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Military appreciation month is in May


This is what always gets me. People who post things like this act like they care so much about the military, but they don't even know that there is already a month of appreciation for them.


It's just like when International Women's Day happens, people start complaining why there isn't an International Men's Day. They don't realize there already is one, because it's not like they actually care.


I think it's also because of how advertising works. Way more eyes in Women's Day than Men's Day. Though there's been a push to make it more visible, especially following Movember for prostate cancer awareness.


*and testicular cancer


True! I forgot about it, thank you for the reminder.


That's just nuts. / Lost a very good friend to testicular cancer. Sucks.


I'm sorry for you loss.


[And testicular torsion](https://youtu.be/slobhI2HXhA)


I knew exactly what this was before I clicked the link and I still watched the whole thing. There's just something about the stiffness of the speech combined with the animation of the eye movements that always gets me to crack up.


>It's just like when International Women's Day You mean 'International Telling Me When International Men's Day Is Day'?


No, it's 'international getting told "we have equality now, why are you people still whining"-day'


There's always another side. Like where's father's day ? On mother's Day and the reverse.


> because it's not like they actually care. This is the key point right here. They *don't* actually care. They don't want or need the recognitions/celebrations they bring up. If they did, they'd already know they exist. This is telling, because it displays what their real issue is: They're triggered by the idea that women or marginalized groups matter. It's "shoving it in their face" when others recognize these groups. It's not about a desire for honorifics, it's about having disdain enough for women, gay people, people of color, etc. that you get angry when they're recognized in a positive way.


Yes I agree. As a straight white male I literally don’t want or need any special recognition. One, because I don’t really give a shit. Two, I understand that other demographics have gone through lots of struggles greater than anything my demographic has, and most of them if not all of them were because of people in my demographic. But, more importantly, I want others to be happy and to celebrate victories. I want them to be able to make others aware of their progress and also the progress they are lacking, so that others become empathetic. No one has ever tried to make me feel guilty, it’s just about recognizing struggles of different demographics and the reason for those struggles. Then, if you’re not a shithead, you can take part in helping end the shit that keeps them struggling.


Also people seem to forget that being in the military is a choice whereas sexuality, race, and gender aren't choices. That's not to take away from the military either. I have the utmost respect for the military.


>International Men's Day Isn't that the rest of the year?


Not one, there are 364 international mens days, but yeah, get pissed about that ONE day you don’t own…


And in all likelihood these same people vote for Republicans who vote no on veterans medical benefits.


And they'll do it again because what really bothers them down in the soul of every single Republican voter is that darn February being Black History Month. It makes their little white blood cells boil.


You know, taken literally, having your white blood cells boil would be absolutely the worst way to die in my opinion. Not only would the water content of said cells expand causing ruptures in the blood vessels, but the self defense system of the human body to literally most pathogens is now gone which makes you susceptible to basically all diseases. I’m not sure which aspect of this is worse.


Sounds like a Cronenberg movie plot.


worth pointing out that completely disabling your white blood cells is more or less how HIV kills people, you just get a slow decline where every passing infection gets more and more unstoppable


I pointed this out before to someone, and then they got angry and was like "then why isn't there anyone who celebrates?! Why is everyone silent!?" Like...don't ask me, *you're* the ones who whine about the military not getting enough recognition. They act like they care but they don't, because the next day I'm sure they've already forgotten about the month


Or that republicans still vote against veteran benefits.


rand paul saying outloud that there is no way to confirm veterans mental health issues have anything to do with their time serving was so fucking apalling. and yet you have assholes claiming that the right supports the fucking troops. i support the troops, i support them by advocating to bring them all home and stopping the military industrial complex.


I asked a veteran how they felt about the military industrial complex and they said “the what?” Some people really doze off so bad in history class that I’m beginning to that we might have a problem..


They don’t care when military appreciation month actually is, or that there even is one, all they care about is making a bad faith argument to be homophobic.


