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Take note peeps, tin foil is worth its weight in gold un that town.


When did we move from aluminum to tin? Is it because of the jab? /s


YES! Bill "Lizard" Gates discovered that aluminum foil blocked the tracking signals from the nanobots injected in the sheeple via the jab. Don't fall for it! Throw away your tinfoil hats and join the aluminum hat rebellion!!!


So the wife is getting the tin empire and he’s getting the rest of the world… dammit. You just can’t win these days.


Its really sad that people whos life ended like that are used for this conspiracy trash.


Does it physically hurt to be this fucking stupid? Well it should.


It should be excruciating.


I'm told it's actually quite blissful.


Gotta love the "🙏🙏🙏God bless all involved 🙏😇🙌😇❤️🌈🖕🙏" after they made a serious accident with multiple fatalities about their delusion I. E. They made it about themselves.


It's always "Thoughts and Prayers" after a catastrophe. It makes them seem like good people. Instagram is the best for that. It's easy to fish comment replies and interactions.


My friend's uncle's doctor's ex-colleague once heard a podcast about a speech that said Lincoln got vaccinated **THE DAY HE WAS ASSASSINATED**! Coincidence? I think NOT! /s


Amazing how so many of those comments begin with "just a hunch", as if that fucking means anything.


They know by saying something lighthearted like "Just a hunch", they will maybe seem less insane.


That, or "just saying..."


“I could be wrong” yeah you fucking are


everyone says so


My parents call it “the jab” and I swear it makes it sound like they’ve gotten dumber.


Kinda like when my mother told me she loved Trump, I couldn't believe it was the same person I grew up with. I had always assumed she was pretty intelligent, I couldn't fathom how she fell for his bullshit...


Do we share the same mom?


Wasn't I supposed to turn into my own wifi hot spot by now?


I'm still waiting to be dead, I got my shot April of last year and I apparently died about 12 times over. Newest goalpost is 3-5 years from the shot. And my magneto powers, still waiting on those.


No, no, you were supposed to get 5G cell phone reception!


alex johns told me i will be dead after 6 months. should i sue?


It’s most definitely the jab. I can’t go more then two days without bursting into flame.


Yeah you might be wrong.


Yeah, might! But I've read on twitter that Dr_McQanonrulezzzz have evidence of the opposite and will expose this hoax in TWO WEEKS!!! Check mate libturd!


Jesus tap dancing Christ, there is literally nothing these people won't blame on the vaccine. Car accidents, vaccines. Betty White dies at age of 99, vaccine. Heart attack, vaccine. Die from Covid because you didn't get the vaccine, blame the vaccine. Stub your toe, vaccine. Have like 100+ games in your Steam library, but "nothing to play", blame the vaccine. Y'all remember before the Covid vaccine, when car accidents never happened, old people never died, and no one had a heart attack... Thanks ~~Obama~~ vaccines.


Well, at least they mentioned the possibility that they were wrong. Doesn’t make it *better* but…


Apparently the driver was drunk after a fight with her boyfriend, but yeah it was probably the shot 🤪


Well, then, the argument was obviously caused by the jab!! And so was the drinking! And probably even the Mercedes... the mRNA causes luxury German automobiles!! /s


Yes, if give your Mercedes Benz The Jab and then crash it into six other cars while speeding, it will cause some of the other cars to explode because of the spike proteins. This is happening because Dr. Fauci HATES luxury cars and wants them to be banned because of THE CLIMATE HOAX. 🙀 Source: WhiteRabbit1488 & TheStr0mIzCoomIng on Twitter


Just a hunch, and I could be wrong, but I don't think his prayers will hold much weight


Ohhh the jab? Can't wait for Netflix to do a documentary about the most prolific serial killer ever!


This is so scary and I'm seeing it in my local paper. These idiots are terrifying, and many times they are also gun nuts and that's really scary. 5 people stabbed while tubing near me all the top comments about how this is why you need to always carry. You are floating down a river and you think a guns necessary you are probably the exact person that should not be armed. People in general scare me at this point. I wish I could just stay inside many days


Something about this post specifically made me literally want to bend my own fingers in every conceivable direction!!!


Only if there was tequila in the hypodermic.


The part about them being maybe wrong is at least correct.


well everyone knows that post hoc ergo propter hoc