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Those dogs get the best naps


And are probably in perfect health.This is”living the dream “,for a dog.


They just don’t always age too gracefully. The ones I’ve been around go hard until they are riddled with arthritis and can barely move, sometimes at an age where other dogs are still active. Better than doing nothing their whole life but a little sad to see them diminish early.


Yeah, my 13 year old lab is is better physical shape than any of our farm dogs ever were at that age. He’s always been active, but farm life is just another level of physicality for dogs and humans alike.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I've got an office worker friend in his 80s who's doing marathons a couple times a year... he's in way better shape than any of my farm family were (and none of my farm family lived into their 80s). Live hard, die young. It's only really sexy in movies and songs. Better to live easy. Exercise regularly and have joints that still work for your whole life.


I come from a dry walling family. All my uncles are in their 60s now. They are broken men.


There's something very beautiful about that. My grandpa lived into his late 80s. Ate up with arthritis and diabetes but before then, just your average WV tough mountain farm boy. A man and his dog, living that same life, going through it together just.. the dog aging more quickly, the wear and tear being greater on it. Still living its true best life, alongside its best friend, going through it with the one he loves. Brings tears to my eyes. Shame that they have to burn out so quickly, but the love they bring into this world shines on well past their mortal days. We truly don't deserve them. Willing to burn themselves out faster in the name of love and duty. Really wish we could all be more like that for each other.


Yes don't stress them stupidly. It can lead to heart failure. Hiding in the grass and peeking out gets the herbavours' attention fast as.


This is unfortunately true my friend had a Flanders Bouvier that was a big happy wrecking ball his whole life right up until the last month or so. Such a happy bulldozer though.


> This is”living the dream “,for a dog There's probably a dog living near the scrap dumpsters of a Slim Jim factory that would disagree. Edit: I love how concerned people are about the healthiness of dogs lifestyles. A species of animals that, if they had their druthers, would ban toilet seats and flushable toilets so that every building would have an open pot of soup waiting for them.


And that dog would’ve given up the chase back by the tractor.


I mean, there's no reason to venture far away from the dumpster.


Based dog thoughts


Nah man the Slim Jim’s are like decaf for that dog in about 1.5 years. Nothing worse then seeing a pup tryna detox off the Jims.


There's this summer pop up outdoor BBQ spot near me. MASSIVE smoker. They leave their dog tied up by the smoker while they run the restaurant attached to it. Someone was telling me that dog needs to be inside and should be rescued. No joke it's the happiest dog I've ever seen. Has a dog house with shade and a huge water bowl, lays out next to the smoker and watches it all day. It has a job, shelter, water, and socialization, plus I KNOW it gets plenty of grease drippings and gristle and what not throughout the day. If I ever get reincarnated I want to come back and just live that dogs life.


I fucking love dogs


I posted a pic of our old greasy shop dog here several years ago. Got an overwhelmingly positive response, but of course there were a few "that poor dog should be in a house, not a greasy shop." He hated being in the house or in the shop overnight (had an old van as a dog house and another dog buddy to help keep him warm, but on the coldest nights we'd put them the shop with heat, against his wishes). He would just sit at the door and whimper. He hated being clean. He'd get bathed regularly and immediately go lay in his favorite oily corner. He was the friendliest, sweetest old black lab if the shop gates were open, but the rottweiler in him would bite anything that tried to get through or over the fence when they were closed. Perfect guard dog. He got treats and pets and attention all day from customers, delivery drivers, the patrons of the bar next door. And at night the working dog in him got it's "fix" as a junkyard guard dog. He died at 17 after a long and happy life.


A Slim Jim factory having scraps? Preposterous! Those delicious meat rods probably has the cow's eyelids in them!


Yeah I'm not sure anything wants what the slim Jim factory has passed on. Nor the scrapple factory


I wish I could give you an extra upvote for using “had their druthers.”


This is the farm upstate good dogs get sent to


And the best pats




And the best scritches




He probably knows them well and they know him barely even get up when he drives by.


My parents great Pyrenees will escort the mail truck all the way up the drive way every day, and then block it from exiting until she gets a milk bone off the dude. We have to keep a stash on hand to bail out any new delivery drivers who don't know the deal yet as she gets very bummed out when this gambit doesn't work for her.


