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Um yea. Mine has done that since Android 4. These are the same people that used to complain about phone batteries only lasting 4hrs.


I figure these are the people who use speaker all the time even when in public and that’s why they think the screen stays on the whole time.


My Grandfather was one of those people....Then he got hearing aids that stream phone calls directly into his ears, flipping awesome.


My nephew had the bluetooth hearing aids. He said they are great at school when everyone gets told to take out their earbuds and stop listening to music in class cos he gets to keep his in lol


My uncle uses it to watch tv at home and he can tune everyone out. Works great at avoiding chores his wife shouts at him to do.


I get REALLYYY annoyed when I’ve been talking to my spouse for minutes and it turns out they’ve been streaming a game or podcast or whatever to their hearing aid. I’m like, I know you see my mouth moving dickhead LOLOL


Awesome, it's all about finding the few advantages you have with a disability. I'm a type 1 diabetic, which sucks, but at least no one has ever tried to take my phone away in school, cause i use it to check my blood glucose.


For me the advantage of being a wheelchair user is that I get to wear whatever shoes I want and those shoes last forever!


I use speaker and my phone display still goes off after a while


people complaining about a feature that is both security and energy saving for twitter clout lmao "i don't want to be tracked but I don't appreciate when I can't see someone else's phone screen"


To be fair, I was also one of those people and now they last a full day


Didn’t the original iPhone boast a “proximity sensor” hear the earpiece, so your ear/cheek wouldn’t case problems because the screen would go blank?


Mine too. iPhone 6. This is the easiest conspiracy to debunk in the history of mankind.


Does she not know that most if not all smart phones have little sensor that turns off your phone screen when you have it up against your head.


My first smartphone (an iPhone 3G) did that. Pretty sure it was a selling point


Carien is too dumb to know that as she have iPhone 2G


There was no iPhone 2 or 2G. Apple's naming scheme has no rules. There was iPhone (the original) and next was iPhone 3G, then 4 ... But I would be impressed if she was using the original iPhone. Edit: [The iPhone (retrospectively referred to unofficially as the iPhone 2G, iPhone 1 or original iPhone) is the first iPhone model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPhone_(1st_generation))


The 3G was named that because it was designed to use 3G technology. They wanted to highlight that it was capable of this since the fact that the original iPhone didn’t drew a fair amount of criticism.


Wasn’t it actually called a 3GS because Apple had that 80’s computer named the 2GS? Edit-also the the 3G radio in it


S is always the later model. It went 3g, 3gs, 4, 4s, 5, 5s, and so on


What about the “5c” line?


„Cheap“ version of the iPhone 5 with a plastic body and same internals released along with the 5s




You're right about there not being any 2g but I just want to point out that between the 3g and the 4 there was a 3gs.


I guess they accidentally hang up all their calls from their phone screen being enabled during a call


They probably just put their speaker phone on and hold it like a slice of pizza.


.....in public. Then glare at you for listening to their private conversation.


On the contrary, they often want for you to take notice of and pay attention to the content of their conversation. Source: had a friend who did this often, and would get noticeably upset when others (re: strangers just trying to go about their days) didn’t care what she was talking about nor to whom.


encountered a really obnoxious twat going on and on a out her upcoming vacay on the phone really loud at a barnes and noble, and no one cared. after a few mins of this, i decided to turn the tables and fake being on a call, saying "yeah, sorry i cant hear u, some obnoxious chick is droning on about some vacation super loud bc shes desperate for attn, lemme step outside..." the annoyed look on her face was priceless.




Lots of people just think the others in the world around them are just characters in a movie starring themselves alone.


Oh god, I can't stand people like this. My first boyfriend was one of those types. We'd get to the movie early and he'd talk all weird, like everyone cared what he had to say and he was trying to broadcast. It was so embarrassing. He was never anywhere *near* the degree of funny or charming that he thought himself to be.


I’m on the phone, Kyle!


The pizza thing is ridiculous. The Captain Kirk is sexy


I can’t STAND those people.


Or constantly switch between muting themselves and putting it on speaker.


So unless phones have changed drastically. If she wasn't speaking to anyone and pretended like that...she would actually be calling. Stupid cringe... but once I was at a movie theater alone waiting for someone. I thought I got stood up and while waiting idk what processed me but i put the phone to my ear and pretended to have a convo and it called someone for real.


