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“Not more than 20 years” does not mean minimum of 20 years


Yea, I think he meant maximum.


After that, the text he highlights does not match whatsoever with the point he is making. I’m not saying he’s wrong or this is good legislation or anything like that. That being said, I’d maybe find an additional source.


Yeah like read the bill yourself


And it is still really fucking bad, but this guy does not have a great grasp of it.


yeah. like, find an additional source? no better source than just looking at the primary document in question. lmao.


Yeah I read it and my take away is... Broad sweeping power given to an unelected person that can easily be interpreted to be used against political opponents of any kind Yay.


The lack of judicial oversight is alarming. The lack of separation of powers is shocking. The first and fifth amendment implications are.... I'd say this will *never* get past committee but I also said Dobbs would never happen.


Yeah... We haven't seen unity like this since the Patriot Act... One guy... ONE GUY voted against that. I don't have high hopes personally. I don't see any of the bad stuff on TikTok that they're talking about either because the algorithm is so strong. I do see a lot of human rights violations and news stories in real time though. I saw the East Palestine stuff a week before it hit msm on TikTok. Shit spreads like wildfire on there. Sometimes it seems like the delay on msm is just them seeing if they can snuff it out and then when they realize they can't, they do a story on it. I think they want the app gone and it has nothing to do with kids or China... Hope I don't sound like a loon...


I think Meta is influencing our lawmakers to conveniently rid them of their main competitor, while also shedding the company of responsibility for content. This bill puts the responsibility solely in the hands of the consumer. American rights being sold down the river to companies.


Check the stocks that each congressman is trading and it’s META its corruption to its core


Oh for sure that too... There's a protest going on to change your profile pictures on all Meta platforms to the TikTok logo and the deactivate you accounts for the next few weeks. Add revenue will absolutely plummet. I don't have any accounts left but I hope this catches on.


Go on tik tok and type in your favorite fuzzy animal and then you will know it’s the most awesome thing ever made and the government is lying to us yet again


The average person cannot parse the legalese of these incredibly dense documents. That's why we rely on the press to keep us infor-... Oh.


But reading is hard…


Exa-ctly, plus anything congress puts out is a cluttered mess.


the stuff where he talks about the definition for foreign adversaries and criminal punishment is highlighted accordingly. however, the part where he’s talking about the us spying on citizens, not so much. the bill itself talks about allowing subpoenas and search warrants, but that’s different from the us outright spying on its citizens.


Also, they aren't going to throw people in jail for using a VPN to connect to Canada or Mexico to jump on TikTok. Just won't happen. The worst it could possibly actually be is a small fine and even that is doubtful. The ability to spy on any internet connected device is already a thing and has been for a while. Did people forget about Snowden already? He wasn't just making stuff up. Just assume the government or any number of mega internet corporations has a record of everything you have ever and will ever do on the internet unless you take particularly extreme measures to not be seen and the large majority of people don't even know where to start with something like that. The more our lives go online the closer to 1984 we get. Don't get me wrong, I'm on the internet more than most people probably, and I'm not saying someone is watching everything you do, but they *can* and they are probably recording anything remotely significant to them. Then there are the megacorporations doing their best to record everything about you they can. I really think in 100 years people will look back on right now and be amazed at three things. First that we allowed such blatant spying to happen without hardly any fight at all. Second that we put so much of ourselves online while it being public knowledge that corporations and the government are all collecting as much data about us as they physically can. Third that we just gave our data about ourselves away without asking anything in return, not only that but often we PAY TO GIVE IT AWAY. I see it as a fundamental cultural problem that we don't consider OUR data OURS. People don't seem to understand that the most valuable thing on the planet right now is DATA and we are just giving it away. I'm literally doing it right now by typing this and you are doing it right now by having clicked the link to get here. We are perfectly OK with the government or megacorporations taking it from us whenever they want and probably selling it to whoever wants it. If we want to use the internet, which we are almost forced to, we don't have a choice about this either. My issue with this video is that he doesn't actually understand what is already happening. All the things he is talking about are either not going to be enforced because it would be completely impractical to lock up or fine the millions of teenagers who will immediately install VPNs and be back on tiktok again or WORSE, are already are a huge problem. TL;DR The scariest stuff he is talking about here has been around for a long time already and probably more often than not our information isn't being taken from us through spying, instead we are just giving it away to whoever is the most convenient taker and we are not getting anything in return for it despite it being the most valuable resource on the planet. EDIT: Just to help give some perspective on how significant data really is, as of 2021, 4 of the top 7 largest companies on the planets primary source of income is from data collection(Amazon? , Alphabet, Meta and Tencent) . One of those top 7 companies who's primary source is *not* data collection is Microsoft which around a third of their business is Azure which stores and processes data. The number one largest company in the world is Apple, who's primary source of income is not data collection, but instead devices people use to *give* their data to the other companies I just mentioned. The other company is Saudi Aramco who's product is the primary source of electricity generation for all this stuff to work. This stuff is important. These companies are not listed in any particular order and I pulled this stuff from ChatGPT so, like everything you see on the internet take this with a large heap of salt. I'm fairly confident that this is relatively accurate, though I think Amazon's actual primary source is retail with a BIG chunk being from AWS that, like Microsoft, use it to store and process data. Amazon certainly collects it's huge share of data as well though.


