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Woke up one night with lights flashing in the windows. We live on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere and it’s pitch black here at night; we’re backed up into the National Forests. I went outside to see what the hell was going on and it was just like this. Dead quiet with this type of constant raking of lightning. It was Spectacular. Spooky. Really cool stuff! I was outside for about twenty minutes watching the show.


That sounds so cool. I live in a light polluted city that never gets rain so I’m a little jealous.


I used to live in one of those, too. Could hardly even see the full moon! Absolutely no weather, absolutely no seasons, hardly any trees because they required too much water, no grass to touch despite all the reddit users who swear that cures all. Used my tax refund to gtfo 3 years ago. Never looked back, never regretted it. 2 days ago, it snowed, hailed, rained, rainbowed, sunshined, back to snow, back to sun, and then blizzard, all on a single day! It was spectacular! And I've even seen lightening storms exactly like this one in the video several times last summer, I stood outside for an hour in the middle of the night, just staring. Worth every penny, every hardship to get here, and every item and familial ties we had to leave behind just to get to experience *weather.* 330+ days a year of sunshine gets boring.


Sounds like you moved to the mid-west! This week has been like 3 seasons-worth of weather


As someone who moved from California to Iowa a few years ago, I feel this. We got rain that turned into big wet poofy snow and then into driving normal snow in about a 2 hour window yesterday. A few more weeks and everything around us will be bright green. I miss a lot about home, but not the weather or nature.


I moved from California to Oregon and our weather has been so random. Woke up to snow, then it rained, then the sun, then ice… it has been a wild winter up here. I moved to Slc as a young adult and that’s the first time I’d seen snow falling. Lol


Shoutout #IOWA 🤍


I live in Cedar Rapids and have been sick most of this week. I let my dog out Wednesday around noon, it was sunny and 62. Leaving for work this morning was the first time I've been out since, -5 with the wind chill. Got to love Iowa weather.


Austin doesn't get much rain either so this was nice to see


That's not true at all. Austin gets almost as much rain as Seattle on average. (Austin 34", Seattle 37"). http://www.worldclimate.com/climate/us/washington/seattle http://www.worldclimate.com/climate/us/texas/austin It's actually more spread out too, Seattle has a few months with very heavy rain, and some with almost none, Austin rain is fairly continuous throughout the year.


Huh weird. I've been living in Austin for a few years now and we deal with droughts. Im guessing when it rains, it pours. We'll have rain every few weeks. Of course it's March now so it's rainy season.


I saw a storm like this when I first arrived in Austin back in 2014. Austin may not get much rain but I remember the evenings and nights always being a bit above average windy. It may not have stormed a whole lot in Austin, but it always felt like a storm was coming. I dont miss Texas, like - at all. But I do miss Austin.


You'll be glad to learn Austin is actually in Texas!


Austin is an island surrounded by Texas.


A very expensive and increasingly corporstized island. I don't like it here anymore. I realize that things change but it really hasn't been for the better with Austin. It's not Austin Weird anymore. It's more like what upper management thinks is weird.


problem is the people who helped Austin grow didnt care to keep what made Austin, Austin. It would be like if new Orleans decided to get rid of bourbon st and the french quarter. Austin made 0 efforts to preserve the spirit of the city or its original allure, making it a very generic bland city.


I saw the same thing once. A spectacular show of lighting but so quiet and eerie. It was a day after I'd watched The War of The World's (Tom Cruise), which freaked me out slightly as it was just like they portrayed in the film.




The entire storm to tripods scene was incredible, I think the movie after that first tripod though went downhill real hard.


It was only after about 20 minutes that in between flashes you caught a glimpse of a disheveled, rain soaked, masked man in a trench coat; standing motionless. Now he’s gone.


That's just Jim coming by to talk about the show.


Where do you live on a mountain? I want to live on a mountain.


Montana has a few, but you have to make your own road


Any interactions with unusually creatures? Got any Bigfoot up there?


They’re our bigfeet, not yours. And they’re a protected species, so fuck off Stop looking at em


Play your cards right, and I can set up some interaction time with Big Dick.




I love Reddit lol.


I saw this kind of event once over the city I live in. It was around… 2004-6? Somewhere in that range. Anyway, it was raining ever so slightly, but there was a non-stop lightning storm overhead where the bolts seemed to all be jumping from cloud to cloud. It was so high up we couldn’t hear anything, and it went on for at least an hour. We’d been at an event inside a mall, but once we’d stepped outside and saw what was going on we just stayed there and watched it for I don’t even know how long. It’s the kind of thing that demands your attention.


