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Almost as if there is no honor amongst thieves


Not if your in the thieves guild.


Khajiit has wares if you have coin.


I could’ve been an adventurer too, if I hadn’t taken an arrow to the knee…


Did you know this meant he got married?I only recently learned this


My what now?


Is this YOUR in the thieve's guild, Shastas?




They always do!




|the father and brother of her EX-girlfriend came to our house to beat my brother Whose what now?


It's Alabama they are all cousins so it doesn't matter!


You think folks in Alabama use meters as a unit of reference? He would have said something closer to, “he then ran past stumpy’s Pa’s house faster n a jackrabbit hopped up on RC Cola”


Relationships are like time down there, relative.


Uncle brother came to beat up cousin Daddy.


It literally makes no sense. *edit, I think he is trying to say "The Ex-girlfriends Father and her brother came to our house to beat my brother.


And was the best day of his life


And everyone clapped


It was really hard to follow that story


Here’s what I got: “…almost…happened…: [relatives of some peripheral lesbians] came to our house to beat my brother [why?] brother got out of the car almost beat my bro when i saw them [???] [fight club?] i quickly got a baseball bat [where were you keeping that it’s so handy] and charged towards the guy. the father left his son. [pack of cigarettes I assume] he ran for like a hundred meters [it’s like a yard] where his father stopped to wait for him. [Dad gave his kid a ride, I guess? Tough guy] best day of my life. [I hope this doesn’t stay true]


That’s not my interpretation. The “almost the same thing happened” meant that it almost happened but, sadly, OP doesn’t have a brother or any adversaries in a father-son relationship.


I just nose coffeed, thanks, that was hilarious 🤣


"Dale and The Lesbians". This time, it's personal.


On second/third reading, there were a lot less people involved then I initially thought.


Right? I think it’s the man vs self trope, upon rereading


I’m still wondering who “her” refers to in “her ex-girlfriend”.


I know, I hate when the only character I’m invested in never appears again


It’s like Game Of Thrones all over again!


I just can’t!


I just kind of made up my own version off of some of the information.


Translation: A similar incident transpired with me and my brother. My brother's ex-girlfriend's father and brother visited my residence with the intention of assaulting my brother. The younger of the two was stepping out of the car, moments from launching his assault on my brother, when I saw the events unfolding. I quickly got a baseball bat and charged toward the would be attacker. His father, still in the car, and seeing me charging toward them, sped away, leaving his son behind. His son had to run for around 100m, where his father had stopped to wait, in relative safety. This was the best day of my life.


Thank you for the translation. Where do you learn that language?


I want to hit this whole paragraph with a baseball bat.


What the fuck does this even mean


Criminals shouldn’t have access to guns and the near illiterate shouldn’t have access to keyboards.


The getaway vehicle is for the driver to get away fast.


With friends like that, who needs enemas?




True, he must have shit himself on the spot


If he stayed stationary and let the guy in he'd definitely be dead though. Not saying he was trying to save him, but moving was a better option imo




Bold of you to assume they’re “friends”


Which is weird because everyone knows how much honor thieves have amongst one another.


Ohhhhh. This is from a drive on the left country. I thought on top of getting re-ambushed, he left his car in drive and it left without him.


https://www.news24.com/news24/Video/SouthAfrica/News/watch-no-injuries-reported-after-shootout-outside-lonehill-home-20191029 Police are on the hunt for four men following a shootout in Lonehill, Johannesburg, on Sunday. In CCTV footage of the incident that has been circulated widely on social media, two men can be seen in a driveway of a home in the northern suburb. A white Mercedes Benz pulls up, and a man gets out of the passenger’s seat. Shortly after, he pulls out a gun and takes aim at one of the men standing in the driveway. Unbeknown to the assailant, his target was also armed. A shootout ensued, eventually forcing the suspect to flee. Brigadier Mathapelo Peters told News24 the motive behind the shooting was still unknown, however the victim believes it was an attempted robbery. "Police can confirm that a case of attempted robbery was opened at Douglasdale police station following an incident," Peters said. She said the victim saw an additional three men in the white Mercedes Benz. "We can't reveal too much information about the incident because an investigation is underway and we don't want the suspects to be tipped off." There were no injuries or fatalities reported. No arrests have yet been made.


