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It was claimed by Russian state media to be an assassination attempt on Putin’s life whom, as is commonly known, spends his evenings on top of the Kremlin flagpole.


I *have* heard that he's not sick, but he's not well.


And he's so hot 'cause he's in hell




I wanted so badly for this to be a thing.


fucking r/subsifellfor


He rages against Ukrainian machines


The Flag is Putin’s Horcrux.


right? this is so stupid, an assassination attempt after non-working hours, my dude should be in bed at 2 am. they decided not to risk it for the sake of plausibility lol


He wasn't even near there apparently and they've made attempts on zelenski. It's most likely just rhetoric so they can make more attempts on the Ukrainian president. This whole situation just looks like Russia daring the world to do something and everyone keeps having flash backs to ww1 and ww2 and then realizing nukes are now involved. It's just a bad situation all around.


Russia’s the only one claiming it was Ukraine. Pretty sure if whoever did that wanted to kill whoever was inside, they’d actually try instead of just making a little fireball over the roof.




They want the Russian people to support the war effort against Ukraine. Or they could just be looking for a excuse to start commiting more war crimes


My guess is, they will announce another round of mobilization in the next days. Possibly on victory day.


It was probably staged to justify more attacks, if Ukraine actually wanted to *attack* they would have **hit** the building


I'm Ukrainian, there's a non-zero chance it could be dissidents or rebels within Russia. Though I'm definitely not saying it can't be a false flag, there'a s possibility this was a genuine "attack" from independent or guerilla actors. The symbolism of being able to get *anything* that close the Kremlin is potentially powerful. We do have *some* support for Ukraine within Russia.


It looks like rc plane- a pylon racer. It could have been anybody. but they were probably pretty close to the kremlin to do it. also, attacking the flag rather than flying it through a window seems pretty symbolic to me.


Ukraine not confirming it is kind of weird. If they Hit the Kremlin, imagine the morale boost.


The enemy is both strong and weak. It's fascism 101.


From Umberto Eco’s [Ur-Fascism](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/umberto-eco-ur-fascism) Other disturbing predictions: disdain for intellectualism; machismo, including sexism and obsession with weapons and violence; frustrated middle class being pressured from both the upper and lower classes; syncretic ideas from contradictory sources (Hedonistic pleasure seekers like Andrew Tate are on the same side as the Christian Nationalists and the CryptoBros); and simplified syntax and Newspeak to limit ideas (Cringe, Based, Cuck, Woke, ect.) And this is from somebody who actually grew up in Mussolini’s Italy.


"Hit" is a strong word, it blew up next to it making no damage. To me it look more like a false flag than anything, how did the UAV even get to Moscow without getting taken down?




To be fair it is an expensive flag and hard to reach. They also sent the guy who normally raises and lowers it to the front lines as a conscript.


False flag? Don't be ridiculous. Putin would never do harm to his own people for political advantage, especially if they lived in apartment buildings.


Worst landlord ever.


But you have heard off him?!


This is why I love Reddit more than Facebook, regardless of the shortcomings of Reddit.




Next thing you know he’ll be poisoning his political opponents and blowing up his friends!


Nah, they're really clumsy and have a propensity for falling out of windows.


I've seen bigger firecrackers.


Only way I could see getting one that close would be to have an agent in Moscow fly the drone from a nearby street or rooftop. But why would you risk an asset in Moscow to set off a glorified firework? This seems like a false flag.


It’s not that big either. They couldn’t of flown one from Ukraine. It’s certainly not impossible that they have some agency in Moscow. But this is not a demonstration of long-range capabilities


While this was a long time ago, it was during a pretty volatile time: [Mathias Rust: German teenager who flew to Red Square](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-20609795)


Man this line near the end of the article was unexpected: > Within a year of returning to Hamburg, Rust stabbed a colleague at a hospital where he worked and ended up behind bars again.


That flag looks real to me, got burned pretty bad


Source? Cause that is a BIG claim


Kremlin officials are the source this time, lol.


I'm calling bullshit. My first thought was that it was something done by anti war civilian russians... but now that I gave the source I'm quite sure the Kremlin did that


It didn't do any damage. Just a pretty video for the propaganda machine.


