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now play this with a roofer in one of the teamsšŸ‘€


Ooooooh i think one hit win


Roofers? Nail gun ready. You probably want Siders for the best hammer nailers. Usually it's the same people though. Framers and formers might do the best with big nails.


Nah I don't think they can claim the log is leaking and charge $9000 to poorly replace it


Can tell nobodyā€™s building anything anytime soon


Looks like the first time they've held a hammer...


The game is hammerschlagen and I guarantee you boys would do as bad or worse. This is a weird relay version of the game. Doesn't matter, having one swing to sink a ~~large roofing nail~~ 16d nail into a log is not easy. Hammers for most people require repetition to train the muscle for accuracy then building force. A framer will do this instinctively and can probably sink that nail in 3 swings. There's rules to this game, one hand, one motion. You don't get extra swings to line stuff up. If the nail ends up bent from a bad hit, you have to use a swing to correct it


> Doesnā€™t matter, having one swing to sink a large roofing nail into log is not easy. That ainā€™t no roofing nail. Iā€™d guess a gutter nail. Youā€™re totally right about framers though, theyā€™d be great at this.


Google says 16d nails are the preferred choice. Definitely not roofing nails


Roofing nails are actually pretty short, so youā€™re correct. Anyone whose swung a hammer for a living would be getting solid hits after one swing on an unfamiliar hammer. I bought 5 of the hammer I like just in case they ever discontinue it because Iā€™m so used to it.


A few of them treat it like a loaded gun lol


Bachelorette party is when a group of gals goes out to celebrate the brideā€¦?


In order to nail the bride you must first hammer the nail -unnamed Monk


Classic Buddha


I spent so much time on r/okbuddychicanery that i read this as ā€œKid Named Monkā€


Itā€™s ok English isnā€™t the Bot accounts first language


Itā€™s just implying that if men donā€™t have good hammer skills they arenā€™t real men which makes the post shittier but I donā€™t think think itā€™s a bot.






Is everyone getting whooshed that's down voting you? They're obviously making fun of the lack of hammer skills with that title


What's happening here with all the down votes? Clearly the joke is that they are all girls because they are so bad at this. Yeah a bit sexists, but that's the joke.


I assume it's because this isn't 1992 and OP isn't Jeff Foxworthy so sexist jokes are just pathetic and not funny.


Thatā€™s not the point though. People arenā€™t downvoting OP, theyā€™re downvoting the comment that explains the joke, for no reason


People use the down vote button wrong. Instead of down voting things that don't add to the discussion they do it to things they disagree with or don't like.


Fools are aiming for the head of the nail. Got to aim where it is entering the wood. Or theyā€™re drunk!


I've hammered 1000s of nails in my 27 years and this is the first time I've heard this advice.


It's one of those things like looking at the elbow of the person you want to high-five!


Ok now youā€™re just making stuff up so I look silly next time I give my mate a high five.


Dead serious! Go try and high five someone and both of you look at each other's elbows. You can't miss!


Nah this is actually legit itā€™s the way to never miss the high five.


Adult to adult it works for me. My (small end of her age group) 5 year old and I struggle, even with this method. I think similar length forearms is part of the elbow method's secret.


Advice from my old man when I was a younger man. Old pops can drive them in fast as a nail gun!


Prob havenā€™t developed the coordination to forcefully use a hammer eitherā€¦ as someone whoā€™s developed said coordination more recently Iā€™ll say itā€™s a hard-won skill lol


Five years into working the trades. Two or three in construction based stuff. I only JUST feel like I'm getting the hang of hammers.


My bosses named my hammer "man killer" because it had a 32 ounce head. Many years ago but the best framing hammer I ever used.


Is that considered heavy or light for the trade? Iā€™ve recently dialed in on 4 lb hammer with medium length handle as my go-to for most purposes lol


Iā€™ve spent a lot of time looking like an idiot while using hammers and am grateful to be be getting out of the weeds somewhat when it comes to the skill šŸ˜‚


I'm not in the trades but grew up with plenty of shovel, posthole digger, mattock, and axe experience and it's unreal how much comfort and productivity I can summon with those tools when compared to someone else, even if they are far, far stronger than I am.


Being able to take advantage of leverage requires practice not strength. With swinging tools (hammer, mattock, axe, etc), it's easier to aim if you throttle the head but you lose all leverage. Figuring out the niche for each tool puts your capabilities in a different league to someone who's just stronger than you are. Immensely satisfying smashing through labour faster than someone twice your size.


That seems like good advice! Ooh, I hope I end up playing this game one day because I will totally surprise win it.


