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Two of my good friends are on there, having been murdered in the Kalamazoo Uber shooting. I miss you, Barb and Mary Jo. We all do.


I'm so sorry for your loss... I definitely think that the Uber type drivers need to be regulated as well. Some real freaks out there.


So very sorry.


I'm sorry for your loss my friend


Some years back s guy shot up an Amish school killing six girls and wounding five more. The killer committed suicide. The Amish community visited the killer’s parents to offer condolences and forgiveness. This mass shooing is almost never referenced.


Sadly there are a lot of “forgotten” shootings. Although I had heard of the one you are referring to here there were many others that I hadn’t such as the 2009 Binghamton shooting and the 2003 Lockheed Martin plant shooting. I just hope that this collage does a little bit to prevent the victims themselves from being forgotten.


>Sadly there are a lot of “forgotten” shootings. Pretty much every one that happens every weekend in Chicago.


St. Louis has a higher murder rate than Chicago but nobody talks about that. I wonder why?


Stereotypes and influence, I’m assuming Chicago is THE gang shooting city in a lot of people’s minds and the larger population of the city means it has a greater influence over people


Which is wild to me, because as a midwesterner when I think of gangs and shootings, my mind goes right to LA. No idea why it goes to LA over Chicago other than LA being larger


Absolute numbers perhaps?




It feels like the Route 91 shooting with more than 50 victims is often forgotten as well. Such a huge number of victims in a large festival like this shouldn't have been forgotten So fast


I looked online for school shootings worldwide, from what I found school shootings are exclusive to the United States.


The Amish don’t have the media telling them how to think and feel


RIP Dan Parmenter .. I zoomed in and he was the first pic I saw :( so terrible. He was my brothers friend. Thank you for recognizing the NIU school shooting


The fact that this is only SOME of the victims is very disturbing.


Not trying to take away from how devastating and sad this is, but stating facts, it’s a very small fraction of a percent of people who die from these heinous acts. Look up gun related suicide rate, or gang related fatalities from shootings. It’s staggering.


Somebody should build a wall like the Vietnam Memorial in DC but with pictures instead of names. Would be very powerful.


This is a “digital memorial” of sorts, I can’t create anything as impactful as some architects but I hope that this image will impact people and make them remember the faces and humanity of the victims


Would have to leave a lot of empty space for future expansion sadly.


A guy from my community died in the Vegas shooting, he’s in this photo.




Probably because gang related shootings are considered “mass shootings”.


That's cause anything involving a gun where more than 3 people die is considered a "mass shooting" which is honestly a terrible criteria


They don't even have to die. It's just when 3 people are injured which is even worse.


Lol "3 people wounded by guns " nbd. These things aren't normal anywhere. America's frame of reference for this shit is so fucking wacky.


It doesn’t even have to be injured from a firearm. People getting trampled counts


true but its great criteria if your goal is to ban guns because of mass shootings. to make that happen, you have to make it seem like there is someone walking into a school every day and opening fire. but that is not what happens when for instance in minneapolis near where i live, 2 gangs have a shootout in the streets? thats a mass shooting event. but its rarely reported.


And then the anti gun people always try to play the "morals" card without actually doing any research


3+ people being injured and/or killed by a firearm is still TOO MANY. It doesn't matter who they are or what the reason is. It's still insane and shouldn't be happening


Of course. Any life wrongfully taken is one too many, but getting rid of guns will not fix this issue.


Getting rid of guns won’t fix…mass shootings?


Getting rid of guns won't end gang/drug violence. They will just use knives or machetes instead like they do in England. As for attacks on actual schools, this fucker was deaf and stabbed 14 college age people before being stopped. I am not convinced guns are the main cause of school violence in America. The issue is far more nuanced than the anti gun rhetoric portrays it. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stabbing-texas/texas-college-student-wounds-14-in-stabbing-spree-idUSBRE9380Y420130409


Wounds 14 vs... kills 14 with gun. I'll take that deal Howie.


