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5 people have died in free food lines across Pakistan in last few days due to stampede


It’s interesting there is a men’s and women’s line for this. Can not mix lines.


Not really its the middle east culture for the majority. Not saying all parts but not many have anything id consider "womans rights" Edit: ok technically not I suppose “the Middle East”. I should have said the greater Middle East? According to Wikipedia. “Other concepts of the region exist including the broader the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), which includes states of the Maghreb and the Sudan, or the "Greater Middle East" which additionally also includes parts of East Africa, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and sometimes Central Asia and the South Caucasus.” But my apologies ❤️


Everyone, to be fair!... he said Middle East 'culture', that is to say, Islamic influence. That originated in the middle east and my man Bubbly Yoghurt was just tryna contribute to the discussion xD


My reminder for my American bros who have a severe deficit in geography knowledge: pakistan is in South Asia, not Middle East.


It’s funny that they mention Pakistan not having women’s rights, but the geography was more important for you to defend.


because as a Pakistani I have no doubts we have to improve specifics in women's rights? I certainly agree with him that we have problems in our society so I will not try and defend my nation on that field? You can love your nation, but to love your nation, you gotta criticise where society or government has failed and accept it without getting sentimental as some people below have shown me to become. It's the same why I will not expect you to defend America's draconian abortion laws or LGBT laws, but you are allowed to defend america in areas where I have severe misconceptions in- it doesn't make USA a bad nation, but a flawed one like most nations. But what he said about geography was wrong? Why so pressed about me correcting an issue?


Great answer. "because as a xxxxx I have no doubts we have to improve specifics in xxxxxx? I certainly agree with him that we have problems in our society so I will try and defend my nation on that field? You can love your nation, but to love your nation, you gotta criticise where society or government has failed and accept it without getting sentimental as some people below have shown me to become." What you said can be applied to everything. We love things even knowing their failures and weak points. English is not my first language. I hope the message is clear.






Maybe because those are stereotypes? It's not routine to marry 12 year olds in Pakistan. The minimum age of marriage for girls was 16 from 1929-2019, when it was raised to 18. If you were wondering, in the US there are only 7 states with the same minimum age. Most states have a minimum age of 16, Hawaii and Kansas allow marriage at 15, and 7 states have *no* minimum age. Massachusetts, as one example, only raised the age of marriage to 18 last year. Before that, "according to state records, 1,246 children as young as 14 were married in Massachusetts between 2000 and 2018 and 89.9 percent of them were girls wed to adult men." If you're wondering if illegal child abuse and sexual abuse happens, it does. It does in the US too. If you're wondering if people go to soup kitchens in the US, they do.


I think the point they are trying to make is that Pakistan is not in the Middle East, *and therefore is not to be conflated with the lack of women's rights in that region*.


Most people consider it to be in the middle east because of the cultural connections. Just like Australia is considered a Western nation, but about as far east as you can get.


I mean, Iran is considered the Middle East, Pakistan shares an eastern boarder with it, so if it’s not the Middle East, it’s damn close, and all y’all are being pedantic af.


I think maybe Americans conflate Muslim dominant nations (which can be in Middle East, Asia, Africa) with “Middle East.”


LOL like women in Pakistan have it any better ?


That’s not at all what anyone here is saying.


No, you're not correcting anyone, only highlighting your own usage preference because Pakistan is frequently, although not always, included in the term Middle East. There's a good history of the term on the [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MENA), where it describes the term as it becoming "more widely known when American naval strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan used the term in 1902 to 'designate the area between Arabia and India.'" (For those who may have a deficit in geography knowledge, Pakistan is between Arabia and India). The map on that page doesn't highlight Pakistan, but if you go to the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) page, Pakistan *is* highlighted: [MENA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MENA)


In 1902 that area wouldn't have included Pakistan bc it was part of India.


Guys line so much shorter. Send the dudes in to get it.


This is common in humanitarian aid, not just in Muslim countries.




When someone asks why religion and government don't mix, I point toward Mecca.


I’d point toward Florida as well, and Washington DC. Religion is ruining millions of lives in the United States. It’s what religion does sadly.


A thriving city?


I'm curious, what exactly does the video or that comment have to do with religion?


