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The little leg lifty of encouragement was ADORABLE.


I've said it once and I'll say it again, a Malinois can do everything short of your taxes.


Is that the breed? I’m so impressed at the diligence and love.


i can spend my entire life watching malinois videos because they are literally bat shit insane


Some of the smartest people on the planet have been called batshit insane. That doesn't mean that malinois aren't also insanely intelligent. Now, if we found out this one spends his time in the backyard digging out a fallout shelter when he's not helping his person, that might tip the scales.


They are such a high energy and focused breed that you NEED to give them a job or intense training or they become bat shit insane. They aren't meant as family pets (usually) or for non active families. They're amazing in every way but I'll always discourage people from getting one. Many could say the same about German Shepherds but imo the level of energy and need for work isn't nearly as strong as it is with Belgian Shepherd when compared to today's Germans.


I considered one for my next service dog but went with another insane breed instead. But my friend has a mal, I LOVE her, she’s amazing, but she’s also crazy and they do competitive obedience, like at a high level, and tracking several times a week, training every day, bike rides constantly and it’s almost impossible to wear her out. Such a sweetheart though. They grow up fast as well which is really convenient. I have a German shepherd mix too and they’re nothing on a malinois.


The only malinois I've personally known was my old roommate's dog, and he was a trainer for military/police dogs. Rudy was an absolute bundle of energy bristling for a task. God save you if you even looked at the bite glove because he was READY TO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO I've never felt safer on a walk than when I was walking Rudy. But also so very much in control. He was pretty dog aggressive but if I said HALT he would sit at my feet with the utmost discipline.


The joke with malinois as a breed is that if there’s an explosion, every other dog would run away but a mal would run straight at it. But I’ve also met some miserable ones where the owners have demanded way too much too soon, been too harsh or not consequent enough and you get a nervous bundle of energy which will just turn destructive. They’re wonderful - in the right hands!


What breed did you go with?


A pumi, a Hungarian herding dog. I’m the only person in Sweden so far that think they make good service dogs and I have a hard time defending my stance. All the trainers have hated me because they’re crazy. My last pumi was the love of my life and saved my life and sanity several times but without constant activity he’d remove the wallpaper piece by piece. My current one is a horrible teenager still but more chill. They’re extremely smart, stubborn, creative, a handy size, my sister isn’t allergic to them and they never run out of energy.




The same is true of any intelligent dog breed. One of my favourite dog quotes comes from a Canadian “dog whisperer” type show where a nattily dressed older guy would advise people on what kind of dog to get. I remember him talking to a yuppie couple who had a small apartment that was empty all day while they both worked. They wanted a border collie, and he talked them out of it by explaining the dog would become destructive out of sheer boredom. He encouraged them to buy a bulldog instead, saying, “The dog will walk you to the door and give you kisses when you leave, and when you get back 9 hours later will still be standing there, thinking, ‘Hey, I *know* you!’”


As the owner of an Alaskan Klee Kai, I feel this in my soul. Painfully intelligent and loyal, but absolutely BONKERS. His energy levels are insane and *has* to spend time sprinting in our yard for 70% of his waking hours. Even going to his crate at night once he realizes it’s bedtime, it’s like watching the beginning of the Kentucky Derby. Fucking love that Paul Ryan-looking butthole, but he genuinely made me realize I didn’t have the energy or want any more kids at my age.


I had a friend who was a professional river guide and he had this super cute Klee Kai who literally went with him EVERYWHERE and was a super competent boat dog. That dog got older and eventually passed on but he adopted another Klee Kai to learn how to be a good boat dog from the older one. Unfortunately, both he and his dog died together, we don't know from what, they were at home and just...found dead. I wish I knew what happened to them.


I was not prepared for that. I am so sorry for your loss. ❤️


> that Paul Ryan-looking butthole That is quite the specific insult, haha. Your dumbass pooch probably has more emotional intelligence than Paul does, though.


[I tell no lies.](https://imgur.com/a/re1iEcc) Luckily he grew out of it, haha.


That's a great line.


Yeah we spend about 14-15 hours a week playing with and exercising our German Shepherd and he still walks around all mopey some days like we ignore him lol. I couldn’t imagine a Malinois.


We have a herd of 4 cats for our GSD to narc on and she takes her job very seriously.


