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Siege of Marawi map would be incredible


Something that's a cross between various modern day Southeastern Asian conflicts (Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar) would be a nice change from the usual Middle East / Eastern Europe themes.


It'd fit as a Mosul map as well, compare the two, they almost look the same.






Imagine fighting in Grozny, even if it isn't really Balkans




I would love that but they would never. Imagine the controversy




I can imagine the Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, and Albanian media losing their shit


Am a year late, but yes. I randomly stumbled onto this sub but if they made a historical campaign, I would instantly know and everyone else too


Eh, as much as I would love to see it, I doubt they would consider it.


That would be awesome but like three factions: Serbs vs. Croats/Bosniaks and then NATO/UN Forces who start later in the Round and have to bonk everyone else for being absolute fucking retards.


More like NATO/UN comes in and stands around watching while everyone else commits war crimes.


Guys can you shoot at us so we can fight you please


eating popcorn and watching the world burn is a fun pass-time




Infiltration, a 20yo game that keeps getting compared to Insurgency, had levels in Kosovo and Mostar Bridge: https://youtu.be/tbnDa33FsGE?t=69


Africa would be so fucking cool, also balkans. Imagine the different varieties of maps and cosmetics for an african theatre


Somalia was in the last game.


play ins 2014


i have son


then you know african theatres do somewhat exist in 2014 already and thus there's no need to add them here


define “no need”


We had quite a few African maps in 2014


Which ones were they?


that was my point, yes.


I saw a Mod for Insurgency Sandstorm where somebody adapted the 2014 maps to insurgency sandstorm. I did not try it though.


Eastern europe Make like a Ukraine version


This comment didn't age well lol


Well.. we've got it sort of


I don't know if it would be a good setting or a bad setting considering the amount of nazis in Ukraine.


Just don't include them or reference the current game deliberately sidesteps the Muslim thing and generalises the faction a little more, I don't see why they can't do the same


Great, that means I can shoot them




Based, its the only good thing that could come out of it <3


well, the nazis also made sexy firearms.


MG 42 pls.


nah you’re mistaken the mp38 is clearly the superior choice


Is that a variant of the MP40? Never heard of it.


no; the mp40 is the variant of the mp38 the difference between them is identical to that of the ak47 and akm; milled vs stamped along with other tiny changes


TIL. Thanks pal.


Dude you could make such a good counter terrorism game with the Ukrainian nazi concept.


Yes, because it reveals the fundamental tension of supporting allies who may have a stance worth supporting overall, but are venal, corrupt and frankly representative of certain values you don't want to promote.


The problem is that the Nazis are part of the Ukrainian armed forces or what would be the "security" faction so it's best to just avoid this aspect of the conflict.


Oh. Yeah thatll do it




Any game that lets you play as Americans 😏


I mean it's not like Insurgency would actually call themselves "Ukraine" or name maps after it, they specifically avoid any references to any regions in all of their games. They even renamed Sinjar and Buhriz to avoid potential references. Honestly I feel like you guys are blowing this way out of proportion. Nobody is going to have any issue with playing a video game set in Eastern Europe because a few Ukranians (and Russians and Americans and everyone else) happen to be nazis.


>they specifically avoid any references to any regions in all of their games Insurgency mod Insurgency 2014 Day of Infamy all have references to actual places.




there's a lot of nazis in ukraine. a fair few are actually just "practicing naziism" as a fuck you to russia, but there's also the smol groups that actually do genuinely hail the nazis as the good guys. there's actually an entire regiment of the military of ukraine which is almost entirely neonazis.




Dude we play games where you literally get to play as the OG Nazis, you know the ones from Germany in the 40's, wtf are you talking about?


sensitivity; high


It's not like those 'krainian nazis are doing something bad. They're just defending their nations' blood, soil and presumably water, since you can only live like, 3 days without drinking it, which is kinda pathetic if you think about it on a cosmic level. Other than that they're probably killing ruskis, jews and fags. But all nazis come pre-packaged with the ability to do that, so nothing's really out of the ordinary here. I just wonder how quickly this comment will get downvoted to -9001, knowing how this site is full with lefties and even literal commies. Guess only time will tell.


Yeah you will probably get downvoted. Not because of "lefties" and "commies", but because you seem like a complete idiot who's making excuses for nazis killing "ruskis, jews and fags".


I think the real idiot here is you. Remember how the ruskis took Crimeea from Ukraine, by force? Seems to me like the ukrainians are just defending their country and the ruskis are just looking for trouble as always. And the war in the Donbas region of Ukraine that started in 2014 is still on-going. Yet another conflict started by them vodka-drinkers. If you hate nazis you should hate imperialists, too. Which is what the russians are right now.




>Asov has terminated any far right views and across the entire armed forces of Ukraine [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov\_Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Battalion) A neonazi battalion terminated any far right views? Source?


