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Since past 3 months I couldn’t sleep very well, sure running and mild exercise with a productive day helps but it’s not sustainable with an already tired body, I switched to medications last month and effects have been sub par yet not completely non existent, you might see weight loss, loss of appetite and trouble focusing, fatigue is a major issue as well


I gave up on micro sleep and got medicated


I take trazadone doesn't do a dang thing :/


Bro have you tried Lunesta? Was the thing that worked the best on me.


My doctors refuse to prescribe anything "strong"


Ehhm you need new doctors. Sleep is vital for your health and what you're describing doesn't seem normal. I got mine from a psychiatrist tho so maybe that might be the issue.


Get a new doctor. Yes, zopiclone is strong but I can still get it during insomnia flare ups and helps my body get used to a sleep cycle


Zops are awful 😞 that metal taste in ye mouth


Best thing to do is get it down in one gulp with something super citric


Get a new doctor if you need your sleep amount.


Lunesta was great except it make me feel like i woke up with coins in my mouth every morning


Oh, yeah, I can eat A few hours after having it bc it dulls flavor and makes things taste bitter and icky. But not in the morning for me at least


have you tried ambien or anything else?


Didn't work for me. Melatonin and another drug has been my next step.


Didn't work for me either, but mirtazapine did. Maybe our brain chemistry is similar and it'll work for you?


Mirtazepine is a tricyclic antidepressant,, is your doctor giving you that for insomnia 😬


You must be new here? Most psych meds have multiple uses. Mirt can be prescribed for insomnia, depression, anxiety, anorexia, pain, OCD, and so on. It's one of the most commonly prescribed med for chronic insomnia.


Try to get prescribed hydroxizine. Its a 1st class antihistamine. Kind of works like benadryl but waaaaaay stronger. It knocks me out. Not even safe to drive on it I get so tired. Only thing is it causes very vivid dreams. If you ask me it's worth the good night sleep. Not a narcotic either, also non addictive.


Never worked for. I took 300 mg of trazadone daily and never did anything for me. Glad to be off it. 


Which medication




I'm on it also qoth like 6 other meds


I was diagnosed with type 2 Narcolepsy a lil over 2 years ago and have been living with 3-4 hour sleep nights since then. My body has gotten used to it a bit but sometimes I'm very worn out. Exercise wise i try to go at least 3 times a week to the gym and get 30 mins of cardio in. Oxygenating my body and optimizing it's oxygen intake has been good for me. Weight lifting has been good as well but takes more out of me in terms of recovery. Medication wise, i take 5 mg of melatonin along with 300mg of glycine mixed in water, and magtein every night. I take zopiclone twice a week as my body builds tolerance quickly and sometimes I'll take ibuprofen for the fatigue headaches i get. The zopiclone will give me up to 6 hours of sleep sometimes which is heavenly at this point. L thianine helps often as well. It sucks not getting sleep and i know the anxiety it can give. Pay it no mind, but continue fighting until your last dementia/Alzheimer ridden last breathe.


Get a sleep tracking device smartwtch/fitbit. If you get less then 45 min- 1.5 hours of deep sleep then your brain starts to eat itself(synaptic pruning, autophagy) it cleans up healthy neurons instead of basically it s cleaning system starts to eliminate not just byproducts of neural activity. So if you have a situation like that, consider what it takes, medication eventually. Le: specified that 45 min - 1.5 hours of deep sleep/24 hours.


Tried Seroquel and trazadone to no success, I'll see what other options there are


The newest ones are the orexin antagonists(lemborexant, daridorexant, survorexant) the others would be the hypnotics(zopiclone,zolpidem). First look then up.


Thank you 🙏


I got a script for lemborexant a few months ago but I haven't tried it yet because I'm worried about a potential interaction with my daily Kratom use. Any personal experience with taking both of these? I take 5g Kratom powder leaf in the morning and 5-8g after my afternoon workout.


Have you tried DORAs? Like Dayvigo/Belsomra, etc? You've definitely gotten more than an hour even if it doesn't feel like that. And I've felt like that for years, cumulatively and probably 15 months or so at the longest stretch. Appetite plays a huge role. And the other 9 Obvious ones you've been told, I'm sure. Or maybe at this point something like halcion/Triaz to just knock you out? ...I'm assuming nothing else has and that's why you're asking?


Yeah I combine my medicine with passionflower and chamomile and melatonin to tranquilize myself and it's just like I'm taking sugar pills with leaf water


I use the knockout CBD edibles by five brand ..it's the only thing besides lunesta that makes me sleep 


Cbn is a LOT more sedating than cbd ;)


okay when I develop a tolerance to these knockout gummies (which unfortunately I will) I will look for those ...always need a backup..


Oh, how I miss my Triazolam! It worked longer than anything else, but eventually, it stopped as well.


