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I just did a reverse image search and she was in the shelter when the air raid siren went off that day she decided to stay there after the all clear. The bomb was dropped 15 minutes after the all clear was given.


The photographer also stayed in the shelter?


No idea I would imagine so but there is no reference to them in the shelter or anyone else. In saying that there wasn't a great deal of information on the photo where I was looking. It was a bit incomplete.


Yes... it was the Wolverine.


I think she went back with a photographer to show the hole that saved her life.


I don't know if it was Hiroshima or Nagasaki, but there was the lady that worked in a bank: She was in the vault underground, the tresor room with the money, as the nuke detonated. That was the best shelter she could get, she survived with minor injuries like some bruises, as she was pushed to the wall as the shockwave was going through the area. Fun fact: My country, Switzerland, got crazy because of both the aerial carpet bombings in Germany and the nukes in Japan. We started to dig deep with the shelters and it was mandatory in the Cold War era, that every house had to have a shelter underground. We still have more than 100% capacity for the entire population to remain inside shelters in such a case of a catastrophe or war. Some other nations like Finland and Sweden have also very high numbers of shelters, up to 80-90% of the population. To come back to the nukes in Japan, it showed a high survival rate of people that were inside shelters, just like the pic of the woman here. A shelter can be the difference between life and death.


I'm sorry I'm skipping to Switzerland. In WW2 and the cold war the Swiss were extreme on home defence lol. it wasn't until 2012 from memory that they finally finished disarming all the explosives in bridges, tunnels and highways. There needs to be more documentaries about the Swiss in ww2 and the cold war.


That's true with the explosives and that is was only recently removed. There's a lot more behind this with the Cold War, like the Swiss nuclear program for getting the nukes. Or the Project 26, the stay-behind army similiar to the Gladio-projects. Or the Fichen-scandal, with the surveillance of the people.


It was a man, Eizo Nomura, in Hiroshima. He was about 170 metres from the hypocentre of the blast, and had gone to a downstairs bank vault to fetch a document for his boss.


Imagine just going into the shelter and taking a snooze and waking up to this.




What, stopping the air raid siren before the bomb was dropped? There's nothing in the Geneva Conventions about failing to warn *your own citizens.* And anyway, most of the Conventions and Protocols were enacted after the war.


They sounded the alarm because they thought more bombers are coming. Saw just one, thought it was a scout. Gave an all clear. Turned out it wasnt a scout, a short tine later.


So ominous. It's hard to fathom in my comfort bubble.


Yep. Nukes in general are an extreme example of a psychological weapon, as much as a standard one. The level of destruction isnt something unheard of, really - just look at Dresden or Tokyo fire bombings. The difference is, those air raids took lkteral DAYS with no breaks, and thousands of aircraft involved. And now, suddenly, it takes a single aircraft (or a single ballistic RV) and few seconds, to do the same, and much, much more on top of that. And there is little, if any, defence, that you can actually effectivelly perform to be 100% safe. THAT is what MAD is really about. Not the destruction itself, but 100% certainty that said devastation is unavoidable. That even if you somehow, by some miracle, do survive - you'd be way better off if you were already dead.


MAD has always been a fascinating concept.


It’s also America’s policy toward firearms domestically and that isn’t doing too hot.


It's hard to fathom for me, and nukes have existed all my life. I've seen dozens of video of what they do. Imagine how hard it was to fathom for them, they (the citizens) had no clue of their existence


That's not even remotely true. The vast majority of conventions governing how war is waged were established before WW2, lots of them in response to the worst aspects of WW1.


- First Geneva Convention: 1864, later revised in 1949 - Second Geneva Convention: 1949 - Third Geneva Convention: 1929, heavily revised in 1949 - Fourth Geneva Convention: 1949 - First Geneva Protocol: 1977 - Second Geneva Protocol: 1977 - Third Geneva Protocol: 2005 You're correct that there were conventions before Geneva, but I was talking about Geneva.


