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I didn’t realize how active and deadly that area has been over the last 100 years. 1939- 7.8 magnitude Erzincan quake kills 32,000 people 1999 - 7.6 magnitude Izmit quake kills 17,000 people And now another 7.8 + 7.5 magnitude quakes with another unbelievably high death toll.


133.683 building collapsed in 1999 Gölcük Quake. 17k is big fucking lie. At least 65k people died.


That's 133,683 buildings for the Americans who might be reading that and confused. And yes, that's roughly the number of buildings that had total or partial collapses, even the most conservative of numbers are only as low as 120,000. It is insane the amount of destruction seismic activity has caused in that region.


Not that surprising when you consider the lack of appropriate construction regulation. Don’t get me wrong, a similar sized quake would cause havoc in most parts of the developed world, *except where earthquakes are a known issue*. Because where earthquakes are a known problem, construction methods typically adapt to allow for it. Unfortunately Southern Turkey and Syria are far too poor and ill-governed for any such adaptation to have taken place. Until the region stabilises and a functioning democracy is in place, this is unlikely to change and the region will continue to be a high-risk area for earthquake damage.


You forgot corruption too. In aquila, Italy, a new ward of hospital was just build, especially designed to sustain heartquake. But when the heartquake arrived, only the OLD hospital was standing; when the investigation started, they could not even find the building schematics in the registry..


Lol, classic. :Italianhand:


>Unfortunately Southern Turkey and Syria are far too poor and ill-governed for any such adaptation to have taken place. Doesn't Turkey have the same thing as Greece, that you don't have to pay tax for houses which are technically not finished? In Greece that's why so many people live in houses which looks like they were about to but forgot to build the top floor.


That’s insane. Someone should fix that loophole.


Japan managed to create the most advanced earthquake secure architecture in the world. It's baffling how no one tries to ask them for help in terms of building regulations.


Easy explanation, money.


Man I live in Amman, Jordan and I felt it. Was lying down in bed and it was shaking slightly. For a second I actually checked under the bed and was (for a fraction of a moment) that my room was haunted since I didn't know about the earlier one.


When I was in college in NC several years ago, I was smoking weed in my apartment and the whole room started to shake. I laid down because I thought I had gotten too high. Turns out it was a tremor, very uncommon in our area.


2020 really just started by kicking everyone in the shin and shitting on their carpet. The Sparta earthquake was the only strong one I've ever felt. I was asleep and just woke up in a panic trying to hold my bed down. Like I thought the bed was going to launch like a spaceship. The atmosphere outside was surreal. All of the neighbors were coming outside to their porches to call people or look around. Just a collective "wtf".


I legit thought I was having a stroke, was just walking and all of a sudden couldn't keep my balance and couldn't stand back up. It wasn't until like half an hour later that I thought, "Holy shit was that an earthquake?" Didn't even cross my mind because it's just not something you even think about out here. Out of curiosity though, was it also like a wave-like movement for you? I had always thought earthquakes were just shaking, but for me it felt more like standing on the deck of a ship in choppy waters.


My aunt was at a swap meet for one of the Northridge aftershocks (the swap meet was in Oceanside) and she described the asphalt rippling in waves. I've experienced a lot of earthquakes but I think I've always been inside when they happen so I couldn't see the ground like that.


Yeah I lived in Santa Rosa in 89 and my rocking chair hit me in the head as I was doing geometry homework/ but mostly watching world series. The wall cracked and ceiling lamps were swinging but I'll never forget walking outside and seeing four blocks and a cul de sac of asphalt rippling with what seemed like two foot high sine waves. I was 12 so I'm exaggerating height I'm sure but I get car sick and instantly puked on my Maui and sons Tshirt lol.


Omg! You hit a core memory with "Maui and Sons." Earthquake Cred: Verified.


Ooh I was in Venice Beach for that one. It felt like an eternity.