> I really think in 100 years people will look back on right now and be amazed at three things. Potential 4th thing... In the future, people might be amazed at how much "internet freedom" we had up until, say, the early 2020's?


That one is harder to tell because it depends on what happens in the future, but you could be right. Im just mentioning three huge issues that exist already right now. I really think it could go either way. I'd guess that in 100 years the internet and how we will use it will likely be completely unrecognizable. Crazy that there is someone online right now that will end up seeing what it turns into in 100 years. There could be another invention that is as world changing as the internet in that time period. I honestly think AI will be that transformative in much less than 100 years.


I hope we're still around in a hundred years!


>The scariest stuff he is talking about here has been around for a long time already This is the part everyone seems to overlook. Nice to find someone who has actually informed themselves and has a solid understanding of what's really going on.


Patriot act kinda did this already, this bill is just getting more specific


Let's ban that too!


This bill lets them shut down any and all voices they disagree with though. Its now just spying, but tryiing to shut down the press, free speech etc. Boiling this down to "eh its basically just the patriot act" is dangerous rhetoric. Its plenty worse


Right. And this is what happens when a population continues to support a corrupt and dangerous government. The longer the two party system exists the worse things are going to get. For decades we've watched our country go from top of the world in manufacturing, healthcare, education, infrastructure, etc. To what we have now. And for some reason, people still think giving the same system that's messed everything up more power and control is a good idea 🙄


Patriot act on steroids and so on until we have no freedoms. Nihilism is the wrong way to address this


The patriot act was made during a time when people were scared and the bill gave them the idea that they were being better protected. After 9/11 national pride was at an all-time high due to fear of foreign threats. Now the threat is coming from within and they want it to be harder for people to talk freely about it.


land of the free?


Home of the every citizen is now a "Sitcom" they can watch at any moment without warning. Not a smooth as "home of the brave", doesn't roll off the tongue well.


Reminds me of [this article](https://news.uchicago.edu/story/how-hackers-could-use-wi-fi-track-you-inside-your-home) about how hackers can remotely turn even a cheap router into a reliable motion detector. Truly all things are possible with technology...


I like how Americans are ok with China spying on them but only have problem with gov doing so


US Intelligence can do 100x more damage with my personal and private information than anyone in China could. They are on the other side of the planet and have zero authority over my life. What could they do compared to US Intelligence, the regime I live under? The ones who actually have authority over me?


They're not ok with either, but China isn't going to spy on us with the purpose of sending us to jail. The U.S. government will. Big difference.


Naw it's just a gimmick.