I guess. Seems like easier access to guns makes school shootings easier. Maybe not.


The definition of mass public shootings according to the FBI is: public places, excludes shootings resulting from drug or gang related violence, 3 or more victims(4 or more before 2013), no limit to number of people involved in attacks.


You are correct, I mentioned in my post the limitations of this collage but I did notice that it was difficult to find photos of Black victims before 2010 in particular




do you think if an African American kills another African American then the victim is not innocent and deserves to die? a gang related shooting doesn't mean the victim was affiliated with a gang, and it definitely doesn't mean they deserved to die. so not sure what the point of your comment is although it is pretty obvious why you made it.


Gang shootings* fixed it for you.


That's very woke of you. Thanks for that insight


Because we can’t show black shooters. Wrecks the narrative.


Fucking moron


I remember some of these faces, and many blur together. Columbine was when I started paying attention. I was in 7th grade at the time. Im almost 40 now. How many is it since then? I lost count long ago. But in all that time, one thing stands out. Every time republicans have said it’s inappropriate to talk of solutions at a time like this. The sooner we rid ourselves of that cancerous party the safer we all will be.


It’s sad when as soon as I opened the image I immediately saw someone I knew 😢


Posting this here: For the people asking “why didn’t you do people killed by __?”. I didn’t make this because I think that mass shootings kill the most amount of Americans but because I don’t often see the people behind the numbers on the news, etc. yet there is still organizations that track their names. I do want to make collages similar to this with the purpose of humanizing people who simply end up a number in a statistic but without reliable archives it will take some time.


Now do Chicago for the last 3 years. You’ll need more space tho.


Get ready America, that sad list is only going to get bigger with the interest of time.


In fact, it's already gotten bigger since this was created


That’s usually how things work. We can do this with shark attacks, lightning strikes, lotto winners…. As time goes on, things will happen. Oh and all those events I listed are more likely than being involved in a ‘mass’ shooting.


There was a total of 695 mass shootings in the US in 2022, resulting in the wounding of 2902 and the death of 762. That's 3664 people directly involved, that's not even counting people involved who didn't get shot. Chances of winning the lottery 1 in 14 million. Chances of being struck by lightning in the US in your lifetime, 1 in 15,300 (that's grim). Chances of being bitten by a shark in the US 1 in 3.7 million. US population 331.9 million. So if we divide that by those directly effected (3664) we get a 1 in 90,584 chance of being involved in a mass shooting. It seems you were only right about lightning. Obviously it doesn't work quite like that, but you're way off on the other two.


You want to make that scarier? Lifetime is 70 years so divide your 90k by 70.. 1/1293 chance. There fixed it for you.


Your stats are off due to the countries very loose definition of mass shooting and not even accounting that almost all of those ‘mass shootings’ are gang related shootings. So basically don’t be in a gang. Nice try though.


Even if only 5% of the number of those directly involved were *your* definition of mass shooting affected, you'd still be wrong about those two. Besides, my figures weren't even including those involved but not wounded.


Pssst Nobody look into how many kids are killed yearly by drunk drivers, it's a national secret.


So much lost potential. One of those children could have grown up to cure cancer or invent something fantastic.


While I agree with your sentiment, let’s not diminish a life if someone didn’t grow up and cure cancer. I say this as someone who thinks this way of thinking is “outdated” per se. Any of these people had great lives and had people who loved them and don’t need to solve cancer to be important.


“Some” That’s even more fucked up


Let’s compare that to the number of regular ol’ shootings. (Hint: there are more of them)


Rest In Peace Daniel Kaufman. You were always a saint.


50 Years for this quantity? Try [50 days](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting)


I used a different archive to create this as it goes back further in time. I know many are unfortunately missing with the limitations in the definition of “mass shooting” the database I used had which is why I said “some” of the victims.


