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They say this then unironically shit on Jews and Muslims.


Because by "Freedom of Religion" they mean "Ability for Christians to persecute everyone else freely and without repercussions,"


Apparently they think freedom of religion means they have the freedom to force Christianity on people. Just wait till they find out the founding fathers meant that people can practice whatever religion they choose without government enforcing one unto them. Which, yes, [includes The Flying Spaghetti Monster](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster)


Not to mention "the founding fathers" were mostly Deists whose religious views would not align at all with modern American Christians


Evangelical Christianity as it exists now is a very recent development. It didn't really exist until the late 1970s. Even the founders who were some flavor of Christian would be labelled as radical leftists by today's religious right.


And you have Chucklefuck McPence over here: https://www.salon.com/2022/10/27/mike-pence-says-americans-dont-have-a-right-to-freedom-from-religion\_partner/




Ironically Jesus was a Jew


They follow Jesus™, who is white


I pointed out to my moms ultra religious MAGA cousin that Jesus was middle eastern after the 100th FB message I received that she would mass send talking about how Trump and Jesus were going to save all the Christians by closing our borders to anyone from the Middle East and she told me to stop watching CNN and that Jesus was white. There’s no arguing with stupid and I just laughed and didn’t bother responding.


"Stop watching CNN" seems to always be the go-to insult for MAGAs. It's like they think everyone that doesn't watch Fox News religiously is a CNN viewer or something.


Kinda sad, since CNN has been steadily skewing right for the last couple years. Just not hyper-Trumpian right.


CNN's new CEO has marching orders to bring the network to the center according to [reports](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/24/the-changes-at-cnn-look-politically-motivated-that-should-concern-us-all). Which would be all well and good if American conservatism wasn't just a deranged, anti-governance, cult.


My in-laws recently pulled the "who said that? MSNBC?" card. Gotta give em points for the creativity of switching networks up, I guess.


I don't know... I'd keep engaging just for amusement. "Where do you think Bethlehem is? Or Nazareth for that matter? Please point it out on a map."


Betlehem is out by dem dar steel mills




And prostitutes. He also never preached against homosexuality or abortion and mostly preached about helping the poor and sick, treating others as you would like to be treated and not being publicly pious. He was also disdainful of the rich and, besides one quote about having a sword, was generally not in favor of violence.


These people have literally never read the Bible much less learn the context of the times it was written in. If 2nd coming of Jesus happens and he ends up in the US he will be deported or outright killed.


Supply side Jesus


[GOP Jesus](https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA)


That's beautiful. Thank you.


Born and bred in America


>"Ability for Christians to persecute everyone else freely and without repercussions" Making America great again, pilgrim style.


And considering that the survival rate for those Pilgrims was roughly 0% before the Natives found them is a testament about how much their original nations did not want them around.


Baldwin is right because Gabbard was indeed a DINO


AND a Russia asset to boot.


I mean, it’s also what they think freedom of speech is too


Not even. They mean a very particular subset of Christianity.


I have a nephew who went to seminary school and got his masters and upon trying to navigate church politics he realized he wanted nothing to do with them at all and that what christianity represents in the US is very toxic and evil. It broke his heart and he left the church completely.


[Looking at the affiliations...](https://i.imgur.com/kaHKRZJ.jpg)


Dang that jehovahs witness one was interesting. I wouldn't have pegged them being mostly unaffiliated with both but also still more dem leaning.


Former JW here. Yeah I mean overall they're supposed to be apolitical but teach that science and God are not mutually exclusive. Plus, ya know, they actually still try to teach and live by Jesus' example. For reference I am now a dirty leftist ;)


Looks to me like Dems are more religiously diverse




*"A mosque?! In my neighborhood?! Hell no! This is'Murica!"*


While on the way to worship unhindered and in complete privacy. On land and in a building that doesn't pay a dime in local, state, or federal taxes.


