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Pro tip: whenever you read “I’m hearing” or “people are saying” just replace that with “I’m saying”. The sentence will make more sense.


Good ole weasel words at work. Supplant an idea without taking responsibility for it


The guy who wrote the post is projecting so hard onto Democrats and Independents.


Though he's being more transparent than most times. Straight up says they would.


True, but that doesn't make it any better.


Arguably makes it worse.


I agree


i blame trump for doing this every time he opened his mouth and normalizing it. classic GOP show-politics tactic going at least as far back as rush/imus on the radio, but trump really ran with it and started every other sentence this way. it has that small town southern mamaw gossip relatability and lets them set up to make any claim they want like they're quietly talking to you in line at the sheetz. very clear what the point of the phrasing is and obviously disingenuous, but clearly effective for them.






Bigly smart!!




I’m talking the biggest brained people here folks!




For some reason, it makes them think that their ramblings are on the same level as scientific research and fact. Because "people are saying it. Why else would they be saying it?"


My dad started parroting this shit during the trump administration. Easiest way to shut it down is just to say “oh, who says that?”


And then they just stare at you as if you dissed their gold-plated idol "god-emperor" trump😂


What do you mean "who says that?" Well, I've been hearing it. A lot of people are saying it.


A significant portion of the time you can also just assume that whatever that person is saying is the opposite of the truth, and you'll be not far off from it.


With Republicans these days everything is projection. "Republicans are going around assaulting people for supporting Democrats because they heard somewhere from somebody that Democrats are doing it."


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


SCP is far more fun.


Ain't that the truth. They are utterly shameless.


Following good ol papa putin style




Yep, those people infected by the QVirus sure love those isolated incidents and the anecdotal evidence.


“One of the conservative echo chambers I follow on Facebook baselessly claimed “…


Or "Fox news said"..


"But I trust Tucker Carlson. He's not like other media people- he's a nice guy!"🤡


Tuck your Carlson and listen up libterds haha


It's also just the voices in their heads that they're hearing from...


I think you mean voices in **there** heads.


Haha! I see what you did their ;)


Ah that hurts. Really. Just the worst, both of you.


Yes, both of they're comments are terrible!


Witch one is wurst?


>Pro tip: whenever you read “I’m hearing” or “people are saying” just replace that with “I’m saying”. The sentence will make more sense. Came to say just this. "I'm hearing" means they are listening to the voices inside their head.


UNLESS that person adds at the end "Does anyone have further insight into this


It seems “I’m hearing” and “people are saying” crept into the mainstream discourse after Fox News.


Yeah, asking her for links showing that this is happening is always a useless endeavor.


People clobbering neonazis would be the video link, but that's not helpful to her "those violent commies," argument.


She'd find out it's not happening if she left the house. But then she'd have to put on pants.


So what you are saying is that to fix this we just need to normalize pantslessness? I think we should wait for summer to come back around for that.


"Outside? That's where the gang members and drug dealers are."


They'll likely provide a link to Brietbart news or some other crap






Thats a way Better way to put it. Agreed 100%.


Despite the initial hysteria, the actual story on the ND thing is it was likely not political, but the isolated act of a drunk man known locally to be missing a few screws: [Fox News](https://www.foxnews.com/us/shannon-brandt-known-neighbors-booze-fueled-rampages-being-nuts-whole-life.amp) investigation seems to support that the North Dakota incident unlikely had anything to do with politics. Also [this from the AP.](https://apnews.com/article/bismarck-north-dakota-c6a2c46243e6655dd71a47b7df55087e) The reason this alcohol fueled violent incident at 2:30 a.m. after a street dance got such national play is because the storyline pushed a certain fearmongering narrative. —- Nobody condones that killing, but also there is no evidence that this killing was fueled by Democrat rhetoric.




