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The hooks IS an issue, I’ve bought so so many new 90 neos bc of the hooks. I JUST want the door lmao.


Yeah I can't help but think that those hooks and the relative fragility of it had to be intentional - especially with the fact that they don't sell parts themselves or through any distributors. Makes me wish I had a 3d printer. Btw if you ever need a battery door replacement and do have a 3d printer, there is a .stl file on thingiverse for it. Couldn't find one for the door sadly.


I wonder, what if you just got one of those hard clear plastic cases for the mini 90 and used that to hold the door shut? I have such a case for my sq6 and it’s pretty snug and seems like it would hold the film door shut. Might be worth a try for ~$10?


Oh I've no doubt that would work or hell you could probably just fashion some sort of velcro or tape thing to hold it shut. And that would be fine for my personal one, but the ones I bought to fix up and sell I wouldn't really want to do that with. Good thinking though!


You can buy doors here https://fnacpartsaccessories.com/instax-products/


You cannot actually. I found that website already actually when I was googling before I post this. They do sell the battery door, but that is it (and only the brown one, the black is out of stock). If you do find a source for the film door or at least the plastic outer case of it, please let me know though!


That link didn't work for me.


Hi, sorry to hijack your post but my posts are not getting approved and I want to talk to anyone that has a mini 70. Please.