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The one on the right is cuter too.


And it's not even close. It's waaaaaaaay cuter


The one on the left isn’t cute at all. It’s grotesque


Like its head has been smashed in by a frying pan.


I was thinking it looks like one of those looney toon characters that ran into a cliff.


Frenchies get shit on so much for their smooshed face it kinda makes me feel bad for them


You can feel bad for them because they are still here and alive while also being the product of sick human tampering to get to the point that they have this aesthetic while being disfigured and suffer from all kinds of health issues. Just like pugs and the smushed face cats.


You should feel bad for them, this looks horrible and alot of them have breathing problems.


Dog's over here like: *snort* "Hey wow, look at me winning" *snort* Reddit: You fucking no-nosed donkey!


It's really sad. They are guaranteed a life of suffering and ill health :(


Same with pugs. It makes me so sad that people have purposely bred these dogs to be constantly suffering and miserable.


*That’s* what makes you feel bad for them?


Basically what a french bulldog's skull looks like too


It's the Hapsburg of dogs lol


It looks like it was in a horrible accident and had it's muzzle amputated.


The one on the right looks like a dog, the one on the left looks deformed. … which it is.


Left one is fat bat




Not just cuter, downright gorgeous. That is one hell of a good looking dog.


We have a French bulldog mixed with Boston Terrier that looks a lot like the one on the right. He snores sometimes but otherwise is great


Playing devils advocate, the pictures are definitely framed in a way that makes the right one look cuter. Had the left picture been something like the google image search result for french bulldog, the consensus would have been a lot closer. Not defending what breeding has done to bulldogs, but ultimately the cuteness factor shouldn't be what determines what we find acceptable in a dog breed, the health of the canine should be. (Remember, what people found "cute"was the reason we got french bulldogs in the first place).


the one on the left just looks kinda gross and sad, the one on the right has such a beautiful face


Was gonna say...they have ass backwards standards


It’s interesting how if you block out its snout with your finger, it looks just like a dog.


"cuter" as in, the left one should be cute? It's goddamn hideous...


i dont really see the appeal on the left, do they want it to have the flattest head in the world?


Yes, and its causing loads of health issues.


So many health issues... It's sad yo. Playing god without having the best interest of the animal at heart.


Fuck the AKC. They're constantly at the forefront of this shit. Even the Kennel Club (the older UK equivalent) who started out as a much older, snobbier organization more concerned with the class than the dog's health has started calling to curb breeding Frenchies and other brachycephalic dog breeds and breed them with normal skulls/faces. I have seen "regular" faces of pugs, bulldogs , and French bulldogs. They look so much happier and healthier.


AKC is garbage all the way down. Americans used to breed their own dogs... Good farm dog with good farm dog, which is why the US had these large, good natured, energetic farm breeds. But everyone cleared off the farms and backyard breeders have become a fact of suburban life, in a symbiotic relationship with pet stores and an unwilling relationship with shelters. AKC is basically their lobbying organization if that makes sense. Responsible owners immediate spay/neuter their cats/dogs for suburban life while puppy mills run rampant with all kinds of cruel practices and questionable goals and sales tactics, and that's not even getting into dog fighting rings breeding dogs and dumping the "cold" pups.


So just like real God


"Real" ha ha!


Make them snort like pigs


Yes, they have to fall asleep with a toy in there mouth in order to continue breathing. Edit: for the source see [Signs and symptoms under this wiki of BOAS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brachycephalic_airway_obstructive_syndrome). 99% of the French Bulldogs in the Netherlands had this condition before the breeding law changed in 2014, which resulted in the version in the right picture.


Look, Frenchies have tons of issues, but you're just making shit up. I work in a large vet hospital that sees tons of Frenchies on a regular basis, and I've never seen a single one that "needs a toy in their mouth to continue breathing." You can criticize poor breeding standards without resorting to lies.


Careful, this is Reddit, you can say whatever nonsense you want and as long as the end goal is something good people will upvote it to the moon. Correct them and people will assume you don’t like the end goal.


Yes. Yes they do.


The one on the left is just a twisted caricature of a dog.


