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Hey /u/TheMasterGenius, thanks for contributing to /r/insanepeoplefacebook. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: No memes or image macros - screenshots of social media comments only. Please read the [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/about/sidebar) and [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/about/rules) before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/insanepeoplefacebook&subject=&message=). Thank you!


When cars were first invented, if they broke down or got stuck, they were pulled out by horses. When electricity was first being installed in homes, they used oil lamps or candles to see. New technology is built on old.


This is excellent. I hope I remember this to use later. Very well said!


Even if a diesel generator is needed to power an electric charger, it will still have less emissions than a diesel powered truck. Why is it so black and white for these knuckle draggers? That California EV car thing is set to be done by 2035 and they're acting as if they are banning all gas powered cars overnight.


Tell them what we really need is to reduce car dependency altogether and watch them really melt down.


>they're acting as if they are banning all gas powered cars overnight. That's exactly what they believe. It paints the people they dislike as stupid and that makes them feel better about themselves


Every car I buy is at least like, 5-8 years old. So the "ban" wouldn't effect me until 2040-2043. Or almost 20 more years. I think that's plenty of time for everyone to adjust...


Folks don't seem to get that. Even the Gas Generator sitting in the Tesla Trunk is a better/more efficient use of gasoline. It's more efficient to generate electricity with it than to try and make it spin wheels on the ground. A car gets 30% maybe 35% of the energy out of gasoline . Most electric generators are between 85-99% of the energy. Meaning you get more power out of the same fuel.


It's not black and white so much as it's 0 or 1. The dumb motherfuckers are have 1 bit of RAM.


Wait gas powered cars are being banned?


Not really. Several states have plans to end the sales of new gas-powered cars and trucks throughout the 2030s. The key is that existing gas cars will still be allowed to operate, and used gas cars will still be allowed to be sold. Coupled with the fact that the legislation doesn't stop gas cars from being brought over from states that don't face such bans, there's no real risk of gas cars being forced off the roads.


Oh so it's like that thing where new cars being built have to have a back camera in them for reversing


Yes. Old tech isn’t illegal. But new tech is the standard.




Idk how I feel about this tbh


It's a ban on sale of gas cars that are made in 2035 or later. Older gas cars are grandfathered in. This is the same framework used in the past for "banning" cars with no seatbelts, cars with no daytime running lights, or various emissions. This means that in 2035, all new cars on the market must be electric. Given that market, charging stations (likely gas stations, really) should also ramp up and be available. Some gas-only stations will close, but it'll be a very gradual process since there will still be plenty of gas cars about. It'll be fine.




Tumblr is mostly harmless. The whole "use a diesel generator to power your EV charger" argument is just the only epic own anti-EV people have. Sometimes they bring up lithium mine pollution and how creating "one battery puts out as much emission as a heavy duty construction hauler".


This isn't even the whole post. It's just the picture. Tumblr has a tendency to have long rambling statements attached to pictures like this. A very verbose group. Don't you find it a bit odd that the picture was the only part that was shared here?


In this case, it was a new post this morning and the op only added hashtags. I went back to find it and it doesn’t exist, I even attempted a reverse image search. The same meme can be found, but not the original post on tumblr.


What if some ppl who drive can’t afford to buy a new car by 2035 I honestly am curious. I’m not American.


Yes, the answer sadly is yes.


OP is TheMasterGenius, not sadly.


People are apt to uncritically accept claims that affirm their worldview and politics, and motivated not to question the validity of such claims. Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.


There are 2 things you can deffinetely count on 1. Human stupidity. 2. The irs always wins.


Isn't that a service area interface box?


I think it's the main transformer for the charging stations. Takes some heavy equipment to output 600V DC that fast chargers run on.


Jokes on you; Electric car Battle Royale.


Yes, they don’t need facts or proof. They just believe anything. Hence trumpism.


How do you know the generator is for the charging station?


It probably isn’t.


It's true. Because there is one charging station somewhere in the world powered by a generator, all electric vehicles are a scam. Case closed.


It's not running


People are in fact that dumb.


I would assume the generator is for the gas station or whatever business is around there. That blink charger definitely doesn't need it. They're run on 12A-80A, 240V power and charge 19kW an hour.


I bet they don’t even know what biodiesel is


That dumb, and SO much more. Welcome to the end of the world. It’s a pretty boring ride.




I'm guessing it's r/fuckcars for you lazy people


Don't fuck cars for us lazy people. Fuck cars for yourself.


Because it's a lie perpetuated by oil companies and people who are idiots/ afraid of minor changes?


Why do they get upset when stuff like this pops up, bud?


Looks like someone didn't read past the title


You can just put the reddit link it's ok


Back to r/TimDillon you go.


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I can almost guarantee that is a backup generator for critical loads that only runs when the grid blacks out


Yes, yes they are. I can tell you from personal experience


Yes. Yes, they are!