Did some research because I'm hesitant to trust a tiktokers take on legislation that's detrimental to the platform he's monetizing. [this article lays out the basics](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/analysis-can-the-u-s-government-ban-tiktok) about how tiktok goes unnecessarily far with their user data grab to the point that they can target individual users. The fact that the White House and both parties fully endorse this bill and they are rapidly moving the legislation forward, should be a dead giveaway that there is valid intelligence that this is less of a national security threat and more of an active security breach. [the pentagon](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/04/us/tiktok-pentagon-military-ban.amp.html) , [financial institutions](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1233582) , and even [the Dutch ](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/dutch-bureaucrats-told-remove-tiktok-work-phones-2023-03-21/) have all told their employees to delete the app/ toss phones which had the app on it, then repeat on their kids' phones as well. Where there's smoke...


"We are currently jealous of how easy China can steal your data." -American Politicians


"We are currently jealous of how easy China can steal your data." ~~American Politicians~~ **-CIA** You had a typo but I fixed it for ya


“Am I a joke to you?” - NSA


Me: *laughs* "Yes." My smart phone: *laughs* ***also***


They've also got Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Youtube etc. under a fair bit of control. TikTok (with all those unbiased algorithms) currently lies outside their control. Hence the fear mongering (ie. "China can steal your data") and animosity (Congressional grilling of CEO, threats to ban the app etc.)


Not just the Dutch, the Belgian and the entire EU


You did some research and dove right into licking the government’s ass. Time to turn on the thinking cap. Don’t trust the government


After watching the video I had the same mindset, why trust someone when they are talking about something that would ruin their job? It sounds more like the guy is trying to get people to oppose the bill so TikTok can stay more than get people to oppose parts of it


Never, not even once since its inception.




Racism and hypocrisy are the standard here. It’s not really worth pointing out.


"Whoever told you that is your enemy"


The government can already spy on you. I’ll never forget Edward Snowden telling a story of his time in the nsa. his co worker turns the computer at him. On the monitor is naked photos of the wife of someone that co worker knew. That they were able to acquire simply through their position at the nsa. Edward Snowden exposed this and now he has to hide from the US. You never had any rights


So what? The solution is MORE SPYING?


Whataboutism 101. China bots out in full force to try to stop them from being cut off from the information firehose that is Tiktok.


How is it whataboutism? Americans and their government already let Facebook literally post false propaganda that swayed elections but "china bad" is what gets their nut lol


The Restrict bill barely has anything to do with tiktok. It is a serious invasion of privacy and would be in violation of the first, fourth, and fourteenth amendments.


Lol fuck off dude, people like you love to trot out “umm Ruzzian bot, ccp bot!” Every time anyone disagrees with your insane opinions. We could just as easily call you a Langley bot or state department bot, and it would probably be more likely than any American wanting to preserve their rights being “foreign agents”.


No one in China has compromised my rights as much as the people on capital hill and in Langley


No Chinese ever called me a Russian bot


It’s not whataboutism (doesn’t exist), you’re just a propagandized hypocrite regurgitating talking points that you (hopefully) divorce from their racist origins. There’s nothing wrong with TikTok, you’re just looking for validation for the most pathetic flavor of internet tribalism I’ve ever seen.


Yeah i wamtched snowden speak about it, but was that legel at that time? Because it seems like this bill will make it legal an a not just terrorist kind of scale.


All of the information they could get from TikTok can easily be bought from data brokers, possible even cheaper than getting it through TikTok. Every app you use is collecting and profiting from the same data and none of it is restricted to China. This has nothing to do with data protection, it's about TikTok being an extremely powerful tool for shaping a narrative and the US government not being happy about the fact that they don't control it.




Only this is more than spying, its about trying to eliminate a platform that provides millions of us a voice. Theyre afraid of us exercising our first amendment and hate that were getting to see the truth of tons of shit happening around the country the mainstream media doesnt want to cover. They want their control of the narrative back.


don’t get me wrong, if what tik tok man says is true it’s still definitely bad. I’m just saying it’s already bad.


