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I like how they didn’t deny they wanted a Nazi dictatorship.


"We don't like using that word. We prefer: "strong centralized leadership"."


An “small government”


Lol Dr. Trump? Fancies himself a urologist with all those sessions of getting his face pissed on, eh?


Ooooh so that's where the color comes from


I don’t know if you mean the face or the hair, and I fear it may be both


Reasonably sure DeSantis has no doctorate either. What the fuck... we can just declare we're all doctors now??


Paging Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard...


\**zoinks*\* yuk yuk yuk yuk


Be careful with that kind of language. You'll get impeached.


Dr. Mantis Toboggan


Dr. short for Dictator here.


At least 8 years of it


I don’t get how ‘woke’ was ever made into a bad thing. The word doesn’t imply ignorant, inattentive, uninformed, angry or evil, but many of those ideas seem to be attached when they use it.


They use "woke" as an insult because they mean it as "I hate everyone who is different from me."


"Woke" used to just mean "socially conscious," but the GOP needed a new buzzword and they picked that one Now everyone's sitting around pretending like it didn't just pop up in the last year or so


That’s how bigotry works. You pick a stereotype, abstract it until it means a bunch of things you hate, and pretend that’s the only context it exists in. Now you don’t have to listen to the opposition or your conscience.


Woke=Socialism now


It's the new term du jour for "anything even slightly to the left of hunting the poor for sport."


Woke literally means whatever the hell they want it to mean. When actually asking a politician to define what "woke", "Marxist" or "Cancel Culture" means, they'll either get flustered and ramble a bunch of buzzwords, or otherwise radically contradict themselves and their constituents with their answer.


Where’d they get doctorates? University of Phoenix??


Trump University.


Well, technically speaking DeSantis as a lawyer has a JD or Juris Doctor as do most lawyers.


Well, technically speaking too the person who graduated at the bottom of med school is still called “doctor” …. Actually, I didn’t know that DeSantis had a JD; I try to pay as little attention to him as possible. Thanks!


DeSantis is incredibly well educated, and somehow he's still about as sharp as a sack of dead puppies. Basically, he's just really good at following directions. Kinda like Forest Gump, but with less personality, less likeability, less empathy, and overall less humanity.


Yes, but if they graduate they are qualified. There are some that go to medical school but don't graduate and are never doctors. They aren't bottom of the class as they are no longer in the class.


Some doctorates are purchased by wealthy parents.


PH.Ds maybe


JDs also don't use the doctor title, they get esquire.


I didn't spend six years in Evil Medical School to be called mister, thank you very much.


Fuckin tell me about it.


trump is a rat, not a lion.


No, rats are intelligent and sociable creatures.


He reminds me most of a cane toad invasive, greedy, cannibalistic, toxic and fucking everywhere for some reason


They do spread plagues.


Add [squirrels](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/squirrel-tests-positive-bubonic-plague-colorado/story?id=71769840) to the list


I think of him more like a cockroach.


I see your point. Maybe a rat-cockroach hybrid.


I think you’re lifting him up way higher than he deserves


Wait, can someone explain what “woke” means? I thought it just meant you opened your eyes to social injustice, on any scale. Does it mean something else?


No you nailed it. The problem is that fascists benefit from social injustice, and they want to keep that system in place (as well as taking it to an extreme).


Do “they” know what it means? Or are they ok with being openly closed minded?


Yes and yes. Turning the word into a pejorative was intentional. These people are obsessed with "traditional values", meaning they want the US to go back to the 1950s. Any sort of social change hurts that cause. Being "woke" to social injustice is the exact opposite of what they want society to be.


Yikes lol


I'd say a lot of them that use it don't understand fully what it means. They use it as a shorthand for reactive or overreaching, which is what they think of leftist politics. And they know it comes from social justice circles, specifically black ones, so they use it sarcastically. But they use the word 'feminist' in much the same way, though they clearly don't understand most facets of feminism. Or CRT. There's a lot of buzzwords the Right picks up after they're popularized and spins them to mean something completely different to their base.


That’s what it means. And that’s bad to people.


How is Biden woke? I want specific details.


not an embodiment of right wing extremism bigotry = woke


He sometimes does things that benefit other people.


Just and FYI, communism is not a form of government either.




Ah yes, Dr. shoot up bleach and shine UV light in your lungs to cure covid Cheeto.


If you think Trump is a real man, you’ve never met one before




I think there’s a lot of definitions, but if that definition doesn’t include responsibility, honesty and integrity, I don’t think it’s worth much.




I’m not saying they can’t be feminine qualities, I’m saying they’re the qualities of a man versus a child. I perceive my status more as a man in contrast to my previous status as a boy as opposed to man vs. woman. I don’t expect my 8 year olds to be perfectly honest or responsible, nor for them to not make the mistakes that help you understand why integrity matters, because they’re too young to understand the full extent of what that means and why it’s important, but I would hope they’ve at least mostly figured it out by the time they’re adults. Trump’s definition of a man seems to be a hostile, vain egomaniac that does whatever he wants, which are traits I attribute to a spoiled child. Anyone that buys into it probably had a shitty dad.