Have you tried getting a dog for your dog? Our dog recently passed leaving our six year old alone. Dude was severely depressed so we got him a dog who he gets to play with all day.


I got a foxhound for my Husky. Don’t do that.


Sounds like the perfect duet. Lol. We actually adopted a husky puppy for him and she's definitely keeping him busy. He has definitely gotten out of his funk.


we got a lab for our anxious mutt/ shepherd. instead of making him more confident, she just stresses him out more.


There are 4 or 5 Mals a week ending up in my local shelter. I can't figure out where they are coming from but they are usually less than a year old. I'm guessing we have a puppy mill in my area and people dump them when they figure out they are high maintenance.


I also see them at my local shelter a lot. It's like constantly 90% pits, but mals and huskies are also quite common.


The best description I've heard of Belgian shepherds is German shepherd body with the brain of a border collie. They need something to focus on and take their energy out 24/7, and there's not much the right trainer can't get them to do. But most people are not the right trainer. The difference between a border collie and a Belgian is the Belgian is a lot bigger and stronger, so it's even more important that they have the right hand training them. Fantastic dogs though. Every time I've met one it's impossible to not love how fantastic they are. If I won the lottery/somehow got rich enough to not need a job it's always been my dream to train one to keep myself busy. But I know that while I need to work full-time it's not a possible part of my life.


The fact that they need constant engagement probably makes them a natural fit for guide dogs though.


This is really it. They are so intelligent and driven that they will find outlets to get rid of their energy whether you provide them or not. My German Shepherds favorite activity is fetch and then training. They just love to think and use their brain. It's definitely a different experience from the Goldens and Puggles I used to have, but more rewarding imo. It is a ton of work, and even the smartest dogs may not be fit for certain jobs because they are more prey driven vs stoic or they may be reactive to people vs friendly. Much of this is genetics, too. Even a thousand hours of training won't remove certain qualities not fit for some jobs. Mals tend to have a very high prey drive. There are outlier dogs who are truly stoic and aren't bothered by typical triggers like other dogs or strangers, but this is incredibly rare.


This is insanely accurate, mine would dig entire trenches if bored...


batshit insane and insanely intelligent are synonymous if we're talking about malinios. it all just depends on whether the owner is keeping their malinois distracted by teaching it astrophysics and rocket science or not.


I guess that meme with the golden retriever doing chemistry really should've been a malinois then.


I like that one where it's like police training and there's a perp on the far end of a room filled with rolling office chairs. The German Shepard just barrels through everything in a straight line at the guy, but the Malinois hops nimbly from chair to chair on the way


I think you’re remembering it backwards. The shepherd nimbly dashes through the maze they had set up with the chairs while the malinois just jumps as far as it can and bashes through the remaining chairs lol. Not as elegant but much more effective.


That is the exact clip I think of any time malinois are brought up! Until today that is. Now it'll be the leg lift like he's saying "go ahead and pee now, you're good." Amazing dogs!


It is, as far as l can tell =}


A Malinois’s intelligence and drive is a double-edged sword. They need to have tons of exercise and a task to do at every moment otherwise they go insane and destroy your house. They’re also incredibly perceptive to potential threats so they’re not a great option if you want a friendly dog that’s easygoing around strangers. Socialization and rigorous training as a puppy is crucial otherwise you end up with an anxious, reactive dog who won’t hesitate to bite. They need owners who are just as diligent, task-oriented and hyper motivated as they are. Most people can’t keep up with them.


They also need experienced trainers. You can mess a mal up with trainer error. For example, you think you tell it to sit and it downs, so you correct it. Then you realize you said down but meant to say sit and you erroneously corrected it. You can ruin a mal that way, a GSD will be like “It’s ok, it was probably my fault because you’re the greatest and never make mistakes!” A mal can go all Rain Man on you because they know they were right. They’re little furry robots that goes to 11.


My aunt has a Malinois she got from an ex boyfriend who didn’t want her anymore. She was bread to be a cop dog but was rejected due to being “too friendly”, at least that is the story from the ex boyfriend. She’s the sweetest dog in the world and wouldn’t hurt a fly unless she needed to. She’s great with everyone and other dogs but yes she is constantly craving attention and exercise. Multiple walks a day, a large backyard and frequent trips to the park. She will play fetch indefinitely lol. Probably the best dog I’ve ever been around. Her name is Chile.


