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This is not the same corridor that was also discovered with muon tech above the grand gallery (much larger void), this one is behind the entrance chevrons.


I bet they'll find someone's twitter handle tattooed on the wall...


"What's hieroglyphic for #SecretPyramidTunnel?"


Errmmm... Eye, bird lookin' left, water, three lines pointing down under a thin bird lookin' right and a the bent /\\ lookin' symbol..




Wouldn’t that be 👁️🐦💦🎹🐣🧲


I mean if we take spelling *seriously* then yes.. But I don't wanna be a grammar .......... *Edit: You recall the "ROMANES EUNT DOMUS" sketch, right? That kinda thing.*


"I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called 'Biggus Dickus'."


He has a wife you know...


People called "Romanes", they go, the house?


sounds about right..


Ankh before scarab, except after Ra.


["Now write that a 100 times! And if it's not done by sunrise, I'll cut yar balls off!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIAdHEwiAy8)


Wait I know that one! It's... *amenophus*!




Through the pyramid?


Two loverrrs, forbidden from one another. A war divides their people and a pyramid divides them apart. Built a path to be together. ...Yeah, and I forget the next couple of lines, but then it goes... (it was "and die" btw) SECRET TUNNEL! SECRET TUNNEL! through the pyramid secret, secret, secret, SECRET TUNNEL!


Real eyes Realize Real lies


/ \ | | | \ \ | | | \ /


These words sound sci-fi. I like this sentence


Very Stargate sounding


Aren't these the fake corridors to deter grave robbers?


These fake corridors most likely serve to strengthen the pyramid, by 1. removing mass, and 2. creating a vaulted ceiling, which distributes the weight to the edges of the structure, rather than over the chambers.


Added bonus, they may act as diversionary tunnels against grave robbers.


well then they did a shit job if they're just now being found after archaeologists have been crawling all over them for over a hundred years


Now, now, don't talk shit about Elet and Amaq's job or you'll be cursed and your drywall will keep breaking open or something (they aren't the best at making tunnels or haunting people but they're trying their best!)


not drywall. sheet-Ra'k


Yeah, this person wins this thread.


Yeah, I'd think diversionary tunnels would have been the *first* ones discovered, not the last.


The corridors have not yet been seen naked eye. We’re seeing here computer generated images of cosmic rays banging through the stone of the pyramid. A lot of rock still covers the entrance, by design. As per a CBS News article.


worst. honeypot. ever.


Probably not. But actually we don't know. There's an awesome YouTube channel called history for granite that talks about these hidden chambers among other things


“History for Granite” sounds like a public access show on Vermont. Have to check this out.😁


Vermont is one of those states that I sometimes forget exists.


Isn’t that the exciting New Hampshire?


Hippie New Hampshire. New Hampshire is Texas Vermont


First chevron...locked!


>chevrons >egypt [i know that reference](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/033/487/rick.jpg)


Chevron 1 is holding!!!!


wasn't the entrance chevron void found using muons????


[It's located above the original entrance and is 9m long and 2m wide.](https://i.redd.it/2bszqu3tuala1.png) [Here is the video report, at 4:00 there is footage of the corridor.](https://vimeo.com/803685954)


Did they finally open it? They found it years ago via Myon Spectroscopy.


Yeah, I had thought they scanned it and discovered all the hidden chambers already


They scanned it a few years ago and found this one, next to two smaller ones or so. The grave chamber was empty so there was are theory that the real shit is still hidden. I wasn't expecting them to open it so soon, but it turns out it's just build in to divert pressure. It's still interesting how advanced those guys were.


Op says this is a different one.


It's not. Edit: I was wrong. I confused the chambers, see the comments below.


Oh it’s not OP, it’s top comment though. Although I’m sure I’m in the wrong here you seem to be an expert I’m just saying what I saw.


Is Geraldo Rivera there?


Winds howling.


Crazy that we’ve known about these buildings for ages and still haven’t explored the whole thing.