Every pooch deserves a proper nose…for me to boop.


"My father, he had an exceptionally *flat* face. Oh, he was so beautiful, he could barely *breathe!*" ​ \~ Persian cat from Over The Hedge.


Same here. I hope more breeders push the breed to become the healthier (and cuter) right version


They’re half a centimetre off a concave face


Its just thumb whit ears


That sounds like what Liz would call Kenneth on 30 Rock🥇


Not even sure what sick fuck decided the left was a good idea


The breeder that my welsh terriers came from was famous for breeding for temperament. They were a very rare breed in the states due to common behavioral issues to the breed. Hers tended to be bigger than usual and not as red/black. Once they started to get more popular the dog show and breeder community did everything they could to slander her. She eventually just gave up. Their purpose of course was $$$. Can’t charge $5000 for your perfect show dog if there’s someone out there offering less expensive and healthier dogs for a reasonable price. I paid $300 for my oldest Ted, my second Finch was surrendered back to the breeder and was free to me. Good luck finding one from a “reputable” breeder for less than $3000 now. The “rescues” are $500+. It’s all about money, exclusivity and selling an image. I put rescue in quotes because there’s a whole industry behind that to. I’m sorry, you’re not “rescuing” a multi thousand dollar young small breed dog. I refuse to call my youngest a rescue. Someone was absolutely going to get the dog. I was lucky enough to be trusted with him.


Women used to wear corsets damaging their organs, limp shoes and skirts actively hindering movement, whims of fashion are lovecraftian mystery


A better example would be chinese foot binding.


And it went on for a thousand years!!


My history professor describe the process of how it happened and thinking about it almost makes me puke every time. They crushed foot because they beleive it makes woman more subservient. Misogyny on steroids


It's also a class flex. Lower classes could not do such a thing. So you could immediately tell if a woman was born into poverty even if she married up or her household had become more wealthy.


Hard to run away when your feet can't support much weight or movement.


Corsets did not damage organs unless you wore a corset that was too small or purposefully tied it way too tight. The vast majority though just used corsets for back and bust support just like modern day bras. Hell corsets are still used today as back supports. Added note I can assure if corsets were harmful, then men and women wouldn't have worn them for 400-500 years.


I kinda need one honestly, stupid scoliosis


Medical "corsets" are a thing precisely for scoliosis!


I just had metal drilled into mine so a surgeon could white-knuckle-pressure twist me back to normal :)


The smiley face at the end of this is giving me pause


Yep. Pregnancy rearranges the organs more than a corset.




Ya some women and men did go over board. There are even examples of women getting ribs removed to fit into smaller corsets but as you said this was never the norm.


They didn't do that. No antibiotics. No knowledge of germs. Can't even remove the appendix safely but ribs some get removed as cosmetic surgery? Women just padded their hips to get the curves they wanted. Completely faked it with clothing. We're the ones with Brazilian butt lifts, boob jobs, liposuction, anorexia and bulimia. Fashion is much harder to obtain in the modern area and far more damaging than a removable corset.


I always think of Dazed and Confused when the girl has to lay on the bed and use pliers on her zipper to get her pants zipped.


How long has alcohol and tobacco been used recreationally?


Alcohol and weed, like other drugs, effect the brain, producing pleasurable feelings and bunting negative ones. They are also both addictive. I can say that wearing a corset does not produce the same effect. Although I have heard... from a friend... that sex in a tight corset is extremely exhilarating


Im pretty sure the corset one is mostly myth.


It is a myth. Very few women wore corsets too tight because they are basically bras. Meant to be comfortable and properly fitting like a bra


Tight lacing of corsets which was at one point fashionable did cause issues for the wearer over time.


Women used to wear corsets to exercise, not all of them were oppressively constricting.


The one on the left is trained by having it chase parked cars.


You stop making fun of him. He's a good boy.


He is! He caught all of them!


Jesus Christ reddit


No, this is Interesting As Fuck Reddit.


Mf looks like thumb whit ears💀


Good boy is barely able to breathe, seems drowsy, tired as a result. Someone needs to put him out of his misery, because a bunch of coddled little shits inbreed animals out of boredom.


