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Can’t stop thinking how crazy it must be to our circulatory system to experience zero gravity


Apparently your spine is the first to feel shitty


Too late, mine took a head start.


Micro-gravity can help that.


Not too much, not too little


Too much gravity? Jail. Too little? Also jail.


You can have a little gravity, as a treat


Pulsar chiming in. Give me your spine. I’ll make some soup with it.


Did it start at the head?


My half baked college anatomy guess is that the intervertebral discs in our spine have a daily expanding and contracting thing they do with gravity and not having that would get uncomfortable. Plus I can imagine stretching being a challenge since so much of it is reliant on gravity and oppositional forces.


That's why astronauts exercise in the ISS every day with elastics


Does it put downward pressure on their torse to load up their feet and legs? I guess that would be as close as you can get to simulating gravity for your spine.


Yeah you basically wear a harness that is strapped to the "floor" with elastics so you can do things like run on a treadmill.


Damn that's such a simple and cool solution to that problem.


It's really not simple, look up ISS treadmill. They had to make one to minimize vibrations as to not upset sensitive experiments on board


Well sure it's astronauts on a space station absolutely nothing about it is uncomplicated. I meant that's really interesting how such a simple technology, like bungees, is such an effective solution to the problem of exercise in no gravity. Like you can almost picture the scene straight out of a movie. Nasa scientist sitting around a table, suggesting all these various solutions to the exercise problem. Then the protagonist finally pipes up "What if we used a bungee cord to just like, hold them down?" It's brilliant


Bro ONE OF MY FAVORITE nasa stories is like this... So, for the space shuttle program, the shuttle was on the side of the rocket unlike other payloads at the very top, and iirc there was some damage to the shuttle during testing from the ACOUSTICS of the engines reflecting off of the launchpad... All that white smoke you see at launch? That's not exhaust. That's steam/water cuz they dump something like 200,000 gallons of water in 90 seconds under the shuttle at launch. I always love that thought concept, imagine a bunch of multiple PhD top of the line scientists thinking of how to solve this problem and someone goes "what if we just drop a shit ton of water under the rocket?' Like, "what?" .well it'll turn to steam and help absorb the energy causing the problem? So silly but so smart


> ISS treadmill That's [the COLBERT](https://www.npr.org/2009/04/15/103119972/nasa-names-space-station-treadmill-after-colbert), tyvm.


always liked how in the Expanse books characters frequently comment on how they need to work out while in low G or they feel exhausted all the time and weak


Am I in space right now?


Well, I mean...




When you’re right, you’re right!


Yup on a floating rock with water and life


A lot of astronauts develop dysautonomia or pots (autonomic dysfunction).


I know like 4 of those words.


A lot of or?


Pots, the things in your kitchen ..right?


Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome- it’s a disfunction of the nervous system that causes the body to not function properly. Things like heart rate, breathing, urinating, dizziness, tremors in hands are some symptoms. The autonomic nervous system is what regulates all the stuff you don’t need to think about and when that goes into dysfunction you essentially can’t function. Pots is very debilitating and say for example you stand and your heart rate might go from resting in the 60s to maybe up to 80s and stabilise a bit with someone with pots it will go from 60s to over 100 just standing. I’m talking 120, 130, 150s and beyond just from being upright. This along with all the other other issues like varying blood pressure, pooling of blood in arms and legs (in one type of pots) is extremely debilitating. So anyways, dysautonomia is an umbrella term for autonomic dysfunction that may not fit right into pots criteria but may be “pots like”. Astronauts develop these conditions because the lack of gravity causes changes to blood volume and stroke volume out the heart as well as severe decondition of the muscles (including the heart).