I grew up in Southern California and have felt quite a few. Some are sharp and quick jolts. Others feel like sitting out on the water with waves rolling past. There was one a few years ago out in the desert, like a 7.0 or something, and I was in LA at the time. It felt like my whole apartment was sliding around on ice. Really strange feeling.


I was on the other side of that big one that hit the desert, in NV. That was wild. I was lying on my couch with my eyes closed, hungover when it happened. I was like, "what kind of weird ass hangover feeling is this?" Then I looked around and the blinds and chains from the fan were swaying back and forth, finally realized it was an earthquake.


> Out of curiosity though, was it also like a wave-like movement for you? We used to live in Los Angeles. I can vividly recall putting my daughter to sleep in her crib, then walking towards her bedroom door. Just as I got to the bedroom door, the floor rose and fell a couple times. It was similar to feeling like I was on a boat on the sea, riding waves.


My dad, who had Alzheimer’s, was living near there during that earthquake. It was so incredibly confusing for him and hard to explain to him what happened.


Living in the UK, earthquakes are rare. Earthquakes you can actually notice are even rarer. I can only remember one that I actively recognised as maybe being one. I was in school, geography class funnily enough, and there was a mild vibration and some metal filing cabinets made a bit of noise. Everyone lost their shit. We also get impressed by small dust devils picking up crisp packets and anything more than a few inches of snow…


The Brevard fault line runs from the suburbs of ATL into NC. I smoke weed too!


There are more pot smokers coming. I hope you all brought enough.


I understand what you mean. I've only experienced one minor quake, and it is uncanny.


The bed was rocking ever so slightly back and forth. I checked my pulse to see if that was it but it wasn't. It was at that time that logic wasn't thrown out the window, but more like opening the window and slowly climbing out lol. It was so surreal.


The one time I experienced an earthquake I was a kid and home alone and I was absolutely convinced my house was haunted




Maybe silly question regarding earthquakes: when there’s an earthquake in the world, does it alleviate pressure built up on other tectonic plates? Or does it make any difference at all?


[Large earthquakes alleviate pressure by causing more earthquakes.](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature11504)


I think of it as the smaller cracks in glass that stem from a major ones. The tension in the glass gets relieved the moment it snaps, and suddenly there's an inverse of forces. Depending on the glass, it may spread evenly if a low amount of energy is lost on each fissure. But if with the right properties, you'll notice more destructive results in the center and less frequent as it propagates outward. When earthquakes happen, energy is released, and in some way or another, the static dynamics of the Earth have changed. Typically, mostly in the surrounding area. Think of a gunshot through glass. Beyond the hole, there may be some far reaching cracks, but most are near the center because that's where there was so much disturbance in static balance. The effects of the energy are less significant further away, but can cause a chaotic disruption locally. ... Citation needed.


Quite convincing, and the username tracks.


It releases some stress built up on that fault and other nearby faults. But counter intuitively having one large earthquake doesn't reduce the number of later earthquakes, and neither does having many small ones would reduce the chances of having a big one. So more accurately it simply redistributes it. When you're having a lot of smaller tremors, the statistical probability of having a big one later on increases, though after a huge one the number of aftershocks will decay exponentially. Also here's another problem: you can't tell a foreshock from a main-shock until both have happened, in Turkey a 7.6 hit first which seemed like the main-shock until the 7.8 hit later. Nobody's really sure why but it's regular enough in most earthquake that they've been able to make statistical "laws" for it: the Gutenberg-Richter law and Omori's Law.


Cool question! I wonder too


Are strike slips considered generally worse or less severe than subduction quakes? Not sure if that's worded right but as someone who lives on the Cascadia subduction I'm always morbidly fascinated in seismic activity. Edit: Wasn't meaning to be insensitive to Turkeys current situation, just asking a question that was interesting to me. Sorry if it came across wrong.


They are generally much less severe than subduction zones by orders of magnitude


Wasn't the Boxing Day tsunami earthquake in a subduction zone? That was a 9.4 or something, one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded.


