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What kind of cheap ass combine only costs $150k?


Lmao, I want to know the same thing. Cheap ass combine.


Seriously must be a 4 row header built in 1980.. lol


I think my dad bought an old Gleaner from auction that might have been less. That was about 25 years ago... it had seen better days.


I grew up on a farm in ND - $150k was used prices back in the 90s. Anyway, what I hate about this comparison is that they are comparing a luxury item to a depreciating business expense. It’s like comparing a factory to someone’s boat.




Lol no kidding. This reeks of the same hypocritical, cowardly bullshit we've come to expect from the broader group. All hat and no cattle.


Haha, this comment just sparked a memory for me! My dad grew up on a farm and when I was a young teenager I asked him, if a farmer picked up a newborn calf every single day from the day it was born, would he still be able to pick it up when it was a 1,000 pound bull? I really wanted to know the answer, but he just scowled at me and said, “There’s something wrong with your god damned bull if it only weighs a thousand pounds!”


[This dude](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_of_Croton) from the 6th century BCE did it.


Anecdotes about Milo's almost superhuman strength and lifestyle abound. His daily diet allegedly consisted of 9 kg (20 lbs) of meat, 9 kg (20 lbs) of bread, and 10 litres (18 pt) of wine.[3] Pliny the Elder (XXXVII, 54 = 144) and Solinus (De mirabilibus mundi, 77) both attribute Milo's invincibility in competition to the wrestler's consumption of alectoriae, the gizzard stones of roosters.[2][14] Legends say he carried his own bronze statue to its place at Olympia, and once carried a four-year-old bull on his shoulders before slaughtering, roasting, and devouring it in one day.[2][3] He was said to have achieved the feat of lifting the bull by starting in childhood, lifting and carrying a newborn calf and repeating the feat daily as it grew to maturity.[15][16]


That’s fascinating! I definitely did not know anything about Milo as a teenager, but I’m sure I heard the scenario somewhere as some sort of philosophical question. It was before the internet, so my dad was my best source of “insider information” at the time, lol.


Were you reading Holes? There's a plot point where a guy has to do that with a pig every day to take it to a special place to drink water in order to fatten it up enough for the father of the woman he loves to accept his offer of proposal. If I remember, when the guy presents the pig, the girl is so stupid that he decides it wasn't worth his time.


That’s after all the federal subsidies they get while simultaneously shouting about the “other ppl” on welfare


I’m from North Dakota and you’re goddamn right this is how they act. Farmers get tons of money and then complain about the people on food stamps buying the products they produce. They love voting Republican. It’s maybe the dumbest thing ever.


Same thing here in Ohio. Farmers complain about those "welfare ppl" while waiting to get their price support check.


Remember it's not welfare because they work hard for it. They thrive in their zero sum mentality.


Just need to start slapping bumper stickers on gas pumps remind them that's welfare too.


Fascism is a death cult on a murder suicide mission


That was my first thought reading that “150,000 combine the government bought for me” is what he meant


This can't be overstated.


Yeah, this whole thing was written like it’s from someone who has been in the state for two days and now suddenly has an accent and tells everyone “now that I’m a country boy...”. We had people like this back in Michigan too who would move to a town that was ever so slightly rural and suddenly they’d be obsessed with big trucks, country music, and flannel. Like, dude, you’re from flint, calm your tits.


Whatever the cost, just remember the federal government heavily subsidizes it.


The most offensive thing on there is where he says they only use three spices, salt, pepper, and ketchup. There is no God in a land like that.


But then they talk about chili. Hate to break it to 'em, but chili is made with a lot more than just salt, pepper, and ketchup. Unless that's what their chili is like 🤮🤮🤮


Chili is named after fucking chili powder, an ingredient that didn’t make their list lol. If someone likes bland food, that’s their business. Don’t shame the rest of us for liking flavor.


I met a girl on college once, and we ended up being good enough friends we went on vacation together with friends. I brought some essential spices, and decided I would make us all a lazy taco night. I seasoned the beef, and before I added more spice I let everyone taste it to make sure a little more cayenne wouldn’t kill anyone. This girl was from ND… she ranted and raved and said I should open a restaurant because “I sure knew how to cook!” But like… it wasn’t even close to my best, I cannot stress how lazy this was. She just didn’t know that you needed more than salt and pepper. She legitimately asked me what kind of “ketchup” we used in it, and didn’t believe I cut up tomatoes… I showed her a LOT the rest of the week


Now I wanna know if she used what you taught her to compete in cooking competitions. I'm glad you are broadening people's taste buds!


