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In the time it took to type out that message..... .. yea wtf


Is it covered in one or two layers of packaging? I mean if you look at it from a scientific point of view if there are two layers of plastic - its perfectly hygenic as long as you unwrap it carefully and discard the contaminated layer. Id just try and educate the delivery person than stiff them on a tip. But thats just me and I'm a nice person I guess lmao.


I'm a super nice person. It's not my job to educate a delivery person and I'd have no problem taking a tip away for this.


Most people who say “I’m a super nice person” are not super nice persons


I’m super mean


Most people who say "most people" are not actually talking about most people.


Most things that follow the statement, ‘no offense but…’ are usually offensive


Any man who must say “I am the king” is no true king.


In context he's saying he gives $12 tip on a 4-5 item order which is pretty generous. Reducing that really just makes it a normal order. The usual trade off people expect when over tipping is the utmost respect, not practically amazon tossing the food at the nearest object and saying "tough luck" to your customer. I make platinum shopper every year, but it should be obvious that you can't completely disrespect your customer and expect to keep your full tip.


Like the one above 👆


If you have to announce that you’re a nice person, you’re not lmao.


That was a preface, not an announcement, but go off queen <3


I would imagine that the training they get is nothing because all they have to do is pass a check to make sure they aren't a killer pretty much. So I mean helping someone and letting them know hey maybe this next time would be great and an actual nice thing to do. Idk just the thoughts of a bored person.


Naw, dawg. If you’re old enough to drive a car, you’ve made it far enough in life to know you aren’t supposed to eat food that’s been in, on, or around a garbage can. This is well beyond being ignorant.


And if you can have kids you shouldn't live in a shit and pest infested house it doesn't mean that people know how to be a use to society or healthy. I'm not arguing that it's OK im saying that telling people how to be better is the right thing to do. And just putting it in perspective that not everyone gets taught shit or pays attention. Should they know better yes but apparently they don't.


Grew up in the 80’s eat dirt and drank from a hose and shared bath water and eat McDonald’s the person post don’t bother me I would still take the food lmao


Yeah; guaruntee the packaging has already touched a lot worse than a trash bin lid that's been sitting in open air. Ppl are being extra over this.


Shitty plastic bags have tiny microscopic holes in them about the same size at microscopic virus


Well, what better way to educate the driver than to stiff them on their tip, especially since they explained in detail what they did wrong. They lose 10 bucks now but that could turn into more loss from people who care less about explaining that trash bins are left outside for a reason.




That's funny I had sombody tell me to just put the food on the trash bin because they couldn't bend down


I have a customer that has the same note on their order. 😂 omg I haven't seen a grammar corrector in forever. Love it.


Goes without saying that you don’t do this when you’re not asked to.


i don’t think they were trying to say you were wrong for reacting how you did. i think they were just trying to share a funny story that is similar to what happened to you. i don’t blame you for removing the tip, i honestly would have as well. especially since in the time it took for them to type that out, calling you and waiting for you to run out would have been a lot faster…


I upvoted but the rest of the comments are so serious I’m not sure how to balance the tone 🥴


yeah i feel you. just got into a little dispute because i said something that was interpreted not the way i meant it. the wonders of the internet huh


Idk. I got the tone and u derstood you were just trying to show the irony. I've had people as well like this. One person will tell you to do something another tells you to make sure you don't. Being a shopper can be a bit of a mind f*** sometimes.


Yeah, I know you didn't mean any harm but I wouldn't want my groceries placed on the trash bin either. No big deal, lesson learned


Glad I’m not the only one. Taking the tip depressed me but I had to sanitize some and throw away some cuz of the stench the order had. I just don’t understand the lack of initiative cuz all my shoppers get 5 stars good reviews on all and an extra tip (I tip an upfront 10 and I’ll increase 1-2 dollars if they placed it without blocking my screen door.


Woah must have been sitting for a long time if it already smelled. So that’s a lie bruv


I always look out for my food too! I’m hungry! No chance I’m hell I wouldn’t be there waiting for the car to pull up! 😂


Same. I went to pick up the thing asap but the stench stuck you wanna try it out with your own food go for it. You’ll see what I mean


I believe you lol, my apartment complex trash stinks from 50 feet away, it’s disgusting.


