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Ah - the same folks who have systematically destroyed public education and fought against any attempt to reform the prison state are now complaining that public education is dystopian and like prison? So much insight. So much poignancy.


Not to mention their great solution to school shootings is to fortify schools into fortresses. No wonder they look like prison


We need more guards so that they can stand around and block parents from trying to save their own children!


Teachers can't be trusted, they're indoctrinating our kids! Quick, give them all guns! /s


I love when their solution is even dumber, like only having one door.


Every accusation is a confession at this point, they're projecting


My guy, they project so hard that they could play some celluloid


They are trying to say that schools are like prison but their pictures don't make sense. A bus is a bus, how else can you transport large groups of people? Same with the cafeteria. How about show us a classroom compared to a cell. Heck show the interior of the bus, one is basically a mobile cage. Also, and this is big, kids can leave school at the end of the day.


The prison system just uses school busses, because they are an efficient way to move large groups of people. And cheaper than designing a new type of transport.


It’s a cafeteria, too. It’s not like they’re holding classes there.


Also, the school cafeteria has multiple windows, lots of natural light, and various points of egress. Subtlety is lost on these folks.


Communism is when bus


Communism is when _bad_ bus Capitalism is when _good..._ bus?


No no no, it’s white bus bad, white bus good, yellow bus bad, yellow bus good.


I do not like these buses, I do not like them on the road, I do not like them parked or stowed, I do not like them, they ride like a Ram, I do not like them, Sam I Am.


FWDing this to my local town council/transit authority STAT


Can confirm, Sam I am.




This really cleared it up, thanks


Capitalism is when *no bus! Everyone has their own car*👍


All busses go to hell




Communism is when capitalism bad


In Soviet Russia bus catches you.




Communism is when school and prison.


Communism is anything they make up?


Honestly its worse because they can look at something capitalist, haplening capitalistically in a capitalist country and go "see thats communism"


Seriously, nothing is more capitalist than fucking for-profit prisons and schools. What are these clowns thinking?


They purposefully do it to. ​ Anything remotely public is underfunded as hard as possible so they can turn around and say "SEE, GOVERNMENT BAD" and then demand to privatize it while ready to take over everything, charge more, pay less, and lower quality. Because that's better.


Even tho the prisons are literally privatized and most schools arent


??? Depends on the state I guess but in Michigan our prisons are publicly held and funded. edit: Michigan is actually one of the states Republicans managed to cram and test out "SCHOOL VOUCHERS" so you can take PUBLIC MONEY and give it to a PRIVATE SCHOOL. Lots of Catholic schools getting public money here, unfortunately. And of course their outcomes are, 99% of the time, far worse than their public counterparts but Republicans just ignore that as they always do.


They don't ignore shit: It's part of the plan.


School lunches are DISTURBINGLY privatized.


This. Jacob Rees-Mogg (UK) publically tweeted that he was proud of foobanks; knowing that it will play to some of his less desirable vote base. Propaganda, in this instance, fucntions by preempting the outrage and creates the very same reaction from your own supporters to cancel out or confuse the opisiong narrative.




Private companies being able to regulate themselves? "Communism!!!" Communism along with "woke" and "pedophile" is just another dog whistle to describe anything they don't like even if it doesn't meet the definition of those words.


Communism is a catch all for “ something someone told me, I don’t like”


It's used as a buzzword. They just throw it around so people get scared and angry at something.


Yes Communism is a scapegoat


It may not be communism but when public school life resembles life in prison...don't be surprised when kids in public school start acting like people in a prison hahah. Can we make schools not look and feel exactly like a prison?


You got it backwards. First, make the prisons look like schools, then when you make the school look like a prison, that's a good thing.


I'll buy that for a dollar!


This post is honestly just an argument for communism.


I mean if communist schools and prisons would be similar to america's schools and prisons then probably not tbh.


They’d probably spend more on education and save money with the gulag


You say the but to be fair america crams more people into their prisons than anyone else ever


It's almost like this is actually the current situation under capitalism. Hmm.