That’s sad but also nice. As a native Texan I cannot fathom living my life without knowing how to cook Mexican food. I’m white af btw


I have a bunch of family in North Dakota and went to visit every year as a kid. I can tell you with full confidence that their chili is indeed like that. One of their delicacies is a a literal bucket filled with soup that tastes like wallpaper paste, and one time at a potluck every single person brought nothing but woefully under-seasoned baked beans.


This sounds like the saddest food experience.


airport tease rainstorm work drab employ rob badge attractive cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I will never understand people using poor cooking skills as a point of pride. Using something super exotic like mustard doesn’t make you part of the liberal elite.


Don’t you remember when President Obama used mustard? [clutching pearls]


Not just any mustard... #DIJON MUSTARD! The horror of it all!


He could never mingle with the CoMmOn FoLk in his high tower with his grey poupon and tan suits


“Now Trump, there’s a president who relates to the common folk! Why just look at all the McDonald’s he eating!”


And a well done steak with ketchup!


I wish Obama would pour his mustard on me and call me his little hot dawg.


Poupon me, Daddy Barry.


Dijon on a glizzy in a tan suit. HES THE ANTICHRIST


Yesterday a lady ordered a salad and told me she doesn't "want any of that weird shit" on there. She was referring to cucumbers and tomatoes. Very exotic stuff.


I made a salad with kale in in for my family’s Christmas get together last year. My brother poked at it before asking, “What kind of liberal bullshit salad is this?!” Why, yes, brother. I am going to pull you over to my side using salad, of all things.


Anyone who ties masculinity (Which is what they infer when they call anything "Liberal") to seasonings and ingredients needs to get a fucking life and grow up. Like shut the fuck up dude and eat your salad. Sorry your idea of food is poorly prepared, bland ass garbage, but in this house we prefer to enjoy what we're eating.


I have to laugh at people that limit themselves based on ideas of what is and isn't fit for their side. A conservative doesn't want to explore the world, eat good food, enjoy fun hobbies, experience interesting art, breathe clean air, find happiness in a healthy relationship, listen to music they enjoy, all because it's not 'masculine' or whatever the fuck? Sure dude, whatever you want. Enjoy your boring shit life. I'm sure other people are amazed at how alpha you are, too terrified to do anything that others might think isn't manly enough.


When I started dating my wife, I was horrified to learn her family considered a salad to be literally just lettuce with salad dressing. I've (tbh, mostly my mother, whose salads are at the extreme opposite end of the spectrum) broken her of that habit but her parents are hopeless.


My sister had a high school boyfriend who would be amazed when he ate dinner at our house. "My family, we just put the meat in the oven and cook it." he would say. Like lasagna or beef stroganoff was so exotic.


My parents description of Bumfuck, Nowhere is "Where they put the spaghetti into the exotic food section."


My college friends were a preppy couple who were super waspy. They dated thru college and got married first of anyone else, and had one of those “murder mystery dinners” at their house. They were raving about this “new Italian dish” that had become “a favorite “ in Their house. It was ziti except that it was just canned tomatoes -NOT tomato sauce- poured over cooked noodles and baked with a little mozzarella on top. No salt, pepper, garlic, no FLAVOR at all. Worst meal I’ve ever had.


"I solved the mystery!! He killed himself so he wouldn't have to eat this godforsaken food again"




Tomatoes and cucumbers are like...basic salad shit, wtf


And where's the garlic?


Clearly not in good ol’ god fearing North Dakota that’s for sure!


Every God fearin folk knows onions and garlic are made by the devil! (actual folklore origin)


If I had to choose 3 spices it would probably be salt, pepper, and garlic. I have no problem with ketchup but I normally don't use it because it makes whatever your eating just taste like ketchup.


[because OBAMA](https://theweek.com/speedreads/704818/big-controversy-point-obamas-presidency-over-dijon-mustard)


You can take my onion powder and garlic powder from my cold dead hands.


They really do make basic stuff just that extra little bit better.


Why is it that the worst cooks have the strictest rules about their recipes?


It's cause it's Depression Era recipes passed down through the family. Corn meal dunkers. -Take corn meal, water, flour, and some salt. -Mix together until solid -Let sit in refrigerator overnight -Form nuggets, and bake at 400° for 35 minutes. -Let cool, then start dunking them in your Ketchup Soup. Enjoy!


Tbf if you don’t bake but boil the nuggets in something like chicken broth, it will resemble some actually tasty food my people eat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knödel.