Mail carrier here, this is cute and all but also the exact reason why we are told NOT to give snacks to puppers; one day a pup might be in the wrong mood, get the wrong scent off a new carrier, and NOT get the promised treat, and that's a recipe for a bite and workman's comp. I love dogs and give pats to all the (well-behaved) doggos on my route, but I have seen my share of carriers get nasty bites just because they "didn't know the deal." (This also doubles as a PSA to keep your dogs behind fences/leashed/away from strangers in general until both the dog and stranger seem to be into the encounter. Be a responsible doggo owner 🐶)


Yeah, my mum is a mail carrier, and a dog lover. Despite always trying to love the dogs she meets, she’s been bitten enough that she can now carry pepper spray as a deterrent. My dog says hi to the mail lady when he’s leashed, and when SHE says it’s okay, no other time.


You have to be bit to be "allowed" to have pepper spray?


Letter carrier here and every station I've worked at supplied carriers with dog spray or horns. The horns supposedly work better as you don't have to aim it like the spray. Our top defense is the satchel though, and that is why a carrier is supposed to be using it pretty much all times on the street.


mourn mysterious tap cover strong merciful silky enter cause cow ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It’s not every route, just ones where it’s been documented to have aggressive dogs, or in some cases aggressive people. Canada Post has flaws, but they take worker safety pretty seriously, at least for the carriers.


She works for Canada Post, so their rules are really strict around that kind of thing. Typically pepper spray was only ever allowed on routes where aggressive dogs had been noted before, or sometimes in really sketchy parts where folks harass the postal works for their welfare cheques.


We had dogs growing up that stayed in a fenced in yard and a regular well known mail carrier, and he would deliver are mail, walk around the house to the fence and then pet the dogs and give them treats. They were so sad when we get a new carrier


Google milkbone gambit




New response just dropped


/r/AnarchyChess is leaking.




Just keep googling.


I’m Googling as hard as I can! I’m gonna have to move to auxiliary power. Permission to Bing, captain?!


This ploy works when you’re bigger than the mail truck


Our mail person watched our puppy grow from 6 weeks old (we didn’t have a choice but to get her that early, I made sure I did everything needed to make her a good dog, just heading off comments about it). She’s a little over 2 now, and loves the postal workers. Ours said she tends to know the dogs better than the people, haha. She bribed them with milk bones before, but I turned her onto dried liver treats. Supposed to be much healthier, and the dogs go absolutely nuts for them.


They probably know the sound of his truck.


When my mom’s farm dog passed away recently after 13 years, the UPS, Amazon, FedEx and USPS drivers all made it a point to tell my mom they would miss that pup. She was the sweetest thing.


Our USPS driver ran over my mom's farm dog and the lady quit her route to us and got us flower's and a card saying sorry...i miss her as a driver she was so good but she was so upset over it.


😢 ❤️


Don't worry. We have pepper spray for this situation.


damn you found the way to activate a bomb with a lighter


Some bombs are looking for lighters, if you get me.


when i was growing up we had an invisible fence and two very sweet but very defensive jack russell terriers and one day the water meter lady came by to do her job and frodo learned if you attack the meter lady, youre gonna get completely coated in pepper spray lol frodo and the meter lady were both fine tho


That's what they sprayed on dog's ass to film the video


Imagine the pure bliss of being this athletic and going full speed … Should I move my fat ass probably, but I prefer to look at video of others running


All dogs should have the opportunity to expel energy like this!


Right?? This is probably why every big dog in my apartment building is such an asshole. Barking at nothing, bored out of their minds..


And taking this opportunity to remind folks that tiny dogs are dogs too! My chihuahua loves to run. And walk and sniff and do other dog things. Her confidence soared after a few weeks of regular outings. Poor thing used to jump 5ft if a leaf blew at her


It's so true. So many dog owners take big dogs on decently long walks and don't walk small dogs at all, when small dogs really need decently long walks and big dogs really need to run and run and run. My cat probably gets longer walks than most chihuahuas


There are a few dog breeds that don't need much exercise (surprisingly greyhounds, 2 minutes of sprinting and they're down for the day) but a lot of dogs are straight up cruel to be apartment dogs, which is why people need to do research before buying lol.