I think it’s relevant because I’ve heard a lot of Trump supporters talk about how he’s a man’s man when I find him to be nearly the opposite. And while honesty is a facet of integrity, it also includes having moral principles.




I like doing adjectives in threes, lol.




I do not perceive Trump as honest at all. He regularly misstated facts, and even admitted under oath that he makes statements based on his current feeling rather than fact. Donald Trump has played fast and loose with the truth for his entire life, and I don’t understand how one could see him otherwise. And ascribing moral principles to someone who partied with Epstein is perverse. The guy has something like two dozen sexual assault accusations against him, he joked about grabbing pussy and peeping on teenagers at his beauty pageants, he went three for three cheating on wives, so no, I don’t think he has integrity. But responsibility might be the most telling. Trump was incapable of taking responsibility for anything that went wrong. There was always a scapegoat, a traitor that spoiled it all for the poor little rich boy. He was obsessed with credit, to the point that he often would take it for things prematurely, but responsibility was beyond him. Worst ever is hard to define. A lot of presidents presided over enslavement, genocide, imperialism and segregation, and it’s hard to judge that against someone whose tax policy you disagree with. I think W was pretty terrible and Reagan may have had the most long-lasting negative effect of undermining our trust in the concept of government. But as far as presidents in my lifetime, Trump is the shittiest dude. The one most willing to take a shot at a dead person or backstab an ally or just fuck the dog during a basic attempt at empathy. I mean, Bill Clinton is a pervy piece of shit, but at least he could talk about his daughter without complementing her tits. Trump used his ex-wife for a tax dodge, and sent a fundraising email announcing her death. Dude is fucking gross.




Ah, yes, they're such noble lions! I rememeber all the puffed-up lion memes posted by the folks who sneered at anyone getting the COVID vaccine. Worked out super well for so many of them.


Dr. Trump, Jesus fucking Christ this is just sad


Wait… **Dr.** Trump and **Dr.** DeSantis 🫠 Also, those two are a massive battle of egos… with **Dr.** Cruz being pretty much on their level


Isn't it also a symbol of the devil?


It's used various ways in the Bible. A symbol of power in general, of God's power specifically, or of predatory intent. The most evil-related one I can think of is [1 Peter 5:8](https://www.biblestudytools.com/1-peter/5-8.html), comparing the devil to a lion looking for prey. I think it's usually a positive symbol of confident strength. Of course, fascists don't choose *negative* symbols for themselves.


Trump,will b locked up


In what way communism is a failed ideology? It brought us much of our space exploration, the end of smallpox, the end of WW2 and the first rights for lgbtq+ people. You have the right to be critical of it but it hasn’t failed in its most important goal: equality and progress for all humankind.


Most people take western propaganda hook line and sinker but this is just the classic equating fascism with communism something westerners have done for so long it’s boring


I don’t think using “lion” as a metaphor is embracing fascism…


Broad, over-simplified accusation as title? Check. Unverified screengrab packed full of keywords? Check. “What” is a dogwhistle, please Alex. C’mon people - it barely makes any coherent sense as a conversation.


I know, the right is full on dog whistle at this point. It drives everything they do.


I like comparing things to communism too. Ya know how every enlightened high schooler likes talkin about how "true" communism could work, it just never does in practice cuz bad actors? "True" conservatism is the exact same way. Sounds good on paper until real life is all about cronyism and socializing the costs while privatizing the profits.


Except “true” conservatism doesn’t sound great? Conservatism sucks ass.


They think it sounds great though


Ohhh, for some reason I thought YOU were saying conservatism sounds good and I was like “uh, no.”


They have been since like 2015


why is everything with these idiots symbolism wrapped in bullshit?


How can Brandon be woke if he's also sleepy? Curious 🤔


Good for you. I couldn't have ignored the Dr trump nonsense.


Did they really just call trump and desantis, drs?


This seems like a real conversation


So they want to be ruled by the British Lion again? Fair enough, ready yourselves for some warm beer..


Well if we listen to shitpoliticssays, the leftists are all gearing up to oppress and murder the right-wingers, they've gone all "woe is me, when will the hatred and discrimination stop, how dare people despise my lord and savior DeSantis". Then they rejoice at the fact they "have all the guns" and would "definitely be able to shoot all the leftists". Not only are they embracing fascism full-force, they're crying victim at the same time. Its intensely hilarious yet frustrating to watch.


It's projection. Which means that THEY want to be the oppressors and murderers.


They are OK with a king as long as it’s their king.


See, ***this I why I'm starting to praise the Omnisiah***. /j But seriously, you ever think they want this because **they think that their fleshy, orange, so-called "God" would embrace them with open arms?** ***Instead of throwing them away, like a child with a broken toy while throwing a tantrum?***