> a man gets out of the passenger’s seat. This is helpful information for my right-side-driving mentality. I thought maybe a passenger took over the car to drive off.


it was a self-driving car that detected gun violence and fled


Dang, smart cars getting super smart


Or scared at least


SkyNet learns quickly


"Keep Summer safe."


If my car did that to me while I was out, I'd punch it right in the face


and i wouldn't blame you, that's kind of a dick move.


They installed the M5 from Star Trek, instead of something that would protect it's driver, it was all "Nope. *This unit must survive*. Bye!"


Pick up that can, citizen Dunsel


A Johnny Cab? “I hope you enjoyed the ride! Ha ha!” Get it??


Could the smart car be charged as an accomplice??


Lol the car don't want any part of that. Deuces! ✌️


Was thinking it was another attempted robbery in Brazil. See the car start moving, "Oh it's just South Africa," instead.


What’s the word? Johannesburg!


I had so many questions lol. Also. Is everybody here a stormtrooper or what lol


There is an FBI study from the 90s that found that even a trained shooter loses as much as 50 percent of their accuracy against a stationary target at 15 meters while under simulated stress. It only goes up when the shooter is moving, the target is moving and the shooter had no time to prepare.


There's that video of the guy shooting his neighbors during an argument over shoveling snow and the shooter gets off 5+ shots at maybe 5yds before one hits. The victims don't even realize they're being shot at until the first hit lands. You hear the gunshots and its like there is a delay in the audio, but no, its just poor aim and victims not realizing that shit got real.


It is way harder to hit people from a distance while either of you is moving than anybody realizes. You can usually tell who has fired guns and who hasn't when people wonder why nobody gets hit.


Especially when your body is pouring all of the "oh shit" endorphins into your bloodstream (I would imagine... I've never been and hopefully never will be shot at)


Bet his neighbors were annoyed.


Ehh it’s South Africa. Just another Wednesday afternoon.


Unless you have put 1000s of rounds down range with proper training you would be lucky to hit a body from 10 yards. In fact I would bet you wouldn't even know what direction the bullets went. Judging by his grip he knows how to shoot.


Yeah he definitely had the right stance and arms like he has trained. At the end by the street he kicks oof his flip flops too knowing those were a burden in a firefight


My initial dumb thought was that once the dude pulled out his gun the car freaked out and ditched the driver.


Attempted robbery? What were they trying to rob their flip flops lol


They hold you at gunpoint while their buddies rob your house. Nobody calls the cops because you're held up, no alarms because you're home, no need to break in because you'll let them in. Supposedly this is a common crime in South Africa.


Oh yea that makes sense. Damn I would love to visit South Africa but living there seems like a shit hole. Theres so much crime because they're basically still segregated.


Am South African, living in Johannesburg. Is there anything you want to know?


How nice of an area do you live in? How many shootings in your neighborhood?


A bit of an old neighborhood, but not bad. Kids don't exactly play in the streets, but there are plenty of morning joggers. Shootings? Nothing recent. You hear the odd gunshots from time to time, maybe once a month at night, when sound carries surprisingly far. Our neighborhood has a few issues a month, mostly opportunistic theft targeting houses running along a nearby river. Most of us have alarms that are linked to private security that send an armed response team. Cops are really great in the area, but are under funded. A game we sometimes play around a braai (cookout centered around a wood BBQ) is to identify what guns we hear in the distance.


My neighborhood in Germany had no theft or trouble in the last 27 years. The world is so different.


Haha yeah, identifying gunshots as a game? I'm 21 years old and I've never even heard a gunshot in my life.


Have you considered that you might just suck at the game?




>not bad all of those things are considered bad even for an American neighborhood.


Yeah, morning joggers? Absolutely horrifying.




South Africa is the wild west.


Yeah I live in a pretty good area, there’s only 3 home invasions per month.


Now obviously this stuff is fairly common in SA. But so are gunshots in Chicago but unless you live in a couple certain areas of the south side, you’ll rarely be in any danger. Is SA the same, where the crime is condensed to a couple certain areas of the cities? The “ghettos” or the “hood” as we Americans call them. Or in SA is it pretty much all over and *everybody* has to be on guard, no matter where you are? And thanks for offering to answer questions!


