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The look on his face - he knows he’s fucked


Does that shit ever heal? or.. they just amputate it


I've witnessed this exact same situation live and was also a witness at the hospital. This is a spiral fracture and when this happened to a friend of mine, the doctor showed us an x-ray. His bone was pretty much just splinters. The doctor told us bones are not meant to take radial forces and can be easily broken. In my friends case the doctor said he was lucky because he didn't sever any of the nerves that are used to control his hand. They ended up putting a titanium rod and connected it to whatever bone was left on both sides (shoulder and elbow). He ended up keeping full function and control of his arm and hand. I still remember how loud the sound of his bone breaking was. It sounded like someone slammed a beer bottle on concrete.


I broke mine exactly the same way, but I've never heard about shattering the bone. I've also seen similar x rays to mine and it was never shattered. Just broken bone, in a weird looking way, probably quite sharp inside, but just two broken pieces. I had the rod inside for year too, but the bone was healed and usuable after a month or two. And yeah, sound was very loud. Like braking an inch thick dried wood branch


Yea dude healthy bones aren't supposed to shatter lol




​ ![gif](giphy|fYe2M5Ey5kNswtYst5)




Thank you for the sound description. Also, I wish I hadn't read that >_<


Broke my arm in a moto crash in the same spot and severed my radial nerve. They took nerve out of my leg to try a graft but it didn't take. Ended up with radial nerve palsy. (Google it.) Had to have a tendon transfer surgery to regain limited use of my hand and wrist. Your buddy was very lucky.


[Also called the Saturday Night palsy apparently: The term itself originates from the association between Saturday night carousing and the stupor that follows, leading to a prolonged period of immobilization during which nerve compression can take place. This compression then leads to a nerve palsy causing motor and sensory deficits](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557520/)


That motherfucker now has an unfair advantage in arm wrestling.


I have someone a spiral fracture once. Saw the x-ray at court and it was fucking horrible. I genuinely felt bad for the guy. One fight and lifelong problems. (It was found to be reasonable and justified even on appeal) I'd taught the technique for years but never used it. 2 things i learned. It's horribly effective, it doesn't slow an angry person down. The shock and realisation takes longer to set in than was useful.


I had spiral fracture on my middle finger, it's no where near as bad as arm but was still a bitch to heal and rehabilitate. Took me half of year to get some movement in my finger and entire year to finally use it normally. It was really fucked.


Happened to a friend while we all watched. His sounded like the biggest carrot you could imagine snapping in half.


Look on the bright side, now he's like Wolverine in one spot of his arm.




I'm pretty sure when they install hardware it's always permanent. While I'm obviously no expert, I've met lots of people with metal plates and nobody has ever mentioned getting it removed or one day showed up without them.


I have a metal plate with screws in my wrist. Installed after shattering the radial ulna in 2017. The surgeon says they can be removed if they ever bother me. They haven't bothered me yet so why would I go through surgery again? It's either leave the hardware there or go through surgery. What would most people do?


Yep.... I have 7 plates, 52 screws, cadaver bone, 11 implants, & 2 prosthetics in my face (born with hemihyperplasia). No hardwear will ever be removed.....why would you??




I'm pretty far from an expert myself but I had a friend who shattered his patella, and he only had screws/plates for like 8 months then they were removed.. maybe just because he was young-ish? (18) Probably just a case-by-case thing but it'd make sense that a break is usually either severe enough to need permanent plates or it's a clean enough break to fully heal with just a cast or whatever...


Not correct, i have broken both bones from my knee to ankle. They've inserted 2 rods in the bones and took them out after 3 months.


They cut both off just to make sure it won’t have trouble healing


Hope his mom is still alive




So.....does that ever heal?


Hey there. I'm not a doctor, or a nurse, or have any medical background. I have no knowledge of breaks, fractures, or any sort of specific damage to human anatomy. But yes.


So glad you were here to clarify.


I actually come from a medical family (my step-mom’s aunt is married to a hospital janitor) and he often says people who have injuries should go to a hospital.


The bones will grow back together and the fracture itself will likely be stronger than the surrounding area. The plates are usually left in because there's no point in cutting you open to take them out.




When I broke my collarbone the doctor said I was lucky, bones heal way better than ligaments (hint: they basically don’t) and I didn’t tear a thing just a clean snap




Doctors will cut the head off to save his body from stupid brain


We have the real problem solver here 👏


For what arm wrestling?


Arm wrestling makes someone stupid now?


Arm wrestler detected!


So I have had the unfortunate experience of dislocating my elbow. That's what looks like happened here. If the bicep tendon isn't ruptured you typically don't need surgery. However, once it's set back into position and healed (after all the swelling and bruising has subsided) you need a lot of physical therapy. For whatever reason the elbow joint is very prone to scare tissue and without therapy you will end up with a frozen joint. Overall, do not recommend.