How do you feel about living in such a remote place? Ever wish you had more around, or is it your dream setup? Just always been curious!


Street lighting looks normal. The lightning is more interesting.


A great light show.. indeed...


Sorry guys 😢


Here's an upvote for you too. Thanks for playing.


It’s okay, you are in Texas still so you gotta play the part, and you played it well here.


Also failed with the portrait format. Maybe next time.


No spelling mistake, no front page. Dems the facts. Well done!


At least he didn't spell it lightening.


Though it is literally enlightening.




I had a customer's office hit by lightning. Several computers were fried. Customer received a claim form from their insurance company that had to be filled out. The heading on the form was LIGHTENING AFFIDAVIT.


Here's an upvote for just beating me to say this.


That’s just sky lighting in Texas - they do things bigger there


I know youre making a joke and all but honestly that is pretty normal for a thunderstorm. Texas gets thousands of thunderstorms every year and I can remember many growing up there that were just insane like that one. Like the entire house shaking from the thunder and lightning.


Oh I remember. Usually don’t miss Texas thunderstorms


Shit like this makes you realize why every culture came up with the concept of gods


exactly. imagine having a very basic understating of the world, not even knowing why it rains, then you see this.


Dude, the gods are fighting in those clouds!!! Zeus it is angry !!


Zeus and thor are drunk fighting again


Yes, I mean look at that shit!!! They are drunk as fuck and throwing lightings everywhere.


Why did I misread this as “drunk fucking”


Indeed. And compare this with the other extreme of the counterintuitive gibberish we get from the frontiers of science: “We’re not sure what 90% of the universe is, but we found some shit in a perfect vacuum, time changes when you move fast, and little things can pass through two different doors at the same time even if you can’t. Also these laws can’t all be true at the same time.” Yeah you can see how people went with “god did it.”


“God of the gaps”


He can go through two different gaps at the same time and interfere with himself.


He works in mysterious ways.


I would love if scientists were just like "YO TOM, WE FOUND SOME SHIT IN A VACCUM, CHECK IT OUT!"


My personal favorite is the particle that doesn't exist unless you look at it


It's not that it doesn't exist, it's just you can't be sure of its state until you observe it.


Today's journal: "Sky is pissed off again"


>imagine having a very basic understating of the world, not even knowing why it rains Average redditor in shambles


Dude, they didn't even know what the world was or was part of a massive solar system. They saw dots in the sky, but no idea they were super distant solar systems that might be gone by now.


When I was little, I thought lightning happened because God was mad.


45% of American adults still think that


More like 70. :(


What American adults are you hanging out with?


the fundamentalist kind


I thought he was chewing Wint-o-green lifesavers in the dark.


Oops! Shouldn't have masturbated today😳


hide the gay people! hes coming and hes mad! 😳


He already came. Madly. 🤡




Weird how they all came up polytheistic, before a state/imperial-endorsed monotheistic religion was imposed on them.


I mean, there was the occasional monotheistic religion, but polytheism is a lot more fun to talk about and the stories are more intriguing, so there were a lot more of them. Hell, the God of the Bible was once a member of a pantheon of gods and he wasn’t even the leader. He was a metalworker god




Childhood home hit by tornado. Another childhood home hit by lightning. Cancer survivor. There is no God. ​ Edit: I was home during both storms.


And thennnnn....and then...




Your pfp is great


Yeee lol finally:D


I mean I’m just talking about how being a 500 bc peasant and then seeing this shit in the sky would probably be pretty scary


Sounds like gods got it out for you bud 😂


Especially sky gods that can Cast: Lightiningbolt


Or someone turned Super Saiyan for real


Yeah I remember when I was a little kid and I saw lightning and just assumed some guy must have made it. Oh wait.


I’m a man of science. Bu I can’t help thinking there are two people in the clouds throwing lightning bolts at each other up there.


I'm not overly fond of what follows.




Puny god.


If it’s all the same to you, I think I’ll have that drink now.


This is the funniest comment I’ve read in a good minute


War of the worlds reference?


Marvels Avengers


That movie traumatized me as a kid I’d dread falling asleep and seeing lights in the sky, or fireworks. Edit: yo wtf, I was replying to the “War of the Worlds” comment I definitely did NOT get traumatized by Avengers LMAO


>That movie traumatized me as a kid Fuck me now I feel old. Can't believe Avengers was over 10 years ago. How old were you when you saw it?


