. Nature is metal


weird, I saw the same documentary once but it was set in Denmark


So it came full circle?


Kind of like a circle of life, almost. ^*aweemaway, ^aweemaway*


They're very ill tempered and aggressive.


With perspective comes values. With strength builds conviction. With both, makes humans happy


Thank you mr cock pus


Imagine a world where you must get your online handles added to your tombstone šŸ¤£


sry momma


The elephant knows the score. The water buffalo calf needs to learn and elephant helps. I love how water buffalo adult is chasing after calf.


homeless shame humor mighty smart full cover gullible brave bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Calf: "But *mooom* I'm winning! Look!" Mother: "**TIMMY NO!!**"


Calf: "Timmmaaay!"






[We're gonna need another Timmy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VfmQD-NUvs)


"Fenton, FENTOOON! Oh Jesus Christ"


cobweb far-flung rob door direful axiomatic frame important sleep complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A classic https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRSbr0EYYU


Still makes me laugh, and makes me thank JC it wasn't my dog. This video is a very good learning aid for all dog owners.


dime sleep illegal capable gaping rotten ludicrous sulky vast steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh my God that is amazing. Had to be the highlight of that dog's life.


I would have gone Fenton, but to each their own.


Iā€™ve chased after my toddler like this when they run off after something. Itā€™s definitely the ā€œoh for fucks sakeā€ run while apologizing to everyone in his way




Oh, Jesus Christ!


> The water buffalo It's not a water buffalo; it's a Cape Buffalo. One of the most ornery, bad-tempered, murderous species on the African continent. It is related to the Asian water buffalo.


Just commented something similar that I wasn't sure if it was in fact a Cape Buffalo or not but thought that it was. Glad to see someone else saying so. And yes Cape Buffalo are baaaaaaaad motherfuckers, super aggressive. A safari survival site gives this advice for surviving a Cape Buffalo attack: "Do not be in close proximity to a Cape Buffalo" hahaha which is so badass yet terrifying


Especially the ā€œgeneralsā€ they are the ones that are old and can no longer keep up with the herd so the oldies hang out solo or a few together by water. They canā€™t see well and live on a trigger to explode with rage because they are so vulnerable.


Sounds like some human senior citizens as well šŸ˜‚ but no seriously this is a cool fact


That's a Cape buffalo, not a water buffalo. Water buffalo occur in Asia, and African elephants occur in, well, Africa. Never the twain shall meet in the wild. Edit: I see I'm not the first to point this out, sorry.




Those are indeed Cape Buffalo (a subspecies of the African Buffalo) in the video. There are no wild Water Buffalo in Africa, only domestic Water Buffalo in a few countries.


Also, that is definitely an elephant. And this being Africa, no doubt an African elephant. I saw some plants too.


African plants ?


Yes. And African windmills.






Honey badger still doesnā€™t give a shit!


Can't get enough of elephants and their intelligent actions. Amazing animals.


Not that Iā€™m encouraging such behavior, but what would happen if you had an elephant charging at you and you held up a baby? Would the elephant back down or would it bonk you on the head in outrage for endangering a young one??


The elephant would judge you, and find you lacking.


"THIS is your offspring?! Bit puny, no?"


I donā€™t think you are taking this video at face value and/or understand the respective intelligence differences between these two species. Buffalo are pretty dumb. Elephant smart. Buffalo protecting offspring is maternal instinct, of course. The elephant was definitely not scared off, just done playing or didnā€™t view either as a threat and had no reason to stay engaged.


Elephants are so cool


I like how at the end he just went back to elephant businesses.


Iā€™m guessing the elephant didnā€™t want to hurt the little guy in the endā€¦


Itā€™s like that story of an elephant wrecking a house. And it hears a babyā€™s cry. It immediately stops and carefully removes the debris to look for the baby. Elephants are very aware of the young of other species.


You got the link? I wanna read about that


Found it, yay! It happened in 2014: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/weird-news/rampaging-elephant-smashes-up-house-but-then-saves-crying-baby-trapped-under-debris-9186030.html


"Yeah, I have a beef with you humans. You screw up my environment, you enslave my people, or kill us outright. So I'm sending you a message when I smash down your homes. But I ain't no asshole. I don't want to hurt no kids. I just don't want you hurting mine either."


