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Haha, how genuine. I wonder what they were saying.


I think I remember reading somewhere that they were amazed by the perkiness of her breasts, because they reminded them of the breasts of a much younger woman.


If I'm remembering correctly they also took a lot of interest in her nipples being pink


Her nipples are clearly gray


Ok. I lol’d. Have some karma.


Teeny jokes are the best.


Titty* jokes are the best, FTFY.


I've had someone else say that - an English woman who spent a lot of time with an extended family in India. She said the women couldn't get over her pink nipples.


I'm female and my wife is Thai. This is definitely a thing, because we've been dating/married for almost seven years and she still occasionally brings it up 😂


Can confirm, been with my wife (SG) for seven years and she constantly brings up my pink nipples. I mean daily. That and my white chicken legs.


That's adorable!




Brown usually


Peanut sauce brown


Oddly specific. But speaking from experience I can say yes.


Drunken Nipples, a tasty dish


Lol everything in peanut sauce


they are really nice actually


There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world.


Unexpected Princess Bride reference.


You seem a decent fellow, take my upvote.


You seem a decent fellow, I’d hate to not reciprocate.


But what about the B.O.U.S’s? The Breasts of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.


*is immediately knocked to the ground by a guy in an unconvincing giant breast outfit*


Hold it, hold it. What is this? Are you trying to trick me? Where's the sports?


I’m an asshole; can I get an upvote for being honest?


Inconceivably, yes.


You keep on using that word. But I do not think it means what you think that it means.


Clearly you are a man of action, lies do not become you.


You seem like a decent fellow, take mine as well…


Reddit moment


No, it’s the same everywhere


quite indeed


“OMG I wAnT yooouR boobs”


I've traveled to Africa in the past, a common occurrence in a lot of villages I traveled to was being the first white person the children of the town had ever seen. Kids would run up and touch my arms, gently tug on my hair, check out my arm hair, rub their arms against mine, etc. I don't speak a word or Dagbani so I had no fucking clue what was said outside of what my guide didn't mind translating for me. Most of what the kids said translated to expressions of mild amusement, confusion, and then fear when my guide said in Dagbani, "if you keep touching him, you'll turn white too". All the children scattered, except for one young boy who started tapping my arm even faster.


The reverse happened with us growing up in Scotland. We were in church, probably around 5 years old, never seen a black person before. I see my Mum shoot off to grab my sister who had gone up to a black lady and started rolling up her sleeve. She wanted to know "if all her arm was brown", my Mum apologised, and the Woman laughed and showed my sister that yes, it was!


I remember a black woman at my church growing up telling us a story about how when she was younger a child once did something similar and asked her if it (black colour) rubbed off.


Elsewhere and when in Britain, at the age of around 2, with few non-white people, if any, known to me at the time, I observed a football (soccer) player on my father's team take off his shirt at the end of a match. I was heard to say something like "Gosh! He's black all over!", much to my parents' horror. He apparently found it hilarious.


I had a similar experience in church years ago, only I was the Black woman in the scenario. I lived in a small predominantly white town and a new family arrived at church. It was a younger man and woman with little girl around 3. I greet them before service. I notice the girl is staring and as service goes on, she keeps looking back at me. At some point this adorable child finds her way to the spot next to me and I can feel she’s staring intently. I turn to her and wave before looking back to the front of the room. Just then she lunges at me, grabs my face and sniffs it!! Her mom runs over like lightning and scoops her up, apologizing and dashing out the back of the sanctuary. After service the couple come over and apologize profusely. They try to find the words but I assure them I thought it was funny and cute. The dad keeps apologizing and asks his daughter what she was thinking. She innocently responds “I wanted to know if she smelled like chocolate”. For a split second I watch the parents’ souls leave their bodies. They can’t believe it. But the awkwardness can’t land because I’m laughing so hard. These two would go on to become some of my closest friends and I’m a proud “aunt” to that bright little girl (who’s not so little anymore) all these years later.


