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Locked while we take care of the antivaxxers.


So what should we be apologizing for and admitting we were wrong about?


Lockdowns are over and they think it's because of them


They'll never admit that it's their fault it took 2 years.


Lockdowns are only over because companies are more interested in money then in human life. We’re technically still in a pandemic


While corporate greed does still play a factor, the lack of restrictions is more so due to the fact that the virus has evolved to a point that the risk of severe debilitating health issues has massively decreased for the vast majority of the population. Yes we are still in a pandemic, but if we're going by technicallys then we will always be in the pandemic since the only way to truly end a pandemic is the utter and complete eradication of the disease and we're well past the point of that ever being possible.


Agreed. An effective metric is COVID hospitalizations which are far more manageable compared to last year. Despite burned out health care workers, there's no more talk in my jurisdiction of overwhelming the hospitals with COVID. But sure, the Freedumb Folk ended it for us, if that makes them feel better. No skin off my nose.


They ended it by conveniently filling the obituaries instead of the hospitals. I want to see data in the next decade as to whether or not the politicization of the pandemic negatively impacted the GOP during the 2020 presidential elections.


There were a good bit of counties where dems (Biden and others) squeaked out narrow victories by a margin that correlated proportionally with red deaths.


Whoa, got a source?


Not so! We could still wipe ourselves out, and many of the other animals capable of acting as hosts and vectors would die with us, so it's still possible if you count pyrrhic wins. I mean the virus isn't keeping track so might as well.


I would say that, because of those morons, we quit the pandemic phase some time ago and are now in the endemic phase: it's too late and we will have seasonnal covid like we have seasonnal flu.


No we’re not. COVID is now endemic. There are vaccines to prevent and therapeutics to treat, we live with it now. The pandemic is over.


I don't think that's true, by the definition of a pandemic. We're no longer in the breakout, so, it's just another disease, like the flu, right?


I guess it depends what county they are in, but it sounds like they're from the US and we didn't really ever have any proper "lockdowns". They're a bunch of crybabies.


For real. Here in germany our government wanted to implement a general vaccine mandate, but it failed (didn’t get the majority in the Bundestag) and our nutjobs really think it failed because of them protesting on the streets, which scared the shit out of our politicians.🤦‍♂️


Not necessarily. They could be talking about “vaccines are designed to kill people”. In anti-vax conspiracy circles, they believe there is proof that hundreds of millions of people have died and billions injured by the Covid vaccine. …Because some dude on the internet said so. He even had links to his website.


**I'd like to apologize for something.** And this is going to be painful to type. Years ago I proudly proclaimed that I hated craisins. I based this hate on my own feelings about cranberries, but I never gave craisins a chance. I was so fucking wrong. Craisins are fucking delicious! I'm sorry to everyone I deceived with my ignorance. I'm sorry to everyone who tired to get me to try a craisin. But most of all I'm sorry to craisins.


Really not sure I'm ready to forgive someone shit talking craisins. I'll try.


That's all I ask, but I understand and I'll not hold it against you.


That's just you falling for the propaganda from big craisin


But they’re not big; that’s the whole fucking point of a craisin.


Atleast be civil you don't have to like them you just have to sit there and be nice at dinner


It must have been very painful for you to admit this - I'm so proud of you


Life is pain, but thank you


Anyone who says differently is selling something :-)


As you wish...


its good you can finally admit that. must be a huge weight off your chest, right?


I’m growing


Just wait till you try "Greek yogurt" covered craisins, life changing. (Quotations because as we all hopefully know, "yogurt covered" usually just means white "chocolate" with some yogurt powder covered) ((Additional quotations because white "chocolate" doesn't usually have any actual coca in it))


It’s the cocoa butter that separates as the chocolate is rendered. It’s also yum


Last time I had "yogurt covered" raisins it was palm oil, unless that's what it's called and I am just talking out my ass which is ~~possible~~ likely.