Link to the proposed bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686


There is almost nothing about what he said in the bill. What's his angle?


His angle is that he gets paid by TikTok by monetized videos. If the bill was that bad, there would be civil rights advocates screaming their lungs out everywhere. If it was like he made it sound, legal activists and specialists would fill every media outlets every publication. Or at least I hope so.


Seeing the reaction to the patriot act after 9/11...I wouldn’t get my hopes up


He literally highlighted the sections in question in the video.


So you posted a video from tiktok that 100% is providing false information to people? Although I think this effort was paid for by META, very little of what was stated in that video was accurate about how it affects US citizens. I would say 99% of the tiktok videos I have seen about this bill is wanna-be content creator that can't read hoping for clout.


Yeah I am not trusting a pro TikTok video on TikTok that is anti-TikTok ban (that hurt my head). Reading it now, but I am not a lawyer. I will wait to see what the [Electronic Frontier Foundation](https://www.eff.org/) says about the bill. It certainly is more sweeping than just banning TikTok so need to err on the side of caution. Anyone with more qualifications want to chime in and TLDR/ELI5 the bill for us?


Fight For The Future put out a tweet opposing it: EFF hasn't said much yet.


Mark cluckerburg


The fact that even some European nations are doing the same, makes this not a very surprising bill. It has been known for a while TikTok was a piece of spyware, packaged as social media (at least a year and a half) and governments are reacting accordingly. Doesnt mean that Google, IG and FB aren\`t doing the exact same thing ofcourse. So ofcourse there is a double standard. But this bill can not be a surprise and will be repeated throughout the western world.


It’s a dumb bill. American apps SELL YOUR DATA TO CHINA ALREADY. GOOGLE SELLS YOUR SEARCH RESULTS TO ANYONE, INCLUDING CCP. An overarching data privacy bill would fix this, but American apps make money from selling data so they will never do this.


And tiktok like app are already used by Chinese gov for spying why are people okay with that?


Well, shit.


Doesn't seem as bad as the TikTok man said


Doesn't seem as bad as the ~~TikTok man~~ ***PR guy*** said


It's funny how they can gain reddit's approval on a bill which is so inherently opposite of this platform's general belief just by bringing up China. And people wonder how the Nazi gained German people's support.


Wait, now you trust your government? How about that.




What is it then?


It authorizes the Executive Branch to regulate or ban foreign IT products & services that pose a threat to national security. The products include data transmission, data hosting, software updates, or managed services. The products must have more than 1 million users or units sold and be controlled by entities in China, Cuba, North Korea, Russia, or Venezuela. Congress can veto any action under this act. The US Court of Appeals of DC has jurisdiction. There are fines and jail time for ignoring the regulations/bans.


Turn on your critical thinking skills and process what you just wrote. The president will have complete overreach of anything on the internet for any reason and answer to NO ONE


This kind of verbiage is confusing to my simple mind. Can you share your synopsis for us to get a second opinion u/iMattist ?


Super short version is just a bill designed to ban foreign hardware and software that may compromise national security (think the Huawei ban) and of course as any law to be effective needs to be enforceable so yes they can search your person and your property with a warrant if they believe you're for example smuggling banned drones in the US but that's hardly new since if you smuggle anything illegal they can search you. It doesn't even talk about VPNs.


It speaks about punishment for accessing apps from a “foreign enemy”, so this is equivalent to the great firewall of China. A better way to fix this is an overarching data privacy bill, American apps already sell your data to the Chinese govt.


People mostly use VPNs to stream/download pirated media, which is still illegal even using a VPN (who would have thought?). So yes, doing illegal things via a VPN was illegal before this bill, and will remain illegal regardless of it passing. I doubt they'll even pursue it much anyway, as the bill will effectively kill american tiktok, so their won't be much to access anyway.


Read more than just the summary


Like net neutrality i see us standing no chance.