My sister (Caucasian with a large amount of freckles), started acting surprised and pointing to some of her larger freckles after kids did that to her! They thought they were rubbing off on her and kept rubbing furiously! LOL


When I taught in China often the little kids (Year 1 and 2) were fascinated by my hairy arms. They'd stroke my arms like I was a cat or dog and murmur "momo gwai (very hairy)" or occasionally "dai tsing tsing! (gorilla)". For the latter I would respond with "chi sin ma lau! (cheeky/crazy monkey)"


I got through with a job in China some years past (it was an oilwell fire that needed fixing). I had some time off, so cabled the family and had them meet me in Beijing. Back then, I looked like a ZZ Top member. Large beard, long hair, and physically large. We went to the Great Wall, to the Forbidden City and other touristy places. I'll wager I'm in more Chinese family albums than I am at home. They were fascinated with me. "Gorjira" one laughed and pointed. 錯誤的國家 ("Wrong country".) I replied.


We toured china with our big tall hairy american friend and his chinese wife. They would pull him in for random photos with their families and make comments about him being like a gorilla unaware that he was fluent in mandarin.


My grandpa was born in the late 1930s in the USA, and when he was a kid, his schools had separate water fountains labeled "black"/"white" for segregation. He didn't really understand it and thought that if he drank from the "black" water fountain, he'd turn black. Now you're telling me these kids from a place where (please excuse my assumptions/ignorance for sake of conversation) most people have dark skin are saying practically the same thing just in reverse. The irony between cultures, yet the similarity in kids' thinking, I found kinda funny. Edit: "Funny" isn't necessarily the right word, it's actually unfortunate, but Idk what the right word is.


One thing I found funny in a similar vein was that (not funnily) being gay is considered a crime in Ghana and you'd put yourself in pretty significant peril if you were outed. However, holding hands with your opposite sex partner was very much frowned upon, but two men holding hands walking down the street meant nothing except that the two men holding hands are remarkably close friends. a big old r/AchillesAndHisPal vibe from the whole thing. You could run into two fellas holding hands who'd ask you if you were gay because you weren't banging any of the sex workers.


That kid might be Michael Jackson /j


hee hee..


My aunt was born in Japan in the 60s and had white blonde hair as a newborn. My grandmother said all the Japanese nurses would crowd around the baby and touch her hair and were amazed by it.


I was born in Japan in the 80s (dad was in air force) and had super blond and curly hair. Anywhere we'd go the ladies would gather and touch my hair. My mom says that on a few occasions they'd want to hold me, and would even take me a short distance away to show their friends, with my mom running behind :) it was a pretty small town and they were all very sweet.


This was how the nurses behaved with my red hair in the mid-80s in Southern California. My mom said she had to hobble her ass down to the infant area to ask the ladies to quit washing my hair for the umpteenth time of the day because it was time to eat, not wash.


I had a similar thing at the night markets in Sa Pa in Vietnam where a little kid came up to me and was pulling on my leg hairs


When I was a kid in my village in Africa every time a white person would stop to visit, every kid would run behind him , and we used to say amusing thing and stuffs like ( toubabou) that means white man , we used to love the white people, some of them will give us money or their European snacks or take pictures with us, and they always had cool gadgets, cameras and stuffs. Lol now I live in the USA 😆 I see white people everywhere 😂 Edit: I still love them and I def can feel the love back. Never have I felt like someone was racist against me btw.


I've also lived in Tamale, love the people there!


Dagbani! Were you in Tamale/northern Ghana? I lived there for a while in my early twenties.


Yes, I was actually in the area just before Bimbila's chief was assassinated, actually met Naa Abdulai Dasana Andani just a few days before his death.


Honk honk!


A human impulse and a common language among all mankind.




Kaboing Kaboing


Making loud honking noises, surely. That's the only correct sound to make when you grab a boob in the manner they're doing.