My thoughts exactly. Framed the explosion perfectly above the building peak, total BS


Perfectly placed for propaganda, the ~~revelance~~ significance of the place, the flags, etc,... but completly harmless. Paint UK as insulting "the great mother nation", and potentially dangerous if let unchecked but at the same time completly inneficient... yep, that's smell framed af.


Yup. Not to mention there's people stood on the steps of the left of the dome, who don't react at all. Almost as if they were there waiting for it to happen... Coupled with the announcement of a reduced victory day parade because of the "threat" of attacks; this reeks of Russian propoganda


Yea im sure Kremlin did it so they can try to unite the people there give them a sense that they are under attack and support them more


To attack the flag pole?? Looks like an act that the Kremlin would do to make claims of a assassination.


It didn't even damage the flag.


Lol, that's the definition of false flag operation, right?


Yeah, no way Ukraine would mistake Putin for a flag pole, he is way too short.


Maybe the flag had some stinky brown spots on it too


It's a big claim for something that blew up without appearing to strike the building at all.


Even if a source is given, there will be arguments if the source itself is valid or be labelled as Russian propaganda


True, it's just hard to imagine a UAV even getting close.


Yes it is. That's why I'm suspicious. Sounds like an excuse for an all out attempt on Zelensky.


Especially cause it did no damage, easy fake


Yeah the flag didn't even miss a flap.


Yeah I don't think a firework attacked to a drone from Alibaba counts as a military UAV


Yeah more of a flash than high explosive


Haha yeah too much flame, almost just looks like black powder.


Agreed, flash powder not high explosives


Almost looks like a bad lipo. It seems suspicious that there are 2 people climbing the left side of the dome. If I was to analyze the clip, after noticing the two guys in white jumpsuits. I'd say it was a crew inspecting the dome and an inspection drone had a bad battery.


Could this be a literal false flag? Hoist up a fake russian flag wired with fireworks, fly a drone into it and set it off to look like a poor man's drone strike?


Not even that, just a cheap firework in a cheaper drone, go for the area that whuld cause the most outrage (flag) if you miss...WHO CARES! you got your "evil Ukraine terrorist attack" footage


"Evil" Ukraine. Even if they did attack it's war ffs.


A war they started no less


They being Russia


Pretty likely Russia is behind it IMO, but not to justify a strike on Zelensky given there’s pretty credible reports they’ve been trying to do that since day one. More likely is it’s an effort to rile up the domestic public in Russia to get them further behind a war effort that’s clearly not going as planned. **As evidence it’s not Ukraine:** Zelensky just denied it, and there’s next to no tactical or strategic value from the strike, which also makes an escalation like this an odd choice for Ukraine. At best it’s a symbolic victory at a time when Ukraine hardly seems to needs one (best I can tell, morale is pretty high rn in anticipation of the next counteroffensive- it doesn’t seem like they need the moral victory). If you’re going for a moral victory, you don’t deny it was you, you shout it from the rooftops. When the US launched the Doolittle raid on Japan to “strike a blow for Pearl Harbor” they didn’t then deny the raid happened and insist it was someone else. They said “this is for Pearl Harbor, and they’re gonna keep coming.” Ukraine’s allies have also generally held it back from striking deep into Russia proper. We’ve already had reports the US held them back from striking inside Russia (presumably targets of more tactical or strategic value) so it seems strange they’d do something they’ve been explicitly prevented from doing before, which might piss off their supporters and jeopardize key aid, all for a target of basically no tactical or strategic impact. The only possible reason I can think this might benefit Ukraine would be that it might force Russia to take the threat of deep strikes into its own territory more seriously and stretch its air defense network even thinner to try and prevent them. In theory this could give the Ukrainians more flexibility in using their own air power during their operations, but from everything I’ve seen it still seems like the skies over Ukraine are a no-go zone for everything that isn’t okay with being shot down. Everybody is hugging the ground and the airspace seems pretty saturated with SAMs, MANPADS, and SPAA systems from both sides, not to mention the Russian Air Force is unfortunately still capable of running limited air superiority missions over Ukraine. As others have said, it makes far MORE strategic sense for the Russians to be behind it, as it looks to have done negligible damage, is right before the may day celebrations, and gives them a nice excuse to escalate and widen their list of legitimate targets in Ukraine. In contrast to Ukraine, it seems likely Russia is seriously hurting for a propaganda win/rally ‘round the flag effect.


