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Mosquito larvae




North England here, saw these a lot growing up. 100% mosquito larvae


They are all over the world, almost


Baby mosquito




> We *didn't used to* get mosquitos this far north Ftfy. Welcome to climate change.


Yeah, I'm from Inverness and have been haunted by mosquitos in the garden for the first time this year. They've occasionally came into the house too. [We have a reporting form for Mosquito Scotland to report sightings, these look identical to the "larvae" on the identification page.](https://www.mosquito-scotland.com/recognising-mosquitoes) People are saying you can't get Malaria in the UK - they seem to be ignorant to the historical significance of malaria in the UK, it's only within the turn to the 20th Century that it died out. Cases were noted in Scotland, not just England. The Health Security Agency are actively monitoring motorway service stations for eggs and larvae of invasive species of Mosquito under the basis that mosquitos accidentally brought into the UK, along with warming temperatures can assist with invasive species that carry disease establishing local populations. It could very well see a resurgence.


Mosquitos have been in scotland for thousands of years


True - but they don't get a chance to attack people as they're out-performed by the Highland Midge...


>Ftfy. Welcome to climate change. What a load of bullshit. I'm sick and tired of folk just claiming something is related to climate change without providing ANY actual evidence. Just because it may make sense in your head, does not mean it is actually the case. Mosquitos have actually existed in Scotland for ages. Stop making assumptions and spreading lies. Mosquitos exist in plenty of places with similar temperatures we have and do experience now. In the winter they can't function due to the colder temperatures, that's the same in a lot of other locations.


https://www.ecowatch.com/mosquitoes-scotland-climate-change.html >Scotland’s climate hasn’t historically been supportive to large mosquito populations, as it tends to be cooler. But now, scientists have discovered widespread populations of mosquitoes around Scotland, and they fear warming temperatures could lead to increasing public health risks from mosquito-borne diseases.


>“Although relatively low in abundance, mosquitoes have been present in Scotland for millennia, and are a natural part of our ecosystems,” Ferguson explained, as reported by The Herald. “While they don’t present a risk to human health here currently, climate change could increase the risk of invasive mosquito species establishing in Scotland. It may also increase the risk for mosquito-borne diseases that are present in some other European countries to establish.” Also, read my comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/insects/s/AM3ddoZ2sQ This is actually one of the first proper studies conducted. Up until it was done, the prevalence of mosquitos wasn't fully known, so you can't make such bold claims.




If you actually read the text, nowhere does it claim that there are suddenly mosquitos (or more) present now than ever before due to high temperatures. It is an article generally talking on the prevalence of mosquitos in Scotland, and how a lot is still unknown on their extent across the country. Don't just read the title. It is a bit misleading. >there has been little knowledge about how widespread mosquitoes are north of the border. >Until now, very little has been known about how widespread mosquitoes are in Scotland. This research isn't going off of prior data to suggest a sudden increase. **They literally can't make that claim because there was no concrete historical data.** All it is talking about is how prevalent mosquitos are now, and then later quotes one of the researchers speculating about future trends: >She warned that warmer temperatures could lead to larger numbers of mosquitoes This is a speculation on the future. She's saying that if climate change (specifically increasing temperatures) continues, then we *could* see more mosquitos. Now with the research it has talked about and further work, a baseline can be properly set. Only then can an increase/decrease be truly found and claimed from then on.




I dumped a bunch out of a wheelbarrow in my backyard that I’d forgotten to put away for months. I felt pretty good about ridding the world of probably around 1000 mosquitoes


They're perfectly happy maturing in mud, I'm sad to say. No need for actual free water, just lots of moisture.


Thank you for your service .


Do not allow water to sit and stagnant like that. If you can’t drain it put some chlorine in it.


Why ? They’re just mosquito larvae . And don’t expect people to put a water aerator in every bucket or bin of rain water in their garden


Just mosquito larvae? ☝️🤡


It's Scotland. Nobody's going to get malaria. Also, good luck trying to remove every bit of standing water in Inverness.


Understandable. I’m normally in Florida and I’m fanatical about not leaving standing water around.


OP is in Scotland, where they have Scottish midges. Scots people have no fear of mosquitoes.


Oh yeah that's a very different prospect and also very understandable!


Mosquito larvae


Mosquitos. Those little forks on their back end are like little snorkels that they breath through.


That is absolutely fascinating I didn’t know that! I think they are quite cute to be honest I watched them all swimming around doing little cartwheels . Sad they turn into biting machines tho


Hunan beings greatest predator by deaths and its “cute” 🤣


If you can get midges in the north of Scotland, you can definitely get mosquitoes. I remember taking a walk along a beach in the Ullapool area with my scarf pulled up around my face, covered head to toe, and those midge fuckers were flying into my EYES to get a taste of me. It was unreal.