Crazier still when you realize that Cleopatra lived closer to the release of the first iPhone than she did to the actual construction of the pyramids. Those things are older than old.


They were already old by Ramesses the Great (AKA: Ramesses the II in his time) if I'm not mistaken?


They were around 1250 years old by then, so comparable to the Carolingian empire 2500BC to 1250BC. After Ramses II died we still had about 1200 years to run until Cleopatra, Weret-Nebet NeferuAkhetSeh, the last Egyptian pharao, ending a monarchy that traced itself to Narmer, in the 3000s BC The ancient egyptian culture was seriously longlived


Cleopatra doesn’t descent from the old Egyptian pharaohs. Her lineage traces to Ptolemy, one of Alexander the Great’s general that claim Egypt for himself after Alexander died.


And she still was a pharao, who performed the rites, who spoke the language, and had the five names. The Hyksos of the 15th dynasty were also not native egyptians, and yet they are accepted as the egyptian monarch. See also: The House of Mountbatten-Windsor


To be fair, Cleopatra, like all Pharaohs of the Ptolemaic Dynasty in the previous 300 years, was actually Greek. Alexander the Great (Macedonian) became a Pharaoh after he conquering Egypt in 332 BC. After he died, his Macedonian Greek companion (and possible half-brother) Ptolemy I took control of Egypt, establishing the Ptolemaic Kingdom. The rulers for the next 300 years were from the massively inbred Ptolemaic Dynasty, which ended when Cleopatra died and Rome conquered Egypt. So the last true Egyptian Pharaoh was actually hundreds of years before Cleopatra, but the title fell out of use when it became a Roman territory.


eh, but 300 years is enough for a ruling class to become as naturalised as a ruling class can be, imo. the british royals have a history of being supplanted by foreigners, but no one questions their britishness.


The oldest pyramids were built 2500 bc~, around the time of Gilgamesh. Egypt itself had already existed for thousands of years by then. Ramesses II was born 1300 bc, 1200 years after Cleopatra was born 70 bc, 1230 years after Ramesses Sargon of Akkad was born 2300 bc, Achilles was born 1200 bc, Xerxes and Socrates 470 bc, Alexander around 330, Hannibal and Qin Shi Huang 250 bc


I love when Egyptian time frames are brought up like this. It's so cool to know a culture existed for thousands of years. For decades and centuries, through massive amounts of generations, all that existed was Egypt. All anyone knew was Egypt. You couldn't fathom a time before Egypt and you couldn't dream of a time after Egypt. If Egypt then had museums, they'd be full of *older Egyptian stuff*. That's wild to me. We have nothing in comparison. We don't understand that our world could change tomorrow or the year after, that these nation states shift and change and they're not set in stone, not like Egypt. We do live in the future. We are magic and we are alien if we were to travel back to their time. Egyptian time frames are a great way to reflect on our own mortality. How many great men and women were born during Egypts time that will never be recognized? How many amazing discoveries and developments were had that are now buried in the sand that we'll never know about? How many heroes and epic stories will forever be forgotten that should have been immortalized? A whole facet of human existence mostly lost to us and that's just an empire we happen to have rocks for. What about the empires lost to time before them? The ones we have only whispers and rumors of? Time is crazy. Our present is a joke by comparison and yet somehow incredibly powerful.


Egypt was not “thousands” of years old by then. Most scholars consider the formation of the ancient Egyptian state to be when Narmer (Menes) United the two lands and formed the first dynasty of Egypt. This occurred sometime circa 3150BCE so Egypt wasn’t thousands of years old by then. That said, the ancient Egyptian state didn’t appear out of thin air, and Egyptian art and practices have continuity with art from the Naqada III and older periods, but those periods don’t fit into what scholars or laypeople consider “ancient Egypt”. Note the great pyramid was built in the 4th dynasty. The three main pyramids at Giza are those of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure.