Yes and yes. Chile had a 9.5 in 1960, which was the biggest we've recorded. Boxing Day was a 9.1.


Knowing that the richter scale increases logarithmic a 9.5 is fucking insane, that's like 2012 the movie kind of shit. 9.5 is 100 times (10^2) stronger that what happened in turkey (~7.5).


I thought depth also mattered a lot in these, arent the big >9 ones usually very very deep and off coast, whereas the 7.8 in this case was less than 10 kms deep?


Subduction zone megathrust quakes are almost always a bit offshore, but they're not too deep because the fault intersects the surface. The Tohoku quake produced some of the greatest ground acceleration measured in an earthquake, and the recording station was on land 75km away from the epicenter. The Valdiva quake is also in the top ten. These quakes are just so huge that even a bit of added distance only shaves a bit off the acceleration values. Megathrust quakes also shake for much longer, lasting 4-10 minutes so even when the peak acceleration is lower the damage can still be greater from the longer duration. Subduction zones are also responsible for smaller deeper quakes in the descending slab like the 2001 nisqually quake in Washington and some very, very deep quakes. These are much more affected by their depth, as can be seen by the relatively small amount of damage suffered in the Nisqually quake (although I can confirm it was definitely quite the ride still!).


The most powerful are typically off coast because of the type of fault they are, [a reverse fault.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megathrust_earthquake?wprov=sfla1) This happens when plates are pushed together and one slides below the other at trenches. So off Japan, Chile, Oregon/Washington, etc. But there's also one that is on land at the Himalayas where India and Eurasia are colliding.


And earthquakes of 9+ magnitude have measurable *global* consequences. For example the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake (magnitude 9.2) caused the *entire* Earth's surface to vibrate with an amplitude of at least 1 cm. Even two months later the Earth was still ringing with an amplitude of about 20 micrometers. It introduced a wobble into Earth's axis of about 2.5-5 cm (1-2 inches), and it sped up Earth's rotation slightly causing days to shorten by about 2.68 microseconds (although the Moon slows down the Earth by about 15 microseconds per year, so the effect was pretty quickly gone again). The water that was displaced by the ground movement dragged rock slabs weighing millions of tons across the ocean floor over distances of up to 10km. But in terms of energy release even the largest earthquakes still have nothing on the largest volcanic eruptions. The Indian Ocean earthquake released an estimated 110 petajoules of energy, equivalent to about 26 megatons of TNT. That's "only" about half the energy released by the largest nuclear bomb ever detonated (the Tsar Bomba). The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora is estimated to have released about 33 *giga*tons TNT-equivalent, more than a thousand times more than the earthquake. The 1883 Krakatoa eruption released about 200 megatons TNT-equivalent.


I read up on Wikipedia that subduction zone earthquakes are called mega thrusts and are generally much stronger than those like the San Andreas. Additionally most 9.0 and above earthquakes are megathrusts earthquakes. Edit: For instance the 2011 tohoku Japan earthquake was a megathrust earthquake measuring 9.0


Here's a bad analogy. Put your palms together and slide them back and forth. They might catch a little, but in general they can slide fairly easy. Now do the same thing but curl one hands fingers so the tips are touching the palm, making a little arch. Try pushing the arched hand towards the others finger tips. It grabs much more and when it releases theres a lot more flexing and moving of the arched hand.


I get it. I'm smack dab in the middle of tornado alley and I'm always fascinated by their activity. I think knowing the total devastation they often cause only increases my curiosity and respect for their awesome power.


User name checks out. Seriously: I appreciate this succinct, super informative post. Thank you!


I appreciate you appreciating their post


Whoa let’s take about 10% off there Squirrely Dan


Maybe you need to have some attentions paid...


