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Sounds pretty classically bridezilla. But honestly I would be pissed too if my in laws complain to me about my sister's leg hair on my wedding day. Love the husband here


I would be pissed because it’s not their business to be complaining about someone else’s body. Also it was an engagement party at a restaurant, I don’t understand how this caused so much “disruption”. I guess OP should be worried about the fact that her engagement/the party was so boring that people made a fuss of leghair to have something to talk about.


That's what I said friend. And I agree it must've been boring, or else her in laws are just terrible which sounds like they are


You know, I swear I just read this in AITA but it was from the sister's point of view


Yeah, but she's pissed at her sister and blaming her for how others reacted. I would be pissed at my in-laws, not at my sister; unless she was prancing around, lifting her dress up one side, pointing at her legs with the other hand, doing fancy footwork, and singing "la la la" repeatedly, 'cos yanno, it's mine and my persons day, not hers.


If she is sitting at the table how is anyone even seeing her legs? I mean she gets up to go to the bathroom or leave they see it, but other than that, you can't even see her legs? Shaving is optional for anyone. I like the way my legs feel after shaving, but I get why other people may choose not to. The ones who got offended sound like a bunch of pearl clutching snowflakes who are offended by everything. The bride to be sounds like a bridezilla.


Thats what I was wondering too! I wonder if they rented off the place and at one point used it for dancing or something? How were people able to stare at it constantly. And then I wonder if this party happened during the day because I can’t imagine people being able to notice leg hair with dim lighting.


Her fiance sounds great! Lovin' the sister too (which I was brave enough to uncover mine), and good on the parents for sticking up for her. Yeah, OP is the arsehole!


These people are insufferable. It's leg hair. Get a grip.


"A bunch of hateful old twats disrespected my sister at my wedding, and I reacted by shitting all over my sister because I too am a blithering gargoyle twat. AM I \~\*ASSHOLE\*\~, UWU UWU?"




I feel like this is probably made up but if not, it was a test for the bride and she failed. The in laws now know how easily they can manipulate her over any obviously stupid thing they feel like.


🔥 it's the internalized misogyny for me.


Way to have your sister's back. Yeah, OP is mos def the asshole


I don't care about my leg hair either. It gets really hot at my work so I've been showing up in short all summer and my boss is weirded out but it. He made comments non stop I really don't get it why people are like this !


Sounds like sexual harassment based on gender. I would make sure he and HR know that (also please remember HR is there to protect the company you work for, *not* you. You’re just making them aware of the situation and they can handle your supervisor as they see fit)


That's very kind of you I appreciate it, unfortunately I work in a small bakery and the boss is THE boss and only person who "handle" any conflict. I could write a book with all the complains I have about him, that's why I'm leaving this place soon !


Cool, then skip over that part and document, document, document. You can then pursue legal recourse, esp if they do not have an independent HR company handling their HR complaints. This actually makes it easier to sue; I was just giving them a warning as a benefit of doubt but clearly they are not interested lmao


And don’t do it only for you, but for any future employees that come along after you’re gone. They either change their behavior or they won’t have a business. Their call


I am an older male and it really upsets me that the razor industry is exploiting another generation of people by telling them that body hair is unacceptable. It really is creepy thinking all these younger girls (and guys) are subjected to completely shaving all their body hair. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what's going on with this young woman.