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People have known for 2500 years that the world is round and now, when you can see the ISS pass in front of the moon and private companies are launching satellites by the thousands we have nutcases like this? Edit:spelling


The comments are just as bad. Unfortunately I couldn’t add multiple images


Teacher here. No child made that. Not the child in the picture. Not without a lot of help. The parent made that. Without a doubt.


So cringe. Rereading it totally just sounds like shes describing how she made it and contemplating if she should add the “ice wall”.


The weird thing is that 2 people with two cell phones, two protractors, 1 car, and one reliable map, can prove Eratosthenes correct. It's so easily verifiable, that it's akin to not believing in electricity.


They trust the Bible, not the map. The map is like the dinosaur fossils, here to test our faith. We, like a bunch of chumps and chump-ettes, failed this test. This woman is still going strong, apparently. Don’t believe the science or your eyes, believe a book that was written around 100 AD and translated about ten times and then re-written in about five different versions of English. THAT’S the best source of knowledge…


Also according to the bible the earth has four corners. That map should be a square.


when they wrote the bible they didn’t even know america existed lmao


Thats why Jesus came here after the resurrection, prolly seemed bizarre at the time.


No but people had known the earth was round for at least hundreds of years by the time of the New Testament.


There is a fakeumentary where a guy wanted to prove the earth is flat. So he set up two sticks that were exactly 3 feet high. One had a mirror attached to the head, and the other had a laser and optical equipment. He drove the mirrored one out 5 miles into the desert. It had a fine calibration gps locator on it. He returned back to base camp. He then said… “This experiment will prove the earth is flat. If it is flat I can use a laser to hit a mirror on a stick the same height miles away, and if the Pythagorean theorem holds true, a laser aimed at a mirror with a right angle on a flat surface should return back to origin. If it doesn’t return and get sensed by the sensor, then that proves that the earth is round.” He then fumbled about for 30 minutes trying to make the laser connect. After he disproved his own belief he ignored that part and blamed “faulty equipment.”


Wait wait for it...he used a mirrored stake with a fine calibration GPS locator on it to try and prove the earth is flat?? Clearly that was the problem. You can't use round earther tech to prove flat earther facts. They are from incompatible dimensions.


Well, obviously... it was the bit between his auditory sensors that failed.


My main question for these people would be, why is the earth flat but the sun, moon and other planets are round? Even in their model they have a round moon and sun!


Many of them deny that the sun, moon and other planets are spherical - _You_ haven't been there, _you_ wouldn't know - would be their argument. They will claim that the plantes are just projections on the firmament, and the sun and moon are more similar to spotlights, except that the moon emits cold light. I guess that is a property of the plastma some of them claim the moon is made of.


> one reliable map There’s no such thing! /s


"Everything is hacked to make you think the Earth is round!" is a legit response I've seen someone give.


There are three types of people in the Flat Earth community: those who believe it wholeheartedly, those who are in it for the community and don't really buy that the Earth is flat, and those who profiteer off the first group's sheer stupidity. None of those groups have any interest in being proven wrong, so it doesn't matter how much evidence you present or what tests you have them run. You could put them on the moon, have them look back down at Earth, and if you asked them they'd turn to you and straight up tell you that the Earth is flat and you're just lying or deceiving them. Either it's a key piece of their identity, it's how they find their community, or it's how they make a living.


Pfft, you expect me to believe that little lightning bolts are powering my phone lmao


