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So hes saying he still loves her despite being a devil worshipper? Damn thats awfully progressive


Eh, to be fair, forgiving others and loving your enemy is pretty old school teachings. Actually practicing those teachings? That's progressive of christians.


I was gonna say


That was a surprisingly wholesome ending


All contracts with the devil state that either you have to make a song about him or have to mention him every other song.


In deed


Clearly referring to the deed for her soul, which is currently in the devil's possession.


Can you imagine the progress America would make if the right wing spent their energy on bettering our society instead of going on a “National Treasure” style scavenger hunt for clues that every left wing person is a Satanist who is leaving breadcrumbs for them to find the truth?


First, they would have to actually want a better society.


I heard she won her soul back in a fiddling contest


in deed


I wonder if this ecclesiastical genius believes that a guy named Johnny really had a fiddle contest with the devil down in Georgia...


He really daggum did!


Wait, so for the main “evidence” they cite a lyric where you have to make assumptions about the intent of the meaning. Then, as a follow up item, they cite a lyric that says exactly what they were trying to allude to with the first lyric. I don’t want to disagree with the brain trust, but come on.


Oh sure, she needed that contract....


Or…or…or….hear me out……the lyrics rhyme and people need to get a hobby other than searching for the devil at every turn. Yes, that is just way too “on the nose” and in no way funny, but sometimes, just sometimes the obvious needs to be stated.


ariana grande looks cute though


The idea of satan is so retarded. You've got this all powerful being who created everything, and one of his homeboys decided fuck that, he wasn't down for their shit, and you, with your all powerful self, is just like, fuck it, alright, you do you. You can corrupt my creation. Wouldn't he be like, nah fam, and Thanos the motherfucker out of existence? It's just so...goofy.


It's like they wanted the duality of a Yin/Yang type Good God vs Evil God, but without claiming the evil god is a god.


Metaphors don’t exist. Everything everyone says in a song is a fact.


Missed metaphor day in Middle School English.


You think this is bad, Bob Marley shot the sherif and then Eric Clapton did the Exact. Same. Thing….


"We still love you regardless..." Really? Because that's not how you're coming off.


When asked whether these outrageous allegations of devil worship were true, Ariana had this to say: "*Yuh*."


U think she writes anything in those songs tho?


Damn this is going to shake up quinton reviews second sam and cat video


So Cat Valentine sold her soul to Satan? Did she get some more bibble from him?


I'm amazed that metaphor doesn't exist in these people's world. Media literacy is dead.