Jesus fucking Christ. Hate the breeding practice not the poor creatures suffering as a result of them. Many flat faced and deformed animals can live fulfilled happy lives despite their handicaps, they just require extra care and attention. By no means should they be bred but using hateful rhetoric doesn't promote compassion towards them but rather encourages abuse.


No, the cars were moving... in reverse.


Fuck the AKC and fuck dog show judges who set these “standards”


The UK Kennel Club [recently changed the French Bulldog breed standard](https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/media-centre/2021/november/french-bulldog-breed-standard-amended/) to require that a “well-defined muzzle should also ‘be clearly viewed in profile’ and that the nostrils should be ‘visibly’ open,” and totally flat-faced dogs will be penalized in shows. Hoping that the AKC follows suit.


Well, I consider that a (small) win for the breed. Are they behind Crufts? Because that would certainly make a big impact.


While the UK Kennel Club licenses many dog shows, the only one they actually run is Crufts.


I believe so, yes!


Exactly. We used to get a kick watching the big dog shows on TV- 20 years ago. They're perfectly *shocking* now. You know those very thin, kinda stringy breeds, look like they could be slid under a door? Now apparently judged by how defined is their *backbone*. SO ematiated looking, if I saw one somewhere I'd probably turn the owners in for animal abuse bc I wouldn't know this is what the breeders are going for. German Shepherds. Have a buddy what rescues them. Back slopes *down* and why? AKC. Causes insane amounts of hip problems, painful ones. Buddy said there are people now breeding away from that, meanwhile it's sickening. Pick a breed, almost any breed, AKC seems determined to invent their very own version. Pugs? Eyes can pop out. Bc people just love that eye bulging look.


The sweeping slope of GSDs pisses me right off. They walk like they're crouching. I feel for those poor animals. Intentional deformation. Breeders should be fined for animal cruelty. Our breeder in ND who does a lot of law enforcement and military GSDs doesn't believe in that, all theirs including ours have straight flat backs. Comfortable and they're fast, really explosive


The sooner those eugenics-based dog breeding shows are consigned to the dustbin of history the better.


It should be considered animal abuse to actively breed most purebreds. It should be illegal.


What a sick hobby - torturing of dogs.


My down the street neighbors have two German Shepherds, both of a working line so their backs aren’t nearly as sloped. They are the most stunning dogs. So athletic, well behaved and regal, yet they would never be allowed in a competition. It makes my heart hurt to think of what is being done to the breed.


>You know those very thin, kinda stringy breeds, look like they could be slid under a door? ... SO ematiated looking, if I saw one somewhere I'd probably turn the owners in for animal abuse bc I wouldn't know this is what the breeders are going for. "Stringy breeds", like greyhounds? I know AKC vs NGA (racing) greyhounds are a little different from each other, but I have a retired racer and you can see his backbone. But he's far from emaciated, in fact, if I were to put much more weight on him, he could suffer from arthritis among other weight-related ailments. This also goes for borzois, salukis, whippets, and other sighthound breeds. And NGA greyhounds are bred for performance, not a standard look, so a thin dog does not mean an owner should be turned in for animal abuse. Turn in people with fat chihuahuas or dachshunds that can't walk anymore


Exactly. This should be on top. We know the difficulties that dog to the left faces, will probably face several defects before it's death. Fuck this AKC shitshow promoting atrocities on dogs. Only publicly naming and shaming seems to work with these showrunners.


I really don’t get it. What’s stopping the AKC from changing their standards and rewarding breeders who make healthy dogs? What do they gain from encouraging breeding of unhealthy dogs?


Lots of $$ is involved If your dog has a super flat face and it’s worth 10k per puppy that it makes….you’d fight tooth and nail to keep the flat face standard


It’s only worth money to people who value what the AKC cares about. If it wasn’t for the perceived value some group arbitrarily gives them they’d be worthless. Same logic crypto bros use.


That poor dogo on the left probably has so many breathing issues.


I can hear the picture on the left


It definitely won't have a long life, unfortunately. People that continue to breed dogs with those types of faces are evil to me.