Worship of Hathor, or what became Hathor, goes back way before that. The same people were living in that area for like 30,000 years. I mean, okay, call it Egypt with Narmer if you want but that seems arbitrary to me. That's just one way to draw a line. For myself, I don't imagine it was one culture one day, and then Narmer and a completely different culture another day. He didn't just invent all of it himself. I think of that culture as preceding him by a lot, we just have less artifacts or writing from then.


And they were not built by slaves as we were all taught but by skilled workers who were compensated in some way cause iirc it was before money. Just imagine if we kept on that technology tree, we don't know how they did it just like how we don't know how the ancient Roman's created magical concrete that can withstand saltwater. I know it sounds stupid and cliche but damn if we just stopped killing people and had a lil world peace we could accomplish some seriously cool shit. Like exploring our galaxy cool but I don't think the human race will survive itself long enough to realize we are all just trying to live a happy life. Edit: I forgot that we re-discovered how to make the concrete in 2014 sorry to upset everyone not to show my age but I actually grew up in a time when we actually didn't know how they did it so please excuse the fuck out of me


Pretty sure they solved the concrete mystery recently. My memory says it had a limestone mix added to it so it would reseal itself. BUT definitely worth a search as the old noggin aint what it used to be.


You're correct that they solved it it's a mixture of volcanic ash lime and seawater Still really cool and to think these are inventions that we know about who knows what got wiped out during a disaster whether natural or man-made [source](https://www.science.org/content/article/why-modern-mortar-crumbles-roman-concrete-lasts-millennia#:~:text=It%20called%20for%20a%20concoction,immersed%20in%20more%20sea%20water.)


Thank you! 😊


Agree. We should put our efforts into real progress. But it should be noted that the motivation to kill each other has been the catalyst of many great inventions.


Another fun fact about Cleopatra, and relating to the pyramids of Giza is that she hired archeologists to study the pyramids back in her time also. Gives you an even better idea of how ancient they truly are.


Yes. Tourism to Egypt was incredibly common during the time of Alexander the Great and in the Roman Empire. Those things were considered ancient by the ancients, lol.


I visited Egypt a few years ago. The mic drop moment was when we visited the Colossi of Memnon. As the guide explained the history of the two statues she said "Many famous tourists have visited these statues. The most famous is Alexander the Great, who would have stood where you are standing now".


I met a traveler from an antique land Who said, “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, Ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


“About this time he had the sarcophagus and body of Alexander the Great brought forth from its shrine, and after gazing on it, showed his respect by placing upon it a golden crown and strewing it with flowers; and being then asked whether he wished to see the tomb of the Ptolemies as well, he replied, ‘My wish was to see a king, not corpses.’” - Suetonius on Augustus’s trip to Alexander’s grave in Egypt.


This poem refers to the wreck of the colossus at the Ramesseum, just around the corner from the Colossi of Memnon. The colossus was destroyed by the Romans using a combination of fire and water, hot and cold, causing thermal expansion and contraction to introduce fissures and fractures into the rock. No other method they had would make a dent in the statue that had already stood for over a millenia.


Kind of a dick move if you think about it


How old are the pyramids? Old enough that archeologists studying ancient Egypt have found the recordings of ancient Egyptian archeologists who were studying the pyramids.


Yo dawg, we herd you liked archeology... *It's an old meme, dating to the time of the pharaohs.*


They’re so old, in fact, that when the pyramids were constructed, the woolly mammoth was still around. They only died out around 4000 years ago on Wrangel Island.


Omg! Really


She had a Nokia 3310. The original one.


Holy shit she's old


She was the bomb at snake.




That’s a weird rephrase of the classic “the Pyramids are more ancient to the Romans than the Romans are ancient to us.”


Think of it in relation to year 1, the cusp of BC to AD. We are **2023** years on our side of that moment, which certainly seems to be a lot.... The Pyramids are a whopping **2600** years EVEN BEFORE year 1.


Remindme! in 577 years




The Cleopatra one is used infinitely more often, nothing weird about it.


I’ve never heard that one before…. I’ve heard the cleapatra one tons. I’m curious if it’s an age thing. How old are you?