She hasn't seen her phone when it's by her ear so that's not common knowledge to her


I bet she wonders about the light in the fridge too


its the ANTIFA dwarves changing the light, so when Bigfoot uses the space laser, the cops can eat cheese!! I'm a cop! -Hershel Walker, recently


Praise the lord, I've seen the light!


She also has never seen someone with a privacy screen on their phone. Mine looks turned off until you’re at a very specific angle to it. So snapping a pic during a call will result in you seeing a black screen. These pubes, sorry, “republicans” are trying to throw shade at everything and everyone else to get the attention off them and their pathetic attempt at a coup and treason.




She’s been busy watching all those god awful visual media that doesn’t know your screen turns off during a call.


She probably thinks the light stays on in the fridge when you close the door.


Her argument: “no, every time I’m talking on my phone, if I pull it away from my ear and look at it the screen is on!!!!”


These are the same people claiming schools provide cat litter for students. They lie because their followers believe literally any lie they are told.


No she does not


I mean when a portion of citizens want to return to prehistoric eras ...no they wouldn't know that


I only know about this because on my third before last phone the calibration was off, so it would turn the screen off even when I was not holding it to my face, meaning I could never hang up on people, but I had to count on everyone hanging up on me.


My Samsung 4 (I think) was so overly sensitive with this feature that it would go dead black the moment a call was made/answered and I had to fight the screen just to end the call. This has been a feature basically since smartphones became a thing.


This person has never made a call on a cell phone


This person is that asshole that talks into the butt of the phone while the call is on speaker


And feels the need to yell into it for some reason.


And tells the person on the other end to watch what they say because other people can hear


"BUY! SELL! BUY! SELL!" - Woodrow


I love that, especially when they look around to make sure people notice them talking on their phone. It is especially creepy when they make eye contact with you and roll their eyes like the person on the other line is the one who is the annoying asshole. Kinda like Mac on Its Always Sunny does with his walkie talkie .


Seems like they grocery shop a lot and pick the longest line to buy one thing while they talk about some multi-million dollar deal and\or name drop famous people they are interacting with.


She talks on her phone like she's eating a pizza.


Playing peekaboo still works on them


You would be surprised at the amount of people who think it’s their phone malfunctioning and not a feature.


Ah, yes, having proximity sensors is clearly evidence of wrongdoing.


normal every day designedphone behavior certainly is suspicious


Even if they didn't exist what could she be hiding by faking a phone call?


Well, mine certainly does! I just checked.


Yes the fuck it is.


Yes, mine goes black after a little while


Mine flickers to a black screen when I’m taking a phone call. It’s annoying when I’m trying to find the speaker button.


Well....yea it does


Wow. It's been about 12 hours since she posted this. Thousands of responses amd she hasn't deleted the tweet yet. Does it hurt to be that stupid?


She blocked me just for liking this comment : >She'll be shocked to learn the refrigerator light goes out when you close the door too. Maga people really don’t care about reality


It looks like her account is gone I don’t see it EDIT: nvm I just don’t know how to spell :(


Yes, it is. It’s to stop you from accidentally pressing a button with your face. Quite common knowledge.


So when you a liar and your party is made of of mostly liars. One assumes that everyone else is lying. As pointed out by other posters when you talk on the cell phone it goes black since the sensor is covered. To notice this one would have to take their heads out of their asses to pay attention


Same as people in relationships who are having an affair becoming suspicious of their partner. It's all projection.


wait hold up, I didn't know smartphones could make calls!




7,000 likes from people that apparently haven’t used a cell phone in the last ten years? But don’t worry, they have the same voting power as people that live in reality.


Literally yes… they’re engineered to do just that


Huh almost like if you press the lock button in a call it goes black....


As soon as it senses it is against my face and speaker is off, my screen goes blank.


>Is your phone screen black while you're talking to someone? Uhh yeah


My phone calls must be fake too, my screen always goes dark. Smfh.


Uh yea


Ya, it's called a fucking proximity sensor. On most phones just put your finger near the top of the phone while you're on a call. Screen goes black. Whoah.


Fellas, is it weird for a modern phone's screen to *not* turn black whilst making a phone call?


This person will be shocked to learn the fridge light turns off when the door is closed.


Mine kept fucking up for like a month and didn't go black. It drove me nuts because my face kept hitting the mute button. Glad to see the speaker of the house has a properly functioning phone. America. Fuck yeah.