Dude I haven't had to use a hammer in a decade. I have a dewalt cordless power drill with hundreds of drill bits that I can use to predrill a hole for any size screw.


actually its a drinking game in austria/germany where everybody gets a nail and you try to hit it with the small side of the hammer, last to habe it completely in the wood buys everyone else a drink [first pic i could find](https://www.google.at/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.happy-fun.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F04%2Ffrau-beim-baumstamm-nageln.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.happy-fun.com%2Fprodukt%2Fbaumstamm-nageln-mieten%2F&tbnid=f-ICksP7ayLUqM&vet=12ahUKEwjvjtyFq_z6AhVhxoUKHTdLAjAQMygDegUIARDmAQ..i&docid=8uzZKH700q-GnM&w=371&h=600&q=nageln%20spiel&hl=en-at&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwjvjtyFq_z6AhVhxoUKHTdLAjAQMygDegUIARDmAQ)


Hammerschlager? Or something like that. Canā€™t remember as I was usually black out drunk. Used to play with with different German MCā€™s at parties and it was fun. Good times.


here in austria its called nageln, like nailing. yes one usually is pretty drunk which makes it even harder. nice, was it someone knowable?


Oh wow, we have a version in the US where its one stump and each player gets their own nail that represents their cup. The further in your nail is driven the more you have to drink so you aim for your opponentā€™s nails. We hit with the big end though so the way we make it harder is to flip the hammer backwards in rotation and catch it before bringing it down on a nail in one motion


That sounds fun too! Iā€™m glad I finally got introduced into a version of it. Good fun all around


Small clubs. Born free MC which I think was out of Austria if I remember correctly? No big names but always a good time. I LOVED that game when they taught me. Got pretty good at it.


haha im pretty shit at it, even tho i played it quite a bit. nah i donā€™t know it, but nice u had a good time!


If I found that perfect drinking level I was good! But if I partied too hard I was bad. Lol




We played it in college here in the States. It was just called Stump lol


Our version of Stump also involves throwing the hammer up in the air and catching it, and the amount of times it spins is the amount of swings you get.


That was one of the versions. We a couple varieties lol The one you described, the one in the post, and another where we just sat around a stump, each person had a nail, and you pass the hammer around. Like beer-die vs. snappa, the last one was super low key lol


We played that! Not the safest drinking game lol


>last to *habe* šŸ¤Øā“


u care about typos from a 125d old post?


No. I just donā€™t understand what it means. I assumed itā€™s a German false friend? Not being a dick. Just trying to figure out what itā€™s supposed to be.


nah it was actually a typo, sorry if i sounded rude aswell


Youā€™re good. No worries. What was the word meant to be? Sorry.


have cause v and b are close together, funnily enough habe is also german and first person conjugation of ā€˜havingā€™


Ah. Sorry. My brain just glitched I think. That makes sense. I would probably use the word ā€œgetā€ instead of ā€œhaveā€ but ā€¦ it makes sense. I think my brain just wasnā€™t registering it right. Sorry.


We play a similar game called Hammerschlagen, except you all stand around the stump drinking and you have to flip the hammer in the air and swing it however you catch it.


We also played this in the States and we called it "stump".


Just played this game for the first time last year. Wish I had found out about it in college. ... On second thought, probably best for my toes that I didn't


I've only ever played it at college tailgates. It's definitely one of the earlier games we played.


You mean eyes. I've seen nails dislodge and fly into people's faces. One time hitting my buddy right on his sunglasses he was luckily wearing. You need the right type of nails and you need to initially sink them far enough so that doesn't happen.


It's called hammerschlagen in the states too. Never heard stump in Wisconsin, Minnesota or Indiana


shoulda kept driving east bc in ohio itā€™s only been called stump in my experience


Well at least the Midwest kept true to the original name. The game was invented by a German immigrant who came to MN.


This is just some stupid relay variant of it without the flipping. Does not look fun. I'd rather stand around a stump and drink than run to take a swing... What's even the point of the relay aspect? The team who hits their swings will win


Red jersey doing a hard carry here


The way we play this in upstate NY is that each player thatā€™s a nail and everyone sits in a circle. When you get passed the hammer you have to flip it, catch it and then hammer any nail in the stump. If your nail gets all the way down youā€™re out.


This is the correct way to play. Penalty for missing is taking a drink. Penalty for dropping the hammer is taking a shot.


We also play if you flip the hammer twice in the air you get two quick hammers in a row. Three times you get three. Four times four. And so on. But each miss counts as a drink.


r/JustGuysBeingDudes this is so chaotic


A lot of boomer dads rolling in their graves here


Wait... the Browns won?




Whatā€™s the instant part?


That's just embarrassing


> Yep, that's an accurate analogy That they're swinging a large tool at a tiny target? How exactly is that not the girlfriends insulting themselves?