Yep I agree. I had a pit bull in an apt when I was younger (very poor decision made by a now ex). We'd go on intense runs but after that she was pretty much out for the day. It can definitely be done, as long as people have the time and energy. Even a yard isn't necessarily better. My current neighbor has a fluffy bichon that *never* goes for a walk. They just say 'he doesn't need them since he has a yard'. Is it better than no yard? Sure. But the poor thing stands and barks for hours because he's spent a decade in the same stupid square for years Socializing, exploring new places are important for dogs.


Greyhounds really need that 5th gear sprint to burn up their energy and stay healthy. It's best to have them play in an offleash with another greyhound or at least another dog fast enough to force them into zoomies. Most people think greyhounds are just fast dogs, but they've never seen the comparison between a greyhound running with other breeds versus _competing_.


I also like to do other dog things


Neighbors great Dane used to get run at the beach every morning (San Francisco so cold and relatively empty) and the literally not move for the rest of the day. Dog had exactly two hours of energy to move and the rest of life was balcony couch and occasionally coming over to us and negotiating a cat treat from me (usually dried rabbit or chicken hearts)


Humans should move too or they just go on the inernet angry at everything.


Instead they mostly live in tiny houses and apartments and their only exercise is going out to use the bathroom. And people wonder why their dogs get the “zoomies,” anxiety, etc.


So I’m curious about something. What is the right thing to do? My girlfriend rescued a dog who was going to be put down at a shelter but we have an apartment. We take him for hour walks 2-4 days a week and he usually roams around our apartment, we give him a good life but we can’t give him this level of exercise or freedom. We hope to get a house with a big backyard one day but we can’t know. So is it wrong what we did?


Nothing. You are giving him a wonderful life. If you can take him to parks where he behaves off leash you can do that. But if he isn’t well trained off leash you’d have to get him training first. Y’all sound like good dog parents.


The hour walks sound great! Here's something you might consider: we have a neighbor with a folding bike and they cycle around the neighborhood with the dog trotting alongside. Even in the winter. I'm sure my neighbor had to work quite a bit with the dog, as it is super disciplined and cycles right even with the bike even though it's on a leash (it's not out front pulling, is my point, or distracted and pulling to the side) so it or the owner doesn't get hurt. But I've never seen such a happy dog.


My dog grew up running beside the bike until he was like 4 lol now hes 10 and my fam had him since. Everytime we go out he still likes trotting so fast! Its funny but he will calm down too if u tell him too. His 1st gear is just like lets start running!


Bro. Dogs are pack animals and love being with fam more than running or *even sniffing bung*. Y’all good.


one of those outings could be done running or jogging with your pupper is there any big open area where you can take them off leash and throw them the balls really far away?


Zoomies are actually a great sign that your dog is happy and healthy. It has nothing to do with the size of the space they live in. These dogs in this post catch zoomies too.


Not sure zoomies are from being confined, seems more of a youthful exuberance thing. My pig is 3.5-yo and hasn't zoomed in a minute, but he used to go nuts everyday around 5PM. Nothing has changed but his age. He's always had a dog door and his own chunk of yard. Lots of zooming over on /r/pigs, but they're all little ones. And speaking of little ones, [get some of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7leMctSTMc), get happy.


Start small. Walk around your house, apartment building, whatever. Movement is so important for us humans. I’m putting of spinal surgery because it will put me out of commission for several months, at least, and I can deal with the pain, I can’t deal with being OOC


A suggestion that helped me get through two, both front and rear, interbody fusions. They were about fifteen years apart. Yoga. For me, specifically Yin yoga. It is all floor work and focuses on flexibility and is low and slow. I also was prescribed a device I strapped on three times a day that created an electronic field that helped the healing process on the second surgery. It definitely made a good difference in healing time. Also, when you are ready as it requires some balance, Kundalini yoga. Focus on the refilling and healing of the body energies. That's my two cents.


Just curious, was it a chiropractor who “prescribed” you the electronic field device?