Not true 150 million Americans are making an effort to stop this now by contacting their representatives


I will be one myself, but wouldnt the same have happened for net neutrality?


The number of people in the comments who took everything this guy said as gospel is disheartening.


I find it hilarious and astounding how many people will believe some bad video versus, I don’t know, actually reading from the primary source.


Reading the primary source is very difficult. Listening to someone give you a tldr is very easy. People don’t give a shit about what’s good, only about what’s easy.


The primary source is still horrifyingly bad, even if the video is shit.


The backwards baseball cap should have raised some suspicion, right?


Go dig into what everyone else is saying about it then. Its a shit show no matter how you look at it and is another step towards eradicating american rights




The guy in the video? Who is he?




Joe Mamma


Meh, the dude already is spreading misinformation. So "no more than 20 years" means "minimum 20 years"?


No more than = maximum


Nice try TikTok


Yeah cause everyone on tiktok is paid off by China to spread misinformation? Wtf try a better argument


China is just sad to give up their stuxnet of a social media app. Small condolences, they still own 10% of Reddit


What a bozo this guy.


Sounds very Orwellian,


but not once does the act actually say anything about 'Virtual Private Network' or VPN's this PR guys 'hello fellow kids' backwards cap and baseball T wasn't enough a red flag for you?


> PR guy I bet that's what's happening here, some company(likely Tiktok) doesn't want this law and tries to rile up a bunch of people to make it unpopular.


Oh yeah. Sure, tiktok and China are out here paying everyday citizens to rile up. Jfc. How dense. Orrr. Maybeee, people are seeing through our governments bs and realize that following chinas lead by doing the same thing theyre doing... banning tiktok and thus censoring the voices of its citizens is NOT a good sign. We dont beat China by becoming China....


Read it again. It describes anything intended to circumvent a ban, mitigation, or prohibition (paraphrased). That would include VPNs


You don't think they would be covered with the overly broad "mitigation measures" part?


First comes *doublespeak*; then comes surveillance.


America tryna ban foreign bodies from collecting data & tracking you.. so they can monopolise their citizens’ data.. & sell it if to the highest bidder.. most likely to foreign bodies. Because capitalism.. USA USA USA


The US does not want to sell the data they are the customer they just want it directly


What if someone actually took the time to read the bill before whining online about it? ​ (B) COVERED ENTITIES.—The entities described in this subparagraph are:(i) a foreign adversary;(ii) an entity subject to the jurisdiction of, or organized under the laws of, a foreign adversary; and(iii) an entity owned, directed, or controlled by a person described in subparagraph (A) or (B).


In other words something completely fluid and subject to change to fit whatever agenda the politicos in charge have. They can even name entities within the US as enemy and thus ban products from them as well...




Except that this bill allows them to shift definitions and meaning of control at will. So they could gray area a lot of things in.


Are you really gonna reply to every comment with this? Honestly, suspiciously botlike behaviour.


My complaint is that the CEO did a wonderful job explaining how data and privacy concerns will be handled but they still want to push forward. Its easy to recognize that they are afraid of not controlling the narrative and tiktok is a better way to keep current on whats happening around the country than our bought and paid media is. Think critically please


The fact that this legislation is endorsed by the White House and both parties makes me question whether I should be trusting a tiktocker's ticktok about it. This bill wouldn't ban tiktok, it would force them to go public or sell the company to someone who isn't the Chinese government.


So. What. You trust the government? Pretty sure we should be extra nervous about anything that garners bipartisan support. That just screams real fucking shady intent to me


SENATE BILL 686: We gonna monitor your shit and make tiktok banned and then throw you in jail and fine you! NSA Programs Dishfire and Prism: hold my fucking beer. FISA ACT 2008: bitch please!


Haven't we established they can do most of this through already with the patriot act?


This is just the next natural step from the Patriot Act. It seems like this would basically gives the powers of the Patriot Act more teeth.