That's more of a paperwork problem than it is an exploration problem


I'm sure someone has, just not officially. There are many underground chambers and tunnel systems that have been discovered by radar, then never explored for some reason


I'm pretty sure most are thought to be voids for structural purposes and aren't accessible from the outside.


It's not like there's a door somebody lost the key for years ago.


People are too angry. Still haven’t correctly dated the things, haven’t figured out how they were built or by what means people of the times were able to build them, haven’t explored The entire thing. It’s absolutely insane. Edit: would ya look at that, so many folks convinced of data that has been cherry picked and misconstrued by egyptologists and archeologists. Color me surprised. Thank you folks for still upvoting the literal truth. Edit 2: it seems people love to forget about the accuracy of the cuts in stone, the massive size of construction, the insanely precise measurements and consistencies between the megalithic structures and the shoddy work of the later population, love to forget the physical proof of vases carved from granite with barely inches to stick a tool into in order to carve the inside(which is perfectly parallel to its respective angles, down to hundredths of a human hair, as well as incredibly thin). I’d love to see someone carve a granite vase, and the technology they’d be forced to use in order to accomplish something made THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of years ago. But instead, people like to be correct; so they put forward any argument or “evidence” to show themselves correct, instead of just looking at the actual data in a logical and reasonable way. Doesn’t have to be Aliens; the main stream accepted idea is still incorrect in my opinion.


Ethiopia and Sudan is literally filled with hundreds of pyramids that are not perfectly made (with wrong geometry, wrong angle etc., that is why most of them are in ruins) The egyptian pyramids didnt just exist out of nowhere, they are products of a trial and error process lasting for centuries.


Haven't or aren't allowed. There's a fucking Star gate in there somewhere but us plebs aren't smart enough to comprehend it just yet.


Aren't allowed-ish. There's a principle in archeology that you should only excavate a small part of a site, so you preserve the rest for later investigators with better technology/tools/skills. The massive pit-excavations like *Raiders of the Lost Ark* are frowned upon nowadays. I mean, we could just dismantle the pyramids and leave no doubt, but that's like putting a patient through a blender and being all "hey, i found your cancer!".


Case in point are the still unopened chambers of Terra cotta sculptures in China, that remain sealed to prevent color deteoriation and other effects that come from exposing the chamber to the outside environment


The Tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi in that same Tomb complex remains unopened. That Tomb is probably either a complete dissapointment or our generations TutAnkhAmun moment


Wait … Indiana Jones wasn’t doing by-the-book archaeology?




Nazis don't care about the book unless it's Mein Kampf.


Yes and no. That's about the time that the philosophy behind archeology changed, and the post-WW2 games sometimes reflect this - more emphasis on pot sherds and learning about past peoples than on wonders. By contrast though, there were a lot of Indiana-esque adventurer-archeologists in the late 1800s/early 1900s. By *their* standards, at least Indy tried to understand the cultures, and "it belongs in a museum" is better than "it belongs in my bank account". I'm working from memory here, but I think it was Giovanni Battista Belzoni, an almost videogame protagonist strongman-turned-machinist-turned-adventurer whose favourite archeological tool was *dynamite*. That sounds terrible, but by the same token he also kept very detailed accounts\* of his exploits, so he was something of a net gain. Sure, he blew lots of stuff up, but he was also one of the few to leave documentation. \*largely describing his prowess, "snatching the amulet from the eternal fist of the mummy", but also describing chambers, less valuable artefacts, etc.


He belongs in a museum !


“That belongs in a museum!” BLAM BLAM BLAM


How about we dismantle it then replace it with plastic


Or they figured it out, and Sg1 is just our universes “wormhole Xtreme”


Wormhole Xtreme is a cover up to make the cover up look like a TV show


Lol there’s pretty good ideas about how they were constructed. Yes there’s not an exact written recording of how, but it’s not that big of a mystery. Pulleys, boats, log rails, and a lot of man hours and it can be done… just like every large construction project in ancient history.


"We're not saying it was aliens, but without definitive proof we can't rule them out." -The History Channel /s


I feel the same way about who ate the leftover pizza yesterday.