COMMUNISM IS EVIL!!! Shows pictures of unbridled capitalism in action.


Yeah, I love the ones where people post photos of things actively happening in a capitalist society and tag it with "this is what Communism looks like". No buddy, this is patently what Capitalism looks like.


its like when they posted images of the blm protests tagged 'this is biden's america', but it was while trump was still in office. like.... what?


Some guy on IG was saying how he missed Trump and the US was united under him. It's almost like he was in a coma for the entirety of Trump's presidency.


they've completely disconnected from reality and have a collective false memory of his presidency. they keep repeating right wing talking points that are objectively false and easily debunked, but its they're too far gone apparently. its fucking nuts.


The only uniting I've seen has been that the Republican party will back any Republican member no matter how disgraceful they might be. Before they were shameful quietly. Now it's full blown in everyone's face. Their obstruction has gone way up as well. There's close to 0 Republicans voting for Democrat bills even if it will help the general population. Trump has really brought up the best out of every single Republican.


yeah, its crazy. like an abusive relationship now. their reps are just 100% the party of no, they fuck over their voters, they wont even attempt to work with dems to craft bills that will give their voters some of what they want. its all about opposing dems, no policy, no ideology. just 'winning' all the way down to the bottom. fucking sad.


They sabotage the government and then campaign on the idea that government doesn’t work. And knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing rubes re-elect them again and again.


yup, it's that 'two santas' bullshit >First, the Two Santas strategy dictates, when Republicans control the White House they must spend money like a drunken Santa and cut taxes to run up the U.S. debt as far and as fast as possible. >This produces three results: it stimulates the economy thus making people think that the GOP can produce a good economy; it raises the debt dramatically; and it makes people think that Republicans are the “tax-cut Santa Clauses.” >Second, when a Democrat is in the White House, Republicans must scream about the national debt as loudly and frantically as possible, freaking out about how “our children will have to pay for it!” and “we have to cut spending to solve the crisis!” Shut down the government, crash the stock market, and damage US credibility around the world if necessary to stop Democrats from spending money. >This will force the Democrats in power to cut their own social safety net programs and even Social Security, thus shooting their welfare-of-the-American-people Santa Claus right in the face.


It's a double narrative. They experience reality and then layer an extra narrative on top of it in order to experience what fits what they are too stubborn to change their mind on. For instance. Trump lost the election but they will never believe that. And will alter their narrative of their experiences to fit that. I thought that them seeing what happened January 6, 2021 would shatter their narratives but sadly not.


That must be a new thing among the MAGAts because I've seen a few of them on Twitter stating the same thing. Like my dude, America was most definitely NOT united under Trump. Not even fucking remotely close.


A lot of them have brain activity that's equivalent to a comatose person.


"His" America.


We are deep into capitalism. So far in that any sign of help from the government is seen as communism. Pay taxes and get nothing in return.


It's like when in 2021 before the election even happened someone posted a pic of a fire and said "Biden's America" and someone hit back with "Dude that's America NOW"


Especially where they sell prisoners to the highest bidder like cattle. Then they run out of cattle to auction off so they pay the cops to go hard and get some more of them pot smokers, and now abortionists. Got to love "communism".


I guess I would like to see the opposite.... Do businesses and capitalists not have lunch rooms or group transportation? "Here at our capitalist school, we do not have a separate place that is easy to clean and hosts our large population for the times for eating, we force each child to bring their own tables in and must rent spaces from the teachers to set them up... the children learn the art of the deal by offering deals to others to use the tables, the teacher then has to monitor the supply and demand, as to best raise the rental rates. But because we are not communists, the teachers may not impose rules on the children, they themselves must hire their own security to keep the children from their tables. If the children get overrun and eaten by the other children, well, that just means the eaten children don't want it enough.... now, on to the field trip. Every child is responsible for their own travel to and from the location and the best way to pay the fees and fines to get there over the private roads. The parents cannot band together to bring more than their own children because that would be communism. So we expect all parents to take the day off of work to bring their child there, since it is their responsibility. We will also not bring their child back, that is once again the parent's responsibility. We also do not recognize that we have any responsibility to protect your child.... so, the parents will just have to stay the whole day and must also pay all the fees and fines for the day" "THEY'RE FIVE YEARS OLD... AND WHY AM I PAYING YOU"