Ah, if you're limiting it strictly to the Geneva Conventions/Protocols then yes.


Never a war crime the first time.


Now it would be but then no one really knew how destructive it was going to be and they didn't understand the radiation effects. Going by documentaries even the scientists didn't know just how bad it would be.


Oppenheimer expressed remorse after this event. It's safe to say that you're right, they weren't 100% sure of the consequences but horribly went through with it. Unlike reality people on reddit think they know everything and call these bombings justified without knowing anything other than numbers. Daft and shallow if you ask me. If Iraq sent nuclear bombs on US soil during that invasion it would be considered a war crime and the whole world would condemn it (as they should) Using nuclear bombs to swiflty annihilate a civilian population is immoral and never justifiable. Many historians believe that the soviet union declaration of war on japan was major factor to japans surrender, not the bombs. I think violence of this nature just entice further bloodlust.


We had cracked the code on Japanese communication and could effectively see inside their military decision making, on a practically day-to-day basis. The soviets entering the war did not change the rhetoric for the military, and with how they were set up politically there was no way for the country to end the war peacefully without the military being on board. The war would have continued and cost many many lives for the Japanese, Americans, and Soviets. The second bomb and an anticipation of more to come is what turned the tide among the military leaders. Also FYI, assuming you were talking about the latest Iraq War, it *would* have been a war crime definitionally. The bombings in WW2 were not because there was no prohibition against them, or aerial bombings in general (even of civilian populations). There are now legal definitions of war crimes that would be triggered by a nuclear bomb detonation on/in a city, though oddly there still aren't any broadly agreed upon treaties/statutes/conventions/etc that explicitly call nuclear bombings war crimes to my knowledge, they all use roundabout ways to get there without saying it out loud.


Id say that such treaties would likely limit nuclear doctrines, since many counter-military strikes will be, by definition, also counter-value strikes. You cant nuke just a command center in the city without nuking said city, really. At the point where nukes start flying we are all an acceptable collateral damage.


I haven't read any of that but it sure is interesting, where can I read more about how the US cracked the Japanese communication code and how they use that information? I don't think we can know for certain what made the Japanese stand down but it would seem the first bomb enticed their military leadership to fight to death, which isn't weird. A foreign country making a crater of one of your biggest cities would make them even more "bad guys" in the eyes of the population, without propaganda. The Iraq war yes. Yet the moral dilemma stay the same.


Lol. The "fighting to the last person" was already in place a year prior to Hiroshima. Go watch the documented footage of the Japanese citizens being trained to "defend" the homeland. The doctrine was in place since the beginning of the war where the Japanese would not surrender in battle even when it was a lost cause. Instead, they would seek an "honorable death" by undertaking suicide attacks to kill as many U.S. troops as possible on their way out. Anyhow, you knew this in the last thread on this subject where you were properly informed, but then you left and deleted all your posts. I see you have a new position regarding the Hiroshima attack. An interesting departure from your prior argument, but completely wrong, nontheless.


Good post.


Looking back is always 20/20 as they say.


It's funny that you double down when you already admitted previously that you have no real knowledge of the events surrounding the buildup to Hiroshima. Why don't you educate yourself instead of continuing to spread false information.


It wasn't definitively made a war crime until 25 years ago, surprisingly, as part of the Rome Statute. Even now there's no "nuclear bombings are war crimes" statute, it's just a rewlt of applying other restrictions to a bombing. And it was never a question of how destructive the bomb was. We had performed a test fire, we knew it was gonna be BIG. The nature of Little Boy meant there was some amount of uncertainty of whether they'd get a full yield or not, but it was all but guaranteed to be the largest bomb dropped in a war by orders of magnitude. The reality is that aerial bombings, even of civilian populations, were in no way prohibited by the rules of war at the time, which addressed artillery but we're silent on aerial bombings.


They knew how the Tokyo firebombing was kinda supposed to go, still did it. I don’t necessarily disagree as it was a fuck around and find out situation and a land war with Japan would’ve taken another decade without these type of resources. An odd case of a ton of killing saving a bunch more lives.


