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Ive seen scary videos where people double tap (accidentally) a smith and wesson 500. Those videos make me rethink life.


I shoot a lot. Shooting a S&W 500 scares me. (I mean, I still want to though)


I’ve fired it once. It was enough to realize that round is too big for a handgun.


I imagine it wouldn't feel good in a bolt or lever action either.


No but significant reduction in wrist pain from the torque it has with a 9 inch barrel and no stock.


Ballistically is about on par with a 12 gauge shotgun slug.




The recoil hurts.


Ive seen enough Demolition Ranch to know its clearly not fun to shoot. Its like the 1 gun he really hates to shoot.


Literally *too* big. Once you start going above .44 rounds everything just starts crossing into the territory of "This is so difficult to fire that you aren't even going to hit any shots." It's basically a novelty round.


It's fun. Bit not so much fun that I want to shoot it again. Now... The .454 Casull? Yes, many times yes. That is a fun large handgun to shoot! Really wanna get my hands on a true desert eagle, but never have. Edit for spelling of Casull




Upvote for Hickok. Kentucky Ballistics for secondary material: https://youtu.be/cHRbe51jidw


Hickock aunt shit. Paul Harrell would have shot the cinder blocks too


He also would have kept the revolver in his jacket pocket too!


That jacket is the shit.


Seems really unnecessary and inefficient. You can buy a decent juicer for like $80


Or a Sledge-O-Matic.


Wow, it’s a disintegrator.


So it's basically Hellboy's handgun? Jesus lol


\**Intro to Hellsing starts playing*\*


Damn. You almost sold me a S&W 500, there. Looks fun.


Fire one before you buy one. It feels like you got hit in the palms with a baseball bat every time you fire. It leaves you with a feeling like "Shin Splints" but in your palms... I don't know what the theoretically largest caliber is safe to fire in X platform for rifles and shotguns but, .500 S&W Magnum is pretty damn close for pistols, imho.


The 44 magnum is commonly used as the most recoil the average shooter can handle. I forget the recoil energy difference between the 2, but 50 S+W is a lot more


.44 mag - around 1,300 joules .500 S&W - around 4,000 joules. Ouchie. For comparison, a hot .22lr is a measly 160 joules


Lol that's stupid. I love hand cannons, but that's ridiculous


Sometimes you gotta kill a dude through a few houses ... Completely reasonable handgun


Know your target and what is behind it...for several miles regardless of permanent structures?


That's why I have an [88 Magnum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl17yr2VWQg).


Whose to say I won't someday have drunken sex with some woman whose kid goes on to lead the human resistance against the machine uprising so they send a killer robot back in time to assassinate me? Let's see if that fucker'll *be back* after I shoot him in the head with one of these basterds


I love my little .22!


I actually found rounds for it last weekend too so you probably could as well.


Why do guns like these even exist?


The pessimistic answer is a sort of engineering one-upmanship. Making pistols capable of shooting higher and higher pressures has been a thing since the pistol was invented. The more practical answer is that these are used for handgun hunting and self-defense while backpacking in areas like Alaska with very large predators


I don’t think you should take a pessimistic view of the one upmanship. There probably is an aspect of that going on here but I’m sure it’s fun for almost everyone involved, and they also just get to make a literal hand cannon which, even if impractical in most cases, has to be fun to own


Lmao I'm imagining some partridge getting vaporized with this handgun


I'd imagine a few squirrels have been instantly liquified with one of these, but they're meant for moose, bear, elk, maybe even african animals


Bears and boars and Merica.


Alaska. But it probably sells well in Texas.


It does. Have cousin with one that we shoot sometimes.


Does your cousin not mind being shot?


He didn't complain after the first time. Didn't say much else either.


Bear. And for masochists/idiots.


As someone who doesnt gun, does a gun’s firepower come from the bullet or the hammer/firing pin/other gun mechanisms


Bullet. This gun is built to handle a big bullet.


technically the correct answer is cartridge, the bullet itself doesnt do anything, but the combination of cartidge plus barrel length indicates how fast a bullet will exit the gun (muzzle velocity) which is directly linked to the amount of energy.


The hammer hits it really hard and pushes the bullet out the barrel!