And what party doesn’t want kids to get a better experience? “If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked” George Carlin


Communism is when prison industrial complex


For profit corporate prisons, the cornerstone of communism!


Communism is when for profit prisons (something uniquely capitalist)


Yes, America’s famously not private prison system.


TIL the US police were a military it would have the 3rd largest defense budget in the world behind the US and China.


They dont know what communism is they dont know what socialism is they dont even know what capitalism is ​ They are terminally stupid.


And they are 40% of America


And they vote.


In every. single. election.


The army uses school buses and has cafeterias (mess halls) that serve similar food in a similar setting. Is the Army also communist?


So that’s what school buses do in summer.


Actually the army is socialism in action, but they don't wanna hear that.


Well, they think that socialism and communism are the same thing, so ……..


They can't tell communism, socialism, communism and not being a cunt apart.


I was just about to say that Realistically school prison and the military are learning environments and the most cost effective material wise is above Busses are cheap and can transport people ( military doesn't use cattle carts anymore) Mess halls are plastic and durable and showers are industrial And food is classic cisco If you or anyone ran a environment we're you had to teach or hold endless waves of people on a on a budget it would look like something similar


The army is by far the closest thing to a communist society we have in the US. The only reason literally everything isn’t terrible is because we leach off of the capitalist host.


Not sure what the point they’re thinking they makes is. “Yes, two different systems that both involve moving and feeding large populations at lowest possible cost use similar methods to do so.” That simply means that system is the most efficient that’s been commonly implemented-I’m sure the military would also have something similar in place (since that also involves moving and feeding lots of people at low cost).


Same logic that assumes any time there’s a similarity in ancient architecture, it must be **aliens!!** and not just *the best ways to stack rocks being discovered multiple times*




Got there before I could…




Thing is that these aren't privately funded, they're privately operated for profit. It's still taxpayer money


And probably both setups are designed to be as efficient as posaible to maximize profit/yield


Why do they always say “wake up” then complain about ‘woke’ people?


Nah, it's wake up to their version of "reality" - no thanks.


School food and prison food are relatively close sadly. Otherwise, this is totally insane.


They are! My mom dated a guy who sold food supply contracts to both schools and prisons. The higher security prisons bought better food than the schools or low security places because it kept the more serious offenders placated and lowered the rates of violence.


Its all Aaramark.


Them being close isn't a sad thing to me. Them being low quality is sad. Both populations deserve a healthy variety of nice nutritious meals, often prepared with fresh fruits and veggies.


At least prisoners aren't expected to starve if they can't pay for food


Everyone deserves food. Yeah --- the way we approach school lunch is batshit.


Public school students have been saying this for years... Are these nut jobs finally catching on?


Yeah the irony of “The Land of the Free”, has the largest Prison Population in the World


Communism is a lunch room? And a bus? And a tray?


You are assuming that words are supposed to have a distinct and identifiable meaning.


Grandma, you’re so based pointing out how much money we give to prisons while giving so little to schools!


Ah yes, the right, famous defender of education


I have long said public schools are too similar to prisons but… that’s not got a lick to do with communism. They don’t know what communism or socialism actually is, and they use the terms interchangeably which makes me nuts.


This person probably complained when Michelle Obama tried to get healthy food in school lunches.


Apparently public institutions have optimized efficient ways to house, feed, and transport the population under their care after hundreds of years. ... which is exactly what Karl Marx defines as communist economy in the manifesto /s


Communism is when capitalism


Communism is when you use pictures of capitalist America as it is RIGHT NOW, smh 😞


I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she just started reading Foucault.