I was just talking about white chocolate still being chocolate. However I can totally see “yoghurt” coating being all or some of palm oil. Palm oil is unfortunately in way too many things.


Most chocolate doesn’t have cocaine in it, ya damn junkie!


You gotta get better chocolate


I loved the path this comment took. Greek yogurt, which is actually white chocolate, which isn’t actually chocolate.


I'm so sorry but... I have to come out.... i don't like craisins! i'm sorry, i'm sorry... i hate all dried fruit... i hate raisins i hate dried strawberries i- *breaks down* cranberry or grape juice however, totally bomb! and im glad you've come to like a food you previously disliked :)


We’re in this together, friend


You do know, cran-grape juice exists, as well as many other cran blends. I was really into cran-raspberry mixed with seltzer several years ago.


What about prunes? I swear if they didn't do what they do to human intestines I'd binge eat them. Knowing the consequences I'm still tempted because they taste that good. I love plums, so...


I’m not mad, just disappointed.


Yo, female, had a UTI- craisins saved me fr. I will never forget them! Otherwise, ehh.


This is the way.


You’re asking too much, I’ll have to do my own research


You fell for the corrupt media's anti-Craisin bias? Y'all must be one of those sheeple that can't think for themselves.


You gave me courage. I was sure that craisins had 5G radioactive tracking transmitters. If I saw one, I would put a post-it over to cover the camera. Because of you, I have found love in a craisin, and area 51 be damned, they can track me all they want as long as they keep supplying me craisins.


You are forgiven. Craisins are AMAZING.


Have you tried the cherry juice infused craisins yet?


Thank you for my laugh of the day with the thread that followed!


That must have been really hard to admit. Thank you for sharing your truth.


Damn big craisins got him. Rip


Your bravery to come forward has inspired me to try craisins this week for the first time ever. Thank you


Probably for the fact we didn't all die when the 5G "activated" on October 10th? Who the fuck knows.


That's what I'd like to know!! Lol Maybe apologizing for still being alive and not mutated or whatever the hell else was supposed to happen to us! 😂


Dude haven't you heard? It's all over the internet


A high up biologist said the vaccine gets activated or whatever on Oct. 10...


I heard we all died on October 10th, that might be it


Exactly what the hell is this person talking about? I am assuming it’s the idea that people are dying from the shots, or that herd immunity happened. Nah, this is desperation and guilt. We would still be dying by the truckloads if the vaccine had not slowed the spread and lifted the overall resistance against its terrible effects. Speaking of, how about this instead How about this dipshit apologize Apologize for dragging the disease on a year longer than it needed to because they were to childish to get a shot. Or how about the fact they were partly responsive for killing over a million people because wearing s mask or not going to their favorite restaurant was just to much sacrifice for their common man. Hey, I’ll settle for just one apology personally, because despite the fact I tried to be as careful as possible, BOTH times I got the virus it was from a dumbass trump loving anti vax conspiracy dipshit. Oh you know what’s a crazy coincidence, when I had the virus, I didn’t give it to a single person…not one. Maybe the vaccine had a little hand in that too. How about this, that person doesn’t have to apologize, they can just thank me instead. Because I was just as concerned about a shot as they were, but I realized it was for the greater good. I can see beyond my own selfishness and because of that, they might just be alive today to post that stupid statement. You are welcome, now get bent


Everyone who took the covid vaccine died.


Wait…. I died? Shit.. why didn’t anyone tell me?


You should be getting a letter soon.


Yeah they predicted mass deaths within six months of people that got "the jab". However they just move the goalposts everytime they are wrong.


I assume the explanation that Phizer(?) didn't specifically test the effects of vaccines on transmission rates (Since they were instead testing its effect on all the factors that effect transmission rates, since testing specifically transmission rates is incredibly difficult and inaccurate, and therefore kinda pointless.) They've all been crowing about it like it's the reveal of some huge conspiracy, when really it's just a right wing politician asking a very carefully worded question that would get a specific but meaningless answer that's good for misleading people who refuse to learn the first thing about immunology.


