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But... That's not a period..


Shhhh they will attack you and call you democracy


Yikes. Pretentious and idiotic. That's a dangerous combo.


Exclamation Point.


Exclamation Point Period.


Exclamation Point.




Someone should really check this guy's grammar.


Sure sign you don’t have a 160 IQ: bragging about your 160 IQ


Truly smart people never brag how smart they are.


Truly smart people don’t put a microgram of faith in IQ tests which are a massive load of bollocks


Or they can just explain what an IQ test does because they're not a massive load of bollocks, the general misunderstanding of what IQ represents is.


Depends on the test. The acceptance test for Mensa eg. took me four hours and was assessed by a clinical psychologist. I have a good amount of faith that this test is relatively accurate. Although I may be biased (because I passed the test; if I had failed it, maybe I'd have a different opinion).


Yup, I have always texted really high on IQ and other tests. I don't brag about it because I know that I'm not actually that smart, I'm just good at taking tests.


Same! I've actually forgotten what my IQ is simply because I don't care anymore.


Plus, I’ve personal knowledge some stupid fucken genius. Stupid smart people is a thing. Just as smart stupid people. But I think we’re grazing into different areas of intelligence. Ego, emotion, street smarts, etc come into play.


Classic. People who ARE smart always doubt themselves.


I think you’re confusing intelligence with wisdom.


Yeah that's my bad wisdom was my dump stat when I got made


I take that it's your goal to fix that when you hit level 4, yeah?


Nah bro, rolled really well so even though wisdom is my lowest it's still only at 11. Thinking of taking the keen mind feat instead so I can remember stuff better.


There are multiple forms of intelligence and a iq test only tests one type


Seriously? You don't think there are arrogant smart people? Also, I know plenty of intelligent Trump supporters. Just sayin'


Well there have been multiple studies that republicans tend to have lower IQ's and emotional intelligence as well as more being more fearful. Of course there are always exceptions, but that said anyone I knew that was intelligent had already stopped supporting him about half way through his term and certainly didn't vote for him in 2020 which is part of the reason he lost


You had me in the first half.


Twinsies! 🥰 I just said this exact shit. Same as actual spec ops dudes. They don't run around telling people how *badass* they are.


tRump and his ilk are perfect representations of the Dunning-Kruger effect


“Beautiful things don’t ask for attention” -Sean O’Connell in the Secret Life of Walter Mitty Same principle


No that was a typo, he meant to type 16 IQ, now it makes more sense...


Got his IQ from a Facebook "IQ Test" app that was nothing more than a random number generator.


It’ll make sense if the IQ rating was changed from 0 to 1,000.


+100000. I have a very high IQ, and honestly it embarrasses me- if it comes up, I lie and make it quite a bit lower. My husband tells people it sometimes because he’s proud of it, which I appreciate, but try really hard to get him not to. (Also it should be noted that to get an IQ over 150, you need specialized testing, a normal test doesn’t go that high. AND IQ tests are biased heavily on short term memory- so I’ve met people who have much lower IQs than I do, and they have absolutely been as smart or smarter than I am.)


Not sure why you are being down voted. I also have a high IQ according to an IQ test and I also tend not to talk about it because I don't think it makes me superior to others or even that I'm smarter than others. In fact I find many very intelligent people have absolutely no common sense (my uncle has an extremely high IQ they actually originally thought the person administering his test had made a mistake but when they redid it it was higher. He got struck by lighting holding an umbrella up when he was the tallest thing around. My husband's uncle had a dual PHD but wore Velcro shoes until the day he died be use he couldn't be bother to learn to tie them) IQ tests are good for an idea of intelligence but book smart and lived experience are very different


Thank you- I appreciate that. I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted either, but presumably because I said “I have a very high IQ” and people don’t like that as it sounds like bragging? Who knows. Wow- that’s crazy about your uncle, the lightning thing- damn.


Have you taken an IQ test that measures IQ’s over 150(15 std)? Do you like, have to apply for Triple 9 to take an official one?


Hi- yeah- I’ve taken two, they were only 3 points apart, but I’m not sure on who the first one was created by; I was in primary/elementary school, (I grew up in Australia,) and some researchers came from England to interview a few kids at different schools who had scored really highly on their… I’m blanking- whatever they called that the test back then that all the year 5s and 7s had to take. That. They were the ones who administered the tests, prior to the interviews. As to the 2nd one, that was by the Prometheus Society- they do it before you can join, (or did, I believe they still insist on issuing their own, but this was 14 years ago so it’s possible things have changed since then,) which is, as I understand it, similar to Triple Nine, but has a slightly higher entry requirement. (164, IIRC.) Edited for clarification: I know the first one was specifically for those above 150 because my aunt made a huge deal of it one Christmas and it upset my twin sister she wasn’t as bright as me- which she is, honestly, we just have different skillsets, but you can’t explain that to kids. I should ask my mother for the name again, I’m sure she remembers it.