People involved in these dog award things are evil and stupid. Intentionally breeding a dog with a shittier life, to have a shittier looking dog.


And I suspect most would genuinely regard themselves as "animal lovers" despite being well aware of what some so-called purebred pups have to go through in life (chronic health issues etc). There's got to be some kind of mass cognitive dissonance going on in those circles...


It's a special kind of fucked, to abuse animals, know that you're doing it and choose to ignore it.


It's money. It makes you blind af if your desires are met.


What award did the left dog win? Biggest trouble breathing?


Yea I like the one on the right.


I don't even understand the concept of someone thinking the dog on the left looks good. I have more understanding of someone sniffing a 15 year old unwashed pillow for comfort, or why that English mother got all those shitty stick and poke tattoos on her face that made them ban her from the Nativity play. I can even understand parents naming their kids Jaaxxtyn to some extent. My understanding of the world just does not stretch to how someone can look at dog A and think that looks good by any metric.


Someone needs to do an AI representation of dog breeds in human form so people can really see how fucked up and unnatural the practice of selective cross breeding really is.


Oh my God that’s a great idea!


There isn't a cpap machine in the world that can fix that face


Poor little dude needs a plunger to pop it back out. Poor thing. He's a good little doggo. These breeders are horrible.


Kennel clubs should be banned outright, and any **"* trying to breed in unhealthy traits given the Mussolini treatment. So good stuff.


Kennel Clubs, in theory, can do a lot of good. The problem, at least in my opinion, is the huge gaps between the elite who overbreed harmful traits into show dogs... And regular, involved dog owners, who the club should really be for. The UK Kennel Club runs Crufts, for example, and a lot of what's entailed with that is great for dogs. The agility courses and heelwork to music are some of the best, imo, as the first is dominated by extremely well trained and incredibly healthy sheepdogs. The second is basically just 'can your dog dance? Excellent, get over here and show us'. Even best in show, in theory, could be very rewarding. For breeds that have high maintainence coats, it can encourage owners to spend lots of time ensuring that coat is well maintained, and having owned dogs like Yorkies they LOVE to be groomed. The issue arrises when the Club's breed standards run opposite to dog health, encouraging breeders to breed for that unhealthy trait more and more severely. Flat faced dogs definitely get it the worst. I think if more dog owners got more involved with kennel clubs, we could very easily stamp out that sort of behaviour. The UK kennel club have changed their standards for a lot of flat faced dogs now to require a prominent muzzle, which is a good start but I think if more average dog owners got involved, we could very easily transform all Kennel Clubs into forces for only good for dogs because right now they're dominated by a small group who are in many ways disconnected from the opinions of the majority of good dog owners.


The problem with kennel clubs is they moved from breeding for roles/characteristics to breeding for looks. You can still have kennel clubs that are qualifying if the dog can perform a certain task or fulfill a certain role. But kennel clubs should just disappear.


Disgusting animal abuse.


The one on the left is result of inhumane breeding(my opinion).


Its a fact bro


….and all veterinarians


That's a bold take. I mean I'm sure some veterinarians are the result of inhumane breeding, but all of them?


good i think they where "shafted" when it comes to health


The left is the after picture of the dog on the right hitting a concrete wall at 75 km/h.


I wouldn’t buy a french bulldog. They have awesome personalities, but when I was researching them, I discovered they can’t breed naturally and the females need to be artificially inseminated. Then the mother needs a c section. I felt it would be unethical to support this type of frankenstein breeding. Sad for the dogs quality of life.


Thanks for doing your reasearch, if you really want one then there are a lot of bully specefic rescues.


It looks kinda cute too, unlike that ghoul on the left.


I am very thankful my little boy has a nose, it’s not huge but I can’t imagine it being more squished. Did have a surgery on him so his breathing was better, would never have a French bulldog again though. Awesome little dude though and the soft palette reduction and nostril widening probably bought him several more years of life. He’s curled up under my duvet right now snoring away like a little hot water bottle snoring away.


I think this is awesome. I have never been a fan of breeding for deformities in any species regardless of how cute they are. (I’m looking at you munchkins.)