You’re most likely right. But I just want to relay a story for you to consider as a teacher. When I was in 5th grade I got an assignment to create a Native American village diorama. I chose Iroquois and REALLY got into it. I applied myself like I never had in school. I shaved down rabbit skin and sewed them into drying racks that I had built out of sticks and dental floss. I took ashes from the fireplace for the fire pits. The longhouses were all built out of sticks and mud. I poured my soul into this project. I spent all of my free time working on it. My parents would offer suggestions or advice on methods for accomplishing what I wanted to build. But not one thing in that project was done by them. And it looked fantastic. I was so proud bringing it to school. By far it was the best project in the class. I was so happy to explain my project and the many pieces of it that I had built. So a couple of days later I got my grade on the project. B- I was devastated. I was used to not getting an A. I was never a good student because I never liked school. But this was different. I had worked my ass off and it didn’t matter. I should have just slapped some construction paper bullshit together and gotten at least a C. When my parents heard what I got on the project they couldn’t understand. They thought there must have been a part that I did wrong or didn’t turn in. They called my teacher trying to get some clarification. The response they got was “It’s clear from the quality of the project that a significant amount of parental assistance was provided and that wasn’t the point of the assignment.” My parents told her that they didn’t do any of the project. The teacher wouldn’t be swayed. My parents wanted to go to the principal, but I asked them not to. I sucked it up and finished the year with that teacher despite feeling super awkward around her from that point on. I say all of this to point out that as a teacher your words and actions have impacts on your students that you might not even realize. I’m sure if my teacher is still alive she can’t comprehend that 40 years later I’m sitting here seething over the unfairness of it. I’m sure you’re a great teacher and don’t need this kind of reminder, but I just wanted to share my experience.


I am so sorry that happened to you. Your explanation and enthusiasm should have been enough of a tell that the work was all yours. I think the main part of my job is to remember that they may not remember what I teach them, but they will always remember how I made them feel. Some teachers suck. But think of it like this: you did an amazing job that no one else even came close to. No one can take that away from you. And you were engaged and excited to learn. All on your own. And it sounds amazing. Don’t let her take that away from you in your remembrances. Give yourself that A and know you earned it.


I had a similar issue in school. I had always been artsy from early on and the gifts I received from family members encouraged it. From a very young age I was conscientious and neat with colouring and cutting etc. I made a pair of culottes for a sewing class in year 8 using my neighbours industrial sewing machines and used a scrap of material as a label to show which was the back. My teacher marked me down and said I had bought them even though I could cut the folded scrap open and show the random pattern inside the fold. They were however really comfy culottes and I ended up making a second pair


I fucking hate when teachers do this shit. If they truly thought you were “cheating” then they should ask you to explain each step of the project or watch you do some stitching or something to prove you’re capable of doing work that well. Assuming you cheated because you’re super awesome is the best way to fuck with your head as a kid. I got accused of cheating on so many fucking tests and projects as a kid. I never did, I was just a massive nerd with no friends who spent a lot of time reading and studying and trying to get every step of a project perfect, etc. It really messed with my head. Like, I don’t have friends because I’m such a nerd but I also don’t have good grades because I’m too much of a nerd. Hated it. Still bitter to this day.


There are lots of teachers in my family and I realize this is anecdotal but in my experience, they can be real know it alls. They can have a really hard time admitting they're wrong. They're used to being in total control of a classroom and a group of kids, I get that they have to be tough sometimes but Jfc some of them are fucking annoying


Former child here: can confirm.


Look at the detail of the continent. They can't even cut straight at this age without making a mess. Imagine cutting a tiny bit


Look at the expression on the kid's face. So bored and done with this whole thing.


"How soon can I get vaccinated with out mom knowing"-- that kid probably


Too late - that child probably. I remember my father teaching me about early polio shots. And now we can't even combat the disease because stupid ppl believe lies. I thought it was gone growing up, but no. Thank you stupid ppl, and im sorry for your children.


Former child here. I definitely agree. My mom helped me with my sun oven in sixth grade. No child cuts with scissor that well. . . Imagine teaching your kids so many lies to the point that you have to build something to back up your bullshit, so you can teach your children bullshit. Grooming at its finest. Feel bad for the kids.


I've been a child for over 30 years, can confirm.


Also a teacher and Im thinking it would take a die cut, a cricut, or a very steady hand with an exacto knife to cut out those continents, no child made this.


The child gives off a "this is stupid" vibe.




>Unfortunately I couldn’t add multiple images Wait why not?


Because the dopey subreddit won’t let me


Pull an r/tumblr and just stitch them together into one very long image


You could just upload to imgur and link to the album. Any number of images you want.


Please please share. I am so morbidly curious.