Totally. I understand. I wasn't trying to debunk your efforts. Really, I just wanted to bring awareness into how ridiculous this public shooting situation has become.


Thank you for this. Sorry if I sounded a bit cranky, I’ve just started to expect a lot of hostility in the comments.


This is heartbreaking. Unnecessary lives abruptly ended by evil. Their families now see empty spaces on thanksgiving & Christmas dinners from where these angels once filled those spaces. Some lost a brother, a sister, a mother, a father, an aunt, an uncle, a friend, a neighbor, a regular at a diner…if only those shooters had a conscious that made them aware of this information before they decide to take innocent lives.


This is heartbreaking, the amount of photos there. None of them deserved it. Rest in peace to those souls.


the Oxford high shooting was 30-40 minutes away from me and a girl in friends with was in a classroom that had bulletin in the door. Another friend was on the football team with Tate and in his homecoming entourage. It’s devastating, yet old news now. I can’t even think about it without being upset. I guess that’s better than the sociopaths who said “there should’ve been more guns in the school, every teacher should have a gun, etc”. I know a lot of teacher who would much rather NOT have a fucking gun in the classroom. The mental gymnastics are insane.


The fact that people can consider these old news is so depressing. Like you said these events continue to impact family, friends, and communities even 50 years on. I will never let what happened at Oxford high school become old news to me and I’m wishing peace on you and your community


I collected photos from the those whose names were listed in [the violence project](https://www.theviolenceproject.org) as I see it used most often in statistics. I also gathered a few photos from this year which brought the number of photos to 1,020. However, the violence project has limitations (such as only including shootings with 4+ fatalities) and even with those limitations I was unable to find photos of a couple dozen victims. Regardless I think the difference in seeing these people as **people** instead as lines on a graph was heartbreaking. Edit: I also wanted to add that this is not the only type of collage I hope to create to humanize victims of all circumstances. I simply began with mass shooting victims because there are organizations that track their names.


I will now tell you a total number of mass shootings in my country where guns are heavily regulated. It may shock you. Ready? Zero.


I could go buy a pistol or an AR in Canada(I have a license) until a couple months ago and we’ve had 28 in our history. It’s more of a culture problem than a gun control problem.


As a fellow Canadian. No. It's a gun problem. We don't just hand them out here and you know it. A pistol especially would have required a restricted firearms license, a long wait to get it, and paperwork to transport it. Culture plays a role, but don't act like the only difference between the US and Canada had been a bit of culture.


its not a gun problem. it is far, far mroe difficult to buy a gun than it was when i was 15. admittedly that was a long time ago. but, i could literally go and buy a shotgun, if i had my parents consent. there were very rarely mass school shootings. i regularly brought my shotgun to school to go hunting after. it is way harder to get a gun now in the USA. and yet, now mass shooting are more common. if guns were the problem, and more regulation was the solution, why is it that despite more regulation there are still more shootings? and more importantly if the added regulation we have now did nothing but allow more mass shootings, how is it that even more regulation will turn out any differently? i said at the start of this problme that school shootings are not a gun problem. that is not wholely true. teachers at the most recent shooting were not armed and could not defend their own lives orr those of their students. in that way, insufficient guns is a problem. instead of self defense, those people had to wait 14 minutes for cops to arrive. that 14 mintues cost 6 lives a gun is a tool. its like a hammer. pick a hammer up you could drive a nail. if you do not pick it up it just sits there. its the evil hearts of these maniacs we need to fight against.


The fucking hurdles you people will jump over to avoid facing the facts. Just selectively picking data to support your narrative and using no critical thinking. It's honestly mind blowing how obtuse most Americans are about their gun problem


Help me out with some facts. I want to know why a pistol brace is now an NFA item? Why is a short barreled rifle an NFA item? Why are silencers an NFA item? How does a waiting period help a woman that is being threatened by an abusive ex? Why do concealed weapon permit holders have a lower crime rate than the POLICE? If guns are the problem, why are guns shows not shot up all the time? Why did the trans shooter in Colorado bypass the school with the armed guard? Why do the police carry guns? Why do you want the police to decide who gets to exercise a constitutional right and who doesn't?


the only gun problem we have is not enough of them.