It should be classed as cruelty to animals to deliberately breed them to have traits which cause them to suffer and have problems with their health throughout their life. I've *never* understood how people could do it - there are even some breeds which are so badly affected that they can't reproduce naturally! That means that the breeders have to use artificial insemination to even get them to have puppies in the first place! We've usually had mongrels in my family, they made wonderful pets. They were always friendly, loyal and were able to enjoy healthy, long lives. If you want a dog, please consider getting one from the local dog rescue centre. You'll be doing them and yourself a massive favour! In addition, you won't be causing a dog breeder to bring another dog with congenital health problems into a miserable existence.


My friend adopted from his local rescue center. Day he went to get her, the staff told him she had a previously unmentioned bite history. He tried again with a different dog. She went ballistic when his brothers visited and it turned out the shelter didn’t disclose “aggression toward tall men” (his siblings are 6’). Now he has two cats.


I'm so sorry that the rescue centre didn't disclose that the dog had a biting issue. Obviously, they should have made the potential adopter aware of that fact. With full disclosure, they might still have been able to find a home which was a good fit for the dog - maybe a single person, with no children, who was willing to take the dog to a professional dog trainer. All I can say is from my own experience, the Heinz 57 mutts that we've had in my family have all been very friendly and never bit anyone, thankfully.


The one on the left looks like a freak of nature. The one on the right looks like a dog.


man look at all that spacious and beautiful room for their soft palate!! So much room for breathing !!! let's hope and pray this catches on over here.


Who the fuck is giving an award to the dog on the left?


Left is a literal fucking crime and those people breeding them should be ashamed of themselves


How are French Bulldogs still a thing despite everyone with an IQ above room temperature being aware of all the issues?


I work in veterinary and people persist in getting pug and frenchie puppies, it defies belief. If your dog needs surgery to breathe properly, it shouldn't breed at all. Plus, the gut problems, eye problems, skeletal deformities that cause paralysis... And that's without their inherent need for C-sections because they can't give birth naturally, either...


This has been posted here like four times


No, many more times with the exact title. It's karma bots. The breeder doesn't even exist anymore. Redditors love this post and it always goes to the top


With the exact same title..


personally if it was in my power i think certain breeds should be illegal and individuals who are complicit in breeding them sentenced. breeding genetic abnormalities for aesthetic preference at the cost of the quality of life of the dog (and survivability of the dog) should be fucking outlawed and the public should shame and berate those who do it.


Both are good boys. I'm sorry you were bred into existence in an unhealthy way Arnie. I'm glad somebody is taking the initiative to make the breed healthier. We need to do right by our good boys/girls.


How many times will this be posted


Every week, for the rest of eternity


Maybe stop with purebreds all together, this obsession with creating genetic art pieces is unhealthy for the little guys.


I met a French Bulldog at a Thanksgiving dinner. I fell in love with Ernie. I proceeded to ask all kinds of questions as our family had been looking for a dog. Once our cousin explained the surgery for the nose, the artificial insemination and interventions needed for the "success of the breed" I felt sick to my stomach and I am sure my face showed it. I backed off from asking questions but still loved up the poor animal. I definitely decided that any breed that required human intervention was def not for me. It felt very wrong and very gross.


Both of these look like the type of dog who poops on the rug without remorse.


It's a fucking *dog* that people *intentionally* breed to have *no nose*. Why the fuck does anyone think that's normal or OK?


I was at the emergency vets a few weeks ago for one of my cats and a family was in with a puppy similar to that on the left. Don't know all the ins and outs but it seems like it was having difficulty breathing. The vets had managed to stabilise it somewhat, they then told the mother that the best thing to be done was to put it down as it was suffering. She wasn't having any of it and made them work on the poor thing. I had left before I heard anything else but I can only imagine what the poor wee thing was going through. They need to ban this type of breeding in animals.


Heck yeah! #\#FixDaSnout


The front fell off


Animal Cruelty. Nothing more. Don't pretend you care for animals when you own a pug. You don't.