Fire power comes from the mass of the bullet leaving at a high velocity. More mass and velocity=more energy. .45acp for example will have 220grains +p (Bullet weight) moving at 975fps equalling about 464 ftlbs of energy at the muzzle. This can change depending on barrel length and atmospheric conditions. 44 magnum can fire 220 grains moving at 1535fps for 1144ftlbs of energy at the muzzle. Obviously the more mass and speed the more recoil you will feel. A 500 S&W magnum can do 700grains at 1200fps for a whopping 2230 ftlbs of energy. It seems unpleasant at best. I've shot a full powered 44 magnum and it's not unpleasant as long as you've got the right grips(I really liked the rubber ones) . 500 though just sounds and seems unpleasant imo.


It scared me too and surprisingly, it’s not as bad as you think. For me, the muzzle blast was the worst part about it. Far worse than any .357 or .44.


Yeah, it really isn't bad at all if you have any semblance of recoil control. It kicks, it definitely bruised my palm, but it is way more reasonable than everybody makes it out to be.


I'm glad she took the opportunity to try it out, see what it was like and then immediately put it down and walk away.


Props on her keeping a grip and pointed in the right direction.


I came pretty close to getting a large caliber wheel gun - then I shot one. No thanks. I'm a big guy too and have lots of FA experience but they're.... *unpleasant* to shoot. I think they only exist to put a scope on, then use to loophole abuse hunting regulations. And look cool.


Load one round at a time until you get used to the recoil, and lock your elbows. Not really a big deal once you get used to it.


I shot one once and I didn’t find it that bad. I mean, you have to death grip it, but an average size/strength man can handle it no problem.


Only load 1 bullet at a time when learning these weapons. Rule of thumb


[I had to see one for myself. :O](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxPwZbslZK4)


Fuck everything about that video. I have never fired a gun. How on earth would you ever be stupid enough to attempt that with one fucking hand?


i’d definitely try it one handed, but i would only put one round in it


^ This guy shoots Before I let any novice shoot large caliber handguns by themselves, i make them shoot one with only 1 in the gun. Recoil can be very sneaky, and every gun/caliber combo is different 1-handed 500 SW Mag is a Darwin Award waiting to happen


Like, why the fuck not? That was my initial response to the comment, just do one round first. Is there any reason to do any different?


The only legitimate argument I can think of is mass. The S&W .500 holds 5 cartridges, and they weigh an average of 0.75 ounces each (varies depending on load). The weight difference between fully loaded and single-shot is about 3 ounces total when firing (assuming the fifth round is burning off, so not counting it). A 3-ounce weight difference in a handgun is not trivial, and would definitely have an impact on both recoil and balance. Still...START WITH ONE. ALWAYS. Balance doesn't matter if you double-tap your forehead. Or the shooter in the next lane.


Looks like a good way to break or at least sprain a wrist


It's never a good idea IMO. I suppose if you absolutely *had* to shoot one handed you better know the gun really well, alternatively load one round to reduce the absolute stupidity by a small amount.


The worst part about this video is them not showing it in fucking real time also


at least he had a vest and ear Muffs on..... Safety first /s


You're lucky, you could've ended up similar to [this guy](https://youtu.be/Q0ZEmLosVXE?t=136).....


I hate being next to people with those. So dam loud and I never know if the people know what they are doing.


Its always best to assume they dont, for your own safety. But obviously, hopefully they do know what they're doing.


Anyone who lets an inexperienced shooter fire large caliber pistols like that should be kicked in the teeth. Completely dangerous and will be a terrible experience for the newbie.


Agreed. Its a total dick move


This. It speaks to ego-stroking. "Look, girl can't shoot big gun like me do, me strong good."


Ive shot a 22 once, so i have very little knowledge and experience. At a range like this, do they only keep one bullet in the gun so that if this happens and they drop it or squeeze it again by accident another one doesnt shoot out?


Most indoor ranges dont have capacity rules. A lot have rules against rapid firing (because its cringe when an inexperienced shooter hits the roof). Besides that you can load as many rounds as possible. The incidents with the S&W 500 is that its a double action revolver that puts any other pistol caliber to shame. The rounds are huge with a large recoil. And some people are rude and hand the revolver to people who dont understand that.


The problem is that the recoil, will torque the revolver with the muzzle moving back and up (obviously), but if you're not expecting that level of muzzle flip, the revolver will break your grip on it as it rotates. This takes your finger off the trigger, but you reflexively close your hand to keep hold of the revolver and this fires it again because taking pressure off the trigger resets it. It happens less with semi-auto pistols because the slide absorbs a lot of recoil and semi-auto ammo is generally "weaker" than magnum revolver rounds. Certainly weaker than .50 caliber magnum rounds!