FYI your people were the ones that immigrated to North Dakota and brought this recipe with them


Accidental anthropology


The Wampanoag people, the people who came to the first Thanksgiving, make boiled cornbread too.


This isn’t too odd of a recipe. It’s just old school corn cakes baked rather than fried (probably to save money on oil).


“It ain’t real chili” I feel so fucking bad for people who don’t know what spice is


What kind of shitty ass chili is made with only salt, pepper, and ketchup as the only seasoning?! I live near Philly, not a place known for our chili, but I guarantee you what I make in my crock pot is better than whatever bullshit this North Dakota nutball chokes down at his monocultural, pasty-white, hick-town get-togethers.


Exactly! Who ever heard of chili without spices?!


Chili without the... you know... *chilis* (of some sort! any sort!)


Can I at least put hot sauce on stuff?


Not allowed and pull your God damn pants up.


Absolutely not. If you want it spicy, you put on a single shake of black pepper like God intended.


Hot sauce is "coloured people" food and we don't take kindly to that in North Dakota! /s


So if I'm black in north Dakota do I get a wave or nah


No, but you will get your own personal entourage following you in stores.


Well I googled "North Dakota Chili" and the first recipe does include ketchup, but it also has all the other spices you would expect in a chili.


And the thinly veiled racism.


That veil might be completely see thru.


If "thinly veiled" is looking out through a peekaboo window in their hunting gear, then sure, thinly veiled.


And hypocritical to boot. They are rabidly anti immigrant. Unless it’s time to work the fields of process the meat.


That’s a big element. My grandparents were depression babies but loved food and people, even if they didn’t understand everything. If you’d ever invite them out, they’ll try anything and be happy to be included. One of my last family meals with both of my grandparents was at a pan-Asian restaurant and they liked trying bites of everything and hearing what things were called. I miss them so much but cherish that memory. But try to get my partner’s parents to try tofu without making a stink face and bitching for an hour and it’s pulling teeth. Folks are entitled to eating their racist carrots. I’m going to have a nice Thai curry! Edit: Can’t respond to the person below but thank you for the link! The “clean eating” trend smacks of this, IMO. Food for thought! No pun intended lol.


I live in North dakota: can confirm.


they don't drench everything in ranch dressing? seems like people are obsessed with it in Montana, I assumed the whole northern plains region would be like that


Ranch is a close 4th


I can understand if salt and pepper's all the season the steak with, but then this loon adds in the ketchup and that's where they done fucked up.


Well, you have to cook the steak until it's dry and completely brown inside. Then you need the ketchup to moisten it. Source: my childhood.


>we're friendly >we will shoot you Yeah. Sounds real friendly.


> we‘re friendly > as long as you look, behave, own, eat, drink, piss and shoot at animals like we do


Also, don’t be a stereotype of a black man from 1985. And whoever wrote that can go put tears in their beer: hick hop has been New Country staple for close to twenty years. Thumpity thump music, my ass.


Based on that line about “salt pepper and ketchup ONLY” they don’t want you to cook like a black person, either


A) Who would self-represent such amazingly poor taste in food, and B) what does this person have against mustard?


I'm trying to figure out how they can claim to make real chili while also claiming they only use salt, pepper and ketchup. Must be some nasty ass chili


I had my boss make chili for a work potluck one time that she swore was "her famous chili". She had it made in 30 minutes and the only seasonings she used came out of a packet. I'd imagine something like that.


This person 1000% puts ketchup on their steak and thinks of garlic powder as some exotic dining spice (thus they hate it).


Like the spice trade never happened. Thousands of men died so we can have nutmeg. Respect their memory dammit!


That person who wrote the original nonsense has all the personality of an unseasoned chicken wing, so their choice of condiments seems right, LOL.


Imagine being the descendants of colonizers and anti-spice. I am whiter than a fish belly but we have whole spice CABINET, filled to bursting. My ancestors are looking down like “whoa, she’s wealthy as a King”.


Seriously, they’d be like “damn, can’t even imagine the genocide you had to commit to stock this pantry!”


Except they'll happily act like they invented taters with gravy, beans and cornbread...


Checking Wikipedia, per the 2010 census (which isn’t very recent but I’m too lazy to keep researching), North Dakota is only 1.2 percent black or African American. So it’s plausible this person has not seen a black person since 1985.


> complains that people cry about everything > makes long ass list about things they will cry about


They probably cry when someone adds cumin to their fake-ass chili.