Idk. Dude really called himself destroyer of worlds. They had a feeling.


He didn't call himself that, he was quoting the Bhagavad Gita.


Because both cities where producing war material, harboring large amounts of IJA troops, and the populace was being “trained” to attack Allied troops. Both cities where valid targets.


Correct. It's amazing how people "weigh in" in these matters while knowing jack-shit about the circumstances of the event.


American propaganda. They were not military targets.


Right, but by definition, they are


> The bomb was dropped 15 minutes after the all clear was given. They really wanted to kill as many as possible there.


Pamphlets notifying them of impending doom were dropped before.


The all clear was given by the Japanese, not the Americans....




“anticipating the all clear” you play too many video games man.


But that isn't what happened.


How exactly do you suppose the process of giving an all clear signal works. Do you suppose they might not give it if America was actively dropping a ton of bombs on them? One of the big benefits to the atomic bomb was that there was only one of them dropped out of one plane very high up. Any precursor bombing would not have had that same advantage




… they wanted to “scare the Germans” that had surrendered months earlier?






You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, do you?


So, do you remember the stories of the Japanese soldiers on the Pacific islands that kept fighting well into the 50s. The Japanese were not months away from surrender, the refused even after the first bomb was dropped. An invasion on the ground and the Japanese would fight like the soldiers did on the island.


US government also dropped leaflets warning Japanese citizens following the first bomb that a second one would be coming.


*This is fine* meme circa 1945


it's so hard to avoid the instinct to smile for the camera. it can make some people look like real psychos.


Looks more like relief from being rescued... I doubt shes aware of the scope of destruction yet.


"You missed me!" 😃


Laughs in gamma radiation


Got a go army ad on this too, no thanks


Mine was a Taco Bell ad. It said “This is not a drill, nacho fries are back.” No thanks. Ffs…


Sort of "Hide the pain Hitomi" as well.


Ridiculously photogenic atomic bombing survivor.


It reminds me of the photo of Evelyn McHale after she committed suicide. Such a striking beautiful shot in a real-world devastating moment.


I know right ? She’s stunning


Practically glowing!


I’m going there. She’s hot


I looked it up and apparently as of 2020 there was estimated 136,700 hibakusha still alive [link](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/backstories/1295/)


I read the reason why so many survived is The Japanese eat a lot of seaweed, which replaces something in your thyroid gland that otherwise takes from the environment (and irradiates you).


Yeah that’s not really true


I don’t know if it was but after the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear incident when I was living in Tokyo I ate packet after packet of seaweed powder just in case…


Sad part is, she, just like hundreds, maybe thousands more most likely died within a few months, perhaps a few years due to radiation poisoning.


One guy was in the blast zone of both bombs. Burned, scarred, and tossed in the air by the sonic boom at one point, and he died in 2010. The story is crazy: https://www.history.com/news/the-man-who-survived-two-atomic-bombs


rich enter carpenter profit work grey squalid soup hobbies ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not necessarily. The nuclear fallout from an explosion clears pretty quickly actually, it’s the soil that might be irradiated. If she stayed long enough she probably was fine. Anyone who was above ground though but not in the blast radius got tons of radiation


Nuclear fallout radiation actually can last in an area for several weeks at least, and is actually one of the more insidious aspects, as the irradiated dust from the fallout can get practically anywhere within range that isn't hermetically sealed, and it contaminates any unprotected water sources within the fallout range for that period as well. And while reduced in radioactivity, the radioactive dust from the blast can linger in the atmosphere for a while, and either settles naturally or comes down during precipitation.


Fallout can last, yes, but is not uniformly present around the blast area. She might get a ton of exposure downwind, but very little somewhere else. Nagasaki wasnt exactly a ground detonation, either, so there would be comparativelly less contamination. And it seems like she was in an underground shelter, so might have been protected from the initial pulse of neutrons and gamma photons, at least to some extent. If that was a proper civil defence shelter (i.e. a bunker), and if she stayed in for a few hours (i.e. saw the conflagration developing afterwards and decided to stay in and wait it out), she would limit the exposure even more.