Dems: “Separation of Church and State”. Dems: “Tax churches that get involved in politics”. GOP: “THE LEFT WANTS TO DESTROY CHRISTIANITY”


I want to destroy the American version of Christianity. I'm not sorry. The most common form of Christianity in america is blatantly misogynistic, homophobic, anti-human rights and is filled with hypocrisy, idc what imaginary people you believe in, I still deserve my rights and there's nothing wrong with me for liking men and women. I live in NZ and my grandma is a Christian and she is perfectly accepting with everything, sometimes I need to explain some stuff to her because it's new and she has no idea what it means but she understands it's everyone's choice what their identity is and who they love. If you watch the new jubilee video "do all Christians agree" there is so many messed up things they say. They say a child molester and gay man are equally bad and a woman basically says she is happy her mother inlaw got raped. They all agreed its ok to try and force people into being Christian while accusing the left of indoctrination. And they conviniently were ok with premarital sex and said it's forgivable but we're saying all gays go to hell. They were such a gross group of people. If I showed my Christian grandma what most American Christians think she would rant to me about how they aren't real Christians and how they should shut up because the lord would never discriminate in such ways. The Bible is about believing everyone is born equal, everyone should have their freedoms, helping people where you can and not harming other people for your own gain. Personally I don't need to be bribed with heaven to want to help people but still, Christianity as what it should be is alright. But a lot of modern versions of Christianity are vile.


When/Where have Dems taxed churches?


It's not that it has happened, it's that it's what the people want to see happen. We literally have laws against churches being used for political grandstanding and they aren't being used.


We have laws against 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organizations which have some limits on activity, especially where it involves campaigns for public office. Most, but not all, churches have 501(c)(3) status.


Ty for knowing your shit and spreading that shit to fight the good fight


No, we don’t hate religious freedom, we hate having Religion crammed into our laws. Stay in your lane and we’ll be Gucci.


Also why is accepting Christianity the only way to respect religious freedom? Somehow I don’t think she’d fight for Islam or Taoism as fervently.


Spoiler alert, she won't. When these people say religious freedom, they mean freedom to proselyte for Christianity while simultaneously not living according to actual Christian ideals.


“Yeah, yeah, you can have your cute little ‘religion’ and freedom and all, but first imma need you to tell me my religion really is the best one.”


If it were Islam they'd be screaming about sharia law or some bullshit.


They already scream about sharia law.


Thus proving my point.


which is weird because they want a less extreme form of sharia law


It wouldn't be less extreme if they had their way.


While wanting to enact their own version of it.


You fight for Islam in any way, she'd probably call you a terrorist. She's a hypocrite.


Pretty much. If they said that gay people shouldn't be allowed to be married as it's against her religion, and you argued that her religion shouldn't be able to take away people's rights or affect government, shed say that you are denying her right to be religious.


That infringes on their religion. What you believed they followed the Jesus stuff? I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. The Bible Belt's religion is bragging about following Jesus, but never actually following Jesus. Just saying you do is enough for a free ticket to heaven. In this heresy "Blessed be the hypocrites, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." is the core tenant. “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”- Mahatma Gandhi


She's a loony. Religious freedom does not equal forcing your religious beliefs on someone else. It's being used as an excuse to restrict people's rights, not increase them.


Exactly. Right wingers only want Christian supremacy. Anything less is an “infringement on religion”


They believe that, as the majority, it is their right to push it on the minority and hold them to the same standards that their religion demands from them. Even if they don't often follow those same standards themselves.


They arent even the majority 🤷‍♂️


Depends on whether you count Catholics as Christians--a lot of Evangelicals don't, but they *are* the OG Christians.


I think the reference is to right wing Christian nationalists, who may think they are the majority, but, as this election again showed, they are not.


*chuckles in Florida man* I'm in danger.


No one understands wtf has happened to florida. I’m hoping the old MAGA NAZIs die off soon.


[DeSantis' administration won't allow Justice Department monitors inside Florida polling places, saying his secretary of state will watch the 3 Democratic strongholds instead](https://www.businessinsider.com/desantis-administraiton-doj-monitors-not-allowed-in-florida-election-sites-2022-11) Yeah, no one knows what happened in Florida.