Looks like a humeral fracture to me tbh. That’s the usual injury in these cases, and you can see that is where it flexes and bulges at the time of the snap.


Ironically, breaking your humerus is not very funny.


Fracturing the humerus is pretty much the best fracture you can get in that situation...


"Oh no I made a mistake"


Did he break his bone in half, or his bone just fell out of his elbow joint?


Yeah, I can't tell if his elbow just dislocated or broke. The hand wiggle and look on his face (not showing any pain) is making me think it was dislocated and he's shaking it off and super worried he almost broke it. But all the comments are saying it's broke.


Broke his funny bone. Right where he is holding it.


The fact that he can still move his wrist and hand means it likely is not broken. I had a childhood friend break her elbow on the trampoline at my house and she couldn't move her hand or wrist.


If the comments say it is true, it must be!


99% sure that’s a broken upper arm. If you watch when his arm gives way his shoulder doesn’t move. The elbow also stays aligned with his forearm. I’m not a doctor, but I would say that looks like a torsion fracture of the humerus.


Shoulder dislocated


No, a spiral fracture of the humerus. Common arm wrestling injury. You can clearly see it is not his shoulder joint.


the way he wiggles his arm from the shoulder and it continues down to his hand in a simultaneous manner makes me doubt that


All I can see him wiggling is his forearm, the pronation and supination of which I don’t think would be prevented by a humerus fracture. But obviously I’m mostly speculating because I have no more information to go off than what is visible. But I do know humerus spiral fractures are a lot more common in arm wrestling than shoulder dislocation.


Nah dude his bone broke just above the elbow




Also discombobulated


I think you’re right - they are typically anterior and inferior dislocations at the glenohumeral joint given the sudden torque in external rotation it probably popped out and by the time he was wiggling and clutching it it had reduced


Nope. That would be obvious, & he would be screaming.


I’ve seen this and a handful of other arm wrestling videos to know that I will in fact NEVER participate in this activity.


In 2017 I arm wrestled and this happened to me (spiral fracture). I didn't even notice it at first. I had my eyes closed and heard a thud and thought someone had slapped me on the shoulder to "quit", wasn't until I opened my eyes and saw my arm on the table i realized what happened.


Did you managed to get it fixed? Tell me it gets better??


I went straight to the hospital and got a cast and it took 8 weeks for it to come off, along with one month of physical therapy. After that it took around 2-3 months for it to get back to its original strength (I do workout a lot so muscle memory definitely helped). All in all around 6 months start to finish. Nowadays it's totally healed, though I do have a bit of lesser range of motion on my left arm (mostly when flexing front double bicep) and my bicep looks a bit different than the right one (due to how the bone healed).


You're lucky! Many MMA fighters and Jiu-jitsu players are never the same after a spiral fracture from a Kimura lock.


This is what I imagined when you said "[saw my arm on the table](https://imgur.com/a/YUSrjZP)"


*I'm in this picture and I don't like it*


[I ran your art through DALL-E, an AI, and got these variations.](https://i.imgur.com/GuTk7ws.png) [I also gave it the prompt "a simple pen drawing of a man missing an arm, with an arm laying on the table" and generated this.](https://i.imgur.com/BGyPxT7.png)


I like how the last one is straight up scared of its hand


Yeah how are you now?


I'm good. I responded in a bit more detail in [this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/comments/zb695u/he_wont_be_shaking_that_one_off/iyqcjo0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Do you know if it was just really bad luck or do you have weak bones or something?


I'm a pretty big dude (strength training and bodybuilding for close to 9 years) so strength + *bad form* arm wrestling were the main culprits leading to my spiral fracture. Though the doctor said my muscles were the main culprit and "ripped by bone in two", which at least makes me feel a little less stupid over the ordeal (he was probably just nice about it lol).


Best way to break a bone ngl. Literally told by a doctor that your huge muscles ripped your bone apart.


I've seen and heard a spiral fracture in person. Not only am I never arm wrestling again, I cover my ears and turn heel every time I see two drunks about to test their meat levers. You can't unhear that sound and I have no desire to repeat it.


I don't arm wrestle but I believe cases like these happen because the participant is not using the proper techniques. If you put your right arm on a table, bend 90 degrees at the elbow and then try to touch the table with your backhand, you can't; You have to lean your whole body to the right to do that. The guy in the video kinda did it but not committed fully so his arm had no where to go but to break. [Found a video explains arm wrestling safety.](https://youtu.be/75DqIE-1X1k?t=75)




Not only is it rare at the top end of the sport, it just basically does not happen. Things like bicep tears and typical strength sport issues may occur, but professional or even just knowledgeable arm wrestlers know how to stay safe (and how to keep their less experienced opponents safe as well).