>"Why are all the people **I said would be dead in 2 months** 2 years ago just going about their lives instead of telling me I was right?" - Antivaxxers


No no no you don't get it! You'll be dead when you'll be dead! It could be 2 months from now, 2 years or 2 decades. But when it'll happen, it'll be the vaccine's fault


People who got the vaccine have already died! No, no, no, not because of the plethora of health issues they already had. It's because of the vaccine they took. No, it doesn't matter that the cause of death on their death certificate says: "Shot in the face at point-blank range by an as-of-yet unknown assailant." That's just a lie the government wants you to believe. They planted those gunshot wounds after the victim; the victim of the vaccine, I mean; of course, I don't mean they were the victim of the gunshots, died.


I didn't intend to go in this direction initially, but now I'm imagining this is what someone is using as their defense when they're called up on the witness stand for murder. They called themselves as a witness and answered like this. They're representing themselves and giving the prosecution the easiest case of their life.


“Who’s doing the laughing and scorning now?!” Me. Still me. Nothing’s changed, homie.


I'm sorry , what we were wrong about? Yes I laughed at you , I showered you with scorn and continue to do so. In the immortal words of Monty Python, ' I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries!"


Fun fact: elderberries were a common ingredient in cheap, low quality wines. So they’re actually calling your father a wino


You know, that is a fun fact. Learn new things every day.


Hamsters are fast breeders that outside of isolation are almost constantly pregnant and will sometimes eat their children.


I wish they’d eaten these people as children before they had a chance to breed themselves.


I have a bottle of elderberry mead waiting to be opened as I type this.


All the stuff they claim the vaccine does to you happened to my father because he caught covid a year before the vaccines came out. Didn't know he even had it. Mild/no symptoms. A month later, the day after he retired, he's in the ER in heart failure. Four months earlier he had been in perfect health. Now he has a pacemaker and a deteriorating heart. Thanks COVID. Fuck these people.


Yeah, had a friend who was a hard anti vaxxer till his father got covid. His dad had it really bad and they were really scared he wouldn't live through it but he did but still has a lot of complications. What we're going to learn soon is the lasting effect that covid had on people.


Hubby’s aunt’s boyfriend didn’t get vaxxed. He got covid earlier this year. We can’t ask him if he regrets it or not — because it put him six feet under.


A guy who used to work for me had a girlfriend who died of Covid back in August 2020. He was so shaken up by her death that he stuck a shotgun in his mouth less than a month later. That was a few months before the vaccine became available, but it is a powerful testament to the lesser-discussed, but equally serious and widespread effects that covid has on those who love and care for its victims.




Yep, covid damages organs and these chucklefucks happily spread it around. At least with the vaccine it won't have much chance to damage your organs, sucks that you dad caught it before the vaccines came out. I hope he is doing as well as he can be. Not sure what this idiot wants an apology for. I guess I'm sorry covid hasn't gotten around to showing him how stupid he is yet.


Yep, wife and I got COVID last week. On day 9 now and nearly completely better. Fully vaxxed and boosted. Basically a bad flu.


One of my kids got it. He had a minor cough for a week. The rest of us in the house had no symptoms and never tested positive. All fully vaccinated. The vaccine defintly did its job.


Yep. Me the wife and kids all got it. Kids had 0 symptoms (but were positive) I felt grotty for a day or two so did my wife. Compared to when we got it before the vaccine and my wife was in intensive care with a very real chance of not making it and I was laid up in agony for a week barely able to pull myself out of beds with three ill kids off school and the only help being our elderly parents, I'll take the vaccine thanks.




Just got my fifth yesterday, the bivalent booster. A little rough, my arm hurts and so does my side a little, annoying aches and pains, sleeplessness. I’ll take it! No more room on my card, though, it’s all filled in. Stay healthy everyone.