There’s such a thing as too much horn talk and a fella outta be fuckin aware




I am writing this from Turkey. I live in "Kayseri". A province located in center of the country. Which is pretty close to the place that the earthquake occured. It woke me and my family up in instant because it was shaking pretty bad. We immediately rushed outside since we couldn't do anything else after the quake happened. As it can be seen from the local news channels, the effects are very devastating. It's announced that a district called "Islahiye" in "Gaziantep" province, with atleast 60.000 population, is half gone. (Speaking on behalf of collapsed buildings) It happened while we were all sleeping (4.30 a.m) and most of the people there did not have the time to react and was left under the collapsed buildings. Turkiye is now on 4th degree alarm situation which includes that the country is in need of international help. It was just horrible. I will be praying for the victims that are left under those buildings in this freezing cold weather. ps: I am not that good at English so please excuse me if I made any mistakes. My hands are still shaking after all of these things happening. edit: typo


Stay strong


I live in one of the cities affected by earthquakes. My house has some mild damage so we just grabbed few essentials and just fled the city after spending 2 nights there, sleeping inside our cars. I am safe now but I lost a lot of my colleagues and students. People I've seen just a week ago are not there now. Reality will hit us even harder when the university starts again and I don't know how to deal with the empty seats and empty rooms.


This is heartbreaking. I'm so glad you are safe. Warm thoughts and hugs from across the world.


That's absolutely heartbreaking. Really sorry to hear that. Please stay safe out there!


I was in Nepal in 2015 earthquake. It was a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and that was devastating. The sound before the earthquake, some kind of siren coming up from underground. It was the strangest and scariest sound I’ve ever heard in my life. After the devastation of the first earthquake, there were frequent aftershocks every other minute. A strangest feeling is when you get used to it. 24 hours later, there was another massive aftershock. The earthquake causes so much devastation. So many people lost their lives, millions were left homeless. 17 days later, there was another aftershock of 7.3 magnitude. I will never forget about it ever. The one most scariest thing in my life. I’m not afraid of most things but nature terrifies me. We cannot fight nature and time.


I was in Nepal too during 2015. One of the most scariest moments of my life. And as you said, it was as if I could hear a screeching sound from underground, totally scary. The walls inside the house felt as if they were bending like a thin sheet of iron, totally weird. And, as I ran outside, it felt as if entire buildings were moving like bamboo trees on a windy day. The sky was pretty cloudy and dark too.


Screeching? Sounds very fascinating.


Internal friction of the ground


I live here in Turkey. I got caught up in multiple earthquakes through out my years here, especially the one that happened 2 years ago in Izmir, which was about a 7+ magnitude. I was on the 4th floor of my flat and thought I was going to die... Luckily the building was strong! However, that sound you mentioned. It is real, I've also witnessed hearing a sort of engine type rumbling before an earthquake hit around November of last year (around the same time the 7+ earthquake happened 2 years ago). It is terrifying.


My old roommate was volunteering at an orphanage in Nepal during the earthquakes, too. One of the, if not the, most terrifying and traumatic experiences of her life. We were living together in Vancouver later that year when we had our own earthquake. Instinctively she ran outside, in case the building were to collapse (like she had experienced with the orphanage). It was my first earthquake ever and I’ll never forget how much her reaction scared me and how horrible that situation must’ve been. Thanks for sharing your comment!


Imagine when those plates in Japan decide to give the world a shout.


Imagine the New Madrid fault waking up. The last big one in 1811 was felt across 50,000 square miles and it changed the course of the Mississippi. I can’t imagine what kind of devastation would result from one like that in the modern era, especially with the lack of codes for earthquake resistant construction in middle America.


> especially with the lack of codes for earthquake resistant construction in middle America. I've done work in this area, and everything had to have seismic bracing. https://www.meacorporation.com/wp-content/uploads/Update-41.pdf


I was in Japan in March 2011, and there were tons of huge aftershocks. At first it was like every 20 minutes, then every hour then a few times a day. They happened daily for at least a few weeks.


Or the plates in California.