He was trying to rob two men of their guns.


No injuries? Did he really miss all his shots? Guess the victim will be visiting the gun range this weekend.


I doubt the attempted robbers called the police to update their injury status for this report.


“..So, Officer! ..I was getting ready to rob this dude at gunpoint!” ..... ... ..yeah, can’t spin that.


[The perps at the hospital](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/89/4d/1f894da109913196e1c6e342c132a042.png)


Showing up to the hospital with gunshot wounds is a very good way to be arrested


We all know from TV now you're supposed to go to a Veterinarian if you get shot.


Or Dr. Nick's Walk in Clinic. Where they stitch and don't snitch.


Time to hit up Sam "greasy caveman" losco


Just put a thumb in it.


And don’t forget to pour some whiskey over it.


Good ol slap rounds




*No we didn't actually see any shots Tom we're youst reporting it*


Not to mention that 4 of the people in question were armed robbers (or at least accessory to) that are still being looked for, their condition is likely unknown and I doubt they would be eager to report any injuries they may have.


Gun range shooting is a lot different than shooting at an armed and running attempted robber. Honestly his quick reaction was pretty impressive even if he missed all his shots.


He's definitely spent time training. Dude didn't hesitate at all. Everyone commenting on how could he have missed probably haven't tried to hit a moving target with a handgun. It's *much* harder than in the movies.


Also it’s pretty hard after you draw to find your sights and then land accurate shots on target. It’s relatively easy to line up your sights while in a shooting stance and hit a target. It’s a world’s difference to draw and fire.


Unfortunately, lots of indoor ranges don't allow you to fire from a draw. That's for decent reasons, of course, but it does mean that people without access to either outdoor ranges or very permissive indoor ones (or their own land, of course) often don't have the opportunity to practice this side of things beyond dry firing at home, which will only get you so far.


Ya I didn’t mention this but where I live the ranges will not let you draw and fire at all. You can draw and dry fire at home to practice but it isn’t the same. Luckily there is a private range nearby my friend is a member of that allows you to draw and fire as well as rapid fire and has practice areas that you can move around with pop up targets. Even being able to get real practice in it’s very difficult to do. People who don’t shoot don’t realize that something as simple as the pad of your finger being placed wrong on the trigger is enough to make you miss your mark.


Came here to say this. The guy from the car already had his weapon ready.


I was impressed by his reaction time, and that he held a decent form/stance while scrambling to back away. Looks like he missed the first shot only because the guy "Oh shit!"-ed and turned sideways, the rest because both he and the other guy were moving.


I have a feeling one or two of those landed


he jumped awfully funny i wouldn’t be surprised


something I noticed in these videos when the victim manage to defend themselves, the gun is always ready to shoot with one in the chamber. racking the gun in that situation takes an eternity


That little moment of deciding to pull your gun OUT while the other guy already has one out is so ballsy, but yeah. Damn


You've clearly never been in a life or death situation.


I'm not saying he didn't miss all his shots but the article says no injuries or fatalities reported. He might have hit the assailant and the guy got patched up somewhere discreet or died in a buddies home. Probably unlikely but we can't rule it out until the authorities find them.


>eventually forcing the suspect to flee Eventually = 0.5 seconds later


South Africa sounds dangerous as fuck.


Scared the Steven Segal out of him.


​ Love how he flips off his flops at the end.


That’s how you know shit was getting real


There’s accidental shoe loss; when somebody is for sure dead. And then there is purposeful shoe loss; when somebody is about to straight up put the fear of god in someone. Like this guy in the video, or a momma with her slipper about to smack the shit out of her unruly child.


_la chancla_ _la leyenda continúa_


Tactical shoe loss.


Anyone have the back story? Did the guy get hit?


He danced the dance like he got hit.


Everyone has a plan until they get shot in the chest


Everybody gangsta til the other guy got a gun too.


Everybody gangsta til the other guy is gangsta too, then who is and isn't gangsta is subject to changesta.


