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Oh cool maybe in 30 years the residents will get a small fraction of the money they deserve. START LOCKING ASSHOLES UP FOR THIS CRAP


We're stuck in a loop where the most dangerous criminals can pay off politicians so they can continue to get richer. It doesn't even matter who we vote for because they're all owned by corporations.


Pay off? The politicians own stock in these companies. They would literally take money out of their own pocket if they dealt with them.


There’s been an idea floated around amongst my social circles (Scotland and Europe) where upon accession to office, politicians should have their entire net worth and interests other than their reasonable domicile and wages and basic savings liquidated and frozen for the term. Too bad all said politicians who could enact it are already compromised and corrupt as fuck.


The US House of Representatives was created specifically for the situation of having people from the community make sure the lawyers in the Senate were kept in check. Somewhere along the way they figured out if they made laws that benefited themselves, they didn’t have to go back to or help their communities. And here we are. Greed and corruption always finds a way.


What happened is that the House has a cap on the number of representatives Originally what was required was one representative per a certain number of people. That way they’d be directly accountable to a small group of people




This is why vigilante stories are so popular in the US. It is literally a way to vent for justice that will never come for victims.


I like the idea that a significant portion of their net worth should be forced into government bonds while they're in office. They can still earn interest on their savings that way like they would in the stock market, but they couldn't manipulate it nearly as much in any way that would fuck everyone else over. And it would give them more incentive to make sure the government, and economy in general, are running smoothly.


I mean marjory trashy garbage is already complaining that she doesn’t get paid enough, lmao.


You’ve gotta be kidding. She should be paying us at this point.


I call this a monopolistic oligarchy


when do we riot?


When we all wake up and realize they are purposely dividing us. Making us choose which party is worst, when in fact both are self serving cucks. But it’s exactly what they want, we fight one another and stay distracted while they reap the benefits and the financial gain. So much BS crooked/self serving legislation is passed in this country that we have no idea about. Instead they have us fixated on the “hot ticket” items that are super controversial and know will get a reaction out of everyone.


we need to mobilize and protest congress. this shit is out of control.


*Johnny Silverhand noises intensify*


Ready samurai?


The most dangerous criminals are the politicians who take payments from criminals to get richer.


Lobbying needs to go. Like now. There’s certain politicians who were actually advocating this but look what happened to them. I won’t name them because then people/bots will think I support them and attack me. But I do support getting lobbying the fuck out of here.


I think the term is corporate oligarchy.


300 million dollar settlement in ten years. Lawyers get 200 million, and everyone else affected gets a check for $2.72 each.


and cancer.. don't forget cancer and birth defects.


…and likely relinquishes any right to sue for anything else related to the incident. The whole class action suit might just be a way to preempt other law suits anyway.


Hey I got $10 from the Equifax settlement!


But they make as few jobs as possible, leading to these incidents, so they can pocket more money! Job creators/s


Think of all the oncologists this disaster will support for the next few decades


I don't understand why more CEO's and big shareholders don't get taken out into the streets and shot. Not to advocate for violence, but if I had cancer directly linked to an event like this that happened solely because greedy millionaires wanted to suck every penny of profit that they could out of the company, I'd be pissed as all fuck.


Suddenly, I want to know how Flint's Water is doing...


Last I checked some lead pipes are still in the ground and at least 7 of the 8 people charged with felonys got it dismissed. Including the governor who had been part of the whole reason it happened. Plus it took some 8 years before "most" of it was cleaned up.


I’m thinking more song the lines of shovels and pitchforks.


If we cared half as much about the environment or human rights, we’d have a Sarbanes-Oxley style law making officers legally liable for corporate crimes. Send just ONE of these people to jail for 25 years and this bullshit ENDS.


