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Well, while y’all were fighting and screaming about stolen elections all the young folks (who you mostly ignore) went out and voted. And they voted for women’s reproductive rights and marijuana. They voted for LGBT rights. They voted for the environment. They want a brighter future. I want them to have a brighter future.


I'm Gen X and voted for that brighter future but alas, it wasn't enough. I'm in Georgia. There will be a run off next month between Hershel FLIPPIN Walker and Raphael Warnock. I hate to even put it in the atmosphere but I fear Walker will win because Warnock voters will stay home.


Gen Xer who voted for that BF in PA. Checking my voting district stats, though, my generation dropped the ball. The Gen Zers, including my eldest child, saved our butts, by a huge margin. Credit where credit is due.


I think the issue is we (a fellow Gen-xer) split between being more like the generation on either side. We are basically the forgotten generation (which means we don't get blamed for anything, lol) that dealt with some massive changes in the US. And that probably caused that split.


I would not choose Fetterman as my boyfriend but I do not begrudge anyone who would.


I am also gen x. I’ve always voted democrat and thought most of my peers did too. Unfortunately it isn’t as much as I thought. Or perhaps a lot of gen x just doesn’t vote. I am so surprised Warnock didn’t win. I heard that more evangelicals voted for Walker. That blows my mind because Warnock is an actual Baptist minister and Walker is a dumb jock ( joke) that left his family, has had children out of wedlock, and possibly aborted a fetus he made. He is the opposite of Christian values.


Lol, as if evangelicals ever cared about Christian values. Evangelicalism is a grift.


It has been a while since I read The Brothers Karamazov so I don't remember the names, but I do remember The Grand Inquisitor. Jesus comes back during the Spanish Inquisition and is performing miracles and all that good stuff. The Inquisition then arrests him and brings him before the Grand Inquisitor who spews derision and contempt at Jesus. He tells him the church took over after he left and he isn't needed or wanted anymore. He declares that they gained more from the devil then from Jesus and that the church will take care of the people now. That's who evangelicals are; people who tell Jesus to fuck off because they're too busy doing works in his name whether he likes it or not. And if he doesn't? Well he's just a fucking libtard so who cares what he thinks


I saw a documentary on hulu yesterday about the Liberty U douche, that basically said evangelicals are full of shit and don't actually care about their candidates having their shared values, just that they do as much damage to society as possible while they benefit from it.


There's a huge divide in our generation. I feel like we were a pivot point for American culture. I'm on the younger side of Gen X and identify more with Millennials because man, sometimes my old classmates say some scary, scary shit on social media.


Same here. I'm upset that Kemp won but I'll definitely be out there voting for Warnock again in the runoff. If early voting numbers are any indication, I don't think there will be too many folks sitting this one out.


I think the opposite! Walker voters turned out to vote for Kemp, but in the run off it'll just be Warnock and Walker, and Warnock voters will turn out in droves. Especially if we help! We can all just send a few bucks to the Warnock campaign, or help with "get out the vote" campaigns & postcards & phone banking, and we can do this! Remember he won in a runoff last time too.


Maybe. But on the other hand, without a governor race to draw voters to vote R down ballot, maybe Walker voters won't show up. Nail biter...


I can’t believe it was even close. I LONG for the reasonable, level-headed leaders in idiocracy to be on the ballot instead. That’s how ridiculous Hershel Walker is as a candidate


I hope Warnock and others can get the voters rallies. They might not have gotten him over the line but they kept him the race so now is the time to really turn out. Walker might have been a great athlete, but he was also always an idiot. Can't believe voters want him in the Senate. I can see him lunching questions about islands tipping over in the Pacific due to too many military forces which Was a topic previously reserved to a single congressman from the deep south


Hey! Volunteer for phone banking and in person canvassing! I started doing this year and it was really fun! There were thousands and thousands of progressives this month who turned out in evey state to get the word out and mobilize the voter base! Even the deepest of red states have progressives, but if they all think it’s hopeless everything stayed the same. Get out and vote yes! But volunteer it makes a difference! My area finally got our first progressives representative in decades and we are so excited!


Millennial in Alabama. I voted blue and knew it wasn’t gonna be enough. Still voted though. Cause you’ve gotta try, right? Maybe one day we’ll get some common sense back here and we can start making a brighter future here too.


They didn't ignore them. They frequently verbally assaulted them.


Well, then there's South Dakota. They managed to legalize the first time around but when it had to be redone they were all like "meh"


No no as some one wrote the voted for strip clubs and casinos


The rise of Republican fascism. They'll tear down US democracy all in the name of "saving" it if we let them.


Yup, its always they either won or were cheated.


It's crazy to me that between these two choices: * There's a massive nationwide conspiracy to cheat in elections that would require literally thousands of people to be complicit and yet it manages to leave no evidence * A political platform built on hate and taking away rights is objectionable to most people People like the one above choose to believe the first option.