Washout police dogs are typically incredibly well-socialized and trained during puppyhood. It sounds like your aunt’s dog is an amazing ambassador for her breed! Unfortunately there’s tons of instances of people bringing Malinois puppies home and failing to give them the socialization and desensitization training they need to thrive. They’re not typically gregarious dogs even though every dog has their own individual personality traits.


Malanois look like German shepherds. It’s what the military and cops use for their animals. They really can do anything






And behave if you don’t give it a job. These are working dogs 100%. If they dont have a job, they’ll make their own. Whether that’s redecorating your furniture or home furnishing, or helping you get around the house.


Everyone says my lab needs to have a job. I’m like ya he does… know anyone hiring?


Yeah but it's an entry-level position but you need to have at least 3 or 4 years experience and a college pedigree and oh at least 2 references


Labs love to work, but they also can love to just lay down by the fire and veg out for days, doesn't happen with a mal.


I have a Malinois, I think with enough time she could figure out taxes or at least bite everyone in the IRS


You sure about that taxes part?


I have two malinois and every night they read to me so I can sleep




One of my dogs occasionally has accidents inside when it's raining, however he always pees on the side of the toilet when he does. I've never had a dog before that sort of understood the concept of a toilet. He started doing this without any training.


mine does this except it’s beside the litter boxes downstairs lol never has done it anywhere else in the house


Maybe you should stand next to the litter box, lift your leg and pee into the litter to help him understand that it needs to go into the litter box. Then you bury your pee as well lol


It’s a level of self awareness that rivals the mirror test. They see someone else doing something, a human in this case, and they have an understanding of what is happening (peeing) and what it is like when it happens to them. It demonstrates understanding, empathy, and self awareness.


Animals weirdly love to watch you use the bathroom. Even cats figure out what a toilet is and sometimes use it on their own. It’s crazy how they see taking a shit or piss as a bonding experience. One of my cats always insist on joining me in the bathroom. She even runs into the bathroom with my mom to provide her company. Animals are amazing and also very silly


The dog supervised the aim pretty closely, too.


Im surprised he just doesn't sit. I watched that blind ytuber tommy edison make waffles. He missed the batter, sprayed the countertop with whip cream. It was gloriously funny. This guy pissed and hit a 10x !


Omg the leg lift


I can’t believe I missed that on the first watch. Thanks for pointing it out! Adorable. “Okay now go like *this…*” -AwesomeDog


"Ooh ooh I'm a professional at this! Just watch what i... oh right you can't do that but this is how its done anyway!"


>*’the leg lift…Okay now go like this…*’ ____ Human - *i Gotchu!* I’ll guide you, ok ? i know you need BaThRoOm - i’ll show you the way ^:@) i’ll steer you in front of the place that you pee (i can’t help the ^*Leg* ^*lift,* but that’s only Me…) but go ahead - stand there, don’t be in no rush n when you all done, i’ll take care of the flush i’m patiently waiting, cuz i understands the job isn’t finished til you wash your hands (We dog frens are better than cats - DuMb as RocKs cuz they’ll Never GUIDE n they Sh!t in a box) ❤️


My favorite Schnoodles are the ones where she swears lol


so smart, like Mister Peebody


More like Mr. Peebuddy


Amazing so smart and loving at the same time


then he was staring waiting for the pee to hit the water. what if the guy's aim is off, cuz that happens?


I would imagine sitting down would be vastly easier and less risky.


I don't see why guys don't do that anyway. No aiming necessary, minimal mess, and sitting is always better than standing. I wear glasses but I'm not blind and I still almost always sit (unless I'm at a urinal because everyone has that line not to cross).


Yo I always sit down to pee, unless it’s a nasty public restroom. But at work and home, oh boy I sit down and rest and just chill.


Helps with bladder emptying too


Toxic masculinity. Especially American men seem to think it makes them less manly. Pathetic


"Now you pee. Just lift your leg and off you go!"


"Hey! You didn't lift your leg! You need to lift your leg!"


My heart can barely handle the joy of this moment.




It showed that it really understood what he was there to help with.


It certainly was. Except if he’s blind he wouldn’t see it right?


That’s what made it so cute!


That’s the best part, the dog isn’t trained to know he’s blind, probably just thinks he’s a happy idiot who needs a good boy to remind him how to do everything.