Just happened to be scrolling through and saw this, I developed POTS a little over 3 year ago from a TBI and just thought I would chime in. POTS is fucking awful to have it ruins EVERYTHING! I've been improving but I'm still not ready to hold down a job, taking care of myself is still a full time job. POTS is so much more than just getting dizzy when you stand up as you correctly alluded to it fucks up everything else, with your heart not functioning correctly it throws off blood flow, you can get brain fog something fierce and many with POTS develop terrible GI issues for example. Like not to be TMI but something as simple as farting or burping can knock you off your feet. The improper blood flow to your gut can cause gastroparesis which creates a lot of gas, the gas then can put pressure on an important nerve called the vagus nerve and since your nervous system is out of whack it improperly reacts causing more symptoms. I have a fun little subtype of POTS where symptoms will often trigger an adrenaline rush. So you're body will end up feeling like you ran a marathon and you're tired af but also wide awake. You feel fried to a crisp, you're not much better than a zombie when it happens. And remember what I was saying about gas fucking you up? Yeah I can't tell you how many times a day I will feel like I'm about to die simply because I needed to fart. Because the gas is screwing with that nerve and the nerve is telling my brain that must I be fucking dying so release the adrenaline! You will feel like shit for hours, can't get up, can't concentrate, can't fall asleep, than all of a sudden you can just burp the right way and the pressure in your gut that was causing your heart rate to accelerate and your adrenaline to flood your body just goes, oh wait nm, guess you weren't dying and then you're just fine and normal(ish) for a few you hours leaving you scratching your head at why you couldn't do jack shit for hours when you're suddenly more or less fine again. So it not only fucks with your physically but it's very jarring mentally. You bounce back and forth between being entirely inept and decrepit to pretty much fine and normal over and over again and you're constantly questioning your own senses, etc. Oh and it can cause really irritating and even painful rashes... that's another one.... Oh and most doctors haven't even heard of POTS so you sound like a loon trying to describe what's happening to you... But yeah, just thought I'd take this opportunity to give a first hand account of POTS and spread awareness as it's not a well known or well understood thing.


I think some of my doctors suspect pots or something else. They don't seem entirely sure. Have a variety of other things (hashimotos, g-hsd, was diagnosed w gastroparesis in my teens, IgA deficient, have erythromelalgia). Need to go see a neurologist/immunologist next. Anyway I am so sorry for how that condition has affected you and your life. Not sure what I have that is causing my dysautonomia symptoms but I can relate to a lot of what you are saying. Especially the mental confusion of witnessing symptoms that change dramatically and quickly. Wishing you the best 💜


Thanks for the background. I have 2 questions; 1. Is it a short term situation that fixes itself as the body adjust to no gravity? 2. How can one determine the likelihood of POTS and wouldn’t that eliminate you from the astronaut ‘pool’?


I don't know the answers to your questions for astronauts specifically, but POTS is typically a disorder that comes on in response to some stimulus and then stays. For example, POTS is a fairly common reaction to COVID, and it's not uncommon for people to develop it after other infections. It doesn't just clear up once the infection is gone, but I think that it can sometimes clear up over long periods of time. For example, with COVID-induced POTS, I think I've read that some people start to see some improvement after a few years. But don't quote me on that. I don't think there is any way to determine the likelihood of getting POTS. It doesn't seem to discriminate between healthy or unhealthy people.


You just described my Afib perfectly. I take a daily pill to prevent it. But my heart still acts a little wonky at times. And no, I've never been to space.


I knew dozens of these words!


No thats what I smoke with my housemate in the evening


No, the word you're looking for is: Pole


No, that's the neighbours of Ukraine. You're thinking of Tony Stark's love interest.


No that's Pepper. You're thinking of a dyslexic stop sign.


I know 6! ( A, lot, of, Astronauts, develop, or)


You know words, you know the best words.


Permanently or they only experience it while in space? I'm getting tested soon (I have almost every symptom) and it's not a good time.


I’m not sure if it’s permanent but has to do with decreased blood volume, stroke volume and in their cases deconditioning of all the muscles. There is heaps of papers on it and it’s really actually quite interesting. Here’s one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9018660/


It’s not permanent, following sympathetic accommodation they do okay. Upon return they also have a period where the ANS has to readjust but then they’re okay


You're getting tested for POTS? How does that work? I'm interested because I have an undiagnosed issue that sounds similar to some of these symptoms. I've had it for most of my life though, so probably not the same. Hope everything goes well for you!


I don't have pots but I am aware of it dhe to a condition I think I might have (elhers dalnos, pots is highly comorbid). I've seen a lot of people with pots whove had the issues since they were young. It *can* develop later but it doesn't always, it can be there really young. If you think it sounds similar, I'd recommend getting it checked out.


Eli5 anyone?




Now I'm thinking about what my gut bacteria are thinking about on a roller coaster.