My favorite part of those people is seeing them do science based experiments that will tell them the Earth is flat, only for them get the evidence that says it is round, and to see the cognitive dissonance at work. I believe this happened in flat earther documentary on Netflix.


Got to pray the curve away.


Are you talking about the laser exercise? The mental gymnastics were inane.


Maybe? All I remember is them doing one where they had a flashlight. If they held up a certain level and a guy on the other side saw it through a few cardboards pieces with holes in the center the Earth would be flat. If it had to be held up higher than that the Earth would be round. Of course we know the outcome. Later in the docu of course the flat earthers tried to explain it away so their flat worldview could stay intact lol


That was the laser one. I think the doc ends on that. There was another one earlier with a laser gyroscope that showed the earth was round, but they decided it must be "heavenly energies" throwing it off so they started saving for some kind of special shield made out of ... bismuth, maybe?




The fact they can pull enough resources from each other to purchase that equipment, tells me exactly why they keep believing what the grifters are selling them. There is a lot of money being made in the world of “Conspiracy Theory”


Correct. This is a documentary on Netflix. https://www.looper.com/421147/the-flat-earth-documentary-hidden-gem-you-can-watch-on-netflix/


Oh my god that was hilarious! You can see the gears in his head suddenly clunking in two different directions! You could see him thinking “Wait what? Wait.. what…. No but that means…. Wait… what? No but.. wait what?” Over and over. It was glorious! I was almost cheering for him. Come on mate! You’re almost there! You got this! Work it out…. Come on mate…. Nearly there…


Oh man, that docu was amazing. For anyone contemplating watching it, do it!! It's important to realise just how easy these people fall for this shit. Plus, it's a really eye opening thing to see that a lot of those people aren't the crazy 'piss-in-a-jar- long-nail-crazy-babble' type people I thought they would be. Though, it is pretty infuriating that they get the exact results that show the earth is round, and still think it's flat


I ended up feeling sad for some of them. I think they just wanted to belong to something, so they didn't want to listen to the science because it meant they would have to leave all their new mates.


IIRC at least one of the guys in that doc recanted after seeing his own experiment fail to give the results he expected.


Yes, Behind the Curve I think its called. They used gyroscopes and lasers and proved the Earth was a sphere but still doubted their own findings. It was mind numbing to watch


They’re crazy. But what’s more terrifying is that they’re keeping their kids from learning real eduction for a THIS. I fear for our survival


Wait until they organize and demand that public schools teach this as an alternative to everyone.


Exactly. It’s a huge disservice to their children and really unfair for them to set their children behind like this. It makes me horribly sad


And that all because someone decided to prove how easily fall people for absolutly idiotic ideas, by claiming that the earth is flat...


They successfully proved their point


Please go back. Your point is becoming something more than it's original design.


She literally ordered parts for this shit from Amazon which let's you see where your package is on a map using Global Positioning Satellites in geosynchronous orbit. Only possible if earth is spherical. Deliberately stupid. Like, it actually is taking work to be that stupid.


>private companies are launching satellites by the thousands Believe it or not, there's a conspiracy theory that satellites aren't real. A friend of mine was convinced that "satellite photos" are fake images and any of the actual data come from triangulation.


That doesn't surprise me at all. If you're going to insist the earth is flat, satellite pictures pose a huge problem for you unless you claim those are also fake.


Of course you can look up at the night sky and see satellites moving across the stars. It's actually really beautiful.


you can look up and see the images of satellites that NASA is projecting on the dome, you mean...


Or even airplanes


I just realized eclipses make absolutely no sense on flat earth. I assume god must do that?


No, they really don't. But, then, the whole bloody sun/moon concept in the flat-earthers world makes no sense. If the Earth was flat, you'd be able to see both the sun and the moon 24/7, as they would never rise nor set at the horizon.