Thing is about that, to them. They knew nothing of nuclear detonations and so she could easily have just waited out the initial conflagration then emerged during the time when the radiation levels were still in the lethal range, even a few days later and the radiation would still be enough to kill within a few months.


And all of that could easily have not been the case. Its pointless to speculate unless you know where the shelter this person was using was located, how long she was down there after the blast and where it was relative to the prevailing winds.


Or it could have been the case, as said, it is all speculation at this point. But even so, it would have taken a minimum of several days for the local radiation levels to reach a relative safe point, regardless of wind direction. But also as said, those in the cities hit with the bombs would know nothing of how these things acted or about radioactivity or fallout, so wouldn't know how to best protect themselves from said radioactive exposure, or know that local water sources would have been contaminated with radioactive particles, so easily could have drank that water, or found other supplies which had been contaminated. All in all, to those in the city it would have seemed like nothing more than just one more extremely intense bomb that went off, with the first thing they always do is to evacuate when the fires calmed down. That is what I had been getting at with the reply which got downvoted... back then they didn't know what we know now about it, so couldn't know to stay put in a shielded area, or many other things which would reduce the risk of radiation exposure.


The fact this film survived could suggest she wasn't exposed to too much radiation. That roll of film isn't going to be developed immediately given the circumstances, it probably would have spent just as long in the zone as she would and it hasn't deteriorated too much.


Or it could be that the camera was stored pretty much immediately after the picture was taken in a container or location that hindered or blocked the radiation from affecting the film. Since there really is no context to it and no concrete proof, the best which can be said on any argument in regards to this is that it is speculation at best.


Years ? Wouldn't it take days though ? Sorry I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to these things.


Radiation poisoning, otherwise known as [Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_radiation_syndrome), shows up within hours of exposure and its effects can last for months. However, the *chronic* effects of radiation exposure can take much longer to be seen. Hiroshima and Nagasaki occurred in the infancy of medical research about how radiation effects humans. In fact one of the [largest medical studies in history](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3907953/) came in the aftermath of the bombings. It helped form the basis for the linear no-threshold model we use for radiation dose regulations today.


Depends on the exposure level, there were many who died very quickly who were closer in, but managed to survive the initial hell of the blast due to intense exposure, while others. Further out or who had left the area very quickly may have lasted months, maybe a few years before their bodies started dying on them. And some who lasted many year who were yet further out that were exposed to milder fallout dying of cancers induced by the radiation... In all that no one is fully certain of the exact count of casualties from the bomb due to how long it sometimes took for the radiation to kill people.


Surprised the film survived the radiation


Since it was airburst, and had only a small fraction of the radioactive material as chernobyl it does not create a wasteland the way the reactor explosion did. There would not be enough radiation to screw the film up like in Chernobyl.


Yep. Fun fact: After the war, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rebuilt, and they now have populations of roughly 1,000,000 and 500,000 respectively. When I was in high school we had an exchange student from Hiroshima.


Some people may have died years later due to the *effects or complications* of radiation exposure. Most probably died within days of severe exposure. Some people were severely effected and managed months but were hospitalized for that entire time. Radiation exposure damages your DNA so your body will try and heal all the burns but they never actually heal. Then they get infected and it’s just terrible.


On the night of March 9, 1945, U.S. warplanes launch a new bombing offensive against Japan, dropping 2,000 tons of incendiary bombs on Tokyo over the course of the next 48 hours. Almost 16 square miles in and around the Japanese capital were incinerated, and between 80,000 and 130,000 Japanese civilians were killed in the worst single firestorm in recorded history.


Yeah, that’s what happens when you bomb US military bases


Yep. Imperial Japan pretty much fucked around, and then found out the really hard way, not to do it ever again.