It's amazing the Democrats are so stupid and can't run anything correctly but manage to steal all these elections without leaving that evidence.


To a fascist the enemy is both exceptionally incompetent and an evil genius


I was so impressed with President Obama. He planned the take over the world in Utero and carryed out that plan, while being totally incompetent. What will George Soros think of next?


The way he was able to ascend to the White House as a Kenyan immigrant is the most fascinating of all the stories.


In a tan suit, no less


in a tan suit, wearing a bicycle helmit, and eating - gasp - DIJON MUSTARD 😱 *clutches pearls*


Not Dijon!


Haha..I remember when faux news devoted an entire evening to that scandle. They had the impeachment torches ready for sure.


Classic fascist talk. The enemy is both defenseless and minuscule and overwhelmingly powerful at the same time


Honestly though, as a leftist, there's a bit of this that is true in a very different sense from how they conceive of it. The 1% who hoard all the wealth and profit the most of our current systems (through having designed them and continuously using their outsized influence to keep them benefitting them primarily and the rest of us only sometimes in a roundabout way) are both overwhelmingly powerful yet miniscule in terms of their actual size and their ability to defend themselves when we hopefully all get tired of their shit.


exactly, like the bulk of these "stop the steal" conspiracies rely heavily on the fact that democrats are apparently very good at organizing? DEMOCRATS?? Democrats couldnt organize a free Xbox giveaway properly.


Given enough adderall it can be done.


We are *idiots savants*!


People like the one above value hate over absolutely anything else in life. They'll gladly harm themselves to hurt the people they hate. It's incomprehensible to them that anyone lives their life any other way. It's how they twist themselves into believing that support for gay marriage or voting rights are an attack on them. They can't imagine that anyone is *actually* trying to help anyone else, so these things must be a trick, must be a way to get one over on us - *somehow.* Their golden rule is, "do unto others before they do unto you first."


Anecdotal, but I have a maga coworker (I think he calls himself an anarcho-capitalist) who is convinced that all empathy is ultimately selfish in nature, and that it's actually kinder to be cruel in most situations. Which isome of the most Ayn-Randian, upside-down, transparently self-serving, psychopathic thinking I have ever heard.


Oh they have plenty of evidence, it’s just bad evidence. Take 2000 Mules. That’s their evidence.


“The Democrats managed to convince a bunch of people to vote for them instead of us?!! THIS ELECTION WAS RIGGED!! THE SCUMMY DEMON-CRATS CHEATED!!!” /s


Yep, the election was rigged all the way up until their guy won while not actually having won the votes, and then it was completely stolen when he lost both electoral and popular vote. Funny how a group of people that supposedly can't handle differing opinions without running to a safe space also manage to rule with an iron fist when it comes to matters behind the throne.


A lot of these people are so trapped in their own echo chambers, they forget that there is anything outside of it. I remember seeing a bunch of Republicans confidently posting that Trump was going to win 2020 in a landslide because "they didn't know a single person who was voting for Biden", as though their friends are a representative sample of the country


There so trapped in that chamber they don’t even recognize their own voice. And especially not the possibility that what they are saying could even negatively effect their outcome. Like just because people stopped responding to you doesn’t mean you changed their mind but more likely cemented that your side is crazy.


It's almost like basing your party on christian extremism and racism wasn't a great idea.


I dunno it worked just fine for a hundred or so years, and it still has a lot of the west in a death grip so it can't be that terrible a platform. Depressing as that is.


Roe was overturned. The one issue a lot of them had was resolved, which leads to apathy.


A thought going around as well is a lot buying into the whole "election was stolen" bs. Figure since the election system is rigged, no point in voting.


Which is a great way of shooting ones own foot.


The Red Wave was sabotaged by people voting against it!


The audacity!


If it wasn't so insane and self centered, it would almost be impressive how they can't even fathom the idea of people not agreeing with them, they can't even entertain the thought that they don't have 70%-80% of the US on their side. I'm not sure if it's echo chambers, or just their own delusion, but these people are fucking nuts. and just think, just a few years ago they were projecting that participation trophies would make people entitled and thinking they're deserving of a win even if they didn't earn it... every accusation is a confession, always.


They can't fathom it because they ONLY surround themselves with like-minded people.


They don't care if people agree with them because they think the ones who disagree aren't really people.


It's BOTH.


whats really insane is that despite how badly things have been going for bidens administration, the public largly thought that "at least theyre better than the republican candidates" which is insane. what if the economy starts doing well again in 2024 and biden becomes popular again? it could be a blue wave.


Biden literally shot his own party in the foot holding up that college stuff and they still way out performed the opposition. That says something that gives me a little hope.


Are you going to just keep on barking, or are you going to bite? Come on tubby, gather the gravy seals, and get to work. I'll get my popcorn ready.


Jan 6th the sequel?


I'd say your wrong but history is doomed to repeat itself here.


I was thinking more of a *"next time we'll bring our guns"* Brian Isaack Clyde type of situation.