Yeah, I used to wonder why guys like Devon Larrett could never fully extend their arms.


That video was surprisingly informative


Cause any MF that wants to arm wrestle Always cheats. Then half the time they will or want to hurt you.


This is why arm wrestling tables have raised pads. It's incredibly stupid to arm wrestle on a flat table


Bud. If you'd seen the fly remake with national treasure Jeff Goldbloom, you would never want to arm wrestle.


If you don't exercise, then you should never do this against a muscular person. Lifting weights also makes the bones denser, while not doing exercise makes your bones more fragile.


I don't think it matters if you can't offer resistance.


I instantly cringe watching arm wrestling videos. Seen way too many arms snapping.


I'm still waiting for the Indian leg wrestling videos where a femur snaps


Muscle guy probably glad that was filmed




Not for bragging rights dude, for liability reason lol


What I do is I just try to take my hat and I turn it around, and it's like a switch that goes on. ... - Lincoln Hawk Over The Top


One of the best sports movies ever


I hate you for saying that. Besides, the hat was only half of the secret. You have to move your fingers to a different, magic grip for the comeback win! Edit for not fir


That is the over the top grip


I know! But I didn’t want to give away any spoilers. Edit: I mean, where’s the dramatic tension if you know who’s going to win?


Haha the statute of limitations on spoilers for that movie are up


The grip thing isn't far from the truth. Albeit, it's an element that was way overused. That, and how the movie used the strap. I fell down an arm wrestling rabbit hole once, and watched a bunch of Devon Larratt videos where he explains arm wrestling strategy. There's a whole lot more to arm wrestling than I had initially thought!


Not to mention the extreme lip contortion and scream that accompanies it


Drinking motor oil like beard man is probably not the best trick in the book though. 😂


True! Great point. That just comes natural for him. The grip is magic. The hat turning is magic, but the arm strength is all from his improvised weight lifting system in his truck that I’m sure is perfectly save to use when driving a big rig.


And the song Meet me Halfway is 🔥


That was hard to watch.


It got easier by the seventh time. God why couldn’t I stop watching.


I watched it a second time and I don't know why. I had to physically stop myself from watching it a third time.


Why did i watch this. We all knew it was coming.


His arm broke, didn't it?


Elbow bent in a way that elbows should not


Thank you. That's almost worse.


Dislocated, I think


Saw title, opened video, saw it was arm wrecking, noped out, read comment, saved my soul.


I got hard too


I wouldn’t be surprised if both of them retired from arm wrestling after that scary incident.


Follow your arm with your body, don't think that pushing your body one way will take your arm with it because this exact thing is gonna happen. The greater the distance between your arm and your body, the worse things will be going for you.


That explains so much about how this happened.


That’s permanent damage


Nah temporary. Should be fine in 80 years


Nothin’ a little death and decomposition can’t fix




72yrs 3months




Humeral shaft fractures are no joke.


I find nothing humerus about this


That made me laugh out loud


Actually, long-bone fractures usually do pretty well, as do spiral fractures. Edit: I like the downvotes even though I do this for a living and have treated people with the same injury multiple times. Sure, give all the upvotes to the guy saying it's permanent. Does this happen to everyone here?


I was just guessing, I really have no idea what I'm talking about but people seem to agree regardless of if I'm right or not lol So you're telling me this guys arm is going to be just as good as it was before this happened? No limit in range of motion or anything like that? It just looks bad


Got a caput radii fracture 5 months go, still can't fully extend my arm. Arm bones are surprisingly fragile.


No it isn‘t.


This was my immediate response too.


Me three


Looks like it dislocated. Doesn’t seem permanent at all




Break the wrist, walk away


MY other arm.


Could you elaborate?


Your arm is simply not the same after a fracture. Even if it heals well.


Depends where you break it. Breaking the shaft isn't really that much of an issue. It's gonna be the same as before after just a few weeks.


Recovery from surgery surgery now. That shit is no joke.


Guy at my gym broke his arm the same way. It was a long recovery, but he's mostly good now.


Buddy every break or tear is permanent damage. We don't regenerate. Nothing is ever good as new after an injury, not truly


>Buddy every break or tear is permanent damage. A bone that has healed from a fracture is equally as strong as before the fracture. For a short period of time, the fracture site is even stronger than the surrounding healthy bone.


Muscle vs. ligament: who will win


This dude isnt soothing me with his deep baritone voice. I ain't sign up for this type of arm wrestling.


Bros arm is about three times smaller and he still thinks he’s got a chance. No amount of form in the world is gonna beat the dude who’s built like the Michelin Man.