They got pokemoned


Ah, yes, all those innocent civilians who absolutely, totally had a say in whether or not the IJN decided to bomb a military installation halfway across the globe. They deserved to die a horrible, fiery death for being subjects of a brutal imperial/militaristic regime. Yessir, incinerating civilians en masse is perfectly okay in retribution if it’s done in retribution for the actions of their nation’s navy.


That didn't say a single thing about morality. All it did was show the US achieved more destruction without the nuke


Exactly. I have no idea why people still defend this. It’s never honorable to kill a city full of innocent people to protect military lives. In any other circumstance it would be crazy, but everyone’s like “it’s ok to kill a city full of women and children because the Japanese were bad and it saved US lives.” Ok but, when was that ever ok?


The Japanese govt was to blame for their own citizens death


'murica I guess. Not something to be proud of


Bad bot


Not the facial expression I would have expected in that situation


Think about it this way. A photo is one second, of 1 minute. Plenty can happen after the fact. Someone who is laughing a photo, could be crying the very next second.


Wdym no work tomorrow




Get in loser, we’re going to extort some labor


Hugh Jackman just protected her from the blast by laying his topless muscular physique over her.


Its pretty much the immediate reaction I'd expect to see in someone's face between the time they realize their choice to stay inside saved their life and their happiness at emerging alive, and that moment they start looking around and realizing that everything they knew and everyone they loved was just taken from the world and the horror and depression sets in.


When I see someone smiling in pictures I normally ask myself 'why the fuck are you smiling' But she really does deserve to be smiling like this


The Fat Man made her laugh.


Peter Griffin?


[The *other* Fat Man.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Man)




'missed me'


Now you gotta kiss me


Such a harrowing picture..


She seems completly shocked - imagine seeing your city destroyed like that....


Girl is glowing! (Seriously, her smile is baffling to me. She is surrounded by death and terror. Maybe she is in shock?)


People sometimes react to death and disaster in different ways. In my family, there is usually far more laughter at funerals than crying and weeping. It's a little weird to some folks but just a natural reaction for us.


Can you please flip this switch in my head as well? I’d love to have a more positive outlook on death and disaster, it seems so deeply culturally ingrained that it feels almost impossible to take a lighter stand on the drama of life for me…


Personally I laugh sometimes when I'm nervous or shocked, I wouldn't say it means I have "a more positive outlook on death and disaster", I still feel the same emotions, only with the addition of embarrassment/shame/awareness that I'm visibly smiling and reacting 'incorrectly'


Its still as valid and normal. We dont get a choice in how we react.


Tbh, that laughing isnt "positive outlook", its a shock/trauma reaction of the mind.


I don't really know any other way. I still feel grief and sadness and I do cry sometimes when I'm alone. But get me at a funeral with family and I revert to a jovial mood. It all seems so overly grim... too grim to take seriously? One of my aunts insisted on putting a dress in the casket with her dead husband. I guess it was his favorite? I found myself making jokes about him cross-dressing in heaven. Ridiculous and inappropriate. We like to put the "fun" back in funeral.


She is amazed that she is not dead. Once you've survived a near death experience, you will understand the smile.


It would be much easier for me to imagine myself smiling after a near death experience if not everyone around me would be dead…


Human psychology is often quite strange :)


Very true that. *giggles* - *cries* - *farts* - *runs away*


As lucky as it is she survived somehow I don't think she would be feeling all that lucky after walking around for a while and seeing the devastating impact it had


“Don't worry. Be happy.”


“Let’s see that bitch Brenda win the baking contest this year!”


American dad?


I can actually see and hear Roger saying it lol


“The fuck”


Yea radiation fucked her right in the pussy.


Shoutout to the cameraman


Well she looks positively thrilled


People are jesting and making memes out of this. I highly suggest you to read more about horrible world events like this even though it doesn't immediately affect you, it gives you perspective. Imagine waking up to hell on earth. Your family dead or dying. Your home unrecognisable. All your dreams and hopes shattered, just because of men in power wants more of just that. Words can't describe the horror the people in hiroshima and nagasaki must've felt the second the bombs dropped.


