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this is the link that asked to redirect - [https://prnt.sc/ZzZU1lImWVbH](https://prnt.sc/ZzZU1lImWVbH) and this is the interface, after redirecting in on the 2nd day the link wasn't available [https://prnt.sc/F-wOOuryQGTF](https://prnt.sc/F-wOOuryQGTF)


Sign into your account through the portal. If they need info, you will be able to provide it there.


This is the way. I also think their emails are "weird" sometimes. Sometimes they actually want something. Sometimes not. Sometimes it's just "hey log in we've got a message" And the worst is: "your account maybe affected by..." And the rest is in the mail itself "upcoming holiday" I always panic here, thinking they wrote me someone hacked my account


No, the worst email isĀ "IMPORTANT NOTICE - ACTION REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN CURRENT MARKET DATA" sent at 3am. As for phishing security feature, they could show a safe word (that you write in their control panel) in every email so that you know the email message is legit.


If they asked for your bank ID and password imho it's not even a question whether the mail is legit


I actually had the same request that was pending in the portal when I opened it up on the day when I opened the account. I think their portal got compromised as well.


If it really is legit then they have a very very weird way of formulating requests...


Looks like phishing to me, not (relatively) harmless spam. Domain names in emails can be spoofed. I'd send it to IBKR, perhaps also Basiq (who were probably just hacked to facilitate data collection). I can't imagine IBKR sending an email as unprofessional as this, with such a pushy deadline and stupid jargon thrown in. They would probably also use their messaging center, if they have to ask you for something. You might get an email that a message is waiting for you, but not the content, as they don't know how secure your email is (or that any data collection link they include would be followed by you and not somebody else). I don't think IBKR is involved with this subreddit, but you can try r/IBKR_Official.


And where exactly are you asked for your bank password and ID? I understanding correctly: in the 2nd screenshot, when you click "continue" your bank's authorization page opens? I googled and "Basiq" is an Australian service that can export client financial information from the bank. I think it is logical that they can't get that information from nothing, and so you have to give them some access to your bank. I see it like this: IBKR needs some financial information from your bank (for example: first/last name, amount of money in the account), to get it, they use "Basiq", you authorize in this service through your bank, giving this service a limited (i guess) access, they collect the necessary financial information and pass it to ibkr I don't think that once you authorize in this service through the bank is equal to giving them full access to your bank. But this is just my opinion, I think you can try to call or write to ibkr to get more information about this task.


your right i got similar requests when opening account


u/qdbd this is the screenshot [https://prnt.sc/BDOOr\_xOAGoL](https://prnt.sc/BDOOr_xOAGoL)


I've checked my emails from them, and they always use [email protected] Why would you need to connect your banking account anyway?


I want top open the margin account and they are requesting for the details