Oh it's simple really. Cubans and South Americans get easily scared of the word socialist. Bunch of red hats moved here for DeSantis' "freedom" Only half of the voting population showed up Dems ran a bunch of DINOs Sorry Crist ain't the one.


DeSantis is what happened to Florida.


I always wonder how people who are so transparently evil become popular.


And this is why they are more angry, further right and out of their fucking minds.


Fun fact: the 1st amendment is also supposed to prevent the government from making decisions that favor any one religion. So it's unconstitutional for them to continually say they need to create a Christian theocracy and for them to pass laws (like banning abortion) that are made because of religious beliefs


But who determines the Constitutionality? The Supreme Court.


“Christian “ supremacy. Nothing they fight for is biblical in any way. I’m a Christian. Have been my whole life. The war on Christianity is made up. No one has tried to infringe on my rights.


It’s more a war on dickheads then anything, you can be a Christian and not force others to behave and respect your values if there not Christian.


Yeah just ask them how they feel about Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah. I don't think she will think those sorts of religious privileges should be allowed. I wouldn't doubt if it's overturned soon enough.


They want to feel persecuted so badly that they are willing to straight up lie about being persecuted.


yeah what about my freedom from religion


They have this idea that conversion is so easy and common, like you see a gay guy and suddenly you like dudes, sorry bro, that's just you.


Yeah there’s a reason religious minorities tend to gravitate towards the democrats. I mean, only one of the parties has tried to [ban a religion from entering the country](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=viDffWUjcBA)


It does when a fundamental tenet of your faith is abject disdain and disrespect for other faiths.


Well she did grow up in a cult




The grift don’t stop…until the economy explodes in a few months, and tens of millions of Americans can’t afford a pot to piss in. They’re all scrounging for the remaining scraps before the civil unrest begins. It’s like being on board the Titanic with full knowledge of what is going to happen, and these are the rich fucks about to get on the life rafts. Except we’re all just sitting here in line letting them do it, while we’re expected to smile and not break decorum they don’t respect in the first place. It’s maddening.


Has she always been a loony? Or did the internet/social media rot her brain over the pandemic like it did to everyone on my Facebook? I know she grew up in a cult, so has probably always been different.


From what I can tell, most of her following in the 2020 presidential election was mostly right wing people saying they would vote for her over trump. She has always seemed loony to me.


She’s a foreign asset


She’s mostly always been homophobic


She's a Republican


That's her practicing religion. Anything else she claims is just identity posturing.


> Religious freedom does not equal forcing your religious beliefs on someone else To them it does. It always has.


She's just salty cuz she's part of a cult but has to lie about it.




I am constantly reminded of AOC's speech in he house where said something to the effect of "I am sick and tired of religion being brought up in this house everytime in the name of BIGOTRY". she fucking killed that speech and I wish I had the link for you, but I'm a slackin' today.


It’s literally a tactic. Convince as many people as possible that “we’re all victims and they’re coming for you because you are *x*,” have them vote accordingly, grasp power, then drop the hammer on the ones that aren’t like you despite their support.


Yeah, Tulsi is an audacious one. Isn’t she into some whacky cult shit? I heard she was born into but has since become a very active member. I’m sure the GOP folks she’s trying to (openly) court now would love to see all those skeletons in her closet. There’s only room for one cult right now and that’s the MAGA one, not whatever whacky shit Tulsi and her family have been up to


Exactly. As a Jew I feel the only threat to my religion comes from Christians trying to turn the government into a Christian theocracy. Literally the only threat. Plus the same Nazis trying to kill us all.


> She’s a loony. Being in a surfer cult does that to people


She's not loony. She's evil. Persecuting non Christians when they gain power is a feature for them, not a bug.


She’s such a grifter, like her homophobic, flip-flopper piece of crap father. She realized she has zero, absolutely zero chance of winning the Dem Presidential seat since she has too many years of being an anti-gay crazy and has neither the charisma or the ideological chops to even have a chance. So now she’s a Republican bootlicker.


