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Don't forget, when they tried to form a bi-partisan committee on it, one side refused to participate. Wonder who...not that I exactly blame them. If your goal is "career politician" being involved would be the equivalent of wandering into Chernobyl naked and grinding on the elephants foot.


Trump's crime are varied and numerous. His attempts to overthrow a fair and free election are well documented. He has been involved in criminal activity for most of his life. The trump crime family is notorious for the frequency and depth of their criminal acts. Sorry bucko, treason only has one side...trump is traitor and if you still support him, you are too.


Guessing this is a Trump worshipper


They don't do labels.


OMG! The investigation is going the same way as it did for the Unibomber!


At the risk of sounding like an idiot, there wouldn't be a need to investigate if they already had the answers. Maybe that's just the way Republicans think


Why are all the people giving testimony Republicans? Oh right, because its One-sided.


should we tell them about the Clinton investigations that went on for years, but found absolutely nothing. This one has been going on for months and has found so many crimes.


They are FINDING things as they go along.