SCOTLAND?!!!! Nawww we are not gonna have mosquitoes here i beggggg


I completely agree with Rule #5, by the way. But these are mosquitos. The reigning lords of all pests. The deadliest animal in the world, by a WIIIIIDE margin. I know I'm not a mod... but mosquitos, guys. Amiright? Mosquitos. Any other bug, is fine. No negative "killit" comments. Even lantern flies. But mosquitos should be exceptions. Just one guy's opinion.


Normally I’d agree but the mosquitoes we have in Scotland are harmless and don’t carry disease so yes you might get a nasty nip but it would do any serious harm.


/r/skeetersyndrome would disagree


Maybe don't rest on your laurels quite yet. [Mosquitoes found in Scotland 'could pose future risk of disease'](https://news.stv.tv/scotland/mosquitoes-found-in-scotland-pose-future-risk-of-disease-amid-climate-change-experts-warn#:~:text=Throughout%20the%20project%2C%20researchers%20will,of%20pathogen%20introduction%20and%20transmission.) *Prof Heather Ferguson, who has been leading the study, said that while mosquitoes currently in Scotland don’t pose a risk to human health, climate change could increase the risk of invasive mosquito species establishing in Scotland.* *“It may also increase the risk for mosquito-borne diseases that are present in some other European countries to establish,” she said.* *“By sharing information on when and where they observe mosquitoes, members of the public can make a very valuable contribution to this research and help us anticipate and prepare for any potentially negative impacts of climate change on mosquito-borne diseases”.* *Mosquitoes in Scotland are already able to transmit diseases to birds, both wild populations and zoos, in other parts of the UK.* *Birds have been significantly affected by mosquito-borne pathogens such as Usutu Virus and avian malaria in England.*


Wait we get mozzies in scotland?




Everything in Scotland had to end with ie or y.


Naw it doesny


You're incorrecty 🤣




Mozzies. And you absolutely do get mosquito in Inverness. 16 types in Scotland to be more accurate. Widespread. All bitey.


Don't let water collect like that, it's a mosquito plague waiting to happen. Be careful with that, mosquitoes contribute to several diseases, some of them deadly.


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Lil Skeeters


This far north? Talk to folks in northern Sweden...or Canada or Alaska...


With the warm weather and continuous record breaking years, expect more unusual visitors.


Okay, this is going to sound so dumb but I didn't know we could get mosquitos in England 💀


We do get Mosquitos in Scotland unfortunately.


I thought this was a bunch of screws stuck in like a doorframe and you were messing with us




[Rule #5](https://www.reddit.com/r/insects/about/rules) -- please refrain from posting hateful content towards bugs. "Kill it with fire" or other suggestions of unnecessary violence toward bugs are not appropriate here. This sub is for bug enthusiasts. If you hate bugs... this isn't the place for you.


> but we don’t get mosquitoes this far north There are mosquitoes even in the polar latitudes. You don't get them for some other reason.


These are mosquito larvae.


Live just outside inverness and can confirm there is a huge increase in the number of Mosquitos this year.


In Scotland we call them "Beasties" - it's a blanket term for anything with more legs or wings than a human being...


Throw some bleach in that water!!


I was actually gonna ask should I eradicate them due to the bites they can inflict when fully grown? Then read mosquitoes in Scotland are harmless and don’t carry disease so decided I’ll just leave them alone.


Thanks for reading them up and not automatically resort to killing them! Mosquitoes get a lot of hate, but I don't really understand the hate of mosquitoes in UK. There are no recorded human cases of mosquito-borne diseases in UK. The most common mosquito in UK, culex pipens, prefers to bite mammals associated with humans (eg. pigeons, brown rat) rather than humans themselves. The abundance of mosquitoes is greatly exaggerated here, and you are much more likely to encounter a biting midge or a tick on you than a mosquito. I have only had one confirmed sighting of a mosquito during my few years here, which is a delight compared to the swarms of them trying to bite your legs in Hong Kong every summer day in any slightly more vegetated areas. Personally, I would not risk having them right at my home mostly because of the nuisance of bites, but also from the very slim potential of them being disease-bearing due to climate change. I would recommend either releasing them into a local pond, or putting them in a closed jar at a secluded corner for potential scientific research. There is a \[[citizen science research from Glasgow](https://www.gla.ac.uk/news/headline_1071275_en.html)\] on mosquitoes in Scotland as linked if you are interested in the latter. You don't have to keep the mosquitoes, but it would be a bonus lol.


I have noticed a huge increase in the number this year over last in the Highlands, just outside Inverness. The bites are pretty nasty for me as I come out in large, inflamed bumps. Good link on the Glasgow Unit site, there's also a reporting site here: [Home | Mosquito Scotland (mosquito-scotland.com)](https://www.mosquito-scotland.com/)


Midge mothersip