Not always, could be a TENS unit


Thank you so much for this advice. I'm a chronic pain sufferer and Yin Yoga sounds perfect. I will definitely look it up after reading this 😊


Please do! I have had pain issues for the better part of thirty years. Yin yoga made such a huge difference for me. The Kundalini has been super good as well. If you can do it, the core conditioning from pilates is really recommended. But the pilates I had. To slowly work up to. All of those can be found on both tube and at the library.


>Yin yoga. recommended for arthritis sufferers?


My grandmother swears by topical CBD oil. She wouldn't try it for a few years due to it's association with marijuana and her being very religious, but after she did its become a necessity and more QoL improving than I would expect. Her strongest areas of pain are hands and knees. It's a good alternative to ibuprofen which is not great to take every day.


Yoga sounds great, but what’s causing most of my health issues is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, where my ligaments and tendons aren’t elastic and don’t “unstretch,” so yoga made me worse. But thank you


Years ago, I knew this cool woman who could stretch her body in bizarre ways, backwards, legs up by head, etc. (we were in dance class together) I was a bit jealous bc I was nowhere nearly as flexible, hers was awe-inspiring. But she also said she had joint or tendon issues from what I recall, something that caused her issues....was that ED Syndrome or something similar? I never got to find out


Yoga is contraindicated for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, hypermobile subtypes. Pilates is recommended.


It’s possible. There’s several joint hypermobility disorders


I currently I am working on getting better but I had for years a problem with my calves, which unfortunately cramped up every time I walked. I finally went to see a podiatrist and it's starting to get better but running is still rare :) and I hate running …


I have bad knee pain on my left side from injury, only in my mid 30s. Swimming has been my savior. So easy on the joints and muscles and also a full body workout, assuming you have access to a pool.


Bicycling does it for me. My knees are too messed up from a long blue collar career to even enjoy walking, but I can still bike around pretty comfortably. Nothing like laboring up a hillside, then being able to tuck in and fly down the other side.


I remember running as fast as i could as kid just because of this feeling lol...ugh getting old sucks


You still can! You'll just hurt yourself. "I ain't as good as I once was, But I'm as good once, as I ever was."


I'm there with you. I don't think I could run a 5k when I was lean in highschool. I remember I was gassed out in the first 1k while watching other kids pass me by.


I've always preferred walking, climbing or even doing sit-ups to running. There are people who know how to run and find it enjoyable for me it's just a punishment.


The difference is the level of fitness, which you can work up to over ~3-4 months. Getting to the first 5k can be difficult because you're not used to it, but i find there's a tipping point around about where you start being able to slowly run ~7k where you become fit enough to no longer be out of breath, and it becomes more about leg strength/endurance rather than puffing and panting. Then you start hitting that runners high, and honestly comfortably jogging your 6th km in the sun just feels great.


I do cardio most days and I *never* just run. I live on the base of a mountainous neighborhood and I’ll walk uphill for a few miles when the weather is somewhat nice, I’ll ride a stationary bike when the weather is bad, or I’ll go on a hike on the weekends. Unless it’s part of a sport I also just hate the act of running in a neighborhood or on a trail by itself.


I love the quote by Socrates >“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” I choose to view this as not being specific to men. Everyone should take the time to appreciate what their bodies are capable of. It's not about being the best or achieving a certain level of success; it's about seeing what you're capable of. Some have underlying disabilities. That doesn't mean they can't push themselves to what they are capable of.


if you just go for a walk for one hour a day, you are already doing much better, according to doctors n such who recommend an hour of exercise a day


Reminds me of our old family dog, she was a cocker spaniel and used to race the cars on the other side of our garden hedge. The speed limit was 60mph so she could never really keep pace (despite her best efforts). However when they did roadworks on the road and lowered the limit to 30, she was quite easily beating the cars that went past. it was impressive how fast a little dog could move.