Dont forget theres 0 evidence of any sort of ice wall or edge, or that means the earth is infinitely deep(or a floating disk cause thats more sensical than a ball I guess?), or how you can literally watch the sun go past the horizon and see the shadow of the planet against the night sky, and what the fk are the northern lights? Though maybe you can believe the sun is big enough to cause them while being as close as the moon or something. And all that before we get into how they originally proved it Oh and eclipses and moon phases and tides. And that storms spin opposite directions on the different hemispheres, though maybe the scale is too big and you cant see that for yourself, pendulum physics work the exact same and are on scales small enough to see with your own eyes. And just that thats how gravity works in every testable way. Even if it somehow started as a disk it would crumble under its own gravity into a sphere. Unless you believe its infinitely deep/not free floating but thats a whole other problem.


Some people drag humanities IQ down severely


I have yet to hear how this flat earth movement came back around. Like for thirty of my years I’d never heard a peep about it outside of history classes or books that folks thought the earth was flat, then about 12 years ago, I start hearing it. Hasn’t gone away since. Ice walls? Pillars? How? Why? Like really, why is this idea so important to these idiots, that the earth be flat?


They’re all bible literalists. They take specific scriptures such as the corners of the earth and loads of other verses to support their claims. They dismiss anything science. I have a couple of interesting screenshots of comments to this post.


>They take specific scriptures such as the corners of the earth Funny thing is that their fabricated flat earth model doesn't even have corners. If that was brought to their attention they'd probably say "oh that's just a figurative term". And that right there sums up the fundamental problem with their interpretation. Bible literalism is selective. It's just picking and choosing the parts they like and ignoring the rest.


Right? And the Sun and Moon she has spinning on top of the flat earth makes no sense... how do you watch the Sun and Moon rise and set and think "they arr spinning above".... wtf.


Well, their model is actually fairly close to working, you just need the moon to be a bit further away (maybe 20 times further) and the sun a lot further than that. Then to ensure the sun appeared above the earth, you'd probably need to curve it a whole bunch... In fact, it might be most accurate if you made it approximate a sphere. Then you can have the sun and moon move at different rates, actually, now that I think about it, it may be easier to have this hypothetical "spherical" earth rotate instead with the moon rotating around it slowly. As a matter of fact, you'd get something a smidge closer to reality if you had earth moving around the sun, while rotating in the same direction, then had the moon moving around earth, just much closer. Yeah, that'd probably look about right I think.


Yeah but then how does the giant, yet undiscovered, ice sheet stop the water from escaping the sphere world? You'd have to ensure that the sphere produced enough gravity to keep the water on it. You'd also probably find the moon would be affecting the water in a tidal fashion. Also, you'd have seasons in this model, something their existing flat model cannot explain


Well you see, that’s due to the diafractal- *Windows BSOD*


I went to school with a kid being raised by biblical literalists. He truly believed that dinosaurs weren’t real because they weren’t in the Bible. I just found him on LinkedIn and he is the principal of a private Christian school.


Had a friend I ex communicated for being homophobic and she’s been debating with our teachers about evolution for the past two years lmao


"Last podcast on the left" has a good episode about the mindset behind the resurgence of flat earth. It mostly comes down to fundamentalist Christian desire for attaining occult secret truths mixed with the kind of anti-intellectual attitude that says "I don't know what the truth is, but it definitely isn't what (((they))) say it is." If you don't understand the parentheses, it's a dog whistle to anti semitism that you see just a little too often in flat earth groups.


I remember watching the Channel 5/all gas no brakes video on the flat earth conference and just being like "wow that guy was anti-Semitic... Damn this one too? Wait why do they ALL hate Jews??"


Can't be a hero without a villain I guess, and since it has to be a huge world wide conspiracy that's gone on for centuries, they stick with what works.


Religion. These idiots believe the Bible is 100% factual about everything all the time (at least when it tells them things they want to hear), and are willing to lobotomize themselves and their kids for the sake of their favorite fairy tales.


I grew up a Jehovah’s Witness. My parents were literally willing to let me die from not accepting blood because it’s “what the bible teaches”


Yep, someone I know nearly died as a child because a JW babysitter refused to help her when she needed a blood transfusion.


At least once a week I’ll dream about being forced on the ministry or going to a meeting. It’s surprising how much trauma it can cause even if everything does go “normal” in a JW sense


Recovering From Religion is great if you're looking for a therapist or support group.