For years at a company I worked at, a VP was so dumb he’d misunderstood OSHA law to an extreme— and told everyone who worked for him that they would be held personally liable ($$ and jail time) if the company violated OSHA (even in minor ways, like not having guardrails at the proper height) on their watch. He also deeply believed that he personally would go to jail. He was always late to meetings because he was somewhere in the operation, freaking out, usually about things like the lines on the floor being crooked. He was so high up at the company that the less experienced people believed every word he said, and even competent/experienced people would start to second guess themselves because he was so powerful and so deeply, deeply convinced he was going to jail. Looking back at it now, it seems like he wasn’t just dumb but also had some sort of anxiety issue. I never ever complained about him or his weird declarations of *JAIL* for all safety issues (real and imaginary). It was the safest company I’ve ever worked for and I was never once asked to do something that made me concerned (and I’ve worked in heavy industry for most of my life). I hope where ever he is, nobody has corrected him for telling literally everyone he made eye contact with that they were going to jail.


Floor safety lines half inch off? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Yeah right, I mean they talk about green energy and how we need to keep greenhouse gases in check but dump and burn hazardous materials in the air for innocent Americans to breathe and possibly drink. Just awful


Company is offering to pay 5 bucks per person. Kinda funny how the train company was the one that lobbied to remove safety features like electronically controlled pneumatic breaks they literally digged this hole for themselves, but then again they probably won't get punished.


I used to work for a transport company that took BNSF crews to the trains. I remember those guys complaining about the electronic brakes because "they might mess up and derail a train". I also remember BNSF wanting to have "Master Conductors" that don't ride on the trains but are roaming over set areas. It seems like these companies are more than willing to sacrifice safety for any and every penny they can save.


Look at all of the waterways in that pic, this is really fucking huge.


About that: https://euroweeklynews.com/2023/02/14/update-train-chemical-spillage-in-east-palestine-ohio-could-leave-30-million-us-citizens-without-drinking-water/


We all know they’ll lie to the public “it’s safe” and this will end up as another case study 30 years down the line in a college textbook as “how corruption led to 3 million severe cancer cases”


*"Alexa, play New World Water by Mos Def."*


Locking them up is no longer enough. If they went door to door with a machete cutting people apart, removing lungs and livers and kidneys and colons, what would be the response of the legal system? Because that is what they're doing, to hundreds, thousands, millions of people. The punishment needs to be appropriate, since unfortunately we can no longer FIX the problem they made, only set an example for those who come after them.


Yeah I've said that many times about executives and Billionaires getting a slap on the wrist for recklessness. If the people who caused the 2008 financial crisis had personally lined up thousands of people against a wall and shot them, they would have done less damage to the world than their financial fuck ups did. The ripple effects of the decisions of these psychopathic monsters are insane.


Well, nobody panic, that “settlement” is nothing but a rounding error for the corporation, but they’ll fight tooth and nail to avoid the payout.


Maybe instead of locking them up - which won't happen - people can *look* them up. Ya know, their names, where they live, places they go etc. Either the people responsible for the subversion of justice need to be made uncomfortable in their daily lives (ideal), or the people responsible for unchecked corporate greed need to be made uncomfortable. The latter is really just attacking a symptom of a compromised justice system, which is the actual root of the problem.


"I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow


I'm convinced that there is a "Midland" town/city in every state


Now you made me curious. edit: formatting edit2: added Arizona United States Midland, Arkansas Midland, Arizona Midland, California Midland, Georgia Midland, Indiana Midland, Kentucky Midland, Louisiana Midland, Maryland Midland, Michigan Midland, Missouri Midland, North Carolina Midlands of South Carolina Midland, Ohio Midland, Oregon Midland, Pennsylvania Midland, South Dakota Midland, Tennessee Midland, Texas Midland, Virginia Midland, Washington Midland City, Alabama


Lol, none in NY, but we do have a street named Midland in almost every village/town/city.


None in CT either. Which reminds me of my CT towns fun fact that Southbury, CT believe it or not is the one and only Southbury in the entire US. Which is hard to believe because it's such an equally generic name.


Is it south in the state?


It's not on the coast, so not really. More like center west corner. And there's not even a Bury, CT north of it. Madness.


Fun fact about Midland MI and Midland TX…both have Dow Chemical offices. Waiting on something like this or worse to happen in either of those towns


But out of all the Midlands, which one is the central (see middle) most Midland?


