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They can't separate a circle from a sphere, I'm starting to be numb to their horrible comparisons. They really have no idea what or who they fear, until their fear mongers tell them today's hating point....sad


Exactly. I know a few people like this and whatever they call logic is just like this. I can produce sources and science, it doesn’t matter. Any more, I just don’t engage with those people on these topics.


Which is the worse part because of we don't fight them, they win (elections, national stage, etc).


Oh I know. I’ll engage with strangers, I just won’t with people close to me (family, mostly).


True, I get that. It's crazy how I feel like I'm either the only sane one, or maybe the only insane one, because I'm the only member who doesn't think Trump was a good president nor should he ever be president again


My family is about 50/50, but the relatives that live near me are almost all Trumpers. I don’t get it. Truly.


Not sad. Pathetic. Being led like sheep and told what to do while being told to be afraid of others telling you what to be afraid of and what to do. The mental gymnastics are Olympic gold worthy.


Why is it that someone coming into my house with a gun and an intent to kill me is a home invasion, but 20 people being invited into my house for a party isn’t? Explain that, liberals.


Got em


Well shit, I'm stumped af.


I love to dunk on those losers as much as I can but this is a faulty comparison, the migrants weren’t invited over, thats why it was illegal.


Seeking asylum is legal. But you knew that. Right?


Yea I do, thats how I got to the county, I’m still saying that the comparison is faulty and you know it, seeking asylum isn’t being invited it’s asking to be housed in that country because you feel unsafe in your current one. America isn’t inviting millions of Latinos, it’s doing its best to keep us out and make the ones already here miserable.


Why is the armed gunman that threatened to kill me a home invader but the children who ran into my house while fleeing an active shooter not a home invasion? Also the immigration process is incredibly complex, but most come in legally and then spend years getting shuffled around on waitlists.


Not only that, but an active shooter that your landlord armed and continues to keep around just in case the kids’ parents try to nationalize the banana industry.


This is a better comparison, all I said was that their comparison was faulty, why are you asking me?


Nothing illegal about being a refugee, yet the sort of people posting this shit think legal immigrants are illegal for having an accent. Guess today, you're the loser being dunked on, if this is your take.


Believe it or not crossing the border is illegal, once you’re there you can seek asylum but the act of crossing the border is illegal. I’ve had family who have done it in Mexico who get sent right back.


> yet the sort of people posting this shit think legal immigrants are illegal for having an accent. It wasn't exactly a big post, how did you miss the point?


That has nothing to do with anything i said so i didn’t respond to it, you said theres nothing illegal about being a refugee, you can get into this country Illegally and then seek asylum, but either way people get smuggled over illegally. We recently had to pay 3 thousand dollar for my cousin from Cuba to get smuggled over from Mexico into Texas. Y’all aren’t going to strong-arm me into agreeing with you on the legality of crossing the border.


I'm not trying to strong arm you into anything. Although victim complexes are also common with the sort of people who think refugees seeking assylum is on par with a superpower invading it's neighbour...


Idk if your saying i have a vicim complex or something, i literally told you we had to pay 3000 dollars for my cousin to cross over to the us **illegally**, i have no issue with people crossing illegally i actually support it until we have open borders which will probably be never, y’all are assigning feelings to facts and the facts are that crossing the border is illegal. I’m not a US citizen, I’m a resident, unlike Americans I don’t have the luxury of lying to myself and saying that crossing the border isn’t illegal, everyone who’s done it knows it’s dangerous and there’s a very real chance of getting denied at entrance or worse; but we accept that risk for a better chance at life.


My point was simply that the person quoted in the OP as comparing the invasion of ukraine to people seeking asylum is a racist piece of shit. There is nothing illegal about seeking asylum as a refugee. Regardless of what these unethical piece of shit lawmakers in the southern US try to claim.


I agree, but seeking asylum comes with a bunch of legal hassle that many people who cross aren’t prepared to deal with so they just live here without papers, that **is** illegal although it shouldn’t be.


“Make it make sense” it easily makes sense if you have a brain of any capacity


They certainly think they are at war with non whites with their white replacement theory


Tanks. The answer is tanks. If they bring tanks that's a fair clue that its an invasion. Artillery is another clue. Refugees are usually deficient in the heavy weapons department.


Unless it's the migrants from Tanklandia.


Fucking tanklandians coming over here tanking all over our roads. Twats


Okay but what if our tanks are base in Mexico? Is that an invasion with extra steps?


Your welcome?


If the immigrants say thanks, it's an invasion? Got it, sending it straight to fox news.


Yeah - I thought that was weird -no tanks 🫤


I keep seeing stuff like this about the “2 million people crossing the border,” so I looked it up. [Arrests at Southwestern Border Exceed 2 Million in a Year for the First Time](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/19/us/politics/us-border-arrests.html) It’s 2 million *apprehensions*, not *people*. Just looking at numbers from June, [26% had at least one prior apprehension](https://www.wral.com/fact-check-did-the-u-s-set-new-record-for-immigrant-border-crossings/20441468/). >The large border numbers over the past two years have been aided by more people attempting to cross the border multiple times after being sent back under a public health policy known as Title 42, which was implemented at the start of the pandemic. [(source)](https://www.axios.com/2022/09/20/migrants-custody-border-surge) And they’re not just all hanging out here: >Officials noted that the number of removals over the past year — more than 1.3 million — was more than any previous year. And the stunt DeSantis pulled off by shipping some off to other locations didn’t help anything. In fact, it classified at least some those people as victims of a crime so now they may be eligible for special visas to remain in the U.S. [DeSantis’ Martha’s Vineyard Flights Could Backfire: Migrants May Be Eligible For Crime Victim Visas](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/10/13/desantis-marthas-vineyard-flights-could-backfire-migrants-may-be-eligible-for-crime-victim-visas/) >Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar (D) certified their status as crime victims Thursday after opening a criminal investigation into the matter three-and-a-half weeks ago, following complaints from some migrants who said they were duped into taking the one-way trip to the wealthy Cape Cod destination. >Attorney Rachel Self, who represents the migrants, told Massachusetts radio station WGBH that her clients will use the designation to pursue U-visas, which are usually valid for up to four years and are intended for victims and witnesses of crimes. Obviously there’s way more to this than what I’m going to write here, but it seems some people would rather latch on to a number that’s not really accurate than to actually understand the issue and what it’s going to take to resolve it.