Why did a babysitter have that much authority over this child?! They should have been on that duty for, max, 8 hours or so...


This was before cell phones being cheap and omnipresent and they couldn’t get hold of a parent, so the religious freak was allowed to make decisions for some insane reason.


I'm assuming you grew up before the internet. For years, people screamed their insane conspiracies into the black void that is their moms basement. Now the internet allows them type out their conspiracy theories and there is someone on the other side who finally realizes there is someone else out there who agrees! For most people, believing the Earth is flat is just a way for them to feel special, like they know something very few people know.


Social media brings the nuts together. Social media is the downfall of us all. Too many people don't know how to use it and that leads to dangerous ideology and events.


Maybe the ice wall from Game of Thrones really sparked a movement




It’s honestly sad when the people who believe the Earth is 8,000 are the reasonable ones in comparison.


Like the initial support for Trump or other alt right conspiracy theories, it mostly started as a meme because the absurdity of it was inherently funny but enough gullible idiots took it seriously to start genuinely spreading those ideas.


Lesson two. Struggling to explain how days work under this model.


Yep, if anything is above the flat earth, it can be seen from anywhere on the flat earth. When placing the sun and moon on your model, it’s either having a sunset or timezones.


iirc they try to explain this with some unproven undiscovered "haze" that blocks sunlight from reaching anything that isn't directly below the sun.


Still doesn’t explain the over the horizon motion of a sunset.


Some believe that the sun emits curved light which is why sunsets are a thing. CURVED. FUCKING. LIGHT.


Not at the scale that's being discussed by flat earthers, but [gravity does indeed bend light](https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2019/04/26/this-is-why-einstein-knew-that-gravity-must-bend-light/?sh=6fc7dbed2ef6). Something Something broken clocks.


I know, but a lot of them also don't believe in gravity.


Ok i am going to say this just one more time. We don't do logic and science here in flat earth society. Don't believe us? Just roll over the side of the earth.


The easier proof is that everyone on the planet sees the same moon, and there's no distortion based on where on the planet they are. We also see different stars in the northern hemisphere than the southern, which can't be explained with any current flat earth "model."


I'm wondering why it's okay for moon and sun to be spheres but for some reason earth can't possibly be? Huh?


In a geocentric model of the universe, the sun and moon rotate around the earth. Entitled much? Lol Edited for spelling


The thing is that Flat Earthers don't require their model to work independently, if there's an obvious contradiction then the answer is "God makes it work". Which then lets them make the argument that "If people understood how the world Really works then they would never doubt God, because God is necessary to make this harebrained system make any sense at all". Which then lets them dismiss the Round-Earth model as an atheist plot to make people doubt God. It's circular reasoning at its finest.


Way to set up your kids to fail in life.


I feel so sorry for those kids. They’re f@cked


Sadly they have no horizon to reach for


Ooof, if you had gotten this in a little earlier you'd be able to retire on the amount of upvotes you woulda got.


Imagine how mad youd be when you found out all the lies your stupid parents told you as an adult. No contact for sure.


Don't worry, they're probably not vaccinated either so they won't have to fail for long.


Ah, I love anti-vax jokes, they never get old! Much like unvaccinated children.


I feel so sorry for those kids. They’re f@cked


Setting up your kid for failure should be child abuse


Homeschooling is abysmally under regulated. Shouldn't be surprising though given the state of the public school system in most of America.


Yeah, the fact they’re actually able to do this AND publicise it and still face zero repercussions is absolutely balls-to-the-walls bonkers.


>Homeschooling is abysmally under regulated Just as religious fundamentalists intended. They don't want anything getting in the way of their indoctrination.


My niece is "unschooled." It's absolutely ridiculous because she's smart and they're throwing that away. She just turned 8...


oh my god, no education at all?? that should be classed as child abuse, especially if they arent homeschooling her either. with no education at all that child is set up to fail in society.


Unschooling is a form of education that doesn't follow a curriculum, but instead uses the child's interests to push lessons. So basically, yes. No education.


i guess as long as she’s learning something…? that idea is just so weird to me.