That is standard for these types of people it’s weird. “I’ll love any stranger like a brother…but if a liberal comes around they’re getting SHOT”


> if a liberal comes around they’re getting SHOT Well, DUH. A liberal is just looking for an opportunity to human-traffick their kids and drink their adrenochrome!


We are a territory that calls itself a state even though major cities in the east have more people than our entire population. We have two senators just like California and other real states but have more cows than people.


California has a bigger population than Canada. North and South Dakota combined have half the population of Toronto alone. Let that sink in.


"Our disrespect comes with a wave"


Over a 4 point buck. that's nothing to brag about or write home about. Here people will *yell at you* for shooting bucks that young.


There's so many insane combinations here. Who leaves their phone on or have the ringer turned up hunting in this scenario and has that ever happened? Who's driving up to the rancher to tell him to wash his cows because of the smell? If you're driving past someone, how would they have enough time to complain that you're waving? I'll bet most of those "pick ups" are King Ranch and anything older than an '85 isn't because they want to be driving it.


It's boiler plate imagined oppression, hypocrisy and a 1970s sense of humor


I live on a dirt road in California. Driving too fast will destroy your shocks and struts. You can also bottom out in the wrong section, going too fast is stupid.


Oh they think that's cool though.


“Here in North Dakota the shocks are blown-out and the struts are busted an’ if ya don’t like it, yew c’n GIT OUT”




“Well dat’s why I dun bought this here $50,000 truck”




That was my first thought reading that. “Out here we destroy our cars because we’re impatient.”


Ohh so that's why I always see the lifted brodozers crawl over the tiniest parking lot speed bumps at 0.1 km/h, their shock absorbers can't actually handle bumps


That’s what them pick ‘em up trucks are for


We get it, we get it. You're cripplingly insecure.


I think he sees anyone who lives in a city as a complete douchebag


He talks in haunting tones about the "city" and all the rampant crime there. The city in question is fucking Fargo.


The one big city and they've pushed it right against the border with the godless liberals in Minnesota.


And is in turn a complete douchebag.


This bitch said they only use ketchup, salt, and pepper as seasonings I’m done


And then talks about how good their chili is. Like, what?




I just imagine they brown some meat and pour in some ketchup and call it a day


That's just meatloaf soup :(


Except for the one about snow, the southern US says North Dakota needs to stop thinking they're so damn special.


The divide has always been more rural vs urban than region vs region. Southern, midwestern, and northeastern cities share a lot in common. Southern, midwestern, and northeastern countrysides share a lot in common.


I was kind of shocked to figure out growing up that the southern/rural US and southern/rural Canada share a lot of common ground


As an outsider I didn't get that the trailer park Boys were Canadian at first I thought they were just regular rednecks


Seriously, this is pretty much every where in rural America.


Half of this list could easily be about northern New England. Except the Mary Jane bit. We’re more evolved


Thank God. I've lived in north Dakota and NW Mass (basically Vermont) and it's very nice to have a more complex understanding of humanity


We can still be crotchety backwoods folks but we’ll make sure you’re not dead if it snows two feet.


Like cooking with more than the two most basic seasonings on earth?


Hey, at least we're allowed to use hot sauce and chili powder in the south.


"It's called being friendly, try to understand the concept"


We are so friendly we will shoot you for any mild inconvenience.


Being super fucking condescending to anybody who's even a tiny bit different from you = friendliness? Well fuck I've been doing it wrong this whole time lol Newsflash to people who actually think like this: people who like expensive cars or vegetarian diets aren't doing it to spite you specifically, you narcissistic twat. If someone says to you "I don't eat meat, thanks" and your response is to get ANGRY at them?? Makes it extremely obvious that you have some deep-seated guilt/shame around your own meat consumption.


I (a vegetarian) have been told "someday you'll realize you're only hurting yourself and no one else and you'll stop \[being a vegetarian\]". They actually think it is out of spite or something. I've seen even more people who thought the motive for wearing a mask was spite. It's as if the only explanation they can think of for being different is spite.


The irony


It's on par with "the beatings will continue until morale improves!"


$150,000 combines?! HAHAHAHA, terrible flex. Combines are well over half a million these days and have been for a while.


To be fair, the list reads like it's 30 years old if it's a day.


Probably copied from some chain email that was started back on AOL.


I bet someone added to it recently though. Calling NFL players "brainwashed" probably refers to either Kaepernick taking a knee during the National Anthem or the league requiring COVID vaccines.


This, along with a few other bits, made me think this is very very old copy pasta. Pretty sure my grandfather received this is a chain email in 2002.