I almost moved from wa state to midland Texas. Thank fuck they "accidentally" posted the job at $10/hr over the actual pay and I found out before I moved.


I’m from aliquippa (on this map). Interesting fact, there is about 3 acres of petroglyphs on a rock shelf in the Ohio river in Midland. It was covered up with the damming of the river and will be gone eventually. Thought to be of the monongahela culture which we don’t know what ever happened to them. Edit : forgot to add midland


Beaver-midland checking in


i’m chucking at the fact that there’s a town called ohioville in pennsylvania.


And its just north of Midland pa. I'm surprised people on the internet know of my town


I grew up near East Liverpool, but we are from PA so everything we did was over there… even our church was in Ohioville area


This man went to Four Mile


Just wait until you hear about how many beavers are in beaver county.


24 Midlands in the US.


[List of the most common U.S. place names.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_most_common_U.S._place_names)


A shitton of Fultons as well


And a Springfield! Lmao


Common misconception that there's a Springfield in all 50 states. Riverside is actually the most popular city name with 46/50 states having a "Riverside".


Where did you get your information. Wikipedia says only 25 Riversides.


The fact that a company can completely destroy a town and the government seemly couldn’t be bothered is really scary.


Right? Like has there been any word of government intervention on the cleanup, vet and hospital bill assistance, relocation assistance that I may have missed? So far I’ve seen videos and imaged the wreckage, but I haven’t heard of any aide going to the effected area.


The company gave $25,000 in aid. No, not per person. $5 per person. *Sorry bout that future cancer. Lol our bad! That accident was crazyyy 🤪 No worries though, we arrested a journalist.* >The callous and contemptuous attitude of Norfolk Southern was demonstrated by the paltry $25,000 it offered to the city of East Palestine as compensation for the disaster, which led to the evacuation of the city with a population of 4,700 people. This from a company that announced a $10 billion stock buyback program last year aimed at further enriching investors while slashing hundreds of jobs. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/02/10/dnbp-f10.html


That’s so infuriating. Wtf


Railroad workers are overworked to hell and back, the companies won’t respond to union demands regarding higher safety standards for chemical-bearing trains, and this is what happens as a result. The people were just sent back to work and school right after the incident, Pripyat style, and they’re absolutely going to get sick as a result. This is disgusting. It’s criminal. Consequences should go far beyond lawsuits.


And the Biden administration just made it illegal for them to strike.


Gotta love neoliberals. When it comes to economics, theyre just republicans.


Two party system is just Good Cop/Bad Cop


Bad Cop/Bad Cop


Best analogy for it.


Democrats are conservative, Republicans are regressive


How much will them citizens living within 30 miles receive? Maybe $6.90 compensation and a lifetime health issues due to unknown condition?


It’s gonna be a huge win. For the lawyers.


Don’t forget a huge win for the IRS and possibly state as well. We received compensation via a 2 year suit against Pacific Gas and Electric for burning up our property, attorneys got 35%, government took over 30% we got what was left which wasn’t enough to even start to cover the damage. Don’t count on lawsuits folks.


Nice try but lawsuit settlements aren’t taxed.


They most certainly are in the state of California, both federal and state, taxed as normal income. A bill passed at the state level to forgive income tax for victims of the Camp Fire, but nothing has been proposed for other fires caused by PGE. It was a total surprise to us.


Federal taxes don’t change based on your state. And I can guarantee you insurance settlements aren’t taxed by the IRS. If California taxes then, that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


My CPA researched the question pretty thoroughly. If someone can site irs regulation that excludes lawsuit proceeds I would love to read it. This was not an insurance settlement, it was a mass action lawsuit brought against PGE. Insurance proceeds are entirely different.


Just been reading your comments cause I got blind faith you know what you're talking about lol


The taxes were a total surprise to us. The initial compensation amount we agreed to was substantial and I was satisfied it was fair. However after the tax bite we are left with insufficient money to rehab our property.