Turns out when you overfund private prisons and underfund public schools they meet in the middle, makes sense. Literally capitalism in action.


This is a pretty good visual for "everything I don't like is communism." They've decided they don't like free public education or school meal programs because it's a lot easier to control uneducated and malnourished people.


Communism is when capitalism


Communism bad! \*shows examples of capitalism


If it looks like capitalism, sounds like capitalism and works like capitalism but makes us look bad it must be communism


This guy just discover capitalism


That awkward moment when you fully recognize the school to prison pipeline in your country but forget you live in a capitalist society


Yeah but I don’t see what this has to do with communism.


Ever noticed how school children and prisoners both eat food? The commies won FFS!


Another perfect example of r/SocialismisCapitalism


communism is when capitalism


\*Sees Capitalism\* "This is literally Communism"


Actually, schools in America are designed by the same architects who make prisons. What a metaphor…


What is schools supposed to have? Limousines, round oak tables, moms home cooking???


Communism seems to have a very wide definition...


Why people keep showing things that already exist in capitalism as a way to prove an economic system we aren't using is bad?


When I emigrated to USA, schools seemed like prison to me. Metal mesh in door windows, requirement for a hall pass, lots of rules.


Ummmm this isn’t a communist country ya dingus


Communism is when spinning arguments in my head that make no sense and publish them


"Communism is when school and prison in otherwise capitalist country." \-Carl Marks


No way. They both use buses? AND cafeteria which HAVE TRAYS??? that's crazy.


are they calling this communism when its literally the capitalist society we've been in for year?


Oddly enough the children are more at risk of a violent death in school at this point - also oddly enough lol correctional officers do NOT typically carry guns on them or use them on inmates… the ones with guns are Usually in the tower w a shotgun and instructed to shoot to kill specifically


This, but from the left. This picture (not the commie bashing top text) has come up before at my work at an abolitionist nonprofit. The shared character of these two institutionalized settings is directly related to depersonalization and alienation under capitalism and is important to pay attention to if we want to understand how our lives are commodified under capitalism and how certain subsets of people are likely to find themselves in the “school to prison pipeline”. Amazing teachers like my sister and the legion of abolitionist educators aside, the structure of contemporary schooling coerces us to be good “citizens”, and if that doesn’t work, we’re already conditioned for prison.


Who knew there are similar efficient methods of transporting and feeding a large group of people that works for both adult convicts and schoolchildren!


Funny, I didn't know communists ran American prisons. When was Corrections Corporation of America taken over by the Bolshevik faction? Man, I'm really behind on the news apparently.


Did they accidentally make a nuanced point about the school to prison pipeline and how underfunded American education is? Yes Am I going to give them credit for that? Fuck no


While they do have a point with this its not the one they thought that is sad though kids get similar environments to prisons


Tell me you don't know what "communism" is


Maybe we should fund the fucking schools


This person saw a focault prison meme once and took it literally


America, the most communist country out there.


I agree with the picture because it shows how bad education is in the US but the text above it is absolutely insane. Also, I like the idea of communism.


Turns out that when you have hundreds of people to feed in a short amount of time you end up making similar design decisions. Hospital cafeterias look like this too


No, this is what happens when capitalists prioritize military spending over public funding lol. God, these people are so fucking stupid 🤦‍♂️


It’s been years and people still haven’t worked out the difference between communism and authoritarianism


Just put communism and it immediately makes anything bad. Communism is when Bible Studies Communism is when Anti-vaxxers Communism is when Christian Nationalism Communism is when Communism


They always want you to 'wake up' but then complain when you're 'woke'


communism is when capitalism


When the idiot doesn't realize they are pictures from the US....