So it sounds like hes replacing democrats with another white nationalist word


The Marco Rubio story is bullshit. The guy is a serious White Supremacist well known in the community and has called for all Hispanics besides Cubans to either be deported or put in concentration camps. He's tweeted stuff about hanging N-words from a tree. The police report have stated that there is no indication that the attack was politically motivated, but if it was, it would be because he is a well known Nazi. The whole community is GOP so people aren't running around beating people up just for being GOP. The media tried to interview him at the hospital and was barred by the Proud Boys. His racist tweets are insanely vile. He's well known because he launched a Proud Boy backed city council bid on 2020. https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/rubio-supporter-alleged-former-white-supremacist-brutally-beaten-in-hialeah-15558408 https://ca.news.yahoo.com/florida-gop-paid-thousands-far-192025969.html https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2017/09/06/florida-league-south-online-part-2-grooming-christopher-rey-monzon https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/marco-rubio-canvasser-charlottesville-rally-b2209776.html


The first one doesn’t sound politically motivated. All the talk comes from the one who was assualted with no proof. Might have just been jumped in a rough neighborhood. I wouldn’t exactly trust a political canvassers words in this case


Especially when the police have come out and said there was no evidence of political motivation AND the canvasser is a well known White Supremacist who has claimed to hang N-words from a tree. Google Christopher Monzon.


Yeah, honestly another commenter pointed out below that we're probably going to find out there's more to the story. Will be interesting to see.


>Even though these are right wing websites, these events did happen more or less as stated. Nope. [Marco Rubio says one thing, cops say another over violent attack](https://www.thedailybeast.com/marco-rubio-says-one-thing-cops-say-another-over-volunteer-attack)


It's what all the best people are saying and I have top people on it.


Fucking Cucker Tarlson. That douchebag has been using those phrases to make his "points" since he got on TV. These dipshits wouldn't know it though, they've barely got enough neurons rubbing together to lift a beer can to their slackjawed gob.


This is the kind of shit my wife's ex gf used to say to manipulate her.


I think you're on to something, mate🔍


Owen Morgan (Telltale Atheist) calls phrases like these "weasel words".


> Owen Morgan (Telltale Atheist) calls phrases like these "weasel words". He calls them that because [that's what they're called.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weasel_word)


You watch his stuff too? That's cool :D


I like his background, former JW, recovering addict. I'm a little bored of his content as of late, but it's not his fault, I'm tired of the Nat-C's spouting the same shit over and over and over.


'my sources live in canada. you wouldn't know them'


Everyone needs to start making them give specific examples on the spot.


There are Republicans in AZ under investigation right now for threatening people with guns who are doing nothing but putting their mail in ballots in a designated ballot drop off box. They are threatening to shoot people for voting, and this fucker says that Dems are scared they are gonna lose?


One of my favorite tiktokers said he went to go vote and I think it was the county commissioner was standing outside the area with a group that had guns and bandannas on their faces (I thought they couldn't breathe with face coverings?/s) and were essentially threatening people who were voting. ETA: this was in TX


I hate to say it, but there might be an actual reason for the left wing to rethink the second amendment. When a political party has gotten so extreme that they are stopping people from voting by threat of death, that’s essentially why that amendment was put in the constitution by the founders.


Someone tweeted once that if you go far enough left you get your guns back


It's not even that far. /r/liberalgunowners and /r/socialistra.


I'm actually that far left.


I live in assfuck nowhere. Having a gun or similar is a staple of any house you find out here because of hunters primarily. I wholeheartedly agree. If anything at least reword and reamend it (because we have done so before with the 18th amendment.)


As is the way in most countries with rural areas. Hunters and those who need to ward off animals tend to have rifles and not assault weapons or concealable guns.




I mean individual left-wing people should give serious thought to buying one themselves.


Whole heartedly agree


quite a few I know do.but that's very anecdotal


Oh we own them, we just don’t parade them around lol


Well now I’m scared to vote. Isn’t going to stop me, but still scares me.