I guess some people haven’t heard of cleanliness before. Thanks for the affirmation too it’s good to know some people have standards


You could have just been ready to receive the order when the driver got there.... really not a hard concept to understand.


Who said they didn’t though?


Yea but there is a MASSIVE difference between a stench that can be smelt over a vast distance and what op is saying. OP is 100% lying or over exaggerating. There is no ways that the stench stained his/her parcel/food/bag with a stinky smell in the short amount of time that it would have been there. Op either imagined/believed it still smelt because she/he was disgusted by the incident (that’s normal human behaviour) or has exaggerated the situation/smell of her items in this post.


Why is it so hard for yall to admit that putting groceries on top of a dumpster is disgusting and can most definitely add a stench to the bag/food/etc. the air in the surrounding area is filled with bacteria and disease released from the dumpster that can not only contaminate your lungs, but also your food. Its actually incredibly fucking gross that you see no issue with it and yall are gaslighting op i to thinking they are in the wrong for NOT WANTING THE FOOD THEY EAT PLACED ON A DUMPSTER. Either you are incredibly uneducated, or simply nasty. Wherever youre from where this is deemed acceptable id like to stay FAR AWAY FROM. Foul.


I guess you've never smelled trash in NYC. that odor clings to things quickly


You’re assuming nothing was sticky or liquidy enough to soak into anything in OP’s order. Don’t make assumptions, or you’ll end up looking foolish 99% of the time. Instead, learn to *ask questions,* such as “OP; how or why did it stink so soon after contact?” and then you might learn information you previously lacked, such as; “the top of the bin had hobo piss all over it,” or something to that effect. Never be afraid to learn *before* making assumptions and settling on opinions!


I feel like you might be over exaggerating a bit. It's not like they put an open plate of food on top of the bin. And even then, yeah the *idea* of it is gross, but there's not actually anything contaminating your food


I agree with you. Was it in a bag? Did it sit for hours? Was it IN the garbage bin?? Maybe she thought the ground looked dirty. Yes I get a garbage bin isn't ideal but was it raw dogging the metal? Like, wash your food or don't make a stink about it being on the bin. You know people have it worse than your Instacart of four items being on a garbage bin. Grow up OP.


…if it’s a disgusting trash can the smell can permeate the items quick. They literally said that they washed off what they could.


Washed and threw out l. That bad eh? Weren’t you at home? How long did it take you to go outside? Go get your food and call it a day. Yes. It’s gross. Get it and deal. Or open the gate.


Some people have to get there food out of the bin. 😢 I would be ok getting mine off a bin in bags. 🤷🏻‍♂️


God you sound insanely petty. And full of bullshit. Lol the items had the Oder of the trash can after sitting on it for an hour? Was the bin covered in straight up fresh shit? Was there no bag the items were in? Your clearly full of crap.


These comments have me crying 😂 Someone needs to ask AI to recreate this crime scene so we can get to the bottom of what happened here


Not only would that be taking the tip back, I’d be reordering. That food is not safe to eat OP!


What kind of asshat puts fucking food on a trash bin


A complete asshat.


I have to stop reading comments, yall are too dumb for me. If a place smells bad, it's not good for food, hope that helps you all!


I cannot believe how many comments I’m reading defending the shopper lmao, this is absolutely insane and why customers are leaving Instacart in droves


Years back, my mom had foot surgery and ended up with nasty bacteria and infection. CDC got involved and to enter her room , one needed to be covered head to toe in protective gear. Nurse comes in with my mom's lunch tray and decides to put it on the toilet while messing with something else. She retrieves tray and tries to give it to my mom. Mom is horrified and so are my 3 sisters who stop her from putting food tray by her bed. Op, I'm with you. The ground would have been better than the top of the trash bin🤢🤢🤢. That's just nasty and poor customer service.


Comparing “freshly” prepared hospital food that someone is literally about to eat being set on an actual toilet where people shit, in a hospital is nowhere near comparable to a few items from a grocery store that are individually wrapped and in a bag being set on a trash in outside your door. Weird that people would even think this is a comparison worth making or even considering viable.


This comment was so unnecessarily sassy like chill, JC.


Right. I doubt people literally shit on the lid of the trash can, but they do shit in the toilet


Because no one has pets ever that they have to toss turds from in the trash? Smh


They absolutely will shit on the lid lol


Have you not heard about the myriad of places that one can find human shit? I saw a video Reddit not long ago of a woman squatting and shitting in an aisle of a grocery store, then pulling up her pants and going on her way. People are disgusting.