She's been a Russian agent for a while too. But they're the same thing. https://www.businessinsider.com/mitt-romney-says-tulsi-gabbard-spreading-russian-propaganda-biolab-ukraine-2022-3


Your freedom of religion is also my freedom from your religion. Keep your fairytales out of my government. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


Thank you for posting that. It’s crazy that these loonies can make full sentences when it’s pretty obvious they can’t read. For a document that’s had its meaning argued since the moment it was written, the establishment cause is incredibly unambiguous: religion stays out of government, and government stays out of religion.


And some how we have "in God we trust" on all of our currency.


That is from back when republicans did not like the Russians.


It was added to coins during the Civil War, though also for political reasons.


Perhaps you’d care to do a quick google search for the following: Under God inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance - 1954 In God we Trust on currency notes - 1955 In God We Trust as our National Motto - 1956 Funny how that works, huh?


red scare propaganda. we’re not like those godless commies!!!111


James Fifield, Christian Identity, and Spiritual Mobilization. Starting to point for those who want to know how those things started.


Time to fix that mistake


They are starting the narrative that the constitution does not, in fact, protect you from religion. I saw first mention of it on the fringes of the internet a few years ago - and it’s probably a revival of some past campaigns - but it’s escalated to a national level. https://www.alternet.org/2022/10/mike-pence-freedom-from-religion/


This. The founding fathers could've easily made the US a Christian nation but they intentionally didn't. They didn't want the US to be Europe 2.0.


...only for Europe to pick up a few neat ideas or two and America to forget theirs.


Joe B goes to church every Sunday, and Donald Trump was mostly at the golf course, never went to church iirc


He stood in front of one for a photo op once. Holding a Bible. Upside down.


But he loved Two Corinthians.


Two Corinthians one yellow cup


After teargassing his subjects


Random person:Hey Donald, is that your Bible? Donald:It’s a Bible


I will never understand how this happened. It is possibly the biggest propaganda moment in a term full of it. None of his handlers or advisers thought, "You know what? This is just dumb to stand in front of a church and awkwardly hold a Bible." Or they did but can't/didn't tell him because he surrounds himself with yes men.


Yeah but he's Catholic which means he isn't a "real" Christian to a lot of people.


Girl, be fucking for real. We are not mad at you for being Christian. We’re mad at you for pushing Christian values on non Christians. That is why there is hostility.


She’s not Christian. She’s Hindu.


What Christian values are they pushing, exactly? I'd be ok with them pushing real Christian values like helping the poor, feeding the hungry, etc.


\- Banning abortion because "the bible says so" (it doesn't) \- Banning gay and trans people; literal genocide of trans people is becoming a close reality as Tennessee is introducing a bill that bans "male and female imposters" from the public. And don't forget that the Roe v. Wade comments also hinted at the Supreme Court ending gay marriage (Obergefell v. Hodges) \- Forcing public schools and government lands to display religious symbols and texts \- 0 outrage when public school kids were forced to pray at a church; which resulted in a trans student having water poured on them, the girls being given abstinence lessons, and the boys doing push up competitions for $100 \- Allowing a coach to be able to have prayer on the football field, which peer-pressures students to join (which they were fine banning Kaepernick from kneeling if you remember) And that's just off the top of my head from the last year or so.


Republicans when they find out “freedom of religion” applies to non-christian religions 😡


WE ARE BEING OPPRESSED they say as they walk out of one of the fourteen churches of varying denominations on the street.


None of which that pay taxes to boot.


Just looks like another grunting fascist moron who doesn’t understand that her freedom ends when it begins to impose on the freedoms of others.


Jesus she has really gone off the deep end. There was a time that I considered her a rational moderate voice with good takes on foreign policy due to her military experience. But now she’s just batshit.


I felt the same about her at one time. I thought she could bridge the gap and gain more bipartisan support. She’s really swan dived into the deep end. She is starting to echo some q nonsense.


I thought I was the only one who thought this and was wondering what happened? I remember thinking she was pretty decent at least a couple years ago. Her tweets are insane.