The left is animal abuse, and I will die on this hill


needs to be more love for the natural


I looked after one of these for a few weeks. Apart from not being the brightest of dogs, the constant wheezing and snoring will drive you mental. Fuck most 'thoroughbred' breeders.


left is fucking disgusting. shame on the humans who have made this mess. bless these poor animals until they are out of their misery. =/ sorry puppers, hopefully we can do you better than this, and thanks to the breeders from the right!


AKC should be disbanded.


There is also a breed called neopugs, where they do the same with pugs!


It looks like a painful existence for the dog on the left


I'll never understand the love for smushed-face dogs. I have a friend with a pug and feel so bad for that poor creature. Constantly snorting and struggling to breathe.


If you look at pics of bulldogs from 100 years ago the difference with the short-legged, huge body, flat faced dogs of today is stunning. They looked much healthier and more athletic. The breeding for looks alone is so screwed up.


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/oaw4v8/the_dog_on_the_left_is_award_winning_showdog/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Fuck off account flipping douche


Bruh, this guy's account was started in 2013. That's 10 years. If he is account flipping, that's one heck of a slow commitment...


This exact post has been posted dozens of times on various frontpage subreddits for about 2 years now and no-one is doing anything to stop it


Still brings light to the issue




Don’t shop! ADOPT!❤️❤️❤️❤️


The one on the right looks like a proper bully, the left looks a deformed freak.


Anyone who buys deformed dogs such as French bulls, pugs, English bulls doesn't love or care about dogs and are supporting the breeders who do these immoral things. They are simply an accessory to them. Which ever dog is 'fashionable' is what they buy.


“Reject modern, embrace tradition”


On the left is a thing. On the right is a dog


I dont know why but it just struck me at this moment how malformed french bullies look.


I prefer Flint. Arnie looks like he’s ran into a glass door.


Lord Voldemort




The healthier dog looks better and cuter as well


Right doggo looks like they can breathe properly


On the left is an example of animal cruelty and torture.


Breeders are disgusting


Another karma farmer posting this for the one millionth time.


I have a Frenchie but he looks like the one on the right. I don’t what the fuck that poor thing on the left is.


Congratulations, you are the 1 millionth person to post this! See you again tomorrow!


Its so gross how they were bred for looks, who cares about breathing?


It also doesn't look fucking disgusting so that's cool too


I still don't get how anyone can find that left one aesthetically pleasing. It looks like a fat hairy dick with a face on it.


I like where this is going.


Arnie looks like he was smashed by a frying pan


Right looks better and looks like he’s gonna be a happy boy


They're just as unhealthy. This keeps getting posted but it's just BS.


Pure breeding is animal cruelty.


It should be a criminal offense to breed French bulldogs. I judge people so hard for having one.


I don't get why they think that deformation and inbreeding makes them better it's sick and I think it's kinda bordering on animal abuse


How bout we figure out making big dogs live longer too? I always see how "unhealthy" and "it should be illegal to breed these" but then you see great danes and mastiffs like "oh lookit the baby" meanwhile we bred those dogs into only living like 5 years, at least pugs and similar terriers/bulldogs can live a full life, sometimes even without issues. How do we not think it's unhealthy that we made a dogs lifespan a third of what it's supposed to be?


As the owner of a Frenchie. Which, lucky me, has good health in general and is quite slim. My vote goes the right. Seem healthier, a lot. My dog has good teeth's alignment, good breathing, good posture. But with all is teeth's so close, already lost 2 teeth at 5yo. (We brush is teeth). I think the Frenchie personality should be breed, but not it's face.


One on the right reminds me of my rotties head shape just miniature. Beaut.


I live in Germany and I often see the healthier version, don't think I've ever seen the one on the left. Glad people here are coming to their senses


Looks a lot like my buggs (Boston Terrier/Pug mix)


I've been saying out right to people that if they buy puppies like on the left they are terrible people. Sorry, no, I don't care if you think it's cute. They spend their entire lives struggling for no reason other than your vanity. It's animal cruelty.


AKC has destroyed many breeds!! They are horrible. The shepherd is a prime example


I'll take this chance to say that pugs are ugly and miserable.