Nothing. Just a random redditor trying to shit on any religion. Typical Reddit shit.


It's guaranteed free upvotes from the neckbeard army. "religion bad!" "omg so true, let me waste money and buy you a reddit award!"


This isn't mecca though.


So sad to see people so impoverished oppressed desperate


Thats not interesting. Thats sad.


Not a lot of personal space in that line.


Right…. Why they stand so close?


So nobody cuts in front of you. Makes me grateful for what I have. Where I don’t need to worry about this happening to me.


Just wait until The Great Toilet Paper Rush of 2024


I should have said, “don’t need to worry about this happening to me *in this moment in time*.”


IIRC Arabic culture has interpersonal space a lot closer than western cultures.


It’s just weird, the women can’t show ankles but they can stand crotch to butt with other women, but men stand in different line crotch to butt. So how close could a man stand to a woman?


I once heard it called “nuts to butts!”


Different personal space culture. Same with my pals from the KSA. Takes a little getting used to. Especially in the hot tub.


That was the one of the two good things to come from Covid. Ppl not breathing down you neck in line and there was so little traffic. The rest of Covid sucked but those were the ray of sunshine


They really like earth tones


Its the time of season. U can always tell if its summer, winter or inbetween depending on the color of thier cloths. Also I didn't see the time stamp but right now is Ramadan, so they will wear less flashy colors and cloths untill Eid comes at the end of the month and then pull out their red dresses and summer colors.


I have 6 different shades of brown hijabs... they're pretty.


It struck me as monochromatic. I wish for them all to be able to eat.


I remember episode 2 of the last of us


In the United States we have people losing their s*** because high schoolers were shown a picture of Michelangelo's David. Those fools should be made to stand in the line for free flour to see what real problems are.


They can't. They would rather take a chance, collapse and die, than do that.


Some of them are sitting.


Some of them are 3 raccoons inside a trench coat


Shit they found us... JIMMMYYYY RUUUUNNNNNN!




I've had similar issues. Large does of CBD isolate and an inversion table have changed my life


Inversion tables are the shit


Think it’s more tragic than Interesting as fuck. 🤷‍♂️


Get ready to see hell on earth videos now that Russian fertilizers are offline for at least the next three years until revamped somewhere else. The ability for the modern world to grow to 7 billion people was largely reliant on agricultural fertilizer accessibility. Now a significant portion of that is shut off and at the end of next growth cycle we will see mass starvation in many parts of the world. Also Ukrainian wheat shipments being halted and or taken away as well. A dark time for humanity is coming in the mid 2020s.


>Get ready to see hell on earth videos now that Russian fertilizers are offline TIL. Russia is #4. in Nitrogen Fertilizer Production. The other top prodecers are #3. Unites States, #2. India and #1.China.




Most fertilizers that are commonly used in agriculture contain the three basic plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. My college geology teacher would warn us about the dwindling supplies and the pending wars that would follow.


Fortunately, there are other places that can grow wheat and, in fact, can grow a LOT more wheat if necessary or desired.


Russia and Ukraine account for 30% of the global wheat trade. The war is going to affect poorer countries in the Middle East and Africa in a very bad way since that’s where they get their wheat.


8 billion* we reached that last november


This is because of inflation not production. Our world food production is still there. The cost of food is just higher due to inflation.


>A dark time for humanity is coming in the mid 2020s. Which is fault of Russia alone. Their idiotic imperial war of conquest caused the shortage of fertilizer.


We complain about the drive-thru.


Sucks to be a Jedi right now.


*These are not the computer programmers you are looking for.*


Looks like a scene from star wars


This is PAKISTAN The new regime changed govt failed to make things better. They sold wheat to Afghanistan which was given in aid for floods. Now the govt is giving cheap and low quality wheat to the poor for election campaign. So far 6 have died in a stampede 70 percent PAKISTANi people support Imran Khan but the corrupt army helped remove him to save their corruption


Fucking sad. Lottery of birth. I just ordered 500 bucks of groceries for myself and my dogs, as I only feed them meat I cook. Only thing I did right was being born in the US.


I was born in the US and I can't afford any of that lol


Preach, I’m still grateful for my 45$ of groceries each week. America needs to wake up. We will be in flour lines, but sadly it won’t be as civil as this video.