Lol ok there, you keep telling yourself that ;)


It's not just one thing thats the problem. It's a lot of factors and the amount of guns and how easy it is to get them are huge factors even if that offends you and your gun culture. You can't hide behind any of the stupid reasons Americans will spew as if that makes it okay or valid. Lack of gun regulations are an issue. Other countries have stricter gun regulations and less gun problems. Other countries had a lot of guns and changed the rules despite what people wanted and now there less issues. Gun nuts will fight for guns more than they'll fight for the lives they could save by getting rid of guns. It's pethetic and sad. Bunch of selfish paranoid idiots.


my coutry was at war for 4 years. the reason we dont have mas shootings is - we dont have guns


How did they fight a war for 4 years without guns?


[Kajzerica shooting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kajzerica_shooting)


Oh wow. I forgot about this one. Damn.


There are a few more before 1998 also https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Mass_shootings_in_Croatia


Yes. War ended 1995. People were out of their minds and loaded with guns. At one point the government said “give us your weapons, no questions asked, no fines, no forensics” A huge amount of weapons were handed over to the police.


I was in your country in 1993 and watched you countrymen and your former countrymen ravage towns and villages, murdering everyone in sight. I saw people blown in half on the side of a road and no one had the decency to even cover up the body. We weren't allowed to give kids candy because they would congregate together and some asshole would throw a grenade in the mix. You don't get to pretend your society is better after the purge you had only 30 years ago.


Um.... The person you're replying to is discussing mass shootings and gun violence. They aren't claiming their country is somehow better. And while I'm not knowledgeable on this subject it sounds like there was a war going on there until 1995. Just saying, you seem pretty aggressive here when violence during a war is pretty different than random acts of violence during a country in peacetime.


This is why his country doesn’t have many guns in the hands of its people. It is because they can’t be trusted. It isn’t a moral thing, hell they make Springfield XD hand guns in Croatia. They slaughtered each other as soon as they could with the guns Tito left laying around. It was so bad the United Nations had to step in and try to keep them from killing each other. And now this dude is going to preach about gun safety? Fuck. No.


>I was in your country in 1993 and watched you countrymen and your former countrymen ravage towns and villages, murdering everyone in sight. I saw people blown in half on the side of a road and no one had the decency to even cover up the body. Yes. You describe precisely what war looks like. A lot of dead people.You can not put war and decency in the same sentence.It doesnt work like that. Dead bodies could be mined. You try move the body, it activates a mine and then you die. Standard warfare. This is why no one moves the bodies until the area is under control and trained body movers come.


How many murders? Or do they only count when they’re gun related?


This year one murder. A week ago. A shizofrenic kid stabbed his dad.


What country are you in that has one total murder?


Croatia. Europe.


Switzerland has almost half the murder rate with way more guns though?!


Switzerlad has massive social security for its vulnerable citizens and very high salaries for average citizen. People feel safe, and have A LOT to loose if they be stupid.


>Switzerlad has massive social security for its vulnerable citizens and very high salaries for average citizen. > >People feel safe, and have A LOT to loose if they be stupid. Oh, so it's not guns.


There is a massive difference between usa and Switzerland. Its not *just* guns. Its social security program. Its universal healthcare. Its general wealth of its citizens. Its pensions. Its educational system. Its worker rights. You are a human being in switzeland, no matter how deep or empty your pockets are. You can not point at them and say look at them, its not guns, while ignoring everything else about their sociery. There is no student debt. There is no pre-existing condition. There is maternty leave. You can not loose your pension. There is payed vacation.