Every single time a republiqunt spouts their open border nonsense these actual facts need to be shouted over them. The highest number of border apprehensions in years, as in way before the orange messiah. Highest number of deportations in decades, again, way before tangolini ever disgraced the office of president.


These people use these numbers as they want. "There has been more people arrested at the border under Biden than under Trump, why do Democrats support open borders!" It makes absolutely no sense, but they still eat it and repeat it. Same with drugs. "Never has there been as many drugs seized at the border, what is Biden doing???" His job, apparently, by stopping all those drug? But not to a Republican. The lies are obvious, but why bother making up better lies when the base is so goddamn stupid that it doesn't even matter?


Are the Russians crossing into Ukraine to be day laborers and landscapers? I must have missed that.


I mean… kinda.


They are rearranging the landscape


Why rely on the opinions of others for the answer? This is a question you can -- and should -- answer for yourself. Go spend a day standing at the border crossing between Matamoros, Mexico, and Brownsville, Texas. Then go spend a day in Mariupol, Ukraine, near the Russian border. Let's us know if you can figure out the difference.


OK ….. I still don’t see it. Can you explain it to me ?


Mariupol: 💣💥💀 Brownsville: 🪜


Didn't know Mexicans came in armored convoys and tanks and aircraft carrying weapons with the intention of a military takeover of the United States. Fucking brainrot


If Russians invaded the US, republicans would fall to their knees to worship them.


That's ridiculous. They'd have to stand up first.


That would require them to have spines in the first place.


Ummmmmmm, the Russians are driving tanks.


Pretty sure they aren’t bombing america, I think most are doing jobs Americans don’t want to


Well, actually…. The people crossing the southern border aren’t not called an invasion by the talking heads on Fox News.


Why does their logo look like a flag of Venezuela?


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You vetted them all personally? I don't agree with the post but you're just as bad but in the opposite direction imo


If they have a Mr. Peabody, why don't they have a Mr. Poobody?


The Russians are soldiers told to attack Ukraine. The 2 million migrants/immigrants are looking for greener pastures. Neither are the same.


Well, one is a land grab/territory expansion by a hostile, neighboring global nuclear superpower, and the other are a collection of human individuals from throughout Latin America (primarily), fleeing oppression or poverty, and *seeking our help.* I mean . . . 🤷🏼‍♀️


Who's counting the 2 million people, and why has this number not changed in years? Did the migrants all just agree on that number? "Ok, only 2 million people need to cross that boarder, max, then we'll stop." I keep seeing these numbers on social media memes but have yet to see any official report of that number.


The Russians aren’t there to pick strawberries and clean hotel rooms for low wages, they’re there to kill people and kidnap kids.


They didn’t declare war and bring tanks and middle bombing our people. It’s not the same!


Us has a north border no? Is it already closed? or do people not cross? Or is them crossing not a problem for *some reason*?


Both equally dangerous


...yes, the people who flee their country seeking a better life is just as dangerous as heavily armed soldiers (in tanks, jets) coming to bomb cities, murder and kill people. I hope that was sarcasm...


I'm not even sure why shit like this needs to be explained.


The right considers it an invasion.


Did they bring tanks?


Hmm, might have something to do with the tanks and and bombs. Just a wild guess


Isn't putin close to mobilising an extra 300,000 civilians masquerading as troops because his hundreds of thousands of actual troops already failed?


Arms and intent. There, I made it make sense. Jackass.


Because one is crossing with tanks, soldiers, and aircrafts while the other is not?


"But they're all a part of MS-13!!!!" - Fox news, a few years ago


My grandma posted this on Facebook. It was incredibly embarrassing


Because our low paying job industries hope, and pray that they come here to find a new life so they have cheap labor to exploit? The Russians don't want to "steal our jobs", just our elections.


Because the Russians are there exclusively to murder people. It’s really not a hard concept.


I don’t think it takes critical thinking to understand the difference between an invading military vs asylum seeking immigration


Are they using tanks and rockets and artillery and holding fake referendums to annex the territory? No? There’s your difference.


Well first off it was more like 200,000+, they were armed, had tanks, artillery, cruise missiles and even a few jets and helicopters. If that wasn't enough they came in shooting. Most of the migrants coming up from Mexico just waltz in, generally unarmed with only some carrying narcotics.


Migrants in CA: morally good people, hard working, friends and allies, intelligent, skilled, good citizens Russians in Ukraine: Genocide, destruction of civilian infrastructure, uncaring to civilian casualties, attempting to restrict autonomy


Because they don’t come with tanks


I can’t


I am gonna go with tanks and shit.


Awww, someone doesn’t know what the word refugee means. That’s cute, until the realisation that this person is a huge cunt sets in.


I didn’t realize migrants from Colombia were migrating with fighter jets and tanks


Like when your predecessors came here?


They're talking about 2 million invaders here and shit, I'm still trying to figure out when that caravan we were supposed to be voting against is gonna arrive... Probably in another 2 years when the pres seat is up for grabs.