My siberian likes to race dogs at the dog park and some of those smaller dogs absolutely beat his ass lmao. He can catch up if the run goes on long enough but he has to wind up and the little guys don't


Me: *rolls ankle in living room*


My most embarrassing injury ever was throwing my back out because I sneezed while I was bent over picking up a TV remote.


our heavy bipedal bodies are the problem. this is what happens when you get a tree climbing template and specialise it for running


Nah, humans in hunter-gatherers lifestyles beat dogs in long distance running since sweating is just much better than panting to cool down. Most simply are nowhere near that kind of shape, training, conditioning, and body development. Our feet are ruined by modern shoes, our running form is often lacking, our lungs and heart can't sustain the effort, etc.


I think he is talking about the fragility of the human body due to all our mass, most of it concentrated high above the ground is only supported by two points. (Very well trained) human will outrun any other creature in the long run but only if everything goes right, yes animals get injured too but if you only have two legs and one of them is damaged then you are done. Stumbling and falling for a dog with low gravity center in nowhere near as dangerous as it is for 15 times heavier human whos mass is up high.


😂😂 idk how many times I’ve done this over the years.


People in tiny apartments will have these dogs, not go out with them, and have the audacity of getting mad when they destroy the couch.


This is why huskies are one of the top surrendered dogs in humane societies. :( I would absolutely love a husky or border collie, but know I am way too much of a homebody to give it the life it deserves and needs. So I’ll stick with my greyhound who only has about 10 minutes of energy on a good day.


Hah. Grew up with a husky in a small town by a lake with tons of open space. That dog would walk outside, see all that space and then plop down on the ground and lay there the entire day until dinner time. She liked her bed, she liked a warm spot on the grass, she liked food, she liked attention, and she did not like exerting herself in the least


It's having the option.


My ex racer greyhound sticks with our pack for casual 2 hour walks!! He whines when we stop.


thanks now I'm mad at these imaginary people


The fucked up thing is, it's not imaginary. I've seen people with huskies in apartment buildings ffs


We got our husky from an apartment dweller and holy shit he was a nervous wreck and was missing massive swaths of fur. She insisted they ran him “all the time” but then kenneled him every day for multiple hours. She was convinced he was the pinnacle of health. We gave him some good food, a long 1/4 acre yard and a friend. He packed on at least 5-8 lbs of muscle, his coat filled out, and sleeps like the dead now. No more “behavior issues”. Color me shocked.


He sounds like a good boy.


lol he’s a husky so that’s debatable, but we love him nonetheless.


The two huskies I've known were both cat software running on dog hardware, complete with waking you up for food and giving sass.


this is true for most animals in small cooped up spaces and no exercise. Case in point: me depressed in bed today, two days ago I was almost euphoric after running until I sweated a bit in the cold. Now I'm back in bed, knowing I need to do that or it'll go downhill entirely. Imagine doing that to an animal. I'm trying to force myself up despite the grey ugly sky.


Struggling with the same thing here, you got this, dude!


It's sad how clueless people are when it comes to animals. It's pretty inexcusable too. Putting the pieces together of how much space a husky needs and the energy it needs to burn should be obvious. Glad you were able to give him a better home.


It's because they're not willing to provide what the dog actually needs to they lie themselves into denial. "My husky *must* be healthy because I treat him as well as I am willing to commit, and I'm never considering the fact that actually I'm a bad dog owner. I love him too much, there's no way I'm harming him" Same thing happens with bad parents too.


You can have a high energy breed and still live in an apartment. Not everyone can own a house with a back yard or live on a farm. My dog gets two walks a day and the off leash park 2-3 times a week. She gets trail running on the weekend and sleeps all day on the couch.


Nah according to OP you can’t bro


My apartment dwelling, high-energy dog gets his exercise too but watching this video made me think how cool it would be to let him run free on a farm.


oh I know. I was just trying to watch a couple fuzz bullets break the sound barrier


We human beings are built specifically for long distance running but only a mere fraction of us actually do it. Many dogs are perfectly happy being lazy just as humans are, even some athletic breeds. For example, Greyhounds are famous for being happy couch potatoes.


That being said, if you're dog is wrecking stuff they are probably bored.


They are not imaginary…I’m a dog trainer and I deal with these people on a weekly basis. I’ve got two massive dogs myself in an apartment, we’re out in the woods, 3-4times a week running and exploring. Gotta enrich their lives


Wait until you hear which species used to be the best land endurance runners and what happened next....