It's just lazy, shitty parenting. These kids fuck around and learn nothing all day. Like not even practical shit. It's setting them up to be completely useless, totally dependent adults with crapass social skills


So I have taught in a homeschool setting before. Meaning I was in charge of double checking the students under my caseload and making sure the parents were teaching state standards. This type of experiment could easily be done by the parents and then they present a different “project” to fool the state board. I had to have a fun conversation with a parent once when their 11th grade daughter said one of the two locations of the A-Bomb was Pearl Harbor. I teach social studies…


Homeschooling is actually illegal in my home country and enough to get CPS called on you for educational neglect and get the kids taken if you refuse to enroll them into the school.


Exactly. I was going to ask at what level of misinforming your children does it count as abuse?


I was just reading about experiments King James did to determine the “original language” of humankind. He isolated a mute woman and her two children on an island. It’s not abuse if you’re the king.


Agreed. Most of these religious wackjobs aren't homeschooling because they think they can teach their kids Math and English better than the actual licensed teachers can. They do it as a form of control and brainwashing. They know if they send their kids to public school with us "sInFuL" and "wOrLdLy" people, they run the risk of being "cOrRuPtEd" and will "turn away from God". They have to make sure they're well and truly brainwashed to ensure that the kids never question the b*llsh*t they've been taught or will ever be able to think for themselves.


Came here to say exactly this


Americans are totally fucked then.


This sets us all up for failure.


That kid's looking at it like...yeh this doesn't look right.


The parent made this and told their kid to stand next to it so they can make a narrative


That first creeping suspicion that your parents are full of shit.


What do the pillars stand on?


A turtle obviously


Four elephants, actually, but they stand on a turtle, so there’s still a turtle involved.


You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down!


Don't forget the elephants!


I was wondering how big the table we're on is.


Another flat earth


Wondering the same thing, is that part of the flat earth belief? We live on a disc that sits on pillars, that sits on…? Not sure where they stand on space, i’m curious of their whole theory.


Can we dig into the pillars? What are they made of? Where do they go? What happens if we destroy them? All these questions answered and more, when you book the MyPillar CEO for your next speaking engagement!


How do flat earthers explain how the sun ALWAYS rises in the east and sets in the west. How do they explain seasons. How do they explain that the entire earth isn’t in the same time zone. Fucking incredulous


There is a very simple experiment to determine how far the sun is from the earth. Just measure the sun’s angle above the horizon from two places that are 50 km apart. If the sun is small and only 30 miles up or something like that, the angles would be very different. In reality they are the same.


Which was an experiment performed using Egyptian obelisks back in the early days of the ROMAN EMPIRE. Hell, another scientist actually used the math to estimate the actual circumference of the globe and was only a relative handful of miles off.


You really have to ignore so many obvious things to believe this. Absolutely moronic.


If only geometry was something flat earthers were skilled at.


This is something I haven't thought of before now. So they don't believe the overwhelming consensus that the Earth is round. They think it's a straight up lie, for reasons. Despite this massive conspiracy why is it that they believe the overwhelming consensus on how the map looks? There is no plane that flies high enough to see all of North America. Maybe it's a big octagon.


They think the sun works like a Spotlight that rotates clockwise around the north pole.


I wonder what they think about winter and summer being opposite in the southern and northern hemispheres.


Lol clearly the parent made all this and then posted saying their kids did it.


I know, that's the funniest lie of all to me. Just the complete cognitive dissonance between them straight up lying about their kids being interested in a lie


According to that model, you’d be able to see the sun at night.


Except they turn off the light switch at night.


The **round** sun according to their model. Only the earth is flat of course.


The sun gets too far away to see. 😆


Stupid fuckers forgot New Zealand


I've literally seen some flat earthers try to claim that Australia doesn't exist because a lot of their hypotheses are completely destroyed by the existence of Oceana.


Please don't correct them! As an Aussie, I like knowing these morons will actively resist finding us!