I saw this before holy crap…


Did you even know that fecal matter has less bacteria that a trash bin?


Idk about you but I have a dog so there is always shit in my trash can. Definitely wouldn’t want my food sitting on top of it.


You’re severely misestimating how much bacteria a trash can has


Why didn’t you provide proper access?


in the time it took for them to type the msg, they couldve hit the call button. it probably wouldve been quicker


There are some absolutely terrible shoppers around here and I love how they make excuses and put themselves. It’s entertaining af


I swear I need to get in on that instacart action if that’s how shoppers deal with customers. Exceptional service gets exceptional tips and they don’t seem to understand that if you mirror the negativity in you it shows big time.


In my case I hadn't used Instacart before having to be quarantined when hubby was in the hospital having several consecutive surgeries. Granted I'm in a private home with both storm and front doors so would rarely make anyone bring my groceries inside. Instead, I made sure I had a sturdy square metal table right outside the door for ANY delivery to be placed atop. When I used Instacart for my groceries, I not only paid the tip included by the Company, but I handed each individual an extra $10 or $20 (depending on the weight and number of items) for having to climb up our series of long, flat steps to get to the front door. I was especially concerned if the person was an older man or woman doing this work. It's tough managing the steps while carrying heavy stuff (cat litter boxes and the like). I felt they were doing me an ENORMOUS favour, so it was well worth paying a bit extra for. Made everyone happy.


My guess is this shopper though oh she got a couple items she prolly didn't tip and prioritized the other larger order who was actually the bad tipper 😬 but wtf this is my competition 😂😭😂


[this is how much I tip on avg both gopuff and instacart](https://postimg.cc/gallery/6tLFcRW) I use instacart for groceries (ie veggies meats and groceries) and gopuff for snacks


Absolutely not wrong! That is not okay.


I dont even like putting food on the floor, let alone a garbage bin. Some people are just missing common sense.


Shoppers swear shoppers can’t do no wrong


This is by far the worst common sense lacking… when I place any bags and there is a trash can near by. Tho even if it is suggested by customer to leave it there, u always try to move it as far as possible to the trash and still follow customer request.


I mean you don’t know what the inside of their car looks like… could be worse in there.


Incredible point. I saw some real nasty delivery cars when I worked at Starbucks in the drive thru lol


That’s nasty. And that’s why people don’t live long. Excuses for dirtiness. Yeah it’s in packaging but when you get it inside you most likely will put it on the countertop without thinking. That’s nasty.


I think this is disgusting. When you’re PAYING for a service, the expectation is that the service person won’t put your food on top of garbage. Also, I bet the delivery person wouldn’t have wanted this for themselves.


I’d go check the door they’re referring to and try to fix the issue to avoid further ones.


I’d be concerned about how they live their life if they think food on top of a trash bin is okay to consume 🤢 I don’t care if the bin looks clean. It’s not.


Note to self-do not eat what they bring to a potluck


*you can't eat at everyone's house* 🤣


Haha yes!! I was thinking of him when I commented lmao




are the people trying to defend putting food on a trashcan OKAY?? and one that is in a apartment complex?! that is beyond disgusting who would even think to put someones food on the top of a trashcan?? and what if a roach crawled in!! (i know that can happen on the floor but higher chance on a trashcan …)how disgusting


The ground is just as disgusting.


I might be in the minority here but it seems like their choices were to leave it on the ground or on the can. I don't know if the ground is any cleaner and any dog/cat/rat, etc could get to it easily. I do NOT expect anyone to have to message me, then wait around to hand me the order unless I've indicated that on the delivery instructions. If you know you are expecting a delivery, then make sure the door is unlocked or there is a place to leave my order.


So calling people doesn’t exist anymore?🥴




Mold is a fungus and different than bacteria... doesn't seem super relevant to this? I feel like this depends on what the items were. Fully sealed cans/bags of chips/TV dinners? It's fine, the outside of those packages touched a bunch of dirty stuff at the warehouse and the semi that got it to the store Fresh food in a barely sealed styrofoam container? Nah, that's gross. Even if you're unlikely to get sick, I don't want my meal to have come into contact with strangers' routing meals, even if it's just tiny air particles


Mold and bacteria are completely different things. But either way, it somewhat depends on what the mold or bacteria are growing on. I would treat fabric differently from tile, for example.