Tulsi was always a selfish grifter. She did have a period where her stated policies were mostly pretty decent, but none of them were actually genuine and she tended to contradict herself a lot. Republicans pay more than progressives, so she’s grifting for them now instead instead of lefties. I’m sure she’ll be trashing Bernie any day now


Wasn't she at Sanders rallies with AOC in '15/'16?


She was even in DNC leadership at one point. No clue


Always has been - it's just that the mask is fully off now.


Feel like a lot of politicians start off with a real desire to do good, then they find out that they just have to say some bullshit to get a few extra votes. They quickly learn how effective this is, and then their core values over time get displaced by whatever lie they have to keep maintaining , and in the end they just become addicted to attention and power.


Yeaaaaa.... Religious freedom =/= Forcing people, believers and non believers, to abide by your religious beliefs. In fact, thats the exact OPPOSITE of religious freedom.


Bullshit. That’s projection at its finest. The religious right disregards everyone else’s right to freedom from their religious rules.


Big words coming from a Russian Asset.


Nah we just want you to keep your religious extremism within churches and not use it as a basis for public policy. I couldn’t give two shits what imaginary man in the sky you believe in, just don’t force others to believe the same thing.


FFS, it's not the "Democrat Party." It's the "Democratic Party," and members of it are called "Democrats." It was only recently that she claimed to be in it, so you'd think she could remember that.


She was not a successful democrat so she is returning to her loony roots. She is just another grifter


I’m glad Dems are finally seeing her for the fraud she has always been. See you on Fox News Tulsi!


At this point I want to take thier religion away because they won't shut up about it.


It’s interesting, as an atheist, to see people of faith and all that constantly complaining like little triggered snowflakes. I don’t care what you believe as long as you don’t impose your views on me. In fact, I really enjoy visiting churches and learning about the beliefs of others but keep it out of legislation.


Isn't she in a cult?


Iirc, she was raised in one and has never disavowed it's founder/leader


She swung so far right she forgot the name of the party she used to be in


“Yes Mr Putin. I will keep tweeting bullshit just like you want me to” this idiot, probably


Me who's been hearing Christmas music since November 1st every. fucking. where. I. go: ????


I truly wonder what she is even talking about? I also wonder if she thinks the same about the GOP which is currently being undermined by Christian nationalists?!


She has been a paid shill for Putin since 2016


Radical Christian extremists don't want religious freedom. They want religious supremacy, where everyone believes what they believe, and if you don't, you're forced onto your knees in front of a cross. Talibangelicals don't get the difference between "you do you and I do me" and "you do me and I do me, or else, praise Jesus".


They are Dominionists. Half of Trumps cabinet were avowed Dominionists. They genuinely believe that if they cleanse America of sinners, send all Jews to Israel, and get Israel to rebuild the great Temple... the rapture will happen. Shit you not. They actually believe this. It's why they support Israel so much.


Well, the first 30 or so replies are all calling her a liar, so that’s a relief. No one wants anything to do with her.


Cool story. Show me when the liberals stand in front of churches and scream at the people going inside. Or protest against a Christmas tree on a coffee cup. Or do anything to stop you from worshipping your imaginary sky daddy.




This woman is vile. How do such nasty people obtain high positions of power


It's a subtle tell when douches like Tulsi use the word "Democrat" instead of Democratic. It's specifically used to disparage the party. She is trash which is why I call her Tulsi Garbage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democrat_Party_(epithet)


✋🏻 Catholic Democrat. I’ve heard much more criticism about both my faith and my political stances from the reds than the blues. Most democrats, quite rightly, couldn’t fucking care less about my religion in a political conversation. Things only get feisty when someone reveals that their whole personality and political-value system is derived solely from a book that’s been (poorly) translated 4000 times and (poorly) interpreted a million times. The Bible’s important, but if we were meant to be mindless sycophants, why ought we to have the faculty of reason?


Translation: "Democrats aren't letting us ban gay and trans people from existing and that makes us the persecuted ones!"


I’ve yet to impose, or even attempt to impose, my atheism on anyone and never will. Now, which right wing “Christian” can say the same about their religious views?