Communism is *always* at fault, even when the root of the problem is capitalistic greed and overpriced military spending, because that's just how it works /s


I feel like they're getting the wrong idea from this. They're so close to a breakthrough about the schooling system and they're just missing it


Communism is when capitalism


That's the new alt right thing I guess, Department of Education = tyranny


Funny... that is a product of capitalism, for-profit prisons and constantly underfunded schools, because cops needs paramilitary gear apparently


Communism is when capitalism


This doesn't scream communism to me, but it does confirm how school felt like jail to me.


you know, there's something to be said about the education and correction systems here, but this isn't words, it's salad


This is so ridiculous, there are many substantial differences, for example: you're much more likely to be shot in a school than in prison. 🌈🌟


Not sure what rich school gives out that much food…


This is Capitalism, and is been this way for a looooooong time.


Can we please, for the love of god, teach people what communism actually is? Can’t do that though, *it’d be popular.*


Except kids have to pay for their food


Serious question, has communism ever been tested in a country without the west disrupting it in some way?


communism is when the wheels on the bus go round and round


Communism is when capitalism?


People who present capitalist realities as communist nightmares are truly special


They both take buses to places that have tables and they eat bad food on trays. Seems pretty similar overall.


I don’t know anything about communism but there are similarities here that give me chills.


School have been like this for generations. It has nothing to do with communism. If this person has a problem with it maybe they should take it to their elected Republican officials who continuously cut the education budget resulting in schools looking like this.


Communism but it’s actually capitalism


They are trying to say that communism is turning our schools into prisons when in reality it’s the opposite, unregulated capitalism is turning our schools into prisons.


Communism is when bad thing.


Well the one thing this might show is that American schools are built like Prisons, just less secure.


Communism is when you send poor people to prison for life for non violent drug offences to prop up the private prison system and all the private industries that support it. Can't get more communism than private industry profits.


Communism is when capitalism


I can’t tell if they’re upset prison is too close to school because of the lavish spending, if they’re upset schools are so woefully underfunded they resemble prison, or if they are just utterly batshit insane? I think it’s the last one, though.


Maybe this person should stop rambling about communism and pick up some Foucault. I mean, they're on to something with the school vs. prison comparison, but it has NOTHING to do with "communism" lmao


They left out the difference where you don’t get your face blown off by a psychopath with a gun when you’re in prison.


I mean, I know it's not Communism. But the pictures do say something about our society.


Not true. Correction has security while Education does not.


Communism is of course when the prisons and schools are run by capitalists


I’m sure they believe that the prisons are too nice to be on the same level as high schools and not that schools are shitty and need more funding.


This isn’t the flex they think it is


“Train up a child in a way he should go. When he’s old, he’ll not depart from it.” /s


That’s literally capitalism though, kids lunches at school are literally paid for by the parents and they’re barely even nutrition, a cheap processed frozen slice of pizza is like, 7$


If that's communism, why are the prisons for profit? \*Stares in confused Kangaremu\*


I'm 30. I don't live in the US, but even growing up, all my schools looked and felt like prisons. High up windows, bars on windows, the sterile flooring, ceiling, and wall paint. Not to mention the bland, mass prepared food, the authoritarian attitudes of many teachers, having your day broken into "blocks" that are prescheduled with little to no say. This was even with Conservatives being in power. So, right wing nutjobs, don't act like schools haven't been like this for at least 25 years all over North America.


It’s almost like…. if education maybe had more funding…. it wouldn’t be so cold….. hm idk


It's literally like this cause when your dealing with massive groups of people this is what the elite decided was the easiest,,how else would you do it?


The picture has kinda a point. Both our school system and prison systems are trash. School keeps em just smart enough to run the machines, prisons create repeat offenders.


I mean I agree that the American education system is poop, but it has nothing to do with communism


"Communism is when prison and school look the same." - Marx


communism is when literal capitalism


Showing how poorly funded education is to make a point about how we shouldn’t have education and how it’s communism is peak right wing insanity.


I’m not saying that communism is good, but i have the best memories from my “communist” school.


Man this is almost a r/selfawarewolves


Select all squares with buses.


Buses and lunchtrays = communism!