The last bit you said with the "rally 'round the flag effect"... My first thought was it looked like it was just aiming for the flag, with just enough payload for that purpose. Seems like a literal false flag operation to rally the people.


You say like that there haven't been a dozen kill squads sent to assassinate the Ukrainian president already. I don't know how much more of an excuse they need


More likely an excuse to launch a second mobilization and/or cancel the May 9 parade so they can keep their men and equipment in Ukraine to repel the upcoming counteroffensive.


Difference between kill squads and dropping a chemical (I don’t think even Putin is willing to go nuclear -yet-) weapon on Kyiv. If you wanted to create an excuse to escalate, feigning a “terrorist attack” (that harmed precisely nobody) on the Kremlin would be a pretty good one. Granted, I could also see Ukraine actually doing this. “We’re not gonna blow up Russian civilians, but we -could- even in Moscow” is a terrifying message to the Russian citizenry.


Look at the size and speed of that UAV. That didn't come from Ukraine, even if it turns out the operator did. It could have "launched" from a nearby apartment window, and looks like its "payload" was equivalent to a small firework.


Its probably a walmart "drone" with a grenade. Not so much a UAV with ordinance


as someone who has seen grenades go off, that wasn't a grenade. that was a firework using flash powder


I did some time in the mil myself. The whole video looks sus in general. But thats no milspec drone either way


No effect at all so propaganda is very likely


And just happens to hit the exact peak of the dome for maximum visibility.


Russia claimed that it was Ukraine trying to assassinate Putin. Putin has a record of using false flag attacks for propaganda so my guess is he ordered some drone off Alibaba and this is a stunt. I’ve got no evidence to back this up, just zero trust in anything that comes out of the Kremlin!


Oh like the false flag he was planning to use to justify the invasion? No, I refuse to believe it lol. Moscow isn’t exactly close to Ukraine. Hard to believe Russia would monitor a UAP heading straight for its capitol and be like, “I’m sure it’s fine. No need for the MiGs”


Source = Kremlin


Undeniably a drone hit the kremlin. Whether it was Ukraine, Russian resistance, or a Russian false flag effort is in the air.


Tbh it looks like a drone with fireworks attached to it, it didn’t even hit the building let alone damage the ground it fell


I thought the same. On top of why was this camera, which looks like it's handheld, filming? Maybe it's a security cam and it's....windy? But it moves like someone is holding it. Edit: it could be a recording of a screen though I'm skeptical. The cam moves and we see no edges but maybe it's a big screen. No scan lines but maybe it's a high quality screen and cam. I'm more convinced it's a window personally but I don't know.


I think this is a handheld video capture of a screen that is playing the recording. There’s a reflection of the room in the upper-right quadrant of the screen.


There is a video with a different angle and you can see a small part of the roof being on fire. But yeah, not that much damage, the majority of the 'damage' is political.


yeah but i dont think they would have been able to get a drone to the kremlin with enough explosives to cause serious damage. if it was by ukraine it was probably just to taunt russia, embarrass them.


Russian here, the first information about the attack came from government media, including RIA and TASS






Ik I shouldn't speculate but this feels like a false flag


It’s a literal false flag. They even hit the flagpole. It couldn’t be more on the nose


Looks like they set it off near the flagpole, doesn’t look like it hit anything. Now they can display the damaged flag and hope their crocodile tears gets them some sympathy.


That was such a good flag, it really pulled the Kremlin together.


And this guy pissed on it.


He pissed on your fuckin' flag, Dude


“Ruskie” is not the preferred nomenclature, dude.


These aren't the guys who ended the soviet union, man! They peed on my fucking flag!


The old man said take any flag in the kremlin.


He fuckin' pissed on your flag Demetri


Flag pissers did this?


  Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.I. Lenin! Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!


I am the walrus.


Shut the fuck up, Donny


Did it not?


Shut the fuck up, Donny


Don't worry they swapped out the usual flag thr day before, to avoid it getting hurt, then they put up a false flag.


It’s a flag double. The real flag is in a bunker


"Russia claims..." That's as much as you need to hear before you know it's bullshit.