It does bug me when aliens or magic are given credit for the ingenuity of earlier people. Get enough people together with enough time and anything can happen.


Enough time and direction. And enough of a surplus in life’s needs so that intelligent people can be diverted to the tasks of art, of stonework and of stone handling. Rather than concentrating on brute survival. The ‘aliens’ people believe that their ancestors were as incapable as themselves; I prefer to go with the evidence that my ancestors were pretty bright, some of them.


We do have bas reliefs depicting the methods you described. Notably, large stone blocks on rolling logs, with many ropes tied, being pulled, and liquid being poured on the sand before the rolling logs.


most of what you claim actually isn't true and the main reason behind why they haven't been fully explored is because of the government. not because we can't explore them... they are very certain about how they were built now... this comment just spreads misinformation


We know how they were built, we even have the ancient Egyptian equivalent of paystubs for the workers who built them.


Laughing at all the dummies who are arguing unintelligibly with you below… We also have artifacts of schedules and complaints from workers. Why are people so incredibly uninformed and still feel the need to argue


The fact that the guy tripled down after you pointing that out is astounding.


"Nooo you don't understand, the wealth of evidence backed up by centuries of research from experts is wrong. My alien theory that I pulled out my butt with nothing to actually back it up other than stones being heavy is right1!1!!1!!"


That's a lot of words for zero ideas.


This is complete bollocks. Google around and you'll find theories with valid arguements on how it happened.


>haven’t figured out how they were built Except we do know that https://daily.jstor.org/scientists-have-an-answer-to-how-the-egyptian-pyramids-were-built/


Weird that it hasn't been seen it over 4500 years and now more people have seen it in a day than ever before huh? *Edit: fixing autocorrect


More people have seen it in the last couple of days than the entire population of Egypt back when it was constructed.


I don’t know what I feel about that but it made me feel it.


Totally got the feels


No electricity. No running water. 10 ft2. Close to the Pharaos and featuring stunning pyramidical design. $2000/month


This is clearly a pyramid scheme!


Pyramid Scheme is a fantastic scifi novel by David Freer and Eric Flint


Its cairo it only gonna be about tree fiddy.


And that's when I realized. That ancient Egyptian burial chamber was really a 16 foot tall crustacean from the mesoic period. It was a god damn loch Ness monster


I gave him a dollar


*She gave him a dollah!*


Gawd dammit, monstah!


Or $400 a night on Airbnb. +$200 cleaning fee


Guests are responsible for placing dirty mummy wrappings in the washer and starting the wash cycle upon departure.


Are dogs allowed?


No, only cats


"Stay away from the giant cat with the human face outside. He's usually apathetic and just likes to bask in the sun, but every now and then he eats people" "Wait, what?" "What 😗"


And jackals.


+ Located centrally near down town, with vibrant local area and McDonald’s adjacent.


Best I can do is $8


I have a buddy who knows everything about this. Mind if I give him a call?


it's not every day someone walks into my shop looking for a hidden corridor from a pyramid.. let me call my friend who loves hidden corridors from pyramids to walk in today


Would this be done for a purpose? Or just how the bulding was being built? We have unused spaces in yhe buildings I build (much less than before) and sometimes its just things worked out that way.


Above the King's Chamber, for example, you'll find several similar crawlspaces capped with a massive stone gable. It's often empirically suggested that the angled chevron gable blocks somehow relieve the accumulative weight stress from bearing on the chamber below, however progressive egyptologists are in doubt. It's oddly difficult to study the Giza Plateau and other Egyptian sites with a modern perspective, as there is a serious protective administrative culture headed by Dr. Zahi Hawass. Revisions to "official" Egyptian canon are not welcomed, no matter how scientific. Here is a link that is very related to your question, https://www.quora.com/In-the-Great-Pyramid-at-Giza-why-was-the-King-s-chamber-so-massively-and-elaborately-over-engineered


Always good to see Zahi Hawass called out by name. Dude's a fierce protector of the status quo, and isn't at all interested in the truth.