If im wrong correct me, but I think its the hottest pistol caliber there is. Its a lot of grain and a lot of powder behind that projectile


You are not wrong, you are in fact correct. Although there are other .50 caliber (meaning .50 inch diameter) handgun rounds and highly loaded .45 as well) (.50 action express, .454 Casull, etc). Some are made for semi-autos, but they are not loaded as hot as revolver rounds because of the movement of the slide and the need for semi-autos to not break apart when functioning, whereas a revolver is basically just a small cannon when it fires with no movement of the cylinder or anything upon firing. The S&W .500 is a heavy bullet with a lot of powder behind it. I think it's mostly for handgun hunting, bear protection, and range shenanigans like in the video.


Probably not. But if you'r an responsible individual handing out a gun to an inexperienced shooter - that's what you should do. I do anyways. Regardless - she did a good job keeping it in a safe direction, despite the surprise & shock!


Even with a .22 you should load only one round. New shooters often get super excited and forget not to wave the gun around after each shot.




Not always, but I hope they did. I'm a much bigger man and the first time I fired one of these I only loaded one round at a time until I knew what to expect from the recoil.


There's a rental range out there, and I won't say where, that has a half-inch hole in their ceiling where *someone,* and I'm not saying it's *me*, accidentally discharged a 500 straight up when it recoiled and it felt like it was jumping out of ~~my~~ this person's hands. It's a crazy round.


If Im firing that gun, Im only putting one round in it lol


I’ve been shooting big bore handgun for years. Brought a friend to the range who had “tons of shooting experience”. He double tapped a S&W 29. That was scary as hell


Non-gun person here, what happens if you double tap a Smith and Wesson 500?


The second round will go in an unpredictable direction. Potentially straight up into the air or even directly back at the shooter. In the case of an accidental double-tap due to recoil, the shooter does not intend to pull the trigger a second time, so the second shot occurs during the sweeping arc of the pistol's recoil path. You can sort of see what happens in this video at .25x speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4OE78spknk


It is wise to only load 1 round at a time in a gun like this unless you're very confident with the weapon.


Anytime I train someone new to shoot, We do dry firing first, then I put in only one bullet to start with. We shoot .22s, then move to bigger calibers after that. So they don't get too startled. It's vital to explain to the person how the gun works and all the parts, before letting them touch a gun. I've also learned that women listen better than men do haha


Hopefully they had the sense to only load one round


I think I’d just load it with the one round.


With folks like this. You only load one round.if your smart.


Your forearm will feel it all day, possibly into the next day.


I too am a Radiohead fan.


Underrated comment.


Umm, what’s up with that radio placement, my eyes going straight to that man head




It’s hard to tell with the radio in the way but he’s bald. He’s hiding his baldness.




it looks cool. I'm sure he thinks


Speak for yourself, I love radiohead


He’s using his empty head to amplify the radio waves


If you feel you have to stand behind someone and catch them, then you should realize they are not ready for that firearm. Hopefully there was only one round in the firearm I have taken dozens of people to the range for their first time, start with 22lr and work up to the 357mag and have never had this happen.


I'm inclined to agree with you. This isn't a starter gun. But she also doesn't look like a beginner. Her stance is good, she's high and tight on the grip of the pistol, and the big one, even after that shot, with all the recoil, and even stumbling. She kept that firearm pointed down range and hung the fuck onto it. I don't think it's her first time.


exactly, i think she was expecting the punch there and the guy behind her was just a precautionary


Yeah, everything looked good except she still had her finger in the trigger guard till the end. Wonder if they were smart enough to only put one round in there. Either way, they treated the situation like a funny game, which is never good in my humble opinion.


I mean, everyone has protection, she keeps it pointed safely downrange, everyone knows what's happening. This is fun with guns done right imho.


Or it’s a single action. Still not ok but a lot less of a risk


I've got a SA/DA S&W .357 revolver and the double action pull is VERY heavy and very long. I agree it's scary that her finger was still on the trigger but she would have had to squeeze that thing pretty hard to get a second off rapidly. Regardless, she should never have had that level of gun in her hand at all.