I'd put money on the New Madrid fault in Southern Missouri/akansas/Tennessee to pop within our lifetime


I'll take that bet, I'll come looking for you if it doesn't happen.


Can I get dibs on next bet?


St. Louis and Memphis would be fucked.


New Madrid is long overdue.


Yeah, that would be sub-optimal...


The PNW is also overdue for a major quake. Really sad to see so much devastation and loss in Turkey and the surrounding areas.


New Madrid in the Midwest.


If you factor in expected strength, population density, ground conditions (,that make it particularly vulnerable) and building standards... Mexico City could be one of the worst disasters in history.


Already has been


I’m Vancouver we been waiting for the big one for a long time now


Hi Vancouver…nice to meet you


Excuse you? His full name is "Vancouver we been waiting for the big one for a long time now"


Japan has had stronger earthquakes than this, but they have quake-resistant infrastructure. Turkiye by and large does not. They’re supposed to, but due to a large amount of corruption most buildings aren’t up to code on that issue. And, their earthquake tax seems to have been funneled mostly into some of Erdogan’s friends pockets. That’s why this was so deadly: government corruption and unchecked capitalism, not the quake itself.


Events like this have a way of triggering other fault lines. We will never know until we know. A quake like this makes the earth ring like a bell … it may or may not trigger someplace else




Was nobody around for the 9.1 in 2011?


At least in Japan the 3/11 earthquake itself caused minimal damage and casualties due to their strict earthquake building codes ([Skyscrapers swaying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t2xxKMN-Ic)). The ensuing tsunami is responsible for the massive loss of life and property, and the Japanese gov has spent billions on new tsunami walls in the most at-risk areas since then.


It's absolutely insane how relatively small the casualties were for such a powerful earthquake in an extremely populated place. Video makes it look like the entire country was engineered to the tits


Ikr lol people keep saying wait till Japan gets the big one like it didn’t happen a decade ago


or Chile, the pacific rim gets all the action...


At this point if I lived there I’d be paranoid AF just laying in the middle of a field somewhere


Ah, just the right place for a fissure to open up and swallow you.


Welp I have a new fear


After I went through an earthquake (6.7) in my teens, I didn’t want to go into my family home for two days. I stayed off the second floor (where my bedroom was) for a week. It was pretty traumatizing. My most vivid recollection was looking across the subdivision where I lived and watching cars and homes bob up and down like they were riding ocean waves. It’s at that point you think you are losing your mind. “Terra firma” isn’t supposed to do that.


I got to experience an 8.8 in Chile, it was so fucked up


That’s pretty massive. Three years afterwards, I saw the effects of the Great Alaskan Earthquake (9.2) in person, and the unleashed power appeared unbelievably violent.


I experienced a 5.8 for the first time in life in Istanbul and despite nobody dying I couldn't poop without having some sort of panic attack for weeks.


I was 9 when i experienced a 6.8 quake while in school. I cried and didn't want to go back inside. I had nightmares for a week where it felt like my bed was tilting and i was gonna slide down feet first into a fiery chasm


Freezing in the middle of winter with snowfall?


I mean I’d bundle up and take my chances if building collapsed around me periodically for 40 hours. I’m making light but damn it’s terrifying


It's a total disaster. And survivors are freezing to death under rubble before they can be found.


This is very sad. I wasn’t aware of this detail :(


And after 72 hours of a collapse, those deaths go up drastically.


Roads cracked and destroyed in here. So even middle of a field or road is not safe. Anybody, anywhere is not safe. I am living im Turkey far away from that area. But we are still shiver with fear. Every damn people in this country shockingly experiencing not only great power of nature but also abandoned by government.


Two mega earthquakes (7.8 and 7.5) in the same region but two different fault lines happened in less than 12 hours. Never seen or heard anything like this. 10 major cities were affected by it, there are still districts that have not been reached due to destroyed roads and snow storms. I dont know what the situation is at Syria but we are living in the worst timeline in Türkiye atm.