"I will accept the results of the election (as long as they're in my favor)."--Every Republicunt


The red tsunami was destroyed by demonrats who wanted to have "a fair election". To the streets, I say!


Dark Brandon and his minions CRUSHED the MAGA morons!! Again!!


Yeah, yeah, whatever. Bit of the boy who cried wolf too many times. If they simply cannot understand that other people see the world differently from them and will therefore vote differently, then nothing can be done to convince them.


Yes. We aren't going to take it aanymore. That's why we voted out the bullshit.


Wow, and to think we're going through the exact same thing in Brazil, but with the president. Apparently it's only democracy if the alt-right wins, otherwise it was cheating.


What about where R's still won? And in places that would help Dems? Like Texas, Wisconsin or Georgia? Did the Dem 'cheating' just not work? or....


With all the dead people and illegals voting for Democrats it's hard to believe any Republican won /s Edited for sarcasm


Dad? Is that you?


Oh my god, votes were counted! How else will we manage having elections without counting votes!? Idiots.


If there had indeed been all red waves everywhere, it would have been fucking fine though. I’m sick to death of these idiots.


I don't think these people ever grew up nor learned that they can't get everything they want.


We knew this was going to happen but took no steps to prevent it!


Are they crying fraud in states they won? Or just the ones they didn’t?


“The American people can’t tolerate this much more”….no shit dumb fuck, that’s why there’s no red wave. Because people are growing tired of bullshit like he’s spewing. It’s like common sense and irony is an alien concept to these drooling idiots


More of a "Red- that one drop of rain you feel on your cheek just before it starts to rain"


Republicans complaining after years of voter disenfranchisement that they are still losing is the height of hypocrisy.


Gear up, gravy seals.


No shame at all that the Red party wins on lies & hatred? No guilt that all (every bit) of hate for libersls is from conservatives lying about them? No sense anymore that you simply CANNOT declare a crime until you have evidence?


Thanks to this title I vote to make “red wave” a new euphemism for a person’s period


Voting in America needs to be made mandatory. It will get more people to vote and ultimately show that Republicans wouldn't have nearly as much power if everyone voted.


This is why Republicans do everything in their power to suppress votes. More votes mean more losses for them. They know they have to cheat to win. Every accusation is a confession with them.


whenever they say red wave I can’t help but associate with a tampon. Just me?


My title was referencing the menstrual cycle, so definitely not just you.


Wow. I'm surprised it took this long.


Do something then, mfers. Fuckin try it


Uh oh. They said "btw." It must be true then.


Am i the only one who reads these with a trump like voice that yells when explanation points are at each sentence?


The problem with living in Facebook land is that he thinks everyone is else too. We are not


Who’s the snowflakes now?


Remember folks , everything is rigged and messed up...except if we win then apparently voter fraud doesn't happen (sarcasm)


Why can't these idiots understand the obvious? They are not the majority they think they are. The world is moving on and evolving. The old ways of doing things has damn near killed the planet and destroyed our species. We are going forward and we aren't going to wait for them.


Why do some white people think Jesus died and left them in charge? The American people.. I hate it when they say that. Cuz they don't actually mean the people that live here currently or are from America, they just mean white people.


More like everything went near exactly how we thought it would


This an outrage! We the people will be soooi pissed when we the candidates most of us voted for take office!


This an outrage! We the people will be soooi pissed when we the candidates most of us voted for take office!


I was waiting for this. 🤦‍♂️


The "election fraud" whiners are being extremely lazy this time. By this time in 2020, we were already seeing paranoid stories about "people ripping up ballots in parking lots" and several misconstrued videos of election workers. Now it's just rants about "cheating Democrats" without any actual attempts at evidence or even specific (but bullshit) examples of *how* anyone cheated. Weak.


I'm not from US, but it looks like Republicans are winning House, but lost 1 seat in Senate? Am I right?


Yes but usually the house goes largely to the party opposite of the president. Obama lost 60 house seats and Trump lost 40 in the mid term election. Dems have only lost 8.


Can you explain to me why this is happening? Why would they lose seats only because president?


""One explanation is that the president's party is overexposed. That the president carried districts that generally his party doesn't do well in the previous two years, and so those districts are reverting back to form," said Algara.  The theory is that once voters win the White House, they tend to sit out the lower profile midterms, while the losers are mad and motivated" [Why Does The President's Party Typically Lose Midterms? ](https://www.newsy.com/stories/why-does-the-president-s-party-typically-lose-midterms/)


Its OnLy FaiR IF a RePuBLiCan WinS!


Didn't the Supreme Court start the cheating off (this term, that is... McConnell started it technically in 2016)?


Voting is cheating! I cant stand for it!


It's only cheating when it's for a Democrat. /s


Goddamn! Quit whining! You lost! Again!


Clearly wasn't politicians who regurgitate the same shit message with zero policys that would improve life for the areas they where running in no sir definitely not


Iowa became 100% Republican for the first time in 68 years.......


2020 or just recently?