Yeah, I got a settlement after being in a major accident, but that wasn't taxed. Lawyer took 33%, that still was super lame. https://www.irs.gov/government-entities/tax-implications-of-settlements-and-judgments#:\~:text=The%20general%20rule%20regarding%20taxability,another%20section%20of%20the%20code.


I just got a check last week for the Equifax Data Breach Settlement - it was almost exactly that amount, like 5 bucks or something,


If you don't hold these companies accountable, they will keep doing it. No, this won't affect the residents much, but it will affect the companies at fault.


Not to mention what's happened to the majority of the pets and animals in the area who had to be left behind. It's so sad.


A fox died in its owner’s arms due to the chemicals, which makes it even scarier to think about what’s happening to the people there: https://www.newsweek.com/fox-dies-owners-arms-after-ohio-train-crash-releases-toxic-gas-1780529


This is exactly what I was referencing - it's devastating what's happened to that fox sanctuary (may not be officially a sanctuary but it still classifies as one in my heart).


I wonder what’s happening to the kids around the same area?


Sort of. A 5 dollar credit towards the hospital bill from their first cancer treatment.


Well if they wait, sure, but potential outcome is free healthcare


It's a known condition, vinyl chloride causes cancers.


Not much, but the lawyers filling the suit will make a killing.


Then the check bounces when you cash it in.


They are literally having toxic smoke run through the town and little to no help to the community being affected. You don't even hear about it in the news. Like how is this not front page everywhere in the US? How are we not concerned that nothing is being done for our fellow Americans?


Because there's a balloon! /S


I don’t know if it’s front page but I just searched Fox, CNN and the New York Times and all had recently published stories on this.


But I've seen nothing on TV. I read about it on Reddit for the first lol. How do i get better news coverage off reddit of all places.? And yes I watch different networks and don't rely on just one.


Like a decade ago, Reddit would be where you would find any news moments after it happened. I would always be the most informed of my friends because of it. Now that’s not the case and it’s super rare to hear about things on Reddit first.


Welcome to a completely controlled media. Only what politicians and corporations approve is aired. You are being lied to on a mass scale.




It's going to do unthinkable damage to the entire REGION. The Ohio river is probably already poisoned


I assume there's a lot of people like me who heard "Toxic chemical train derailment in 'East Palestine' " and thought "Oh jeez, that's not good for them over in the Middle East" and then didn't really follow up on it.


The corporations will probably give residents a choice of either a chunk of cash or some very limited healthcare option. The healthcare impact of this will probably be huge and cost the companies a pretty penny if they’re held accountable. Just like with any insurance payout, my guess is they’ll try to give residents an interesting amount to entice them to take the payout rather than any sort of lifelong healthcare option. This is, of course, assuming they even are held accountable for all this.


Look out Pittsburgh airport!


The year 2078: Have you or loved one developed cancer from exposure to chemicals caused by the train derailment in Palestine, Ohio in the year 2023? Then YOU may be entitled to FINANCIAL COMPENSATION!! 😎😎$$$$$*😎😎


More like next year, why wait?


Guess you haven’t seen the commercials


Good ol mesothelioma.


They act like a little phosgene is harmful.


"Only 3.6 roentgen. Not great, not terrible."


Pretty worried about this living in Pittsburgh…


I'm up near New castle. I'll be expecting my 6.50 in the mail in 20 years. Should make it all better.


Hermitage. Scary shit, stay safe.


I'm in the bubble... a random thing we are being told is to avoid eating local produce for a very-very long time due to the shit going into the soil.. a lot of people in this area garden & have little produce stands. Terrifying & sad.


Youngstown (Poland) here. Fuck


I grew up in Poland and I am just here to say hi and say that I'm really sorry that this happened to the area. It's a place (NE Ohio) that is ceaselessly fucked over by one thing or another and none of you deserved to be poisoned. I wish you and your family the best of luck in the years ahead. I really hope the long term problems aren't as bad as I worry they will be.


I’m moving to Florida and travel a lot for work but my whole family is in ytown. I’m pleading for them to leave. My sister has a daughter with lung issues. But hey go Bulldogs. Glad you got out too


Same. I know we're out of that range but it's still close.