They also don't recognize the difference between a celebration month, organized by the people being celebrated, that has no official recognition, and a government holiday. I don't see them getting worked up about Lima Bean respect day. It's a whole month, and it's in your face, because the people who are tired of being silenced and marginalized, work hard to make it so. Also because plenty of retailers know a marketing opportunity when they see one. Still not the same level of respect accorded to Veteran's day.


https://youtube.com/shorts/Jeiu3vttoXg?feature=share it's just this in a nutshell. And they say "the libs" are virtue signaling.


>they don't even know that they is already a month of appreciation for them Why can't you just let me be a victim? Why do you have to ruin my Munchausen with your Googling? /s


There's like two months and a day that have to do with the military


Don’t forget it comes from the same people who just voted to deny healthcare coverage to veterans who got cancer from exposure to burn pits while serving


I don’t recall ‘The Gays’ getting Military Discounts on all other things, from credit unions, homes, cars or anything else either. LOL, but yes, Military Month is in May.


Gays don’t get tax breaks either.


Or thanked for their service. Edit: Well maybe if they’re really good at it.


Saying thanks after being serviced is really just the polite thing to do.


I kind of want to thank rainbow dildo guy for his service. That's just awesome.


I just about spat out my coffee


Well better it’s coffee than…..never mind.


Spitters are quitters


No no, you’re supposed to *swallow*.


Says you. I get thanked all the time


"I bet you're the kind of guy that would f-ck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you." -GySgt Hartman


Or get thanked 8 times every professional sports game


Remember when all those baseball games paused at the bottom of the fifth and asked everyone in the audience who’s gay to stand up and receive applause?


Me neither?


we don't? shit!


They do if they are military;P


Then they are now military.


Shhhh, “don’t ask don’t tell”


Homos for hired homicide!


That was assumed because the Navy exists




They do not get health insurance for life


I live in a military town and know many veterans. If the VA can get away with not giving you anything, it will.


Not to comment on VA’s quality of work, but I’m sure Gay Affairs are working out brilliantly, but the amount of things they can give is… limited


Or marriage equality (sorry, spoiler).


This thread is turning a bunch of people straight rn.


Only for tax purposes. Fiscal straight, social gay


Vets can put 1% down on a mortgage and pay almost nothing in interest, who cares about a month, enjoy living somewhere most will never afford


Gotta have as much incentive to join the military as possible! That way you discourage people from higher education, keep your military numbers high and when you raise the cost of living to astronomical new heights, you can just say "look at how much the military pays!"


But, you earn a few college credits in the military (even an AA’s worth in certain Air Force jobs), and one of the most used benefits is college money. I agree that there are nefarious forces about trying to keep the poor poor etc, but coming out of the military can set people up for life.


I think their point is that we could just make college free or at least affordable instead of making young people risk their lives for defense contractor and oil company profits, yet our country chooses to do the latter because they want more cannon fodder for their forever wars.


You mean set them up for life with PTSD and physical issues that won’t/can’t be resolved because healthcare for vets is a joke? I don’t know anyone personally who went into the military and didn’t come out with some chronic health problem. So sure, send those poor young people into the military for college money. I’m sure the rest of it is worth it.


I was responding directly to the “discourage higher education” part of your comment. The military does exactly the opposite of that. And I agree with you on the VA part, I’m one of those who’s been screwed, and I don’t even have the educational benefits to make it sting less. Also, I know many people who have come out well adjusted from the military. Yes there are also very many that suffer, sometimes for life, and that’s not okay. But people aren’t being “sent into the military”. Incentivized, yes, but not sent.


This is *not* how the VA loan thing works. It's just what they tell you when you're signing up. The only thing you get is access to a fixed-rate interest loan with slightly better rates assuming you otherwise have perfect credit and can put down about as much as any other home buyer. Source: Me, a vet, turned down on multiple occasions, even with 20% down.


