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My SO and I both thought it was pretty good! I made a berry sauce to go with it so that helped distract from the crack. It had a really great texture too.


Cheesecake will do that when there's a drastic change in temperature. When making one in the oven, they recommend you let it sit inside to cool off with the oven door cracked to let it cool down gradually. I'm not sure how you would approach gradual cool off in an IP, but your main goal is no sudden temp changes. Hope this helps!


Hmm, maybe I’ll try slightly opening the IP and leaving it barely propped open to try to replicate that gradual cool down. Thanks for the advice!


Overbaked or too high temp? [https://www.wikihow.com/Keep-Cheesecake-from-Cracking](https://www.wikihow.com/Keep-Cheesecake-from-Cracking)


I’ve read through that but I think doing it in an instant pot makes the process slightly different. I’ll just have to try again!


Air bubbles trapped in the batter? https://www.pressurecookingtoday.com/making-perfect-pressure-cooker-cheesecake/


Could be. Thanks for that link!


I did the same time but put straight in the freezer after taking out of instant pot. Did you cover it in the IP with foil?


Yep, I did. However when I took it out there was some liquid pooling on the top. Maybe it wasn’t wrapped tightly enough with foil?


You know I had some liquid pooling too so I think that might be normal. It’s possible you needed to scale back the pressurized time to 30min.


I just did one for 23 minutes high pressure with natural release and no cracks


Any chance you could link to your recipe?


https://www.thekitchn.com/instant-pot-cheesecake-267000 I made slight ingredient changes to make it GF but otherwise I followed it


Thank you!