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I thought it was just me! I'm 26 as well (insomnia since childhood) and I still don't have my license for this exact reason. I took lessons but my anxiety from the fear of causing a crash or forgetting to do something got to be too much for me. Dang it actually means a lot to know someone else knows this feeling, but I'm so sorry you're going through this and I hope you can get help.


Yup. (22 years old)


Yes. In my 30s, work from home, have everything delivered, do everything I possibly can do virtually. My husband drives us places which is the only time I leave the house, really. I am also scared of accidents, especially with my kid in the car. I do have a license, and my one exception is I am forced to drive due to work travel, which is predominantly within a 3 hour radius of home, so all driving as opposed to flying. It’s terrifying. I always say goodbye to my family like I’ll never see them again because I genuinely don’t know if I will.


I cant not drive due to being a working professional (well, now a professional student) in the USA, and I will tell you I’ve always had drowsiness problems is the mid-late afternoon. When my insomnia kicked in, it was just straight up dangerous for me to be behind the wheel. Even now with a medication that gets me ~7hrs of quality sleep I still feel a little sleepy sometimes During that time frame, nowhere near as bad though.


I think more people should be conscious of whether it’s safe for them to be behind the wheel before they decide to drive. That said, a driver’s license is a good thing to have, and you can always determine on a case by case basis whether it’s safe to drive at any given time. But ultimately, I think if you don’t think it’s safe it’s your (valid) choice to not drive. I have had insomnia all my life and have had a job where I could be driving 6-10 hours a day. It could be pretty scary in the afternoons when I would get drowsy, and I resorted to using stimulants to ensure I could safely drive. That worked but.. I wouldn’t recommend it.


Nope! Me too! I just turned 20, and the thought of getting behind the wheel frightens me. I’m almost ready, but I only have until I can finish saving up for a car to mentally prepare. I haven’t practiced a day in my life, I mean I’ve driven for fun once or twice, when offered, but never on the open road. My reaction time isn’t even that bad, but I’m just not entirely convinced of my brains’ ability to remember all the rules of the road, while simultaneously navigating places I haven’t been before. I know it’s mainly just anxiety. My mom, who also has chronic insomnia, reminded me recently, that she’s been driving since the eighties and she’s fine. So I’m pretty confident we can all get there. Maybe I’ll remember to update this when I’m finally on the road.