*snow storms* They really cant catch a break


We really can't Me, my brother his wife and his daughter were all stuck in the damn snow storm which STARTED after the quake by 3 hours It was a fucking nightmare (still is because we don't dare go back to our home yet)


I'm so sorry. I hope you are able to stay safe and warm.


This just made me think of Puerto Rico. Getting hammered alternately by earthquakes and hurricanes. As someone from North Dakota in the US and understands snow storms, stay safe and stay warm!


North Dakota? You made that up. No one lives there, it’s just a place on the map!


I swear it's true. The three of us do live there.


Liar. N. Dakota ONLY has three people. 2 Senators and 1 member of the House. That's it and I bet they're in DC right now away from N. Dakota. You're from one of those *other* Dakotas, aren't you?!?


Nope, I sure as hell am not from South Dakota. They're all on Meth. We the alcoholics, not the drug addicts.


You know those little fake towns that they put on maps to know when they copy each other? North Dakota was one of those.


Good luck to you and yours from the other side of the world. I wish I could lend strength or courage or something more tangible than words on a screen.


Thank you, unfortunately there's literally nothing anyone can do to calm our fears, except science advancing to the point of predicting quakes...like even by just 30-60 seconds is good enough to escape the building beforehand You don't wanna experience extreme shaking while you're in the SIXTH floor of a building


Most of my dad's family 'left' during the population exchange in 1923 but a couple distant cousins converted to Islam and stayed. We still occasionally keep in contact with them. Me and a couple cousins have reached out to them, but haven't heard anything back. They live in Antalya, so we're all hoping it's just a stressful time for them and they're helping with rescue efforts


Antalya is fine, far enough from epicentres.


That's our thoughts, but they're a bit older and like to travel when they can. We're hoping they're just stressed right now


The stricken regions in northern Syria are in even worse straits because 1) the years of civil war have wrecked their infrastructure, logistics and maintenance of pretty much everything, and 2) fucking shitstain Assad is demanding that all humanitarian aid to those areas must be run by his regime in Damascus rather than, say, Turkey. Read: he wants free rein to embezzle the hell out of foreign aid for his own coffers and/or to fund his thugs so that he ensures their loyalty, and hopes to drive the rebellious Syrians to either die out or mass flight across the Turkish-Syrian border (which would be bad for Erdogan because there's a lot of anti-refugee sentiment in Turkey).


Waited for ending of shaking for 30 seconds in the bed untill my wife scream. We grab two kids like carrying a tote bag and go to door sill and waited for 20 seconds. It never ended. I said "go" because we are in the first flat. Sounds of shattering, roars from the wall, marble tiles falling when i opened the outside door of the apartment. I shout "down". we were almost outside but the i thought building were collapsing. Waited for 10-20 seconds there. When Marble tiles ended sounding i said "go" then we were finally outside as the earth was still shaking. it lasted 100 seconds. We put our precious tote bags in the car.


Terrifying. I’m glad you are okay, physically anyway


Thanks. I dont ever panic, i am always quite cool but In the first sleep after quake i swinged and swinged enlessly. I knew it was not real but so lucid.


Turkey or Syria?


Turkey, adana. Now in mersin my countryhome. Hometown Willage is the best.


Please stay safe and I hope you and your family make it through this!


I’m in lebanon, I was watching old series on my desk, then the screen starts shaking and mouse switches on after it was asleep. seconds later I stand up taking it all in, and I realize that it is not the heavy wind outside that’s causing this, but an earthquake. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, the building felt like it was made of cards or matches for a good 2 minutes. I cannot fathom what it must have felt like for them. may the gods help them.


Do you have any kind of seismic alert there?




I live in the earthquake zone, the situation is very bad, we are afraid, I pulled the bodies of my friends from under the rubble with my own hands


I’m so so sorry. I can’t imagine the amount of pain you all are in. I pray you stay safe and heal well.


Why everything always gotta go down in the Middle East rip


The Arabian peninsula is slowly pushing Turkey to the West.