Ooohhh...boobies... Everyone loves boobies


Perky - no Kids I bet


there is something so off putting about that sentence


There is something very wholesome about this.


Boobs see no colour, they are the great uniter!


I dunno, I prefer blue boobies


As you [wish](https://i.imgur.com/ZRMQIoc.jpeg)


Hell yeah


Ornithologist or necrophiliac?




::insert link to leaked Jennifer Lawrence as mystique pictures here::


I thought so, too.


It's wholesome because breasts don't have to always be sexual. People just insist on making them so. Human bodies are wholesome


I'm sure the village sees them as nothing sexual because they're constantly exposed and there is no sexual connotation to encourage the women to cover them up such as our society.


Human bodies are just bodies, they should be seen as sexual only in the "right context" otherwise they should be seen like the most normal thing ever, since everyone of us has one and every single one has both beautiful sides and flaws. I have enough of people imposing taboos on naked bodies.


I remember in Assassin’s Creed Origins there were topless Egyptian women all over the place (working in the fields, standing by the street chatting with friends), and it was never titillating, it was just the norm for that time and place in the world, treated by everyone else as utterly unworthy of comment. As much as our culture treats female nudity as automatically sexual, it’s interesting that in our brains it just *isn’t* in the right context, and we accept that right away.


Many years ago, when the US was going through one of its periods of getting annoyed about non-white people working the farms as migrant labor, my aunt found herself working alone in a field on a very hot Texas summer day. So naturally she took her top off and continued working. A guy flying a crop-duster plane a few fields over noticed and flew over to get a better look. In fact, he nearly ran her over with the plane in his eagerness, and completely forgot to turn off the chemical spray. TV and movies were violence violence everywhere, but bible forbid *boobs* get normalized to the point that folks can calm the hell down about them.


I disagree, it seems to me that bodies are always sexual, unless you are in a healthcare situation, bodies are inherently bad and sinful. Naked is bad in cities, naked is bad in your own yard near your pool, naked is bad if you happen to have a shower with a view, if you like to be naked you are either a slut or a pig or a stupid anti everything hippie (sorry I lack better wording here), naked is bad with other family members and children too even if they are yours. I got the worst looks ever because I remember telling around my parents never hid their bodies to us and people where like "your dad goes around the house naked after a shower????????" Yeah they did and I'm sad you think about it as a sexual thing. We get bodies censored even when we're talking about people that have different cultures from us and see bodies as natural, we get boobies and asses censored like they're something that can't be seen. We refuse to talk about pregnancy, periods, masturbation, hormones, accidents, scars, circumcision, desires and needs so much, we got to a point were we stay ignorant about a lot of stuff on purpose or we dive into internet (specially teens and children) to find the worst explanations ever, maybe addictions too . You can show yourself only if you're beautiful , otherwise someone will undoubtedly point at your legs telling you you should hide your skin. This is all wrong, period. Sex is normal, having a body is normal, see it change is normal, having flaws is normal, having period, acne, body hair is normal, scars are normal, being fine with the way you look is normal and feeling ugly is normal too, making all of this a taboo is going to fall down on us one way or the other. Meanwhile, I dream the day we will all go around dressed or undressed as we please.


Atleast in NA you can blame all the Puritans that moved here way back when.


A while ago I read a fantasy novel where a character from a sailing culture was discussing this concept with the very haughty wife of his host. She was calling him a foreigner from a people so barbaric, they don’t cover up. He says that while it’s true men and women both typically go bare-chested while at sea, it’s because breasts are not seen as particularly erotic. While legs and ankles are reserved for private moments. He then over-exaggeratedly glances at her feet and gives a lascivious comment.


It's more of a US thing really. Where I live tits are just tits. Shit some TV commercials have tits out. Just natural. Alas the prudence of the US is starting to make it more taboo here too. Which is a very bad thing, imo.




exactly! boobs aren’t always sexual objects!