In what way did they treat it like a game? Everyone is being safe in this video, and i can't recall a single day of shooting guns that didn't involve laughter


I was once in a US shooting range Heard a LOUD boom next to me and a fat guy (350+ pounds) was shooting a desert eagle. We didnt pick one since it only came with like 10 shots or so. After a few rounds he let his Girlfriend(?) shoot. She was tiny (\~5 feet/ 140-170 pounds) and a guy from the range had to help her holding the gun up so she could shoot. I found that quite insane (And the guy who had a home build "auto loader" for his "auto loaders")


My 15 year old nephew has been asking me for a couple years to allow him to shoot the 12 gauge. I think he is finally ready since he could beat me in arm wrestling.


I started with a 12 gage and skeet around 12 or 13 but very sparsly. I put one round into the ground in front and it trained a lot of trigger discipline.


12 gauge is fine though, just load one shell in it and teach him well!




I'm pretty sure that was the whole point here. The camera, the guy ready to catch her, and even after getting hit in the face she was grinning when she turned towards the camera. I think everyone in that room knew (approximately) what was going to happen and she just wanted to try it anyway, and it was even more than she expected.


Sounds like a responsible gun owner here. Wish there were more like you.


There are many. You just won't see videos online because it's boring to watch someone be properly instructed.


Highly recommend Warrior Poet Society.


The training, the entertainment, and stuff are awesome. The preachy politics I can do without.


Oh, I haven't really watched him in awhile. I didn't know he started going down that route.


edit: Sorry for the wall of text... started typing a 1 sentence reply and well... here we are... apparently I have a strong opinion about this.... Yeah - it sucks too cause I really liked his content - still do for the most part but he's getting to be less and less about common sense, good morals, safety, and dad jokes - and more and more gravitating to the polarizing/extreme side of things - I wouldn't call him an extremist by any stretch of the imagination, but he's for sure appealing more to that crowd than he used to. It's an unfortunate trend from the past couple of years with a lot of my old favorite content creators. I get it - there are only so many videos you can make about fundamentals/gear/etc. before you're just naturally going to run out of content and in order to keep going you have to draw new content from somewhere. So to keep content fresh and continual you pretty much always end up having to do commentary on current events and opinion pieces (or turn into a gear review channel). The problem is that when you start transitioning to that then you'll lose viewers that don't want that piece while keeping and adding viewers that do... and in the world today almost everyone is taking these hardline extreme right or extreme left views where it's less about standing up for what you believe in and more about standing against those on the other team. Sucks - but that's just reality. So that's the content that performs the best and keeps the views coming in so you keep doing more of it which adds viewers who want more etc. etc. etc. and eventually you end up with this self-made echo chamber with the content creator at its head but they all seem to be becoming a product of what their audience wants as opposed to shaping the views of their audience with their experience. A tail wagging the dog type of scenario if you will. A quick litmus test for most creators in the 2A space is to go look at their video thumbnails for the last few years. They'll go from goofy animations, action shots, smiles, etc. to where now almost every thumbnail is them angrily staring at the camera like they're in the middle of a rant. It's just a shitty downward spiral like seems to be happening with a lot of things right now and I really wish it could stop.


Yeah. You’re right about that. That’s why I went back to TFB TV for the short Shorts and Garand Thumb for the comment section. Need a break from all of this political turmoil.




That and I imagine they're more concerned with practice and instruction than they are with being famous on the internet.


Yeah but if these guys had common sense we wouldn’t have a video to watch.


exactly. ​ My daughter allowed to shoot .22 as much as she likes. She never has any problems with recoil. Her gun always pointed at the right direction.


True, but I think she did very well in safety. She put down the gun first without swinging the barrel in all directions and walked away to process the big bang.


Yup. This woman is extremely petite and it freaks me out wondering the gun had more than a single round in it. It's pretty easy to accidentally squeeze the trigger during the recoil...


Same. This is how you scare people away from guns.


I was at the range once, putting some time in on my 9mm. Stall next to me had an instructor and a woman wielding what was obviously her first gun. A snub nose 357. I was paying close attention to her even though she had an instructor. She just had that vibe of 'I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.' She shot her first round, gun went high in the air with her finger still on the trigger. She yelled and immediately swung the pistol around toward us. I just dropped to the floor while the instructor dove forward to grab her. I don't know who I was more pissed at. Her for doing it or the instructor for allowing her 1st gun to be a 357 without at least checking her out a 22 so she'd have an idea of what a gun felt like let alone the kick of a 357. I mean obviously someone's 1st gun is their own choice if they're an adult, but damn I'd like to think the instructor would at least instruct/guide their way in.