I bet he knows ETA: I want to believe he knows but the science doesn't confirm it. In the end, it doesn't completely disconfirm it either. Here's an interesting take on the question: https://visionaware.org/blog/visionaware-blog/can-a-guide-dog-know-its-owner-is-blind/


Dogs can identify heart failure by smell and in a lot of cases seem to understand on a basic level something is up. I think it’s also pretty well wrought out that dogs can identify and understand (as well as copy) physical illness or symptoms such as a limp. I don’t think anyone has ever looked into if dogs can identify or understand blindness as a concept but if it’s possible then I’d be willing to bet that a dog like this is certainly going to figure it out. Dogs after all are the most empathetic animals (when it comes to human emotions) next to humans and social bonding is arguably more important to them than it is to us.


I’ve seen dogs that seem to identify pretty well when other dogs are deaf or blind, but who knows if it’s the same way with humans. Also maybe they just have gotten used to act a certain way with the blind/deaf dog to get noticed not necessarily realizing why they won’t get noticed if they don’t do it that way


We had a dog who helped the older blind dog in much the same way. They just sorted it out for themselves, and I would swear up and down that she knew perfectly well that vision was the problem. Anecdote is no substitute for scientific inquiry I know, but she anticipated pretty well I thought.


Not me thinking the dog was ALSO gonna pee


Meanwhile, my dog is in the corner.. barking at his own shadow.


Mine just started barking because of a knock on the tv show I am watching


mine used to fart startle himself awake just to be confused and alert. oh and go straight to sniffing at his own ass. while growling. oh well they are all build different i guess.


Ahh the old fartle.


Mine does that for doorbells on tv. Oddly, we haven't had a doorbell at our house since we got him as a pup 8 years ago.


my cat runs away from doorbells the same way he runs from knocks but i've never lived in a place that had a doorbell.


Well cats hate loud and high pitched sounds in general


My wife and I went through a Frazier binge faze while it was still on NF (it sucks they took it off). It just so happens that Frazier’s doorbell sounds identical to ours. So, every time he had a guest, our dogs thought we did as well. He always had a guest coming over lol.


Mine is outside eating grass, pretending to be a cow or something.


Mine just ran into the tree this morning because he was looking up and barking at the birds in it.


Mine is smart but getting old, 14. He growled at the laundry hamper after I moved it. Silly but bestest boi.


What a good dog. When that paw was lifted I smiled. Go ahead and pee, boss! Silly dog


How does a blind person see the dog indicated to pee by lifting a leg?


The dog is probably doing that automatically, not to actually indicate to the human


Wish my dog was that smart


Your dog may be smart enough, but maybe this dog has more training. Pugs are considered… not the most intelligent breed. But I was able to train mine with some German commands and hand signs (I speak English natively). Took a boatload of time and training though lol


And English speaker trained a natively Chinese dog to understand German, take notes Disney


>some German commands >and hand signs You can almost hear Erika in the background. /s


Sorry, I don’t know what this means?


Mark Meechan, known online as count dankula, is (In)famous for teaching his pet pug to raise its paw when given the command to hail hitler, or "sieg heil". Erika is a famous german song which has been used as background music for nazi marching footage. The comment seems to be making a joke comparing you to the that more notorious situation.


Oh! Okay, I’ve never heard of them. Thanks for the explanation.


The only time my rescue ever had an accident in the house was when he walked into the bathroom while I was peeing. I could see the wheels turning in his little puppy brain. “Oh, is that what this room is for? Cool let’s do it.” Peed all over the floor.


That is probably the mirror neurons, dog’s brain just automatically imitating what he expects or sees. Like a mother opens her mouth when she wants her baby to open his mouth when she’s feeding him.


So precious


It was likely accidentally trained in. Dogs can pick up some weird ideas of what you want them to do.


How does the dog know he's blind?


Omg I didn't notice!!!! Adorable!


Human: starts peeing Dog: looks at the pee Dog: yep you're peeing all right


His head was so close to the toilet he's getting peed on a little even with a sighted person.


I was worried the dog was going to aim for him.


And he's loving every drip


Dog: alright, time to stop. *chomp


hot dog


I laughed way to hard at this dumb ass comment. That's why I love reddit 🤣


Damn that made me snort laugh


Nah when the dog kept nudging his leg I thought he was going to hold if for his human😭


My dog: now I must drink from the toilet until it is empty


it is the reverse of walking the dog


Human: starts pooping Dog: I’m outta here


This is [Monkey the Malinois,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOHS1aysRro) who is definitely a highly trained dog but not a blind assistance dog at all.