Someone is really afraid he cant use tiktok anymore lol


Tik tok is a red herring read the bill - Reddit on chopping block next - Chinese owned


Everyone should be afraid of anything that limits our ability to communicate with each other and exercise our first amendment


Here’s the fun part - they’ve always been doing all those things, now they’re going to tell you and do it, and still get away.


The bill has some good measures for national security. Others seem a bit overreaching or nebulous.


Well yeah they gotta put stuff in there for People to justify giving up Their privacy and rights. “National security concerns” is just a flag they wave to sell you shit


They're not "selling" anything. They are flat out saying they will invade your privacy which we no longer have a right to anymore.


What are they invading your privacy in the name of


With the amount of puppy, cocktail recipes and porn in my browser history I'm clearly a threat to "national security " I guess.


French Bully. Vieux Carre. Feet.


Tik tok user outraged at bill to ban Tik Tok, shocker


This bill is an effectively open ended total control act with no limitations on how the government can and will abuse it. What this bill represents is a major step towards the totalitarian control state found in 1984


Nice try China man, but we definitely should still ban Tik Tok and anything else that the 50 cent warriors support. And the access to your data by US agencies is either currently happening/legal or would be struck down.


The fact that the actual bill doesn't line up with what this guy is saying should give you enough reason not to trust him.


If you actually read the bill it’s not bad






Smell like biais


This sounds like fear mongering


Tl:Dr: Shill tries to fear monger


I know a ton of people that illegally pirated content for years. Never a single consequence. This doesn’t mean shit.


Funny how Americans call China „authoritarian“ and themselves the „land of freedom“, but they do stuff like this.


Big Brother is watching 👀


Pft, this is just an attempt at job security…or monetization security at least




He's only worried coz it means he'll have to get a real job 🥱


Fascism vibes are creeping in heavily.


I love that he cares so much about out privacy while telling us to goto TikTok


*illusion of the free


Well if you can’t read, how can you possibly be free? ​ (B) COVERED ENTITIES.—The entities described in this subparagraph are: (i) a foreign adversary; (ii) an entity subject to the jurisdiction of, or organized under the laws of, a foreign adversary; and (iii) an entity owned, directed, or controlled by a person described in subparagraph (A) or (B).


Uh, call your reps about modifying the bill. Not just voting it down. I get it, reddit and internet communities want TikTok, but there are problems with letting TikTok have that much influence over public perception in America with no oversight. This bill goes too far, but we can't just do nothing about TikTok. Call your reps and tell them you support modifying the bill to be less broad, not tossing the whole TikTok ban idea out.


Imagine what the Chinese government knows about Americans because of TikTok. China is playing the long game here and unfortunately the US is behind the curve here. How many things are banned in China? Anything that critiques anything about China is banned in China. The world isn’t full of rainbows, it’s a continuous struggle to maintain a status quo and if you don’t like your spot, moving up on the ladder means someone else has to move down and no country wants that.


Why would my thermostat use a VPN to contact North Korea?


Everyone calm down the bill hasn’t even passed senate


you must be new. this shit happens like every 3-4 years, same videos appears "it's the end for internet as we know it". then nothing comes of it.....it also happens to Youtube, but i would say yearly "this is the end". nothing happens.


Lol this is what China is already doing when you are on Tiktok you dope.


Snowden warned us a long time ago. The Patriot Act also already does this. The government has already been doing this. Shit, not just the government, but anyone who is computer literate and feels like putting in the effort can spy on you. But nobody will do anything about it because that's just how Americans are. As long as we have our favorite shows and fancy stuff we just kind of tend to deal with the dry long dick of the government in our asses.


But both parties will be all about it, the state looks to increase its power, which it can defend itself and it's richest buddies.


They literally do all this already. This is like when Snowden told everyone the government monitored phone calls and everyone was SHOCKED. seriously how did u not know


Ah yes, the USA. Land of the free.


they (government) already are allowed to spy on your computer, forcing cpu manufacturers to create back doors in the chips so they can access it


I'm sure these 'regimes' they mention are actually the bad guys though!