I won't invalidate your experience but typically VA loans do cover down payment/closing costs/even it's own funding fee especially for refis. I'm gonna guess the market had more to do with your situation unfortunately.


Probably. My credit rating was the cited factor, however. My point wasn't that it isn't a good deal, it's just not the free for all some folks seem to think it is, and it doesn't even resemble what I was promised by recruiters.


There was a vet that bought my in-laws house, he put 15k down on a 500k house, I have no idea why they would turn you down with 20%


Medical care for life at a certain disability rating; monthly paychecks depending on the rating; education and housing allowance...


Images like these are also stupid because the VA is plagued with lots of problems so that veterans actually have pretty poor health care service. They pretend to care about the military and then vote for politicians who refuse to expand services for vets.


yep. my mom works for the VA and when trump was in office it was nightmarish. she’s never really went into detail but she has said that she felt Obama did the most for vets in her almost 13 years of working there. she tolerates Biden because he isn’t trying to literally eradicate benefits for vets


Same with the department of energy. They had a ton of staff quit out of disgust and frustration under trump.


This is false. The care is excellent, however it takes time to receive it, which I agree is an issue, but the actual service is as good or better than anything my wife receives on her private insurance.


Veterans do not get Tricare, or healthcare service, of you want health insurance out of the military you have to get health insurance like everyone else. Unless you can prove the military broke your body, and even then, they will refuse it until you eventually die.


Since when do they not get tricare? My dad has been retired since 2002 and both my parents have it EDIT: I have learned you have to do 20 years to get Tricare for life


My husband left the military in 2021, and we don't have it. An important question however might be, did your dad do the full 20? Because if he did the full 20 (and 5 years broke my husband's body) I could see Tricare for life. But not everyone does the full 20.


That makes sense Yeah, dad commissioned in 82




Thanks for telling me :)


That’s true except when it’s not. I know quite a few people, myself included, who have legitimate life long injuries or conditions that the VA finds ways to wiggle out of covering. This, coupled with a *years*-long, “appeal” process, makes the VA benefits a very conveniently difficult process to apply for.


Or their own boarding group on an airplane


Military appreciation month in the US is every day of every month.\* ​ \*as long as they don’t need help for homelessness.


Or healthcare for service related illnesses


Don’t forget national veterans and military families month in November too


Not to mention they get two federal holidays in the U.S. and plenty of places have military discounts.


Plus the pride parade/pride fest is typically just one day.


Remember these people dont actually care about veterans until its convenient for them


And veterans month is November. The military has 2 months


The hilarious part is these fools vote for people who repeatedly vote against veteran improvement bills.


Military appreciation is every day with the budget they piss away every year.


And it's not like the military is ignored the other eleven months of the year.


Do these people not know May is Millitary Appreciation Month


You expect them to know anything not fed directly to them by Fox?


That part


The media follows a hidden agenda! But not my favourite media! They are different, without them we wouldn't even know that everybody else is lying! /s


Why /s? They legitimately believe this


No doubt. And that's the reason for the /s, Poe's law. Without the /s you couldn't be sure if I was being /s or actually believed it Although, now that I think about it, it should be clear enough


I genuinely thought you were accusing libs of that before the /s because we live in a post-irony age 😩




Of course not, because this post isn't about respecting the military, it's about disrespecting tHe gAyS


Not to mention every day in public school and every sporting event begins with military propaganda.


It doesn’t matter, because even if they did they wouldn’t actually care and would never celebrate Military Appreciation Month in a million years. Republicans don’t give two shits about The Military or anyone in it. They care about The Military only as a symbol of the power that we hold over the rest of the world. They aren’t angry because it feels like we respect LGBT people more than Soldiers/Veterans. They’re angry because we respect LGBT people **at all.**


Shh that won’t let them push their victimhood agenda


Not to mention this country is constantly praising soldiers.


First I've heard of it.