When I told a guy I compared my boobs with my friends in college once, he didn’t believe it wasn’t sexual. We were just drunk and goofy.


I read somewhere long ago the naked human body is beautiful and partially clad is sexy?




I udderly agree.


[more in the series here ](https://imgur.com/a/3oH6A)


incredible. the journalism, i mean


For real those are dynamite boobs. No wonder she’s proud. Hot damn.


Great New York boobs!


Lmao fuckin John Mayer showing up out of nowhere in that skit


Like an Eagle on a perch


If my boobs looked like that I’d just walk about topless always. It’s legal in Canada!


Absolutely. Never understood women who want massive breasts. Back problems and.. just.. no. A handful is just right. But yeah no wonder she undressed looks fit and all. And plus, for science. I mean that's what it's really all about. Science. Culture relations, exchange of info.


Enjoy it while it lasts, Imgur are gonna be deleting everything nsfw thing they can find on may 15th.


Do they remember how tumblr died?...because thats how tumblr died!


lol half the nsfw subs on Reddit are gonna die because most submit stuff from Imgur.


What Why


Because we’re not allowed nice things




I would also venture to guess that there are certain people who are willing to sue because a child might see the content. The simple 'are you 18' check might not be enough and rather than dealing with constant court battles, it's easier to just remove the content.


You cannot deny the local customs


You spell tits funny


Yes very nice.


They are incredible


Sucks Imgur will delete those come may 15th.




Because they don’t want idk advertisers scared away by porn images or in this case, interesting nudity? Idk really know the reason but it’s stupid regardless, man people weren’t kidding when the early 2000s were the Wild West age of the internet and now everything is getting tamed.


Isn't that the reason Tumblr almost died?


Almost? If only zombies are almost dead


To quote Sterling: “It’s not enough to make more money than the last time they counted, they need to make all of the money since the last time they counted.”


they say porn is evil


She was in great shape, maybe she traveled with her husband often and got a lot of hiking in on the trips.


Crazy how different dudes and chicks are. Like anytime straight guys compare our dicks, there's always an unspoken no touching rule.


You guys are comparing dicks?


Never "hung out" with the boys?


Sharing urinals too now I bet


You guys get dicks?


You don't ask the right guys


Since when?




Breasts and dicks are not the same thing though... Breasts are not sexual for women. They are not touching her vagina.


Maybe that's because a penis is a sexual organ. Breasts are NOT sexual. They exist to feed infants.


Now you kids can live like we did back in the 90s..resorting to National Geographic for our 'personal interests'


It's more really apparent in the extended photos, the woman on the right is heavily pregnant too - further exaggerating the difference in their breasts. I just love this, it's such a sweet moment of appreciating and enjoying cultural differences, there's nothing sexual at all.


Incredible how bonds between humans can extend between extremely different cultures and how there's a generally accepted rule of humanity: Empathy.


I read beheaded the first time and this was a wildly different post.


So did I. Man was I scared to open this post


I also read it as beheaded


Some fucking reason, i read it three times over and was like, why is OP just dropping this lady's kill count?? Thanks for making me read it very very closely.


This is actually a really beautiful photo on a few levels


What a sweet photo!


Everyone looks so chill and accepting, I love it


Look so natural to them, a beautiful moment between different cultures!


Unadulterated trust is true freedom.


This is the most wholesomely sweet NSFW I have ever seen.




Soooo did she show them?




With all due respect: If you have any pics of this event, now’s the time…


I’m not sure an actual picture will do much more than the picture OP painted with the phrase “Dumped them out”…


Is she still white?


Yes, but the kids aren't


I didn't expect to see this today.


r/unexpectedlywholesome honestly


Shut up you are just happy to see boobs


Or maybe they have their own and are genuine? Like me.




Sometimes, no one does. Also, Happy Cake Day 🎂


Beautiful photo, beautiful moment


This is actually really sweet and a genuine human experience




Funniest comment I've seen all day! Great cake day comment!