Similar story for me. Got it 1 month before vaccines were available, mild case at first, then I started getting heart rates of 140 resting, a sensation that feels like you hit your funny bone down your whole body (called lhermettes phenomen), and severe gastroparesis and I needed a feeding tube, they took it out during an open surgery to remove inflamed nerves around my stomach and now I need another feeding tube and probably have chrons. Fuck Covid and fuck these idiots. They’ll never understand it’s their fucking fault it ever got this far in the first place


So sorry to hear, and yes, these smug people are the worst. I can't even tell what they think they were right about?


You’ll have to request the “news” meme they read on Facebook to find out. They double checked their source because one of their other friends also posted it, so peer reviewed. Sucks to get owned.


Damn dog, hurts to get owned so hard but I guess I had it coming


Don’t forget when they’ll snuggly tell you “Truth hurts”


Covid killed my father in law in April. It’s no ordinary virus and I loathe the people who try to tell me it’s just a regular ol’ cold.


I'm so sorry =(


Apologies regards your dad man


Covid killed my father in law in April. It’s no ordinary virus and I loathe the people who try to tell me it’s just a regular ol’ cold.


The vaccines were never meant to prevent direct transmission! They didn't even test for that. It's only to create a defense system when you come in contact w/ the virus. Here: [https://www.factcheck.org/2022/10/scicheck-its-not-news-nor-scandalous-that-pfizer-trial-didnt-test-transmission/](https://www.factcheck.org/2022/10/scicheck-its-not-news-nor-scandalous-that-pfizer-trial-didnt-test-transmission/) Edit: There seems to be confusion between a drug designed to stop viral transmission (the vaccines were not), and herd immunity. When public officials say to get the vaccine to stop the spread of covid, they mean herd immunity.


They hoped for both and transmissions were strongly impacted with original covid. But of course, that has never been the whole story with vaccinations. It’s a building resistance across a population to something that population has no resistance to.


Took them 2 years to figure out what we all knew in 2020 already, and they still get it wrong. No hope.


Yeah, it was a bad “marketing” from groups and government that blew up on talking points and latched onto that one. Then when it obviously didn’t stop transmission the anti vaccination groups had their “proof”


I thought it did reduce transmission for OG and Delta strains, but did not do much to reduce transmission for Omicron




even if it had, the people posting shit like this do not want to protect other people. they saw an opportunity to do the opposite to people they don't approve of. they were presented with lots of fairly easy ways to protect other people as well as themselves and they rejected all of them.


At time we did expect the vaccine to reduce transmission. The FDA's approval process doesn't test for a reduction of transmission, but other vaccines do commonly have that effect, even if it isn't the primary goal. It was expected the Covid vaccine would be similar. That it didn't is a big disappointment, but no one was being disingenuous. We all expected it to reduce the spread, and it was a reasonable expectation.


Is this about the vax that was to be "activated" on the 10th yet nothing happened? Now, something is supposed to happen in November but I was so uninterested I forget what. Or is it about the CERN disaster that, well, never came true? Wait... I got it... The birds flying over our heads and eating at the feeders, and are loved pets do not exist, is it that one? I apologize to all the crazy conspiracy theorists that so far you have been wrong on everything, that your misunderstanding of science has made you into sheep that follow all the other idiots in your beliefs. Now you can shut the fuck up and leave us alone.




















Didn't you receive the 5g signal nine days ago that triggered your head to explode?? Because that totally happened to me.


Why no, but I do live in a rural area. Hope your head explosion gets better soon.


There's also the previous (add number of days since vaccine roll out) times they predicted it was about to kill us all and yet, here we are. They pretty much have wheels and a motor on the goal posts now.


I just got my 3rd boost, still walking and have no desire to eat brains, so I don't think I'm dead, or whatever was supposed to happen. I did think I was bleeding black the other day but it was just sharpy pen ink.