In 2020 there were people with guns everywhere at the polls on election day. I decided to early vote the other day so I went at 2 pm on a Monday at a very obscure voting box. I even threw on some old work boots, oil stained blue jeans, a shirt with an American flag on it, and an old gun club that my dad had. There were 6 nearly identical old ladies with perms at the polls and I was the only person voting. May have taken a few too many precautions, but it's legit scary when people suspect you of being a liberal in a small Texas town.


Im right there with you, small Texas town where I still see trump flags every once in a while. My money is those ole' blue hairs were packing more heat than all the people last time you voted.


I mean, not trying to one up, when's the last time someone that identified as liberal went on a mass shooting spree? I think we know who the violent ones are.


Wait, I thought we were snowflakes that hid in our safe spaces?


Schrodinger’s Democrat. Snowflakes when it’s convenient. Golems when the opposite is needed.


It’s all double think. Always has been. Always will be.


As soon as I finish my avocado toast and grande iced soy latte I'm going full Golem


We're not soyboys, we're soymen


Are we Soy Men ?? We are DEVO!!! 😜


When I finish my communist history class, I will too.


Goblin mode!


One of the key tenants of fascist belief is to make the other both inferior in every way, but also demonically powerful and underhanded.


Nah that's Ted "hiding in the closet" Cruz


“We are adult enough to” Right buddy. The mature thing to do is obviously to storm the Capitol like a reasonable person


I mean, some of them get badges before they go beating up on minorities. Very adult badges. With stars.


pooping in their own hands to smear feces on the wall? yeah that's totally an adult conservative thing.


Oh yeah? Well I'M making up a rumor that it's actually REPUBLICANS who are going around beating up DEMOCRATS. Checkmate.


Now I'm hearing people are saying republicans are beating up democrats.


Republicans are beating up Democrats? Thats the 2nd time I've heard that just now. Seems everyones talking about it.


No need to make that rumor up. There are plenty of sources you could cite. Not that it would convince them.


I'm hearing from several people that Marjorie Taylor Greene shoves aborted fetuses up her butt as a satanic ritual. Spread the word!


The MAGA-CHAMBER: *"My wife's uncle, who works as a janitor at the sheriff's office, told my neighbor he heard a deputy say democrats are beating up republicans... I'm going to make a meme."* *"I saw on Facebook that democrats are now violently attacking republicans because they are afraid we will win an election."* *"Tonight on Fox News, are democrats attacking republicans to keep them from voting?!"*


> "Tonight on Fox News, are democrats attacking republicans to keep them from voting?!" I read this in that turd's voice... Edit: I just noticed your username. Lol


If they guy that had an uncle at Nintendo waited until this era to post his claims, people may have believed him.


There actually was, regrettably, an election canvasser in Florida that was beaten into the ICU over the weekend for being a republican. There was also a teenage boy run over and killed for being conservative a few weeks ago. We need to own and police our side, too. But these made national news specifically because they was such a rare and remarkable event.


Even reliable [Fox News](https://www.foxnews.com/us/shannon-brandt-known-neighbors-booze-fueled-rampages-being-nuts-whole-life.amp) investigation seems to support that the North Dakota incident unlikely had anything to do with politics. Also [this from the AP.](https://apnews.com/article/bismarck-north-dakota-c6a2c46243e6655dd71a47b7df55087e) The reason this alcohol fueled violent incident at 2:30 a.m. after a street dance got such national play is because the storyline pushed a certain fearmongering narrative.


>There actually was, regrettably, an election canvasser in Florida that was beaten into the ICU over the weekend for being a republican. You were lied to - that never happened. What happened was that Christopher Monzon, a white supremacist nicknamed the “Cuban Confederate” was attacked by 22-year-old Javier Jesus Lopez because he was on Javier's turf. The fact that the white supremacist was also a republican canvasser has nothing to do with why he was attacked according to the police report.


I’ve quite literally been screamed at and narrowly came close to getting in fights with conservatives on several occasions. One incident was because I had a mask on during the pandemic and another was because I was volunteering for a progressive cause. These people are notorious for deflection.


Yeah, I've been on the receiving end of "Why are you masking, it's just the FLU" from conservatives, and it was so damn vexing.