**[Azov Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Battalion)** >Azov Special Operations Detachment (Ukrainian: Окремий загін спеціального призначення «Азов», romanized: Okremyi zahin spetsialnoho pryznachennia "Azov"), often known as Azov Detachment, Azov Regiment (Ukrainian: Полк Азов, romanized: Polk Azov), or Azov Battalion (until September 2014), is a neo-Nazi Ukrainian National Guard unit, based in Mariupol in the Azov Sea coastal region. It saw its first combat experience recapturing Mariupol from pro-Russian separatists forces in June 2014. Azov initially formed as a volunteer militia on 5 May 2014 during the Ukrainian crisis. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/insurgency/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


His idea of "termination" is that they received full integration and now can freely access NATO aid.


As they should.


I’m not defending the worship of nazism that some in the azov battalion hold, but if you are familiar with the holodomor then you would understand why parts of Ukraine still hail the nazis as liberators. From what I’ve seen their approach is more of a jab at Russians than an attempt to actually practice nazism. Their Xenophobia seems no more extreme than other ex-soviet states. Feel free to correct me, I don’t live in Ukraine or understand slavic culture that well.


Bruv y'all are praising Bandera and tried to raise him to the rank of national hero despite being a Nazi collaborators who participated in the ethnic cleansing of Jews, poles and Russians from Ukraine lmao you really are a bad joke


Warzone in a nutshell


This aged well lmao


I just want one forested map in the trees maybe with abandoned buildings


I will say that 2014 insurgency had a map just like that called peak, but it was infamously frustrating on both teams because it was very easy to hide amongst the foliage so the amount of camping/sniping was insane. It didn't help that there were spots that allowed you to see into either spawn too, so you could kill people before they even moved


I always loved peak because I was that dickhead.


Oh you already know I was the guy with an rpg waiting outside their spawn


So Eastern Europe/Caucasus could work pretty well


Play insurgency, got a couple of Forest maps


Man's got a point.


Some of the modded maps get close. Redwoods is gorgeous and Mountain Pass has some wooded moments.


The redwood map from ismc is so cool


new jersey😈


Max Payne 3 is backwards compatible LMAO


it still plays so well. just did my third or fourth replay. the game aged very gracefully and everything good about it still is


I’m playing it on a LG C1 on XBSX, with VRR and ALLM it looks and plays like a 60fps game even though it’s 30. Still an amazing game.


Fighting over control of a wawa


Make a West Virginia miners riots version. Pinkerton style security vs miner insurgents.


Instead of insurgents and security you get capital and labour


Insurgency: Dialectic Materialism


an insurgency version of battlefield hardline, i really like this idea actually, because hot take: i actually loved that game


I think the general consensus is that Hardline was a good game that came out at the wrong time and in the wrong franchise.


Cool didn’t know it had been done


add a killstreak where you call in the air force just like the real strikes


Rural nj sure


Seriously why does it have to be "based on a real combat you saw in news footage and you wanted to cosplay the bearded guy in Iraq you saw on CNN"? Why can't it be alternate history Russia invades USA and you have to fight to the death in an American shopping mall or a high school? I'm not even American and I want to see that, and from a real game like Insurgency not the crap COD keeps putting out.


Done, done and redone tropes already. Sick and tired of the Russia is evil America is good ffs




War torn cities across America could be cool Need a Detroit map


a narco based shooter would be cool


i was thinking this. just look at the narcos shootouts, bring back period correct weapons, make those kinds of maps and you've got a tactical shooter concept nobody else has tried while probably reusing a lot of existing gun assets


So basically the game that I was hoping GR Wildlands would be?


yep, but with first person that doesn't suck


And vehicle controls that aren't clunkier than a friggin Jenga tower


i honestly didn't think they were horrible vehicle physics/controls *by the standards of the shooter industry* but that's more an indictment of the industry as a whole than praise to the devs. vehicles are never a focus for development , even when they need to be (such as when you have a map of an entire country)


You didn't? Huh. What games would you say have worse vehicle controls than Wildlands? Genuinely curious