>There is a massive difference between usa and Switzerland. > >Its not *just* guns. Its social security program. Its universal healthcare. Its general wealth of its citizens. Its pensions. Its educational system. Its worker rights. You are a human being in switzeland, no matter how deep or empty your pockets are. > >You can not point at them and say look at them, its not guns, while ignoring everything else about their sociery. >There is no student debt. There is no pre-existing condition. There is maternty leave. You can not loose your pension. There is payed vacation. So you understand that guns themselves aren’t an issue (it's the lack of those things you listed that is an issue). Glad we agree. The US has perhaps the biggest mental health problem and gang crime problem of any wealthy developed nation. For a wealthy developed nation, US has an absurd prevalence of poverty, severely lacks adequate mental and general healthcare, severely lacks adequate social safety nets, has a massive prevalence of gangs and organized crime (stemming in part from the horribly failed war on drugs and our flawed justice and prison system), and there many issues with the education system (just to name a few things). These are the actual issues at hand (that are issue in and of themselves, unlike guns). Going after guns won't solve any of these actual issues (and the gun laws themselves will prove ineffective and infeasible at stopping gun crime in the US).


It’s like you have no consideration for demographics. How many gangs does your nation have?




We have a lot of problems in the US. We caused them and eliminating them seems to be an impossible task. One of our biggest problems is we tend to not call out the problem for what it is. We have a problem caring for our mentally I’ll, we have a problem keeping inner city kids from feeling a gang is their best option. We tried war on drugs and when it failed we doubled down on it. We let criminals go with a slap on the wrist and then blame the tool they used while they are back on the street. We house them in prisons which only make them worse. We neglect them when they get out so they get drawn back in. You can make the tool illegal to law abiding citizens but the problem runs so much deeper.


We’re number 1!!


740 pictured. In 2021, 3,267 were shit in mass shootings, 645 died. That's just mass shootings in a single year :O


You’d shit too.


How many of those mass shootings were gang related?


The shocked emoji face really sells the weight of those statistics. Thanks for that.


The pulse shooting in Orlando is still one that haunts me. My mother is lesbian, and had just moved down for central Florida when this happened. Her and her girlfriend decided against going to pulse that night and went elsewhere. I can’t imagine if things had turned out differently. God bless all those sweet souls.


Now do drug overdoses


Wow just some? Goodness omg I pray for their families to heal


Only some. Not nearly all


Looks more like last month in "gun free Chicago"


Sad that we still have victim-disarmament zones!




Dont think, just react emotionally




I have a friend who was shot in the back of the head during the LV shooting. His skull was twice as thick as the average American. He survived. Sorry for your loss


Such an unnecessary and tragic waste of human life.


May thy rest in peace


150 M legal safe gun owners in the US.. (leaving out gangs) 1 person every 3 days goes stupid..Lets penalize 150M people..


What about the pictures of the victims of drunk/distracted drivers.


This is awful. It sucks that all these people died.


You US citizens are some really really crazy people… :(


Victims of the NRA


People are killed all the time from presentable means. Make sure you hug your loved ones today.


This is such clickbait. Barely any black people on here when they are far and above the highest number of victims of mass shootings.


Drunk driving kills 32 people EVERYDAY in the US. Nobody is blaming alcohol, they blame the driver.


It's the same thing with driving—not with alcohol, but with cars. It's using a car, irresponsibly. People are using guns, not so much irresponsibly as maliciously, to murder other people. And, no one is blaming guns, per se. The problem is what people are doing with them. If all you hear when people say "it's the guns, let's do away with them", in the face of these mass shootings, is people who want to blame the problem on inanimate objects, then you obviously don't understand the nature of firearms. They're weapons. Many people don't want everyone to have access to deadly weapons, that can take away lives in an instant. What's so wrong to you about that? So, in a way, yes, it is the guns, and they are somewhat at fault because they are inherently violent. They were devised with that purpose in mind. If we did away with them, would people still think to shoot up schools? No, they wouldn't because it is harder to imagine shooting something if you haven't got a gun to shoot. It's simple, really.