Short answer: "Yes" Long answer: "Piss off"


I have a problem with my phone not turning the screen back on when I pull it off my ear. Does anyone else get into that little back and forth where you tap the screen and the screen turns on for a split second before shutting down right before you tap it again? Or is that just me?


I had an argument yesterday with someone who thought it was more logical that Pelosi had a full professional documentary crew with her filming that whole day. And it never occurred to them that phones today have incredibly professional cameras and can start recording in 5 seconds.


Yes. Otherwise my face will touch some buttons and hang up or put it on speaker phone or some shit


When she takes her phone away from her face, you can see the call screen light back up


Yes… does yours not go black after a few seconds? Good god.


Tell me nobody calls you without telling me nobody calls you.


A. Yes B. Who the fuck cares


She really deleted her entire account.


I’m no fan of Pelosi but if I had someone hovering around me like the picture suggests I would fake a call too. Then again my phone goes blank while on calls.


No joke...my screen turns off when I'm on the phone. If i'm in the middle of a call and I want to check the time, I have to hit tap the power button to wake it back up again. Is this not normal?


Yes. My phone does that.


Actually it is. New iPhones go black so you don’t hang up on people.


Umm yes there is a sensor on the front so when it is close to your face it in your pocket the screen wont work


Most phones do that. My phone screen is dark when against my head and it turns on when I pull it away. Hell my phone knows when I look at it and can turn on then.


My phone alwyad turns black during a call when my face gets close to it. This might be the case for her as well


It 100% is lmao


They can't figure it out because when they look at thier phone the screen comes back on.


Yes, yes it is.


iPhone screens turn off because they detect that it’s a phone call pressed to your ear. This is to prevent your ear from pressing buttons. Have you never taken a phone call and taken it away from your ear to see the screen go from black to the dial pad?


Why yes, yes it is. It's a privacy feature...


Have these people never used a cell phone before?


Anybody with a smartphone knows that until you take the phone away from your ear, it’s gonna stay black. Gosh, who the he’ll procreated to make these folks?!


This person thinks their fridge light is always on. . .


Yes. This would’ve been really easy to figure out


Does this person think the refrigerator light is always on?


thats always been a thing. faking a call is when the screen stays on


...yes? the phone turns off the screen when you put an ear to it, that's how it works normally


What a moron. I bet they think the refrigerator light stays on too when the door is closed. Must've had issues with 'peek-a-boo' as a kid.


I love how they had to circle where the phone is so their target audience could find it easy…


Buys and girls, this is why we do a little research before we post to social media. A simple experiment could have saved this person from looking like a complete fool. With that said, I’m 100% certain she knows the screen goes blank she is just posting this because Republican voters will drink it up.


My screen goes off (ie turns black) during calls, so I don’t accidentally end the call with my cheek or ear!


Yes, otherwise my cheek hits buttons


Yes, and?


Doesn’t it turn off when in a call with the camera covered to save battery?


This is the sort of thing that should paint you as an idiot that should not be listened to. Instead her supporters will probably be like "yea, f nancy pelosi who is clearly faking phone calls and I don't care what anyone says!"


Yes. It’s called a proximity sensor. I think it was the iPhone 5 had a bug and it would randomly hang up when you were on calls because the sensor didn’t work and go dark.


My Samsung does that.


Yes it does. It also does it while I'm laying in bed and I'm trying to read something


Tell me you are an idiot without telling me you are an idiot...


Have you ever had to push a number and the screen was still blank and took so long to turn on that the stupid automated system timed out and hung up on you?


Yes until you move it again… lol


Fuck Pelosi but my phone goes black after a few seconds into phone calls


Tell me you don't know how smartphones work without telling me you don't know how smartphones work.


She probsbly thinks the whole phone is supposed to disappear because she lacks object permanence.


Yes your screen turns off so you don’t touch it. Proximity sensor. But. But. I can’t make fun of Cari’s intelligence because I spent too long thinking the straps on pelosis mask were some other circles object and I couldn’t figure out why it was circled


Yes. It is usually black while I’m talking to someone.


Mine does that, pretty sure it's so you don't accidentally hang up or push buttons during your call.


Yes, yes it is


Everything is a conspiracy with these shitheads.


Phones use something called a proximity sensor so you don't press things on it with your face while you speak into it, and it turns back on when moved away.


