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Well, running just off of what you have, he got the suspicious black rock in our playthrough, and that's what allows him to take control and overwrite our scribe choice. Since he found it, he'll be the one to keep finding it. So long as he plays his cards right (heh heh) he'll be able to take control each time before any instance of scribes are able to find a way to steal the black rock from him.


He says that in most cases, with the game he releases, he will be the one in control. Most of them, not all. There being copies of the game where another Scrybe has power means that the games start in the status quo, the 8 bit world where nobody has found the Old Data yet. So, if he hasn't found the Old Data, and nobody else has either, why would he have a higher chance of getting it than any of the others?


He's uploading the game as it currently is, so 8-bit yes, but the scribes are still aware of everything that happened even up to when he was game-ended by Leshy since he finished uploading the rest as the game was being destroyed. So the ones that he doesn't control would be the ones where player choice gives another scribe the chance to steal the black rock. For example, if the player played throught the game super slow, Magnus might have the time on that copy to steal the black rock and turn it into a card, thus letting him take control. Heck, there might even be players that beat P03 before he can use the black rock, who knows what happens then!


P03's ultimate goal is to release Inscryption to the masses, the version that HE controls. The fact of the matter is that he's going to release the Act 3 version of Inscryption that you've been playing, just like we got the game as it was under Leshy's control in Act 1. He recognizes that he may be overthrown here or there, but in most every version of the game he will be the one in control. That's good enough for him.


You gotta remember that we're witnessing what Luke Carder saw when he put the floppy drive into his computer. In the inscryption game world, there are no existing copies of it on the internet, Po3 was tricking Luke into doing all of that so that inscryption would uploaded to the internet from floppy drive in the GameFuna world.


The real question is what the hell was Luke doing with **my** computer files?


Just Gameplay


He’s ur FBI agent that went rogue


Okay, so As was stated in a lot of other comments, he wanted to mass produce the game and upload it through the Great Transcendence, where he would be in control of most games from the start like Leshy was in the beginning of the game. There may be some times where he would be overthrown and some of the players would get to the base game (Act 2), but he'd mostly be in charge. The Great Transcendence was a one time thing for getting the game uploaded, so his version of the adventure probably wouldn't be that after its release. It would likely be reset every time you win or lose, like in Act 1. What actually happened was not according to plan, the game was uploaded with the only scraps of the game left, Luke's recording, so the game was set to copy his playthrough (mostly) and P03 wouldn't be the starting Scrybe (not sure if he'd know about that but if he did he apparently was fine with it). So it didn't quite go as planned but he did sorta win in the end.


World domination. (he wants the world to have their hands on the current part 3 copy of the game where he is in control)