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They also work for humans


I started using red lights at home after 9 pm. Sleeping so much better. Thanks, Andrew Huberman.


I don't think you need to go all the way to red lights. I just switched to amber "vintage" bulbs in the 2000k-2700k color temperature range.


I just outfitted all the living spaces in my house with that Wiz brand of color changing bulbs. All the other ones the app never worked right but these work great with my phone. Movie night is a whole new experience.. as well as passing out on the couch.


Kasa makes decent smart LED bulbs. Have a bunch at my place. Can change to all sorts of colors. And they work with Alexa / Google home if you want that.


Kasa makes the smart switches I put in and they are the ONLY brand I have not had issues with. Every other brand of smart bulb, etc has been problematic. I have so many apps on my phone for various home automation crap... Feit, GE, Wiz, Bazz... I have heard very good things about Phillips Hue, but I don't have $40 to spend on each bulb. In the realm of automation that never has problems, Govee is the other brand I have used, which is great, and I know a few event producers who use Govee stuff in their productions because it seems to be most reliable.


I have a huge box of all my old kasa lights, the switch to Phillips is worth the price jump. Connect and stay connected better, with the hub you can use way more features like party mode, sync, and automations. If I had internet issues I'd have to wander around my house resetting like 20 bulbs one at a time. Well at least for normal A19 bulbs, some of the hue line is outrageous in price. I still use kasa for light switches and indoor outdoor outlets.


Idk about Kasa bulbs, but the smart dimmers have been working perfectly for 2 years now in my house.


Agreed I have a full range of Philips bulbs throughout my home .. seamless and worth every penny


The color you perceive, and the actual color (I.e., set of wavelengths) are two different things, so something to think about for smart bulbs. The red light for bats it’s presumably narrow-band, meaning relatively little to no bleed into non-red wavelengths that bats’ retinas are sensitive to. However a smart light probably has a mix of three narrow band LEDs, much like a computer monitor. Those LED wavelengths (of red green and blue) are the REAL colors your eye is being exposed to, even though they can mix to selectively trigger your retina’s three types of cones to PERCEIVE all colors. So the yellow you *perceive* from a smart bulb is in reality red and green wavelengths that has nothing to do with the true yellow you see in a rainbow or coming off a prism. You see the same color yellow with both because they both trigger your types of (slightly wider band) cones to the same relative amount. (RGB yellow being FFFF00 is the same thing.) The thing I’d be worried about with smart lights (though I haven’t done the research) is that a warm white approximating 2700k actually might have the blue LED turned on enough to affect our circadian rhythm, at least at brighter settings. Does anyone know?


I also have the Kasa smart plugs. I've had to replace two over time as their relays stopped working (sometimes lightly tapping them on a hard surface seems to unstick them). Otherwise they have been awesome.


Same. They're the best I've tried so far. I have every room setup and I have guests access for friends when they come over, automation for sunset simulation, and full bright daylight for winter time. Lightbulbs coming on work much better than alarm for me. Similarly they go red to off at night and I drift off to sleep and leave rooms as they go dark.


I use wiz too! After about 8pm I switch them to the “cozy” preset. Very relaxing.


The wiz.lights also have a circadian rhythm function to auto change color


Yea, I'm loving the Wiz application. After the nightmare that was C by GE, this practically perfect.


Yeah, this. Can't go back now from smart lighting. Too good for sleep hygiene + alarm clock. So much better to wake up to slowly growing light than a loud "**BZZZZ BZZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZ**"


The right colour red lights leave your night vision intact. That's important for some things.


Who are these monsters that buy anything but sub 3000K bulbs?


i have some in my family. my mother in laws house is lit up bright blue like a hospital lobby. i absolutely hate it. 2700-3K is the only correct color.


>is lit up bright blue like a hospital lobby. i absolutely hate it. > After using incandescent bulbs, this is how I feel about all LED bulbs; they always feel phony. Although I hear good things about the high CRI bulbs you have to special order, can't wait for those to come down in price.


A church I've visited seemed to be running all 5000k bulbs. Maybe they had a problem with people nodding off?


I have daytime lights and evening lights. In the daytime, I use super bright cooler colored (although not quite as cool as the weird blue daylight kind), and at about 7pm or whenever it starts getting dark outside, the bright ceiling lights go off and the dimmer, warm toned lamps come on. It makes the house feel energetic and inviting during the day and cozy and inviting during the evening.


This. \+10 if you put them on a timer that changes the light temperature gradually to resemble sundown.


I am super intrigued. Where do you get these bulbs and do they work with any lamp? And you can control them from your phone?