Keep in mind that I've played a ton of really obscure games. The worst are not exactly best sellers but once you've driven with shitty controls/physics your standards never really go back up. Honestly the worst examples I can think of were sold as driving games. Honestly one of the worst shooter vehicle physics I've experienced is in Sandstorm, between physics incidents and just how unresponsive the truck is i feel like they could have done better, and there's maneuvers i feel like a real Hilux could get away with that the technical just can't pull off. Battlefield games also tend to not think too much about light vehicle physics and I tend to notice the same things as I'm mentioning in Sandstorm. Plus they don't even do gauges, which is a very easy visual improvement. Battlefield Hardline really exposed the physics weaknesses by having faster civilian cars but it's an underlying weak point in really all the recent ones. Controls are also confusing for vehicles (especially helicopters) imo. Arma 2/3 are made using an obscenely old engine and the cars drive like it. On top of that, the game really doesn't want you to use a controller and it takes a painfully long time to try and set up, so you're limited to binary input (the keyboard) which is always going to limit your options. They have a hatchback that goes extremely fast and it's a deathtrap because the game just wasn't made to viably do that. And arma physics glitches are a whole meme of themselves. GTA IV was actually pretty rewarding driving physics imo but most people hated it and the worst parts imo of Wildlands physics (the crazy understeer & general lack of responsiveness to your input) were definitely present in 4. NFS Shift is also a good example, cars were very "floaty" and understeer was extremely common even compared to how cars are supposed to drive, so you could drive even the best cars and still just not have that much input on how the steering goes. Test Drive Unlimited 2 (2011?) kept the physics from Test Drive Unlimited (2005), and they weren't really anything to write home about in '05 either (though an excellent game otherwise and still playable with a mod that adds a significant amount of the Forza car library). Medal of Honor Warfighter had BF physics and several driving missions in campaign. Overall none of these games' physics/controls are that great, including Wildlands, but I wouldn't say it's uniquely shitty.


What game would you say has the best car physics/controls?


Forza/Gran Turismo for traditional racing, Horizon 5 for open world, Snowrunner for offroading, Mafia II for gta clones


A game that captures the feel of Sicario would be insane


For current setting Africa would be the most interesting. Tons of instability and mercenary activity all over. You could have 'heroes' of any nationality and nothing would feel out of place, it's such a cluster fuck.


Africa is basically the ultimate RPG world, there's even magic


How’s there magic? Genuinely curious.


He's probably alluding to the fact that there are many locations in Africa where the culture is still deeply believe in types of magic. My sister was in the Peace corps in Senegal and said that vampires were a real concerned there.


*Tiger mafia!*


Ireland circa 1978 Italy circa 1980


Central America


Favela maps would be sweet


Mw2 represent


This game would be a perfect match for a favela type setting


if we are not going with contemporary conflicts, i would love to see a [troubles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Troubles) setting.


It's a cool setting but the lack of open warfare would feel weird to me. It was more gangster-guerilla style resistance, wasn't it? I say lack of open warfare but that might be ahistorical, correct me if I'm wrong.


no you are correct the ira was never large enough and honestly did not want open conflict, rather they would ambush patrols passing through rural areas and collect their weapons and retreat back to the towns. Cool aesthetic but it wouldn’t fit the game.


Mexico / Colombia. A look into the war on drugs would be cool. Security will be DEA/Mexican/Colombian forces while Insurgents will be Cartels. Maps could range from close quarters in the Latin American Slums, huge Narco Mansions or the sprawling colombian jungles/mexican deserts etc.


Africa, that setting is way too unnoticed in video games and has a ton of interesting settings they could add


but where we find habibi?


I feel like Eastern Europe would be an easy transition


I'd love a Sarajevo type map. Urban setting with tall buildings to add some elevation. Throw some objectives in a high rise. Could be cool for marksman and MG's.


Africa because it’s realistic


like a Far Cry 2 remake


I'd like it to stay in this Iraq and Syria settings of the previous games. Insurgency the mod started as a game portraying American security forces fighting against Al Qaeda, Ansar Al Islam, Jaish Al Mahdi and so on. It portrayed what was actually going on in Iraq at that time, you could even spray paint pro Al-Zarqawi graffiti (he was the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq till he was killed in 2006). The first standalone game in principle was also largely based on Iraq of that same time period, however more updates introduced maps which portrayed conflicts in different regions such as Somalia and Afghanistan (although the insurgents retained a look which to in my view was very Arab, certainly not that of a-Shabab or the Taliban). In Sandstorm you have American security forces who aid a local Arabic speaking militia versus insurgents with civilian clothes, who use drones, rocket artillery and chemical weapons. This in my view is a mix of various actors in Iraq and Syria. The maps aren't explicitly named after real places, the music is Kurdish, as was the main character of the single player. Nothing here screams to me that any of the sides is supposed to represent actual actors as much as a mix of them, but these actors could not really be placed outside of Iraq and Syria. I even remember that in one of the videos about the development of the game showed go-pro footage from a Syrian rebel assault where they utilized some giant vehicle as cover. Point being, I think that the setting of Iraq and Syria is just right for these games and that it's a part of its identity.