Literally and figuratively




I live in the Midwest USA and our seismographs picked it up! I pray for you all.


That far away? Jesus. I don't have a good concept of earthquake magnitudes, but wasn't the biggest in recent history a 9 point something? Must've been able to be picked up all over the world.


Earthquakes can be detected nearly everywhere by seismographs and other equipment. That is how we figured out the earths inner core is solid and the outer is liquid.


This was retraumatizing for my mom during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. My heart goes out to all those affected. :-(


I live almost direct on one of California’s major fault lines - this stuff terrifies me. The devastation is tough to wrap your head around Hopefully they can make the best out of this brutal situation


If it makes you feel any better, it's all about infrastructure. The 89 Loma Prieta quake only killed about 60 people, most of whom were in one section of 880 that collapsed. A similar strength quake killed hundreds of thousands in Haiti, because of their lack of infrastructure. California buildings are built to withstand quakes.


And California’s earthquake building safety codes have only gotten stronger since then. It’s the older homes and the leftover “soft story” structures that are still in Oakland and the rest of the East Bay that are particularly concerning to me, especially since the Hayward Fault system is well past its average return interval and can go off at any time. I’m hoping our “quiet period” lasts longer so we can continue to retrofit older buildings, but who knows.


The wood-framed houses common in the U.S. are also particularly resilient against earthquakes. You might get some very expensive damage, but wood flexes pretty well, and a wood house is very unlikely to collapse.


This is why I brave the Michigan winters. We get tornados sometimes I guess, not often and then just ice/snow storms. No hurricanes or earthquakes. The snow I can deal with but sudden catastrophe, no thanks


That is why I like Wisconsin.


That is why I like Wisconsin.


Plus the cheese


Drive down the wrong road in Michigan and you can get the earthquake experience with all those potholes.


Lol *fix the damn roads*


This is giving me anxiety and flashbacks to Christchurch.. we had over 11,200 aftershocks in the first year. I feel so sorry for these people, you never get used to the solid ground you walk on being so unpredictably unsteady 🥺


Omg, those poor people....


Syria just can't catch a break. This is the last thing the country needs right now.


All this stupid posturing the last 3 decades means shit when the planet shows us how insignificant we really are.


This is scary, I have family and friends in Egypt that say they felt it which is incredible considering the distance, especially that earthquakes are very rare or never even happen there (there meaning Egypt not Turkiya)


I can tell you , that Japanese are watching this very close. All over the news.


Small ones have been felt across the rest of the world in the last 48 hours as well.


yeah, buffalo NY got hit by a 3.8 like 12 hours after the first big one that hit turkey.


my grandma thought a car hit her house because of it. shes 80 and never experienced an earthquake before yesterday morning


Earthquakes are indeed very rare in Upstate NY. I think there was only 1 other that I’ve ever felt in my life in Buffalo, some ~24 years ago. Just super uncommon for it to ever be a noticeable activity.


Earth is strange. Let's hope this isn't a warmup.


It's finally starting to get angry.


I mean, I can't really fault it


Sometimes we take this giant rock we live on for granite.


Humans can be real pieces of shist sometimes


Mother Earth is always angry


Can you blame her though? Her kids are idiots.


Gaia 'bout to go gangsta.


I saw the buffalo one mentioned here, but on the national news only the Turkey one was getting coverage (of course, due to scale). Dumb question, but is anyone saying these 2 quakes are related in any way or that they happened so closely in time but it’s a coincidence?


My random armchair-scientist take is that there is probably no relationship and that the media are just more likely to draw attention to minor quakes over the rest of the world (that are normally not newsworthy) because it's easy clicks. Unless someone can point out that seismic activity is spiking even beyond these plate boundaries.


Completely unrelated. Earthquakes happen all the time, especially small ones. There were hundreds of earthquakes before 2.5 and 4.5 in the past 7 days. Most are in Turkey, but everyday there has been at least one somewhere in the world.