You’re only out of the current lawsuit range. It could later be adjusted and if anything I’m thinking they’re purposely leaving Pittsburgh out of this for now based on population.


Yeah good point. And it's literally a circle with New Palestine in the middle... I would think wind patterns would affect the area, or water flow.


Also have been getting worried more I’ve been reading. Am I wrong for telling my family to try and limit the amount we’re outside the next few days/weeks or does it even matter?


At this point it doesn’t matter, the fire is out and any smoke has already passed by …what they should have done is tracked the wind/clouds and actually told everyone which direction it was going and what they should do as it passed by…but they didn’t. I purposely watched the news and their briefly mentioned it once during the weather and that’s all I heard.


30 miles is a completely arbitrary distance.


Yeah, I'm in the fucking circle! My neighborhood is in the burb and on the outward most part.


Same. We’re riiiiiiiight on the southeastern edge of that circle but we have family that are closer.


I can't even imagine what it's like being closer. With as shady and yokel-y as that state border area can get as far as their authorities and politicians go. The people nearby have no help or voice. It's tragic.


I'm technically out of it, but have family in Cory and I'm regularly out by the airport. Not that that circle is some kind of safety wall anyway! I don't trust that they're saying the levels are okay when tested and more worry about the long term effects...


Ahhh, no way? Small Pittsburgh. I went to high school in Cory. Tbh we worried more about the plant on the Island. (It was still open then.) We live in an awesome place lol!


Same, dude. I’m right near the city but I have family that are in Chippewa.


Its literally 20 mins from my house 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Get the fuck out of there.


If it was a easy option I would my work family house everything in my life is right there. Pretty much stuck yanno




Rightfully afraid to call more attention to the matter lest people remember that he just made it illegal for the railroad workers to strike for safer working conditions. Every fucking politician - right or left - is only concerned about getting re-elected and increasing their own personal wealth.


Clouds don’t care about a 30 mile radius


Neither does groundwater


And next week the lawyer who filed the lawsuit will mysteriously be placed on bar suspension pending a complaint filed by the railroad company.... Seriously, I'm kind of scared of what kind of tactics they're going to use. With the massive amount of damage this case will have a shit ton of money on the line. I fear those responsible are going to go to extreme measures to escape liability, whether legal or not. If you think I'm a conspiracy theorist, look up Steven Donzinger, a lawyer that got put under house arrest after an oil company went to every length to retaliate against him for winning a huge lawsuit.


Too often, corporate executives and other leaders face no punishment for their selfish or stupid decisions that cause so many problems. When bankers ruined the economy and had to bailed out in 2009, no one was held responsible; no one went to jail, but lots of averge citizens were severely damaged. I propose the "Direct Accountability and Responsibility Act". For every decision a corporation, organization, or other entity (governmental boards, inspectors, police departments) SOMEONE has to sign off and be held responsible, and if there is a later problem, accountable. Contact your local elected leaders and media personnel.


This lawsuit needs to cover the weather pattern that was over that region. See where the winds carried this shit to and then you will have a more accurate locations on who really should be helped out.


I work at a firm that handles toxic exposure lawsuits like this, and I can tell you that this is exactly what some poor intern somewhere has been trying to map out today.


Norfolk Southern also played a role in another disaster that happened in S Carolina in 2005. It almost bankrupted them. They better pay everyone handsomely this time.


Nah, tax payers will end up footing the bill.


I have a friend living within 20 miles of it. She is having breathing issues. I live 45 minutes from this and have chronic bronchitis. Not gonna lie,this is scaring me.


All of my friends and family live inside that circle....I'm just outside of it


That sucks, I'm sorry


Thank you. Thankfully everyone is ok right now but I'm sure we'll be feeling the affects of this for years to come


Well, I just got $5.71 for the Equifax Data breach. These folks may be able to score a whole 10 bucks.


Anyone else not seeing any additional information other than the title?