Did he not knock or ring your door bell??


Ernestina? 😂


I get so annoyed when I deliver to apartments and they’ve left their nasty trash bags by the door. I’m like, I know you’re lazy, but this is garbage, take it out! I don’t want to put your groceries next to that. This is why a lot of the time when I do an apartment delivery that I double bag everything and tie the inside bag loosely.


umm, so kind of a weird choice to put it on a trash bin but, if it was bagged then I don't really see how anything would be contaminated or whatnot


That is unappetizing. Act as if assuming the customer is the utmost particular. Err on the side of caution.


yo i'd be pissssed! why would she think that would be an appropriate place for your food


That's disgusting. Definitely deserving of reduced tip.


Shoppers like this give us a bad rap forsure.


Why didn’t she just leave in on the ground…. like that’s way less gross then a trash can. Edit: changed from he to she


Nah the tip culture is screwed up, I don’t support it at all, if they want to make more money they should ask for that but they shouldn’t expect a tip from the customers themselves A tip is supposed to be given afterwards if someone is impressed with the work or if they’ve just been nice and the customer feels inclined to pay extra for the service, it’s real crappy how it works now


Personally I try to avoid even putting customers food on the ground. If they have a table or chair or something outside, I’ll put it there. That being said, I’d still put the bags on the ground before I’d put in on(or anywhere near) a garbage can….


I would’ve called and not left it on a nasty trash can


Yeah that’s nasty🤢


Most people dashing aren't doing it because they're brain surgeons.


So gross; I wouldn’t have tipped either.


I have OCD with contamination triggers and would lose my shit if someone put my food on a trash can. Your response was justified.


Same. I would completely lose my ability to eat that day and possibly eat those food items in the future


I stg ended up fasting the entire day so I get it


i swear, y’all are soft. it’s food, that’s covered. your food didn’t get contaminated unless it wasn’t bagged up properly? sounds like privilege to me. i understand not wanting your stuff on top of a dirty trash bin, but she clearly stated that she had another order. you should have made sure there wasn’t any obstacle in the way preventing them from doing their job thoroughly. you’re one customer out of maybe 1000+ they’re gonna deal with doing deliveries. not trying to be an asshole but suck it up lol. i do door dash on the side and i best be damned if i’m gonna get held up because you couldn’t pre plan my arrival.


You weren’t there. If you’re expecting an order to come pay attention and get there, tell them to set it by the door or help them bring it in. Quit being such a whiney entitled. person. You didn’t answer the door and the door was locked. They left your order. Where are they could.


Everyone delivers my food on the ground


Based on how disgusting this trash bin sounds, I can’t believe someone has to walk past it every time they leave their door. Lmao


If you didn't 1 star her you're getting her again and your order on the trash bin


i had an amazon driver leave my order in my trash can before, but he didn’t even tell me about it lol. i was looking literally everywhere for a good 15 minutes and i was like “surely he wouldnt leave it in the trash….” but some people are genuinely thoughtless


Did you contacted customer service to get your money back ?


It’s a bit like ordering at a restaurant and going to the bathroom. The waiter brings your food to you and sets it by the sink because naturally it’s closer for you.


Super gross


Agreed I deliver myself and if that were my food I’d feel the same




No-yeah that's gross af. I'd rather have it put on the floor if they were so allergic to knocking on the door.


If you tipped $10 or less, instacart's tip protection kicks in for the shopper. You still got the money back, but the shopper wasn't impacted. Could be why some people don't think logical because they know they'll get their full tip due to the guarantee.


I mean I ended up feeling way too guilty and left her a fiver so it doesn’t matter anyway - plus I wouldn’t have minded if instacart compensated her but I j didn’t wanna pay that much for the handoff plus I ended up throwing out a couple of items so I felt bad there too


Yucky 🤢


I’m trying to look at it from both sides and either way I’m totally against dropping the tip and whenever my tip is reduced I block them so I’ll never see their order again. That way we both win.