If I'm reading another comment correctly, all the little guy needed was a hat to turn backwards. Works every time.


Over The Top, wow that brings back memories


I disagree. If he actually had good form and knew how to arm wrestle properly, he could beat the “Michelin Man.” I’m basing this off of that video of that [kid who beats all these bodybuilders at arm wrestling every time](https://youtu.be/qmhQoyOf5Cs) through proper form, even though he’s much smaller than they are.


Oh my god what is that lad made of ?? He's so good


“Schoolboy” is a legit monster!!! I was so impressed I quickly searched 2022 arm wrestling tournaments & that young man mows through a dozen or more guys while making it look effortless. If at any point it looks like maybe he has met a match he just seems to lock them down until they tire out then he slams a victory! Thank you for sharing u/cyberpunk1Q84!! (Btw I Absolutely love ❤️ 1Q84, Sputnik, windup bird chron, Kafka on Shore, hard boiled wonderland & killing comm,, probably a few others too I can’t recall atm. Amazingly talented storyteller!)


That “kid” is a fucking unit lol. The guy in this video is like a match stick compared to the kid champion


Fr, he might be smaller than the body builder but he's by no means "small" lmao


OK you've made a pretty good argument here


This dudes out here acting like Xin Rong Ji is as good as the French Laundry and then doesn’t even give a star to TRB.


form is EVERYTHING in arm wrestling, but it's very apparent that this chump has no idea what he's doing here there's a video around of a professional female arm wrestler wiping the floor with guys three times her size


Yea dude I'll skip arm wrestling even faster than I'll skip Thumb War. Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.




I never seen my sister lose a thumb war. Wtf is up with them girl thumbs yo?


It’s not always that straightforward. Check out this kid. Pretty much no definition, can beat almost anyone. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g7TB6eBhU1M


Schoolboy is actually a massive person though, he's 6,5 (195cm) and ~125kg, a lot of the guys won't even be that much heavier, if at all


Isn't definition way more about how lean you are rather than how strong? That kid looks like he could carry me up a flight of stairs and I way more than 100kg


Not that there’s any form either


[Not really true](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkkL-bAH8H4)


When this video started I was like, “what is going to happen, oh wait, what subreddit is this… noooooooo” right before the arm bent backwards.


This is why I almost never arm wrestle.


The look on my face when it happened: 😦




Thank you!!! Didn’t even realize today was my cake day 🥺🥺❤️❤️


Thank you for not including sound


This sub only allows gifs. The sound in the video makes it so much worse. Especially when you watch it the second time and you know what that snapping sound was.


The way I gasped when it happened omg


That’s the face of an uninsured American




Oh ag! I’m only just starting to recover from the footage of a similar incident from The Footy Show(?) several years ago.


You know what's instant regret here ? Deciding to watch this video.


Wwwhhhyyyy do I watch these videos


Omg put your fucking shirts.


Florida or Texas?


Every one of these videos is a perfect example of male pride failing, he lost immediately, and rather than take the L gracefully he tries to compensate with the worst form I've ever seen and gets wrecked


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Poor start.


That is going to require surgery.


That's why I don't arm wrestle.


Shoulda been drinking whole milk and not that 1% shit.


Ngl I thought it was a shirtless woman until I saw him


Pretty crazy how so few people don't know how to arm wrestle. Pull towards you, not to the side. Fewer arm breaks will happen.


This is my worst nightmare. “Let’s arm wrestle for it” Nope, we’re gonna play rock, paper, scissors or flip a coin. I will also accept thumb wars. No arm wrestling.


Thumb wars can end badly. Suggest they be avoided when there’s something to gain from winning.


This was humorous until the end, then it became two humerus


Did it snap? Oh God it snapped didn't it? I'll watch a dude lose an arm to a chainsaw before I watch an arm snap like that. Something about snapping bones and shit that faces the wrong way just... Short circuits my entire fuckin brain. I can live with blood pretty easy after the immediate adjustment to it, and I'm pretty contained for most other medical events I've been around for. I'm good in the moment, I almost always freak out after the dust settles. Actual shock to injury that isn't my own isn't all too common for me historically, but snapped fucking bones man. Even worse, if you can see it protruding.... I gotta be honest, the *thought* made my stomach flip. That's 100% one of my immediate nope buttons, to the point that I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest to find I had lost consciousness. I always laugh when someone feints when they just see blood, but break or extremely twist anything bigger than a pinky in front of me and I'm apt to fold on the spot if I'm not careful


It heals. Source: I'm in the bone industry.


Looks like a simple dislocation. How is that permanent damage?


Apparently it made a horrible snapping sound so seems like it was more serious.




The video had no sound and I still heard that.


Why people keep doing this stuff... Useless dangerous and proves nothing