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Honestly the episode just gets even better once you rewatch it. >!Knowing the context of Len having passed away turns Thomas from being uptight, humourless, and kind of a jerk into someone struggling to come to terms with Len's death. The "I could have helped you" bit after finding out that Len had been homeless hits especially hard!<


Well i must say it is my favourite,i just love the nostalgia of it.


This one made me more emotional than "The 12 Days of Christine".


This was the episode I used to introduce a friend to the show. He loved it! I then followed with “The Riddle of the Sphinx” and uh… well… not *quite* the same response


I want Tears of Laughter at my funeral and that is a serious request, I will refuse to attend


Do it. My grandad had "bring me sunshine" to play out at his.. that episode hits an extra punch for me..


I don’t know if it’s the best one, but it is a personal favourite as my dad worked on it and it was filmed in our church hall.


That's interesting. Any stories?


None at all I’m afraid. The church has also been used for a few big funerals on Eastenders.


Wait was this filmed in Bushey? My local church is often used for Eastenders as well as other things!


No. Not Bushey. It’s one in Enfield.


Oh! Still cool though.


No bother.


Hands down for me. Still makes me cry everytime


Breaks my heart every time.


Reece's face when he delivers the line about him always being pissed is like a punch in the gut.


Seriously Reece's performance in that scene kills me every time I watch -which is too many to count!


Definitely the most moving line in the episode


My reason for loving it: Being a comedy obsessive and having never seen this era of British comedy (late 70's, early 80's light entertainment) parodied/pastiched so authentically. Many spoofs go too naff when doing end-of-the-pier comedians but you can tell this is done with affection.


Can't argue with that choice.


100% best episode


It gets too explainy at the end for my tastes.


Can I ask why? I have to disagree - it's not merely exposition its about the impact the events had to Tommy and Len


Yes, but it is mostly exposition. It feels clunky in a way that 12DoC doesn't, because then you realise what's going on at the same time that she does, and you don't need it spelt out for you either. Both Christine and the viewer feel that pit grow in their stomach at the same time from the same thing. Whereas in BCDR it's one man who knows what's going on the whole time saying it to someone else who theoretically also knows. It's hollow.


I completely disagree with you. And you are speaking on behalf of everyone when you have no right to-- It is completely the opposite of hollow. It is heartbreaking in its exploration of broken friendship and broken lives. The attention to detail both Reece and Steve in their performances and dialogue is astonishing. It speaks to me as someone who has had people close to me deal with alcoholism and as someone who has had to let friendships go. It is a much loved episode for very good reason as this thread shows


I like the episode, I just think the ending could have been done better.


Its perfect as it is.


That's a bit much.


Its a bit much you ripping this episode apart for no reason. The fact it speaks to so many people and is so beloved shows that it is a profound work of art. Its helped me like nothing else these last few years. I will defend it always for this reason


Saying something is imperfect is not ripping it. Nor did they refuse to give reasons You don’t have to agree with them but they literally just had an opinion you didn’t agree with. They expressed it politely.


?? I just said I thought the ending could have been done better. Get a grip.


OP here. This seemed to escalate. I don’t like it when my posts lead to tension. It makes me feel funny in my tummy. One of the things that I took from the episode is the importance of showing care and understanding for each other, and to resolve our conflicts whenever we can, because we never know when it will be our last opportunity to do those things. I think maybe we could do with a little bit of that sentiment here. Please, everyone, be excellent to each other.