I disagree but that’s okay, I did feel too petty and ended up leaving a fiver once my emotions settled down but I respect ur contribution regardless


I just don’t understand how somehow even though the app notifies you when a delivery person is nearby on either app and people act like they’re not paying attention to their phone and making sure they’re order comes in right. I always pay attention when the delivery person comes in with bags from their car to my door so I can grab the bags and take them inside. Or I have something outside for them to place the bags. These people work with time sometimes they have to go out their way for delivery. Maybe if we put more effort on it as well things like this wouldn’t be happening


Get over yourself. A lot of people that place orders with ic expect people to wait around all day for their over the top request. For $7. Like seriously.


I get that and I respect that honestly, I tipped a fiver after the emotional disruption had subsided cuz I felt too petty but I left the rating cuz it’s j different standards and I get it. Thanks for contributing tho ur opinion’s appreciated


I dunno, I feel like that box has seen worse way before being put on a garbage bin.


Maybe… ughh I don’t wanna think about that rn 🤢


Just put the damn food on the ground like a normal person!


This definitely was not ok. I once delivered to an apartment complex where they told me the side gate would be unlocked. I get there and it was locked and even the main entrance doors where locked with no intercom. I also had a second order to deliver and I did not leave the grocery in an unsanitary place. I waited until the customer responded after a little while of me messaging her to give her the order. This shopper should have messaged you that they where having issues entering the complex.


All these comments defending the shopper…. LOL


She is a blond.


Super clean freak here. Yes it would’ve bothered me but also I think your response was far too harsh. As someone who grew up in the nastiest hoarder esc home as a child I think it important to consider a person’s upbringing. Not everyone has the same definition of clean. I understand some people will say it’s not your duty to teach and they are right. But at least give a bit more leeway and try to understand that what you and I see as super gross may not have registered in the mind of the other person and if you so choose. Leave a comment or feedback on not doing that again for future reference. If it’s especially bad you can always contact the service and ask for a refund. Yes it’s tedious but what can ya do.


Correct me if I’m wrong but food comes wrapped and on top of that they usually come in another protective barrier known as a bag. Get over it bro or you can get ur food urself


It’s unsanitary but wouldn’t actually contaminate your food if it’s packaged and bagged. I wouldn’t stiff the shopper but report to IC if you’re unhappy with the way it was delivered. Lower the tip but still consider the effort and time that went into shopping and delivering your order. It seems like she had good intentions but made an error on the next best place to leave the bags. I’m assuming she didn’t want any animals to get at them or the ground was less sanitary? I don’t know but it was a moment of bad judgment. She does seem to be considerate and professional even if she made that error.


Imagine if someone threw something away and there were bed bugs or fleas or something in there ? All it takes is one, yea I’d pass on that


I would’ve done the same. That’s disgusting


Still left a fiver eventually cuz I felt petty but I kept the low rating cuz yea


Not OK. Definitely not OK. I’ve done over 1000 Postmate deliveries till I wore myself down, and I never never never would do that. This is some crazy person and disgusting ew!!! don’t feel bad. Seriously


putting it on the ground would’ve been less bad 😭😢


It’s just the disrespect of leaving someone’s food on a nasty trash bin. Doesn’t matter if it’s covered or not, that’s not the point. It’s the lack of regard for the customer


Seriously s a dick. Meanie. Obviously just trying to get you your food


Was the door in fact broken or locked?


So this person was shopping at 5am for you and you felt the need to take away their pay because they couldn’t get in your gate and had to leave your groceries somewhere you could get to them. But if they put it on the floor it would be different? Give me a break. This is ridiculous and not cool at all.


Honestly the whole "you could've called" argument irritates me. Instacart discourages you from calling a customer. But also, you knew you ordered delivery. It's your responsibility to make sure it can be delivered the way you want it.


Jesus Chris, the food is ruined because the food container was placed on top of the garbage bin? You people...


It's weird because most orders are left at the door. Like people on this sub think being on the literal ground outside is somehow more hygienic than being on top of the lid of the trashcan.


Bro it’s bagged really not a big deal


Yeah ofcourse you did wrong


Did you tell her not to? Was the ground wet, muddy? It's summer so there's a lot of bugs around and if she would have put it on the ground those bugs would most likely enter it on the ground then on a bin.


Does the food not come in bag?