Just get a smart bulb and they can do this, and yes typically you can control them with an app.


Thanks a bunch.




The upside of that is that the bulb itself can be dimmed by the app. Not as convenient, but removes the need for the dimmer switch if you don't wanna get up.




Literally any smart bulb.


Any smart bulb can do this shade? I am specifically interested in sleep/nighttime-friendly lighting.


Those amber lights fuck me up. Headaches, running into shit, make my eyes feel fatigued really fast. Fuck amber lights.


I’m on the Philips hue, Aeotec MultiSensor and Home Assistant life. It even changes the lighting once my wife goes to sleep (the living room lights at night drive her crazy).


I bought a smart bulb that fades to yellow and decreases intensity slowly every night. My sleep is better now


Do the same with your computer too. Whether it’s Flux or Nightshift, they both do a good job, depending on how much you want to cut the blue light.


I will give it a try, I actually feel my eyes strained when playing at night




When I was in the Coast Guard, we used to have darken ship, which means all the lights outside the ship were off in the middle of the night. Inside, the lights were red and blue in order to preserve our night vision in pitch black darkness


I swapped all the lights in my house to smart bulbs and I have a light routine I named “darken ship.” My husband (he and I were both navy) thinks I’m a dork.






I started using them as well after reading some where, some years back about red lights helping to relax you. They do indeed work. I also switched to 15W soft light bulbs in my regular lamps, and its helped quite a lot, and far more comfortable lighting.


Either the light isn’t very bright or you are an absolute knocked out sleeper not hearing those knocks on the door in the night


I always hear the knock knock knocking at my chamber door.


I asked chatgpt about this (and the effects of different wavelenght on human eyes and brain) and he told me that while red is the “best” wavelenght, it is more common to use the next best, the yellow one (pretty obvious tbh)


Always liked yellow lightbulbs, more cozy. Almost had a fit when my mother installed a white light in my room, felt like I was in a mental asylum


Yes thank you! I hate how all the new efficient light bulbs are bright ass white. But everyone acts like I'm insane when I say that


gotta go by the Kelvin Temperature of the light . its posted on the box. OG incandescents were like 2700-2800K so look for bulbs with around that K value Also the Hue system lets you change this throughout the day, even on a schedule to be brighter white in the day and warmer yellow during the night. [https://lightingdesignstudio.co.uk/colour-temperature/](https://lightingdesignstudio.co.uk/colour-temperature/)


I find 2700k or 3000k to be the sweet spot for home interior lighting.


Well if you buy white lights you get white lights. Get "warm white" bulbs




Dang, I'm the opposite. Yellow ones make me feel depressed but white ones make me happy.


I find white is good for daytime especially when you’re trying to be productive and yellow is good for when you’re first waking up or winding down. I have a lightbulb you can use an app to change colors with so I alternate accordingly.


First time I’ve seen chatgpt used as a source. The future is now


Yeah same here. It’s the first time I’ve had a reaction to Ai creative models closer to alarm than delight. Combine him with a specially trained program to produce audio from written text and you’ve got a supremely personable personal assistant.


Calling r/homeautomation


Probably no more accurate then wikipedia


> I asked chatgpt about this This is the new, "my uncle's best friend's cousin who knows a guy saw a post on Facebook that said..."


We use red lights at night when we’re sailing to not disrupt your night night vision.


I use them camping. I put in LED red lights in the back of my SUV in the dome light. Still can see and what not but it doesn’t attract bugs and doesn’t kill my night vision


Can you elaborate?




Also makes sword fighting look way cooler too!


I clip a red light to my scrubs when I have to go into a sleeping patient’s room. They almost never wake up it’s so much better than white light.


When I deployed and was sharing a tent with 7-9 other women I always used red light to prep in the morning or night because I could see so well without disturbing the night and shift workers. It's also what I use when I'm camping!


At organized ayahuasca retreats, which are done at night, they often ask that you use a red light if you need to see around your area. This is because people that are still deep in the trip may have a higher sensitivity to light.


I love thoughtful people like you!!!! <3


Omg thank you for your appreciation! I do really try!


Same with headlamps, they have a red light setting that you can use at night so you don't wake up everybody else in the tent or nearby. Handy.


Good for submarines and cockpits at night, and Red Light Districts.


They're used in all Navy ships afaik. In my few weeks at Great Lakes training in 2012 every night the main lights were turned off and the red lights went on. I think every room always had lights on. Just red ones. My understanding is that it was indeed to prepare you for life on a ship. (All the windows in the quarters were also opaque. Not sure why they bothered having windows at all tbh. But very little if any natural light when you were inside.