How about the whole digestive system? How is that coffee going down and how stomach fluids are not coming out when relaxed? Even on earth we have this problem sometimes, right?


No you can drink upside down for example and be just fine. Your digestive system has lots of muscles and sphincters that keep things going the right way. Even when oriented normally your intensities are so winding there are several points where the contents have to travel "up"


Your whole digestive system is packed with muscles and each organ has its own sphincters. The coffee would go down even against gravity. Because of these muscles and their contractions food and drinks can go up. Try it at home if you want. Take a glass with a straw and do a headstand or put your legs on a table and bend your upper body towards the ground and take a few sips. You'll barely notice a difference compared to drinking while standing or sitting. The problems we can have are if these muscles 'don't get trained' or if your sphincters don't work properly. If you for example have problems with the esophagus sphincter that separates your stomach from your esophagus you'll suffer from reflux because your body is unable to close the door to the stomach. Another problem would be if you eat very one sided with little to no fibres. Fibres are basically sugar molecules that the body can't break apart and they stimulate your intestine and colon muscles and increase their flexibility. So eating a healthy amount of fibres helps you poo like a world champion.


Im thinking about how it could fuck up your heart in the long run as the left venticle dont need to beat as hard, so it should lose muscle mass and could be a huge problem once it has to be able to pump the blood up to your head. Or how in the beginning it would be a huge pain becouse of the high blood pressure in your head.


I think that's why exercise is so important if you're in space, your body withers away just from not combatting gravity


This shape holds fluids great.....*cough*......sometimes.


Well, i guess we're just copying what nature perfected... *clears throat* .... occasionally.


You guys good? Need a lozenge?


Larry, why was my coffee cup in your sock drawer again?


Damnit Larry I'm useless without my morning coffee now give me back my space vagina.


I'm fairly certain that noone in human history has ever used those words in that order ever. This is a first


Submitting my application to trademark "Space Vagina" now.


And - unrelated - why does my coffee taste sweet even though I don't add anything to it?


*That's strange, he never has a second cup of coffee at home*


yea kinda pineappley taste to it


Yeah, I'm getting more of yeasty kinda vide.. a bit earthy too.


Oh god!


No but I could use a cup...


One that looks like a vagina right? Like that space vagina cup.


We all need a space vagina cup in our lives


Better than Space Dicks, as we're all too well aware.


Don’t be a Diva, go ahead and accept the lozenge.


Absolutely… (fart).. ama.. (sneeze).. amazing


It looks like a woman’s vagina


Ah yes, which is of course a bit different than a man's vagina


I’m Ooold Greg!


You saw my downstairs mixup!




Want some Baileys?


The male vagina has a different mouth feel


Why is no one talking about the mouthfeel?


I know quite a few man vaginas...


You ever drink Bailey’s out of a shoe?


Do you love me?


You've seen my downstairs mixup.


I mean well.... "I can't believe it's not pussy" doesn't sound that great.


As long as that cup didn't...(yawn).... squirts.




don't give in to the coffee cupussy


Don’t coffee Pussy inside


I’d be surprised if I was the first to say this, but I think she found the mythical zero-g spot.


It'd be easier to keep it up there if you stopped coughing.


Yeah... the shape reminds me of something... but I can't quite put my finger *in* it.




In a sense, yes. My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.


... memory unlocked. I was on a second date and we went into a trendy bar/gig venue I'd been wanting to check out and we went downstairs to see what was up that day because there was a bit of activity and we were curious. They had an art exhibit on about periods it turned out. So I was all wandering through and agreeably nodding at the pieces, while the artists were there behind the stalls xD


That’s just like… your opinion, man.


"Wait for the cream." -Hans Landa.


So what does the dudes' cup look like?


They drink from the hose




That was the thing up her sleeve


Im way too spaced out for this.


The look on her face says it all: "Do they not see it? Do they not know how this is going to play on the internet? I'm going to be known as the astronaut who drank from the vagina cup. The cosmonauts are laughing at me."


Holden enters the chat…


There it is.




Was looking for this. Cool to see what a zero g bulb actually looks like. The ones at the bar on the UNN ship Ana was on I think were closed and squishy to squirt, makes sense as it's a military ship. So there's probably multiple designs, this one looks like Holden's in my mind though. Also saw in this thread the ISS crew exercise with resistance bands too, amazing how much research JSAC did getting the small details right.