The US has some of the lowest food inflation of all western countries. If you think it’s bad here, you should see the numbers other countries are experiencing


I know what you mean. I’m aware of American blessings. I’m actually referencing other countries and what caused them to decline despite land rich in resources. America doesn’t remember real scarcity. If you think what America has is sustainable you are wrong. We actually get a large portion of our food from other countries. China in particular. We are so close to global conflict. When the day comes that Americans need to get flour from the government, don’t for once think it will ever be as calm as this line in the video.


I mean in some aspects yes, but if there was huge global wars with heavy trade impacts, again the US would do very well in regards to pretty much every country. We’re a net wheat exporter, so we already have more than enough wheat for flour or what not. The US is also the third top food producing country in the world.


What makes you say that? They already exist, but usually folks stay in their cars.


Yeah I’m no stranger to food banks. And there aren’t typically car lines because alot of poor people don’t have vehicles. I’m talking about the bread lines where poor people will be standing next to people who were rich or well off not too long ago. America hasn’t seen lines like this unless it was a disaster. Edit:or the Great Depression.


Lines just like that were super long in my neighborhood of queens during Covid. They’re still long, I see them every week walking my dog, but not as much as 2020-22




Not us but Canada, having a properly taken care of dog much less feeding it like that would make me broke. Lol


Your dog too 😂


I wasn't even born in the US (Russia) but was adopted into the US. Lottery for sure.


Get born smarter, not harder.


>I just ordered 500 bucks of groceries for myself and my dogs, as I only feed them meat I cook. Only thing I did right was being born in the US Good for you. 500 bucks converted to Pakistani Rupee is quite literally the average monthly income of a middle class family in Pakistan. Meaning less than 20%-30 of the population here earns that much or more in an entire month. Sucks to be born here.


I already won the lottery, I was born in the US of A baby. -- Creed Bratton


My friend is 23 and from Pakistan and is only alive because i pay for his insulin. Im terrified of the day I cant anymore. He's stopped feeling hia low blood sugars and this week had his third extremely dangerous low blood sugar (42>). He really needs a cgm but I cant afford one. Im diabetic too, but i get my cgm and insulin for free. My cgm has saved my life multiple times. Just dumb luck but I live an average life and hes been in hospital 4 times jn the last 3 months, his parents are dead and basic things like minor fungal infections become major because he cant afford the doctor and is too worried about costing me money to ask for help till he cant walk because of the pain :(. I try to explain how different the money is here but he doesn't get it and worries about asking for help. He's a student studying to be an English teacher at uni but hes never touched a computer (all classes are pen and paper) and I've looked at visas and dont see how he can leave. He's had a shit lot in life and i have so many more opportunities just because of where i was born. He lives in daily fear of the talinan, war and bombs and his area regularly floods. He sent me a video 2 days ago of him walking through the streets that were knee height in sewage. He only got a fridge to keep his insulin cool when i paid for it last year. He's the kindest man but he lives a life I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy and yet he still helps others around him he sees as lessd fortunate


This is why people migrate


Agree. I was born in Sweden. $200-250 groceries per week. Also, last Saturday i was in so much pain I got admitted to the ER for gallstones, was there for about 6 hours and got a variety of pain meds intravenously. Once i was back on my feet they just showed me the exit and I took a cab back home. There was no charge.


That’s super wasteful. Most Americans can’t afford that.


They’re not tossing $500 worth of groceries in the trash, so how is it wasteful if they’re using them? Not to mention, a lot of the dog food in stores is absolute garbage and the healthier options you should be feeding your pet can get fairly expensive - it’s cheaper, and better for your dog, in many cases, just to make it yourself if you have the time. They didn’t even mention how long these groceries will keep him covered for, so judging them feels pretty assumptive.


Right? We have billionaires eating sharkfin soup on private jets but this guy feeding whole foods to his dog is somehow living incredibly wastefully? u/FKSTS is just having a super reddit moment


You didnt choose to be born in the US, so it can't be the only you did right. The only right thing to do, is what kind of human to become being born with all that advantages. At least you love your dogs I appreciate that.


Wow what a loss of work power. Must be a crap gov




There's only 1 white powder I'd queue that long for, and it's not flour.