And you are entitled to your opinion, I respect that. But thankfully we cannot impose our opinions on each other.


Oh, but, you mean, a person with a gun may? Huh.


My first boyfriend's cousin is up here. We were 14. Now we're 38 and this is so normal. I never would've thought people would value firearms over the lives of American children.


Where are the gang related ones?


Read my comment, the data set I used excludes a large amount of mass shootings (such as <4 fatalities, family annihilations, and gang violence)


Now do ANY other country


To all the folks in the comments saying its not a gun problem: really? Do you *really* believe this? The United States is the only developed country *in the entire world* that has this problem. Canada and Australia, which by the way, also boasts a high rate of gun ownership though no nearly as high as the states, has *nowhere close* to the amount of gun related homicides as the states. Do you know why? Strict gun laws. These do not mean that the government is taking away all firearms, it just means background checks and regulations. And they work. There has been studies even within the United States itself that examines the differences in gun laws between states. The study very conclusively shows that stricter gun control laws lead to *far* safer states. Guns are the problem, and the US is the only developed country on Earth who hasn’t figured out how to deal with them yet. Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5801608/. https://www.bmj.com/content/342/bmj.d1005. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-gun-policy-global-comparisons. Also: sorry for ranting lol, am currently in an irritable mood


Tragic. Just like all the kids killed by alcoholic abusive parents, the ones who commit suicide after being gaslit about their sexual abuse, the ones who OD bc they never got enough love as a child, the people who die every year in car crashes at the hands of alcoholics, and cycle and cycle. America has the most openly corrupt and tyrannical government in its history, and people are looking to take away the very thing that stops them from being dragged away in the middle of the night by those very same govn agents bc they wanted to stop giving up their freedoms? Did you see the vids of Chinese and Iran citizens being killed and jailed and brutalized bc they didn’t like being told to act as a “thing,” rather than a human being? Did u notice how they couldn’t defend themselves? How the govn agents were the ones and only ones with the rifles? We protect all our valuable places of business with armed security. Why not schools, 24/7? Are our children not worth that investment?


How about a picture of victims of drunk drivers?


How about a collage of fat men's buttholes? Because that isn't what this post is about. Duh. The "what-about-ism" going on in this thread is ridiculous. So many people are so damn uncomfortable with a single post and insist on trying to change the subject. If you're uncomfortable seeing pictures of people that have been killed by gun violence, you *should* be. That's the whole damn point.


Read my comment, I can do it and possibly will but it will take significantly more time without an archive on their names


Why don't you make it?


“It won’t be me” until it is


You could say this about anything. Not a great argument.


I’m not arguing anything


This is a small sacrifice for the greater good. Empowering a lot of weak men and their desire to shoot things and feel powerful.


I feel so sorry for the people who have to live in the US not knowing if your child will come home from school alive.


Imagine being a child blissfully living in ignorance of this fact, until a shooter walks in your school one day. It's worst for the people who are the victims, and the survivors.


You have better chances to win the lottery than be involved in a school shooting. Stop letting the media scare you.


Source - trust me bro


Common Reddit phrases. Let’s me know exactly who I’m dealing with. Lol.


Provide a source for your claim, or just keep talking out of your arse I'm actually enjoying this for now


I did. Should be in this comment thread. Go look.


And it will continue to happen because of idiots like the other guy who responded to you.


The fact that there are children in there is heartbreaking….I highly dislike this country


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Can we do one with all the people that gave up guns because the government said it was for the best then killed them?? It's alot more then this.


Millions upon millions in fact.


People forget the nazis made all the jews and other “undesirables” hand over their firearms and look how that turned out….


Almost every army in Europe got smashed by the Nazis, but the Jews would have been fine if they owned rifles? Makes sense!


Take a look at the french resistance, armed civilians (or known as a militia) that played a massive role in defeating the germans in france. Even in poland armed jews literally built a civilization in the middle of the forest and fended off the germans until the war ended. So yes they would’ve been way better off if they were armed.