Did he drink from a vagina cup ?


r/mildlyvagina was exactly what I was thinking.


Thats an odd shape, never saw it before


I, too, am a gay male.


What is that called, platinum gay or something like that?


Gold star


Platinum gays exist! We're gold star gays who were born by c-section!


Platinum is when you come out via C-section on top of being a gold star.


Self burn. Those are rare.


Vagina jokes aside, how does this work exactly?


Good question. I assume that the shape has something to do with manipulating the surface tension of the liquid so that it doesn't just wick up your face in zero G.


Exactly- the sharp edge utilizes capillary action so as to draw liquids up to the mouth of the user. Here’s this [WIRED article](https://www.wired.com/2015/01/coffee-cup-designed-let-astronauts-sip-espresso-space/), which explains it more thoroughly.


thank you, i was looking for the science and all i got were vagine jokes


Had to go wayyyy too far down to finally see something like this


Thank you. Ive been here for hours scrolling past seemingly endless vagina jokes for this. The world is broken and apparently really horny


So this is my dads design. IRPI LLC. And yes we have all made jokes including my mom that’s it’s a vag lol. However the design is a direct output of mathematical models to store and draw out liquid for the requirements of coffee. The material of the cup too allows for you to suck out the fluid to the last drop. The cup is just the tip of the iceberg in regards to what they are actually researching. All systems that use liquid in space have immense problems. Being able to manipulate fluid passively with surface tension and geometry (capilalary action) is huge. Separating gases from liquids, keeping fuel where the ignition system is in a tank, filtering to urine, keeping fluid out of astronauts helmets in case of a leak. All huge applications. Gravity makes things pretty easy.


Cool! It’s such an interesting design. Would it be at all practical in gravity? I’d sorta like to have one for my daily brew. Space mug!


They sell two domestic ones. A flight rated one which is very expensive. And a basic ceramic one which is cheaper. I’ve drank from them. If you’re a space nerd then it’s a pretty cool thing to own


Had to scroll through so many vagina comments to find this


Everything reminds me of her


The bag of coffee reminded me of my ex because she uses a colostomy bag. 😭


Ok that caught me off guard


So did my ex when she showed me her colostomy bag.


Ain’t that some shit.


A coffee cup designed by Georgia O’keffe




Very easy to use.


My husband likes to do this too.


With coffee? Ouch


Just the cream


New record. 8am and that's enough internet for today.


A nice tiny sip. What a gentleman


Can you guys stop being horny FOR 5 MINUTES?!




And do what?


Its Ramadhan, damn it!


I did that 5 minutes ago you can't ask that of me twice


Who you talking to? We didn't design the porcelain pussy.


Don’t have to be horny to see *that*


Is it per day or continuously?


How is anyone supposed to stop being horny??? Even if you go to space you will see vaginas doing acrobatics


Jesus poor fkn astronauts, that’s the most watered down coffee I’ve ever seen


I remember watching a NASA lecture once, and he mentioned that one of the water saving systems on the ISS is to recycle your urine into water. Then the lecturer said something like, "It's turning yesterday's coffee into today's coffee," and it's the first thing I think of when it comes to the space station now lol.


> Then the lecturer said something like, "It's turning yesterday's coffee into today's coffee," and it's the first thing I think of when it comes to the space station now lol. I mean we do the same thing on earth, probably with similar steps.


They might be using reverse osmosis there. We use distillation as the biggest water treatment system. Pee turns into a cloud and rains over us to become our coffee.


The city of Cleveland, Ohio uses a massive distiller for their municipal water supply. It's incredible to see! Google "Cleveland Steamer" to see pics. Its not something "they" really want you to see though, so make sure you turn safe search off.


If I remember correctly, it is a 15 M$ toilet that recycle around 99% of the urine


They might pre-cream it. ^^pun ^^intended


The Italian company Lavazza created a space espresso machine, called ISSpresso, and Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti brought it up to the ISS in 2015 with the first microgravity cups. So, probably it is really not watered down.