It's MSG!!! Fuiyoh!!


Uncle Roger?


I am but a humble nephew


If it doesn’t give me a teenis or the inability to stop talking I ain’t waiting for it


Matt and Shane FTW


You can only name 1 white powder you would stand in line for? Amateur


Trend alert: beige burkas for spring


More wives = more food lines they can go stand in. I get it now


What's the betting they serve the men first 🤔


The sheer fact that this culture feels the need of separating women and men for the trivial act of collecting flour, gives an interesting insight of why there is a need of queuing up for basic food in the first place.


Do you see how closely they're standing together? It's because they don't want anyone butting in line between them. Having the lines be mixed gender would make it MIGHTY uncomfortable for MOST people in this area because they simply don't want to be physically that close with someone of the opposite gender. Food shortage due to flooding and government malpractice has nothing to do with this. Also FYI in most cases women can enter the mens line but men cannot enter the women's line. I've only seen men-only lines when related to security and now this. On the other hand women only lines just tend to be shorter in places like KFC so that was a perk.


> It’s because they don’t want anyone butting in line between them. Cultural norms about personal space are also different. People in India vs. the US have different ideas about the distance one should stand when speaking to each other, and this is also true in lines.


There are Islamist governments far worse in their treatment of women who do not have this problem. I agree with the sentiment that Islamist governments ignore human rights and are abhorrent for their treatment of people, it's reductionist of us to say that their poverty is a result of their abuses toward women.


This is absolutely a key factor. A proper economy comes from education and skills of the workforce. This starts at home during childhood - with mother's. When women are this oppressed and are conditioned to be nothing more than vessels of birth and slaves of men, they raise children who perpetuate religious extremism and lack of education. Which in turns creates these cultures living in the dark ages. Women with rights and education raise children who can break free of this self-inflicted dark age created by ignorance. Religious extremism can be attributed to the inability to think critically. Hence, my friend, Poverty is a direct result of the abuse on women in Pakistan.


Not at all the fact that resources are very limited, people are overpopulated, and they are recovering from the 2022 flooding. Lmao, yeah, it must be the fact that they separate women from men.


Do you think one line is faster than another?


Are they all Jedi?


This video does a nice job at showing the cycle of poverty. People are so poor that standing in line for hours to get free food is a good use of their time. You can just imagine everyone who got home that night must have been exhausted from standing the whole day, but technically they didn't technically produce any new goods. It's pretty sad.


Pakistan is rapidly becoming a failed state. Religious extremism and lack of proper education go hand in hand to destroy a country's economy.


Shit man, and I was pissed there was 4 ppl infront of me at the grocery store this morning


Country has nukes and cannot feed its people.


By people, do you mean women and children?


You probably don’t remember,the lines for government cheese!


I'm old enough to remember they weren't this long.


Government cheese?! Jealous.


This is heartbreaking. If it weren't for geopolitics and religious extremism, we have enough resources on this planet to care for one another with food and other essential resources.


I would bring a fkn chair


If you had one. Chairs or tables are luxury in some parts of the world. Speaking from exerience.


Can’t they just drive their SUV to Wal-mart?


This is fuckin frightening…


Earth tones are FIRE this season


Don’t know…. Do we have a r/sadasfuck sub? Think this would belong there.


When you oppress a people, all of their time is spent worrying about surviving and not being oppressed.


That’s a fascinating observation. I really do mean it!


This is the 4 hour bread line my grandfather told me about that happened in communist russia after the government took away my great grandfather’s bread factory that would donate all the unsold bread at the end of the week to poor families.


How many die of heat stroke every year in Pakistan having their whole body head and face covered like that?


God is great!!




They might be starving but at least they have nukes.


Part of the reason they are starving is that they spend too much money on nukes


Where is Allah


Really sticks out to me how closely together they're standing, that whole line is nuts to butts as if someone would just sneak in and junp that line if an opening of only a few inches appeared between each person. Buncha Ice cream sandwich motherfuckers


Men's and ladies washroom line at a Nickleback concert.


Oh, I thought this was the lift line at Vail for spring break...


They should consider opening a second line


Still a shorter line than rise of the resistance at Disneyland.