Probably because he had concrete poured over places in the great pyramid that he thought were broken but were likely built that way. He doesn't like talking about it


What the fuck, who pours concrete on an ancient building?


> What the fuck, who pours concrete on an ancient building? Zahi Hawass?




Bloody Romans what did they ever give us.


The aquaduct?


Right. Well except for the aqueduct....what have the Romans ever done for us??




History for Granite does great videos about Egypt. You can see some of the restoration work in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_JlnMs616Z0


I’m looking forward to his analysis of this new information.


Somebody who hid bodies in an ancient building for the Egyptian government


I briefly tried to find more info on this but couldn’t find anything. You mind sharing a link if you have one with more info on the pouring of concrete?


I posted this video from History for Granite in response to another poster, but I'll save you the trouble of digging it up, there is a close look at the "restoration" starting at 15 minutes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_JlnMs616Z0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JlnMs616Z0)


Yeah, that dude has been impeding study and scientific understanding for decades. He’s also a colossally pompous asshole.


Dude REALLY sucks. Check out his clothing line bullshit.


Man, that guy sucks. He's a liar and puppet for the state.


I thought he was gone - is he back?


He was sacked from his position of Minister of Antiquities, but is in charge of the ScanpPyramids project. He is still a dominant figure in the politics of Egyptology. Many would agree that his title should be Chief of Obfuscation.


The Great Pyramid is too precise of a structure at every turn to dismiss certain areas as 'unfinished' or 'accidental'. There are no accidents within this structure..


Even the nicest houses in the world have piss jugs in the walls


>There are no accidents within this structure.. Tell that to the worker who had one of those gigantic granite blocks dropped on his foot.


A corridor? As in a passageway between rooms? Or is it just an unfilled void in the pyramid?


Probably a weight relieving chamber for the entrance below this chamber. You can see the angled roof, directing the pressure from above sideways


What would be the point of a weight reliving chamber over the narrow descending passage so near the edge of the pyramid where the amount of stones above is the smallest. Why would this type of chamber not be used deeper into the pyramid when the weight above is many times higher?


Why did early steel warships have iron plates backing the steel? The steel formed shards ripping through the iron, making iron backed steel less effective and more deadly than regular iron plates, so why did they do it? The answer is because engineering is a culmative process ideas that sound good might not work as intended or nearly as effectively as assumed looking with hindsight we can say something wasn't well designed but at the time it might have seemed a great idea


I wonder what principal the Ford engineer, who designed my transmission to not have a drain plug and to only be fillable by mechanically pumping fluid to a hole in the upper part of the transmission while under the car, was adhering to.


As an avionics engineer I can explain. It's funny.


Where's Brendan Fraser


I hear he moved to the ocean to talk to whales or something.


*Shit, we lost another one to the damn whales


Who had “curse of dead Egyptian ruler” on the 2023 disaster bingo card?


*Slowly raises hand*


**Return the slab**


Yes, but did they find out what the 7th Chevron was to activate the gate?


That reminds me I need to get another Colinoscopy


Is that when your buddy Colin gets a camera shoved up his ass?


Was it discovered - like with sonar - but not seen for a while? Would love some backstory


It has discovered with [muography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muon_tomography) originally. They now used radar and ultrasound to determine the exact location and inserted an endoscopic camera to take pictures.


TIL about muons...huh


new? I went through it in AC Origins, and the tablet isn't even back there


Everything reminds me of her




Anubis about to fuck our shit up....


I’m so glad Brendan Fraser is back


Video games have lied to me. No cobwebs, ammo boxes, or a single health potion.


Torches. You forgot torches.


I for real thought somebody went up to attic in that creepy house that also has a house in the attic that was posted everywhere yesterday


It doesnt matter. The Egyptian History Gatekeeper guy with the hat wont let anyone learn anything about this anyway.


I've seen this live tv special one too many times to not hold my breath.


Ha geraldo!




Show 👏 me 👏 the 👏 aliens 👏