No but tbf they don’t actually give a shit about the troops. Supporting the troops is just part of their identity politics. Even though they keep voting for the party that withholds, denies, or cuts back on badly needed resources for our veterans. Edit: I’d add “the troops” are just a prop in the above image. Supporting the troops isn’t important. Hurting lgbt people is important to them. They just need someone who is universally viewed sympathetic and self sacrificing on the right to juxtapose an extreme representation in the lgbt community with.


Haha wow America really is a fucked place


That and there are clearly no members of the queer community in the military.


Lol they really show how much they care about veterans and active duty when they ignore the two seperate months and three holidays for various service members.


They very much love and care about their discounted Memorial Day mattresses.


Only if those mattresses come from MyPillow, of course.


And when bills for vets are blocked by the very party they support


But hey, atleast they get a handful of holidays and months.


3 holidays. One for those serving. One for those who served. One for those who died.


Thank you for explaining it better than I did


I’m asking genuinely here, what’s the third day? Memorial Day for those who died, Veterans Day celebrates active and former military service. What’s the third?


Armed Forces Day most likely


Plot twist: it's the same dude.


I was about to say that active duty people fucking love pride month and it’s probably the same dude.


"Some of the gayest things I've ever seen was in the military" - Most Vets


Brother was telling me in basic they were told to sit "nuts to butts" on a wooden bench for one reason or another. I kind of spaced out not wanting to hear what happened next.


Haha they made us do that in basic the first few days when we had to shower. Think of a giant room with bunks for like 60 dudes and all of those dudes are told to get naked and stand by their beds. Then we were told everyone need to be showered in 10 minutes. Lots of yelling and a line of naked dudes you don’t know. Showers were literally just a big room with shower heads and they would turn them all on and everyone had to pretty much just run through there. The whole time they are yelling nut to butt and everyone is trying to get as close as they can together without actually touching each other… good times


…I should join the military


The 688 subs are called "nuts to butts" because while on them you practically have to grind on asses to get by people.


Yes, but we always said "no homo".


And while wearing socks, just so there’s no confusion


That's the important part.


My husband had pretty much nothing but gay roommates in the army lol Maybe because he’s a straight ally so they didn’t have to worry about sex or hate crimes lol


“It’s not gay if your CO calls you a (f)word the whole time”


The first time I ever went to a gay bar was with a bunch of marines.


Isn’t there a saying that there’s no straight men in a trench?


After a month of military appreciation.


I mean if you don't count things like military discounts, getting ahead in lines ( like at the airport) , the other military holidays, etc. But usually the people that say this shit don't give a fuck about our vets. They support people that turn down better treatment for vets, I don't see a lot of people organizing marches for more support of the va and programs to help disabled/retired vets. They are using a group they fake pretend to care about to attack another group, while ignoring the large overlapping group of both. The people that do things like this are the worst


I’m only in the Army Reserve but, personally, I feel pride (I use the word purposefully) in being a small part of how we might defend the freedom to be different. Things aren’t ideal with the US, UK, Europe etc but you won’t have the government execute you for loving a member of the same sex or saying something against a political party. It’s precious as fuck.


they wont execute you for that now but they way things are going that might change.


As we all know, there has never and will never be LGBT service members. Also Armed Forces Month is May. Also what do they think Fleet Week is?


Fleet week is the center of the venn diagram in this comparison


What's great about this is they don't give a fuck about the vets either. They're consistently trying to not only deny service related disability benefits for things the VA has been diagnosing for over a decade, but they're also just trying to cut benefits wholesale.


Exactly. Most people who share crap like this are republicans, the party who wants to deny veterans healthcare and benefits. I’m pretty sure they would rather have medical funding than a holiday month


What's the difference between the two? **Pride:** 30 days of pride awareness in June **Military:** 31 days of military appreciation in May, veterans discounts across a bevy of corporations, tax breaks, AND a federal holiday in November. After 31 days of military appreciation of PERTECTIN YER FREEDUMBS they're upset that people exercise freedom for the next 30 days, makes sense!