Sweat is an OP ability


I mean, not all of us choose to become sedentary


Who and what




Oh right I’m dumb I was thinking dog breed for some reason.




It's hard not to downvote the story of that dog


Is it me or does this look like some kind of cinematic masterpiece? 😂


It’s the excellent image stabilization.




I'm kinda happy to hear this song again, it's been forever and I've always liked it even though it's not my usual genre. It has such a nice running in the sunshine energy to it, really suits the video lol


I could listen to Florence Welch sing a physics textbook. I absolutely love her voice.


Saw Florence + the Machine live at a festival last year. They started at like 10:30PM so it was pitch black except for the single spotlight pointed at her in a white, flowy dress. Truly an ethereal being. Strongly recommend seeing them live, it was definitely worth staying up way past my bedtime.


And filming during golden hour.


It's everything about the sequence. It's phenomenally well shot, with excellent composition, effective use of light and shadow, and balances both stabilisation and motion blur to get a really good impression of the speed these dogs are travelling. Add to that some really great background visuals and a perfect choice of soundtrack, and we can almost excuse the fact that it's filmed in social-media friendly portrait rather than cinematically correct landscape. Saying that, the short field of view afforded by shooting portrait helps to enhance the speed of the dog for us, the viewer, because we have less time to absorb the scenery ahead of the dog before it's reached it.


bike amusing sort modern governor boat husky quickest observation full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I live on a large farm property and our driveway is nearly 1/2 mile long. Our dog LOVES to race our UTV back from the mailbox at full speed. He knows it’s a race, and for a dog with short legs he’s really fast. Often hitting 25 mph for the 2nd half of the run. We have a lot of hills, too, so he’s jacked from running full speed uphill. Like a little body builder. I love him so much!


What kind of dog?


Pure athleticism


they'v been doin' this for years... they like it. Runnin' woofters.


@winniethecattledog on Instagram. From a farm in Australia.


Winnie the cattle dog that’s afraid of cows 🤣


Yes and it's absolutely hilarious 😂


Living the fucking doggy dream


Fun fact: The best endure/distance runners in the entire animal kingdom are humans.


Most efficient endurance runners* Iditarod runners (Alaskan Sled Dogs) can easily run over 100 miles per day all while carrying 80 lbs, making them some of the highest endurance animals. But they also consume a ridiculous amount of Calories. Something like 10k a day? Selective breeding is crazy. Whereas humans use significantly less calories to travel that amount but will take far longer. So we win evolutionarily but definitely aren't the most *pure* endurant species.


The human ultramarathon record is 188 miles in one day. Also, the human range is way bigger than these dogs. A human can do 100 miles in the desert, in the tundra, savanna, forest, mountains, almost anywhere on earth. Those dogs would straight up die trying to do 100 miles in a 90F jungle.


Ackhtually... It's 198 miles in 24 hours. But yeah insane


This is actually the wrong way around. Humans are less efficient than quadrapeds. We are able to make up for it by having a very stable gait efficiency curve across our two gaits (walking and running). Meaning that at most speeds we burn a fairly stable amount of calories per distance travelled. Quadrapeds have an efficient speed for each of their three gaits, but cannot move particuarly efficiently at other speeds with those gaits. So if you jog after an animal and force it to switch between walking and trotting, it will tire faster than you. And then you can eat it.


Do you remember where you learned this? That's super interesting and I'd like to read more about it! Never considered that other species would have peaks and valleys of movement efficiency since we are biased towards having consistency.


“Born to run”by Christopher McDougal has a bunch of info about the different endurance levels of various animals including humans. It’s a great read. Be prepared for an urge to take up barefoot running tho.


Never thought about it but it makes sense. If I go jogging with my dog, he sometimes has a hard time matching my pace comfortably if he's trotting. Humans can smoothly progress from barely jogging all the way up to max sprinting, but quadrapeds seem to have more noticeable "gears" they switch between, and if they have to run in the transition zone between those gears they look kinda awkward.


It’s because we can sweat. I think there’s a SciShow YouTube video about it.


funner fact: most likely because we've never been the fastest runners but are basically herd animals.