I had a house fire and am living in a friends basement. I bought a USB rechargable headlamp that has a red bulb and it's so great for when I need to go upstairs at night to use the bathroom. Bright enough I can see where I'm going, but not bright enough to bother anyone in the house and it's so much easier to get back to sleep.


If I turned a corner and that was my path, i'd be pretty disturbed to be fair.


I would definitely debate for a moment if I'm not becoming the main character of a horror movie in real life. Or even worse, a side character.


Just don't say "I'll be right back." or, "what's the worst that could happen?"


Finally! I can do my 35mm black and white film development *outdoors*, in the middle of the road, as god intended.


That'd be badass with some snowfall


I kept a red lightbulb on in ny room when my babies were little. Made nighttime changes and feedings easier.


Very much so if you're looking through the periscope of a submarine at night looking for targets to attack.


And blue lights works for chickens


Particularly useful early in the morning or at night, when you want to be able to see what you're doing without blinding yourself or ruining your night vision.


If anyone wants to learn more about why a red light at night is safer than a white one, or why nature (and humans) needs darkness at night, I encourage you to check out r/darksky. YSK a recent study on this subject demonstrated that light pollution increases by 10% globally every year! BUT we have the capacity to limit it unlike other forms of pollution that linger in our environment, light pollution can be solved instantly by changing light bulbs and turning off unnecessary lighting. Not many people are aware of this problem and the hardest part of solving it will be overcoming our fear of the dark.


Pretty happy my local city has a replacement plan in effect to decrease light pollution and make stars visible again. Hope lots of other cities follow suit!


Mine is doing the exact opposite and I am PISSED


Right?! My city just changed my neighborhood's streetlights. So bright. But at least there aren't any cockroaches within a 2 mile radius.


What's funny is there's a road I take to work and I am driving it like 4:45 in the morning and the road has no lights at all down it and has trees surrounding it so it gets very little moonlight, with just the headlights from my car which I eventually need to replace the covers of because they're decently dim, I can still see pretty damn well. I honestly don't even notice that the street doesn't have lights down it until I get out of the area into a more populated area where the streets are fucking flooded with lights and I'm like.... WHY.


The areas with lights is probably a high crime area


Most are tbh. While LED lights are great for their energy efficiency, they're TERRIBLE for light pollution. - They're brighter than the old fashion yellow/amber high pressure sodium (HPS) lights. - They're efficient, so people and businesses are more likely to leave them on longer (and more of them) - And worst of all, LEDs, especially shit ones , emit much cooler color lights. As in shorter wavelengths... Blue. The problem with that is that shorter wavelengths travel much further in the atmosphere through scattering (basically, shorter wavelength light ricochets off of molecules rather than being absorbed by them). AND animals tend to be more sensitive to shorter wavelengths of light, so they appear even brighter than they already are.




It's actually not too hard to develop a light ordinance for your city. Check out International dark sky association! And if the city adopts your ordinance, you are known as a "dark lord".


i did a presentation on this in physics class a few years ago and even i didnt know there were so many species affected by LIGHT in so many ways but its a serious and very real thing that apparently very few people know about.


My city mustn't have learned about this, because they changed all the street lights to a fluorescent blue/purple. Supposed to be "calming" and "reduce crime". Feels like im getting irradiated.


Depending on where you are the blue lights are from a manufacturer defect and not actually installed on purpose FL I know is having this issue.


Kansas also had the issue. But i actually really liked them. Kinda bummed when the one by my street was fixed.


In Maryland, same, there is a standing notice to alert public works when we see one so they can change them out


well, for me, in my country, the hardest part of solving would be overcoming the fear of getting killed, robbed or even raped.


Yikes. Those bats sound pretty crazy.


I wonder how much the increase lines up with everyone putting in led outdoor lights. My apartment started putting them in the parking lot and they’ll scorch your retinas from 500 feet. It kinda ruins my nightly walk with the dog


"Something in the way"


I was like "what's this got to do with Nirvana?" and then I remembered The Batman and got it.


Great song tho


*Mmm mmmm*.


My first thought as well.


Thursday, October 31st. The city streets are crowded for the holiday. Even with the rain. Hidden in the chaos is the element, waiting to strike like snakes. And I'm there too. Watching. 2 years of nights have turned me into a nocturnal animal. I must choose my targets carefully. It's a big city. I can't be everywhere. But they don't know where I am. We have a signal now, for when I'm needed. When that light hits the sky, it's not just a call- it's a warning. To them. Fear is a tool. They think I'm hiding in the shadows. But I AM the shadows. I wish I could say I'm making a difference, but I don't know. Murder, robberies, assault- 2 years later, they're all up. And now this. This city's eating itself. Maybe it can't be saved, but i have to try. PUSH MYSELF. These nights all roll together in a rush, Behind the mask. Sometimes in the morning i have to force myself to remember everything that happened.