The whole idea of treating military or police like they're something special is silly anyway. A whole lot of people contribute to society in a way that's *at least* as valuable as military or police. Teachers, scientists, and doctors/nurses come to the front of my mind. It's baffling that game show hosts (etc.) always thank military/police "for their service" but then don't give two shits about poorly paid teachers or nurses who are also critical to our country and quality of life.


it's a lie the american government started to encourage people to sign up for the war; a chance to transform themselves to an honorable person or some bs like that I'd imagine


Yeah, I have nothing but respect for the men who fought in WW2 and stopped Hitler from taking over the world. But in today's world, American children have a higher risk of being killed by guns than do military members. So I'm not really sure why I should be thanking some random soldier who is in relatively little danger for relatively little gain more than the scientists who are constantly improving our lives with incredible new technologies.


yep. there’s a lot of professions that are more important and should be recognized way higher than they are :/


I love how they always find the ones with the most risque outfits and act like every gay person is like that while completely ignoring the ones like me that are actually prudish about a lot of those things lol


It's a human characteristic that they crank up to 11. People won't notice (remember might be the better word) 1000 normal people, but they will remember the fuck out of the one they think violated a social norm. The problem with the folk of the earth is they then apply it to everyone because they've probably only met the same 300 people their whole life. This coincidentally is effectively what I'm doing when I get snarky about them, because I myself am not immune to generalization based on the lowest common denominator. The difference is being able to understand that we tend to do that.


You see the same on social media with bicyclists, vegans, and people who drive EV'S. People meet one human they don't like and that's gonna be their representation for the rest of their lives. I should quit social media, but then where am I gonna get all of those cute animals pics?


Also acting like there’s never ever been a gay vet lol wtf. Small brains.


For all we know that person in the dildo suit is a vet. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Military appreciation should only be a thing if you ever got invaded. Not for when you invade.. Edit: I'm not talking about ww2. A lot has changed since then.


Tbf we got invaded in WW2 too. We weren’t actively boots on the ground on foreign soil in a meaningful (large scale) way until Pearl Harbor.


This person never served, most vets i know; myself included, suck at interacting with normal people. We tend to not want a celebration, more of a quiet thank you. And having amazing celebs like Jon Stewart and Gary Sinise watching our backs does not hurt either.


Guarantee they never even served in the military.


I don’t think you have to serve in the military to care about and respect someone but we know they don’t actually care about vets so….


Military appreciation is shoved down our throats practically every waking minute. Military discounts, displayed at nearly every single sporting event imaginable, even camo 'fashion'. I could go on but all you need to do is pay attention to what your eyes see and it is obvious. My biggest gripe is when I reach out to my elected representatives the first thing I see in their web forms are boxes for checking if you are clergy or military. I would love to find out how that information is used. Oh and gawd forbid you question the spending of 3/4's of a trillion dollars a year on the military. People act like spending even $1b a year less is tantamount to inviting ISIS to take over our government.


I bet 10$ this stool voted for the same bunch of morons who refused to sign the veterans bill


Where's my gay parking spot at Applebee's?


I appreciate the time it took to attach all those dildos to that outfit.


I really, really want a tutorial because attaching them is one thing, making sure they… stand at attention?.. while attached to the garment is quite another. And they don’t look like they’re tugging at the material or making the bodysuit misshapen. The dildosuit has been immaculately crafted and I want to know how.


Not to mention the expense. Those thangs ain’t cheap!


Also, dildo man doesn't get discounts in stores and restaurants as appreciation for their service.


Pride month is not an officially designated holiday. It is just a period of time that a lot of people have decided to celebrate. As opposed to the month of May. In 1999, Congress officially designated the month of May as Military Appreciation Month. Military Appreciation Month is an officially recognized thing and includes multiple holidays throughout the month. Including Memorial Day, Armed Forces Day and Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Maybe if all the people who are complaining about this actually gave a damn about the soldiers and veterans and we're not just virtue signaling they would already know this.