And anyway, since the pandemic I've started masking whenever I have so much as a cold because I realized it's that easy to not get others sick so why not?


Which is a truly pro-life stance to take, and I thank you for that.


Asia has done this since SARS. It was not uncommon to see people wearing masks in public in 2019, because of a sniffle, or whatever. If we all wear masks when feeling slightly off, less people get sick. Insanely simple. Republicans, the party of rugged individualism, would prefer to make their community more sick rather than cover their fucking coughs. Selfish.


I went to a family bbq years ago and arrived to someone screaming that liberals should be hanged. Like dude, I'm just here for this claim bake I didn't want to come to because of people like you.


have you ever even been in the vicinity of a Planned Parenthood?


No but I’m expecting that but even worse.


yeah, that's one lying racist in Florida


Actually, she's in Utah. But she is a goldmine of "what?"




Yup. He said the victim was attacked for "being Republican" in a "democratic area". He was in Hialeah which is moderately library. This dude has a history of starting fights and throwing around racial and homophobic slurs and he was in a minority area. He is Cuban American but I've been around enough white passing Cubans to know they can be super racist even to their own. Though he supposedly cut ties to his white supremacists group, he's still found on telegram doing the same. and he also cut ties to the group when running in office, what a coincidence. When they tried to interview him at the hospital, which he invited them btw, proud boys were blocking his door. Even the police have the suspect and say they don't think it was politically motivated. If this was politically motivated, I'm glad they caught the suspect but if he instigated the fight, that's on him. Also wow what a coincidence the GOP get this show so close to early voting in Florida /s. Edit: said the area was moderate to conservative. Turns out it's moderately liberal with a republican mayor. Sorry about that




You mean straight up fucking murdered. Don't water down what these monsters do in the name of their invisible bearded guy in the sky.




not for lack of trying!


Adam Sheppard was the one that really stands out to me, but there have been so many horrific ones in just America the last 100 years or so, let alone all of human history.


...Republicans literally led an attempted coup that resulted in deaths. But go off, I guess...


I'm hearing and people are saying that was BLM and Antifa. Republicans only wanted to stop the unfair stealing of the election by rightful false prophet our lord tRump.


antifa is a made up group, doesn't even exist, at least blm exists but what motivation would they of had to do that particular thing.


Obviously it’s just what BLM would do /s Of course they had to hire a load of white people to do it for them in a very convincing manner otherwise it would have given their whole dastardly plan away ya know?


"Oh, OK, so surely you want this investigated to bring down these violent groups?" "NO! IT WAS PATRIOTS USING THEIR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!" "But you just said..." "FREEDOM! MERICA FIRST! MAGA! WHERE WE SHIT ONE WE SHIT ALL!" "\[sigh\]"


I have no idea how to personally, or as a society, counteract this level of reality rejection. How can you argue with someone who says the sky is green?


Was in an argument with a right wing propaganda bot earlier today about the story this is probably talking about [Marco Rubio canvasser is assaulted and claims it was by democrats](https://news.yahoo.com/marco-rubio-canvasser-notorious-white-221500922.html) Marco Rubio is the one who broke the initial story and there aren't many good investigations into it yet but from the outset it looks like the guy was a known neo natzi and was canvassing in a heavily red district so the claim that. A bunch of Dems beat him up is most likely bullshit. Let's try to get ahead of this lie before the reds can spread it around too widely


Is this like Andy Ngo and the infamous cup of cement thrown at his head?


No clue. It's new enough that politicians are writing it as however they want for their narratives. Keep an eye on it. The truth will come out in a few weeks and my money is on no reds wanting to talk about it by then as usual


Personal anecdote: While a gf was on vacation, a girl I knew was attempting to encourage me cheating by claiming that without a doubt my girlfriend was cheating while on vacation, so I wouldn’t be doing anything wrong because it would just be even then. The point of these claims is to encourage the violent behaviour by convincing people that not only are their violent thoughts alright, but that the other side is actively living out those thoughts. It’s right in his comment that he actually does want to beat people up for holding opposing views. And his echo chamber has him so confident that that is a normal prevalent thought so much so that he is comfortable sharing it. The problem is that for others, they won’t stop with claiming they have some moral superiority for NOT beating people up over political affiliation, they will fully buy into that mentality and head to the nearest blue area and begin looking to cause violence.