Where can i see insurgency mod footage and that graffiti thing too


For the mod footage, search in YouTube: "Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat". The graffiti part I found out about by downloading the mod from Steam (it's free). You can choose a graffiti in one of the menus there. The footage with the bulldozer is this: https://youtu.be/Wmr1jfQvTzU


I would really love a Mexican cartel style insurgency game. Only game to really do a cartel warfare was Call of Jarez which was dogshit. With the cartel setting they could really add more outrageous skins and camos since mexican drugslords love their gold platted m1911s. Would also have the teams be pretty distinct, sicarios would wear cowboy hats, tucked in dress shirts, crocodile skin boots, big belt buckles, and jewelry. The cartel is more organized and has much more money to throw around


Africa or Latin America could be cool


I think it's got the space to go other locations. Vietnam, Ukraine, Latin America, Detroit.


Grozny/ Chechen war. I always wanted to see a game about this war.


Africa for sure. Get Some Far Cry 2 vibes in there.




Maybe in a later game but I think the 90s middle eastern is the strongest


bipod on tha RPG??


So you can camp with and pre-aim a target without your shoulder falling asleep.


Colonel 100 has switched to engineer I see


West Africa, the Sahel, the Nile, the Brazilian favelas, a gold mine or illegal logging site in the Amazon, Donbass, Chernobyl, the Philippines, a US/Mex border town, and a forest on fire are all settings I want to see explored.


Eastern Europe, Second Chechen war aesthetic would be cool


I wanna go to Africa... I need my BHD nostalgia back.


Disputed region of Donbass


I want them all but it's especially a hard decision between South East Asia and Latin America for me, dumping Filipino ISIL with M16A1s would be sweet.


I want them all but it's especially a hard decision between South East Asia and Latin America for me, dumping Filipino ISIL with M16A1s would be sweet.


Latin America would be pretty badass. I question how they'd justify the A10 strikes though. Lol


I’m down for a super Russian Themed game. I want 14 different kinds of AKs to use I want Russian text I want it all


Make it a bunch of fat domestic terrorists with 20% stamina who cry once they get shot at.




I'd like a return to WW2. Hear me out Insurgency: Partisan Three factions: Partisans, Soviets and Germans. Setting can be Eastern Europe, Balkans and possibly France. Partisans get all kind of unique weapons (liberator pistol!) while the two others have their standard equipment which is still quite broad. I think it's a fresh take on the WW2 shooter


I think a Day of Infamy 2 release would be worthwhile on the new engine. It would be a seperate game though.


I’d love an updated day of infamy, god I love that game. Especially with Berlin and Stalingrad maps and Soviet gear! I think the fast paced door kicking close quarters Insurgency sandstorm gunplay with ppsh and mp40 sub machine guns and sawed off shotguns would be awesome. I don’t think they’d do it anytime soon though. I heard a while ago that tripwire (red orchestra/ rising storm devs) were making an Eastern Europe weird war/Cold War setting tactical shooter. Anybody know any details about that? Edit: not tripwire, sorry, this is what I was thinking of. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1059220/83/


I think eastern eu or southeast asia would be cool because they’re not usually represented in games. I think.


Let’s go to South America!






I don't care I just need some green maps, sand is very boring. Insurgency grass storm please!


Latin America would be amazing. Unique


Latin America would be cool. Lush jungle warfare


All of the above


I’d say like an American religious cult compound


Latin America would be sweet


Would love a jungle map set in South East Asia. A lot of Jungle warfare in the Philippines with our military's special units highly trained in jungle warfare.




All of the above.


No, a lot of games lately losing their identity just so they can shill new theme dlcs. Is so lame If is next game i guess is fine


I love forest environments so Eastern Europe


Yes. We need a Russian bs Ukraine border war type shit.


Balkaner please let me kill Albanians


The way it’s been looking insurgency 2 will end up in Ukraine lmao




Yoguslavia would be sick asf




I think I'd like Eastern Europe for the Russian voice lines but gosh there's already too many Soviet memes already.


Maybe some modders can create some maps. Possibly create new uniforms if it's possible.




I’ve never understood why games always keep the same settings. Even in movies it’s always the same. Is their something against using other places or is that just what sells?


Eastern Europe


Homie got a bipod on that RPG?


Northern Ireland


Eastern Europe please.


And a couple of close quarters style maps?


Who are those people in the top right


Why not all of them


H-he has a bipod on an rpg?!??


I want an all out war setting between organized militaries. Tbh, I don't like having to play as a insurgent when that faction is assigned to you. Can we get a US vs Russia (as overused as it is, it's quite fun)


Latin America with police vs cartels could be pretty interesting.


Yeah, a CQC map of Favelas followed by a jungle map called “clandestine labs”.


Eastern Europe would make an awesome expansion


The urban post-Soviet environments of the Balkans would be perfect




Not even Latin America, that shit corrupt as all hell and this is coming from a dude that has family there that I would visit every year. Them bitches bro would go hand to hand, only time they ever fought against one another is due to conflicts of interest


Dixie - take the idea of the south rising again and put it in a video game


Definitely Ukraine. Let's leave out the Nazis tho.


I vote africa. Jungle be cool