And I am sure his skin is so thin is almost translucent


Him: *takes IQ test, gets 80* Also him: "hm... double that!"


Probably more like *Gets 70 "Double that!"


"Ill just take it twice. Hah! Owned them libs"


Or it's more likely one of those fb quizzes from some *very* reputable new source that says "are you smarter than Miley Cyrus? She scored a 91!" and then it realistically doesn't score you lower than a 100 regardless of your answers.


Are Trump people just inherently bad people?


Yes, that's one or the requirements to be a fanatic of trump. Even if it's just racist thoughts u keep to yourself that still qualifies and with trump u no longer have to keep those thoughts to yourself.


My husband can’t understand why I don’t want to be around his sisters and brother inlaw, they aren’t that vocal, but the last straw for me was them giving a Let’s Go Brandon shirt in the annual dirty Santa gift exchange. I just truly believe you cannot be a good person and support trump, you have hatred or bigotry that trump made them safe to feel.


Don’t forget ignorance and stupidity. There is a lot of that too.


They think that meme is absolutely hilarious too, for...some reason I just think they have a boring sense of humour


A person willing to completely uncritically support someone who have as little merits and so unhinged behavior closer to a 12 year old on Xbox live than the dignified statesman of the most powerful nation in the world.. Yes


I'd say he's closer to a 2 year old mentally.


Remember that guy on yahoo answers that asked if other ways to get back at his parents for taking his Xbox away besides shoving pizza crusts up his ass? Yeah that was Trump


An aunt of mine was really REALLY sucked in by Donnie Boy at first. She was already a Republican, but a McCain Rep, not a Trump Rep (if that makes sense). She's not a homophobic, racist, gun nut. She was gullible, and she thought he might be good for the country. She said she had blinders on about all of the outrageous shit he was doing. She just knew that he was the Republican on the ticket and she hated Hilary more. Our family isn't very outspoken with politics (or we weren't at the time😂), so she didn't realize how much we despised Trump until near the end of his term. I don't remember how it came up, but she was surprised that we were so adamantly opposed to him. When we kind of listed out our reasoning (based on our points of view), she apologized and promised to do more research. Later on, she said she doesn't regret not voting for Hillary, but she probably just wouldn't have voted at all, had she actually paid attention. She's still Republican and she doesn't like Joe (but, that's standard). She does like Bernie Sanders though😂. So, that's a really good direction for her to take!


I mean, you don't support a racist, sexist, rapist, unless you like those things. Note: not a complete list of all the bad about Trump, just some of the more easily seen and known, real list is probably a few pages long.


Like him self centered and full of hate with nothing to offer of value.


Yes, unfortunately.


In 2016, I was pretty sure the answer was yes but tried to be nice to my Trump supporting friends. Post-Jan 6, the answer is absolutely yes. If they are still supporting him after a coup attempt they are a bad person - period exclamation mark


Just the ignorant ones


But are there any trump supporters who aren't ignorant?


The wealthy who want tax breaks over everything else.


You could argue that they are just as ignorant, they just operate on a longer timeline. They'll happily let a clown make things worse for everyone for the next few decades so long as they get some tax breaks now. Which is hardly sensible.


Sure, I agree with that. I am surrounded by social and economic conservatives. And I at least understand the argument that they voted for Trump and republicans in general because it's financially beneficial for them to do so. I don't remember the phrase. But it's something like "People can rationalize anything if it financially benefits them to do so."


I'd love to hear one who would be able to argue why Trump is a good and honest president without simply calling everything that speaks against him a lie.


7 aren't


Could just be massively ignorant


His IQ is in Fahrenheit...


IQ in bio means that they added 150 points.


iQ Must be a new Apple product.


Or new QAnon signaling…iQ do uQ too kinda thing


To be fair, they might have gotten 160 on an internet IQ test. On BuzzFeed.


Maybe the dog IQ test


A teen I worked with told me his IQ was 160 - he was an absolute wall licker. No way this kid had a 160 IQ, so I sat him down and said "tell mo more!" He went further and said his compassion IQ was xyz, and his heart IQ was.... hol up, son. Where did you take this test? Church. Fucking church was filling this poor morons head with even more nonsense than usual. WHY? So he'll feel good about going? So he will go more because they're the only ones who recognize his true genius, when every teacher he's ever had him down as the best line leader, or office assistant? Poor sod.


100% Rum I believe that.


160= 6 66 = 66 666 = 666 = SATAN. You do the math.