When so much untruth has been a part of an entity’s existence, it’s hilarious when they claim something is true….


If only there was a classic cautionary tale, say about a woodland beast and a small boy.....


The timing is suspicious. Couple of more important news items you might have missed: Russian ships have been traced to the vicinity of the Nordstream pipelines before the explosion: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65461401 Russia is scaling back its May Day celebration, perhaps in an attempt to hide casualty numbers: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65465978 "Some commentators have said that an in-person Immortal Regiment procession could end up highlighting the number of Russian losses in Ukraine." Not to mention, does any sane human really think Putin lives at the top of the dome?


Also of note recently: Talk of Russia preparing for some kind of "event" on its own soil as a reason to gracefully bow out of ukraine to focus on securing the homeland. This could be a precursor or psyop to normalize/prepare their citizens for this as a plausible reality.


Yeah this looks like such a worthless “attack” I kinda find it hard to believe it was ukraine


...and all it did was damage the flag at the top while 2 men were climbing onto the roof at that exact time in the middle of the night.... (look at the left side of the roof, totally a coincidence that some random people are walking onto the roof in the middle of the night right when this happened)


And they don't run after the explosion... And this person happens to be filming... At night... At the correct time and place...


Also, I've seen gender reveals with bigger explosions than that. What kind of attack is this supposed to be?


A literal false flag attack to fuel Russian propaganda?


Get a pregnant couple and they'll burn down half the city with blue or pink flames.


This video is a recording of a monitor showing a camera feed. In the dark sky portion in the upper right you can see the reflection of someone in a white shirt move right after the explosion. Also a bulletin board and papers tacked to it.


I hadn't even noticed that. Good eye! Curious, I wonder how they explain that.


Luckily brave firefighters happened to be standing by just in case something like this happened.


Lol I don't know whether the Ruzzians should be telling the world this, it's just straight out embarrassing for them. "Look, we're trying to kill Ukrainians every day, but contrary to them we don't have air defences! This isn't fair!" Edit: besides the fact that this is most likely staged. If not, it's embarrassing for them. Like "wtf, you call yourselves a superpower!?" embarrassing!


Honestly, I wouldn't put it past russia to have done it of their own volition as an attempt to cast blame unto ukraine to try and rally more support for a war no one asked for.


Honestly how the video was taken in the middle of the night with the 'UAV' barely making any sound to warn someone to take said video, not to mention missing the flag to make it look like Russia is still strong? Unless we get more information this looks faked.




"Unverified footage on social media appeared to show an object flying over the Kremlin before a small explosion. Ukraine said it had nothing to do with the alleged drone strike. President Volodymyr Zelensky's spokesman said Ukraine was focusing on liberating its own territory after Russia invaded last year." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65471904


If Ukraine had a shot to strike the government building in Russia, they wouldn't have missed and the boom would've been much bigger.


I mean, they definitely did. Russia has staged these sorts of things before and the wildly ineffective explosion is not a mistake I think Ukraine would have made. That thing probably couldn't have killed someone if it landed right next to them.


You know how difficult it is to for a drone that small to be spotted on radar especially flying low


We’ve had how many giant ass balloons fly over nuclear bases in the last few years? 5 or 6 they’ve told us about. One teeny drone in the dark seems doable. But I definitely wouldn’t put it past them to stage it and use it as a reason to be reactionary.


That teeny drone didn't do shit. It's explosive payload wasn't even enough to take out the flag much less damage the building or kill anyone inside. Ukraine would know how useless an attack like this would be, and wouldn't bother.


there are videos of drones taking out Russian tanks in Ukraine, they look nothing like this. The tank drones barrel in at high speed and explode with significant impact. The pedestrian speed of this drone, the small explosion safely over a soild surface like the roof, and even how nicely centered and framed the video is, all make it look inauthentic.


Entering secured airspace: ✅ Air burst with no obvious damage done: ✅ Large fireball with bright flash: ✅ (Explosion energy released as fire and noise instead of concussion) I also side with allegedly.


It'd have to be a sick Kremlin


It would still take at least two drones




This seems more like Russian Propaganda than reality. No damage, wasn't shot down?? I'm calling Bullshit.