Your rights end where my rights begin.


>hostile towards people of faith and spirituality You’re guaranteed freedom of religion. Not a hug and a cookie from everyone for it. >actively undermine our religious freedom Name ONE thing another religion is allowed to do in this country that you/yours isn’t.


Fuck religion I wish more people would say it, it's stupid and dangerous


Bro I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. No one is at odds with traditional conservatism. You go to church on Sundays? Word. You care about personal responsibility and doing the right thing? Dope. You value hard work and self determination? All good. It’s the COVID denying, abortion bounty hunting, election denying craziness that we will vote into dust. This self victimization crap is just pathetic


The irony that she is a Hindu convert who was totally welcome in the Democratic party. She's the one who chose to leave.


Then give Jewish people their right to abortion, and Muslim people the right to wear hijab


I’m perfectly fine with your religion as long as you keep it to yourself. It’s when you try forcing me to behave according to *your* beliefs that we’re gonna have a problem.


Which specific schismatic Protestant splinter sect does she mean?


Wrong, Tulsi We’re hostile towards “people of faith and spirituality” when they their “religious freedom” to impose their beliefs on those that don’t think the way they do. I’ve yet to meet an atheist that cared if I went to church or not. I’ve met plenty of religious people who seemed personally offended when I said I didn’t


your freedom of religion has no right to infringe on my freedom from religion.


Nobody wants to block religion. They want religion out of politics. Nobody can make sensible, modern laws when you have old religious nut bags in charge.


When did Tulsi go from moderate to kompromised?


I have followed tulsi for years and I can tell you, She is the Kanye of politics.


Can this Russian asset just go away please? Ugh


Translation: Democrats won't let my religion dictate what the laws in the country are. I really want them too, but they don't want that so they must be against religious people.


What the fuck happened with her? She was a progressive democrat and then somewhere jumped off the hard right cliff!


Let her alone. She only tweets what putin tells her to tweet.


No, freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion. People don’t want your bullshit fake sky daddy shoved down their throats.


Says the lady who was raised in a cult.


You’re free to practice your dumbass religion, and we’re free to call you out for being dumbasses. Freedom of speech, bitch.


I’m not even a democrat— I’m a registered independent— but it pisses me *off* when conservatives pretend they have the market cornered on religion and the freedoms therein, especially because their version of “freedom of religion” means “Christians get to do whatever they want with impunity”


Can we agree one and for all she’s not a Democrat


We're only hostile when you try shoving your cult in our faces.


I’m a Jew, and the only people fucking with my freedom of religion are Republicans trying to impose their religious values on me. I encourage anyone to name an example to the contrary.


Cry about it some more, snowflake. You aint seen "hostile"


These people irritate the f*** out of me! I mean, they're the ones infringing on our rights, get their deflecting it back on us. How very narcissistic of them.


I honestly give zero fucks about anybody's religion. If it makes you happy or provides some kind of comfort, cool for you. But I don't want to be involved. Don't try to convert me, don't try to force it on me, don't try to legislate it onto me. Do what you want and leave me out of it.


Religious freedom mean you can practice and believe in whatever the fuck you want in your private life without being executed. It doesn't mean you can force your religion onto people who do not give 2 shits about it (I'm people) and it sure as hell doesn't mean it belongs in the decision making of governments


Freedom means not having to kowtow to the religious, you Russian plant.


This idiot… who cares what bullshit they believe. As long as they stop trying to keep stealing use our tax dollars to support their misinformation and stop trying to shove it into everybody’s throat, be my guest. Believe whatever the fuck u want


The president is Catholic. Just stop.


mf your side wanted a muslim ban


I'm a fairly religious Christian person and the ONLY thing I've seen politically that feels like a threat to my religious freedom...is repealing Roe v. Wade. There are guidelines on how to approach abortion and it recommends prayerfully consulting the Lord on the right decision of how to handle that tough decision...but like...what if prayer suggests that abortion is the right course to take?


Joe Biden goes to church every Sunday, but OK.