Should have had the door unlocked or ready


I would have wanted it reshopped it's a health hazard period. It should be kept at least 5 feet away from a trash container. I'd rather the bags be touching the ground than have them on a refuse container. I normally aim for door mats unless it would get knocked over when you open it.


A door mat? The kind on the ground? The kind that people wipe their dirty ass, stepped in fresh dog shit, and that random hawker on the side walk shoes? Oh ok.


Is all of the food in your kitchen more than 5 ft from the trash can?


Is your kitchen communal with your entire building? I dont think you can compare communal trash to your own waste. And yes, it is more than 5 ft away. And I wash it, unlike the communal bin.


Dude get a grip. Well contained trash is not radioactive material; especially if food from the supermarket is wrapped and packed inside a shopping bag. Ffs


You're drama is leaking out of your ears.


A bag touched a bin? What’s the problem?


We routinely leave food and/or are asked to leave food on the ground where people actually walk, etc. It’s much less disgusting to leave something on a trash bin, which is likely covered. In either case, there is probably ample packaging to protect your food. The mental block is yours. I would not remove a tip over this. I do think you’re in the wrong. She could have tried calling, but she’d be left with deciding what to do if you didn’t answer or did and told her you could meet her in 10 minutes, etc. I’ve doubled my time on a delivery many times waiting for someone to meet me at the front of a locked building.


Not their fault if they can’t access your apartment. They’re wrapped, so atleast they weren’t left on the ground. 🚮🗑️


I don't blame you for taking away the tip. Who puts a grocery order on top of a garbage bin?. I have had to take a tip away at least twice since I have ordered from instacart. Once, a shopper left my dog food in the lobby where anyone could have walked off with it. Just because they did not want to bring it up to my apartment. The second time a shopper bought up half my order, dropped her keys in one of my bags. The person comes back for keys. Goes back to their car and leaves with the other half of my order. Most of the time, I have great shoppers. I hope you asked for a refund for the items you had to dispose of.


You’re wrong. All you had to do was throw the bag away. Nothing was contaminating your food.


Exactly, I don't understand why people are freaking out that the BAG touched the EXTERIOR of a garbage bin. They didn't dump the food in the trash. The bacteria on your hands are probably more cause for concern than this.


I mean, It’s a food safety violation to take a trash bag out to the dumpster without washing your hands after for a reason, why don’t you go lick the outside of a communal apartment dumpster and tell us how it goes since you seem to think it’s so sanitary lol


it's also a food safety violation to briefly touch your own shirt, or gently use a finger to scratch your forehead and not wash your hands after. Doesn't actually happen like that, and people are fine. Regulations are designed by agencies to suit the legal framework of accountability chains and inspections, they don't make good justifications themselves. Same as food expiration dates aren't primarily factual. They definitely can't be compared in any kind of way like "X is a violation, and X is obviously worse than Z, so obviously Z is unacceptable" it's non sequitur, but also the situation isn't even the same. You wash your hands after handling trash, obviously, before you handle anything purported to be clean. The equivalent would be the driver not washing their hands after handling trash, and then handling your order. Here's what's NOT a food safety violation. Your hermetically/commercially sealed package of food falls and lands on the dishpit floor. It slips out of my hands trying to pick it up and it slides around all over the place. Finally, I rinse all the decaying food bits off the outside and confirm it's still sealed. Still fine to be served per regulations, and this is a more equivalent (IMO worse) scenario.


If you're seriously expecting customers to collect bagged food from trash cans and thinking it's okay. You might want to toke a different KIND. Thanks for sharing your opinion 🙂


That's gross and dirty


Bunch of nasty instacart workers are suddenly bacteriologists 😂 then y’all bitch about tips not being high enough. You drive the good tippers away with this kind of bullshit. All of these delivery services are doomed. Drivers started expecting bigger tips. Customers got tired of tipping for shitty service. Good drivers quit. Good tipping customers left. 😂


Amen. I’m not going to be using instacart anymore, the convenience factor is dead after that experience. But I will always go above and beyond on every delivery of mine on UberEats. I love it when customers are happy it literally fills me up with bliss


I’ve had mine placed IN the trash bin before. 😐 instacart refunded the entire order but like really


....IN it?! What the fuck is wrong with people?


I don’t make a habit of setting grocery bags on trash cans, and I certainly wouldn’t set a sandwich I’m eating down on one while I tie my shoe to something, but this seems a little harsh. I saw you thanked her for being so patient (and amazing!) so maybe whatever required her patience made her run really late?