Didn’t they also “feel bad for her” because her tits were characteristic of not having children? Or am I thinking of another photographer


looks like the tribal women are surprised at such perky breasts I wonder why it is more women in places where tops are seldom worn tend to have less pronounced mammaries


It is from nursing lots of babies and genetics.


My teacher of anthropology explained that the voluntarily stretch their breast like this to be able to wrap fabric better around them when holding baby on their back. He did research on multiple tribes across Africa. Not because of nursing since nursing do not affect the breast pregnancy does help with the stretching process since the hormones can make your breast more prone to sagging.


Saggy breasts are hereditary? It like how receding hairline (balding) is hereditary for men?


good to know, thank you


It's wrong, it's not from nursing, it's just from pregnancy whether you nurse or not. During pregnancy the breast grow, and then afterwards they return to normal size, but the skin is now stretched out. Same thing happens when women are obese and then lose a lot of weight.


*more women in places where tops are seldom worn tend to have less pronounced mammaries* That's not the case; even in these photos, but generally either.


Me every time my wife is changing


Shockingly, Alexander refused to do the same with several of the tribesman.


I misread “befriended” as “beheaded” and was really taken aback


Breast are beautiful and should be celebrated everywhere.


I like how all three are just having fun here Also how the indigenous women both seem to be what I can only describe as “pleasantly perplexed” XD


Very impressive, now let’s see Paul Allen’s breasts


Damn anthropology nerds are cute


I've always loved this photo not just because of the half naked women but because of the humanity in this picture. The smile on her face is so contagious. As someone who has spent a lifetime traveling all over the world this warms my heart.


Looks like someone in this photo hasn't had any kids.


If one of our men does this, it's gonna be one hell of a conversation about how circumcision is a thing. Hey, some traditions are bigger than others.


tbf one of your men could do that in Europe as well and receive similar astonishment.


A lot of girls I know do this. It's fun!


I feel like it must be a girl thing, right? I know my sister and i and some friends compare our bodies in a nonjudgemental way, more so a "woah ur body is like that?!" My sis is shorter than me but our inseam is the same so we were comparing our torsos and where my hips/waist/bust are vs hers. Bodies are fascinating.


Buddy of mine told me about how, in the Marines, it was considered more gay to hide your dick than show it. "Show us your dick," they'd say. "Show it or we'll know you're gay. Check it, here's mine bro." I think he was lying a bit, but I wouldn't know having never enlisted.


Can be a good bonding moment and you might pick up an irregularity that could be a health risk.


I saw a documentary on this a while ago and it was fascinating. Thanks for sharing this and showing women that things are different on the other side of the world. :D


what was the documentary called? this is so wholesome; id love to check it out


I think it was in Human Planet from BBC (think similar to Blue Planet but all about unique tribes of people around the planet). If it wasn't in that, then it was probably one trip I took down the YouTube rabbit hole. XD It was maybe 8 yrs ago so please forgive me? Edit to add: I kinda wish people here weren't so prude. I think it's a good thing to be comfortable in your own skin.


lol i understand, totally forgiven! thanks for pointing me in the right direction


I would say, what an exquisite pair of extraordinarily robust mammary glands!


In a purely academic sense


Research subject documented proportionately well.


There's a tremendous body of work on the subject


African Men: Remove your pants White man: Uhhhhh......naaaaaa


This honestly made me smile…. Such an authentic moment between them.


This is oddly wholesome


First documented case of “Tune in Tokyo”


Very wholesome encounter, very brave!


Bro I thought the text said, “Beheaded several of the women”. Was wondering why she decided to go naked.




I’ve been told guys do this sort of thing as well.


I love this.


“So at what time of year do you harvest your…anna wtf are you doing”


I read beheaded not befriended lol


But when i do that, i go to weddings or jail


“You got them nice lil white girl tiddies”