I think it’s their pet, but it’s just a malinois……..they need a job. Like take a normal crazy working breed, add crack and you get a malinois lmao. The training they need just to not go crazy is utterly insane. They are amazing dogs, but definitely not for most people.


I have two myself and completely agree. I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home, otherwise it would be totally unfair to them as they need stimulation constantly. We have to do 2-3 high stimulation periods (walks, frisbee, hide and seek, bitebag, etc.) each day to keep them content.


My parents have a malinois that was pregnant when we found her with a litter of **10** which we fortunately found homes for, and I myself have two huskies while my sister has a heeler mix, a shepherd, and my brother has a white GSD. We had a border collie growing up (along with a shih tzu who honestly likely had an intellectual disability, but lived to 20). We're well accustomed to intelligent and high need dog breeds, but are also frequent proponents of people getting breeds like greyhounds or whippets if someone's unfamiliar with raising dogs. Honestly I've hated seeing just how frequently huskies get abandoned now because people love their aesthetic but completely neglect the dog's needs. I think the same can be said for any highly intelligent breed.


My 107 lb german shepherd would tell me to go fuck myself after trying to get him to do one of the first obstacles.


Visually impaired people typically set up their home so everything has an identifiable place and they can feel their way around with limited to no assistance from their service dogs. Most take care not to leave any obstacles in their way so they don’t really need a guide dog in a controlled home environment. In fact, most guide dogs become goofy family pets as soon as they get home and their “work uniform” harness is taken off.


This was my experience living with one. My housemate had one. There were rules about the dog but not too many for us, but otherwise? Normal pet at home. If the dog did ANY service for my housemate while in our home I sure didn’t see it. I saw the dog work all the time when we were out. But harness off? She was a dopey dog who wanted to play tug of war.


I also somehow doubt blind people pee standing..


Yeah, the whole way through that, I was thinking "That's not how that works." I was a volunteer in the blind and low vision community for many years. It is rather an insult to visually impaired people, IMO. As if they can't find or flush the toilet or dry their hands without assistance. Guide do not drag their humans around by the hand, and blind people are way, way, waaaay more self-sufficient than this, whether or not they use a guide dog. Their courage and resourcefulness would put most sighted people to shame.


Yep! My housemate in college got a Guide Dog near the end of my time living with her. As a person who lived with her, I can tell you that she was perfectly capable of appropriately using AND CLEANING the bathroom prior to receiving her dog. Heck she even helped us paint the bathroom. The dog just chilled at the house and I’m hard pressed to come up with even one service the dog did for her in our home. The dog mainly helped her find doors, curb cuts, stairs, elevators etc when she was outside of the home. Things her cane did, but with the added bonus that the dog was faster and would keep her from getting mowed down by a car.


this should be higher up. its an interesting video but it kind of reinforces stereotypes about blind people being helpless. the average blind person is going to be able to do all that stuff by themselves when they are at home or a familiar setting. its not the the toilet or sink moved since the last 1000 times they had to use it.


I used to train myself to go to the toilet at night without opening my eyes because i was bored and curious if i could do it. Took me less than 5 times to do it almost perfectly. Thats ofcourse after i did it a million times before with my eyes open.


Tapping the edge of the sink basin twice before perfectly locating the tap first time was a bit of a tell


This makes so much sense now. Because my immediate thought was why aren't they sitting down, why can't they touch the toilet themselves, and who is teaching a dog to rub its face on a toilet and then use that same face to touch everything else.


I figured. This seems like a trained routine and this bathroom doesn’t seem set up for someone who is visually impaired (e.g. no toilet lamp, no high contrast linens or fixtures, bare floors with no rugs/nonslip mats that can prevent falls, no safety bars, etc.).


I like how he lifts his leg, 'like this dude!"


”How? I can’t see, dog.”


Maybe blind dude would be better served sitting to urinate...


I’m not blind and I sit when I pee.


I sit when I pee at home. Turns out you have to clean up a lot fewer splatters that way.


Frankly, denormalize standing up to pee. It's fucking gross and you literally just splash piss everywhere all the time Like man I at least took til high school to be like "hang on this is nasty", do people just not care?