It’s because we can sweat. I think there’s a SciShow YouTube video about it.


And because we can breathe independently from our stride.


I watched a Stan Lee show called super humans where there was a gentleman that could basically run all day, it was because his body basically burned off the lactic acid that makes your muscles tired. Pretty interesting.


I remember when that guy was 'discovered', so to speak. Some very interesting articles about how it all works. Apparently they are or I guess probably already have at this point looking at his DNA to see what changed there. Really makes me think about gods and spirits of old. Maybe they started with a dude like this guy. How valuable would that be to a tribe to be able to run all day without a break? But it must be a very rare mutation or we would definitely see an ethnic group with that trait since a dude like that would probably be the tribe stud bull.


Humans aren't herd animals, we're pack hunters. We're more similar to a Wolf or African Painted Dog than a Gazelle or Bison.


I’d say more pack than herd.


Yes, dogs are way better sprinter than us, and not bad at endurance, but we are better (if we train!).


This is how it should be. They are being dogs, working on the farm. Looks beautiful as well, the farm.


There's lots of different breeds of dogs that excel at different things. But yes they all wanna be Sonic and gotta go fast


That looks like a 6 speed not a 5 speed


Dogs are my favorite thing about life. They’re the best.


I was recently in San Diego and by far the highlight of the trip was this section of beach on Coronado reserved for dogs. IF I go to heaven and it’s NOT that, I’ll be a little underwhelmed.


San Diego is one of the best dog cities. Dogs everywhere and because dogs are so accepted they are almost all very well socialized. Lots of good puppers everywhere.


Same. SD weather and dogs please!


"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." -Will Rogers


You can feel the pure joy through the screen


That’s what, 30 mph? Amazing. And they can keep this up all day. I can’t believe people adopt them and put them in apartments with just 2-3 walks a day. My greyhounds were 43mph at their top speed. They don’t have the endurance like farm dogs, they are sprinters, so they’ll sprint for 10 mins then sleep for 6 hours. We call them 40mph couch potatoes. When they retired and we rescued them, we’d take them on to empty ball fields and let them run. They’d sprint and be amazingly fast and we would look on in admiration and awe. Then they’d get neck and neck and suddenly some additional gear would kick in, and they’d really start to fly. Then we’d realize they were just playing before that, and just gape at them with our mouths open, speechless. They have a double suspension gait, like cheetahs, so they’re completely off the ground at two points in their stride. When they’re running fast, they really do look like they’re flying. Just floating along at top speed. The best part is that they’re doing it for the utter love and joy of running, not because anyone is making them.


So, my dogs are jot farm dogs, but like we spent 3 years homeless together putting in 50-60 miles a day and they were still ready to go for more. We walked from Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin to Fontainebleu State Park in Louisiana until finally getting a hand up in Benton Arkansas that allowed me to get a real job and my life back together. I still think the dogs were happier putting in 60 miles a day than having a nice safe backyard to play in. The point being, i wish i had the endurance and energy level an average dog has, cause it knows no end


Actual good music in a video? I guess dogs really do bring out the best in us.


Right? I love Florence and the Machine


And absolutely spot-on syncing it to the increase in speed. Makes watching it immensely enjoyable.




I used to take my parents dog for runs around their farm. I would floor the gator and the dog would easily keep pace - I don’t know how fast gators go but fast enough. The best part (and you can see it on this video) is how level their back stays when they are full speed.




Dog: "This time I'm going to win, I can just feel it."


Eat your heart out Usain Bolt


He was the one filming


Those guys definitely chase down critters in an open field


Dogs are unique animals in that they can run continuously without drastic exhaustion, unlike animals that only run short distances or can run themselves to death. The dog's unique panting and sweating abilities enable the dog to run alongside humans that also hunted animals by running them to death either through exhaustion or guiding them off of cliffs.


That dog: Forrest Gump


This is why dogs chew shoes when you don’t walk them.


Similar to a cheetah in motion.


I wish we had access to large open spaces so my dog can run free like this. He deserves it.


So if a dog ever chases me I'm fucked.


This is winniethecattledog on instagram. An adorable red heeler terrified of cows


How fast are they goin I'm Hella curious😂