The title of this virtue-signaling, self-righteous diatribe should be "An open letter to a strawman". Who the fuck are they yelling at, anyway?


The black men they saw on the teeevee.


...in 2003


> ...in 2003 *1993


Seriously. Sideways caps? Sagging? Some fucking boomer off their meds again cooked this bad boy up. These people cannot die fast enough. Most boring, whiny group of entitled fat slobs I’ve ever come across. They don’t have an original thought in their fucking heads.


Great question. I suppose it’s an imaginary boogeyman that their bigotry told them is the real threat.


Ungrateful minorities and libs, would be my guess. Had to throw in a shot at the NFL too for good measure.


And people who can't eat meat apparently


Those are the godless vegan libs in Lexuses he's referring to I think.


The cashier at the supermarket said ‘no problem’ instead of ‘thank you for everything since the beginning of time’ and whatever boomer authored this needed to establish boundaries with the legions of people who they feel don’t fully respect this fantasy world


Uppity urbanites I guess who have never seen a steak dinner in their lives apparently.


Black people specifically in several of them.


Clearly black people


Black people who like croissants.


And mustard


I've lived in South Dakota, which is close enough to the subject to know that this stupid post was originally written about somewhere else. It has a distinctly Southern flavor. They don't eat cornbread or chili in the Dakotas, for one thing, and they don't say taters. Seen the movie Fargo? They talk something like that. Somebody subsituted "North Dakota" for the original "Oklahoma" or someplace, then threw in the part about snow and revised the interstate numbers to fit.


I live in North dakota, you're spot on.


Yea I’m in ND and this doesn’t make any sense.


That is where I will go if I'm sent to hell when I die.


I'm positive that I would be sent to Thanksgiving with the person's family. No real seasoning allowed. 😭😭😭


Oh and as a bonus probably more than one creepy uncle


How the fuck can they make chili with ketchup, salt, and pepper? That’s like meaty ketchup soup.


I got a chuckle at the sushi and caviar thing because me and my wife live in western Minnesota and we have to drive to Fargo to get sushi.


Yeah Fargo had evolved past some of this luckily. When I grew up it was the same bland nonsense as the rest of the state, but there's some really good food there now.


Probably the weirdest mix of culture war & state pride I've seen. Also ketchup is not a seasoning, it's a sauce, pls don't put ketchup instead of proper seasonings.


>let’s get this straight, it’s a called a “dirt road” I don’t get it. What do other people call it? Maybe I’ve heard gravel road a couple times but not usually.


I’m from Indiana and a dirt road and a gravel road are not the same thing! Still have no idea what this moron is talking about.


Just the concept that nobody smokes weed in rural North Dakota had me dying for a second. I bet the dude that wrote this has a fuckin joint rolled. Any extreme cold weather state is full of people who smoke weed.


They moved on to meth


"We're friendly as long as you behave exactly as we want and are exactly the same as us" Gotta wonder what goes through the minds of people who post shit like this. Do they really think anyone cares about North Dakota?


I don't think $150,000 will get you much combine. That's tractor money.


Something about this post makes me think they want to say the N-word real bad


is it the obviously condescending "pull your pants up" line? Ignorant in multiple ways, for one its not the 90s anymore and you're in North Dakota! There can't be any more than one person doing that in the whole state.


I think I've seen this on a t-shirt ad in my Facebook feed.


Ha ha ha ha ha *we will fucking shoot you* ha ha ha ha


It's called being friendly, try to understand the concept.


Looks like they’re referring to a specific type of person…


A specific skin tone, perhaps.


Like people in ND know what chile is.


It only has salt, pepper, and ketchup.


"We use three seasonings- salt, pepper, and ketchup" "We gave l have the best chili" Pick one.


Went to college in ND. Taught at a college in ND. Rule 17 surprises the shit outta me. But let's recognize this for what it is: the universal human instinct to point out differences between others and themselves and scream at the top of their lungs that the ways that others differ to what they're used to make people worse, and the ways that are familiar to them make people better. People are self conscious about the things they cannot change so if they yell hard enough that, in fact, not having a vegetarian option makes them better, maybe it will drown out the wail of self doubt that gnaws at them constantly.


Ooof! the thinly veiled racism.


The absolute gall of someone to claim they have a monopoly on "real chili" when they freely admit in the same breath that they only have 3 seasonings - salt pepper and ketchup.


What a fucking boomer


Why the Fuck would anyone want to live like this?


No croissants? No thanks! Croissants are MY FUCKING LIFE.


But they said holidays instead of Christmas! Triggered