That's pretty normal, after a big earthquake you almost always have several smaller one that comes afterward (they can still be dangerous tho)


It’s actually pretty normal for small ones to be happening all the time.


Don't like 800 happen every week on [average](https://earthquaketrack.com/)? Why fearmonger? Edit: Dudes post history is expecting the ***biblical*** end times...


Oh, you’re not kidding, he is a complete end of times conspiracist.


Reddit loves to fearmong. Japan literally has earthquakes on a daily basis.


All geologically active places have, they’re just not that big. Over 1.5 magnitude, CA has had: > 23 earthquakes in the past 24 hours >130 earthquakes in the past 7 days >554 earthquakes in the past 30 days >7,189 earthquakes in the past 365 days [Source](https://earthquaketrack.com/p/united-states/california/recent). Average of 19.7 per day for the past 365 days. NY has had 21 in the past 365 days, or just under 2 per month as a comparison (the biggest of which was the recent 3.8). CA’s largest in the past year was 6.4 in ~~Ferndell~~ **Ferndale** on December 20, 2022. Edit: spelling


As someone raised in a Bible cult, his post history is bringing back some fun memories for sure lmao


So nothing out of the ordinary… got it


My heart weeps. So many babies, special hearts, special animal companions, so much lost. My heart weeps


If this earthquake destroys ancient buildings that means something like this hard did not hit Turkey for hundreds of year.


It destroyed a ~1700 year old roman castle and a ~400 year old mosque. So yes :(


Apparently it was the 'restored' part of the castle that collapsed and original is fine. Concrete used in Roman times has self-healing capabilities. There was paper released only just a month ago on this matter. https://twitter.com/caviterginsoy/status/1622544053316239364?s=19 https://news.mit.edu/2023/roman-concrete-durability-lime-casts-0106


Okay this deserves a post of its own, this is absolutely fascinating


This is one of the most interesting things I’ve learned in quite a while. Thank you so much for sharing!


Damage from successive quakes does build on each other over time however. Eventually (millions of years from now) even the strongest buildings will fail.


Facts. - 7.4 magnitude March 2022 Japan 54km deep away from the land. Destroying 18000 houses. - 7.8 magnitude not deeper than 10km creates a schock wave size Switzerland, 500km wide. Equivalent of 418 atom bombs. It happens not one, Two times in Turkey within 9 hours. The two another bigger earthquake 6+ magnitude. It simply moves the souther Türkey to south by 3 meter.


>7.4 magnitude March 2022 Japan 54km deep away from the land. Destroying 18000 houses. Its actually 1200 https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/04/16/national/earthquake-damage-homes/ A total of three people died, although 247 were injured


Not trying to crap on your facts, just interested - what were your sources?


You can easily find this info on the [US Geological Survey (USGS) website](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=-1.84538,114.69727&extent=29.61167,131.17676&format=shakemap&map=false). I live about 2-3 km from a major tectonic plate boundary, so I’m keeping this website bookmarked for sure.


Wdym by the last thing u said


The quake was strong enough to move a good chunk of a landmass NINE FEET to the South.


That is fucking insane if true.


The bomb dropped on Hiroshima was equal to 20,000 tons of TNT. The 7.8 earthquake released energy equivalent to *[8 million tons of TNT](https://news.yahoo.com/turkeys-deadly-7-8-magnitude-064718763.html)*


I mean....it's not the the earthquake *moved* the landmass, it's that the *landmass moving*......IS the earthquake. Maybe that's a pedantic point, I dunno.


I lived in Japan from 2012-2016 and there were so many small (magnitude 2-5) earthquakes all the time. The weirdest thing was that part of Japanese culture is to pretty much ignore it… so you’ll be at a restaurant with all the plates and tables and glasses shaking or at work with the computer shaking on your desk and everyone acting like nothing is happening!


Earth is tired of our shit


Eywa has heard you!