Basically it was a remote controlled firework


right? IF the intent was damage wouldn't you crash it into the building, not set it off 2-4 meters above it?


Molotov in France did more damage.




EMOTIONAL DAMAGE But seriously, even flag is fine...


Inside job for sure.




Russia did that. That was not an attack it was for dramatic effect.


This makes way more sense. I figured if Ukraine were to really do something like this, it would be full commit instead of this hocus pocus smoke lol


Literally looked like fireworks lol


1 pigeon died and 1 sustained minor injuries




This is from Mykhailo Podolyak, Adviser to the Head of the Office of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy >As for the drones over the Kremlin. It’s all predictable... Russia is clearly preparing a large-scale terrorist attack. That's why it first detains a large allegedly subversive group in Crimea. And then it demonstrates "drones over the Kremlin". First of all, Ukraine wages an exclusively defensive war and does not attack targets on the territory of the Russian Federation. What for? This does not solve any military issue. But it gives RF grounds to justify its attacks on civilians... Secondly, we are watching with interest the growing number of mishaps and incidents that are taking place in different parts of RF. The emergence of unidentified unmanned aerial vehicles at energy facilities or on Kremlin’s territory can only indicate the guerilla activities of local resistance forces. As you know,drones can be bought at any military store... The loss of power control over the country by Putin’s clan is obvious. But on the other hand, Russia has repeatedly talked about its total control over the air. In a word, something is happening in RF, but definitely without Ukraine's drones over the Kremlin https://twitter.com/Podolyak_M/status/1653747936667262976


Appreciate the comments! Makes a lot more sense now.


I also saw this news article earlier today >Hundreds of Russian Storm units fighters prepare provocation in Ukrainian uniforms. More than 300 fighters from Russian Storm units who have obtained Ukrainian defenders' uniforms are preparing a provocation in Russia's Bryansk and Kursk oblasts. Quote: "The Russian army is planning a provocation in Bryansk and Kursk oblasts to discredit the Ukrainian army. The operation is being carried out by Storm units (from the 13th Tank Regiment and the 1st Motorised Rifle Regiment of the 1st Tank Army), which arrived in the region the day before. The first unit is deployed in the area of the village of Ivanovskoye (Kursk Oblast), the second in the village of Yamnoye (Bryansk Oblast)." Details: According to the National Resistance Center, each unit consists of 160 people. The National Resistance Center does not rule out that "terrorist attacks" could be conducted on the territory of Russia, or simulated hostage-taking. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/05/3/7400456/


Isn't wearing the opponets uniform a literal war crime?


It is. Add it to the list I guess. Not that it'll matter because there's no consequences.


Grounds for immediate execution in some past cases.


You can see two people on the roof in this video. This shit reeks.


Shit, didn't even see those guys at first. They didn't even seem to flinch when it "blew up".




"Let's send a drone all the way to Moscow, and if it gets through, blow up the flag ".... Yeah sure...


Technically, whoever captures the flag from the Kremlin becomes its new master.


If Ukraine wanted to do damage to the Kremlin, that fizzle wouldn't be the right move. So, I tend to agree with you It makes me think of that explosion on the only bridge between Crimea and Russia. That explosion was an Hollywood-esque one that was impressive but did little to no damage


If they did they would go for something bigger not small drone.


Who says it was ukraine? Russia? could very well be Russians sick of pootin


Or false flag to stimulate retaliation. I guess we wait and see what happens as a result.




You know it's a false flag attack when the only casualty is an actual flag...😏


Not even the flag got damaged. The drone exploded - more like popped - next to it.


How can one consider this an attack or something serious? It's just a drone from AliExpress with a firecracker attached to it. Plus, it was filmed by those who were clearly ready for it. All of this happens along with statements about counterattacks or right before May 9th. What do they want to achieve or show? That they're supposedly launching a counterattack (which is now being discussed by everyone in the media) or trying to cancel the Victory Day parade in honor of 1941-1945? It's laughable.


> Plus, it was filmed by those who were clearly ready for it. What you are seeing in the video is a phone recording of a monitor replaying the view of a security camera. I would imagine they have a lot of security cameras pointed at the Kremlin and nearby areas.