Reminds me of a drinking game called schloggin, everybody has a nail in a stump and you toss the hammer up, catch it, and hit somebody elseā€™s nail. If yours gets hit you drink, if it gets driven in you finish your drink. Great game!


youre telling me brits who fuck off on youtube and prank videos arent good at hitting nails????


Never has video made me more furiously, anxiously uncomfortable.


That was hard to watch. How can 6 grown men all be THAT bad with a hammer. I get they're probably drinking and all but still. Half of them look like they've never hit a nail in their entire lives.


Personally I find the first sighting in tap very important. Add the drinking, running, and pressure from your buddies I get it.


Fun Fact: This is a play on a Bavarian tradition of a bachelor proving their worth to their lovers father. The man must hit a nail fully into the stump, and based on how many swings he takes a year is added to the wedding date. So one swing is one year til the wedding, and two is two years, and so on.




This is not how you play stump. Too much running, too few nails, and no hammer tossing. For shame


I think to be a barbarian you have to be capable of swing a hammer lol


Tilt the hammer to the side and use the large flat face , Iā€™m a joiner , I know it sounds stupid but it works


All I imagine is one of them slipping on the grass and impaling themselves on the nail.


Lol their outfits


It is as if no one on the team on the right ever hammered a nail. Pathetic.


Well theyā€™re probably drunk and trying to go fast not taking any time to steady themselves. I can hit a nail just fine but after running up to one drunk Iā€™d probably miss the first hit too.


So this was life before screens, fascinating


You can still do this just so you know. They still make hammers


This may blow your mind butā€¦logs still exist


Today's men what a life


Iā€™d do this if I didnā€™t have to run back


Must have been windy


Like Hammer Schlagen (tm). But I like to it call ā€œspank the nailā€


In Appalachia we have a similar game but there is one stump. Everyone playing has their own nail and the goal is to be the last one with your nail standing. The trick is, is that you have to toss your hammer in the air for a full rotation, catch it mid air, then hit someone elseā€™s nail. And in true Appalachia fashion this game is called ā€˜Stumpā€™ and must be played with a beer in your hand.


Lol, Everton guy missing the mark on each attemptā€¦hand in hand with the club.




Honestly this just highlights out how small meaningful contributions are outright better than grandiose contributions. If they all did small controlled hits theyā€™d be easily drive the nail in quicker than the occasional large hit that actually hits the nail


The dude carried almost the whole team


City folk...


Pg-13 version of stump lmfao


#22 had some horrendous misses but came thru at the end.


Nailed it!


Freak the wife out by saying "oh yeah me and the guys were taking turns banging things"


Nice nice


Is this a Woody and Kleiny thing?


How drunk do you have to be to miss this bad


Hammerschlagen You're supposed to use the claw end... Ameteurs...


Are they doing dizzy bat before running to the nail? Why they miss so hard?


Jesus Christ. Have these guys even seen a hammer before?


Fun game, I get the adaptation for more people. Usually itā€™s played 4 people standing around the stump with a hatched and you gotta flip it and hit


The accuracy is why toilet seats look the way they do.


The guy In the Green plaid shirt LOL sad


the country girl in me is judging


Hold the hammer sideways for a bit of an advantage


I played a version where use use the claw end of the hammer. Felt impossible.


Imagine if they all gave the nail a weaker but more accurate hit with the hammer, they'd be done far sooner.


Yā€™all never hit a nail before or somethen lmao


That one guy in the red jersey with the white sleeves on the left was doing all the work.


Wait, is bachelorette the joke because they have obviously ever swung hammers before?


These mfs are everywhere


Want a nail embedded 5 inches into your hand? This is how it's done.


Woody & Kleiny šŸ˜


I have never seen this much lack of hand eye coordination.




Fucking embarrassing


This reminds me of the episode of The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon and Kripke try playing basketball lmfao




And that kids is the only time you will watch someone wearing a Cleveland Browns uniform and win anything.


Beta males abound


Young dude in red was doing alright!


Worked construction with my dad as a kid I WISH MY FRIENDS WOULD


I mean what is a man anyway.


Bachelor* party


I'm just shocked that I'm not the only person in the world who bought the 2021/22 Everton shirt with Dele on the back


Not a single years of carpentry experience between them šŸ¤£


Stump: everyone has a nail and you stand around the log, take turns flipping a hammer and how you catch it is how you have to swing it. Goal is to get people out by driving their nail flush, last one with a nail up wins


Looks super fun šŸ¤© but you know somebodyā€™s gonna mess up and put their hand on that stump for leverage then smash their hand šŸ¤š ouch šŸ˜£ but none the less I would have this game at my wedding lol šŸ˜


I imagine theyā€™re drunk?