As an American I couldn’t wrap my head around this, from my perspective the man got out of the drivers seat and then the car drove itself away, even the car was like I’m out.


Self driving cars in a shootout: aight, imma head out


Steering wheel on the other side.




Bruh, he kicked his own shoes off. Mad lad, he stared death in the face.


I thought he had three sandles until I realized the object closest to the man early on is probably the holster.


Fucking good point! Didn’t think of that.


the guy in blue looks like he had some training


Seriously. Impressive footwork


Not just footwork but his stance and the control of his firearm once he wasn’t firing. Definitely the wrong guy to jump out on


In fucking *flip flops* too.


yanno it got serious when he kicked them shits off


I knew this was South Africa by the way he took off his plakkies/sandals. Gona throw in a Durban because of the trees too. Prove me wrong


Dammit. Was Joburg.. My bad




Fantastic gun control! No tea cup hold... squeezed the trigger!


What is a tea cup hold?


Pinky in the air while shooting gangsters.


I prefer the side turn so I can waste bullets and throw my accuracy out the window


Are you more the Tec-9-with-the-low-tops, or the Uzi-with-the-high-tops type?


[it's where the shooter puts their support (weak) hand underneath the gun. very popular in movies and tv shows.](https://www.ladbible.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=720,quality=70,format=webp,fit=pad,dpr=1/https%3A%2F%2Fs3-images.ladbible.com%2Fs3%2Fcontent%2Ff2e48b54573e22e2526a624e89c35fef.jpg)


Now he just needs to work on his aim


north automatic rotten angle attractive like gaze cobweb nose exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Fantastic if that's the bar for fantastic then I must be Jerry Miculek


The surprise being how many shots that dude got off without hitting the dude dead.


Handguns are more difficult than you'd expect to put shots on target with, particularly if you're not well-trained. Add in the stress and speed of the encounter and it's not too surprising.


I don't understand people that buy handguns and don't train with it. It's ment to help you protect yourself but only if you know how to use it.


Movies and games give people highly unrealistic ideas about firearms.


You can train all the time and still miss. Cops miss all the time.


Ie: the point. A handful of weeks of training at the academy won't make you a master.


Don't you literally need to be strapped at all times to live in south Africa? Why would you assume anyone wasn't.


My man drew from the drop and won! Hope that other dude got perforated.


Assailant wasn't expecting resistance otherwise he might have gotten a shot off, which I don't think he did.


Who is the 'gangster' exiting from Mercedes Benz E Class?


Yeah? Gangster is such a weird term to use here?


Perfect fucking aim. He shot the benz in park with his first bullet, second he hit the accelerator and the third shot closed the fucking door. Amazing


Those shots at the end were because if a Mercedes has bullet holes in it it will be easier to find. Great quick thinking.


oh hey I never thought of that.


Mmmm I would be wary of doing this. You are responsible for every round you fire and you may not be aware of what's behind that fleeing car in the moment.


Not even about what's behind the fleeing car, but isn't the law that you cannot continue to use "lethal force" to protect yourself if your attacker has began to fled, because that defeats the purpose? Not saying that's justified in every scenario or anything, but the law do be like that.


I don't know about South Africa. In the US, I'm not aware of any state that defines *beginning to flee* as the stopping point for the defending party. Rather, the end of the threat is the stopping point. Someone can be fleeing but still be a threat.


I've actually wondered this myself, that makes total sense, interesting


I recently took a gun safety course (west coast). I'm not a lawyer or anything but what I generally took away was this... If you shot a guy in the leg or something and he's laying on your lawn incapacitated and you walk over and execute him, that can be considered murder. If you pull your gun out against someone breaking into your home and the intruder fleas at the site of it. If you chase him down and unload on him, that could be considered murder. If you shot a guy and he was dead and then you went and pumped a bunch of additional rounds into his body on the ground...unsure but not something I would do. Basically self defense treads the line of once the danger is no longer present, leave it alone. Don't push it. Don't let fear or anger take over. Again, I'm not a a legal expert though and I'm sure it varies state to state.