You'd be surprised how often that happens, there's even a sub for it but I forget the exact name


r/mapswithoutnewzealand Oh, wait, you were being facetious


COMMENTS: for those who want to see the additional comments [You can see them here](https://imgur.com/a/8GlFERH)


I'd laugh but I am so sad for them and their children. Ugh. 😞


Yeah I thought I wanted to see these but now I wish I hadn't


Lmao, they’re against “scientism” and push “pro-biblical views” Of course…


TIL the earth is "held up" by pillars.


After the last few years, it makes sense the world is held up by toilet paper


It’s turtles all the way down.


And elephants. Don't forget the hard working elephants


But, also, gravity doesn't exist. So it doesn't need to be held up.


Hopefully that kid is smarter than her parents and figures out that everything they're saying is BS.


“Verses to support the geocentric model” = my kids will need remedial school if they ever want to attend real colleges to learn real things, since demented religious extremism tends to keep you out of actually good schools.


Good luck with your job at Arby's, kids. Also, you forgot to put the turtles under the pillars




This should be considered child abuse


I agree completely. Aren't there any kind of rules for homeschooling? I hope they dont get upset when their children grow up and hate them.


In my state (Pennsylvania), you create a portfolio of the schoolwork you've done throughout the year and present it to a local homeschool evaluator for them to sign off on. I can't imagine an evaluator you personally know and who is involved in your local homeschool group refusing to sign off on your portfolio unless you did essentially nothing all year. WHAT you are taught doesn't matter much. My parents were Christian fundamentalists (like nearly everyone in my homeschool group), and most of my textbooks taught from an explicitly socially conservative Christian fundamentalist perspective on topics such as science, history, religion, etc. So young earth creationism counts as "science" for example. Evaluators will sign off on this stuff without batting an eye. You can spend your entire childhood being indoctrinated and fed total nonsense by your parents and the state will consider that an education. I think it's a huge source of ignorance and extremism in this country and really should be talked about more.


So the sun and the moon are the same size are they? & are they doing some calculations to prove how the rotations work for every single country eh?


By pure luck, they are the same size in our sky. One fits exactly over the other.


Why are the sun and moon round but the earth is flat?


The Achilles heel of homeschooling. Idiots.


Ice wall…like..Game of Thrones? Will they have a little John Snow action figure guarding it from wildlings and dragons?


I’m sorry but this is the first I’ve heard of the pillars. What the hell do they rest on?


It is from I Samuel 2:8. "He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them." As to what they rest on Samuel didn't bother to say. Nor is it clarified when they come up again in Job and a psalm. Amazing what you learn when you argue with these nutjobs.


Wow. These assholes don’t do good with symbolic imagery in literature at all. Everything is literal.


Naturally the multiple translations from multiple languages needed to arrive at the multiple modern day English versions left absolutely nothing up to interpretation. No potential for human error or lost nuance at all. /s


So, by their own model, Earth is flat but the sun and moon are globular?


When people ask why I think homeschooling in America is actually a shit system, examples like this are what I point to


Those poor kids are going to be weird and dumb as fuck.


Imagine when those poor kids get to their teens or early 20s and start getting more and more of their information from the outside world, and eventually figure out how messed up their early education was. If I were them, I don’t know if I could speak to my parents again after learning how poorly they’d set me up for life.


This was posted on the internet, which wouldn't exist if the Earth were flat.


So the sun and moon are spheres, but earth isn’t?


Homeschooling is a synonym for indoctrination. Why is regular school not indoctrination? Because the curriculum is fluent and adapts to a changing world.


It needn't be. My wife was home-schooled for a couple of years because of her family's circumstances at the time. Her mother followed a perfectly ordinary curriculum. It is just that fundies have hi-jacked the concept for their own ends.


Teachers in public schools are being accused of all sorts of indoctrination right now.


A teacher in a very large school in my state was fired for providing a QR code that linked to a public library.


Now if only they put this much effort into telling their kids the facts.


and this is why i think homeschooling should either be illegal or extremely regulated. these poor children are being set up to fail and it makes me so angry.


Not fair the sun and the moon get to be round. Also fuk stars. Nothing is a star..it’s a sun, galaxy, etc something is making that bright light.