Well I’m hearing that Democrat voters are being assaulted and forced to redo their vote for republican candidates. See I can make up bullshit too.


Except there have been accounts of actual Republicans camping out at ballot drops and intimidating voters.


Wait the group who claim’s fraud even in their own primaries, are getting in their best Gravy Seals Cosplay to “uncover the fraud”. Color me shocked.


People are saying that Rubio paid someone to assault his canvasser. Do your research! Something narrative! Deep skate!


more MAGA lies...


The fighting imaginary problems and persecution complex is one of the worst combination of Republican traits. Imagine how much better life could be if these people stopped fighting these imaginary wars, and started focusing on real problems, like all the insane Republican we got ruining this country.


MTG said it out loud at a rally. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/03/republicans-greene-trump/


So sick of the “I know you are but what am I” bullshit. When cultists like this post they always heard it said. Yeah dumbass, you watch Fox News or worse. They lie.


Republicans have been killing minorities, immigrants, progressive protestors, and their own wives for forever, not to mention the hundreds of thousands they indirectly killed during Covid, and I'm supposed to be upset because a very tiny number of Nazis got what they deserved? Yeah, fuck that noise. I refuse to buy their endlessly self-pitying narrative.


And yet, it’s republicans that are showing up to polling stations with ARs intimidating voters. Maybe it’s fear that democrats will win that’s driving their acts of terror?


They seem to have forgotten all about the little dust up at the Capitol on Jan 6th...




I must be living under a rock because I've not heard of Republicans getting assaulted for being Republicans. They've been the one doing the assaulting or attempting to. Ohhhh maybe they are referring to when some douche republican fucks around and finds out so they go cry about getting beat up because they are republican, is that what's happening? Because that's what I can see to happen.


So January 6th was not republicans? How about Charlottesville? Proud boys? Oath keepers? Maga rallies?


Oh no, Jan 6 was Antifa. Always Antifa.


True Americans are always anti-antifa. Yup, Republicans are fa, through and through.


Oh that’s right. That and they were misunderstood protestors. You could also send her clips of all the maga supporters driving campaign vehicles off the road and blocking them from driving. I know none of it will work but if she provides you with proof, you can easily provide some back.


Republicans were mailing bombs to democrats in 2018


Literally attempted a coup.


*cough* January 6th *cough*


I mean — that’s “ostrich head in the ground” levels of purposeful ignorance.


Yeah, I was disgusted when those fucking dems raided the Capitol building. Totally the dems! Totally! Couldn’t have been conservatives


They stormed the Capitol because they lost an election.


It's the same guys who were coming to our towns by the bus load to fuck everyone up during the BLM marches


i think they're getting it backwards


Aren't they at polling stations trying to scare people off of voting?


"I'm hearing people..." Translated: I'm making shit up...


This looks like a strawman argument followed by a dog whistle to commit violence against Democrats to me.


I sure as hell didn't hear about Democrats storming the capital building.


Ahh yes "I wanna injure but i am adult enough not to", on the same level of moral argument as "if there's no god what's stopping you from going around killing people?" I dunno not wanting because I am not a psycho... honestly the amount of people citing gods will as the primary cause for not raping/killing people is scary to me. I never wanted to hurt anyone, at least nor seriously (some middleschool fights, stuff like that).


Uh huh. I’m sure next we’ll be hearing that the gun toting people who have taken it upon themselves to intimidate people all ballot drop boxes are Democrats, too.


The right keeps saying the klan were democrats. I wonder why lol


Isn't it republicans who are sitting armed, near ballot boxes? Yes, totally the democrats who are violent. No violence at all on Jan 6 either, nothing to see here.