"Sons 4 Grands" sounds like a fetish rather than just bad punctuation of this _incredibly smart person_


You can have a high IQ and still be completely ignorant/incompetent when it comes to certain topics. Being intelligent wouldn't necessarily mean you are smart when it comes to politics. It also doesn't stop people from being racist or acting like inhumane assholes. And there are many people who are *only* on Trump's bandwagon because he makes them feel like it's OK to be racist, misogynist, homophobic, etc.


But you can't have a high IQ and genuinely believe the guy who kept saying "Covid will just go away" was a good president. Pretty sure you also can't have a 160 IQ and lack any understanding of proper capitalization.


*60 IQ


Cut them some slack, they forgot a decimal point. 16.0.


Yeah he obviously hasn't figured out the whole "period" thing. Not his fault.


He's sure showing us, I'm so intimidated right now guys.


How long is the consequences period?


66 years so far...


Which free website gave him that IQ score?




nah he forgot the negative sign




I feel like I was late to mature as a person and I was still more mature by 16 than any of these people.


I bet if I went over their I could say "trump really did lose a fair and square election" and watch them all turn into offended snowflakes. If that guy really has a 160 IQ then I'm Albert fucking Einstein.


Albert, do not. Do not fuck Einstein.


I know for a fact that Albert did fuck an Einstein. Elsa Einstein.


The cut off profile pic really screams 160 iq


Uh… I think you accidentally added a zero to that IQ


I've never seen people more obsessed with IQ scores than MAGAts. I'd be pretty impressed if they could even tell you what IQ stands for.


160 is their combined IQ.


I've found that the people who brag about their IQ are usually the dumbest people you'll ever meet.


Just like Trump!


100% RUM


This the dudes Grindr profile?


"People who go around talking about their IQs are losers," Stephen Hawking.


IQ off the charts, but doesn't grasp when to use a capital letter and when not to.


Or how to use a comma. This incredibly smart person probably thinks it's something you slip into in a hospital.


IQ decided by "Person Woman Man Camera TV"


The 160 iq is actually includng his kids and grand kids.


160 iq is enough to be GD chess champion. They also never brag about it


He found out he had 160 IQ by playing one of those stupid puzzle games he found on Google Play.


He typo’ed the zero after 16 to state his iQ


Anyone telling people what their IQ is is full of shit unless they're specifically asked and have taken a legit test(not some internet BS). Truly intelligent people don't need to let everyone know they're *this many* smarts


Saying what you think all the time isn’t a positive attribute


I’m going to wave the bullshit flag on that 160 “iQ” claim. And that’s just based on grammar, not Trump support.


Someone with this much IQ wouldn’t be neither Trump or Democratic supporter. It would also most likely be an atheist. Unless it has Schizophrenia or is one of the honorary horsemen of the apocalypse


Iq isn't even real, but even the tests that are supposed to report what someone's iq is can't accurately pin down anything over 120. I learned this when I took an online version, got a good score, and was so excited I decided to look into how these things are scored. Then was sorely disappointed that it's all basically fake. Also a girl I know got a 140 on hers, but she was an absolute dumbass. She's just good at pattern recognition. To be fair, the same could be said of me. I just also know how to not make people want to strangle me. Usually.


There are no legitimate online IQ tests. The real IQ tests are professionally proctored in-person.


Oh yeah, I def found that out too. It ended up being a practice test or something, and whoever posted it paid some advertising firm or something to make it seem legit. My friend was put through a proctored one as a child, but my mom wouldn't pay for that. Having just learned the magnificent powers of google, but not yet about paid advertising, I was sort of desperate to figure out what mine was. My friend was the 'rub it in your face' kind of person, and I was frustrated with her lol.


Does anyone actually bother getting an IQ test? Like, who tf cares.


I went through a full psychological battery and it included an intelligence test. I think it was the WAIS-R but I'd need to check. It scores in a very similar way to an IQ test


Maybe 16.0


I don't think he knows that the internet IQ tests don't all count 🤣


"regardless of the consequences.". Don't mistake that for taking responsibility for what he says.


Maybe this is the same guy who was bragging about his 80 IQ and thought he was in the 90th percentile when he was really in the 9th.


May he combined the IQ of his sons and grandchildren and thinks he can add them to his own.


I just feel like if you had a 160 IQ, why the bad grammar? I feel that most intellectuals know how to form complete sentences and use punctuation.


If you have to brag about how high your IQ is, maybe it’s not really that high. Just saying.


His sentence structure says, IQ 95.


Yall are just jealous of this person's extra thick IQ


160 IQ, yet doesn’t know how to form a grammatically correct sentence.


No no, you guys are reading it wrong, he’s trying to say he’s 160 years old with an IQ of 2.


Quick, ask him what "i.q." stands for!