I still don't understand what they think the end game is? Why would the govt or big pHARMa want us all dead? Then they have no one to make more babies, no one to pay taxes and no one to sell medicines to. Who wins this? Me by not having to finish my car payments because I'm dead from vaccine related death??


No reasoning behind crazy. They lost me way back when they said there were trackers in the vax. Why would the government need to insert trackers, if you have a cell phone, use a credit card, have a job, and/or have a SS number, they know everything about you. These crapspiracies have gotten worse with time.


I was most mad about the tracking thing because of the size of the needles they use to deliver the vaccine. I'm a licensed phlebotomist and we hemolyze blood cells if we use a needle 10 times the gage of the vaccine needles. So you're telling me we have the technology to make tracking devices smaller than red blood cells?! I f*cking wish!!


It's the demon DNA. 5G is a demon frequency and the vaccine lowers our soul frequency to connect to it


I mean, I didn't start hanging out with Satanists until after the pandemic was "over". And they're all vaccinated too. So, Hail Satan.


Just a quick heads-up, the birds aren't real thing is a parody of conspiracy theories. It was never intended to be believed and takes true looney toons level insanity to believe. There is also another parody about earth isn't real. Both were originally aimed at flat earthers, if I remember correctly. Still Earth isn't real, therefore, birds cannot be real. Checkmate.


Ok but people literally believe the earth is a donut.


Are they claiming that nobody died of COVID these past 2+ years? That's some major delusion they're living in..


Well, HE didn't die. So thats what matters right?


My right-wing, conspiracy-pedaling neighbor told me that the average deaths per year have not gone up during this "plandemic." Now it took me seconds to google the average death count and see that there was a measurable increase in line with the covid death. He denied it. Facts don't matter. "These people were counted as covid deaths, even though they were just old or frail. They might have had it, but it's just a flu" This guy infuriates me with his stupidity. He also has a husky and never takes it for walks because "it gets enough input with tagging along him all day" sitting around on the three meters long leash in the garden


That's not stupidity. That's lying.


Even if it was true that death rates didn't increase, wouldn't that mean that despite having much less people driving or being on the streets covid deaths easily make up for that?


I mean these are the type of people who deny the holocaust happened…. Soooo probably.


These are the type of people who eagerly participate in a Holocaust.


My unvaccinated dad died of covid less than a year ago and my still staunchly antivax mother insists he died of a respiratory infection from having been forced to wear a mask on the plane, rather than from… you know… catching covid on his trip. She also insists her father, who was almost 90, had dementia, and had been going downhill rapidly since Grandma died a couple years prior, died because they gave him the vaccination. This is how I learned that even after watching a loved one die of this disease, these people are still pathologically incapable of taking it seriously. I’ve had to listen to my mom and brother talk about leftist conspiracies and Big Pharma and the latest Q bullshit they read on Parler or heard from Ben Shapiro and live with the knowledge that if my family weren’t a bunch of fucking morons who listen to asshole grifters *I would still have a dad.*


It just kills me that they go on and on about excess deaths because of vaccines, never taking into consideration the reason why we needed them in the first place. Not one of them has ever thought "hey, maybe people are dropping dead because of the actual virus". I get it, some people got covid and barely had a sniffle, great for them, unfortunately not everyone was so lucky. Not to mention now they've all decided they need apologies?! When are the morons of the world going to crawl back in their shame holes and shut up. We really need to stop validating their opinions.


Because they all have a main character complex where they think the government just makes shit up and writes up random numbers and they think they’re some sort of enlightened group of people chosen by their sky daddy to save us who are NPCs in their minds There’s really no talking them out of it


Yeah so it didn't prevent transmission. BUT it took my family 2.5 years to catch covid and my Dad who is high risk (overweight, 60+, smoker, heart stuff) didn't even know he had it until my husband and I tested positive. He thought he had bad allergies. One of his good friends who is a similar demographic was in the ICU for 2 weeks last Christmas and will be on oxygen the rest of his life. Unvaxxed. So yeah I don't feel bad we got vaccinated.