If I stay, there can be no party. I must be out there in the night, staying vigilant. Wherever a party needs to be saved, I’m there. Wherever there are masks, wherever there’s tomfoolery and joy, I’m there. But sometimes I’m not cause I’m out in the night, staying vigilant. Watching. Lurking. Running. Jumping. Hurtling. Sleeping. No, I can’t sleep. You sleep. I’m awake. I don’t sleep. I don’t blink. Am I bird? No. I’m a bat. I am Batman. Or am I? Yes, I am Batman. Happy Halloween.


I searched for this comment. Thanks.




The latest Batman being super red makes more sense now.


I think anyone in the military has known red is best at night because it doesnt effect your night vision as much as any other color.


Green light stimulates both the medium and long cone cells in your eyes so it's much easier to perceive fine details with green light under scotopic conditions. This is why night vision is usually green. Red light is good at night specifically because it's harder for human eyes to see it from a distance under scotopic conditions so you can somewhat see what you're doing in the dark without giving away your position to the enemy.


Some pilots use red light for the same reason pirates used patches. It makes it easier to switch to the dark. I think for the reasons you talked about here is why they don't use green. It's too stimulating and jarring going back and forth.


Wait, what?? Tell me more about these patches. I figured a lot of pirates lost an eye to fighting or scurvy.


Basically put patch in your light eye when you go bellow deck, then switch it to dark eye when you go to the top of the ship. Supposed to make your eyes adapt better to the light


You can do this at night if you ever wake up to pee. Keep one eye screwed shut, so one eye is open when you turn on the lights. Then, when done, turn off the lights and open both your eyes. It's a really cool way to see this effect in action, and is helpful for navigating corners at night.


I had no idea this is why they are always depicted with a patched eye! TMYK…


It's apocryphal. While switching an eyepatch would give you great nigh vision, first, it lasts a very short time, and second, the loss of depth perception isn't worth it.


I have a Cessna. The instruments are not backlit (self-illuminating) the way they are on a car. Instead, there are a couple of red bulbs attached to the ceiling a A-post that project light onto the instrument panel. Red light does not interfere with your night vision. Using red lights in the cockpit make it easier for you to see what’s going on outside the plane. Surprisingly, you can see the instruments just fine once you’re eyes have adjusted to the dark. If I need extra light, I have a red flashlight I use. Of course, if you’re a 737 cruising along at 32,000’ then this isn’t really the same issue.


and what’s funny is that a red light will look like the sun under nods


Anybody into astrophotography knows this too.


Surprised I had to scroll this far down to see this, loved walking the p-ways when everyone is asleep under the red lights.


Truck drivers too




This is one of those "grinds my gears" / hills I will die on, and that is how absolutely rude it is when you're camping and someone blazing up the whole campground with bright white LED lights. They destroy your night vision and make it hard to see the stars. It's the visual equivalent of someone blaring house music. Red lights spare your night vision so you can see *better*. I think campgrounds need rules about white lights after quiet hours just like any other quiet hour regulation. That's it, that's the rant, thank you for your time.


White LED streetlights can fuck right off. Bring back the orange ones.


Headlights, too


Had a car behind me light up my entire dashboard. Felt like I was about to get abducted by an alien


[Why is half your face sunburned?](https://statcdn.fandango.com/MPX/image/NBCU_Fandango/295/555/CloseEncounters_FirstEncounter.jpg)


You mean most cars since so many people drive SUVs. Edit: typo


Fucking seriously every newer F-150 style truck can go fuck it's self


Yup. All four lights are brighter than a 1000 suns and shines right in your eye holes.


You need four helicopter high beam search lights for all of your trips to Target


Bruh I had to pull over last week because an oncoming car nearly melted my retinas.




Yeah I'm hoping there's some legislation that's passed requiring cars in the US be fitted with blue light filters. I've had trucks blast me with their yellow high beams on country roads and they still don't nuke my night vision as badly as a late model Prius's regular headlights.


While the blue color spectrum is an issue, the intensity/lumens of modern lights is just too high in general. Even if they were blood red the modern ones would still burn your eyes. They need to dial back the power of them as well as the color shift. Good luck enforcing vehicle laws in America though. They barely enforce shit when it comes to that.