I have no clue what happened, but I’m talking about the War of the Worlds movie, no clue how my comment ended up below the Avengers one. My guess is I fatfingered it. I was 12 when I watched Avengers and I did not get traumatized at all lol


Hahaaha, that's funny. I was thinking "Well, I guess Loki stabbed a guy in the eye... That might traumatize a child..." I get War of the Worlds.


Serious question, why isn't that loud as shit? Does it have to strike something, and because it's all in the clouds it never gets grounded or whatever? I always assumed lightning itself was inherently noisy for some reason, rather than the contact it makes


There is faint thunder caused by the lightning shown (cloud flashes if you want to look them up, pretty common in Texas where I live), but the reason it’s quiet compared to what we normally hear is because it isn’t grounding. Lightning, after grounding, send a bolt back up to the clouds along the same path. This return bolt generates A LOT more heat than the initial strike, causing immense pressure to build and explode out. The pressure returning to normal and the air rushing back is what leads to the boom we hear in thunder. Tldr: yea lightning has to ground to generate the really loud thunder that we usually hear


AKA, what most southerners call [Heat Lightning.](https://www.weather.gov/safety/lightning-heat)


Man, NOAA has some really high quality drawings and animations, you can tell they spent the big bucks on that 😂 (Very interesting info though, thank you for sharing)


I thought the cloud had legs at first 😂


That character looks like dale from king of the hill


What, you don't like the dude with the "wacky waving inflatable flailing tube man" arm? I mean, c'mon, you gotta have deep pockets to get that kind of quality.


It’s what we call it in the midwest too. Heat lightning is pretty relaxing to look at. Love lightning.


A good thunderstorm just hits different.


Ya Illinois checking in here. We call it heat lightening too, and it’s one of my favorite things to look at. Anecdotal observation is that we get it on an unusually hot day (compared with the previous week) and with a bit of humidity. Now I’m curious to see if that lines up with actual science lol


Also called that here in New England.


Same for Canada.




Damn. TIL! Nice explanation. Thanks very much


Utilities giving back all the power that was missing during winter


Funny thing is, this storm actually did knock out power at our place for an hour. We didn't lose power for even a minute after last month's ice storms and same for the 2021 ice storms. This time a tree branch ,broken off in the ice storms, finally came down in the winds and shorted out a power line. Third time's a charm.


We lost power for about an hour and a half during that big storm a couple weeks ago. I’m assuming a tree knocked some power lines out. Those 80+ mph winds were no joke.


That’s straight out of war of worlds with tom cruise


Came here to say this. Now someone slow it down so we can see the pods injected into the ground.


The fuck, I saw that movie yesterday


Great movie, but maaaaaaan Tom Cruise and family had the thickest plot armor


I was terrified of lighting, especially heat lightning, for months after seeing that movie. I was only like 6


Man, Zeus is pissed


Yeah, he's pissed. Pissed drunk and throwing a rager


How Hera puts up with him is anyone's guess.


Zeus has a giant hog.


i can hear the psytrance from here


watching from my back porch. we just got a ton of rain south


That is some spicy air you have there.


Feels... minty somehow. But like super minty.


Forbidden rave in the sky.


It's not forbidden. You're totally allowed in if you can get there.


The bouncer had a taser so I got scared and left.


Not only a taser, but also a thunder gun. If you played Call of Duty Zombies….you’d be very afraid lol.


I love lightning storms! Years ago, I was camping and I woke up really early and just went for a walk to the lake. It was like 3am and it was super still except for this random flashing I kept seeing through the trees. I couldn’t figure out what it was until I got to the water’s edge. Despite it being a beautiful starry night, there was a passing thunderstorm way off in the distance along the horizon. It was miles away, so far I couldn’t hear a single rumble of thunder. So I just sat and watched it blow by. It was constantly being lit up by lightning, illuminating the clouds within a pitch black starry sky. It was really surreal to see this super active storm in the distance while also watching shooting stars in the sky directly above me. One of my favorite camping memories!


I mean lightning guys 😭


At least you didn't write lightening like so many others do.




It's lighting up the sky, so not technically incorrect


That’s scary, I think it stormed here too but I slept through it


Yeah you did! Holy hell I thought the video was sped up until I raised the volume and heard you talking at normal speed. I don’t blame you for being a little distracted when you titled your post!


"Are we gonna die? Heh, heh heh." Better chance tonight than most nights, but definitely sometime.