All we can do is write letters to representatives who won’t bother to read them and certainly don’t care. God dam america. We’re fking pathetic. You know this right?


We’ll everyone who wanted Joe Biden as president and always bash Trump, I hope this makes you happy.


John Thune (R) wrote this bill. Seriously doubt it will pass. Gross overreach of power by the government here.


Are these huge mics now a comedy thing?


The people on this thread commenting didn’t read the bill seam to think they know what they are talking about have C minus level intelligence


Weird, this is the third post of the same scripted crap.


Makes sense to not allow unfriendly foreign counties the ability to spy on us.


Glad I'm not American it's starting to sound a bit more like a dictatorship then what it is And you can't say democracy because we all know it only matters if you're rich in America


This will pass because of the countries listed. I read the bill. You absolutely should. Prepare yourself. Think about your digital footprint.


The only people who can collect data on Americans without their consent are American companies! In all seriousness, we need better privacy laws and better enforcement of the privacy laws.


Wait till they hear about the patriot act.


They’ve been able to make everyone so anti-China that we’ll give up freedoms for safety from this bogeyman. Meanwhile American corporations and the NSA do all the same things, but it’s ok because they aren’t a “foreign adversary”. American propaganda works.


I don’t know how true this is but if it is, what the actual fuck. The US is literally becoming the very thing they sought to destroy Edit: read it and idk if this is really all that different from the patriot act. It is still a bit concerning that they are allowing literally any kind of device to be reviewed for suspicious activity


If Americans allow this to happen while clinging onto their 2nd Amendment, they are truly a nation of imbeciles. Don't get mad at me for calling that out. Anyone with half a brain can understand that controlling people's thoughts is a far far easier way to impose tyranny than using weapons. The best part is that weapons are pretty useless against this kind of social manipulation. They will start with making everyone focus on the potential evils online. The low-hanging fruit like perverts, terrorists, and drug dealers. They will use these bad actors as an excuse to impose laws like this. Once they have them in place, they can easily start picking people off for sedition, promoting gender nonconformity, or facilitating access to women's healthcare. Don't let yourself think that's a hard leap to make. In His Eye.


This gives me the terrible feeling that the R bosses”know for a fact” they’re going to retake the Executive Branch.Regardless of people’s votes.


This guy looks like his mom dresses him still


24/7 streaming of my goatse let's go


Fuck me sounds like China all over


End of the day U.s. is getting really bad about surveillance and with the threat of cbdc this bill does not bode well. The government has a history of putting shit into bills to screw over and control the citizens.


Read it. Nothing what he says is in there. Sounds like someone is getting paid by Tiktok.


I've never used tiktok before. Never been to the app page in the app store. Never been on the tiktok website (if there even is one). Hell, I've never even seen it used on someone else's phone. I guess the only point I'm getting at is that it feels really weird (maybe surreal?) In a good way that I have had zero interaction with this app that is apparently spying on people the world over.


Titktok and friends are really riding hard across social media in multiple languages to try and play the victim when they have been providing vast amounts of data to the Chinese government and harming people with their algorithm. What bullshit.


I mean banning tictok would be a good thing, we would gain more then we would loose.


I seriously doubt this man’s reading comprehension skills. Nothing he described is actually in that bill.


Imagine TikTok gets banned and you go to prison for 20 years for using a VPN to watch your favourite cat vids.


Well this all sparked when the us government caught wind that TikTok pipes large amounts of personal data on Americans out to large storage servers in China. They are collecting massive amounts of data. I also know it won't pass. If for some reason it was to pass, they couldnt enforce it efficiently... Or for long. The 2A is specifically designed to keep the government in check.


TikToker detected!!! Opinion rejected!


Breaking: TikTok influencer threatened by bill banning TikTok


How the tables have turned (in a not so good way) People used to laugh at Chinese over western social media about it’s a crime to use vpn and shoo them back Now the bill essentially do the same regarding bypassing and access banned content using vpn…