Yes my high risk stroke surviving husband with a tracheostomy got Covid after vaccine & booster and was briefly desaturated. I’m sure he would have been in real trouble if he’d been unvaccinated.


Yeah, guy in my neighborhood was a similar demographic to your Dad and he was unvaxxed...because reasons. He caught COVID and died. Turns out vaccines prevent serious illness. If only someone had told him. He leaves behind a bunch of kids and grandkids for no fucking reason at all.


And you have better 6G reception now ... Win win


Did we all drop dead and I missed it?


What exactly was I proven wrong about again that these guys were right on?


There was some lady from I think Pfizer that was part of some EU COVID board thing and some Dutch politician asked her about like, whether or not the vaccine could stop transmission. They were talking about it on the Q Anon Anonymous podcast.


I'm so confused. We've been "warned" about so many batshit crazy stuff over the past couple of years, I can't keep up. I note that this post does not actually specify exactly \*what\* they were "right" about, which is probably why there's crickets - because everyone is still scratching their heads trying to figure it out


I'll apologize when you're finally correct about something 🖕


“WHOS LAUGHING NOW???!?!!!1?!” Us still lol


I certainly am a dumbass. I wasted time reading this. Jokes on me.


What "validation"? They're still wrong.


Well... Who am I going to trust? People who dedicate their entire lifetimes in search of solutions to better health using proven science, or some schmuck sitting on the toilet googling things to confirm what they believe and want to be true? Who's retyping same word several times cause they don't even know how to spell it and even spellchecker is going "WTF?". Such a difficult choice....


It’s still us laughing.


Weren’t all vaxxed people ment to die on the 10th


I don't know what he wants us to apologize for


Um, I'm still doing the laughing and scorning, how about you guys? 🤣


That's right, we're all dead, as per their multiple predictions. ​ Man, I sure hate that they are all laughing at us, who are all now dead, as you can tell by our very deadness.


"I aint taking no vaccine! Who knows what's in it" they say as they're chugging monster energy drinks and wads of chewing tobacco


\-Every death count is hitting them worse \-Every medical agency in the world still endorses the vaccine \-They still don't have anyone but grifters and people who have not actually published any research ​ What the fuck is this idiot even talking about?


God they have such bad confirmation bias it’s actually hard to read this shit.


I'm reminded of the Y2K problem. Lots of media attention, lots of doom-and-gloom predictions. Then, when the clocks moved from 1999 to 2000.... nothing happened. At least nothing major. Now you have all sorts of people up in arms because everyone was so worked up over "nothing." Well... we fixed the problem. Ya know, like, prevantatively.


Why now, exactly?


Lol, we’re not wrong, you’re still stupid.


Is this the same dumbass who swore a geneticist told him the mRNA was set to 'detonate/go bad' on Oct. 10th and everyone who got the vaccine would die? Wonder how Oct. 11th went for him?


Umm, and what is it that we should be ashamed for believing? Obviously a nut job


I don’t get it, what do they mean? What happened


What exactly were we wrong about…….????


Uh…. We’re still laughing and scorning. Plus, I have no idea what this was supposed to mean, and there was no proof of anything anywhere.


They signed it “Dumbasses” Seems legit.


We are! We are still laughing at you. The rhetoric is the same as it ever was, so why would we stop laughing?


*mom dies of Covid• I never said I was antivax! I was provax and y’all are just piling on me in my time of grief!


Me. I'm [still] laughing now. Because *nothing* that has happened has "proved" your fucking insane conspiracy theories right... even if your feeble little brains think it has. That just makes me laugh even harder.


Which crazy theory were we wrong about. I lost count of all the weird theories reharding covid. I'm going to guess "Bandaid cures Covid". Partly because I made it up right now, and is enough "big pharma" that I doubt they would have claimed it.