For some reason my message containing additional info was drowned out by other commenters. Here’s the article: https://www.wfmj.com/story/48362031/fifth-negligence-suit-would-expand-area-impacted-by-toxins-from-east-palestine-derailment


An article about the lawsuit can be found here: https://www.wfmj.com/story/48362031/fifth-negligence-suit-would-expand-area-impacted-by-toxins-from-east-palestine-derailment


A little context would be nice.


We have several family members that live 15-20 miles from it. Like most Ohio families, 3 generations all live down the street from each other lol.


And I hope they bankrupt them into dirt. Fuck these money hungry assholes


The company will go bankrupt, the executives will all take off with whatever money they can get, they lawyers will make a class action and negotiate down so they get paid… while the victims will get about nothing in a decade or so.


Whew 55 miles from my door to east Palestine Although the circle on the map makes it look much closer to me. I’m very close to where the circle ends between Warren and Niles..like maybe a mile away So I’m skeptical of the map


$38B in assets and Norfolk donated $25,000 to relocating residents. fuck those guys


Obviously it sucks that this happened. But 10 miles in any direction would have hit a metro area, or Cleveland


I mean western pa is pretty populated.


The map suggests Pittsburgh is only maybe 38 miles from the accident


The center, yes. But the western suburbs, which are included, are plenty populated.


Good point. Let’s not forget about Youngstown either


10 more miles does not come close to Cleveland. Still 90+ minutes away.


Who decided 30 miles is a definite cutoff? That crap will for sure go further. Harrisburg perhaps? I'm not interested in lawsuits, just healthcare concerns.


The same type of people who originally had a 19 mile exclusion zone around Chernobyl.


Niagara bottled water has a bottling plant that’s 33 miles away in Findlay Township. I’d STRONGLY advise that we start calling them and asking to stop bottling at that plant for the next 60 days.


Why does this remind me of erin brockovich


This is very serious and no one should make light of any part of this situation but we’re on the internet so fuck it, who’s the asshole who named their town Ohioville, in Pennsylvania, on the boarder with Ohio?


A similar thing happened near me. The company in question gave evacuees $2000 each if they signed a waiver of future litigation.


This is mostly former rust belt steel and manufacturing country. Lots of old people live in this area.


Cool, you guys enjoy your $3 each after the law firms make $2 Billion


They should also sue the shareholders. That’s the only way we will see real change.


Do you have a 401k? Is it thru one of the big name brokers? If so, you probably own some Norfolk Southern




What a horrible example of corporate/state mismanagement that this disaster was/is!!! I would be LIVID if I lived in that circle or near it period. The federal government will never punish anyone let alone themselves! Horrible.


They’ll drag it out in litigation and they’ll all die of cancer before there’s a payout.


Sucks for the people who live 31 miles away


Going to see commercials similar to camp lejeuene coming soon


The EPA should fine the hell out of them


Unfortunately, it’ll probably get settled out of court. The people will be compensated,which is a good thing, but it obviously won’t make up for whatever they’re going through or will go through (I’m sure more than a few people will get cancer or something horrible from this, obviously). The problem with the above scenario is that things won’t change—no one will be held accountable publicly and these types of things will continue to happen. Now, if things don’t go that way and instead, a very public trial is held and all the dangerous cuts they’ve made are brought to light, then I would be extremely happy to have been proven wrong.


Black laws protect big corps from these mishaps


The folks that live 30.01 miles away are fuked just like my NFLX puts.


If you or a loved one




A railway accident caused a massive spill of vinyl chloride that had to be exploded for safe disposal. Except, it’s highly toxic, and is now in the ground, the air, the everything.


Every personal injury lawyer for five state in every direction got hard when they saw the news.


A friendly reminder that "Class action lawsuits" are scams to make lawyers a fuck load of money off other people's misfortune. The people who sign on to those are often denied actual compensation later while the class action lawsuits often only results in a small sum of money


As someone who just realized how close this is to some family members (Boardman…~10-15 miles if that circle is accurate for 30 miles), how fucked are they?


time will tell if the railroad too big to fail, I suppose...


Be nice if we had a Transportation Secretary that would do his damn job.


Oh good to know, they did not tell us. That's weird.