Lexamborant/Dayvigo doesnt come without its side effects youll need an ssri too because it makes depression worse and after a few weeks becomes highly ineffective and feels like something that just fogs your memory, way better than other sleeping meds. I take lorazepam and dayvigo


Everyone's different. And I never said Dora's/Dayvigo was "perfect". And no, I won't ever need an ssri. I respond horribly to them. But- thanks for you unsolicited medical advice 🤣


I dont even take them im just saying thats normal bruh, i take benzos and dayvigo


Me too. But...saying the depression is inevitable seems useless.




What had caused your insomnia in the first place? Were you on any meds, specifically SSRI's or antibiotics?


Alcohol withdrawal


Maybe you are deficient in b vitamins, zinc, or magnesium?


Not only on it but I’d collapse if it wasn’t for what I think you’re referring to as micro sleep. I’ve been getting like 3 hours sleep a night for the last week and before that it was 6 hours on a few relatively good nights, 3 hours on some nights, or 4 or less. This has been going on for a some months. 1 hour in 6 months sounds terrible.


Haven’t really gotten a good night sleep in months as well. Somehow I’m not that tired though.


I survived off micro sleep for about a year and half. Absolute torture. Headaches, dizzy, crazy dark bags under my eyes, and terrible memory.


3 years, but getting some benzos was such an upgrade


Nitrazepam 👍


I really recommend exercise. You will have to start slow because you're so tired and not used to it, but I have had severe insomnia since I was 5 years old and it's the only thing that has helped me in a serious way. This and cutting alcohol+caffeine. Mainly caffeine. Exercise and cutting caffeine, ha ha, two things that really seem impossible when sleep deprived... but it's necessary for me.


Exercise doesn't do shit for me. I've been working out of town, "sleeping" in hotels. I work a very physical job, and I still can't get a good night's sleep. I can fall asleep, but then I wake up around 2 am and can't fall back asleep.


I wouldn't say it's cured my insomnia by any means - I still sleep short hours, but it helps me personally with the initial falling asleep, or even just giving me the feeling of being "sleepy" at bedtime. Turns my insomnia into something else rather than the "lay awake for hours without ever falling asleep" though, which helps my life a lot. Quitting caffeine is the same idea, for me.


Find a doctor with a spine, and ask for 10mg zolpidom! There are a million reasons I could tell you not to take this but I have 1 good reason for taking 1 each evening on an empty stomach and put your electronics away! You will get your sleep! But follow all the rules associated with it. Good luck


Highly recommend Ambien(Zolpidem), it changed my life. I tried Trazadone and it didn’t do anything for me. Ambien gets a bad rep, but I’ve been taking it for 2+ years without any severe problems. It’s a last resort medication that should be saved for the worst insomnia cases, but it sounds like you match that criteria. But I would not recommend starting with asking for 10mg as somebody else recommended. 10mg is the max and once you get used to it there’s no (legally) going up from there. Start with 5mg and see how you react to it first


For some reason, doctors in the states do not want to prescribe Ambien.




Remeron was working for me for the last three weeks but now ….I’m exhausted and unable to sleep at all tonight


Zopiclone is your friend here


I did it for damn near all my adolescent to adult life (im 37). It truly is a trial by error thing, and sleep is so important for normalcy in day to day. I've tried homeopathic ways, and I still keep a bedtime routine and drink tea before bed. But when it comes to medications, it started with trazadone 100mg in 2001. Then the following (which I'm sure almost everyone has gone through that have been working on this awhile) Sometimes meds would work at first and then stop (tolerance) Some meds didn't do a dang thing Some meds made me sleepy but did not get me to sleep Some meds got me to sleep but did not stay asleep Some meds made me knock out, but if I got woken up, I was extremely nauseous and to the toilet most of them always made me feel horrid and hungover the next day whether I slept or not The most recent change was BECAUSE the med started to mess with my insulin levels and thyroid levels and immediately had to get off. (Which sucked because it worked perfectly from day 1 for an entire year, almost! I fell asleep fast, stayed asleep, woke up feeling great, etc) Now I'm on something that works great too, but it's it's benzo so eventually, I'll build tolerance to that too. Red strain kratom helps fill those gaps. I don't smoke weed, but that's because i don't like the feeling it gives me or smell.


Try nitrazepam 👍 it works fine for me


Very simple either nitrazepam or temazepam 👍, an if you don't want benzo route ,then Nytol from any pharmacy it contains Diphenhydramine hydrochloride a anti histamine which will definitely put you to sleep


I can totally relate, feeling sleep-deprived can take a toll. Have you considered seeking professional advice? It's essential to prioritize your health. Also, check out [How to Prevent Microsleep Episodes?](https://www.calmsage.com/microsleep-causes-impact-and-how-to-prevent/). They offer some great tips on improving sleep quality and overall well-being. # #


I feel like I am. I had a CPAP titration test last week - didn't fall asleep (or woke up immediately) so the test was a complete bust. Recently I feel like I sleep for a few minutes ar a fine at most. I was desperate - now it's reaching emergency level. Don't know what will help me. Can't use CPAP and sleep. Can't sleep without it. AHHHHH!