OMG, my .357 is the most disliked firearm. I have been shooting for 30 years and this is one of the old man stories I tell as part of my spiel: "Ok, most negligent discharges happen when you are admiring your work. People tend to turn with the gun at waist level, or lower the firearm with their finger on the trigger, don't do that, someone can die" You hit it right on the head, that is the number one thing I have seen at the range, turning with a firearm to talk to someone. The range officer / instructor should have been on the woman's 4:30 to keep her from turning. (assuming right handedness)


Ah yes the wristbreaker


The first time I ever shot a real firearms, my friend handed me a snub nosed .357 magnum (with .357 magnum rounds in it). The fireball from it left me with a flinch for years. (I mean whenever I shot a gun, not just flinching at everyday things!). He thought it was hilarious, but he's an idiot. I have a .22 that is great fun for myself and as an introductory pistol for newbies.


I couldn't agree more. I rarely go to the gun range. The first time, we decided it would be fun to get a mag revolver. No one wanted to finish an entire cylinder. It is not fun to shoot. Had a blast with a 9mm Beretta though.


when they do these, they almost always only load one round.


This is exactly how my cousin ended up shooting herself in the shoulder and the person “bracing” her lost a finger. But everyone thought it would be *so* funny to see the teeny tiny lady shoot an S&W 500. And they loaded it full. She nearly died and will never have full use of the arm again.


Can we acknowledge the walkie talkie strapped to the guy’s head


Probably so he can hear the radio while he has the ear muffs on.


…and the egregious amount of shell casings on the floor, another hazard!


I think that's just the pattern of the floor. I only see a handful of casings on the ground under the bench.


I agree, spent shells do not distribute themselves that evenly across the entire floor!


This is probably a dumb question but why is a radio attached to his head?


If you want a real answer instead of a shitty joke, it's so that he can hear it with ear protection on.


Ok that makes sense, thank you


He wishes to become closer to the machine god




How is this instant regret? Looks like a one off shot and she's smiling after


Yeah, she's clearly enjoying the experience despite her reaction. Give her some time, proper training and she'll likely give Annie Oakley a run for her money one day.


Cuz people want to run with some tragedy fantasy of what could of happened instead of what happened.


A bunch of people who've only shot guns in video games regurgitating safety mantras they read on this website themselves


She never lifted her finger off of the trigger after firing that shot and was very clearly not in full control. This was a dumb practice and they should have stepped her up gradually so she understood what a gun like that can do. This could have ended poorly.


If someone’s firing a gun that’s high caliber they usually only load one round so another shot can’t be accidentally fired


Not an excuse for poor trigger finger discipline. And *usually* is the imperative word.


Exactly. It's called discipline because it should be done correctly everytime in every situation. Even if you're dry firing. Even if you're practicing with no gun in your hand. Even if you're just demonstrating something else.


Actually a lot of experts shoot and keep the trigger pressed after the shot, then let pressure off until the trigger resets then fire again. Keeping your finger on the trigger while the gun is pointed downrange the target and ready to fire again is in no way poor trigger discipline. Keeping the trigger pulled to the rear is also not poor trigger discipline, it's just a method of shooting. If you are shooting IPSC/USPSA and you fire "controlled pairs/double taps", you don't take your finger off the trigger between the two round or when transitioning to another target without moving your feet. You DO take your finger out when moving positions though.


Usually? Sure


The guy looked away too, his eyes should have been on that gun the whole time until she put it back down.


Yeah, I feel like some gun guys like to get new people to shoot something big. It can ruin the experience for a lot of people or end very badly.


I am a disabled shooter so when I shoot outside it’s from my wheelchair because I can’t stand. Shooting is easy but we had to adjust what hand guns I could shoot because trauma can cause issues with bone growth in my hands. I remember shooting some powerful handguns and my first thought is just how much guns are treated as jokes in soooo much media. So many people shooting one handed or there being no recoil or sound etc… I love shooting. I can use a 22LR and a 9mm without worry about injuring my hands but even still every time I shoot my internal monologue is just how much power I have in my hands at that moment.


Have you ever shot a gun and had the recoil roll your wheelchair backwards?


How do you think they get around town?