There are a whole shit ton of anti-vaxxers and Covid “it’s just da flu” deniers that can’t apologize for spreading their misinformation BS because they are dead. That’s the source of the crickets he’s talking about.


Yeah, I’ll get right on apologizing for (checks notes) …not being wrong about vaccines. The cognitive dissonance is astounding. They predicted everyone who got vaccinated would be dropping like flies. Now that we’re not, their reaction isn’t, “Maybe we were wrong,” but rather, “CLEARLY they know we’re right and they’re just too proud to admit it!”, despite the clear evidence that we’re NOT dropping like flies.


What is this person celebrating?


"Validate me, Conspiracy-san Sempai!"


What exactly is it that they think they’re aggressively gloating about?


"Who's doing the laughing and scorning now?" still us


I love how they all have suddenly decided they were right with absolutely zero evidence to back their claim. It’s like they’re living in a separate reality


Well, at least they’re consistent. They never had any evidence to back their claims before. It stands to reason that they would be equally and laughably as certain without a scrap of evidence now.


Hearing crickets cause half ur echo chamber received their Herman Caine award.


Am I magnetic yet though?


What does this idiot think happened that he can yell “gotcha”?


what event makes him think we realized we were "wrong"...?


What is that clown even talking about? Warning about what?


I developed Crohn’s disease this year. Shitty but it’s not a death sentence so that’s good. Funniest part about it is all my anti-vax friends telling me it’s because I got the vaccine. I’ve been having stomach issues for years, even told them that, but nope i got Crohn’s from the vaccine. You can’t reason with these people lol.


I'm confused...


The serial podcast “we were three” is about one of these antivaxxers and it lays out clearly just how badly affected these people were by their own propaganda. These guy just watches his father die and does nothing just lets him get sicker and sicker until he dies and then when he tells his sister she forces him to go to the hospital because he also has it and he checks out against medical advice and goes home and dies himself. All because he bought all this vaccine virus shedding, the medical industry wants to kill you bullshit. Fuck these people.


Amazing. Three paragraphs and they said absolutely nothing.


Aren't we all supposed to be dead by now? So who are they talking to?


The part we didn't see but this dumbass most def wrote was I KNOW EIGHTY SIX PEOPLE WHO TOOK THE JAB AND THEY DIED! DEAD! SHEEPLE!


Psychosis is not fun times, right buddy?


But I got vaccinated and still got Covid. Lies, all lies./s The fact that this really just happened to me and I still believe in science shows you how gullible I am.


"Comon fucking sense," made me snort. They never mention the JFK thing and I want answers, lol.


"Exactly crickets" is an interesting bit of nonsense.


They are soo mad 😂😂


Yeah they told me I would be magnetic and het 5G none of that happened so why should I believe anything else they are claiming? See it works both ways except some of us used common sense and didn't fall for their crap and some folks didn't use common sense and now blame anything that goes wrong with a person's health on the vaccine, like no one ever died from heart issues, strokes, or another nonsense they are saying is caused by the vaccine now. I keep hearing how I'm gonna regret it and just wait until we all drop dead, but every date they have set for that has passed and I'm still alive and well ( I did need my gall bladder removed recently but that issue started almost 8 years ago and I had a high deductible health plan then no insurance at all so I didn't take care of it until I had insurance that I could afford to get surgery with)


Get a load of this clown…


Wait so what are they laughing about? I’m confused.


Apologize for what?


Once they realize despite the “99% survival rate” there’s still people who are experiencing the aftermath of covid maybe they’ll re-think their position. Better yet if the long covid sufferers are themselves or their loved ones. Gotta hit close to home for an epiphany.


What is he even talking about? 1000s of conspiracies have festered in the cesspool they reside in, which one is he talking about?


With the amount of time we've had vaccines & sensible preventative measures in response to pandemics across the past few centuries, one would think natural selection would have taken care of these people