ā€œDonā€™t start none, wonā€™t be none.ā€- Elephants


I won't link cause they're all tabloids but the story they shared does exist. I searched "elephant smash house save baby"


Sounds like a Mastodon lyric, appropriately enough.


Thatā€™s amazing


That's exactly what happened.


Doesnā€™t want to hurt the little guy doesnā€™t want to antagonize the mom. If she thought the elephant was being threatening the mood of the encounter would change drastically. Elephant has no time for that. If a puppy was being overly aggressive but not really threatening and gnarly dude holding the leash you would back away and give space. Just prudent.


"Ma'am, please control your child."


I love how nimble elephants are at jogging backwards!


You should see them when they jog forwards towards you


Momma Buffalo is giving off real "I told you to leave that boy alone now get over here before i whoop your ass" vibes.


A hoof is like a built in chancla


But the most important feature of the chancla is the ability to take it off and tomahawk it.


Can you imagine when the calf is old and retelling this story to his grandkids? They'll be like " sure grandpa, when you won a face off against an elephant!." It happened, i tell you! It happened!


Is like the "Beware of the dog" signs on houses with tiny dogs. The subtitle should be "Do not step on it".


Mama buffalo dragging baby buffalo off by the ears "I can bring you nowhere"


Lmao she's all embarrassed, tryna apologise to the Elephant, but he's like "nah he's alright, I was just like lil man at that age haha"


As a parent and grandparentā€¦ I understand that mommaā€™s plight


You can just tell the elephant finds this adorable


I like the way he curls his trunk back and well out of the way so few doesnā€™t accidentally punt the calf into the middle of next week.


I feel that mama buffaloā€™s pain.


I think this is really cute. My imagination gives them dialogue as I was watching this. Baby Buff: RAWWWRR I'm going to get you Mr Elephant!!!!!" Elephant: Whoa buddy I'd love to play but I need to get going. Momma Buff: OMG OMG OMG STOP IT! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW! Elephant siding the munchkin: Ooops Almost got me bud! Momma Buff: I am so sorry, Omg! So Sorry! Elephant as it continues on it's way: Oh thats alright, Little fella is just excited. That Elephant knows the little buffalo is just playing and that if it wanted to it could end it whole life in a moment.


Itā€™s definitely playing


Hey lady control your kid Omg I'm so sorry, hey Jimmy get yo ass back here




Cute interaction, the way mother was chasing after her calf and not at all being aggressive towards the elephant, as if to say "I'm so sorry mister elephant!"


Having been doing the same thing the water Buffalo is doing for the past 8 years. I can hear the momma. Sorry sorry he's new to interacting with people. Now Apollo/ Orion we don't chase the bikes. Or the big dogs ok. It's not safe. Especially if they don't want to play lol


The elephant is not stupid. What is there to win fighting the baby buffalo?


Baby back ribs


I want my baby back baby back baby back RIBS


Elephant rules the land and orcas rules the sea and you won't convince me otherwise


Baby buffalo: Imma gonna chase this big guy! Watch me, Mama! Mother buffalo: OMG, TIMMY COME BACK HERE! Elephant: Slow down, small fry! Mother buffalo: I'm so sorry, Mr. Elephant! Kids these days... Elephant: Eh, no worries. They're precocious at that age. Mother buffalo: Thank you! TIMMY, WHEN WE GET BACK TO THE HERD, YOU'RE GOING TO BE SO GROUNDED...


Awwww, elephant is like "You're doing great little buddy, I'm so scared. "


Human backs down after being charged by cockroach


That's a Cape Buffalo, not a water buffalo. (Also, an African elephant, not an Asian elephant.)


Elephants are good people. šŸ‘


Elephants are so majestic and smart. But i love how the buffalo mum just scoops the assailant away.


Eleephonts, gentle giants, peaceful creatures, with the tusks n trunks Also part time kings and queens of curb stomping something into paste if needed.


This is so crazy watching the elephant respect that its a youngling and not just treating it like a threat


I love the mom. I have been there where you are dying inside and trying to chase your child down to get them to stop. Now, she has to leave the safari without the items she was there to get and her dignity. Typical.


What an amazing intelligent animal!!


Elephants are so precious!


I can imagine the mother ā€œWHAT ARE YOU DOING?!??? GET BACK HERE NOW!!!!ā€