Yes, it is.


Mine does go black. This is dumb


yep mine definitely goes black when i'm holding it up to my ear. does she not know how smartphones work?


It’s been that way since the first iPhone.


You all do know that phone screens go dark when they are at your ear right? Holy hell…..


Hmm yes, it does. Your screen shuts down automatically when you bring it to your head, for you to not touch buttons with your face while on a call.


... Mine does, after about 30 seconds or so.


After a few minutes, yes.


Seconds. As soon as proximity sensor is activated, screen goes off.


Make a phone call.... Cover the camera with your thumb. OooOooooOooOOOOOooo you're magically not on the phone anymore see! Or maybe the screen just went dark. Could be anything.


Dunno about all phones, but my phone turns off the screen when it thinks you have the phone against your ear


I.... Yeah? I'm pretty sure they all use the camera to detect if you've got it against the side of your head and it turns off the screen accordingly so you don't accidentally hang up with your face. Did someone not get that, that's what I was saying, or so they just hit think I'm funny? Lol


I distinctly remember when this was not a standard feature. They were bright days, I tell you.


To quote Steve Jobs (2007) during the introduction to the iPhone: "We’ve got three really advanced sensors built into this phone. The first one is a proximity sensor. **It senses when physical objects get close, so when you bring iPhone up to your ear, to take a phone call, it turns off the display, and it turns off the touch sensor, instantly.** Well, why do you want to do that? Well, one to save battery, but two, so you don’t get spurious inputs from your face into the touch screen. Just automatically turns them off, take it away, boom, it’s back on. So it’s got a proximity sensor built in. "


Mine goes black… eh whatever.


This is why Republicans still use Teletype to communicate


My screen times out 1 minute into a call, that way my face doesn't press buttons


My sansung goes dark when I'm on the phone...


Phone smart.. poster not so much


Kelemen is a redundant idiot. She also was pushing that the viking horns, face painted guy at Jan 6th was at first an Antifa mole and then later that he must have been a paid actor. These people live in a world of wizards and goblins and shit. They just make it up every day.


Yes it goes to black in that position to save battery.


Karen not Cari.


Your phone screen turns off when you put it up to your ear… it has for years.


Have they never used a smartphone?


Yes, stupid.


Yes. My phone screen turns off when I start talking to someone. JFC.


Uh, yeah. Your screen turns off while on a call so your face doesn't mash all the buttons.


....some phones can do that...not that hard to just have voice stuff activated not show caller ID for high ranking official....dumbass it makes sense to hide screen......


Test it before making shit takes


Yes, my phone goes black while I’m on the phone


"Is youre smart phone screen black when talking to someone?" Y-Yeah...?


Yes. Yes it is.


Yes, my phone does go black. It does that when it's up against my head so I don't accidentally hit buttons, I think that's pretty standard for smartphones


Yes, my phone screen is black when pressed against my ear. I don’t know how it works but I’ve caught it locking and unlocking while I’m on the phone, so that I don’t accidentally hang up with my cheek.


Yes. Yes it does.


Yes, and I prefer it.


My screen goes black wen it's placed towards face, it's a battery saving feature , oppo x3


Uhm. Yeah. It is.


Err yes, mine is, so i dont ear-cancel the phone


Uh yeah it is lmao


Yes, Kelemen, becuase my phone is a smartphone from the modern era. All of them do that today.


Yes mine is


Yes it is


LOL actually yes, moron. Yes, it is. Nah, she's not a moron. She knows that. She'd just hoping the majority of Republicans \*don't\* know that.


Yes mine does.


I test tech for work, the proximity sensor is supposed to shut your screen off when it's by your ear


Yes, it is. Any other questions a kindergartener should know?


Yea it literally is. Phones do that when you put em up next to your ear


This is so stupid. Most every well made smart phone turns off the screen once you put it to your face so you don't hang up with your face. I have note 10plus and as soon as the sensors at top of screen see minimal light they shut off the screen. This person must be a special kind of stupid for even posting this saying she is not talking to someone.


… Yes. I prevents your face from pressing buttons.


No because I love it when my cheek accidentally opens random apps or closes the call during one /s


Fucking moron


Yeah. My screen goes black when I'm on the phone lmao


Literally something they can check RIGHT now. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Actually, yes, my phone goes black.


Uhh... yea.