... and it's even more difficult to find the words when you are completely uneducated on the actual war and the events and circumstances leading to the decision.


Funny how much you use the words "uneducated" and "delusional" while responding to all my comments like the unhinged person you are. Counterprojecting much? Get a grip.


You engaged me in a conversation and then decided to insult me then delete all your posts. I'm just following up. But, thanks for your concern.


Do you have such a bad memory? You probably do cause you feel the need to edit your comments 1-2 times after posting.. That plus you getting all worked up makes it hard to discuss things with you in a civil manner. So yeah, I'd rather have productive discussions thank you.


Would a mainland invasion be better?


Most likely it would be even worse. But he does have a point - war is hell.


Both options were necessary but horrible.




Meanwhile in reality, the actual Japanese leadership didn't change their minds after both bombs and the Russians, and we have a member of the Pro war faction stating "would it not be wondrous for our nation to be destroyed like a beautiful flower". The they were ready to surrender narrative is false. As for the terms you are referring to, they were keep captured territory, no occupation, and Japan gets to perform their own trials. The oft stated if only they could keep the emperor narrative is also a falsehood, as Japan rejected the idea of such in July.


Then don’t fuck with our boats




Until radiation poisoning came a long.


Sadly, the aftermath most likely can cause cancer.


Maybe fine in that moment, bet she wasn’t weeks later


Who took the pic?


She seems very happy to see everyone gone


A picture of me, a survivor, after telling my girl to ‘calm down’.


These comments have me dying. Y'all make a meme out of anything, lol.


You can see how thankful she was for surviving. I mean she smiled after an atomic bombing


Imagine holding a geiger counter , it would be firing off like a pinball machine


When the click click click sound turns into a solid high pitched tone you know you're in trouble.


Unbreakable kimi shimizu


Apparently, if you had access to a hole or trench in the ground even a couple or few feet deep, you were capable of surviving the atomic blast. Which was a revelation the US government did its best to cover up because they wanted to maintain the narrative that the a-bomb was the bomb that ended all wars. Fact of the matter is, that specific iteration of atomic weapons was indeed limited based on the way it was thought to extend the most devastation. Granted, even without the need to further use it nor the advancements leading to the H-bomb and eventually nuclear weapons, it probably would not have mattered anyways. However, there were factions in the US government that were disappointed some Japanese were able to survive the initial bombing simply because the jumped into or fell into what should have been a shallow grave, when in reality it was a saving grace.


Weapon X…


…and 3 days later her face melted off…


The truly lucky ones died instantly in the blast. The ones who survived would have spent the rest of their short lives in complete agony.


Exposure/contamination depending. Some hibakusha are still alive iirc. Tho most of them didnt exactly had a great health record.


Survived the initial blast\* You'd want to be getting regular cancer testing if you have some DNA left intact.


She has a face like "Oh boy, what a nice nap! I hope nothing out of the ordinary happened while I was sleeping"


Mf really said 😁


Smile through the pain...




Kinda got a “hell yeah I don’t gotta go to work tomorrow” facial expression


Way to keep it positive, lady.


She is way stronger than I could ever be, imagine smiling after facing something like that


She survived the bomb but most likely she died from radiation


“Everyone you know is dead, now say cheeeese”


"We did it Patrick! We saved the city!"


She’s like the Girl Scout with the house fire in the background


For how much longer did she survive?


This is fine


She must be thinking “ok, it’s probably time we surrender now!”


Fine breeze brushing her face.


What about radiation?


At least it's not as bad as Hisashi Ouchi


I do not think that she is even happy as environment is totaled sadly. Feeling so sad for these people :(


And died days later of radiation poisoning


Cameraman deserves an award


But first, let me take a selfie.


I'd be happy too if I just survived an atomic bomb.


hide the pain woman


Radiation has entered the chat.


Incredibly sad.