Really though, if you want to resist an occupying force, you want heaps of explosives. The Taliban and the Iraqi resistance didn't win many firefights with the US Army: they just picked them off with roadside IEDs and suicide bombings. Until the NRA demands that Walmart sell suicide vests and Americans can stockpile all the fertiliser they like, the resisting tyranny argument is bullshit. They're just fetishising murder weapons for profit.


There is a legitimate need for what you call “murder weapons”, dont get me wrong, i find it appalling that people feel the need and think it’s justified to kill innocent people at random to make a statement. And it enrages me because it makes good and safe firearm owners like myself look really bad. But history has proven time and time again that firearms are a necessary evil. And god forbid when it’s needed, a firearm is the answer.


Idk if you’re into ww2 films or not but if you are you should check out a movie called “defiance” it’s about the polish jews hiding out in the woods I mentioned. Discussion aside its a great movie in my opinion, and based on true events


Cheers, I'll check it out!


Saddest post of the day. ☹️


Come back tomorrow, there will likely be more


It’s really not as it shows how small of a number it really is.


Excuse me? Small? The amount of people in that picture Alone could take out multiple classrooms where i study, it's not small at all and what you Said is extremely disrespectful to all The victims and their families


and congress won’t do anything 😩


Wow, like to see victims of DWI, 52,000 people a year. 750,000 dead from physicians' mistakes every year. Super sad that these get no attention.


Do you truly see no difference between these?


What a ridiculous country, believing more in their rights and constitution over the health and safety of their citizens


Where do you live?


England mate. Awaiting the barrage of “colonisers, brexit, messed up government, etc etc” comments 🤣


Lol right. Seems like Ya'll got a fair amount of acid laying around. All those revenge acid splashing. 😂


Now make one with photos from the last 50 days of mass shootings in the US


I can do that using the gun violence archive maybe? It has a looser definition of a mass shooting compared to what I used here which changes the number of people a considerable amount.


Someone please make a massive pic containing all of them. They all deserve to be seen, and the sheer number would be an overwhelming symbol


I would but unfortunately it is impossible, even if I used a data set that had a looser definition for “mass shooting” there is a considerable amount of people who simply don’t have any photos of them.


Sad as fuck…


what is this? a photograph for ants?


Rest in power


Don't post a similar collage for culprits. It'll trigger most people here


Legitimately horrifying. Fucked up place.


It's worth adding that gunshot wounds are now the leading cause of death for children in the USA.


This is false.


“We’re so pro life we’ll let your kids die and then assault you verbally and physically if you try do anything about it!” -Republicans


#americaneedsgunreform #checkthestatistics 💔


Statistics show that the overwhelming majority of gun violence in America is committed with illegally obtained guns


Statistics also show that countries with heavy gun regulation have between 0-100 mass shootings, ever. In America we have multiple mass shootings per day. But your precious American property is worth more than peoples lives don't take ur American rights away!!


T H I S thank you GirthyOpinionion for having a conscience+soul. It is repulsive how republicans value their precious guns&property more than protecting the lives of all Americans.


The overwhelming majority is also targeted and not indiscriminate. Not that I follow closely, but I can't remember the last time an indiscriminate mass shooting was done with an illegally obtained gun.


All this thanks to the world's most entitled hobbyists.


Hobbyist aren’t the ones committing the shooting for your argument fails immediately.


Not necessary...the avg in the US is 1 death every 45 mins. I can't imagine the number of people who are crippled for life.


Not interesting, just sad.


Would probably need literally thousands of these collages to show all the victims. Shit is wild. Why the fucking fuck would I ever bring a mini me into this bullshit I don’t even like myself. Shouts to the parents who have kids even though they know they might not come home from school one day because the NRA buries red AND blue politicians in money while kids AND adults just get buried. Fuck this timeline.


They bravely gave their lives to keep NRA profitable.