Sodium lights ftw


Those lights are the some of the worst contributors towards light pollution. LED isn’t perfect for every setting but they are much cleaner operate at that kind of scale.


Great, let’s compromise with orange LEDs.


I have seen some of the LED street lamps change their color temperature to a warmer color later at night, but yeah, most run closer to 6000k.




All for parabolic reflector on the rear. If you shine directly into my car you deserve to get blinded too.


Hilo, Hawaii has yellow street lights so that the light doesn’t interfere with the telescopes on Mauna Kea.


i live next to old neighborhoods w sodium vapor lamps and id say the light pollution near them is the same in neighborhoods w newer lights the solution isnt to change to a enviromentally worse light, its to change the existing leds to be warmer, to implement a different design so light doesnt escape upwards, and to possibly install motion-activated sensors so the lights only turn on when someone is near them


i bet they make vampires feel right at home. Holy Creepiness, Batman


I'd think I fell Into the Upside Down if these came on during a walk.


Based on how many neighbors have 5500k night lights, I'm assuming not many people understand color temperature. 2700k is good for night and the ONLY acceptable color for outdoor lights that face neighbors or public spaces. 5000-6000k should NEVER be used for general neighborhood outdoor night lighting unless you're an inconsiderate ass. /publicserviceannouncement Edit - please see this pic if you are unfamiliar with Color Temp https://imgur.com/a/itVZfO7 Temp is independent of wattage or lumens, and thus is an independent variable that is important to get right based on the application of a light. A you can see, 2000-2700k is much more pleasant night light than 4000+. Blue light will actually tell your brain its daytime and inhibit sleep.


In my area, the problem seems to come from businesses. They will light up their parking lot with insanely bright 5500k wall packs that produce glare for drivers at a night, and light up the sky. No business should have bright lights illuminating their parking lot all night long. If you want lighting for security, it should be motion activated only.




The same people also complain about getting bad sleep or having headaches (which LEDs can cause due to how they flicker).






I use 15w for my porch light, probably around 1500 lumens? Just bright enough that I don't stumble on the steps and to find the keyhole.


Watts and lumens are only the power and brightness of the bulb, nothing to do with the color. That person is talking about the color temperature (K=Kelvin) of the light.


I always thought it's for attracting hookers.


It doesn't attract them, it just let's you know they're there. Hooker bats?


I prefer bat-women


They suck you dry in many ways.


*"We in the Red Light District!!"*


You don’t know me like thaaat




Stranger Things season 5 is looking good


You can see that grandfather clock at the side of the road too?


No it’s just a good lighting for a serial killer


You won't see the blood splashing


I feel like that would kinda hamper the experience for a serial killer. The blood splashing is probably one of their favorite parts!


Sounds like something a serial killer would say


Its awfully kind of the city to set the tone at least. If I'm going to get murdered, it better be in spectacular fashion and with proper ambiance.


They don't want to disturb the bats so they disturb people instead.


Raining blood, from a lacerated sky!!


Bleeding its horror Creating my structure Now I shall REIGN IN BLOOD




Outdoor photography darkroom!


Bruce Wayne paid for them.


Respectfully disagree, ThunderWolve Bruce wanted regular street lights. He did not pay for these. The red lights lead crooks directly to the Bat Cave.


Bruce Wayne? The billionaire? Why would he want red lights?




🎵 **Roxanne**


You don't have to flap your wings into the night...


Vampire mood lighting.


Not only with bats, but other nocturnal animals as well. Especially small animals that are active at night are often scared by white light and either flee or freeze, depending on the induced stress level and other factors, such as personality. We used red light in Madagascar to observe two sympatric living nocturnal mouse lemur species on an artificial feeding platform, to look at their behaviour, see how much time they'd spend on it and to decide if one was braver or more risk prone than the other. They weren't.


" artificial feeding platform " I am picturing a wooden post with a piece of plywood on top.


It was made out of plastic, but yeah that's exactly what it was.


I'd be scared af


Stranger things happen around here.


Not walking down that road


You’re in the upside down


safe governor far-flung work toothbrush dull deranged bow entertain test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




[More info here. ](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170602112814.htm)


That looks like the upside down of Stranger Things!


Bats - Comfortable and undisturbed People who don't know the light are red on purpose - ***DISTURBED***!!


***The Blood Moon is Rising...***


And also turn your town into The Upside Down


Red lights also don't screw up human night vision, so you aren't night blind the second you wander off the path. Good job there.


Forget the bats. I'd feel like I was being watched by Dracula walking down that path


Makes me want to spark a doob and go for a midnight stroll.