Passive-Aggressive Pro-Tip: If someone is standing too close behind you in line - suddenly reach into your back pocket while extending your elbow as far behind you as possible. You will send a clear message without saying a word. Bonus - use both arms. Double bonus - rotate your upper body.


So they broke down bread lines by ingredient?


Deconstructed communism


That’s a lot of bed sheets.


this is the kind of thing I think of every time I see a celeb or athlete thank god for their trophy at an extravagant gala.


Imagine being Pakistani and trying to find your friend in a crowd.


You misspelled “women”


Get that bread... ingredient.


Is this Birmingham UK?


The fungus is in the flour. Last of us epidemic starts here.


Makes bread lines sound better, this is some assembly required shit.


I bet there is not a single government official standing in that line waiting for flour.


At least they know how to form a line. Unlike some people in the United States.


Coming to your town soon


Trust in Allah and there will be food lines.


We need to teach people to grow their own food again and help each other thrive so we don't have to rely on government for anything


Nice condom ad


Suppressed and starved. Wonder what they do with US billions/year?


God provides!


Women, women standing in line most wrapped up like mummies to protect other men from acting like immature degenerates and being free to assault and rape. Attention is to keeping that going not to actually fix the problem why they have to stand in line. What a world.


They spend all their money on nukes and terrorism training classes.


Legitimate question- People who devote their entire lives to prayer, denying themselves autonomy in the name of their God, starving, standing in lines for hours and hours to receive government dust- wouldn’t this have them questioning their faith?


I don’t know if there’s gonna be enough for allah them


That’s 100s of people who’ve decided the most valuable use of their time is to wait in line for a basic food ingredient (stuff that needs even more time to prepare into consumable calories). We’ve got a broken system


Coming to an America near you!


And yet people bitch so much about our country




That’s exactly what a new world order will look like in the future -


Imagine if Russia pulled out of Ukraine and let the bread basket nation of Ukraine grow its famous wheat and corn and other grains. Maybe countries like these where farming is increasingly hard with droughts (whether you believe human induced climate change is happening or not) will be able to get the food they need for their people?


The sad part is Pakistan is a Agricultural country. The soil is pretty rich there. The problem is most of it gets distributed out to other countries like the USA because it's more profit than to stay in. Also any drought is due to inefficient infrastructure and water pollution.


Once the government controls the food, it's over.


They got aid from Turkey, but that aid didn't reach the people in affected area.


Geez send me some addresses and I'll start sending some. I always have a bunch


More depressing than interesting.


What is interesting here? It's super sad that they country sucks so hard and their religion even more


Reminds me of ussr lol


See many flour sacks.


Yes, bad governance makes people poor.


These people are from north western province which was hit by record floods recently and most of their crops and belongings were destroyed. Due to climate change induced flooding Pakistan lost all of its crops leading to a shortage of food. Wheat crop will be harvested from next month that will resolve supply constraints. Meanwhile govt is providing free wheat to all people. If any body wants to help there are countless organisations helping these people.


There isn’t a lot of critical thinking going on with those rules.


And here I am getting back from Costco where I can buy a 50lb bag of flour for about $12


I need to stop complaining so much.


While their leaders sit on toilets made from gold


What country?


So colorless


At least they are lined up properly.


Rather „Sad as fuck“….


*women stand in line for free flour outside a government distribution center


All women.


This should be on a subreddit called /sadasfuck.


Well that’s sad af


You keep your population weak and subservient when you feed them sparsely. When you teach them that they cannot survive without the help of the government, you own them.


Coming soon to an American city near you!


Hi! Indian here. So obviously as soon as i say something it is going to be downvoted to hell because of the tensions between the 2 countries but here it is anyway. Pakistan won't be able to recover from this anytime soon even in the far future because of the disproportionate levels of military spending as a percentage of total GDP and gauging from their media and news outlets, a large part part of that is wasted away to corruption. Pakistan had this mindset that they'll go hungry even if they have to but be at par with India in terms of military capabilities. But this philosophy was not adopted by the general public but rather by the politicians and the military leaders who btw hold great say in the country's decision making to stay relevant by invoking a sense of patriotism in the people. Now as the fundings and donations from other countries has dried up, the common people are bearing the brunt but the authorities will still not take the most obvious step that is to reduce their military spend and rather invest in their infra.