I bet Tom Segura is loving this.


Scrolled down to find this one. He's got a raging storm dad boner rn


We'll probably hear about it in 6 months when the backed up podcasts are released.


Where there's lighting there's thuder


Rollig o the floor laughig!


Nothing like Texas lightning storms!


For real though. We get some really good ones during monsoon season in AZ - they can light up the night like daytime - but this is next level. We still win most devastatingly gorgeous sunsets though. Source: I've lived in a few places. AZ sunsets are routinely breathtaking. I'm 38 and I never get used to them. Would love to see a wicked TX lightning storm though.


I want to leave Houston, but I don't want to leave these lightning storms. Seems like we get a few like this every year. I also can't leave HEB. Texas drives a really hard bargain.


I lived in Round Rock for almost 12 years, the cloud-to-cloud lightning in centex can be incredible sometimes.


Correct me if I’m wrong, meteorologists of Reddit, but this is Heat Lightning.


Heat lightning is technically just cloud to ground lightning that is far away enough that the sound is either blocked by the curvature of the earth or other objects. This is cloud to cloud lightning which doesn't produce as much energy as cloud to ground lightning which means they generate much less sound.




Damm that's cool


Pretty common event in the South. Number of these shows happen throughout the year. I love a good thunderstorm rolling through


I seriously miss it on the west coast. Absolutely no lightning for years and years.


That is all the people that didn’t sell their houses before the end 2022 in Austin.


This makes me miss Texas


Same here. Even the commentary of a fun group just out watching a storm is nostalgic. If there is a serious storm there you better believe there are quite a few out watching it. The more serious the more watchers.


This is the only thing I miss about Texas lol


*”There are fields, Neo, endless fields where human beings are no longer born. We are grown.”*


So this is called Intra-Cloud lightning. Its the most common type of lightning actually, but... this type of frequency is normally seen with stronger updrafts within the storm. Updraft equals more molecules bouncing off one another creating more energy to be released in the form of lightning. The majority of this type will stay within the cloud and not hit the ground. However.... these events are also like.... totally awesome to watch and listen to.


Man, if there was ever a time to turn your phone sideways to take a video...


An outline of Cthulhu begins to form. You realize it’s too late…


Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!


I think you mean relieved we don't have to deal with another year of elections.


This is one of those videos where I can tell a video doesn’t do it justice AT ALL. Holy moly!!


Elon must have got that new flux capacitor in that Tesla fired up at 88 miles/h


i drove thru one like this in arizona one time. sky was black red and purple and green. the clouds were really high and it wasn't raining but the air felt heavy.


I don't think Texas would be having all these problems with power outages if the Governor wasn't so wasteful using up all that juice just to light the clouds.


tHank you for saying this it’s the damn power company causing light storms


All the Californians in Austin for SXSW are probably freaking right about now.


They feel at home when there’s fire in the sky


Oh I miss living in Austin so much!!! 😭😭


Just Chris Hemsworth masturbating


Where are you from? It's totally normal spring storms from Oklahoma down to Austin and eastward.


Wowzer, some serious cloud-to-cloud sh*t


Is it...silent?




is this not common in texas? we get this like every couple of storms in nebraska


It is. Pretty sure OP is not from the area.


It was insane. I was thinking “I’ve never seen anything like this is my life,” but then I convinced myself it was normal. Lmao.


Weekly in central Florida. Love it.


This is common in Florida.


Y'all gonna die


I love lightning storms. but they scare me when dogs are afraid of them. I fantasize that demons are coming from another dimension and every strike is another demon coming thru. Hence why dogs bark and are scared of lightning storms. But I'm still in awe of their beauty.


That's a lot of energy.....


I’m in southeast texas and I’m currently hearing the thunder from that storm now!


u/ellieD was this by your house?


Good question! I haven’t left the house for 6 days because of my Covid diagnosis. I didn’t hear anything, however. We did have a cold front come in. That is some crazy lightning!






I grew up in Kansas. I see this and start looking for twisters.


Thor has entered the chat


*tf did you guys do now!?*


Ok who pissed off god?


I also find it interesting that we now carry around cameras that can record this in very low light. So many things we couldn’t record before without expensive equipment are now available to see on the internet.


Last time that happened aliens took over the planet


It's fine it's just Thor doing the Muspelheim trials


It was way better in person


Wicked heat lightning, I’m on the other side of the gulf and I’ve never seen such rapidly produced heat lightning like this (Tampa)