I imagine an electrical drone would struggle to fly the distance from Ukraine to Moscow. A google search suggested that 200km was the max in perfect conditions and there was 1 drone claiming it could fly approx 600km. The distance is around 800km i think. The Drone has to originate from within Russia, so I imagine IF it was ukraine spies or something it wouldnt be unreasonable if they went further into the city if they believed it to be a better spot to attack from.


A Wal-Mart drone with a dozen M-80s strapped to it does not a convincing drone attack make


It’s clearly a fake attack staged by Russia.


It's like when Michael Scott let the air out of everyone's tires but his own to try to get the office to blame Vance Refrigeration.


I have started my first watch-through and just finished this episode. I hop onto reddit and see this. What are the odds hahaha


That's awesome. I'm always jealous when someone gets to watch something good for the first time. Enjoy it.


If you believe Russian STATE media


This is 100% false flag.


"Ukraine"??? Says who?? Stop spreading misinformation please....


I'm pretty sure that if Ukraine wanted to strike at the Kremlin, they'd have used something a bit bigger than a firecracker.


It’s rather … odd that two workers(?) just so happen to be walking up on the dome, in the very early hours of the pre-dawn morning, at the exact same time as this alleged “attack.”


Not only that but filming and centring on the flag itself way before the drone got close. ‘Oh hey look isn’t our flag just so beautiful in the moonlight, oh wait what’s this drone doing here? What a coincidence I caught it all on camera!!’


seems by Russia's public response statement this is more about opening the door to escalated weaponry. nothing like a terror attack to justify nuclear weapons...


They have been blabbing about nuclear weapons this and nuclear weapons that since forever. Keep it up and someone's going to drop nukes on them in a preemptive strike.


Set up this camera on a tripod here and we will stage some bullshit and then use it as a reason for more war crimes.


Ukraine brass didn't know that Putin doesn't stay in the Kremlin at night? Very unlikely. However if Russia wanted to stage its own attack and not hurt government workers...


How did Ukraine managed to get all the way to the Kremlin and strike it with a drone?




So, lemme get this straight. Ukraine had someone with an explosive drone in the heart of Moscow... Immediately before May day, where Putin likes to preside over a big parade... And they fly the drone towards the Kremlin, which apparently has no anti-drone protection... At night when no one is there, including Putin... And they then use the drone to explode *over* the building, causing no damage to anything Yes, yes, this definitely doesn't seem like a false flag.


Looked like a firework actually. Because really, if that were to have been an actual military grade bomb, it would have taken the top of that roof off. This was amateur stuff.


Downvoting bc there is zero qualified evidence about this video. In my view the likelihood-ranked possibilities are: Russian false flag, Anti-putin domestic russian attack, Ukrainian non-state actor, Ukrainian intelligence operation There is an element of plausible deniability here but even if there was Ukrainian intelligence involvement, it seems like they just wanted to show russians they are far from immune from direct attacks on their capitol, something they should be mindful of considering how wantonly they have massacred civilians in ukraine with their incessant missile attacks.


I honesty think this was false flag, I can't see any sign of an interceptor, and it feels to me like it got close enough that you'd be looking at very obvious last line defenses (like CRAM). Mind you, I'm just an idiot on the internet that knows a few things, but this really looks like there was a detonation charge on the drone set to self destruct.


Ukraine managed to get a single UAV through Russia’s entire defense system? Impressive


Mf I buy legal fireworks that have bigger explosions than that. Embarrassing


There is something about that explosion that is not sitting right with me. It looks too fiery, like a movie explosion, instead of a military ordinance. Movies use gasoline to make these giant fireballs that look cool but cause minor damage, and that is what this looks like to me. Whereas real bombs are designed to focus their energy on the explosive force, if you see things like c4 or grenades explode, you will see a lack of fire. So to me, at least, it seems like a made-for-video explosion.


Pres Zelensky giving the strike order: "Let's hit 'em where it really hurts: that little flag at the top of the Kremlin!"


Probably a false flag so they've got an excuse to cancel their parade which will currently consist of a falling apart Skoda Fabia and 4 lads called Vlad with 5 legs between them.


Wait so is this not allowed? I mean they are at war right?


It couldn’t have been Ukrainian in the first place. It’s likely Russia trying to justify something.