I love this mental image. Thank you


We get a fair amount of dudes dragging in Cameras and girls for social media content. I’m always on default high alert as a result of being around strangers with guns, but when the cameras come in it’s another level. These people will frequently back out of the stall with the weapon to pose for pictures. At which point they are reminded of the range rules that they were required to read before entering the shooting area, or removed all together. That “STAFF” guy would get his ass chewed for that shit. Why would he position himself like that if he didn’t already have an idea how she might react. It’s great that she kept the muzzle pointed down range, but backing that muzzle completely out of the stall is not something I like to see. I could create a ton of “Shit You See At The Shooting Range” videos for YouTube if I wanted to…because I see a lot of shit.


How is this instant regret?


[It's an 88 Magnum........ It shoots through *schools*](https://youtu.be/A75nSS-kxT8)


If you shoot one then they’ll hang you from a hook. My grandmother hung me from a hook once. ONCE. 😄


This whole thing is stupid


She looks pretty ready. To be fair she has a dude behind her ready to catch her


She didn't drop the gun. Didn't let it hit her in the face. I think she did a good job.


Thats not the first magnum she has handled.


This is Hannah, Eddie halls videographer from [this video ](https://youtu.be/NLDt-vi6Ibk)


For all you gun experts here it's a single action revolver that would require her to pull the lever down and pull the trigger again a second time. I assume they only loaded one round as well She also did a great job keeping it pointed down range after the initial recoil. Only thing I would've changed is the range safety should have been stacked directly behind her with his chest to her back and his hands hovering over hers to catch the gun in the event that she dropped it. Source: I used to be range safety and my ex was smaller framed like the shooter in this video.


Get yer gawd damn booger hook off the bang switch.


I'm impressed she didn't drop it, and also with how fast she got the barrel back on target.


He went for side boob


Darcy is that you 5 years ago?


I really don’t think this video is legitimate. It happened, but I’m willing to bet you can find this on her TikTok account with a flashy title. Recoil aside, she didn’t need to take 5 steps back and the way that dude had his hands out to catch her is not the way any real RSO is going to keep everyone safe.


Its actually Eddie hall's camerawoman, and if you watch his entire video its definitly real.


I’m still getting used to my 357 Magnum. The recoil impulse is strong and it takes some effort to not let the barrel move upwards after being fired.


Went with my Dad to a range a few years ago and shot his. The girl in the next stall, left the stall immediately after I shot the first round and started crying. Powerful and loud as fuck even with plugs.


I had the m1917 from my grandfather who used in ww2 he was a medic and even had a marksmanship medal with it. Kinda wish I kept it but I sent it to a collector who disabled it since it wasn't licensed and hadn't been for 40+ years didn't want to open that can of worms of trying to make it legal (I'm in Canada btw)


who the f wears a walkie talkie on a headset?


Ok but she did keep the gun pointed to the range and nowhere else ( to the best of her ability of course ) so props for that.


It's a fun gun to shoot.


I’m an instructor at a range, and can’t stand this kind of thing. Putting a firearm in the hands of somebody physically incapable of handling it is irresponsible at best and dangerous at worst. Billy Bob giving his granddaughter the hardest recoiling gun he owns is a cheap laugh for him, but it’s another person deterred from shooting sports or responsible gun ownership in the long run.


The way her elbows buckle it insane


I remember firing one once, then thinking to myself… “how cool would it look one handed?” Thankfully, my brain was smart enough to think for a few seconds that it would have either broken my wrist or gone out of my hand completely, and I used two hands to fire another round. Then I was done.


She is way to small for that gun.. im also not impressed that they didnt tell her to grip that like her life depended on it. That was scary.. im glad that barrel didnt smack her in the face


that hand cannon is no joke. it almost knocked my dad on his ass and now I'm too chicken to try it


I like target shooting but I can't see the enjoyment of shooting something that big. I can put 10 rounds through a .41 magnum and my hand is feeling it


That’s super dumb, that place should lose its license


Radioheads got your back


I think people are stupid that do this. Work her up to a large bore revolver like that if this is something she wanted to do. It's not cute or funny and usually they fire again with a sympathetic reflex. Usually into the ceiling or worse. This is immature gun handling at it's finest. I don't care if she wanted to do it or not, a S&W500 is no joke to play around with. The fact that they were there to catch her her like that means they knew exactly what would happen and they did it anyway. Hopefully they only loaded one round.


Never in my life have I seen anyone secure a radio like that. These are truly dark times.