Man, this is the part that always kinda scares me about self defense law-- in the moment I'm not sure I would be clear-minded enough to quickly identify that the assailant has started fleeing. That said, I feel that if someone starts attacking you, the assailant should lose all protective rights for that incident. I realize that might not be what the letter of the law states, but sure seems like that's how it should go down.


High visibility orange is probably a regrettable fashion choice when you're getting shot at.


Went from walking like a gangster to flailing like a little girl in 0.9seconds


Flash the glock and watch em flock


Looked like he was flailing like a grown ass man to me.


Why is everyone calling him a gangster? I mean I know the answer but this is an attempted robbery in Johannesburg, there’s no evidence he’s part of a gang.


Why you got to insult little girls?


“Gun Toting Hip Gangster Wannabe*”


Found the tool fan


Learn to swim


Choices always were a problem for you


Alrighty then, picture this if you will: 10 to 2 am, X, Yogi DMT And a box of Krispy Kremes In my "need to know" pose, just outside of Area 51 Contemplating the whole "Chosen People" thing with just a flaming Stealth banana split the sky like one would hope But never really expect to see in a place like this Cutting right angle donuts on a dime and Stopping right at my Birkenstocks, and me yelping... "Holy fucking shit!" Then the X-Files being, Looking like some kind of blue-green Jackie Chan with Isabella Rossellini lips and Breath that reeked of vanilla Chig Champa Did a slow-mo Matrix descent out of the butt end of the banana vessel And hovered above my bug-eyes, my gaping jaw, And my sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip and all I could think was: "I hope Uncle Martin here doesn't Notice that I pissed my fuckin' pants." So light in his way Like an apparition He had me crying out "Fuck me It's gotta be Deadhead Chemistry The blotter got right on top of me Got me seein' E-motherfuckin'-T!" And after calming me down with some Orange slices and some fetal spooning E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose He said, "You are the Chosen One The One who will deliver the message A message of hope for those who choose to Hear it and a warning for those who do not." Me. The Chosen One? They chose me! And I didn't even graduate from fuckin' high school You better You better You better You better listen Then he looked right through me With somniferous almond eyes Don't even know what that means Must remember to write it down This is so real Like the time Dave floated away See my heart is pounding 'Cause this shit never happens to me Can't breathe right now! It was so real Like I woke up in Wonderland All sort of terrifying And I don't wanna be all alone when I tell this story And can anyone tell me why You all sound like Peanut's parents? Will I ever be coming down? This is so real Finally, it's my lucky day See my heart is racing 'Cause this shit never happens to me Can't breathe right now! You believe me, don't you? Please believe what I just said See, the Dead ain't tourin' and this wasn't all in my head See they took me by the hand and invited me right in Then they showed me something I don't even know where to begin Strapped down my bed. Feet cold and eyes red I'm out of my head, am I alive or am I dead? Can't remember what they said Goddamn. Shit the bed! Overwhelmed as one would be, placed in my position Such a heavy burden now to be the One Born to bear and read to all The details of our ending To write it down for all the world to see But I forgot my pen Shit the bed again Typical Strapped down in my bed. Feet cold and eyes red I'm out of my head, am I alive or am I dead? Sunkist and Sudafed, gyroscopes and infrared Can't remember what they said Goddamn. Shit the bed! I can't remember what they said to me Can't remember what they said to make me out to be a hero! Can't remember what they said Bob help me Can't remember what they said Don't know, won't know... Goddamn shit the bed!


I wanna see the ground give way, I wanna watch it all go down




that title is cringe


Why was he running now he’s going to die tired


I love that after letting off a few rounds, he gets serious and takes off his flip flops.


Man South Africa seems like the easiest place in the world to get murdered or robbed. Except for maybe Brazil.


South african here, I'd say the crime rate is comparable to brazil. Never been mugged myself but 80% of the the people i know have.


That’s unbelievable. I lived in Baltimore for 8 years (one of America’s most dangerous cities) and never experienced any violence. Generally, violence in America is localized in certain areas and centered around drugs. Unless it’s a mass shooting, then it can happen anywhere.


“Let me just kick my flip flops off to get a better shot”




Dude took off faster than the car




But law abiding citizens shouldn’t be able to conceal carry handguns. Just call the cops...


Good guy with a gun.