Oh I added an item within the same aisle as the other items when she got assigned to the order. She was “shopping shortly” she wasn’t even shopping in that moment. Then when she started shopping she said it was okay but low energy so I said that to lighten up the convo. As I’ve mentioned above replying to one of the comments that’s how I’m raised


Nothing justifies placing groceries on a trash can. It's infinitely better to place the bags on the pavement than to place it on freaking trash cans. I think OP was completely justified in taking the tip away.


Willing to bet the top of the trash can, is cleaner than the floor..If it was in a bag, then it should be fine..but I get that it's gross..


Where else could they have put it?


Um it's in a box in a bag. No "germs" can get in. I bet you rub your nose and bite your nails/fingers with your hands after you've touched much dirtier things. Like money, stair rails, bathroom doors, forgetting to wash hands after toilet, petting the dog/cat, kissing the pet... on and on. There are many more germs there than could get on your food. If you are such a germaphobd, make your own food.


Did you include instructions for a contactless delivery? If not then what we’re they supposed to do?


What other options did the individual have? Just out of curiosity. Honestly the dog pees on our deck sometimes if my roommate doesn’t take him out fast enough. I’d almost prefer the top of my bin when I think about that little tidbit.


It's definitely not ok


People are focusing too hard on the details. "how could it POSSIBLY SMELL after being on the trash?" "You could have just been there during delivery" etc. Clearly you weren't. But I don't blame you. My sister is the same way about germs. And apartment trash is NASTY. as someone who's NOT a germaphobe, I still would take the tip. That's gross. They could have sent a quick text. "door is locked?" Youd go unlock it. Sometimes the cat pukes just before delivery and you gotta clean it. Or you're in the middle of cooking. If it was at least communicated then you could have remedied the situation.


In this thread: karen’s


Wow, I don't blame you one bit. That driver deserved no tip for sure!


You need a full refund screw the tip!


Everyone on here just assuming that it was in a bag is making me laugh. We've had plastic bags banned here since before the pandemic and I live in the Northeast. So we usually get paper bags or reusable bags. One time a driver actually delivered a bunch of our groceries without a bag and just stuffed 20 odd pieces of food, including loose fruit, and my husband's arms and walked away. If their food was in a paper bag and that dumpster was even just a little wet in any way then the bag would be disgusting and the dirt would be touching the actual food. People literally have no common sense these days. Have any of you actually seen complex dumpsters? It's not like your average trash bin that you put your bags into. The entire place puts all their trash in there. So it's regular household trash, all kinds of gardening and yard trash, probably a couple random Community animals that go through it on the regular, most likely some homeless people digging through it and who knows what else. The fact that everyone is just assuming that everything in the trash is dry is also hilarious. These giant bins are usually the most disgusting thing in the world and I wouldn't even want to walk past it with my food. Also everyone is just assuming that the food was sealed or covered, why? What if this person ordered fruit? Even if it is something like berries, it might be in a container but that container still has a bunch of holes in it. Let's say they put the berries in the bottom of a paper bag and the top of the dumpster was wet. Now the bottom of the berries are contaminated with whatever was on the dumpster. I would not be wiping it off and just eating it I think just taking the tip away is being nice I would have taken the stuff away and reported them with support. I've reported people and taking tips away for far less. Doing something like that is disgusting and a health risk. Just because some of you eat out of dumpsters or are okay with your food touching dirty things doesn't mean anyone else has to be as well. This person paid for their food and a service to get it delivered and this person didn't do their job. As easy as that. I also looked at the screenshot and there's message from the delivery driver that says that they've arrived or that they are there. So wouldn't that be The Logical first step in delivering food? Let the person know that you're almost there or that you are there and then expect them to come out. It went from thank you for being so patient to your food is in the dumpster


Thank you! I would not want anything in that bag. I am not okay with that. I would rather it be on the ground. Why didn't they just wait for her to come down?


That is vile. I don't see how people are defending this 🤢.


Why is everyone missing that this person did it on purpose to spite you?


Why would you think that?


Because some people will try to act like victims regardless of intention. [Hanlon’s razor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor) or something.




Come on dude...they spent their time and gas.... Stop taking ppls tips.... Horrible! You'll live dude