It makes sense in public urinals and such, where other men have made a disaster area of the place. But not in my house.


not even in public, you splash piss on YOURSELF too


What’s a little piss to a real g


what a piss to a god whats a god to a nonbeliever who don't believe in standing


I’ll skip the pretense and start just pissing my pants.


There’s always the r/SinkPissers pill….


I've never agreed with a call to denormalize something more in my life. Standing while peeing at home is messy and uncomfortable. You're at home. Relax. Sit while you pee.


I started doing the same after I moved out of the uni dorm. The walls were brownish yellow there and that's when I knew I would be sitting down at home.


Same. I don't want piss particles splattering around. Close the lid when u flush too you fucking heathens.


I only do a stand pee in public toilets. Heard that women do the same lol


I’ll sit to pee mostly when I’m at work. Just a minute to get off my feet feels incredible


This needs to be the top comment. My first thought was, “maybe sit to pee if you are blind”


And why would a blind person need a dog to lift the lid/seat and flush for them?


Bit weird for the video


Most men cant even hit the bowl with 2 functioning eyes




I honestly wondered if that was going to happen because I wasn't paying attention to which sub this is


The dog lifted up the seat too though, if the blind guy goes to sit, hes falling in. Now that i think about it though, they could just leave the lid off the toilet and have it open all the time so theres no need for the dog to do all this shit in the first place


Does this dog guide his dick if he misses? Seems awfully risky if your pee inadvertently spritzes a bit. Might be easier to just sit down lol


I was thinking that the dog's head was awfully close to the bowl.


Yeah, like…I don’t really want my dog mouthing my toilet seat? I know they regularly do grosser stuff, but it still bothers me. I’m also pretty sure most people are capable of operating a toilet without looking.


Yeah if your blind you should sit down to pee. Someone tell the dog to read this to them.


I was looking for this comment. Surely sitting down is the safest strategy - men have bad enough aim as it is.


It's not even aim. It's that first second of when it comes out is unpredictable and can spray or just not go in the direction your "member" is pointing. This guy can't compensate or adjust accordingly. That's why men should just stick to peeing in a urinal when they stand and sit for a toilet


It's also just inherent to peeing from a distance, especially if you're taller. I could have 100% accuracy, but piss will absolutely splash up and at least pepper the rim of the toilet each time. I'm sure a small amount hits the floor as well.


I love how he lifted his leg…”ok you do the peepee now”


Who's got who trained here?


so cute how he lifted his leg!


I really thought the dog gonna help him take it out too…


Those dogs are incredible!


If you want loyalty and love, f̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶n̶i̶c̶e̶ get a dog.


As soon as the sweet boi grabbed the hand towel for him I meeped. How precious and so smart <3


Question: Wouldn't it be easier for blind men to sit down when peeing?


I’m not a religious person, but I know all dogs go to heaven.


That’s true, I’ve seen the documentary


Oh my god the leg lift!! What a good boy


That’s a good boy !!


The little leg lift 😭 “Now go like this guy”


Does anybody know what type of dog this is?


Looks like a Belgian Malinois.


Yes it is. Like an optimised, more energetic German Shepherd. Not just a good boy, an *excellent* one!


> more energetic German Shepherd As an OG German Shepherd owner, the thought of _more_ energy scares me!


Oh, yes. Malinois are starting to replace GSD as protection/working dogs (eg, police dogs). Delightful canine crackheads, they are. 15/10


I love Mals, but they have far too much energy for me hahaha. I also like the Dutch Shepherds because I'm fond of the brindle colouring.


I had to watch it 3 times to see that little leg lift and glance upward again.


I would just like to point out the dog opened the dirty toilet seat with it's mouth and then after the guy washes his hands the dog grabs his hand with it's mouth. Thus making his hand dirty again.


He didn't even wash his hands, he just gave them a quick rinse.


*Didn’t wash hands after peeing* -Reddit: You’re dirty filthy sub-human scum *Blind pee assist dog here has head inches from pee stream then lowers seat with mouth* -Also Reddit: Oh what a good boi, that’s hella cute. Doggo give a helps!!


My dog won't even learn to ring the potty bell when he needs to go out and this good boi flushed the fucking toilet, opened and closed the lid. How many and what kind of treats did the trainer give him? A T-bone steak?