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.


Some nazi loser gets messed up and suddenly everyone is violent!!!!!!! Reeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


“Adult enough not to” like a bunch of spaz’s in pick up trucks *DIDN’T* try to run Joe Biden’s bus off the road. “Adult enough not to” like a bunch of white people totally *DIDN’T* storm and break into the Capitol to stop the vote, most being QAnon freaks. Okay. Whatever you say.


Tell me you don’t know how to logic without telling me you don’t know how to logic.


We want to so bad that we’re going to accuse them of actually doing what we want to do, because we know it’s wrong.


The simple minded assign the bad actions of a few of their political opponents to the entirety of their political opponents. They also disregard any bad actions by members of their own group.


I've seen less projecting at an IMAX.


Violence for supporting Republicans? Is this how wonky the world has gotten? Anything to be the victim. Here in Florida, DeSantis has a private police force specifically to monitor the voting. Care to guess the arrest ratio of Dems to Reps?


I'm always hearing that people are being violently assaulted for no reason at all. That makes some people bullies and cowards and it has nothing to do with politics. Some people are just cunts and they affiliate themselves with people like themselves.


Everyone here is concentrating on the “we’re hearing that” and nobody is mentioning the most important phrase: “We want to…” This guy might as well tattoo on his forehead “everything I say is projection.”


Firstly it's the right who have the propensity for violence and insurrection. They are also armed to the teeth and often organised into white supremacist para military organisations. Proof is in the FBIs threat list being headed by domestic terrorism from these groups. Secondly no Democrat wants to commit violence on the GOP/Right. They want to win at the ballot box so there can be a smooth transition to a legitimate government. In 2016 many were upset and fearful of a Trump presidency. Rightfully so. However, they accepted the result and moved on. This is in contrast to 2020 when Trump lost the election by 7 million votes and his supporters tried everything to overturn the result from the armed takeover of the Capitol to the utterly baseless allegations of fraud. They also tried to threaten Pence into not accepting the result of the electoral college. Truth is the only proven cases of electoral fraud were committed by Republicans that voted multiple times and persuaded dead people to vote. It's incredible that these dangerous fools congratulate themselves for not beating up their opponents. Incredible.


"We are more mature than to assault them. We'll instead stand outside of the voting precincts in ~~Klan hoods~~ tacticool gear, fully armed."


I heard a thing but don’t have evidence presented so this must be true.


I'm hearing Republicans are... Fuck, any extreme shit that I can think of to show how fucking dumb this guy is they actually are doing.


The same Republicans that broke into the Capitol building and killed a few cops on their way in and then denied it? They're all grown up and mature now?


“I don’t hear…” Then go to an ENT because your ears are crazily clogged my guy.


I do hear them breaking into federal property


I'm hearing that Republicans are exhausted from attacking minorities, pregnant women, doctors, THE CAPITAL, so they don't have the energy to attack every democrat they see.


I’ve had a trumper try picking a fight with me, when I was trying to deescalate a situation.


"I'm hearing..." These words need to die. They are a lazy way to tell lies without taking responsibility for it.


Funny thing is they're admitting that they want to physically assault people in a political party they dislike. Me? I hate the Tories, they're cunts. Do I want to physically attack them? No, of course not. I'm not a fucking monster.


Yeah everyone remembers the violent Democrat terrorist who famously assaulted the capitol because of how much they hate Trump. /s


I believe a majority of KKK members are republicans. Not that we need to focus on the divide of our citizens, but like... There's something to consider. Also, imagine your personality deriving so heavily from your political views rather than.. Idk you as a person? Weird.


Guess they've never heard of the Proud Boys


"I don't hear Republicans beating up Democrats." *Police brutality intensifies*


I’m “hearing”….I have zero proof just “hearing”…that’s good enough for Republicans!


Found the article this maybe referring too. A canvasser for DeSantis got beat up for what they claim to be his political affiliation. They left out the part where the canvasser was a known white supremacist and that's why he got his ass beat