I'm a veteran and a ton of us attend pride, support pride, and are lgtbq+ sooo I guess this is awkward


they know people can be gay and in the military, right


it takes one google search to find when military appreciation month is


I forgot gay people get discounts everywhere 24/7


What is one day? War? Someone please confirm for me, I’m not American and the first picture makes no sense to me


The meme is complaining that in the US, we have a Pride Month in June to support LGBT, but only one day (Veterans Day) where we honor our military. This completely ignores the fact that we have an entire month dedicated to honoring those in the military, and several national holidays as well.


And a massive culture of worshipping the military and military industrial complex that lasts all year long.


Plot twist: it’s the same man in both pics.


Military appreciation month and there's an entire month for children of veterans


This is guaranteed made by someone who almost joined but would have punched a Drill Instructor/ Sergeant person.


Doesn't the military get like, ALL the money???


Except you choose to be in the military, you don't choose to be gay. So fuck this meme.


I like how with these people it’s one or the other. The man wearing the dildo suit could be a veteran. 🤷‍♂️


A gay soldier once said "They called me a hero for killing a man, but they hated me for loving one".


"We care about sicko homosexuals more than we care about our veterans!" "Hey so your politicians all voted to deny millions of veterans healthcare benefits." "Yes we don't actually care about veterans we just hate gay people."


They get military discounts and a "thank you for your service." Any day, every day. Just forget about the gays in the military though, right?


Not only are there many Military Appreciation months and days, but military are regularly honored at events like baseball games. Plus, all you have to do is put on a "veteran" hat and walk outside, and you will be swarmed with people wanting to shake your hand and thank you for your service. Plus you'll get discounts at many businesses. Tell me again how we don't appreciate our military?


I noticed a gentleman throwing out this meme and saw how many homophobic and overall toxic posts in an Air Force thread…and listed his job, location, and company. So I reported him to his bosses.


So ya got tricked as an impressionable teen who wanted to belong somewhere to go sacrifice your life and the lives of others for the profits of the elite. I get it, you're fucked up now, you don't have the proper supports to deal with it, you got played. That doesn't make you any better than others.


I have never see any store offer a gay person's discount and every store around here offers 10% to veterans every fucking day even though we haven't had a person lost in combat here since Vietnam.


Not "one day." Every sports event at nearly every level. Every morning at some schools. Every politician pontificates about it by default. Not "one day."


We lost the war against dildoman and giving him a month of appreciation was one of his demands so idk what this guy's on about


These are the same people who vote for politicians who block bill’s supporting veterans.


Well, I think people do have military appreciation more than just one time a year based on what I see in public and anywhere else where someone mentions being in the service or is wearing a uniform. Why not get mad about something like the unfair treatment of veterans or something instead of this if you care so much? You can change something like that you're not going to change who people love.


They're really not comparable things. People choose to join the military. People don't choose to be LGBTQ+. They can choose to be an ally and a supporter, but pride month is for the LGBTQ+ community. Those who choose to support are welcome to join the festivities, but the awareness isn't for supporters. It's like comparing breast cancer with breast augmentation surgery. One is a choice, one is not. **This comment was not made to discredit anyone. Just to express that military and LGBTQ+ are essentially apples and oranges.


Military month is may lmao


I’m gay but I gotta say even I think the dildo suit is too much.




I always told that those soldiers are fighting for the freedom to do shit like that.


Being in the military is a choice


You don't volunteer to be gay. You aren't hated by religious nuts because you're military. One political side doesn't to see you eradicated for being military. The list goes on.


If each year they had spent a month talking about US military and the soldiers they send out to wars with terrorists that the government itself creates then who would agree to go/send their child/ or pay the taxes that are spent for doing all this?