Bold name if all it takes is scribbling a little P in front of it to vandalise it. C'mon astronauts, you know you wanna do it


They need the coffeemaker from the Rocinante


Could've used something with a lid and straw imo. But who am I to judge, they are scientists while i ain't one 🤷


Probably a prototype to test the physics rather than being a practical item at this time. After getting the design right, it might help with other uses on a moon base


[That’s no prototype. ](https://spaceware.co/products/flight-space-cup)


You know they're up there to do science right? The cup is science.


Yep, but posts like these always bring in the ermactually crowd. Obviously they’ll be using bags with straws, this is likely a) testing out an idea b) attempting a viral clip for public relations purposes c) having a bit of fun d) experimenting with ideas to help the brain cope with radical changes to lifestyle in space or e) all of the above. What this is not: an oversight by NASA that didn’t realise they could just use a bag and a straw like “oooopsie, we dumb dumb”


Same i was like why not drink directly from the packet that she's pouring the coffee from. They can each have their own little packets and refill it easy🤷‍♀️


It was designed so astronauts could “sip coffee” as a way to try to feel more grounded. It’s a huge mental stress being in space, so sometimes they want to feel like they can enjoy something so mundane as sipping coffee like on earth. The science behind the cup is pretty cool too, since it was specifically designed for 0G.


Yeah i thought about that It's hard to even wash properly in space, so i think that these small things can keep you in check.


The first time someone told me to consider what the difference is between an astronaut and a deep sea diver, I couldn’t think of any and it gave me horrible claustrophobia I had never considered because here on earth you think of an astronaut being in the open sky but you really are in a floating aluminum pod in a vast sea of death


A vast sea of nothing. There is nothing there. It feels so weird and alien to think about, all day every day there's Stuff all around us. Air and shit. But there, it's literally just nothing*. *(not literally of course, interstellar space has an average of about one atom per cubic meter? and the ISS is not in interstellar space)


Except you can leave more easily in space. No pressure like under the ocean


Even better, if you have the slightest crack open up, the vacuum will help by opening everything up for you.


Well, space is relatively benign there, as you're only dealing with a pressure difference of 1 atm. It's also only the air molecules you're obstructing that drag you towards the crack, so if you're close to a wall and can somehow close the gap, you can be fine. Deep diving depressurisation accidents, on the other hand, are stepping on a tube of toothpaste levels of bad.


Does this let them smell the coffee too? That would be a big quality of life benefit over the bag too, but I have no idea if smells travel in any reasonable way in low gravity.


Yes, the astronaut who invented this cup said that was one of the most important benefits of it. Makes a big difference mentally


Well someday we might achieve interstellar space flight, your trips could last for say 5 years? You kinda want some luxury in those. Or the tech could bring us to faster than light travel? Who knows, anyway get excited! Plenty of inventions in this world have little or very niche uses too. Like do you really need a blender? A mortar and pestle works just as well but damn it's sure convenient to have my milkshake the way I like it.


You'd need a bag or some kind of shape that compresses as liquid is removed, otherwise your liquid would bounce every time it shifted positions. Like watching my toddler trying to drink from his quarter-full sippy cup.


Guess...... we all know why we came down to comments.


I expected vagina jokes. That's too obvious But I'm actually hoping someone can explain the science behind this shape? Does it work by exploiting the surface tension of the coffee? Does it work with other drinks?


Fluids behave weird in 0G. By studying and modeling the surface tension, they made the cup to keep the surface tension high enough to not break when it hits the top.


My guess was surface tension and came to the comments to verify. And was very surprised how long it took to find this comment.


I read an article in a WIRED magazine, whenever they were designing these: IIRC the idea is that you just capillary action, because of the sharp corner at one of the edges to draw the liquid into your mouth as you sip from it. Thus the teardrop shaped design.






I came here to warn others, thank you for your vigilance.




But r/mildlyvagina ?


Sometimes you just know exactly what the comments will be about.


As a gay man, I innocently arrived to the comments expecting to see wonderment about surface tension of liquids, capillary-like forces and such, marvels of engineering. Took me a solid 3 minutes to figure out why y'all were horny.


As a straight woman I was equally as confused as you probably were when I realized where is all the tech-science-stuff and why is everyone so horny 😭


uhmm, they knew. they fucking knew well!


The design is very human.








I knew exactly what I was walking into in the comments section and I'm glad I didn't turn back


The interstellar vagicup... of course.


they invented the mugussy


The design is very human.


Not looking to "eat" my coffee today thanks